Showing Highly Rated Posts By Valento.9852:

Druid renders Tempest useless for healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: Valento.9852


Tempest was pretty useless in the current game before druids.

I know. I’m just voicing my dissatisfaction on how it went even lower down the line.

Attempts at ele specs:

new legendaries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


They will do scavenger hunt, haters gonna hate real hard.

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Updates for the Live game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


It’s been a while now… no one is asking for nothing actually “new”, but re-rolling some seasonal content would be nice. People are repeating vanilla content to death by now.

Attempts at ele specs:

[Suggestion] Tone down dungeon NPC chat spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Same for Kholer in AC… “You heard Grast. Hold the line! Send the intruders to Grenth!” (x10000)

Attempts at ele specs:

(edited by Valento.9852)

Precursors and TP: Farewell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I think on a more practical note: if you don’t have to amass gold, you can spend gold on other stuff. Even if you need lots of matt, they’re not the currency “gold” itself, so you can do more with your gold than just letting it sitting in your inventory.

Also, I believe precursor earned through the new collections will be acc-bound.

Attempts at ele specs:

(edited by Valento.9852)

Karka Queen = loot pinata not an epic boss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Never seen a game with so many piñata bosses being ridiculously rushed. Very shameful.

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Bubbles' / Steve's possible real name

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I personally like Squirtle.

Attempts at ele specs:

Then, I think amount xpac size...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


I do wish they would come out and announce a few new dungeons for HoT, but I really don’t want them to do anything like raise the level cap or add mounts.

Also, you use too many hashtags and probably need to rethink what a “white knight” is.

There’s just one hashtag! :0

We needed another thread complaining about the perceived size of HoT and the lack of updates until HoT releases?

Those aren’t perceived, those are reality.

I was looking at your signature, too. Which has two more hashtags.

And he/she isn’t talking about you perceiving what the updates for FF are going to be, he’s talking about you thinking HoT won’t have a lot of content. =P

I replied about HoT. Is the xpac going to be 80% open world?

Then maybe I missed a HoT announcement? Can you link me to where they announced the size of the expansion and the breakdown of what and how much of what it will include? Because if you’re saying it’s a reality not a perception, but you don’t have a real source to base that on, then it’s still just perception/assumption.

Colin clearly stated, during HoT very first presentation, that what they were showing is what HoT’s about to avoid people from guessing that more stuff would be released. So yeah, that presentation covered EVERYTHING HoT will have.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


So much QQ. #yawn

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Updates about Wintersday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


The skin isn’t for everyone. The event is wonderful, and I really enjoy the Infinirarium.

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/age of account without a precursor drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Well, there are 2 mommies in my guild, each have dropped 1 precursor at least! Yay for mommies!

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Do WvW devs listen?

in WvW

Posted by: Valento.9852


Did the OP even bother too check the actual WvW section of the forums?

This was posted a couple days ago. Someone asked for more communication and they got it. It isn’t much, but it is something.

The WvW team is currently working on Scoring Improvements Phase 2, which was determined in the last priority poll. This involves adding rewards to Skirmishes and improving the Skirmish UI.

It’s only taken over five months…

And they failed to address any of the current issues.

And now the thread has been consigned to the dustbin that is the wvw forums.

Exactly. I don’t get why so many white knights try to fake proper communication, it’s beyond unbelievable.

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Endgame beeing gemstore isn't good!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Somehow it does feel this is the endgame…

Attempts at ele specs:

Why cant we have difficult content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I don’t find anything challenging if it allows me to stack and burst damage, and simply throw skills at them without need. It feels like even if we don’t have that many skills like WoW, the button smashing is way too heavier here.

There are a lot of interesting mechanics that, when coupled in an intelligent manner, can offer a good difficult and well-balanced fight. Of course, all difficult content must be optional, all hardcore-gamer friends I know don’t follow that ideology of forcing others to do harder content. They just kinda feel out of place because as much as they try, they just can’t find anything challenging, only button smashing and puppet dodging, as if these meant something.

Stating this game doesn’t support actual well thought out difficult content is a sign of misconceptions, lack of creativity or simply ignorance. 2¢

Attempts at ele specs:

Legendaries should have every available state

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


never hear of stats named like that, lol.
just use beserker and forget about that crap.

This kind of reply really frustrates me.

