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Which profession is the best to do condition damage?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Retaliation is very misleading. Wrong in fact. It is based on power and not condition damage.

I know that, but I still count it.

Which profession is the best to do condition damage?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aristio.2784


All of them. As everyone can get the same amount of +Condition damage as everyone else. (A few professions have a few traits that push them ever so slightly over the cap)

Warrior: Burns, Bleeds, Confusion
Thief: Poison, Bleed, Other (Depends on Steal)
Guardian: Burn, Retaliation (Technically not a Condition, and is based on Power not Condition Damage, but I still count it)
Necromancer: Poison, Bleeds
Engineer: Poison, Bleeds, Confusion, Burn
Mesmer: Burn, Bleed, Confusion, Poison
Elementalist: Burn, Bleed, Poison(?)
Ranger: Poison, Bleed, Confusion, Burn

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Skinny female in Guild Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Engineer kits in general are not that amazing but 3 of them are completely unusable.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Bomb Kit need a slight damage for incentive to use over Grenades.

Elixir Gun is in a good place.

Flamethrower needs a boost in damage and some skills reworked like Flame Blast being detonatable.

Tool Kit needs more utility.

That’s all I have to add.

I solved it! How to fix tool kit.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I do not like how Tool Kit is now a healing ability. Med Kit serves it’s purpose and no healing skill (When you press your number 6 skill) in the game does any damage whatsoever, so it wouldn’t fit. If you agree and would just like to see the changes put in to the already present Utility Tool Kit, read below.

Are you sure you want to put in Coolant? We already have a Regeneration Tool Belt skill via Elixir Gun. I also very much enjoy Throw Wrench for some select Burst builds, that doesn’t require swapping kits. Coolant doesn’t fit with the theme of the way Tool Belt skills are setup either. All Tool Belt skills, no matter what Utility slot we throw in, can be used on it’s own. With Coolant, it has zero effect with a non-turret build.

I do agree that Box of Nails needs to be replaced with something, but nothing that -requires- you to take certain Utility skills. As you’re making it, you have made Tool Kit an almost exclusive Turret-only kit.

The 30% reduction to Turret recast would be far too much, as every Utility reducing skill in the game has been streamlined to 20%. How about a 20% recast reduction with a 10% overcharge reduction?

Tool Kit does need a little bit of a change, like it’s overall utility increased. I would like to see auto-attack hit three enemies, Box of Nails taken out, and Gear Shield knock down melee attackers.

Black Lion Chest- Upgrading or Cheaper keys [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


A specialized chest would make me more inclined to trade some gold for some keys. Other than that, the chest are not worth the gold/gems that it takes to open them. The way I see it, it’s more like a Zynga-chest, where you find “SUPER SPECIAL RARE CHEST THAT TAKES 50 CENTS TO OPEN” and it drops every 5 minutes. If we could get some sort of “Critical hit” when opening these chest to get triple the amount/quality of the chest, I could definitely see myself opening a few more on those drunken evenings and I have my debit card in my hand.

A crippled class. Why?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I love our Kits. No other profession can switch between 5 different weapon sets with absolutely no cooldown. Sure, they can be bumped in damage just a bit, mostly the Flamethrower and the Bomb Kit; and yes, they are giving us sigils soon, but that isn’t a reason not to enjoy the flavor of the class.

I really enjoy the CC of Engineer. That’s my favorite part. You think Mesmers could shutdown players in GW1? That job now falls to the Engineer. A rifle build with PBR/Slick Shoes/Flamethrower has an endless amount of CC.

Engineers are functionally fine right now. Our Utilities are in a good place but I do feel that a few need improvements, notably the Gadgets and Turrets. But it’s nothing that is making our profession UNPLAYABLE.

Necromancer vs Mesmer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Spec for AoE damage to burn down the clones. Doesn’t have to be OMGWTFBBQ, but enough to take down their illusions quickly enough so they can’t keep with the clone production, while damaging them in the process.

