[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
(edited by Seras.5702)
id bring back the underworld and fissure of woe
save/load/respec multiple builds for free
(edited by Seras.5702)
Your most viable options are:
Dagger/Dagger Elementalist (not technically melee but very short range)
Conjure Lightening Hammer Elementalist
1h Sword/x Mesmer
Dagger/x Necro
Well there were differences in GW1 but that small difference is now gone as well.
I miss my fiery sword wielding N/W. Every time I brought her out in PvP you could almost see the stutter-step of others going “uh…what’s, what’s this all about? <death> Ohhh….”
(edited by Seras.5702)
Moreover, does that say that you can’t access your bank (account vault) until you hit level 23 !?!?!?!?
And wait, you said you now have access to PvP at 22?? I thought the point of PvP was that any character could do it at level 2.
If all you’re after are stats, then CoF gear is fine. Also, you can buy it from the TP for a few gold a piece.
Any plan to fix this?
How do you fix that which is not broken?
A bicycle may not be broken, but you don’t want to enter a race with it against a car.
Working as intended does not change the fact that we are comparatively weaker when using our kits than other classes due to this fact.
Engineer requires a bit more effort than say a thief. But we’re so versatile and actually bring more to a group than most professions imo. We’re quite strong in aoe, direct damage, conditions, bunker, support, 1v1, & zerg-fests. Our library of builds makes it so fun to have an Engi and not need any other professions because we can adapt to any situation. Don’t listen to people who say Engi suck because we don’t. I think we’re just misunderstood. And those zerk warriors just don’t have the time or intelligence to master an Engi.
It’s not really a sink when it costs tons of gold to make anything using these ingredients. A Bloodstone Dust sink would be a vendor selling gathering tools, and Orrian-esque loot bags, and Obsidian Shards in exchange for these things. Instead, we get recipes that cost not only the dust and stars, but refined versions that require Shards and have to be combined with other T6-7 mats and expensive stuff to craft anything. That’s not a sink. That’s just new ascended recipes.
statistics show that 15% of a mmo population farm, if farming is not seen as viable then that is 15% of the population lost. No wonder gw2 is failing
80% of all statistics are made up on the spot. And GW2 failing is total supposition.
As a condition thief, I love Death Blossom. I can evade, reposition, and spread bleed on multiple foes in 1 skill. And the dagger auto dishes poison on its 3rd chain skill. But those skills don’t gel with HS and even CnD because BS will hit like a feather as a condition spec. If you could combine the condition skills from D/D & P/D into 1 set I’d be so happy.
I love the retreat/torment of P/D#3, its auto attack bleeds, and its stealth skill stacks bleeds. If you could somehow put DB on P/D I’d be so happy. And make the auto chain bleed>bleed>poison. And then make dagger’s auto 3rd chain dish weakness or vuln instead of poison. And then make the D/D #3 a power-based attack.
Replace pistol#2 with a pistol version of Death Blossom, whereby the thief leaps over the target (just like in DB) and fires a scattergun type spread at up to 3 targets & bleed (just like DB). Lose none of the functionality but just make it a pistol skill. Then we won’t need an immob because we’d have 2 movement skills (#2 & #3).
Dulfy is quite handy. She’s gotten me through some more complicated walkthroughs and directed me to locations around Tyria that are sometimes to bothersome to hunt down. But I don’t look at any guides until after I’ve played through the content a bit because I too hate spoilers. I want to immerse myself in the story that Anet has released and only go to guides if needed. Patch guides are good, but not on day 1.
Also, I liked Rurick. The dynamic of a father/son fight over what’s best for the kingdom is evocative. It’s easy to side yourself with one or the other, either thinking of Rurick as petulant and cowardly for running away or having foresight and being brave for leading people on a exodus. Every character is flawed, good or bad. To have a shining white knight is boring. To have a soulless dark evil is sometimes boring too. Gotta have flaws, weaknesses, strengths, complexities, nuances, and passion.
