Showing Posts For Azure.8670:

Patch Notes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


patch notes are up but doesnt show anything about the elite specs

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azure.8670


IGN: King Chrono Tyr
Play: Pvp, Pve, WvW
Server: TC
Role: Scholar

was already in, removed myself by mistake!

Any patch notes on trait changes?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


nvm patch notes are outttttt

Any patch notes on trait changes?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


51 minutes until game is live and we still dont have updates on most of the elite specs and all that…! yyeeeeeeep

anyone going sinister with hammer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


WvW frontlining
Raid tanking
Fractal 50+ tanking
Open world PvE (including story) on mobile power-builds
PvP bunkering / stunlocking

I’m sure it will be quite easy to throw some hammer base builds together for these scenarios

I wasnt sure if hammer was worth it with sinister gear but it def is. super excited! wooo

anyone going sinister with hammer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


ive got juggernaut sitting here and not sure what to do with it lol

Is Herald the next D/D ele?

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


didnt read

d/d has no counter
Reaper handles Rev quite well, so no.

Looking for some opinions on where reve fits.

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


Mesmer here.

Guardians were taken for reflect and because they out dps mesmers. However with alacrity our community hypothesized the new meta would be 2 ele, 1 chronomancer, 1 warrior, 1 revenant.

The uptime on quickness and alacrity makes for a group that out dps the current meta.

Revenant becomes a half warrior, half guard. Taken for niche stat increases.

The mesmer would be half guard, half thief.

theres no reason to take Rev over Guard for fractals/dungeons. Raids, maybe because its unknown territory, but as if now, Guardian is still a boss hog due to reflects

Chronomancer puts out better reflection than guardians. Chronomancer and revenant allow for near perma uptime on alacrity and quickness. That dps wise out performs the current meta.

I dont know about this. What utilities and set up would you use to have feedback and such on your bar, and still maintain aoe quickness might and alac?

Mesmer/chrono dps rank for fractal/raid?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azure.8670


Without diing illusions – 3 warlocks in a full dps build and we’re top tier … :P

I giggled at first but you know, youre kinda right…

Looking for some opinions on where reve fits.

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


Mesmer here.

Guardians were taken for reflect and because they out dps mesmers. However with alacrity our community hypothesized the new meta would be 2 ele, 1 chronomancer, 1 warrior, 1 revenant.

The uptime on quickness and alacrity makes for a group that out dps the current meta.

Revenant becomes a half warrior, half guard. Taken for niche stat increases.

The mesmer would be half guard, half thief.

theres no reason to take Rev over Guard for fractals/dungeons. Raids, maybe because its unknown territory, but as if now, Guardian is still a boss hog due to reflects

Mesmer/chrono dps rank for fractal/raid?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azure.8670


I see it as basically two identical groups because buffs prefer your sub squad. Even with ground targeted buffs you can’t simply have your highest DPS stand on one side of the boss because if the boss moves a little bit all those buffs go to waist especially for the first boss which your supposed to move around. Guess we will just have to wait and see.

In an identical-group mechanic, for example:
Group 1 = 2 ele/engi, 1 ps warr, 1 chrono, 1 thief
Group 2 = 2 ele/engi, 1 ps warr, 1 chrono, 1 druid

That’s 4 top dps with full buffs, 2 tier2 dps with full buffs, 1 tier3 dps/utility with full buffs, 2 crappy dps/support with full buffs, 1 full support/terrible dps with full buffs

In a dps-group mechanic:
Group 1 = 4 ele/engi, 1 ps warr
Group 2 = 1 chrono, 1 druid, 1 thief, 2 ele/engi

That’s 4 top dps with full buffs, 2 top dps with secondary buffs, 1 tier2 dps with full buffs, 1 tier2 with secondary buffs, 1 tier3 with secondary buffs, 1 crappy dps/support with secondary buffs, 1 full support/terrible dps with secondary buffs.

The loss:

  • alacrity/quickness and banners for 2 crappy dps, 1 terrible dps, 1 tier2 dps and 1 tier3 dps.
  • some utility from having a second portal/MI

The gain:

  • 1 crappy dps is now a top dps (without alacrity/quickness or banners).
  • 1 tier2 dps is now a top dps.
  • some utility from having more slots to swap engis with eles and vice versa.