Another tip would be to watch for the weapon swap, as they usually immediately spawn a high damage phantasm.

Armor problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Well, if you think about it…the holy trinity of dps, tanking, and healing isn’t completely gone. Think carefully. An Elementalist is a hybrid class; perfectly capable of all 3 roles: Fire and Air Attunements for dps, Water for healing, and Earth for tanking. The holy trinity system is still there, but it’s just all lumped together within a single, given class – use the above as an example. Now, Mesmers, on the other hand, are all about control. Their attack skills usually “debuff” their enemies, as well as summoning illusions, for crowd control. Guardians are also a hybrid class; able to perform all 3 roles. Warriors can be used for tanking or dps. A Necromancer also uses crowd control, in the form of summoning her undead minions to attack for her. The only two classes that are solely used for damage, are the Ranger and the Thief. I hope you guys find my point of view to be an interesting outlook.

All callings can mitigate damage, support allies, control the enemy, and do respectable damage (Overtime or burst). It’s how you build your profession that matters, not predetermined roles given to you. How can you say Thieves are only damage when they have the most evades in the game? Ranger can also sick their tank pet on the mob, taking a couple hits for the team. Even Necromancers have a full health bar to fall back on via Death Shroud and a good number of their attacks siphon HP.

10/1 patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


It does mean 1 October… or as I like to call it: October 1.

Yeah, I thought that was how you crazy Americans liked to mix up your dates. :P

And I can completely understand if the patch needed to be delayed to ensure it all works correctly, I’m just curious.

Just want to chime in on this.
We would say: October 1st, 2012. (10/01/2012)
The other way would be saying it: The 1st of October, 2012. (01/10/2012)

It’s not that Americans changed the numerical positioning just to be different, it’s just how we say the full date compared to other countries/languages.

Armor Trinity - Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Armor rating doesn’t mean -that- much. It’s the HP differences that are noticable. With Elementalist, Guardian, and Thieves having the least HP; Engineers, Mesmers, and Rangers having the average HP; and Warrior and Necromancers having the top HP; it’s not going to boil down to armor ratings.

Each profession has their own way of surviving up close. We can’t gauge the effectiveness of those skills because the effectiveness varies from player to player. The reason why Warrior, in my opinion, is so popular is because the effectiveness of their survivability is static across all players. Highest health and the highest base HP will definitely be the easiest way to survive.

In all honesty, I believe that Elementalist is the only profession that truly needs help when up close. The fact that they have the lowest health, and lowest armor rating should mean they should have either built in defenses, or high damage to compensate. Earth Attunement is not a valid enough problem solver for Elementalist.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I have to internet high five anyone who thought of that 30-day transit idea. Even a one day transit pass for $.5-1 I would pay for if I knew I was going to be traveling all day.

Why GW 2 will not fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


oh god, they stopped sales because of the hacking. they couldnt risk other people buying the game through THEIR database/store with that massive potential of having brand new customers possibly having their accounts compromised.

jesus, you could still buy the game from retailers and online stores. if they were that ‘concerned’ over capacity they would have sent out a request for all retail/online to cease sales till notified.

fanboys will make up any bullkitten to claim like gw2 is some epic game. NO, the game is dying faster than a snowflake in a microwave.

never before have i seen a product especially an mmo in such high demand for refunds. that proves one thing, anet blowing smoke all these years didnt fool anyone once they got their hands on the trash pile game they released.

gw2 has more problems, more north korean implementation in the game than any other ‘gear treadmill’ game out there. and they have the nerve to crack off at other gaming companies.

I remember you as the guy who made those psychopathic YouTube videos criticising every single aspect of the game well before it was released. So I don’t think I’ll be taking your rantings as fact, and neither should anybody else. Sorry.

well every single aspect of the game is trash LOL psychopathic? of course, naturally, after all it is only a videogame. i make good money too. you’re just mad i was right lol

I like the game and you’re a masochist.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


instead of worrying about the gem shop. How about get the alliance system finished and get rid of multi guilding.