I liked Eldrick too. More father/son issues, though admittedly, his are much worse. And like mentioned above, when it came time to take him down, it wasn’t with a burning hunger for vengeance but rather a go quietly and nobody gets too hurt man, just get in the box.
I just don’t like the idea of putting stealth on a kit that’s designed to stand face-to-face and burn everything. Juggernaut toughness, aoe blind, aoe conal autoattack, aoe knockback…all things designed for attrition rather than stealth.
Trust me, I do honestly believe FT needs some love. But I’d rather see increased autoattack damage and something else to make FT desirable over ’nades or bombs. I want the high risk-high reward kit that Flamethrower ought to be.
You are having a GIRAFFE asking that Question
Anet have a RESTRICTION that [Bauble Baubles] can only be got from chests ONCE per DAY PER CHARACTER
. . .By creating and deleting characters you are AVOIDING that restriction therefore it must be some form of EXPLOITI have children so i often have to use examples that they can relate to . . . . .
. . . . . .
A Shop is giving away One Free cookie per day to Customers, you have the cookie but decide that it is so yummie that you cant wait until tomorrow for another free one, so you go back to the shop in disguise for another one.
Should You be surprised if the shopkeeper recognizes you and bans you from EVER having any more free cookies?
Poor analogy. It would be more like sending your friend in for a cookie for you. And then sending another friend in. And maybe that creepy guy sleeping by the mailbox. But they’re willing and know they’re getting it for you.
By rolling & deleting you aren’t avoiding the mechanic of one run per character because…you are only doing one run per character. It’s not as if creating a new character resets the daily counter on your other toons.
I hate ascendeds. They require too much grind to achieve, especially for a full set of armor. And the grind trivializes build variety. Anyone with ascended armor will feel pigeonholed into running only the builds their new armor supports.
I’m not going to stop playing. I still like the content. I’ve resolved myself to never owning ascended gear and I’m ok with that. I can still do dungeons, fractals, and WvW with exotics. I’m disappointed they implemented it as they did, but the rest of the game remains.
As for fractals, they simply made the most challenging content a bit more challenging. Nothing wrong with that. The level reset isn’t a big deal either since the new levels don’t reflect the old levels, hence previous rankings are now meaningless.
Are we droppin’ it like it was hot, only literally?
This made me lol.
I agree with your point too. Even before the effigies, half of the achievements were “run here, press F.” Which can be made fun but loses its fun when it’s overdone. After all the holo, pinata, fireworks, & taffy hunting seeking out one more thing was kinda lame. I think it should have been visit 1 effigy in each zone or visit 15 effigies total or something other than visit 20 more than the number that exist in the world.
Dont think it can be that simple. If all achievements were something you can do in 30 minutes (I am assuming 2 mins per teleport will be enough for the client to load the zone and walk the extra distance) Then the leaderboard for achievement would become a joke as everyone would have the maximum points and sit in the top spot. Achievements by their nature need to involve a little effort.
Generally, I agree. But with limited time events I think they need to be more accessible to casuals. And for the most part, they have been. I’m not trying to insinuate that achievements should be easy. But I think if we’re going to have snazzy event content then it needs to actually be snazzy. For the most part, this event is a lot of fun; I’ve been enjoying it a lot. But we only need so many “run here, hit F” tasks for achievements. We had that for pinatas, taffies, fireworks, and now effigies. I think they could have done something a little more imaginative than ask us to WP around and dance (?) in front of an effigy (or 50). I’m doing it cuz I want the achievement, not because hitting F 50 times is fun. At least with the holos I get to fight stuff. That’s fun.
I WILL have those wings for my mesmer.
And despite the shield not exactly matching my Engi’s theme, I think I’ll find a way to make it work.
Then again, maybe this time around we’ll finally have a cool pistol skin…….
