So like I said, ya your little guild claimed it and it’s nice to see your banner up there… but if my guild comes along with a ton of upgrades and would like to claim it for the extra buffs then I really don’t see why this has become a thing to fight about.
It is mostly about pride.
It is also quite a lot about WvW upgrades requiring PvE grind. If you do mostly WvW whole day, you will have less upgrades compared to other guild that runs PvE constantly. So, not only are we punished for playing a lot of WvW but we can not even put our guild name on the objectives because some big shot PvE guild thinks they are better at playing WvW?
I will repeat again – unless your big shot PvE guild is there to capture the objective, you have no kitten right to start claiming ANYTHING. Go back to your lovely PvE instead of starting to whine about people who actually play in WvW.
I hear ya… but as for my “big shot guild”… I got it from level 39 to 56 mostly by myself. Not that much of a big shot. I did this so I could provide lots more buffs for my friendly players. Not so I could tag a tower or keep and show that I took it with my guild. I don’t care a single bit about my “flag” flying in the objective. I only care about being able to give more buffs and tactics where possible especially in the keeps, to help protect things while sometimes waiting for help to arrive.
By the way, my little guild is always looking for more WvW players… want some buffs…? come join… if you’re on BP that is ( or FA at the moment works as well ).
This thread is just another attempt to make sure small guilds leave WvW.
You really haven’t a clue what you are talking about.
I have a small guild which I have solo upgraded to level 47 so far including all WvW upgrades and I started this thread so don’t talk rubbish about this being an anti-small guild thread.Ooooh! I didn’t think you could solo upgrade, so I haven’t bothered. How?!
Hey, if you got the time to grind your face off getting mats that can’t be bought or made, and the gold to buy or make the other mats.. then you can solo upgrade your hall It’s not cheap!
I think people are mistakenly thinking that claiming does something good for a guild.. it doesn’t. You don’t get favor or any other benefit. If you claim and don’t have a good number of buffs, if any, then you benefit nobody, not even your own guild. If an object isn’t claimed at all then it can be claimed at any other time by anyone so it doesn’t HAVE to be claimed at capture point. Having a setup where a guild with higher buffs can “over ride” a current low buff claim is a good thing for the whole server. It does NOT benefit the guild, so this thing about “my guild shouldn’t be knocked out of a claim” idea doesn’t make sense. Before HoT came in claiming objects and maintaining them, I think, benefited the guild.. not totally sure about that. But for sure now there is ZERO benefit for the claiming guild at all. So like I said, ya your little guild claimed it and it’s nice to see your banner up there… but if my guild comes along with a ton of upgrades and would like to claim it for the extra buffs then I really don’t see why this has become a thing to fight about.
One more item I noticed… You don’t require a claim on an object for it to upgrade. They upgrade anyway based on the number of yaks that come in. Claiming it just applies the buffs to it and allows people to add their tactics to it if they have any.
(edited by Balthazzarr.1349)
This isn’t about who gets to claim the object. The original post was a request to make it so that a guild with a higher aura could claim an object. Yes there are trolls.. but trolls or not some people claim when they really don’t have many of the good buffs so to be able to override that claim with your guild claim if possible would be a good thing. That’s it… no troll reporting, not fighting, just override to benefit your server team.
no game is without issues.. I love GW2.. love WvW… will grump when there are issues (in my mind) but will probably never stop playing. Didn’t like the DBL’s until they made the latest changes to them. Don’t care that much for the Alpine BL’s but it seems a lot of people do so it’s all good. Gonna keep going in and roaming havocing and getting blobbed to death… because it’s… fun? haaaa..
Well, for what it’s worth.. activity in the DBL’s has been high since the forced merger of the servers so that’s not a real argument. But from what I’m hearing from most of my friends they like the switch back to Alpine.
oh my, you have opened up a can of worms… I’m interested in seeing the responses… For myself, I can’t/won’t say whether or not it’s “worth” coming back since that’s a personal choice. The only thing I will say is to try it and see. Worst that can happen is you don’t like it and leave again.
definitely agree that an option to turn them off is a very good idea. I run very high res on a big screen so they don’t get in my way but definitely for some people these are a nasty pain.
ooo.. I like this idea!