Well, they might add it eventually, since it was introduced with Wintersday then maybe this is a nice opportunity?

Attempts at ele specs:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


- I bought Venom!
- I lead the zerg I was commanding in EotM to jump off the cliff… FOR THE FUNS!
- I have a compulsion for light, my sylvari is brightful as heck (all celestial sylvari) and now I have orange refractor, and I put the title GOLDEN!
- I feel deeply sad for losing character name “Valento” during release…
- I got 7 characters but spend 99% of my time in my leafy elementalist
- For the first one year and a half of GW2 I’ve been evangelizing this game EVERY. SINGLE. PLACE. I was like an annoying fanboi, and now I just recommend it from a neutral point of view
- I feel sad because I have very low hopes of ANet ever releasing largos as a playable race
- I love largos because they’re from the depths of the oceans and underwater environment is GORGEOUS, and their accent (“I greet you, ally of my ally” – Sayeh Al’Rahjid).
- I think tengu are overrated
- I think they would release skritt as a playable race, but kodan never!

Attempts at ele specs:

Does the weather gets better?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Valento.9852


Even when the sun goes hidden your skin is still under UV rays effects, that’s why you should use lotion and wear sunglasses!

Attempts at ele specs:

[Spoiler] Oh, now Seeds of Truth makes sense

in Living World

Posted by: Valento.9852


Now it makes sense why Vorpp was using sylvari energy to raise golem power levels. They are imbued with dragon energy, making their life force indeed particularly useful.

Sylvari – The Only Dragonborn Race in Guild Wars 2. #bejealous

Attempts at ele specs:

And this week it's Necro!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


Dragonhaunter. As in “Haunter”, the pokémon.

Attempts at ele specs:

1k gems for... an OUTFIT?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


It’s not “an” outfit. IT. IS. THE. OUTFIT. (+cultural behavior)

Be done with it. ANet, don’t lower the price. Thank you.

Attempts at ele specs:

Character Slot Included?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


Deluxe Version will include a free slot for $30.00 more! #joke

Attempts at ele specs:

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


Well yeah, the name could be “Dragon Knight”. The dragon part actually feels a bit… “uh?”

Attempts at ele specs:

[BW3] Feedback Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Valento.9852


Karl, I hope you can answer: almost all elite specs come in a 3-option gameplay design for traits. Eles seem to have: 1) shout-improving traits, 2) overload-improving traits, 3) ????. What is our third option for gameplay? I fail to see what it is, but judging from most elite specs it should be tied specifically to warhorn, or attunement-related buffs (since traits tied to weapons is mostly not synergic enough). We have Latent Stamina (water attunement trait), Earthen Proxy (protection boon), Imbued Melodies (warhorn trait). It feels unfocused. Now, IM is a great trait (specially PvP), but LS and EP are just a big “no!”. Maybe the synergy we’re looking for (burning damage/duration, or more raw damage at a cost, or something else) will come from replacements for LS and EP.

Attempts at ele specs:

Precursors and TP: Farewell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I look forward to the bounceback these prices will suffer once the expansion is out and people realize the “crafting” will be incredibly difficult and a huge time sink.

If you think the process of obtaining new precursors will be this magical easy skill based system you’re wrong.

No one is expecting that since the core of collections revolves around collecting ITEMS which may be expensive, but the progression feel is much more rewarding. So yeah, most players will trash TP once precursor collections become available.

Attempts at ele specs:

Some1 got banned for using "tera" combat mod

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


There should be a place where players could request analysis for 3rd party tools, devs would check if they’re allowed, etc…

Attempts at ele specs:

Personal Story Restoration update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I have finished my personal story LONG ago, why am I in chapter 7? And why there ain’t a green arrow to show me next step?

Attempts at ele specs:

Since lots of people seem to be leaving...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I’m still playing with my bf on a regular basis. He’s more disappointed than me. I have 5 legendaries but I give no faks about this trash talk. I’m disappointed, however it’s not the end of the world. What I do care about is CONTENT, and more precisely complex story-telling and arcs which aren’t so tighly locked on to Elder Dragons.

For now I’m enjoying Tangled Depths while I help him farm matts for Astralaria, and it’s been very nice.