Spotter kit. A kit focusing on amplifying your turrets and a tag feature that makes all your turrets focus on the target and gives bonus for doing so. Basically your turrets will do well if you use this kit to maintain them efficiently. It can give temporary buffs to your turrets as well like increase speed and power or temporarily add an effect.
I’m down with this except for the fact that it’d take up a utility slot, leaving you with only HT + other turrets. While the kit would make combat more variable, I’d rather just have better traits so I can being a whole bar of turrets that are effective.
There will not be a one time event in the next release.
Well that pretty much puts the nail in this thread. Thanks for the quick response.
There’s a large Wind Rider humping the chandelier in the corner….it’s too distracting
I’m not much of a fan of JPs. However, the crystal hunt at the Cliffs was addictive. I like the new elemental skills and the thought required to get to certain crystals. Something about each crystal being its own challenge was much more appealing than a long chain of jumps that we get from typical JPs.
Edit: for addictive grammar
(edited by Seras.5702)
I recommend the Engineer. It’s got more build variety, more versatility, more team support, aoe, & lots of mobility.
They do have access to stealth and are quite good for wvw roaming as well. There’s also the rifle/SD build that specializes in single target burst damage. And if the new heal skill rumors are true, might be getting a small buff.
While Engi does have a limited range of weapons, thief’s isn’t much more diverse. Thief has sword, pistol, dagger. Engi has pistol, rifle, shield. The thief’s edge comes in having a few more permutations, but Engi comes away with all the kits for a much greater range of weapon skills.
At first I felt the same way. That the encounters were more complex in GW1 because of such a vast array of skills and multiple mobs grouped together. But as I’ve played I’ve realized that combat is much more dynamic and active in GW2. With active dodging and jumping around, I feel like combat is actually that…combat. Before it was stand there and autoclick, your character moved as the attack required it. And I thankfully don’t have to rely on a group of henchies to wander around the world and survive fights. In dungeons you still have to prioritize targets, some buff allies, some summon minions, some dish out serious aoe. So instead of the healer enemy and the mesmer enemy, you have a more robust and balanced enemy.
We also have a lot of conditions & boons in GW2. More than were in GW1. And they lend way to the complexities of combat. We don’t have mesmers with Backfire. Instead, we have multiple professions dishing out Confusion. We don’t have necros with Spiteful Spirit. Instead we have Retaliation. Fury for spiking, Might stacking for burn phases (or whole fights), Prot, Aegies, Swiftness, Quickness.
When I first logged in and looked at the achievement list I was like “really? That’s it?”
Then I played a bit and realized this patch is really about a new WvW map and the tiny bit of Living World achievements they injected only guides us to the new content and reveals a bit of story. I like it.
This update might bring a ton of 1st time fractalers out. Which means we’ll be able to run these things and learn them with other like-minded players, not worrying about vets being impatient. Or we’ll have some helpful vets show us the way, thus increasing the pool of knowledgeable fractalers. I’m looking forward to it.
Also, the account-bound fractal level means I can try out various characters to see how I like to play em.
Totally agree with the OP. I remember the good ‘ol days of GW when massive group of B/P rangers went into dungeons looking for trouble. Ranger pets didn’t die from the slightest breeze from a boss or aoe attack. The Ranger is built right: a pet, some bows, some swords, and some great skills. Unfortunately, many of them don’t work right. The LB is weak & situational, the SB is a boring #1 spammer, the spirits are underpowered and more fragile than the pets, the pets have more bugs than I’ll mention here. The idea behind the Ranger is fantastic. I love it the most. But the execution leaves much to be desired.
I’d have liked to see some actual improvements for Rangers. Ya know, like the devs have been talking about for 4 months.
Game as a whole? Great patch.
My favorite profession? Craptastic.
My 2 cents on “skill”:
Some games require a deeper understanding of combat mechanics & ability synergy. These games require more knowledge, but not necessarily skill. Once the theorycrafters crunch the numbers and find the optimal sweet spot, everyone is onto it and there goes the need for a deeper understanding.
