It took me two beta trials to know ESO’s fate. It’s also the first game, I did not buy after I tried the beta when the game went live. Ever.
If you asked me this six months ago, I’d have told you yes. But today? I’ve almost gotten to the end of the Flameseeker Prophecies, and I just can’t gather enough interest to log into the game.
It’s been around two months.
In fact, I tried to get a refund. But I passed the month timetable. And in case all that wasn’t clear?
No, don’t buy it.
Little things you would love to see in HOT
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
I’d like it if we could put our dragonite or and bloodstone shards in a wallet of some kind.
Classic—watch out for the rabbits. back on subject—-don’t like any unannounced changes because of controversy they cause, anet needs to come clean and say intended or bug. Simple as that.
Oh. My. God. How is it I’ve lived so long and never seen this?
Hah! +1 for making me laugh.
I noticed that too. Had to redo my screen settings, but the black ‘window’ around the loading screen is still there. I’d love it if they added lore.
They’re saying it was a bug according to some. Works for me. If you’re level 80, killer of Zhaitan and Scarlet, I really don’t think a very rabid bunny in Queensdale should give you pause.
But maybe that’s just me.
Didn’t notice any difference between now and then, but supposedly it’s fixed.
Effects from items like the Thoughtless Potion, which gives you horns, is very much seen when you go into first-person mode.
Tomes of Knowledge, masteries, Q &suggestions
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
We have rumor, and a fellow poster’s PAX experience which I believe, but we don’t know if his experience at PAX will be the same product when it goes live.
Hopefully, beta testers in the future will give us more information.
And that’s why I don’t craft.
The game’s overwhelming beauty and overall story-line. I’m always curious as to what happens next. Also, it’s been a long time since any MMO held my attention for more than a month after launch.
Almost three years later, and I’m still interested.
It’s the right decision. And it’s about time.
The answer depends on your build and the gear supporting it. For example, I’m heavy healing with a pet (Ranger), and I had zero issue soloing it.
So, yes, your mileage may vary.
Man, people are they envious of loot drops? Hmmm. Yeah, just report and move on.
I wouldn’t be so quick to call it assumptions. More like . . . circumstantial evidence given what we have and not have seen and heard.
If that makes sense.
It’s the biggest reason for threads like this. People aren’t just pulling that impression out of thin air.
Not yet. At least, not that I’ve heard. Quite frankly, I’m not hearing much hype either.
In a month? Around the height of Silverwastes achievement hunting, I think I made around 200 or 300 gold. Even just casually playing. Finished buying all my Season 3 or whatever minis with the money.
Man, you’re on point today, Phokus.
All +1s for Lishtenbird. On point as usual.
If non-trinity was so awesomesauce why did all those people leave?
You know you answered your own question with your question, don’t you?
I have same feeling. For what we seen its like 1-2 living story updates… But we didn’t pay for Living Story.
I feel the same way. But we won’t know for sure until we see it. If true, someone better have a fire extinguisher ready for when the forums ignite.
Why is it hard for people to grasp that having an old system doesn’t need to carry over to other games? ANet has done a really good job so far with breaking that status quo with GW2. What they need to focus on is more challenging content for PvE.
Give that man a prize. We have a winner.
Never heard of him. Honestly thought the title was some new wave slang. The day one person makes a huge impact on an MMO is the day I quit that MMO.
No person should have that much influence on anyone’s entertainment.
Lately, the forums seem like a wasteland of nonstop complaining. Probably because players are bored in-game with nothing to do. I barely post anymore because of this.
It does show how much Living Story and seasonal-type events kept people occupied and busy chasing the newest carrots.
Why do people hate it?
From what I’ve seen, the majority didn’t “hate it” at all. But there was a very vocal crowd who wanted a expansion. That old mindset that a lot of pay for content now is better than little free content over time. I’ll not get into that debate again. Regardless, because of limited resources and people, ANet had to decide: continue giving free content through the Living Story or work on an expansion, for pay, because people kept screaming for it on the forums.
Pretty obvious choice, don’t you think?
Now there’s no new content in the interim. And here we are, the forums filled with nonstop whining, because players have nothing to do.
Yep, ANet just can’t win this one.
But, after the expansion, Living Story will return to fill the void between pay-for content.
In the meantime, we get to watch the delightful discussions on the forums. . . .
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
But . . . we already have pigs.
This . . . again?
Interesting. Thank you for the information.
Edit: Sigh. Deleted question by accident. . . .
Prof. Specs... What are you looking for?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
At this point, all I want is information. Speculation is nice, but since they’ve already decided what will be what . . . it seems rather pointless to pine for what ifs since it’s more of a when-if situation.
What do you guys think the price will be?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590
$20 to $30 dollars given the amount of content I’ve seen. Anything more than that will cause player backlash.
Yes, it’s doable. I finally broke down and did all the Tea Kettle quests about a month ago. The last one, and hardest not counting the hidden tidal wave one, was I Found It!
Depending on the zerg, it can be iffy . . . especially if they’re killing and keeping him stunned.
But yes, otherwise, it can be done.
I thought the sale ended after the Lunar festival.
If I had to guess, we’ll see one or two . . . maybe. Seeing how the only new pet we’ve gotten in the last three years or so is the reef drake, I’m not holding my breath for more than two if any.
I’d be happier if we could change around our pets’ abilities instead. I’ll make my own “new” pet, thank you.
But I ain’t holding my breath on that either.
If the requirements are anything like what happens in Silverwastes . . . they’re already here.
All signs say no. You can’t use a glider underwater. There’s your answer.
I doubt you’ll hear anything until kitten near release . . . if that.
I’m surprised anyone is surprised by this. Yeah, two years in the making my kitten. I know Living Story and Feature Update content when I see it.
i play ESO, that game looks far better and has more natural maps then Anet has ever made.
also, you have to live under a rock if you think BDO is ugly, the environment alone makes GW2 look like a really bad ugly duck.
and you think i lost credibility?……don’t care anyhow but still…..with such uneducated look…
I did not say BDO is ugly. I said you lost all kinds of credibility saying Guild Wars 2 is ugly. And now you doubled-down. While I’m not the biggest fan, Guild Wars 2 is easily one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever seen. Of all the things to criticize, the art isn’t one I’d point out as lacking.
At all.
That said, please don’t toss around the word ‘uneducated’ when you clearly show a lack of reading comprehension. Not a good idea to throw stones in your glass house, friend.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
Question: How to learn if you enjoy a class?
Answer: Play it? I know within the first five levels how I feel about a class.
And yet I’ve got all of them to 20 and still don’t know, + sPvP.
(laugh) You must be hell on a date. The menu choices alone must be death. But, regardless, I respect your opinion. Everyone has their own pace at everything.
Question: How to learn if you enjoy a class?
Answer: Play it? I know within the first five levels how I feel about a class.
What Andred said . . . sadly.
Thank you for the link. Watching it now.
Edit: Well, the core mastery (pact) will be useless to me. Probably going glider first, and taking a point from mushroom to be able to teleport to certain locations.
Quite frankly, the masteries look rather . . . lackluster.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
All I care about is the release date.
That makes the most sense. It reminds me of what Whedon is doing between Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the various Marvel movies like the Avengers.
The television show is like Living World and the movies are like expansion packs.
In theory, it could be quite successful.
Agreed. But, if our experience with various expansion from other MMOs is any indication, expect some changes in the future. That’s just kind of a given, I think.
I take it you didn’t watch the video interview either.