Showing Highly Rated Posts By Zoltreez.6435:

Why this hate on mesm!???

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


what i see when i fight a chrono

Block block block CC CC CC CC CC block block block CC CC CC CC CC block block block block………………………

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Human Story is too goody

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


my only prob with the Human story is that’s its sooooo much not me lol

my character is a super goody moody avenge every innocent death type of person.

and when you character says at the beginning intro that you aren’t doing it for attention or fame or something like that ? my kitten of curse im doing it for fame and to be a a bad kitten necromancer..

the whole story personality what my character have is soooo out of place compared to the character that I created and want to play that I hate the story bicous of this…..

he always agrees with everything….
he ALWAYS feels sory for someones death….
you Always only can choose good stuff in the story….

Anet if you EVER continue the story give our characters some kitten moments choises where you can Save something OR search something that makes you or your team powerful not just save save save save……..

and some momments where our character don’t agree with EVERYHING ???
and goes on doing his own things bicous of this ?

this is my 4th human lol

And when your a commander ? our character just agrees with every single plan others throw in our face…. Commanders usualy have their own ideas no ?

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

(edited by Zoltreez.6435)

21K & 24K Achievement Points Rewards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Achievement point hunting that hardcore is concerning. It’s the opposite of living life to the fullest. So much work, doing repetitive, boring activities for a number to get higher in a video game. They day they stop playing, all of that will be for nothing. No one in the real world will care, you don’t get paid a salary for doing that work, and in your deathbed, you would think “Instead of living, I spent a year busting my rear for nothing”.

In the future, I imagine there being a medical diagnosis for the extreme cases of video game obsessiveness, and some kind of treatment. I’d hate for someone I care about to be caught up in that.

so heaving fun is not living ? nice thinking there……

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Unlocking Glint

in Revenant

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


nope just start the Hot story and go there lol

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

BWE 3 Guardian Feedback (Core/DH)

in Guardian

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Not a single Guardian or Dragon Hunter in the world first raid kill.

I tolled you this would happen, with the constant nerfs to Guardians, the horrible Dragon Hunter, the constant power creep every other profession has received, and the new powerful elite specs others have received, there is no reason to bring us anymore to PVE content.

What is the role of the Dragon Hunter?

It offers less DPS, less group support, less healing, less everything! Our core traits, skills and virtues are far superior in every way! The only reason to go DH is if you want to roleplay or do open world zerg content.

this prety much

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Not impressed with Scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Okay so here is my Opinion after playing scourge…
yes mine… im the guy crying about necros all day here lol…

im freaking suprised not as bad as i tought so…
Dmg is there easy to use kitten nice in team battles… a must have in wvw zerg fights…
self sustain is somewhat there too…

now the prob…
the same as all necro builds…

burst classes will instantly blow you up because again we have no answer againts incoming burst… especialy that we lost shroud also…

barrier decay needs to be slowed down.. ALLOT or even fully removed we allready have a cap on the shield so why not keep it ? instead of decaying….

Cant do anything againts kiters shades and all of their existing abilities is bassicaly useless againts high mobile targets that stays way from you and them…..

kitten awesome for group fights
useless trash Alone without help in PvP againts majority of burst builds
so it has exactly the same weakness as ALL other encro builds sadly…

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Strength in Numbers...oh realy ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


150 toughness ?

realy now ??

150 ? toughness ?

can we get a REAL Trait here ? its like this one does not even exist…. or buff it to at least 250-300 toughness ???

or give another effect next to the buff ?

