Like think about it, when a Thief is spamming evades, can they actually take away 10k hp?
There are a few things balancing Hundred Nades atm
1.) Rampage Warrior
2.) Mesmer having 10 million evades on top of similar burst
3.) Thief
You nerf Hundred nades, people will just flock over those three classes. Hundred nades should be bug fixed in a shaved manner, it shouldn’t be completely out of the meta.
I’d rather deal with Engi atm than a class such as Mesmer which spams evades while bursting you for so much damage or a Warrior who just carries games with Rampage and double EP.
Like, if you people are saying “Hundred Nades promotes unskillful gameplay atm” then you can defintely say the same about Rampage and Mesmer in general.
I hate to say this but even with the grenade bug, it’s much better to fight that over slick shoes.
And if they do nerf the grenade bug, what build will engis go? I think a shave will be fine, more burst builds are better.
There is NOTHING hard about disengaging with stealth, abusing instant cast combos, and spamming evades while you do so.
Mesmer has ALWAYS been a zero skill class. Get that into your head people.
But everyone is getting buffs in HoT. Why are people still worked up about Warrior’s certain stuff being baseline? Are people THAT BAD? lmao. Fast Hands being baseline won’t compare to Chronomancer Reset or Guardian getting more skills that eat through dodge in that patch, mind you.
This Aomine kid seems like one of those people who still get hit by random Moa’s tbh. Probably thinks Warrior is OP because he can’t dodge long casting times.
Like I said a long time ago, Shatter Mes isn’t a hard build to play. But I don’t think it’s that effective either, just that it’s a braindead annoying class to deal with. There is literally nothing hard about evade spam while damaging.
The problem is the pathetic Mesmer community who thinks whatever their doing takes skill when there are builds that take WAY MORE skill than shatter mesmer.
In which case pray that they don’t nerf the things that keep easy mode evade while dps specs balanced.
Plays Engi/Ele, cries about cleansing ire. Fail.
Mesmer isn’t more braindead broken than Turret Engi for example. But still a very braindead easy class to play.
Be careful with what you Mesmer mains want nerfed
P.S Maybe stop playing victim saying your class is UP. It’s easy to play atm and buffing it will screw balance.
Oh and Necro has to have “bad” survivability considering Necro can 100-0 people with no effort in a team setting. Even though having two life bars, plague form instant cast, and teleports is extreme survivability as is.
Why should Necro be buffed just because you can’t make it work with YOUR team or in solo que?
Necro isn’t hard to play and is stupidly effective once you understand why they aren’t changing stuff. Why ask for more buffs on Necro?
Like holy crap. What is so hard about landing fear chains? And why do people think Necro is un-viable just because they have no idea how to play it? You want Dhuumfire to come back again?
All you do is bait people’s dodges. How you do that is you use marks or you have your team mates bait it out with you. When they run out of dodges, start counting their stun breaks. And then if they have stability, you boon strip that.
Do people seriously want me to write out the fear chain combo? It’s not even hard to catch people either with a fear chain once their dodge frame is about to end, let along how easy it is to bait dodges on a necro.
When their stun breaks are down all you do is:
DS > Fear + Channel Path of Corruption > Shackles > Switch to staff + Geo Proc > Fear Mark > More Marks
And if they have stability but no more stun breaks?
Corrupt Boon > DS > Fear + Channel Path of Corruption > Shackles > Switch to staff + Geo Proc > Fear Mark > More Marks
You complain about chain CC as POC? Go 06206 and take the stability on DS and learn to not use marks on a target with blocks.
And don’t even get me started on how braindead easy power necro is. This is the worst one spam that I’ve ever seen in my life.
Like look at Abjured, it’s just that simple. Necro’s team mates bait out cool downs, Necro finishes at least 60% of the time. Necro is viable, people just refuse to understand how it works or are maybe basing their crap in solo que where nothing matters anyways.
TL;DR Necro isn’t a hard class, it’s viable, people whine anyways. The end.
Nah bro just go whine on the forums all day and QQ for buffs.
Best way to make Whirling Axe viable 100%.