Attempts at ele specs:

New Mystic Forge Recipe!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


They rely on RNG because they cannot develop difficult PvE content whatsoever. They. Simply. Can’t. This game isn’t really for all people, it is for casuals or kids in that matter. If you see other posts this is the only major thing I’m frustrated about Guild Wars 2 since launch, and as the problem lies deep within game core it’s likely we’ll never see a real fix; only badly-worded band-aids.

Attempts at ele specs:

Living story will hurt new players ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I don’t understand this “Every living story episode that is being released will have a certain time that you need to log in into the game in order to obtain it if you missed this opportunity than youll have to buy the episode”.

Does someone mind explaining? So does this apply for, let’s say, someone who has HoT and has logged in before episode 4 came out but won’t log on for a few days after its release?

You have 2months+ to unlock current episode. Just log in. No further action needed. They sell to increase revenue, it’s part of their model so they don’t have to explain why. I’d love an explanation about how this could be something bad, though.

Attempts at ele specs:

Balthazar in Blackgate is uncontested!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Valento.9852


Unable to transfer, have to wait 2h, could you update here if he’s still uncontested once I get to enter the server? I’d be very thankful.

Attempts at ele specs:

A letter from a Tarnished Coast native

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I know your feeling. Today, when I tried to kill Jorlag my client crashed, I connected right away and BOOM! I was in overflow, that sucks.

Attempts at ele specs:

PvE Zerkers.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Valento.9852


Jon, please be careful not to shift zerker-only meta to PVT-only meta. I’ve always felt a class-gear synergy with the group was lacking, maybe this is where your fixing hammer should mostly hit on. Also, note that Fractals of the Mists (high levels) is currently the only PvE content I’m aware of that requires at least more caution with positioning and organization, but again high levels do demand more resistance so most people are likely to run PVT gear (I wish I could see gear usage statistics heh).

I sincerely appreciate a lot that you take your time to look deeper into this issue, since a few months after release zerker has stablished as the most successful gear meta and changing it will likely revamp how groups should work and coordinate.

Furthermore, as of now we also have another “meta-related” issue: stacking. If you ask people how to complete a dungeon or a specific content they’ll tell you: simply stack around this corner, this way all mobs will come at you and with little defense we can smash them to ashes because of high damage output. I’d appreciate if you took the time to look into that too!

Attempts at ele specs:

(edited by Valento.9852)

Night Fury (Halloween shoulders)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Guys, I’m selling my soul if anyone is interested. Can’t afford that tonic.

Attempts at ele specs:

Give BRazilians their own server

in Suggestions

Posted by: Valento.9852


Well, with my experience since GW2’s closed beta is that language is extremely relative in almost every possible way.
One can speak in their native language with someone else who understands it, it’s a 1-to-1 conversation and it doesn’t harm anyone, I can, for instance, express my feelings about something in portuguese when talking to a guildie, no one MUST know what I’m talking about because I’m not talking to them.

99% of brazilian guilds are very disciplined about teaching their members to talk in english whenever necessary, but we can’t obligate others do to as we instruct (just like in real world, because of something called free will).

Besides, I’ve seen many foreign language guilds recruiting in their own language in /map chats and yet no one came to the forums to stereotype them. Aion is/was Aion, GW2 is GW2, I didn’t even play Aion but I’m sure GW2 public is way more mature than Aion’s (we have a GW2 brazilian main site/forum, the quality of discussion shows).

You should separate what one is allowed to do, and what you expect them to do.

And just to get offtopic very quickly now, in-game relationships don’t translate in what people post on forums; the devs can enter the game and see for themselves how everything is going there, I’m quite sure they won’t see anything that bad at all. People must get over the hatred for each other.

Attempts at ele specs:

(edited by Valento.9852)

BETA: What we are enjoying

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


@Windu, @Lara, that’s because it indicates devs are listening. Even when they say they are reading, it attracts more people when they see a red post from a dev or someone from community team who suggests they’ll pass the information onwards.

Attempts at ele specs:

How to be Janna as a Tempest ;D

in Elementalist

Posted by: Valento.9852


This is extremely support-ish, but tempests don’t need support role… not with staff being awesome and well-stablished. Ele lacks condi. damage and raw damage… folks thought this would be the focus… as much as they try to push a mid range support, no one is buying this idea.