Because I’m not trying to derail this thread off topic. If you wish to discuss that, please make your own thread about it.

Anyway, I would also pay a little coin to get a pack of those transformation consumables. Maybe 50 cents a transformation for a half hour. By transformation, I mean the things you occasionally get from Mystic Chest.

Edit: Would love to buy me some Gangnam Style dance myself as well.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


So, if ArenaNet were to add something to the Gem Store that you ABSOLUTELY have to have, what would it be? This could range from completely serious things to completely crazy ideas. I wanted to get the community’s opinion on what ArenaNet should add to the store. Keep ideas neat and to the point, how much it would cost, and please make sure they are not Pay to Win. An example of this Pay to Win would be buying weapons from the Gem Store that would be stronger than the current level 80 exotics or buying Dungeon Tokens/WvW Tokens. An example of not Pay to Win would be basic siege blueprints.

So to start:
1) Pay a fee of $10-20 to send in a personal guild emblem to ArenaNet to give you and only your guild the ability to set the Guild Emblem to that style.

2) Pay a fee of $2-5 to buy some unique animations. This could be Grenades on Engineer looking different from regular Grenades, dodge animations, /dance animations, or changing the color of Fireball to be a blue Fireball.

3) Pay $5 to enter the Character customization screen to change my appearance, minus sex/personality/race/profession/personality changes. This would be purely cosmetic.

Elementalists and our lack of "spell" Elites.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Would be neat if Tornado changed based on Attunement. How cool would it be if you saw a giant pillar of flame coming at you because the Elemetalist used Tornado in Fire Attunement.

Why GW 2 will not fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


MMOs are filled with numerous bugs. MMO launches are filled with even more. It just comes with the genre of video game. Expecting everything an absolute perfect game with flawless gameplay balance between professions, quest that never bug, and a game client that never crashes; is just setting themselves up for disappointment.

Should this game have raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784



See, this is what I can see happening inside a “raid.” Does anyone remember in GW1 Prophecies that one mission that required two teams to meet in the middle? I would stand behind that, and at the end have a 10 man boss that requires a lot of coordination.

I’m against gear progression as well. I was promised zero gear progression past a certain point and that’s my main draw to GW2. If I have exotics at level 80, I do not want to grind a raid to get a set of another exotics that are statistically better.

Should this game have raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I have a problem with raids, and I don’t think it would fit.

5 mans are the perfect combination of challenge being conquered by teamwork. The problem with “raids” designed for 15+ people is that these encounters were based around one solid, always true, fact. Tank/Healer

One, two, maybe three tanks would hold the attention of the giant instanced dragon, while two or three other healers would heal them. This is not true in this game.

Armor problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Scholar/Adventurer professions have subsidies that allows them to negate damage just as well as the Soldier professions. Thieves have dodging, Rangers have their pets, Engineers have their control, Elementalist have their Earth attunements, Mesmers have Clones, and Necromancers have Death Shroud.

Lacking in Classes Function....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Every profession feels the same no matter what profession you play. That’s one of the things that you feel missing. All trait lines are the same and to make matters worse you have no choice, but to put 30 points in toughness lessening the distinction between professions even more.

I have to disagree. Each class has their own flavor of domination.
Mesmers-Confusion(Not the condition)

Now this isn’t a set in stone kind of list. You’ll have Elementalist who spec into high damage, or Rangers who spec a lot less of pet and more for Conditions. It’s my interpretation of what each class brings most of.

Although, you’ll see that each profession fits easier into the roles above than others.

are engis the most underpowered class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Necromancers are in a worse condition (Get it?) than us.

downed state and turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


As stated before in previous threads, Mesmer pets aren’t actually pets per say. They’re spells that take a physical form. Don’t believe me? Which other class in the game summons pets from their normal Weapon Skills?

Besides that point, I’m not sure if Turrets/Minions die when you go down as I never slot for Turrets. It sure does sound like a glitch though.

Level Scaling is not for "rewards"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


My only gripe is this:

Why is the designated level, 2 levels above the recommended area when downleveled? Shouldn’t it be 2 levels BELOW the recommended area, as we have more Utility skills, experience, and know how to complete these task? If anything should be done about the sidekick system is that it should present you with the same threat as if you were actually suitable for that area. It’s not very fun to one-shot mobs.

dawn legendary precursor

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Are you talking about Dawn of Rage?

Legendary weapons-1-handed discussion

in Crafting

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Yeah, there’s an idea: what if getting a legendary simply unlocked the skin? You craft a consumable which just gives an account-wide access to the legendary weapons. That would be nice. =P

Rocking the starting area at level 3 with my Predator.

Which race/sex has killer Engineer animations?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I like the Norn Male Engineer just because their Rifle model is the biggest in the game, which just screams “Carry a big stick.” In this case, a big boom stick.

Engi's are weak, need help

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Try the Rifle for more “instant gratification” of damage.

Also, why are you sporting Elixirs in PVE? Other than a few buffs like Swiftness, I’m always rocking Gadgets for higher damage with the Tools traitline. I see Elixirs as more of a PVP tool. Sure Elixir B/S is good for anything, but Elixir C/U/R is more suited towards PVP in my opinion.

Edit: Grenades are great damage by the way. Hard to use, but can still wrack up conditions like nothing you’ve seen before.

Eternal Battlegrounds Jumping Puzzle + Siege Weapons?

in WvW

Posted by: Aristio.2784


As others have stated, it is in their servers best interest to block you from continuing on.

This is essentially a PVP Dungeon with players as both boss mobs and trash pulls. Treat it as a dungeon that you can bring more than 5 for. This is the design of the dungeon and you cannot be griefed as this was the intention of the dungeon. If any change needs to happen, it’s that siege weapons can’t be deployed. That would be the only change I can stand by as it becomes target practice rather than a real challenge for everyone.

Engineers Vs Rifle Warrior

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Give us a Volly type skill in place of Blunderbuss

Uhhh, nope.
Replace net shot pls, blunderbuss is epic.

You’re kidding, right?

You know that the biggest advantage we have going for us is our CC? Net shot can be traited for a 25% uptime, which is amazing for an immobilize.

My idea stated twice:
Rocket Shot. 10 Second Cooldown. Fires a rocket towards the enemy, that causes more damage to enemies the closer they are to the targeted enemy.

Damage at 100 distance: 618
Damage at 300 distance: 386
Bleeding(4stacks) at 100 distance: 4 s (680 damage)
Bleeding at 300 distance: 4 s (170 damage)
Range: 1000

Replaces Blunderbuss. It’s essentially Blunderbuss turned into a Rocket that has a 1000 range on it. It adds more “Engineer”-like flavor to the skill and making it hit more reliably/further. Pushing this skill would push the Rifle into a great ranged weapon for Engineer, making essentially our Ranged weapon of choice for 1v1 for direct damage.

It would have to have a medium-fast animation to give enemies a decent chance to avoid it.

Edit: And before you all go on and say that’s its silly to fire a rocket from a Rifle I have two words for you: Harpoon Gun.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Anyone else really disappointed in their Elite skills?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Mesmer Elite Skill: Mass Chaos Armour
for 5 seconds all Allies in the area have Chaos Armour (same properties as normal chaos armour)
Recharge 210seconds

Make it so.

Chaos Storm→ Blast Finisher.

Fellow Engineers, I have found a counter to Mesmers in PVP

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


EDIT2: IGNORE THIS THREAD. It seems the OP has retracted his original post and made my post seem strange.

I’m not sure if you’re joking. Phantasms need a target to cast, and since if the Mesmer were to target you, there would be no way for their phantasms to attack other targets other than if they got in the way. Mesmer phantasms are NOT pets, they are spells that take a physical form; a DoT that doesn’t need a condition removal to get rid of. If you see a clone/phantasm attacking your Turrets, the Mesmer probably did a targeting error.

You want to know how to fight Mesmers? Bring a Grenade or Bomb Kit. AoEing down those Phantasms will bring the Mesmer threat level to minimal since the majority of Mesmer damage comes from Shatters/Phantasms and not themselves.

Edit: Wait, what happened to the OP?

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Grenade smart targeting please.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I don’t agree. From a design perspective, since Arrows, Bullets, and Fireballs don’t “follow” targets, neither should Grenades.

Engineers Vs Rifle Warrior

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I’m sorry that the Engineer’s Tool Belt mechanic is not to your liking. It adds extra damage/control/support to ANY build and is one of the few classes that can manually change their class mechanic functionality. As I stated, with certain builds, you can certainly break 10k damage just as readily, sometimes even more reliably, than a Warrior.

Sigil that adds +5% crit rate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


If you have a 50% critical hit rate from Precision, you’ll have a 52.5% after you equip it. Easily tested with the Fury boon when you get +20% Critical Hit rate. Also, it should show up in Green text as your effective critical hit rate.

Punished for going back and helping low level players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Mist cost nothing to travel to and have no que time. You’re thinking of the Battlegrounds.

Engineers Vs Rifle Warrior

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


It’s honestly not a good idea to compare class mechanic to class mechanic. There’s too much going on with each profession’s mechanic, that it would be near impossible to accurately measure and judge on any level of accuracy.

The 10k critical hit shot comes from their Burst mechanic, and as such it would be tough to judge the merit of that when we have our mechanic the way it is. But it should be worth mentioning that we can reach similar numbers with our mechanic too.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Engineers Vs Rifle Warrior

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


while I would LOVE to see blunderbuss and jumpshot completely replaced with somthing else entirely.

Another option that I dont see listed here, What about changing the engi to use heavy armor instead of leather? That way he would at least have better protection to be in melee range for most of his powers.

Granted at this point in the game i strongly doubt any major changes, such as replacing powers or armor changes, would ever happen and this is all just wishful thinking on stuff thats never going to happen.

At the very VERY least they need to increase the range of blunderbuss to get it out of the “shorter than melee” range.

I’m under the impression that they were originally the third Solider profession, while Thief and Ranger were the two Adventurer professions. Then it got switched around in the early parts of design.

Jon P: The marksman and warden eventually became the ranger. We had a profession that was called the juggernaut, for lack of a better name! It was basically a non-magical knight profession. At some stage we also talked about the engineer being a heavy armored profession, and then he became medium. Things move around a lot, but why things don’t make it is because people who may have played the juggernaut would have really chosen warrior instead, and it’s just taking away from the flavour of the warrior to have things too similar to it.

Defending Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I don’t really enjoy the Flamethrower at the moment due to it’s low damage output:

Flame Jet. Needs a longer duration on the burn. I’m thinking of something like 1 second on the first strike, and 5 seconds on the final strike. This way, it will be more beneficial to try and hit the enemy with the full channel.

Flame Blast -needs- to be able to be detonated. It’s that simple. Not having the ability to detonate makes for really difficult situations to land the attack.

Airblast should be changed back to the original Backdraft. It’s a bit backwards to throw the enemy outside of your Flame Jet range.

Napalm should be changed back to cause Blinding and it’s burn duration increase.

Smoke Vent should be removed in my opinion. The radius is too low and the cooldown too high. I’m not honestly sure what should take its place but I’m thinking something along the lines of a boon removal. Maybe something like:
Cauterizing Burns. 35 second cooldown. Release a high pressurized blast, removing 3 boons from enemies.

Also, fix the clipping issue and distance issue with Flame Jet.

Turret idea

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


This should be in the AI already for Guardian, Necromancer, Elementalist, and Engineer pets alike. We should not have to trait for something that should already be there. Attacking the same target as us should not be a traitable ability but something innate to the pets.

Engineers Vs Rifle Warrior

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Engineer Rifle just flat out needs more damage. It’s only useful for control. If you want to kill anyone you need a kit (which funnily enough provide damage and control).

Net shot needs to do damage. I don’t mean a condition either, because rifle = power.

Blunderbuss needs to more range, and get rid of the cast time that makes it way to easy for it to miss on a mobile opponent.

Overcharged shot needs not knock the Engineer down. Why should my own skill punish me?

Jump Shot needs to stop being so slow so you can actually hit someone that’s immobilised.

I really wish Rifle was viable, because I am getting very sick of doing nothing but spamming grenades.

After looking over the few other skills that are Launch abilities, I have come to understand why the self-knockdown.

So to understand Overcharged Shot, we have to look at other skills from other Professions that have a Launch ability. One also has to see the clear difference of between a Launch and a Knockback. Launch last much longer and actually lift the play above the ground in an arc animation. While Knockback may knock you on your kitten Launch will knock you on your back. In essence, it’s an extended knockdown.

There are only three weapon skills in the game that cause Launch.
Banish, Overcharged Shot, and Updraft. First off, let’s talk about Banish. Banish has a semi-comparable recast time of only 25 seconds. It has a long cast time, can be anticipated, and it only usable in melee range. It also has the farthest Launch distance of any ability.

Next is of course, Updraft. With the longest cooldown of the three weapon skills, it can launch multiple enemies at once. It comes with a bonus evade move that is a bonus to the Launch itself. However, Updraft has a comparable range to Banish as you have to be relatively close to use it.

Now, of course Overcharged Shot. This has THE LOWEST cooldown of any Launch ability in the game. It can be used at a medium range distance and can be traited to have an even longer range. It’s also has the “surprise!!!” factor going for it as it cannot be anticipated with an animation. The drawback is that we ourselves get knocked down.

-Banish has a lowish cooldown, farthest Launch in the game. Can only be used in melee range, on one opponent, and can be anticipated.
-Updraft can hit multiple enemies, semi-hard to anticipate, grants Swiftness, and comes with a dodge. Can only be used next to melee range and has a long cooldown.
-Overcharged shot has the lowest cooldown in the game for any Launch, can be extremely hard to predict, and can be used at medium range. It knocks you down and can only hit one opponent.

EDIT: It is also worth mentioning that Engineer has access to the most Launch abilities in the game. In fact, more than half (7/12 to be exact) of the Launch abilities that don’t come from environmental weapons are available through Engineer.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Engineers Vs Rifle Warrior

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


My only gripe about the Rifle is Blunderbuss.

Blunderbuss needs to be changed to:
Rocket Shot. 10 Second Cooldown. Fires a rocket towards the enemy, that causes more damage to enemies the closer they are to the targeted enemy.

Damage at 100 distance: 618
Damage at 400 distance: 386
Bleeding(4stacks) at 100 distance: 4 s (680 damage)
Bleeding at 400 distance: 4 s (170 damage)
Range: 1000

It’s EXACTLY the same amount of damage but changed to a 1000 distance ranged attack, that’s not a cone but a target based AoE.

Oh, and Jump Shot could either have a MUCH faster animation, or an invulnerability buff like Leaping Death Blossom. 3 seconds in the air is a lot of time.

Explosive Descent - why?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


All Professions have a theme of abilities that they all share.

“On fall damage”
“On revival”
“On down”

Every class has a “On fall damage” trait. Engineer does not have a “On revival” trait, while Warrior does not have a “On down” trait.

By “On down” I mean a trait that will improve you going down in someway. Whether a boon for yourself, a damage increase, or a damage taken decrease.

By “On revival” I mean a trait that will improve you or allies when you are reviving somebody. A spell that activates, or some boons for you and the person revived.

On that note Explosive Descent is very nice in WvW. I was expecting PVE terrain to take advantage of this, but no PVE zone constantly has fall damage. It is nice for jumping puzzles though.

is regenerating mist water field/blast finisher heal combo broken?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


It’s an incredibly short lingering time, but yes, as other posters have stated you have to be quick with it. It’s pretty useful for a quick burst of healing, but I suggest not relying on it too much in the heat of battle as lag and other factors can make you waste Shield 4 for nothing.

Anybody else miss "punishing" games?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Nostalgia goggles all around! You miss loosing out on hours of time just because you lost a random number generator roll? Do you all remember what good MMO population was? 100k subs was considered a AAA MMO.

Taking an hour of travel time to get to a group to grind the same mobs (Which wasn’t a challenge by any means) for two hours to gain a single level? I look back and ask myself why I spent hours a day to outclaim another group for a world spawn that took forever to spawn. If it’s one thing I don’t miss about older games is the amount of time required for anything.

Done caring. Just playing until I decide not to.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Done caring. Just playing until I decide not to.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Just “did what I wanted” and got thrown off a bridge because my #3 skill (whatever the hell it’s called) shoved me off…No one, ever, EVER would hurl themselves off a bridge unless they intended to.

Sure. But if you’re an engineer, say, and you have something you can do with your gun, but you know it’s got a heck of a kick to it, enough to throw you back a few feet – you’d think about whether or not it was a good ideas to activate that on a narrow bridge, right?

Making you think in three dimensions in not a design flaw, it’s a design choice. That doesn’t mean you have to like it, but be fair.

Couldn’t have said it better than myself. You know Overcharged Shot has a self-knockback, so whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you stand on the edge of a bridge?

Why is there no public test server?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


You don’t know how companies work so let me explain it to you.

For a gaming company, specifically a MMO company, task are assigned to specialized teams.

For instance, you’ll have the dungeon team, the WvW team, the art team, small bug team, game combat team, class balancing team, gear team, and even a team that is making new content.

Now, these teams are usually not bigger than 5-10 people. Games aren’t run by a team of “Developers” but a small sub-section of the bigger team. These people usually have a priority list they keep around that is in constant flux depending on what people are having the most common troubles with and which are most gamebreaking. You also have to realize that replication bugs is a tough process. There are so many variables that can make a controlled test fail the bug squashing.

So in the end, it’s a long task to find bugs, ask any Computer Science major. Just have patience as I’m sure they’re all working diligently. You also have to remember that they need sleep and family time too.

Rocket Boots !!!

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


The Tool Belt is fantastic for Condition Builds, I’ll give you that. Yes, I am upset on Rocket Boots not being a blink, but it’s not Blink that I’m looking for. I want a mobile CC Breaker that allows me to choose where I land. The Battle of Khylo is especially horrible for this. I cannot use this ability underneath the Clocktower because I’ll hit a wall, I cannot use this ability on the ledges of the Clocktower because I might die, I can’t use the ability near the Trebuchets because I might die, and I can’t use this too much on the Mansion or the Windmill because the points are near walls/fences.

If Rocket Boots allowed me to chose where I end up like Blink/Shadowstep/Lightning Flash, I would be happier with it. It doesn’t even have to be a teleport, it could be as simple as jumping to that area, like a super powered Jump Shot. If that can’t be done, I suggested adding an AoE daze to help mitigate the harm done by a self-knockdown.

Rocket Boots !!!

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Completely different class, similar skills. It’s not hard to compare Rocket Boots to Lightning Flash/Blink/Shadowstep as they all have similar functionalities.

I prefer Blink-like skills and I’m sticking with that. While the Engineer’s toolbelt skill cannot be ignored, what’s stopping the developers completely scrapping Rocket Boots, and replace it with an equally effective Utility/Tool Belt skill that gives a Blink/Shadowstep/Lightning Flash effect? I.E. Instant teleportation to a selected area while breaking stun.

(edited by Aristio.2784)