that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I frankly only use nades for barrage and freeze. The other grenades aren’t useful enough for me to overcome how boring they are (again, for me). I much prefer CC and more diverse animations.
Nah, I never use bomb kit. I’m from the “subpar but fun” flamethrower school, I only use grenades for the spike on barrage, and usually don’t run explosives at all.
This simply make one of my silly builds less silly than I thought, which is great.
Is it true Battering Ram does the same dps as Grenade Garrage?
Please tell me it is! (crosses fingers)
Big lush jungles populated with gigantic trees aren’t fantasy. Big lush jungles populated with gigantic trees and all kind of dinosaur-like animals, multiple tribes of religious frogmen, sentient monster-plants connected through a hive mind and magic eating superbugs… those are fantasy at it’s finest.
I’v thought about that, and I don’t think we could ever be really similar to Eles, even if kits are in the toolbelt, AS LONG as they remain balanced around insta-swap. Skills would always be less powerful but quicker to use than ele ones.
IMO, right now most toolbelt skills are equally useful as the utility skills (save for kits, which always win). So exchanging a kit for a toolbelt skill is a very similar choice to exchange a kit for an utility. In fact, since today kits ALSO give you a toolbelt skill, the choice would become even MORE meaningful than today, if kits only were present as toolbelt skills.
Today: 1 utility + 1 toolbelt (2 skills total) vs 1 kit +1 toolbelt (6 skills total).
Toolbelt kit: 1 utility + 1 toolbelt (2 skills total) vs 1 kit – 1 toolbelt (4 skills total).
Engie is the most inconsistent profession right now, with skill familys and traitlines that are either mandatory or gimmicky, great tools for some extremely specific contents, utter crapiness for the rest, and 1,5 usable weapons from only 4 choices.
Engie need everything looked at.
it’s meant to cover the character. If it were smaller, it wouldnt be nearly as TopKek
I get it. What I don’t get is WHY is it meant to cover the character when they know that will make it obstruct the visual area of everyone around.
I really don’t get the objective of the penalty box. It doesn’t seems to be anything similar to that in the game. Not letting you play because you died? It feel very strange for the GW2 standard.
What is a cosmetic jewel?
Oh, and I did it on a tanky minion master Reaper, and the minions sucked in all the damage. I can’t even imagine what happens when a class cannon Ele or Thief goes in there. The difficulty is definitely worth re-adjusting.
In my experience, glass cannons tend to do this kind of fights with a similar survival quota as tanks: since glasses kill the enemys much faster, thay have less attacks to survive in the end, and the total damage received diminishes.
Engineer. Because Flamethrower. (And bombs)
Everybody knows the only real answer to zombies is flamethrowers.
After reading all the opinions and data, I only can agree with you, ILobo. Kits aren’t just a very relevant part of the gameplay of our profession. They are also an amazing part of our lore, fluff and fun. Anet can’t just leave them aside because they are complex to balance.
IMO they should add a new kit with every new elite spec. Ideally along a new weapon, but if not possible, I truly prefer a new kit than a new weapon.
The best way I see right now to balance the kits and allow this growth without overwhelming every other skill is to simply take the kits out of the skill bar, and alocate them on the toolbelt. Sure, we would lose the toolbelt skills from kits, but IMO that is a reasonable price to pay for variety and a better balance. In exchange, we will win free spaces in the utility bar for gadgets, elixirs, etc.
6 characters is not a long password. A long password IS more secure than a “complex”, shorter one, because the complexity augments exponentially with each place. And long but simple passwords, when well designed, are easier to store correctly: on your head, not in places where other people could access them.
Some people is genuinely interested in the story and gameplay experience, and not just in the rewards. Maybe we are few, but we do exist.
To this day I have problems doing dungeons because people want to skip the movies even though I put in the LFG that we will see the movies.
To this day I haven’t find a real PUG that would overcome the Vale Guardian. And to use the solved instance from another group feels just miserable and incomplete.
Asking for an easier tier for Raids with less rewards (Or without them, I DONT MIND!) is a legitimate plea.
I have 1 character for each profession, but in the end, I play mostly my Engie and secondly my Reaper. The rest are visited from time to time, mostly to craft things with them.
I truly don’t think love can be so easy clasiffied and cuantified. I can (and do) love some people though multiple “categories”, each of them contributing to the whole, but not for that being “more” than the love I have for other people through less “categories”.
Mi girl is my sexual partner, my friend, my rival, my accomplice, and my fellow in many POVs about life, politics and religion, among MANY other roles. I love her for each one of them, in a different way. My little brother doesn’t fill so many categories as her, but I know I would have a terrible dilemma the day I should choose between them (Most likely I would simply not choose). Nowadays my mother fills maybe 3 categories at all… yet she is my mother.
How do I cuantify how much do I love each one? What about the other emotions they make me feel? I hate them a lot too… Do you think I would abandon any of them because that? If choosing between them were easy, a lot of the conflics in my life simply wouldn’t exist!
My point is simple: emotions, and specially love, are complex, everchanging and hard to define phenomena. They are not clear numbers you add.
IMO the access to multiple, useful skills as a criteria for the access to weapon swap can’t be denied.
That’s the reason Eles don’t have weapon swap, and that’s the reason Revs originaly weren’t meant to have one.
Rev did received weapon swap finally, not because they were designed for that, but DESPITE they were designed in a different way. Devs simply couldn’t balance the profession better with the short time they had, so they choose a compromise.
So, the original intention WAS there. It is still there, just a little skewed: every armor tier should have a profession without weapon swap, with easy access to a LOT of meaningful skills to compensate.
It doesn’t matter if they are Kits, Attunements or Legends: the original intent was to define “piano” professions with many skills but without weapon swap.
You can name banners, spirit weapons, environmental bundles or even elite transforms all you want: they aren’t the same. They aren’t designed to provide multiple sets of skills you switch around coming and going in mere instants. They aren’t balanced to continuously replace weapon skills.
Those aren’t limitations, those are are features.
GW2 is not a trinity game.
Aside from the combat shortcomings, Arenanet could create a small, casual, and pleasant experience without a lot, or any, combat to ease players into underwater content. For example, they could tack on a mini game using the dolphin transform from the Aquatic Ruins fractal in addition to crafting, swimming (in a swimsuit by the Southsun resort), and enjoying a brightly lit aquarium.
The HoT maps make it easy to dislike being underwater and are more off-putting than core Tyria.
the hot maps that barely have underwater?
Until you find the hidden layers of water. I think it is Tangled Depths(?) that has a huge interconnecting water tunnels across the whole map, I didn’t even know that was there until I needed to go there for Caladbolg.
ye i had forgoten about the underwater tunnel system there is in td, but honestly what about that is so bad ?
No events, minimum mob variety, very few interesting places to see, extremely isolated from everything else, boring “mechanic” with the piranhas, super low population, etc. Only reasons to go there is to get an HP and later with the Caladbolg shards.
Don’s use complex passwords. Use good passwords. NEVER save them, anywhere, EVER.
If I wouldn’t save my passwords, ever, I’d only be able to use simple passwords, and the same everywhere at that… And unless you only play from a shared PC, you can safely put it in the shortcut. Or check the “remember my password” option at the login screen.
As a matter of fact, I don’t know my GW2 password at all. It’s nicely stored in a password application so I can make a ridiculously long password without the need of remembering it.
Well, I leanred the hard way that any program that store passwords can also be hacked, and your “safely stored” credentials can be acceded by attackers. It didn’t happened in a public computer, or in an “unsafe” one. It happened in a well secured work pc, in a well known and respected datacenter. Thanks to it being in a secure environment, we were able to contain the malware and trace the origin to a well known and very respected sftp client, wich stored password for user convenience but was vulnerable to programs that copy that list, program that got in through a well known and respected internet navigator.
Storing password IS A BAD PRACTICE. To make good passwords and put them in your head is the only habit I can reccomend today. That way even if your mother/friend/cat messes up the computer, you can still safely access your accounts anywhere. Depending on machines to do that kind of basic work for you is also bad for your own memory.
If you are afraid of forgetting multiple pass, there are good ways to make “sibling” passwords through realy simple mnemonic techniques, so you can create as many passwords as you need, and you will never forget any. I use regularly “20 something” character passwords, easy to remember and totally unhackable, unless someone tortures me or get me really drunk.
Love can exist without direct reproductive ends, even “romantic” one.
Also, IMO, the Sylvari “brotherhood” is more relevant in its social meaning (“We are equals and must love each other”) than in its biological one (“We were born from the same organism”), even though both are true.Romance and “brotherhood” are two different, often conflicting, forces, that each prioritise a different type of relation. Each proposes a different model for who is more equal than others: companion or comrades. Sylvari romance cancels out sylvari brotherhood, as seen in-game, where sylvari aren’t really brotherly with eachother beyond clinging to the same mother. Without the pale tree, the sylvari race should be utterly atomised. Even free from direct reproductive consequences, incest erases the family on a social level.
Sorry but I think you got a fallacious reasoning running there.
Sylvari Romance conflicts with Sylvari Brotherhood (Which is debatable anyway) =/= Sylvari Incest atomizes their society.
Even if close and personal relatonship between two Sylvari could “cancel out” with their role as brothers, it doesn’t have to afect their society, or their brotherhood with other Sylvari.
In our real world society incest is taboo, denied and prosecuted because it has a lot of ugly consequences, mainly for the offspring health and for the inheritance mechanisms. However, if we had two siblings romanticing without responsability over family capital or reproduction, all our taboos become moot. They will probably still be rejected, but there will be no more reason for that than blind habit.
They wouldn’t be “erasing society”. Society would be erasing them.
Don’s use complex passwords. Use good passwords. NEVER save them, anywhere, EVER.
Second, stuns, interrupts, pulls, etc tend to be have a single target, so more enemies get away from you and attack your allies. The real crowd-control is taunt, although it’s limited. Taunts have the double effect of not only disabling your enemies but more importantly attracting them towards you and away from your allies.
I simply can’t agree with this.
You are talking about CC as if it were done from a single, static point, and as if the CC user doesn’t have a brain inside his/her skull. In this game, positioning is essential, and a good CC user knows that.
When you play CC, you don’t just push or launch a foe whenever the skill come out of CD, without looking around, and without looking at what the people around you are trying to accomplish. You must know when to interrupt, and where to move the enemy.
Usually playing good CC means to keep the mobs thogheter and helpless inside the damage areas the rest of your team create. Launching mobs against walls, interrupting movement skills, going outside the fight zone to catch stranded mobs, pulling or pushing ranged enemies into the melee zone… all of these are part of good CC use. You have to move around, position yourself correctly, and you have to think about your teammates all the time.
On some few encounters, you need to clear. You use fear or pushes to keep an area free of mobs. Maybe you are helping someone to revive an ally, or letting them complete some “f” action stuff, or simply saving them from important damage. Sometimes you clear the enemy form getting something from adds. This requires positioning too, and knowing when, how and why are you using CC.
And then there are the breakbars. Which are te easier ones, really, because you don’t need to think so much about them, or position yourself so precisely. Here the more relevant thing is the timing, knowing when not to use the CCs, and when to put it all…
Playing CC is hard, rewarding, and FUN AS HELL.
My point is you can’t reduce CC to just control a specific target in only a single way. You cant pretend “taunt” rules everything just because during a few seconds, it mimics the extremely simple aggro mechanics from other games.
Really, that equals to not understand some of the best things the game has to offer, or worst, equals to despise it. Please don’t.
Respect, CC players.
Canthan dredge? XD
No doubt Mordremoth “helped” her.
Scarlet’s original goal was simply to be recognized as one of the greatest in her field. After entering Omad’s machine, she suddenly decided to kill his mentor and take a path of treachery and domination.
IMO is very safe to assume Mordremoth simply landed on her mind and rearranged it to his convenience, destroying all the inhibitions that could have stopped her, planting the proper motivations and goals, and giving her all the info she would need to awake him.
However, while Taimi doesn’t have an elder dragon to mess with her mind, she still have a lot of great info, even some data even Scarlet would have killed to get.
She isn a regular person. She isn’t only a genius, either, but also a well placed scientist: she have access to the multiple researches from Scarlet, Rata Sum scholars, Gorr crewe, and the field experience with the Commander’s team. The pact joint library, and the antecedents from Ogden and Rhoban aren’t small fry either. Basically, the little asura is almost as well informed as the player: IMO, Taimi’s dragon theories could probably be the better informed ones in all Tyrian history.
Of course, none of that give any guarantee she would have any success with Omad’s Machine. The machine doesn’t test the subject knowledge. It test the subject’s will. And from that POV, Taimi is just a reckless child.
So, will Taimi “understand” the all? Hard to say, probably not. Will she get any valuable info to make the two dragons fight? Hard to say, probably a little. Will she overcome the dangers of watching directly at whatever is that thing in Omadd’s Machine? IMO that is the true question.
Maybe Primordus and Jormag began to fight the very intant Taimi enters the machine: detroying averything inside her head…
IMO a quickbar is needed, just to make all those consumables be actually consumed. I wouldn’t make it too extreme. IMO 3 slots are more than enough. But I think it would be a great addition.
Excelent! I did experience a couple of very annoying and blocking bugs, and the infamous “penalty cage” too… I would love to get a better play when I get there with my next character.
Fair enough.
“Some hardcore oppose, saying that an easier mode would make Raids less exclusive.
Some others oppose arguing Anet would have to actually spend resources, time and work to do it.”
Did they make the warrior’s second weapon dissapear?
Even though I am not particular a fan of those we haven’t had a defensive fractal so far.
Basically, you and your group (rather than progressing through the fractal normally) would defend a position (maybe even with siege equipment?) against advancing foes + a “siegebreaker” esque Boss at the end.
Think the Battle of Helms Deep from Lord of the Rings. Ideas:
Defending a Koda Sanctuary against Icebrood
Reverse Ascalon, this time as Humans against the Charr onslaught
The last day of Rata Novus against the Chak.
What are the main problems of underwater content in your opinion and how would you fix these?
Problem: 3D positioning is hard to measure and control.
My fix suggestion: Implement a 3d “grid” during UW Combat (Melee and mid range only), which snaps the position of players and foes to specific places. Characters would pass from 1 point to the next when moving around in battle. “Ground” targeted attacks would snap to this grid too. This way, attack angles, distances and ranges would soon become familiar for the players, thus greatly minimizing the 3D originated confusion.
Problem: There are too few skills to use underwater.
My fix suggestion: Make a progressive translation of all the normal skills into UW versions. Began with 1 for each skillgroup for each profession, using exactly the same effect whenever possible, and simplified versions when UW environment don’t allow to use the original skill. Remembering to “snap to grid” the skills. Polish and balance progressively, adding more skills as the old ones become useful enough.
Problem: Big UW fight are confusing and frustrating.
My fix suggestion: Use the grid to order things. Hide other players that use the same snap spot you are using. Give collision detection to the bigger bosses, so people don’t get lost inside them.
Just make sure your last use of the Hero Panel is the Equipment tab. Then use the “h” key, box clic, “h” again method. Its the fastet way to do the change without relying on illegal interface maneuvers or in the tiny hope the devs would make something that specific any time soon.
New hair styles means hair style makeover and total makeover kits bought, which means money coming in. This should be a bigger thing.
At this stage, I see more calls for horns, beards and ears than hairstyles, so if money is what we need, I’d suggest anet make those first. Especially since those could only be accessed by full makeover kits instead of hair style kits
Totally agree.
Love can exist without direct reproductive ends, even “romantic” one.
Also, IMO, the Sylvari “brotherhood” is more relevant in its social meaning (“We are equals and must love each other”) than in its biological one (“We were born from the same organism”), even though both are true.
There are at least 3 very big threads about that topic. full of controversy and dilemma.
To make a brief summary:
There is a group of people in the forums trying to get a “Story Mode” for Raids, with the goal of getting the chance to play that content with lower difficulty and lower rewards, but full of story, and not a mere recap or accesing a cleared raid zone without gameplay elements.
Some hardcore oppose, saying that an easier mode would make Raids less exclusive.
Barrier sounds kinda boring. Everything else is fantastic!
fools! gaint drill is the way to go!
the drill that will pierce the Heavens!
Most golems don’t have faces. Creating an Elite Spec that pilots giant faces would be revolutionary!
The effect is too soft to be intentional, IMO. Maybe in an older face…
BTW: I’d love to have “cataracts” as an eye color option!
Sounds fun, but I prefer to have a pair of hipersonic spinning daggers, a polimorphic plasma tommy gun and a technomagic chainsaw first.
- I NEED a true raid, a raid for 40 people, that organizes automatically in the perfect spot in the day, doesn’t require voice communication and is equally challenging for everyone involved, no matter their skill or experience. it should be easy to do, since they did the Karka Queen and that worked.
While I find most of your ideas very interesting, Daniel, the way you formulate and combine them makes very strange and hard to grasp what you are trying to say.
It’s not stated definitively but every recorded incidence follows that pattern. Including (off the top of my head)
- dragon corruption, rite of the great dwarf, the margonites, the searing, the cataclysm, the foefire, the exalted, the cleansing of orr, kudu, jade wind,
Ok. So… the goal of every recorded incident was to make someone “as strong as the Pale Tree”? I don’t think this is what you are trying to say.
I think you are mixing the goal, the specific intention of the people making those events happen, with the final and general effects of those incidents.
The goal of Omadd’s Machine was to look directly at the Eternal Alchemy. Its effect was to give Mordremoth a direct link to Scarlet’s mind. Also she got a glimpse of “the All” and of Mordremoth’s mind, gaining some strenghts and knowledge from that, along a bunch of personality disorders. If this experience made her “stronger than the pale tree” or not, doesn’t have any relevance, IMO, given the resolution of her story.
With all her knowledge from the All and prior education she still had to rely on Mordremoth. Technology alone couldn’t accomplish her goal.
Are you refering to Scarlet? Wasn’t her goal to awake mordremoth? So… she still had to rely on Mordremoth to awake Mordremoth? AFAIK, she did awake Mordremoth by cleverly using technology (A giant drill).
They really need to add a Lore tab to the Hero screen.
Then they would have a permanent place to store books and collectibles that shouldn’t really be inventory items that we could refer back to whenever we wanted to.
THIS a thousand times.
Yep, they took the burst potential away.
I hate the items, and I hate myself because I’m too lazy and coward to just erase them ASAP.
You can’t expect to get fun from soccer by just staying idly next to the goal.
You can’t aspire to get fun from crosswords if you take the answers from a dictionary.
You can’t demand to get fun from chess if you refuse to learn how to move the pieces, (Or if you are not willing to lose).Some people find it fun to watch.
A dictionary isn’t going to help, but regardless, some find the simple completion of something fun.
You can play virtual chess without knowing how to play. I remember doing just that back in the days of Windows 9x at school, as it was one the few games available, plus word pinball.
You can do all those things with GW2:
You can just watch broadcasts of other people playing.
You can get carried across content just pressing 1.
You can fumble around naked and without any build and get killed.
All these can be fun. None of these require the game to be “more soloable”.
Translation; the majority doesn’t think it’s a visual distraction or annoyance
How do you know that?
The roles do exist, but there is not a Holy Trinity, because each profession simply have to do much more than that. Even if you were able to truly capture each role exclusively into specific builds, you’ll still will be lacking a 4th role, and even a 5th…
Tank means sustain, keeping aggro, defending and kiting. You can have those through different means, but doing only that is a lose for the team. Most tanks in GW2 are also clear healers or DPS, breaking the trinity just by mixing roles.
Healers also mix a lot with offense and tanking. A pure healer will hardly find a spot in a common raid comp.
DPS in GW2 is not just DPS. You need Power and Condi alternatively, or in combination, and the builds don’t let you be good at both at the same time. So you have 2 roles instead of one.
Then you have mobs that must be pushed around or keep in place, and that pesky CC bar… Control is a real role to cover in GW2, a role that you can take as your speciality, but is normally divided between some members of the team… like most of the other roles.
Then you have the support, with every single one of the players piling different boons, cleans and boosts over the squad.
So even if you try hard to see figures and convince yourself that there is a Holy Trinity in GW2, the truth is the lot is very mixed, and tend to resemble a pentagon more than a triangle.
True, but maybe it’s time those that approve and allow all these visuals distractions and clutter review just how much they distract from game,annoy some of their player base and visually interfere with play before adding them.
then they would still be added because the average player won’t fill the bill you just set up.
I know you haven’t just declared yourself the official representant of every average player in GW2. Its just my eyes that are tired, Right?
- The forum needs to be improved with a big friendly button that magically teaches people to accept criticism and enjoy humor.
Games are for fun… within certain basic rules, which usually include some form of activity, participation and even commitment. And yes, challenge.
You can’t expect to get fun from soccer by just staying idly next to the goal.
You can’t aspire to get fun from crosswords if you take the answers from a dictionary.
You can’t demand to get fun from chess if you refuse to learn how to move the pieces, (Or if you are not willing to lose).
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.