Attempts at ele specs:

where is my SAB :/

in Living World

Posted by: Valento.9852


The frustration, ahhh… how I miss falling to my death many times. LOL

PS.: Love SAB, best content after Bazaar!

Attempts at ele specs:

Is GW2 moving away from PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Developing living world doesn’t mean their focus is on PvE, just to make clear; now proceed.

Attempts at ele specs:

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


Oh, and we have NOT forgotten PRECURSOR SCAVENGER HUNT. Just saying.

Attempts at ele specs:

Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


So many concerns about AoEs and so many MMOs that this work perfectly fine as it is…

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I don’t get people at all, I for one would love to teach people through raiding if I could. Not all the players are kittens… just got to find the cool ones.

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Clock Tower appreciation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


josh foreman <3

We should create a Joshua Foreman appreciation thread!

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"Special" Announcement is here!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Valento.9852


Wow… what a disappointing Ready Up. Oh, welp, abandoned game + shallow announcements are the way to go.

Attempts at ele specs:

Patch Today: Key Farming Impacted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


What if… Keys were a PvP track reward?

Nice Idea! Please add them as a dungeon completion reward also (for those of us who do not play PvP).

Change the dungeons to have all paths active at once and it all has to be completed | Vanquished | Cleared for the end chest to contain a Black Lion Key XD

That way it takes as much or more time as a low level key farm, removes server strain from character creations, improves dungeons so that are not “run” but Vanquished (like gw1 Vanquishing reward), improves dungeons to be more desirable.

Only if you complete all paths of a dungeon.

Attempts at ele specs:

I'm out.

in Living World

Posted by: Valento.9852


I soloe’d “Tracking the Aspect Masters” for all achievements before a guide went up in Dulfy’s website, quite fun and reasonably easy.

I own a Celestial-geared elementalist.

Attempts at ele specs:

This game needs more skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


  • Skills Have Additional Effects When Criteria Are Met – This, IMO, was what added depth to the GW system, and not the sheer number of skills. For example, Teinai’s Crystals would deal damage, but also apply Cracked Armour if they were suffering from a Water Hex. This allowed people to build skills that chained together for devastating effect when used properly.

OMG this! I miss this so much.

Attempts at ele specs:

Is Orr the next "update victim"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


I think if every high level player that ran QD Champ Train goes to Orr, Anet’s goals will have been met. Note they did NOT nerf Champ Train rewards any farther, just removed all Champs from Starter Zones. It is a location specific change, not an activity/reward change.

Claiming that PvE is being “attacked” by the Devs is just another massive exaggeration that this forum is famous for….

I get that Orr is a lvl 80 zone, but isn’t the whole point of down-leveling in this game to encourage max levels players to play in all the zones, and not just lvl 80 zones?

True, but the WHOLE zone not just 5 little pieces of it and ignore the rest.

yeah, you’re right. I guess it would be unfair to let players figure out for themselves where they would like to spend their time.

I introduce you: the cosmetic progression and puzzle driven questlines to obtain various weapon/armor skins throughout zones, being locked to 80s. No wait…

Attempts at ele specs:

Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


They designed elementalists in a way that the class does make sense, this nerf/rework will have to adjust graphically with the class (animations and such) and its philosophy.

Oh, and ele players never ever complained about other classes who have much stronger AoE attacks despite this being one of our class’ highlights.

Attempts at ele specs:

(edited by Valento.9852)

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


There’s something wrong with people that think it’s normal gameplay to own +1100 gold..

Couldn’t agree more. “If you don’t have 1k gold there’s something wrong with you”
Sorry, there something wrong WITH YOU, not me.

Attempts at ele specs:

After so many class nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valento.9852


After so many class nerfs since last xpac launch, I take it’s safe to assume they’ll become useless when the new ones come out?

I remember clearly what devs were saying right before xpac was launched, that the base classes would retain their identity and usefulness, only to be ridiculously nerfed to force builds around the elite specs. Poor revenant is the king of nerfs, what makes it even more hilarious is that it was “the expansion class”.

Don’t take me wrong here, I know balance is necessary for the health of the game but somehow it got to a point they devalued base classes in favor of elite specs. It makes me highly doubtful the current e-specs will survive long after the new expansion is released. Also, I am mostly sure it’s not just the balance team decision.

We’ll have to see what else they’ll bring to their large, messy table.

Attempts at ele specs: