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A love letter to conditions...<3

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


“A Condi Warrior”

Cheese and Cancer. Though it won’t be strong vs. people who care, who all left.

Is Warrior hard to play?

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Play it glass cannon then it will take even MORE skill than Mesmer, sometimes even Thief though Thief compared to Warrior are differently strong in specific aspects. Play it tank and it will be a little/just as cancerous as certain Mesmer/Necro builds.

What new stat combination would you like?

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


+798 Power
+569 Precision
+569 Ferocity

Power damage needs to have more options. Even for a trade off of losing the vitality.

Experimental option for tPvP - One Dodge!

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Sounds like that should’ve happened long ago when Quickness got nerfed. Could just nerf Vigor by 50% or overall endurance gain by 50%.

Tired of eles complaining

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


They have a right to complain now due to ANET just messing up balancing.

Warrior, the official GW2 easy mode? :D

in Warrior

Posted by: Amir.1570


Coming from a Warrior player who still loses to Minion Necros, and he has a right to say Warriors take no skill.

Same person who actually thought Warrior was fine when Frenzy got gutted actually.

The Tarcis Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


I wonder how people who played Warriors before Berserker Stance were ACTUALLY able to land damage.

I acknowledge that Berserker Stance is stupidly strong right now but the first step to not gutting this skill is to give it a one second casting time.

Inb4 people saying “learn to deal with blinds and not get carried by condition immunity.” I will not L2P when blinds and slows are so abundant on this game, you need to learn

P.S They will be the same people who failed to make Warrior work in competitive play back when Berserker Stance Immunity to conditions did not exist. If Berserker Stance should get nerfed, then so should blind spamming and slow spamming.

P.S#2 Don’t get me wrong I still have respect for you Ken, its just that its frustrating when people don’t know the difference between gutting and adding a means to counter play. At least with this current game’s state.

The Tarcis Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Also, Kensuda, one last fatal flaw to your ideal Berserker Stance. You are pidgeon holing Warriors to Long Bow. You decrease viability of other weapon sets and LITERALLY saying to me that Long Bow should be the only viable Warrior weapon.

I want to say that your idea is naive, incompetent, amateur-ish, and hopefully ANET would not be stupid enough to listen to it. But due to ANET’s actions in the past? You have a good shot of gutting the class.

The Tarcis Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Ok, it was updated, then, probably with the last patch, since it did say what the wiki says not too long ago. I’m not logged in at the moment to check. Sorry for the mistake.

I disagree that it would be gutted.

You disagree because dogged march actually allowed Warriors to not get kited right? (They still did).

You disagree because you’re the best Warrior in the game because you can deal with blind spams right? (P.S Blinds > Cleansing Ire, that’s why your ideal world for Warriors is flawed).

You disagree because maybe you’re the best warrior in the game and that you know whats best for the class right? I’m guessing Kensuda is fine with Berserker Stance getting gut because there’s no other Warrior that can compare to him dealing with chills and blind spams, is that correct?

Understand why Berserker Stance needed to happen and how not to gut it.

The Tarcis Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


But the wiki can be edited by ANYONE therefore you should avoid using wiki as a source. Berserker Stance IN-GAME clearly says conditions can not be applied to you. Instead of fixing the duration, there are definitely better ways to give it more counter play without gutting it. Your version of Berserker Stance will kill the class much like the quickness nerf did.

In which case if your ideal world came true, Warrior would be gutted to non-viable in tPvP. Sorry Ken.

The Tarcis Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


When you talk about condition duration, do you mean “only the stat” or the base duration PLUS the stat? Because if it was the former it would be gutting.

Crying about lyssa again.

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Lyssa is given the “illusion” of being extremely powerful only because Thief has always been strong and Warrior is blatlantly broken. An ICD increase would be enough because the rune is indeed strong, but lyssa should only be nerfed to balance out Warrior and Thief elite cool downs.

The Tarcis Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Berserker Stance

Actually, if anything, it should be the other way around. The biggest problem other classes have dealing with a Berserker’s Stance Warrior is the fact that none of their condition-based CC options work, not even a little bit. A Necro’s fears, cripples, and chills do nothing to the Warrior that gets to faceroll their keyboard for 8 full seconds before the Necro can even touch him. Engineer’s have a similar problem. It’s less of a problem that they can’t do any damage to the Warrior, it’s mostly the problem that they can’t kite at all to get some distance.

