(edited by fodem.2713)
Showing Posts For fodem.2713:
Need an invite to the ALL IS VAIN NA guild… I have been dominated by 4×5 in solo queue…
Its because the new meta is to play a permastealth build with 500 clones and 430 Ilusions…
Mesmer can be invisible 90% of time and causing dmg at the same time, different from thieves that can permastealth but if they hit u , they get out from stealth…
So, basically it’s much easier to be an ilusion/clone perma-Invi mesmer.
New Hard to catch options:
=> break stun + enter stealth + 20 sec swiftness
=> break stun + gain stability + swiftness
=> break stun + retaliation + stability or swiftness
=> break stun + refill endurance + swiftness
=> break stun + 5 initiative + refill endurance
=> break stun + refill endurance + reset healing
And so on…. Just replace it or delete this useless trait please.
DA BEST !!!!
Obs* I am tired of this matchmaking…
My conclusion is that if u wanna climb the leaderboard u HAVE TO play at prime time, otherwise your screwed…. Problem is that somepeople just cant play at prime time or wanna play in the normal day time… And if you by chance do that, your team is gonna be…
ranks 50/42/6/1/3 or a 4×5 match…
Reward losses = most stupid ideia ever….
Reward losses = bots, afks, cheaters and gold sellers for REAL money….
Reward losses = Bring gw2 to complete failure…
Rank is a good system, dont know about the new system if it’s going to be better or worse….
Anyway, I wouldnt mind to see rank replaced with a better system but please dont make me play for 10 years to get a new finisher or new skin….
Ranks are Nice , xp leveling to get new ranks are screwed… In 10 years i hope to be playing GW3 , 4, 5 instead of farming for a phoenix/dragon finisher….
Top status should give different rewards, maybe titles etc but not gold , gold only for winners. Or you will have a game full of afk, bots, cheaters and gold farmers selling gold in pirate websites for money….
Team >>>> solo >>>>> hot join > pve
Victory = many pieces of gold
Lost = zero gold
Team should be top , than solo, hot join and pve
This makes people try to Win and never afk… Losses giving gold = afk all day ….
The system must have something to make it easier to increase your MMR over time…. I mean, as I can notice, the more people play, Lower their MMR is….
Lets suppose i am a top 10 player and my score is 20×0 , so i will stop playing not to lose and decrease my MMR, because until now it was easy to Win, but things are getting much more difficult and i never lost… But another guy that is much better than me has a score of 2430×3 and he will be placed second, because he failed 3 times…. A good system would take number of matches and victory into account and place the other guy much ahead of me….
Same in boxing, lets supose we take Sugar Ray Robinson 173 wins, 108 KO and 19 losses, the greatest ever lived and compare with an young boxer with 20 wins, 3KO and 0 losses… Your leaderboard will put the young boxer in a better position than a champion legend… That is not measuring skill at all !
QQ for class Nerf in fórum should not be allowed… Any class…
Major problem with vennons is that you can’t really dmg without losing all the triggers and they are very short…
It would be nice with some passive effect once you apply the vennon…
Apply spider vennon = each 3rd attack you apply poison for 3 seconds until vennon duration finishes…
Same goes with other vennons, while your vennon is up, you should be able to apply constant de buff with the vennon you choose and only 1 vennon should be possible at a time… This would be nice….
Let’s suppose I have 2 vennons , spider for poison and ice drake for chilling…
Than I use spider vennon and it enters cool down, now my dagger is poisoned and I can apply poison attacking each 3rd attack , but I see someone escaping and I use Ice drake vennon, that enters in cool down and replace poison vennon, now my attacks cause chilling instead of poison….
So it’s like a real vennon, your weapon can only have 1 vennon at a time and your attacks cause that chosen vennon.
Agree with DiogoSilva about diamond skin… Don’t think this trait is so op… And also it requires some skill to be up all the time…
Agree with everything under pvp/reward changes…
Disagree with everything else….
I can’t understand how you see the changes on thief as a buff… Thief is the only class that will rcv a big nerf on the new patch…
The change was made so it’s Easier to obtain like 1 or 2 more initiative but impossible to obtain like 5, 6 how people could do before using signets, and utilities and traits… What we can expect here is a thief that will not be able to spam skills than stealth, recover all initiative and spam again… After dec patch thieves will have initiative to support a more fluid game without been able to spam…
Why Skyhammer wasn’t removed from ranked matches yet ?
I would like to congratulate A-Net for the wise and fair decision taken today !! Well done A-Net , you have put hope on pvpers hearths !!! You guys made the right choice and a big step into success !
Also I would like to ask if you plan to put seasoning in leaderboard ? If it’s a possibility please do it !!! You will close the year with the best improvements done !!! Gratz
Shadowstep : break stun and condition cleaning should be available on both parts of the skill… Someone cast a ground target AoE condi , gg trying to clean it with shadowstep lol… Make it 2 conditions on first half and 1 condition in second half…
Good ideas , just some adjustments and gg !