The real question is, does the dps loss to lower-dps classes amount to more damage than the dps gain from swapping some of those lower-dps classes to higher-dps classes?
I’m just not confident that the answer is yes.

Not seeing Rev…. anywhere

Mesmer/chrono dps rank for fractal/raid?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azure.8670


Has anyone actually calculated Chrono dps? between constant shatters and wells It felt much stronger than regular mesmer to me

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


Thematically, as one who precedes greatness, start with Herald.

Then, Chrono. You can always pretend he came before or after, later.

Finally, Reaper. Again, thematic reasons.

I.. for some reason understand this

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


I cant sleep!

Before the last to BETAs I was sure that Berserker was my choice for being a hero of the land, but after playing it and throwing up I decided its not for me.

With that said, I thoroughly enjoy Herald Reaper and Chrono (dont we all?) and just cant choose one. Obv over time ill play them all… but to choose which to play first is like… its a big moment guys. big. moment.


What's your berserker build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


rev / scrapper/ reaper

Very nice, If you have it working on your warrior please show it….

Not so much warrior, but when I encounter berserkers in pvp ill let you know how it works out.

(ps: there will be no berserkers in pvp)

What's your berserker build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


rev / scrapper/ reaper

Weapon Swap middle ground

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


scrapper should get weapon swap end of story. As great as hammer is, you HAVE to take kits for range when you use it. Lucky kits are good and we’ve been forced to use them for 3 years anyway, but no utilities should be mandatory

If that occurred then non scrappers would never get weapons swap.


thats the point. you can give baseline engi weapon swap if you want, doesnt matter, but the opton of rifle/ pistol doesnt exactly scream we need this

Herald day one?

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


im only annoyed by this because I think rev is kind of sucky without Glint, but whatever, it is what it is

The Reaper and Dagger dilemma

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azure.8670


GS is better against 3+ more mobs, and better against enemies with less than 50% hp. Only time dagger is more dps is when said enemy is 50%+ and theres 2 or less. GS has a spot, and youre going to use it, a lot

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


Also this whole thing is just a bad buisness decision.
There are most likely way more ppl out there playing multiple toons equally than ppl sticking to a single toon.
Those ppl spend real money on these toons.
I’m one of these ppl.
And i kinda feel forced to concentrate on one single toon now.
So whats bad for my urge to multiclass, is good for my wallet i guess.

yep 19 toons here, and I use all 8 professions, though ranger is lest used. This is going to SUCK. I wont care over time, and im actually already accepting it, but its just annoying as can be

Sword Auto Attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Azure.8670


s/d Ranger is one of the only specs that can completely avoid a Revs UA without burning both dodges.

turn off auto attack and its fine, it took me months to get used to it now its whatever

I hate to by cynical but

in Ranger

Posted by: Azure.8670


so ive been complaining about Rangers mechanics and such for 3 years now, but I disagree with this post entirely.

First, Rev is built to be VERY strong in 1v1 situations, but its hard counters currently by reapers, especially signet reapers. Chrono is the only profession close to OP right now.

Sinister Ranger for PVE is one of the highest dps specs right now and will only get better due to condi reliance.

Druid builds are going to bet meta for raiding. They amount of DPS buff they give to the party and healing is unheard of. Druid can actually completely replace warrior unless Berserker is completely buffed, because the DPS buff druid gives is beyond banners.

OPs description of what Revs can do and why theyre so good is a bit strange, because they do what Eles and Engis have been doing for 3 years. A strong argument can be made that Engi does almost everything better than a Rev tbh. Scrapper could possibly be one of the best pvp specs for both bunkering and pressure, power and condi…

Again, ive been anti Ranger for the most part for a very long time because I dont like Anets vision of the Ranger at all, but as of 10/23 they are in a GREAT place

Weapon Swap middle ground

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


scrapper should get weapon swap end of story. As great as hammer is, you HAVE to take kits for range when you use it. Lucky kits are good and we’ve been forced to use them for 3 years anyway, but no utilities should be mandatory

MM is meta for PvE , gratz :)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azure.8670


I dunno about Meta but MM Reaper will be able to solo things very easily

need PVE condi tank help

in Guardian

Posted by: Azure.8670


not at all needed right now, but for frac 51+ im thinking full zerk groups may not cut it. im looking for a tanky guardian build that can dish atleast some damage, so im thinking condi is prob the way to go?

anyone have anything they use or theorycrafted?