Combat mechanics can be discussed and bosses analyzed so that a player can win on the first attempt simply by reading and studying what others have observed & written.
Skill however, is something that can’t be read or studied, so much as perfected. I may have a complete understanding of the Engineer (skills, traits, synergies, weaknesses, etc) and still get completely rolled by a player with more skill. Anyone can stand at 1200 range and spam grenades for high damage. But to effectively pull off the 100 ’nades burst required movement, aoe targeting, quick reflexes, intuitive reaction, situation analysis, etc. The difference between a high level PvPer and a low level one is all skill. Same build, same understanding, but the one who can more effectively execute the mechanics and react quicker and size up a situation on the fly is the more skillful player.
/My opinion
Yea this is something that I never understood. Every other MMO I’ve played with an auction hall has allowed sorting of at the very least armor type (light, medium, heavy). Many allow sorting by useable as well. Why GW2’s TP doesn’t have an armor type filter is beyond me.
Rifle is primarily a power weapon, but it’s also got a lot of control, making it a useful tool even in hybrid situations. I don’t mind the bleed, I simply see it as added damage. Plus, if I jumpshot in, the bleed covers my stacks of vuln.
The only other condition I’d be ok with seeing is torment, because it’s similar to bleed but adds that movement-control factor that I think fits with rifle. Bleed alone from a power build might not incentivize a target to cleanse, but torment might force the stand still or cleanse decision.
2 things:
Last night I capped all of my server’s Borderlands and a decent chunk of EB. I don’t WvW. I’ve spent a total of about 3-4 hours in WvW since head-start. I followed a zerg into 1 outpost. Otherwise, I didn’t see 1 other enemy during my whole exploration that I couldn’t avoid. See em on your horizon? Don’t go near em and find another POI to cap and come back later.
I’ve found GW2 players to be some of the nicest I’ve met in MMOs. Give them a chance. You can’t get mad about enemy players killing you if you wander into a group of them. But sticking with your allies means you’re safer and there is zero way they can kill or grief you. I think something awful must have happened to you at a young age to give you such a strong distrust & distaste of the human race.
For me, absolutely! A singkitten investment and I have countless hours of enjoyment, both solo & with my friends. No monthly fee?? Thank you.
No, and the reason I say that is not to be controversial, I genuinely don’t believe it’s worth the money. I have played for 272 hours. Which is good compared to single-player games or standalone retail RPG’s. But for an MMORPG I started out thinking I would play this game for years to come, only to be disappointed I expected a whole lot more.
Did you enjoy those 272 hours? Because even if you’re done right now, you got 272hrs of enjoyment from $60. Try finding anywhere to get that but from a quality video game.
The irony of magic find gear and infusions and food is that you invest gold in it so that you get items to sell for gold and that you hope to get a sweet drop that you’ll never use because you’re busy rocking a MF set.
No no, I’m getting irritated. They said a month ago to hold onto them. And now the big update and nothing. C’mon man, it’s 1 NPC. Can’t be that hard.
Firstly, if you’re having fun, then you’re doing it right.
Having said that, your list is actually pretty complete. The bonus XP you get from simple things like map exploration and gathering everything you see is not to be ignored.
Additionally, halfway through your day of playing, take a look at your progress on your daily achievements. If you haven’t yet finished it simply by playing, which usually happens, take care of what will get you 5/5. The bonus XP you get from this is quite nice. Not to mention the laurels come in very handy at 80. As well, shoot for your monthly if it’s enjoyable for you.
As for karma: at low levels go ahead and spend it occasionally on cool looking gear from heart vendors. However, gold is easier to come by than karma, so spend it wisely as you level up since things get pricier. After 40-50, I’d suggest saving all of your karma. I say this because you seem to be the type of player that wants to experience all the game has to offer. As such, there are high level items that require karma. Here is an incomplete list of karma items in game. Crafting recipes are the one indulgence I have.