Sadistic? More like Cancer in design. It’s not hard to understand how to land Mesmer attacks and it also is NOT hard to spam evades while doing so. I base my “opinions” on in-game mechanics. Therefore I’m actually pretty close to facts.
Mesmer, other than portal plays, is just flat out low-skill cap and a medium skill floor. Once you get to that medium skill floor such as dodge counting and shattering people with no more endurance, its just easy from there on. Mirror image shatter isn’t hard to land, and Phantasms, when people dodge that you are simply open to shatter.
TL;DR Instant cast, easy dodge baits, high uptime without relying on cool downs and evade/block/blind spam isn’t hard to play. Also bad in design because they can’t simply get buffs or they will be cancer.
P.S Just because “Thief” counters Mesmer, that doesn’t make Mesmer weak as a class. That is such a bad argument. Celestial as an argument is also bad considering other builds can be affected by celestial as well.
(edited by Amir.1570)
Watch him cry about Fire/Air like he cried about quickness Hundred Blades when it was an L2P issue.
Thief is the single, undisputed, hardest class to make effective at high tier pvp. Fact.
If by hard you mean baiting dodges with Phantasms and then instant-cast shattering people after they don’t have anymore endurance while spamming evades and invuln as you do so is hard then it just shows how much you know.
Ranger is easier than Mesmer, but Mesmer is still pretty easy. There are harder specs in this game, specs that take real skill. Even Thief is more skill-based than Mesmer really but I guess it’s just hard to understand that just because you play a Mesmer.
You can either shadowstep or just dodge like everyone else. Relying on stealth 100% to avoid attacks is a problem.
And every average to good thief understands this. Rapid fire is a channel attack. Channel attacks will continue to follow its target.
Mesmer’s scepter’s Confusing Images
Warrior’s Kill shot
Necro’s Ghastly ClawAll the above will continue attack a thief through stealth.
Doesn’t change the fact that Ranger is easy and bad design.
Mesmer takes more skill than Ranger because Mesmer doesn’t have protection on dodge. It’s also a little bit harder to land your DPS on Mesmer than Ranger.
-Ranger is easy no matter what build you play, They just happened to be “not viable” even though dankening is going to PAX EAST with one.
-Guard is easy no matter what build you play, the just happened to be not viable.
-Warrior shoutbow is easy but people fail at any other Warrior build that isn’t shoutbow even though they think “Warrior is an easy class.”
-Mesmer is easy if Shatter, you bait dodges with phantasm you land mirror images and instant cast shatter after. They just happened to be “not viable” even though dankening is going to PAX EAST with one.
-D/D Ele is easy because perma-vigor, almost perma-protection, high mobility, high sustain.
-Necro is easy if you understand how easy it is to count dodges and land instant cast CC as you DPS while having the best effective HP in the game if played right.
-Turret Engi is easy, but everything else can be a little kittenallenging against competitive players.
-S/D Thief is easy cause evade spamming isn’t hard, but still less braindead than Guard or Ranger because they don’t get any protection.
Shoutbow is just as easy as Medi-guard or D/D ele in all honesty. I guess the guy forgot to include that or is too stupid to include d/d ele and medi guard.
Because it’s easy and takes no skill. Not to mention it peels hard vs. burst classes too such as Mesmer + Thief.
You have to burn all your endurance to avoid ONE ability. This is beyond stupid.
Check and mate. If you dodge rapid fire, now you’re vulnerable to their team mates and ranger’s own pets. Also fire+air proc still hits kitten Long Bow auto attack. And the GS burst isn’t a joke either, that hits hard.
Ranger takes zero skill no matter what build you play.
Illiterate could mean many things. In this case I mean it in a sense that Ranger mains are too scared to see the perspective of other classes because of how spoonfed they are with this easy class. Like even Mesmer is harder than this class and that’s saying a lot.
Like I don’t understand why Rangers “brag” about how good they are when in reality they’re only good because this class is easy.
Like learn humility already, Ranger is easy and just happened to be “unviable” which isn’t even true meaning they are still kittened viable.
TL;DR People who play ranger need to stop thinking they’re good. There are so many specs that take more skill than this easy class, like even Cele Engi or Ele takes more skill it’s not even funny.
I love the sarcasm on this guys post.