The Quan Chi Giveaway

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


yep thats right folks. If you can create a character, outfit and all, that looks very very similar to Quan Chi from Mortal Kombat, I will give you 20g so I can steal the look. Its something ive been wanting to create forever but im just too lazy and dont have the patience.

GL and may Grenth be with you

Edit: it has to be light or heavy armor human. ty

Handful of HoT Notes:

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


I love you Colin I just want you to see this

Scrapper PVE 10/23

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


I don’t think Scrapper goes well with Explosives/Firearms. I wasn’t able to make a build that did decent damage using that in BWE3. If those of you thinking that is your build are going purely on theorycrafting and didn’t get to use it, don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t turn out as good as you think it might.

The best that I found was Firearms/Alchemy with Scrapper. It’s weird because obviously Explosives is a DPS line and Alchemy is not, but Alchemy definitely added more to damage for me.

The only thing you really lose out taking Scrapper over Tools is the 10% damage buff with full endurance and Takedown Round. It works just fine with Explosives and Firearms, because nothing in Tools really synergizes with them either.

That said, unless you plan on tanking, I don’t think you should take Scrapper.

I agree, you’re not going to out damage the current meta for power Engi. Which makes sense, because Scrapper is not a damage spec.

I’m responding in the context of the thread, which to me seems like it’s asking how to get the most damage out of the Scrapper. From my experience in BWE3 replacing Explosives with Alchemy gave me a lot more damage due to the boon spam. It was counterintuitive, but it worked and I remember some other people commenting that they found the same.

I see some Firearms/Explosives/Scrapper builds being posted that may be theorycrafted to be the best DPS for Scrapper (just replace Tools with Scrapper right?) but it doesn’t seem to play out that way. If those posting the builds did not have the chance to try them they may want to try another option when they see that build doesn’t do very much damage. This was just my experience that seemed to be corroborated by some other people during BWE3.

I used your build for PVE and it worked like a charm I loved it. Its probably what im going to roll out with.

How to nerf Reaper

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azure.8670


Reaper is nowhere near OP. See Chronomancer for that

Reaper Weapon and Armor Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azure.8670


ts a lot sir. sorry for any misinformation I gave

Reaper Weapon and Armor Skin

in Necromancer

Posted by: Azure.8670


first off where did you get info that unlocking the spec unlocks the specific armor/weapon? 2nd, the hood in the video is the arah hood with shadow abyss dye

Can sword get some improvements?

in Guardian

Posted by: Azure.8670


I actually wish flashing blade was ground targetted and hit 3 targets, but thats just me I guess.

Leap on AA, I dunno, but I do think the 3rd hit should give retaliation

So are we gonna be un-rooted from LB #2?

in Guardian

Posted by: Azure.8670


gunflame requires you to use (garbage) berserk mode, which takes 3 bars of adrenaline and has a CD.

Trueshot has as short cd and hits pretty durned hard. the root is fine, but it should grant 1-2s of protection

any druid vids?

in Ranger

Posted by: Azure.8670


niceee ty!

15 druids

any druid vids?

in Ranger

Posted by: Azure.8670


anyone have any pve/wvw or pvp druid vids? cant seem to find any..

Scrapper PVE 10/23

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


what build will you be running? Ive sinister engi so long, Im not sure how to even play power anymore lol. I think im gonna go power for scrapper… but I dont know if I should go zerker or what. making my armor today!

About the new action camera

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


they announced a VERY long time ago there was a small team of people dedicated to working on capes on their free time. I believe it will be included one day, as more pieces of armor are starting to have that back hang like they are testing it i.e. balths armor

Are you a Revenant "Prepper"?

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


Wow. So many people will have nothing to aim for within one hour of creating their new alt. Create rev..max level it, max gear it…have nothing to do.

Don’t worry, even if you level up revenant normally they will stay lot of them. Revenant is really going to be ultra played first months, moreover it was the most op class in BW3 (well sorry not revenant, Herald) and people tend to want to play OP classes so you probably will be seeing them everywhere and in high numbers.

reaper and chrono are currently more powerful broski

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


I dont think were even going to get a post bwe3 update for berserker. were just going to get some minor buffs launch day and all cry while revanents and reapers pound everyone out

Hammer vs staff (pve)

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


staff seemed borderline worthless for pve imo. Switching from sword/x to axe seems to be an automatic dps loss and not much of a survival gain, while hammer is a survival gain by default due to range.

I also think hammer is higher dps than staff

Final countdown blog confused me

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


Yeah, I was afraid of this…

The only “problem” with this is that having to choose between Halloween stuff and working on unlocking elite specs is a bit of a bummer.

thats half the reason is bothers me, the other is that I want to stick to 2-3 professions at first, but I want to be able to test them you know. Now I have to PVE for who knows how long just to be able to use it… I hope this is some kind of typo


Yeah you mean you actually have to PLAY the game?!?!?! GASP!!!!!!

did you read anything beyond that or any other posts? I cannot understand simple people

Revenant Leveling - Tomes/Scrolls/etc

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


its confirmed on the revanent prep thread

Engi rage in pvp from opponents.

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


As a pvp necro main, engi is the only enemy I respect on the battlefield. The rest I spit on their corpses and visit the homes of their widows.

With that said, engi getting moa is the most evil thing to ever happen. Thank god engi isn’t popular

How will vanilla zones stay populated

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


this games population is soaring right now since f2p, so it wont be an issue at all. plus not everyone bought the expansion (yet). Plus, guilds will always help anyone who needs anything, people will still farm low areas for linen etc. Also, dailies.

will be fine

Final countdown blog confused me

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


I kinda hope we gonna have to finish some “quest” to unlock elite spec tbh, even though I’m dying to play my reaper

Same here. I’d like my character to have a little backstory that would explain how they acquired all these new capabilities, not just suddenly walk into the jungle an tadaaam you’re a druid now, gg

So I assume you wont be playing rev, since Rytlock is the only one, gg.

To be more serious, I dont mind having to unlock it. I have 19 toons and 2 accounts, and ill do it on every single one, i just really didnt expect it to be that way. They have been, for the most part, transparent on things coming in HoT so I just didnt see having to unlock it via quests or whatever happening since it was never mentioned or hinted at.
Again, I DONT mind doing whatever needs to be done, I was just hoping to hop into my elites and play the halloween content. ah well

Final countdown blog confused me

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


Yeah, I was afraid of this…

The only “problem” with this is that having to choose between Halloween stuff and working on unlocking elite specs is a bit of a bummer.

thats half the reason is bothers me, the other is that I want to stick to 2-3 professions at first, but I want to be able to test them you know. Now I have to PVE for who knows how long just to be able to use it… I hope this is some kind of typo

No passion for Warrior/Berserker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


Feels like they made all the cool kitten for all the other classes and then just gave warrior stunbreakers to deal with it all…

Have you seen tempest and dragonhunter?

to be fair, post BWE3 dragonhunter is looking good. Now, it isnt cool at all, but its pretty good.

Tempest? I love tempest! Its one of the “coolest” specs out there. Is it good? nah, not so much for the most part, but it will be eventually

Dragonhunter might be improved since the last time but I can’t find any purpose for it. It just looks like a for-fun thing for PvP. Same thing with tempest honestly, both are just incredibly underwhelming elite specializations that I can’t find any proper use for.

That said, Berserker is by no means perfect but I can definitely see it being best to use in some situations in PvE based off of what I’ve tried so far.

I used the same set up for my Berserker and I felt pretty strong as well, but forums crushed my hopes and dreams and told me it was still and overall dps loss. I didnt bother crunching numbers, was waiting for you or Nike to give a valid opinion. ty.

Final countdown blog confused me

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Azure.8670


It says" overcoming challenges in the jungle to unlock your elite specialization,"


We cant just unlock it via hero points and such when we start? im really confused about this

preparing for pve 10 23

in Guardian

Posted by: Azure.8670


so my fellow DH patriots

what build are YOU rolling for pve, and are you staying zerker?

Expansion/Halloween event on the same day?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure.8670


I love halloween in this game it seriously makes me so happy. dont care what day its on, but dropping on the sameday as hot is going to make the gw2 population jump to an all time high