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

(edited by Zoltreez.6435)

thanks for another 3x 4v's today

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


they NEVER should have started the season RIGHT BEFORE they go on Holidays
they NEVER should have started the season before lots of balance patches/updates
they NEVER should have started the season with the stupid 50-50% w/l crap in place
they NEVER should have started the season without a proper solo vs premade system

they pretty much screwed up everything that is possible in a season lol
and not even trying to fix any of them sofar not even words that they working on it or something.

nope just espuuurts.
you espurted it anet

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

SNOWBALL MAYHEM is more balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


i have more fun in that game mode then in Spvp did like 200+ rounds on it XD

1 realy fun
2 balanced
sadly the rewards are BAD
we can’t have rewards for FUN stuff in this game. ONLY for grinding boredom and ESPORTS.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Raid too easy, please make timer tighter.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


The Ego is strong with this one.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Looking for an casual PVE Minion Build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


im a minion player. and i feel god mode lol

full soilder gear with 32.000 HP

all them power converted to healing power
all them toughness convertet to Power

ALL the minions heal me

and runing with Dagger/foccus Staff

in soloing or 1v1 i cant die while thnx to my pets 800/1200+ constant dmg from each + my dmg and my stuff are dropping.

this build bassicaly dont have burst but have a HUGE ammount of constant dmg with HUGE surviability.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Zhaitan is alive

in Living World

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


ok lets see…
here I go:

1: Zhaitan eye mouth etcetc Undeads ARE Zhaitan basically until you don’t kill ALL of them Zhaitan is basically alive

2: there are Hundreds of Undead Necromancers running around that could make a ritual to ress Zhaitan there are even undead leaders that could arrange this

3: he is MORE then a necromancer he is the lurer of all the dead and Plauges and remember ALL those games and stories with a Necromancer if a necromancer is dead he Sure kitten hell gonna have someway to ress him self or be present as a Ghost/Spectral being and as I said Zhaitan was WAAAY more then a necromancer.

simple Canons wont EVER gonna kill this dragon.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

(edited by Zoltreez.6435)

what if condition had diminishing return

in WvW

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


in my opinion all this game needs is a Reduction in Condi and Boon spam…

the prob is not realy the dmg… its that Both Condi cleansing and Boon ripping does not worth anything for ALLOT of classes…

everyone is just spamming crazy ammount of boons and Condis nonstop 24/7

when the game was released a Single well timed cleanse worth ALLOT

having 3 boons up most of the times meant ALLOT

Ripping a few boons Worth ALLOT

now ? just Spam all of it till someone dies because you have infinite acces to all of it……


-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Happy Necromancer Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Necro is basically invincible in wvw right now.


-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

TA meta no longer obtainable?

in Living World

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


I learned to not care or barely do any LS till they don’t make them replayable its just useless waste of time while its Temp.

I guess I’m the minority. I like temp content and special little things that won’t be around forever.

I just don’t like when it’s buggy or the time frame is stupidly short.

I like it too and lots of other people too your not the minority

but we don’t like that EVERY single content they add is temp………………….

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

My views on why GW2 =/= Esports

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


sooo basicaly if i read the OP right he want to make this games PvP like league of legends….


-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

What's your perfect MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


GW2 Atmosphere + Rift Talenting system + everything else from Wildstar

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Why I don't have high hopes..

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


i can see them adding a Boon called Hope that everyone can spam and in the description of it would be “LOL”

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Just can't get my head around this class

in Guardian

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


dmg is reeeeealy bad as a guardian even a full berseker guard with greatsword still hits like a noodle compared to allot of other classes.

guardians are realy only good for bunker builds. thats how i feel and see after allot of testing.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Please improve base virtues

in Guardian

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


they should be reworked or buffed ALLOT

the healing Virtue needs like 50% buff to its passive healing ( Not the active one )

The virtue that gives aegis needs to apply it every 20-25 sec instead of freaken 40 sec ( 40 sec realy ? you engage in pvp and die or win befor it even reaplies itself looool )

The burning one is well not that bad like the other 2 realy ( i think the burn duration could be increased by 1 sec.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Longbow for Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


if its a longbow i will act like that part of the expansion does not even exist

im not playing a Guardian to be a freaking Hunter

gives us abilities that make us more durable more heals more soppurt abilities more capclosers etc

not a freaken bow.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Raise Your Hand if you Don't Play SR

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Typically those who didn’t need SR were those who played braindead Condi based builds (to include hybrids). This was supposed to be the patch that buffed power reaper, not nerf them into oblivion.