Medi Guard may as well get Endure Pain, Balanced Stance, and Berserker Stance and call it skill. Because its so hard to land instant cast skills and blind/block spamming while attacking.
TL;DR Guard mains are just as bad as Ranger mains.
The ONLY time ranger is overpowered is when people don’t understand how to play the game.
And here it comes, a typical ranger main telling us that Ranger is an L2P issue.
He forgets the fact that Ranger baits out dodges easy because attacks are easy to land and pet baits dodges too while you can’t count Ranger dodges.
He forgets the fact that Ranger has protection on dodge when they DO get hit by something.
And when the ranger is getting condi bursted or spiked? They pop signet of renewal and/or signet of stone.
They also have kittened mobility for an evade spam class.
Keep defending your class. Ranger class takes no skill and will always be effective no matter how good other players are. I bet you enjoy bragging about your accomplishments as a ranger when truth is people who play ranger are probably one of the most illiterate people that you’ll see.
TL;DR People play ranger because it’s so easy to play and that they fail at classes which need actual thought process.
Stealth is fine on Thief, it’s just so braindead on Mesmer or Ranger.
Easy to play doesn’t mean OP to be honest. It’s just that it makes Bad Players look like they’re making big plays but their not.
Most annoying cancerous class list, ranger would be top in that.
Power Ranger is still easy mode, why? You have 10 million evades on top of an endure pain signet and it repositions easy because it has mobility too.
I don’t understand why people think Ranger has any risk involved, it is the EASIEST class in the game kinda like Guardian.
Doesn’t matter how you build Ranger, you’re an easy mode spammer no matter what you do. There is NOTHING hard about easy mode evade spams and 10 million stun breaks while you attack and bait cool downs with pet. NOTHING.
They are hated because they’re so easy to play. Most people who play ranger think they’re good but in reality most people who play ranger are just unskilled people. People who main ranger will probably fail on a class or build that takes real skill.
Go ranger.
Lots of tanky meta players, ranger is best at bursting them down.
Also, good mobility too, so decapping is easy.
Also, good for team fights.
1v1 is good too. me how Ranger is good in ‘bursting’ tanky meta, when Ranger job is to hunt down squishies.
Tell me how Ranger mobility is good compared to Thief or Mesmer.
Tell me how Ranger is sooo good in 1v1 against competent people?
Always the Ranger mains who think their class is bad when it’s one of the easiest classes in the game much like Guardian.
Ranger has 10 million evades and protection on dodge. They have an easy time baiting dodges with pet and their selves in general.
Just one of the easiest classes in the game, that’s all there is.
They might name it something weird like Blighter or Ruffian if they try to be original. Might be Gladiator or something generic though.
Guardian is much more braindead and easier to play. More effective too.
Too much desync going on. Game can be very annoying to play.
I’ve played all those, as far as I could tell all the games suffer from the same things those games just have a larger population so you “hear” about it more while still only experiencing it about the same amount.
Yep. Doesn’t matter if it’s B2P or P2P, EVERY game has people like that.
According to this guy the epitome of skill in GW2 is Zerker Warrior – Everything else is brainless
Pressing F1 on Mace switching Weapons and Pressing 2 on the GS
Amazing skills very impressive
K, now go fight good players with that combo.
Wait til you fight someone with perma-vigor and permanent stun breaks, you would cry. Or are you just that bad that you don’t know how to fight warriors? Can’t tell but you seem bad either way.
The good players never had a problem with skull crack + GS. The high skill cap one was mace mainhand and axe + mace. NO ONE ever perfected that build yet mace f1 got nerfed anyways.
Like not gonna lie, you can’t be dumber than that when you think it’s that simple. GG.
Low skill floor low skill cap too.
Nothing hard about counting people’s dodges and bursting them once their dodges are down. Doesn’t help that Guardian burst is also kittened easy to land because of how fast casting it is.
Not much to learn when you can escape through teleport meditation or spamming blinds and blocks as you burst someone.
I’ve played it and it feels like it’s just a pathetic designed button mashing class.
Just another class that’s even more braindead than shatter Mesmer or Cele Ele.
You burst them before they burst you. You spam blocks and blinds while you attack much like how they spam chaos armor and evades while they attack.