With the nerf on infusion of shadows I am pretty sure people will use this trait only in 2 occasions:
Reduce cost on cloak and dagger
Regain some ini using an utility skill…
Why not just review the initiative cost of some skills… So people can use other traits, I mean, 6 ini for cloak and dagger ??? Why not 4 ?? So we can use it more often without the need of trait infusion of shadow… Some skills are just too expensive in terms of initiative and that’s why nobody uses it…
Auto attack only
Heavy armor > medium > light
Warrior is heavy, so it’s perfectly normal…
I would like to know the results against Elementalist and Necro.
Now…. About skills…. No skill in the game could have more dmg than a backstab….
(edited by fodem.2713)
Keep wanting….
Nerf/Buff on Amulets/Jewels is good, as a backstab thief i cant just let go of 15% crít. Dmg, so my only choice is valkyrie or zerk, but if Jewels were better i could for exemple use soldier amulet with a different build and put a zerk Jewels with 8% crít. Damage…
This was just an example…. I am sure other people feel the same… Create more competitive runes… We have lots of runes indeed but in the end that are not so many options since some runes are waaaaaaay better than others….
Most players want to be invincible… When they rcv a big shot they cry…. But Thats what an assassin class is all about… Glass cannons are suposed to hit hard… But as stated for someone, now thieves die fast but dont hit hard enough…
I predict a lot of new bunker eles coming up ! Hehe
I dont care about new trait for now, lets just see how it’s gonna be… Eles really need some love
The more the best !!! If we can just make lots of status combinations, many new builds would come…
Massiiiiiiiiveeee buffs !!! lol
I have something interesting to say to my fellow thieves….
I made a research on every class profession fórum and asked wich class they feel easiest to kill….
Not a surprise in almost ALL, the Thief was the easiest or the second easiest to kill…
From the feedback i could divide on the top been most screwed and in the end overpowered
Basically the first 4 were always been pointed as easy target and the 4 last ones always as difficult targets….
Have u guys noticed that everything that rcvs some buff is nerfed to the ground afterward ?
Buff dancing dagge => Nerf dancing dagger
Buff shadow trap => Nerf shadow trap
Buff S/d => Nerf s/d
Buff iniciative => next step increase all skills initiative cost
Anyway, the Nerf is always bigger, lol
Here goes my list of easy to hard:
Easy: Other thief, bunker guardian, bunker warrior
Medium: Rangers, Mesmers , necros
Difficult: Dps guardiãn, other thief counter, Engies, hammer warrior
Also If I am running a glassy build depends a lot if i attack first, on surprise i can kill almost every class but i can also be killed by every class, unless is a bunker High def.
If i am running caltrops or p/d i am kinda unbeatable , only a Very High burst or hammer warrior with lots of cc can stop me… Other than that it only comes on how much time the fight will take… But in general i can deal with everything.
What about Mesmers and engies ?
Lets suppose you are a condition necro , a mínion necro would be an easy target ? What is the most difficult ?
Switch what u run ? Burst or condi ?
Nice answer lol , thief maybe ?
Lets see if everybody has the same opinion…
Wich class is the easiest to kill as a Warrior ?
Lets see if everybody has the same opinion…
Wich class is the easiest to kill as a Thief ?
Lets see if everybody has the same opinion…
Wich class is the easiest to kill as a Ranger ?
Lets see if everybody has the same opinion…
Wich class is the easiest to kill as a Mesmer ?
Lets see if everybody has the same opinion…
Wich class is the easiest to kill as a necro ?
Lets see if everybody has the same opinion…
Wich class is the easiest to kill as a guardiãn ?
Lets see if everybody has the same opinion…
Wich class is the easiest to kill as an engineer ?
Lets see if everybody has the same opinion…
Wich class is the easiest to kill as an Elementalist ?
Whats is the point on nerfing lyssa ? You guys want to have 1 less option ? There are already millions of crap to chose, you want 1 more ?
I dont even run lyssa runes, I dont think they are worthy enough but I really dont see any problem on lyssa. We should have more options not less...
I have never seen a RPG game where daggers were not able to 1shot people. If you dont want to rcv a big backstab, better to put some defense boy !
As a d/d thief I can die 50.000 times but that CRIT in the right time is more than enough to keep me satisfied… So good when the corpse is on the ground and the rage comes as a Pm…. Just love it…
PvP : new things to buy with glory
But, lets suppose you are a wvw or pve player, already lvl 80 different itens etc… Would you go for pvp ?
Also as a pvp player since release, I dont like to spend many hours on pve killing rabits and doing hearts…. I can spend a couple of hours and than I get bored and come Back to pvp action.
So it’s difficult to change sides once you are used to it. Integration between worlds is missing. To make that possible , difficult itens to get in pve should be Very easy to get in pvp and vice-versa. That way, more players are gonna start mixing pve and pvp to obtain what they want. But it has to be easy since no pve player will like to stay for many hours in pvp and also no pvp player will like to spend many hours in pve.
It used to be Very fun in beta ! Hehe
I enjoy sometimes play with friends and just forget about capping and everybody just killing each other…
The pvp could be Very simple joining… It could have Solo arena unranked, this would be the standard mode where you could just join a 5 v 5 anytime.
Than we could have also Death matches , only for fun, make it a 10×10.
And custom arenas as it’s now… If you want, you just look in the list and join with your friends… Make some arenas 5v5 , 8v8 etc… I also feel that there are too many servers on the list, it’s difficult to find a room sometimes. We could have less servers and they would not be empty.