You literally just got a trait that allows you an extra 270 Power whilst in Shroud, and you think it’s unfair you can’t stay in Shroud as long.

well 270 Power look at that Our self sustain nonexistent mobility,block,immune and self healing allready fixed while also fixing the issue that made us into the number 1 tunnel target….

yeah… go pvp pls as a power reaper and stop thinking with the useless AFK pve mindset….

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

If Scourge will not be nerfed...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Decide what do you want: Support or Condi Damage. You can’t have both

Guards have both…
Eles have both…
Revs have both…

Seriously what game have you ben playing this past years ????

the thing is Necro got left out of the Power creep a long time now.. its about time we slowly catch up… especialy seeing that the devs dont have plans to tone down the power creep….

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Let's all just move

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


i won’t gonna touch another asian mmo in my freaken life thats for sure

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Fashionwars Why is every necro dark and edgy?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


I have to leave this here XD


-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Trait lines without attributes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


wait wait WAAAAIT.

this means Celestial will get a buff on ALL of the stats.

HOLY kitten

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Earning gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


you wont make more gold with better gear……

farm farm farm farm until your eyes bleed and maybe you get 10g a day lol

also TP prices are junk so you cant make any real gold there fast.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Devs bloating every class forgetting necros

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


what im laughing the most tough is that the Necros new Elites spec do not fix ANYTHING on the Necro XDDD

its like devs totaly ignoring the Necro Player base XD still no Block/immune/Invis/Mobility/evades or some realiable healing regen or something anything XD

they even removed the 15k-20k shroud and replaced it with like a 6k shield that scales horrible with healing powerand degenerate Ultra fast XDDDD sure you can stack it but Players will hit you way harder then you can stack it XD

im seriously just laughing at this now….


-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Was HOT Made Before GW2 Came Out??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Because a hat is not enough anymore


-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

This is funny the moment necro..

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Can do some real dmg and Burst ( like most of the other classes with 3x the ammount of defensive utilities ) people magicaly forget how easy is to nuke and kill one and complain about necro being OP……

people are to used of facetanking everything a necro have and just roll over them when they did not had a pocket helper….

Suddenly people need to watch out for some stuff a necro does and counter OR avoid it while fighting a necro…

AND SUDDENLY we are brokenly OP….

all this Necro OP crap… im laughing at you people….. especialy when we have classes and builds in the game for like a year now that is egual or more broken….

yes Scourge DOES need some changes here and there and fixes and stuff…
but are you people freaking serious ?

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

(edited by Zoltreez.6435)

Anybody want Baseball bat Hammer skin?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Careful, all the RP kids are gonna come in here and whine about “immersion.”

im not an RP player yet i HATE seeing stuff like these in the game.

that freaken unicorn bow already burns my eyes out every time i see it……

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Skirmish Reward Chest changes..

in WvW

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435



-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

If Scourge will not be nerfed...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Decide what do you want: Support or Condi Damage. You can’t have both

Guards have both…
Eles have both…
Revs have both…

Seriously what game have you ben playing this past years ????

the thing is Necro got left out of the Power creep a long time now.. its about time we slowly catch up… especialy seeing that the devs dont have plans to tone down the power creep….

I stopped taking this seriously the moment Rev was mentioned. I certainly hope you aren’t talking about Renegade, because it’s absolute trash compared to Scourge.

you need to read again then… because imt alking about Overall class…

NOT only the new elite…

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Would you rather...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


i want to know the balance changes to our EXISTING classes…….

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Speed of Shadows give it back !!!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


or ad it passively…. one of the best part of power reaper is jumping in and out of Reaper shroud to counter the burst that flies in your face + gaining mobility…..