Oh yea, and dungeons! As you progress your story you’ll gain access to dungeons. Give em all a try for more variety and fun. By doing these as you level you’ll earn tokens good for gear. Which means that if you like running dungeons occasionally, you could have all the currency you need as soon as you hit 80 for a full set of exotic gear. Not to mention that completing a single path will net you like 70% of a level in XP.
(edited by Seras.5702)
Haha I’m sure OP meant Daphne
And he’s bang on too
Actually, you could say that Rox = Scooby Doo & Frostbite = Scrappy Doo
Don’t worry. It will definitely be back. Back when it was first destroyed last Halloween a dev posted that it’ll be back because it has more design details than almost any other single item in the game. It seems like the pride n’ joy of some of the developers.
Guys please enough with the condition , remember we need more viable direct damage specs…
We do? I thought grenades, bombs, rifle, SD, and FT all scaled well with direct damage. Just because they have conditions doesn’t mean they are condition weapons.
Zerker all other stats suck and are for no……kitten Adamantium!
I don’t buy the argument that we can’t expect awesome content every 2 weeks because it’s unrealistic. With BotFW, we got the Labrynthine Cliffs, complete with a couple champ/vets. It’s not a huge zone, but very well designed. I love its look. But rather than actual GW2 gameplay we get (albeit fun) a glorified jumping puzzle, an instanced racing game, and some nodes to mine. And we get kites hidden throughout the world.
Next time, I’d rather have a zone as beautifully designed as the Cliffs but include actual gameplay fights, something that is meaningful and utilizes the profession I chose and the build/gear I’ve worked to attain. And instead of hiding kite baskets, maybe have some captured Zephyrites throughtout Tyria that require group DEs to rescue.
And maybe every 2 weeks is pushing it for quality content. I’d prefer monthly patches with actual MMORPG gameplay than mini-games every other week. And for the love of God, no more pinatas.
Talk also about pirates with their endless torment skill.
So stand still. It doesn’t take long to burn down a PvE enemy. Stand still and nuke em. Prioritize your targets wisely. If you’ve got 3 pulled, kill the one Tormenting you first. Use blocks, dodges, reflects, and cc. PvE really isn’t that hard. So if you’re having difficulty, see it as a challenge to overcome, not something to nerf.
A new first time player is probably going to be HIGHLY discouraged by these things and feel they wasted their money, and I can’t say I’d blame them. I’m not saying take the WoW road and just hyper nerf all of the lowbie zones, but there’s no denying something needs to be done about this, because it can MORE than kill the game for you pretty kitten quick.
I’m just sad to see that most of you look at this from such a narrow angle.
Honestly, it’s your view that is narrow. You’re failing to listen to veteran players telling you to learn how to use smart strategy and learn your class and even ask for help. Make sure you aren’t fighting enemies higher level than you. Make sure you aren’t pulling 3-4 at a time. Make sure you bring offense and defense. Make sure you dodge. A lot. Make sure you avoid telegraphed attacks.
You can’t say “there’s no denying…” when there absolutely is. I’ve never heard anyone making such a blanket statement about the difficulty of low level zones. Sure, “help me with survivability of my ele” for instance, but never “help, Caledon is too hard” or “there are 18 waypoints in this zone and 1 is contested…now I have to run for 2 mins.”
(edited by Seras.5702)
Seattle time is more specific than -8GMT because I don’t think Seattle partakes in Daylight Savings. During the summer, my realm resets at 8pm server time, but during the winter it’s at 7pm server time. To say PST would be too vague.
…. I still have more fun with FT and EG then nades and I play this game to enjoy myself. I let being competitive die with my previous MMO and now just play to more or less relax.
Just play how you want and if nades makes you feel better then go for it. If you don’t like kits then don’t use them, if FT is what you enjoyed so far and the others aren’t cutting it then don’t let this silly topic stop you from enjoying yourself.
^this. I have more fun running FT/EG than grenades. If they changed the ’nade auto to targeted that might change. But I like being able to swap to EG for group support.