Again Ken, we need to avoid gutting certain spells either. Have you ever played Warrior before Berserker Stance existed and got blind spammed to death? Any normal human being would’ve punched a hole through their monitor.

If you’re so sure that Warriors are fine without blind immunity, chill immunity, and cripple immunity, then can you please name me ONE WARRIOR who actually was saintly enough to deal with blind spams, chill spams, and cripple spams? I can tell you right now, that person did not exist.

And I can tell you right now Ken, If I blind spammed the hell out of you on your Warrior, you would definitely punch a hole in your monitor. Berserker Stance had to happen but there are two problems:

1.) ANET could have gave it a one second casting time, but the fact that it HAS no casting time allows NO COUNTER PLAY.
2.) There are Warrior builds that can “trade hits” with conditions and Warrior as a class was somewhat meant to trade hits vs. conditions. However if we make Berserker Stance only immune to utility conditions, then we might gut some Warrior build that might have been useful but never heard off.

Sheath-Cancelling Aftercasts: Needs fixing!

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Forgot about that. Sheath cancelling has been here since launch though, I doubt its even going to be fixed even if it was a problem.

Sheath-Cancelling Aftercasts: Needs fixing!

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


After casts on GS1 would be more riskier if what the Mesmer community asked for was to make it more rewarding at melee range.

Honestly though, I think it should stay cause you don’t always want to dodge to cancel some abilities. You know.. just incase energy sigil and endurance gets nerfed and you ACTUALLY have to save dodges now.

Delete/Replace Mesmer Moa Elite

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Oh yeah… forgot the other cancerous things compared to Moa.

Delete/Replace Mesmer Moa Elite

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


It could be blocked or evaded, but is it so hard to count dodges or cool downs with a Mesmer? I’m a big fan of Time Warp tbh, Time Warp on downed players and then cleave or quickness stomps if favorable.

I understand why Moa is annoying though. Its pretty game changing actually once you know how to calculate.

Would cast time bars solve all SPVP problems?

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


It might solve the Asura problem definitely. However I don’t think we need to gut telegraphed skills even by a little bit at this point.

This might be linked to 4v5s and 3v5s

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


This was actually team arena.

This might be linked to 4v5s and 3v5s

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Here’s the situation and I’d like to know if it also happened to anyone else.

I got a que pop and got into an arena match. 1 minute after the gate opened and the game started, I get ANOTHER que pop and I actually thought it was a bug but I clicked “go now” so that maybe the bug would go away.

What happened next is it actually transferred me to the que that popped within that game that I was already in and the game that I left “accidentally” (though eventually would’ve pulled me away from because the “que pop within a match” bug) was effectively a 4v5 from that point on.

How great is the asura advantage?

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Its not that bad so long as you actually know what a class does. I can DEFINITELY understand why its an advantage vs. some people though.

Jump's Ultimate PvP (Teef) Wishlist; Jump.Doc

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570




Every time S/D and balancing were in discussion you would say “oh d/p counters it” without saying “and it only has one bad match-up” which is ofc d/p. Back when it was cancerous garbage.

Point is jumper, don’t even suggest that you are defending cancer, directly or indirectly. Hopefully just by acknowledging that fact you’ll get your reputation back.

(edited by Amir.1570)

Jump's Ultimate PvP (Teef) Wishlist; Jump.Doc

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


A lot of people seem to be against cutting the S/D Thief’s endurance gains by 50%…
Or is it maybe the cutting of Trickery’s steal reacharge gains by 40%?

Or maybe its the MASSIVE UNREASONABLE 10% BUFF that is being proposed for a massively underpowered and underused weapon set (D/D).

Yeah, that must be it.

It was mostly because you defended S/D when it was brain-dead trash (Infinite stun break on top of million dodges, C’mon you can’t have everything) when Caed disagreed and said otherwise and even called it an easy mode build when you said it took skill.

TL;DR You defended cheese, Caed disapproved it. That definitely hurt your reputation.

Balancing the Wrong Way VS The Right Way

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


So.. lets power creep on power damage then? kitten , why haven’t they done this a long time ago?

Lets start with Quickness making your recovery from CC faster.

Solo que people

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


warrior shout “fear me!” is bad? O_O

Its underrated. Its actually good yet people take Signet of Fury over things like that…

Solo que people

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Sorry if I sound like I’m contradicting myself from my posts but I want to make a few things clear.

If you don’t want to be an FOTM kid and you like to play things that are out of the ordinary that is PERFECTLY FINE. But if you’re going to play builds that are legitimately bad such as triple elixirs or anything similar to that, then sorry you are crippling yourself and your team indirectly.

Solo que people

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


You do realize that you get more glory when you win right? I just need people to be a little more practical than that so I can actually get my skins faster. Cause games are just fated to be like that.

But point is, I don’t understand why pick something that is LEGITIMATELY bad over even something like frenzy or fear me and indirectly cripple your team. Like signet of fury is so bad and so is many other utilities such as engi mine field or non-elite glyphs on ele in team ranked que. But people still take them and put their team mates in a severe disadvantage. That isn’t fun.

Solo que people

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Rank 43 Warrior in my team, still running the SIGNET of FURY and doesn’t take Berserker Stance. That’s like taking Clarity over Flash, sigh.

I’m hoping that match making will actually be better sooner than this if its true that ANET’s match making “needs time.”

Mesmer - Invulnerability and Stealth

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Mesmers who cry about Warriors “taking less skill” are BAD PLAYERS who are all mechanics and have zero logic. Those classes are both brainless and I do agree that Warrior is the better class when you are good at this game.

However, to say Warrior is more brainless than Mesmer when those two classes spam invulnerability while cleaving is ignorant. Plain ignorant.

The Ken Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Perfect example of a Mesmer playing martyr thinking his class takes any ounce of skill. Its insufferable, please stop. Your class has berserker stance, endure pain, and balanced stance in one package.

Discussion: Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Your class already has fear chains, good condition cleanse, a second HP bar, protection, and the highest HP pool in the game. You don’t need mobility either when you have those. Enough is enough.

Discussion: Chilled

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


This has needed to happen a long time ago. Except chill probably should stack in intensity (Max 3 stacks, 22% slow per stack) because it would be GREAT if people would “time” chill instead of randomly spamming it.

The Ken Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Longbow Warrior will be fine if the energy sigil changes, as Kensuda suggested, were to happen.

Would be great if Vigor and endurance dodge were also nerfed in a way. Simple change like these might bring power builds back to the meta again.

The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Again there is GOOD power-creep and BAD power-creep. Good power creep is when you increase the skill cap and maintain the skill floor.

A good example of what a good power creep would have been would be Warrior having three weapon swaps instead of Signet or Berserker stance.

Bad power-creep on the other hand is… as I’ve said “nine-lives time-out” mechanics such as Berserker Stance, Signet. Or in other words, the easy way out because “I’m not innovative at balancing this game” type of balancing from the devs.

ANET has to resort to bad power-creep because “it takes too much time” to program something that would spice things up and make things more interesting instead of making things anti-fun or annoying to deal with.

I mean look at how dumb this game is right now, everyone’s just building tanky so they can play for a “time-out” win instead of actually killing people.

Don’t even get me started on how ANET’s power creep killed MANY power builds. With the sad exception of Power Warrior, which is the only class that can deal with Weakness or Blind spams to secure burst, borderline the dumbest class in the game when the Warrior’s team mates get rid of stability or protection for him.

Even when Warrior was UP, the power meta was the most fun meta because if a player was BAD, he had to push.

People have no clue how to "hold points"

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


If a team is all glass cannon, why aren’t people roaming and out-numbering on certain points?

If a team has a bunker, that guy needs to hold what point a team has and maybe rotate to what needs help depending on head count on that area.

People not holding or watching points on bunkers and staying on point with DPS builds is absurdly annoying to have in your team. This game really needs infrastructure or it will fail, sigh.

(edited by Amir.1570)

Lyssa Runes Rebalance

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Lyssa isn’t even the problem, why? Its not favorable on Ele at all. On Engi? Who the hell does that?

Lyssa’s only good on two characters, maybe four if you count guardian’s renewed focus and Mesmer mass invis. Other than that, the OP is just frustrated because Warriors destroy him.

Lyssa Warriors are indeed strong but that just means Warriors themselves need to be toned down.

The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


You also gut glass cannon Warriors who need building momentum. We don’t need to kill specs that are already in dire need of help either with some of the horrid suggestions such as moving building momentum into defense. It should stay in strength tree where it belongs.

The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Gaining a dodge bar every time you burst is still dumber than swapping it for adrenal health. You’re telling me that adrenal health is better than being able to mitigate or disengage 24/7? I’d rather deal with a warrior who has 3 stances but not enough dodges than infinite dodge and a kitten ton of “I messed up” buttons.

Balancing GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


The Warrior suggestions are actually plausible.

The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Either way it doesn’t matter how you call it. Base damage, stat contribution say what you want it’ll make sense. Nothing to get worked up with.

The thing that people should get worked up with is ANET potentially gutting things instead of reworking them.

Building momentum getting moved to 25 points in defense was also a really fail suggestion. Lets hope ANET doesn’t listen and avoid gutting or breaking stuff. You want Warriors to spam dodges and kitten people off with its already inherent tankiness? Dodge is already abundant and brainless, borderline hard to count.

(edited by Amir.1570)

The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Decrease the scale with power, not the base damage.

99% of damage skills in GW2 have no base damage, it’s all based on scaling and stat contribution.

Each damaging skill in GW2 has a unique coefficient a.k.a base damage.

You can’t nerf a skill’s base damage

You actually can. I’ll give you an example, the old pistol whip damage getting nerfed by 10%. You can also buff it such as Skull Crack getting a 50% damage buff a few months ago.

I don’t get how you can over think this one.

The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


I’d probably just stick to glyph heal so I can just have permanent regen when I cast it at water attunement and have a decent up-time on diamond skin. But that is what you would call gutting, RIP signet of restoration.

You do not gut when you nerf, you actually rework to see if counter-play comes out of it.

gf left me coz of ladderboard

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


So good that it puts a tear to my eye. All is vain.

Increasing the level cap to 90

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Yeah but other than Mesmer, what else could be considered cancerous if we actually had 80 skill points instead of 70 skill points?

Anyone see anything positive though?

The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


And I will never understand why people think buffing the active and nerfing the passive will solve anything. If you buff the active to make it good, people will just use the active and the passive becomes useless. Congratulations, you have just created another simple heal.

If you buff the active and it’s not worth casting, you have basically nerfed the passive for no reason, because the active will only ever be used to heal in any near death escape scenario.

Heals like the signet can not have both passive and active solely heal, because the usage of either is mutually exclusive.

If for whatever reason you wanted to “nerf” the passive of the healing signet, which I repeat is absolutely fine and balanced, you need to incentivize using the active by adding a different effect to it that is not just a different way of healing.

You have a point to be honest. It would be too bland and non-innovative to simply double the active and half the passive. That is the easiest fix however because would ANET actually listen if they made it active in a sense that healing signet allows you to life steal? I don’t think so.

I simply looked at realistic fixes. I could come up with many ideas but chances are, “double active half passive is the most realistic solution” that they can actually program or implement WITHOUT completely gutting the heal.

Increasing the level cap to 90

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


Wanted to bump this thread and I’d like to know more insights on what would theoretically happen if ANET patched something such as this.

Are there seriously more negatives than positives?

(edited by Amir.1570)

The Bear Document

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


I don’t get why people think Bear’s idea for healing signet is anywhere near plausible. All it sounds like is “it deserves to be gutted, not reworked.”

I mean people HATE passive play so why don’t we nerf this component all together when “reworking” the signet and promote its active?

Its pretty simple knowledge that the passive should get halved. But why can’t we just buff the active of it so healing signet becomes actually punishable while not completely gutting it? Key word is PUNISHABLE but make it REWARDING for when you do get the heal off. Much like defiant stance vs. back stab.

Lets say the active healed for double the current amount which is.. probably around 6.5k health? So if you actually get the active off with the signet trait, that’s 6.5k health every 16 seconds not even counting the casting time which is extremely punishable.

We don’t need to incompetently GUT heals much like the ele signet. We could rework the heals instead to something a little more reasonable.

Increasing the level cap to 90

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


There are times where power creep is good and there are times where it is not. That 30/20/0/0/30 Mesmer does sound annoying though.

Increasing the level cap to 90

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


I’m not here to suggest a level cap increase, I’m just here to ask what would happen if we had 80 skill points to spend instead of 70 skill points.

Any thoughts? Positive or negative change if it were to happen on paper?

Would it be bad power creep in which it lowers the skill cap and promotes brainlessness even more? Or would it be good power creep in which it increases the skill cap?

Earth Magic XI is too strong.

in PvP

Posted by: Amir.1570


ANY comp will have both power and condition damage. If you’re doing hot-joins then too bad, so sad. Play power builds or make plays with Carrion amulet.