10 sec just feels freaking unplayable on a power build x.x

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Warrior sustain

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


It’s unbeatable in duels and effective in team fights. It can sustain outnumbered for quite some time. What more do you want?

prety much this… i barely ever see a Warrior go down in a 1v1

most of the time we need to gang up on one and even then they can tank the kitten hell out of us while running around and even kill someone if we don’t have a support with us….

the only time Warriors seem to have issues are with Bomber Mesmers/Thiefs
seriously it feels like warrior are farting heals while fighting one….and still can hit pretty kitten hard…

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Please don't make Living World...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Topic about this are that way >>>>>>>

<<<<<<< and there
>>>> there
<<<<< and over there
>>>>>>>>>>> and also that way
(>")> and there is one too

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Now that we have Cat commander tags..

in WvW

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


For the Kawaii people….

Can we get a Skull Commander tag for the Edgy people ?

yes this is totaly the most important thing right now… /s

but im serious….

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Which mount are you most excited for?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435



hope they revert it and put it back in the game….

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

The most underwhelming Weapons rework

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


put revenant staff there too

outside of a good bar breaker it does not offer anything good realy

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

How's the scourge op???

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


People will learn to stay out of the shades area, use their superior mobility and/or kill us from afar. We’ll stop being OP in PvP the minute they learn how to manage the spec’.

Hahaha, thats what we used to say about Dragonhunter traps.

Spoiler: people don’t learn. They’ll try to face tank it, die, and whine on the forums.

Scourge is definitely the new DH, a low level pub stomper that doesn’t see the light of day in competitive play but winds up getting nerfed anyways from the sheer amount of complaining.

you can see the shades…. they are not invisible like the traps
they also are not automatic free dmg like the need to USE the shades abilities WHEN the enemy is in them….

in other words its not even close to the DH traps…

also shades dont have an AOE Lock down that will keep you inside till you die like some of the DH abilities lol

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

If Scourge will not be nerfed...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


I agree scourge is powerful right now with the right builds but let’s atleast be constructive about it. Can’t have group support and condi damage at the same time? That logic is pretty ridiculous, take a look at condi chrono or mallyx revenant. Both of those have great condi burst and tons of group support that people actually want, not to mention they both have tons of mobility and survivability which scourge does not.


-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

For the people that think warrior is weak

in Warrior

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


and 3……2………1………

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Guess Wars 2

in Living World

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


What’s the point of this topic?


nah just joking but yeah you got a point there.
everything feels unfinished.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Weapon for Scourge?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Scepter + Torch

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

why do you "turn off" content

in Living World

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


removing it doesen’t make it a Living it makes it Wasted content and money….

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

I Might Have Been Wrong About Scourge

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


Oh great another Broken Condi build is what we realy needed am i right ?

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Thank You for Taimi

in Living World

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435



Taimi is my favorite
and its sad seeing her getting screwed over and over and over again with something
just want to kill everything like a one man army when he gets in trouble.
poor cute litle thing

btw Taimi reminds me of this music lol

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

(edited by Zoltreez.6435)

Returning Player Seeking Advice

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


1st and foremost, and this is the most important part of this, stick to your team. Necros need an effective babysitter to perform effectively.

2nd, try using flesh wurm, and spectral walk, those should give you some outs.

3rd, accept that you are the most dangerous person on the field due to your boon hate, and at the same time the weakest, due to your lack of personal suitability, and as such, will always be 1st target. You need a good team to support you to survive.

in other words….

your useless alone as a class…
you will see the respawn room more times then dead enemies…
you need to be hard carried by others to be competitive….

Welcome back to the Necro………..

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Remove Stronghold from Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


I always go stronghold because conquest is the most useless ridiculous and boring gamemode ever.

The forced on point fights take away 90% of the strategic elements this game has to offer.

only people that run the OP meta bunker builds and want nothing else just camp points and spam boons and heals all day are the ones that are againts strongholds because their broken build not works there and they actualy need to look out for other stuff instead of just camping.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2