Since I crafted my Celestial armor set with Traveler Runes I haven’t looked back. Was running full Zerker but since our grenades and bombs dish out so many conditions anyway, I find Celestial to be better in terms of pressure and survivability.
Wow, that’s lazy. Give me mounts to walk a bit? How do you get around the world for other stuff?
Use an alt. Their WP fees are lower.
Check dulfy and strategize. There are plenty of quick paths to grab a handful of effigies without needing to WP.
Here’s an easy 1g. Now find a reason to complain about it.
When I played my first GW2 BWE I was overwhelmed by how many skills the elementalist had. Of course, it was a brand new game and I’d put in a grand total of 5 hours playtime with the ele, so of course I wouldn’t have all the skills down.
Fast forward a month. My main is a Ranger and it’s such a great profession. But I’m only lvl 40 and I’m getting bored with the limited number of abilities I have access to. I find myself constantly swapping weapon sets just for variety. I’m chasing down tameable pets just so I have access to more utilities. I want to buy all of my unlockable skills (even if I won’t use them) just so I have more options.
There is no other class that I prefer over the Ranger. However, I think I’m going to reroll a Guardian for variety’s sake.
In summary: I need more abilities. Give each weapon a pool of abilities from which you can choose the 2, 3, or 5 to equip. Add at least 10 more utility skills per profession. Make traits a bit stronger and more impactful on the gameplay. +10%dmg to Greatsword isn’t gamebreaking…it’s less than you’d get in GW1 from “customizing” the weapon. Not to mention that traiting to add dmg to a particular weapon is odd considering the focus Anet has put on wep swapping. And elites need some love. Most of the time they’re just thrown in at the end of a build.
Ok, giving this thread a +1. I agree with the OP. This would cut down on wasted bank space. And would make skin collecting a new goal for players.
The only time I felt my repair costs getting out of hand was when I brought my upleveled 40 to a LS event zerg and was constantly getting downed. Even my level 40 gear was costing me a fair bit of silvers to repair time and again. However, I accepted this fee as the cost of using an underleveled character to follow a mindless train to gain fast XP.
I’ve never had a problem with repair costs. Even as a level 3 I never felt the repair costs were holding me back. The costs scale quite well. I learned my class and the mechanics of combat and only repaired broken armor. Plus, since leveling is fast in GW2 I’m generally replacing my armor with better stuff before it ever breaks.
I think Anet is hand-holding low level players too much. Between this and the change to traits starting at 30 (just ridiculous!), they’re dumbing it down too much. Not to mention that removing the measly repair costs in no way offsets nerfing loot gold.
I think the only change should be that deaths in WvW don’t damage armor. That would be justifiable imo.
Actually, I think this event has a decent combination of both solo & group play. There are soloable achievements, which is good. People always gripe when they have to rely on others to earn an achievement (can’t blame em). But there are also group events, as well as better zone rewards from the entire map working together for T4.
Holy necro’d thread batman!
We don’t need mounts. Why do people keep asking for them? Honestly, with WPs and asura gates and most professions having speed boosts, mounts would just be a waste. Is it just because WoW had them? Cuz you can always go play WoW. I hear they have Po in it now.
Also, one of the big important aspects of GW2 is its collection of DEs. If everyone is whipping around Tyria at +60% speed then nobody will even think about stopping for DEs or to help someone who’s fighting a group of enemies. It will reduce player-player cooperative play.
Cinematic was gorgeous and recapped the LS nicely. I liked the feel of it. But…
As others have said, it didn’t progress the story in any way. She recapped and walked out. Didn’t even spill the beans about the current LS. They’ve gotta start dropping some good stuff soon. Heck, we found out Darth is Luke’s dad in Empire…they didn’t wait until Jedi to tell us. Dealing with the “bomb” is often just as awesome as the anticipation and the actual drop. Too much anticipation eventually just becomes boring.
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