Guardian is probably a little more braindead than Mesmer actually.
Lol, it doesn’t matter which profession you choose, you’ll always hear that it’s a braindead noob profession from people who don’t play it. Don’t let that stop you from playing whatever you want to play. Warriors are great at pretty much everything, and if you don’t enjoy it, you can always try something else.
Warriors are great at being balanced because they can’t evade while attacking unless you think Reckless Dodge actually deals damage or GS is even any close to viable. They can’t attack or fight back if they are stunned with no stun breaks. And they have very limited amounts of dodges. You could spec for a perma-vigor build like shoutbow but then burst damage destroys you. If they miss their important stuff they get punished for it. Oh and they can’t teleport through vertical range such as ledges and wait out people’s cool downs.
They’re also very rewarding and is one of the professions where you’re better off playing if you’re actually good at the game. The reason being is that their damage is high and that they can play melee carry and tank at the same time if you know how to build it that way.
If you want to be effective for very little effort though, you can go play Guardian, Ranger, Mesmer, and Ele I guess. Even Necro isn’t bad.
Solo Que will always be a joke, that’s all there is to it. It’s just a way to meet decent people or vent out frustration that’s all what it was even from LoL times.
That’s why I don’t do solo ques anymore and playing better games such as Hearthstone.
Braindead? Yeah. Overpowered? Somewhat, I guess in 1v1s. Not very much in team fights though. Spirit Ranger is a lot more cancer I think.
You can’t make incendiary grandmaster dude. You’re going to grenades which is already a high skill cap weapon set.
Bait out evades with phantasm and GS auto-attacks, shatter them before they cleave your clones once they run out of dodges.
You’re also spamming evades while you do all of this. Funny story though, other classes don’t really have access to privileges Mesmer has. Maybe Thief but Mesmer does better in team fights.
Point is though, how is this class not a skill-less anti-fun piece of garbage again? Oh I know, Mesmers are like “If I’m doing it it’s all skill-based but if other people kill me it’s OP and they need to buff mesmers.”
P.S Not only is mesmer not UP right now, they are also very easy to play. Why don’t you privileged kids play DPS Warrior or DPS Necro with no lich form and see how that works out for y’all?
P.S#2 most of you are going to come back crying to your Mesmer because of how it’s such an easy glass cannon to play.
lol all these “QQ people are mean” threads! How long have you been on the internet!
- Get thicker skin! There is no internet police!
- Raging players are hilarious! Stop taking everything so seriously!
- There is a block function!
- It’s PvP! In a competitive (lol) scenario, there’s always going to be bm!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
PS Also blame Anet for having just THE WORST matchmaking in the history of games with matchmaking! If they’re going to put beginners and veterans on the same team… No vet wants to play with/against beginners and vice versa! Also blame Anet for not trying to get new players to play their game! One of the reasons why matchmaking is so bad is because of the lack of players!
This is true.
Like even glass cannon Necro Lich form has counterplay, all you do is stack focus ele and you win. You can even burst lich form before lich bursts you because guess what? At least Necro dodges can be counted.
Mesmer has way too many evades and boon stripping and ways to bait out YOUR evades before theirs run out. That’s why it’s so easy to play it.
Also I don’t know why people think Mesmer is in a bad spot. It’s not even THAT BAD compared to when they took away Frenzy from Warrior when that was the only thing they had going for them. I don’t understand why people want to be spoonfed even more with this easy class. Mesmer mains are pretty much a bunch of spoiled rich kids who can’t do crap the moment their privileges get taken away.
They were widely accepted as broken in the past, that doesn’t change right now.
People are surprisingly stupid if they think Mesmer is a hard mode class. They are either really scared to be proven wrong or just too simple minded and can’t comprehend simple analogies.
Once again, go play DPS Warrior or Fresh Air ele. You’ll come crawling back to your braindead class which spam blinds, invuln, and evades while I bait out your evades with phantasms and then Mirror Image shatter you when you run out of dodges.
Mesmer is THE most braindead glass cannon in the game, potentially more braindead than Ranger glass cannon which is another braindead spec because Ranger is easy mode too. I’ve already stated why, I don’t know why people refuse to understand why Mesmer isn’t hard at it’s current state. Like if you’re bad at Mesmer you are bad no matter what you do.
Seriously even Hambow or shoutbow isn’t that cancerous once you understand that hambow gets destroyed once Berserk Stance is down or shoutbow gets destroyed by chain CC once shake it off is down.
P.S Better pray that they don’t gut celestial Ele or Engi. Tone it down properly, but without care then the glass cannon meta will come back and prove how braindead Mesmer is.
P.S#2 I’ve played Mesmer, it isn’t that hard. Try again please. That’s how Mesmer works on the above post.
(edited by Amir.1570)
I do kind of agree with ANet putting a cast time on it. A 3 second stun theoretically every 10 seconds with no telegraph is a bit much. However, it was alot of what they nerfed around it that gradually put the mace out of favour and alot of buffs that other classes received. The combination of nerfs to the warrior and minor/major buffs to other classes. I also think as well that people adapted and learned how to fight it as well.
Mace is still a decent dueling build, it will definitely have it’s struggles against other builds, however I wouldn’t take mace over let’s say a hammer in a group fight. I wish Mace had something that made it more defining rather than a single target version of Earthshaker with a second longer stun.
You’re a wvw guy, try that in sPvP and you’ll see why I’m mad.
Skull Crack is the only means that Warrior had vs. people who abuses 10 million defensive cool downs, permavigor, and teleporting to vertical range to wait out stances. It’s just so pathetic that ANET thinks vertical range teleport isn’t broken and doesn’t need to be fixed much like the lightning whip stow cancel while skull crack is suddenly kittenous skill when that’s the only high skill cap thing that Warrior had going for it.
You can count dodges for all I care, it’s impossible to count dodges when certain classes have perma-vigor and 10 million stun breaks.
Just so pathetic, ANET really fails at simple balancing principles.
@Mesmer mains
Challenge: Go play DPS Warrior (30 defense or no defense, IDC) or Fresh Air Ele.
The majority of the people who try this will come crying back to their braindead invuln easy mode class which only happened to be unviable because celestial.
Mesmer was always braindead actually, not as much as Ranger or Guard but still very braindead.
And when I mean braindead, they’re very easy to play and very rewarding. Most Mesmers who tried to play DPS Warrior just failed and missed every important skill back when the Frenzy meta was around.
For all the passive AI work being done by phantasms and clones, a Mesmer should get toned down. It’s pretty much why Ranger Pet’s (cat’s/birds) got nerfed. Too much passive damage output by the AI’s allowing the Ranger to sit back.
Mesmer AI OP, please tone down done Ross. This clearly shows the OP Mesmer AI.
Listen, there’s nothing wrong with our Mesmer AI in that video. They just need to nerf dolyak movement speed and spam evasions, then we’ll have esports.
Pro tips on how to avoid clone aa spam. warrior, spam “run forward in a direct line evade” and/or use attack skills. Watch as clones AA fly by to no effect.
You don’t fight competent people on your Warrior if you’re saying Warrior beats Mesmer. You can if you’re condi but that’s just a fail 1v1 mind set. Let’s talk about team fights though.
Mesmer is just kittenous design class in all honesty.
If you’re definition of high skill cap is having a stupidly braindead advantage over other classes such as being able to attack while evading or being able to cast distortion while stun locked then I don’t know what to say to you.
Not to mention Mesmer DPS is one of the easiest things to land in the game next to steal backstab. But funny story though, even though Thief has an easier time landing burst they’re still pretty much less cancerous.
A mediocre Warrior is a liability. A mediocre Mesmer gets a slap to the wrist. Why? Nothing hard about classes that spam defensive evade block blind crap as they DPS, nothing hard about vertical range, and there is nothing hard about untelegraphed instant DPS.
(edited by Amir.1570)
Justin this would be easier if your predecessors didn’t kitten people off in the past and generated a bad reputation for GW2.
The reason why match making is failing is because the population is so low. If the population was high then you would have an easy time separating ques, that’s all there is to it. The biggest reason why the population is screwing over is because of many things such as false promises and incompetence in balancing and making skyhammer a solo que map in the past.