I agree with the OPs post. Frustrating to come to a claimed spot where no +5 is running and other decent buffs aren’t available and nothing you can do about it. There will always be trolls but this feature would allow the guilds with higher Aura to benefit their server.
OMG! This is hilarious…. “I hate the DBL’s! Bring back Alpine!” oh yay Alpine is back… oh gross please Skin Alpine! bahaaaa…. just killing me…
How do you know the op wasn’t one of those who wanted to keep DBL?
This is really not about what one person said.. it’s about what is now happening. I hate it give me the old… I got the old.. I hate it give me the new… It’s like kids who realize that they liked it better the other way… no wait… this way… no maybe a different way… see what I mean? I’m seriously not trying to be nasty.. it truly is amusing how these things go.. and as for the skinning… well once again it’s a matter of “getting what ‘we’ want”, and then complaining because it’s not quite the way we want it… ad infinitum… We, ( you and I ), could start going back and forth in a debate but really I’m not going to do that… I will continue to watch and be humoured by the back and forth and flip flops I’m seeing by some people…definitely not all.. one is enough.. :P
lol NO do not get rid of them. If you’re a commander or close enough to it that knowing what’s going on in the map is useful then these messages are very much wanted. However… make the messages smaller, or even just in the message box would be good. They definitely don’t need to take up as much of the screen as they do!
hahahaaaaa This was totally predicted. People that don’t come into the forums much probably hadn’t seen the weeks of posts from people crying about the Desert BL’s. Now the Alpine comes back due to apparent popular demand, ( when all they really needed was some good fixing )… and now we’re seeing people screaming for the DBL’s back. I’m not sure which is more fun… the earlier posts or these… Oh man always always always going to be someone screaming. Just give me a borderland set that isn’t ridiculous like the DBL’s were at first and I’m happy. The latest updates to them made them very good to be in. These old Alpine bl’s are nostalgic but for me… truly ooooh so boring.. though most of my friends don’t agree with me.. it’s just my opinion. Whatever people manage to get is fine I guess as long as I can have fun with my friends.
OMG! This is hilarious…. “I hate the DBL’s! Bring back Alpine!” oh yay Alpine is back… oh gross please Skin Alpine! bahaaaa…. just killing me…
roaming returned? roflmao… so funny… things are much smaller of course… and the big groups of people get to where you are trying to do your little caps and run you over… and sadly some of them even drop siege on you… nothing like a good 15 to 1 kill.. lol, that’s gotta feel good. I’m not sorry to say, I miss the DBL’s already. I mean really, if we’re gonna have these little toy bl’s then let’s go back to our little servers … :P Just sayin…
all this yapping and the Alpine maps are IN ! lol
lolol…. seriously I must be one of the only ones that loves the current maps. I’m sure the old ones will be just fine but soooooo boring running through them…
ah well… I concede to the ‘majority’
Your not alone.
What’s annoying is I am happy that people are happy that wanted ABL back and they can play there again. But at the same time irritated since the new maps were a lot of fun. So its now up to ANet to provide good customer service and make up the loss of good will to those that like DBL or even liked both.
So again, why do we have to have 3 copies of the same map. Lets move to a 4 map solution then both sets of people have options.
A 4 map solution would be awesome. It makes more sense that everyone gets a different layout. And that would make the game even way more interesting, challenging, and of course fun!
lolol…. seriously I must be one of the only ones that loves the current maps. I’m sure the old ones will be just fine but soooooo boring running through them… ah well… I concede to the ‘majority’
BAD idea! Where’s the huge thumbs down key!
Why you think they will relink servers every 3 months? As far I understood the comment in Reddit, Anet was imply saying they could possibly do it, if things change enough. It does not mean they will.
Same way the whole server linking is currently in beta. It could be ended too if it fails.
I didn’t say they would.. I said if they did… and 3 months was the timeframe yapped about here and there. BETA is a word that has little meaning these days… even TEST is funny… most software, like microsoft operating systems.. is in public TEST for the next year after release. Anyway, we will see what happens after the dust clears….
So the topic is: “Our thoughts on the current week…”
After running this past week up until tonight I was still not that pleased with all this change, loss of identity so to speak, and play style. Then I met up with a few people tonight who regularly run in MY time zone as a guild group. Great bunch of people. For the first time all week I had a very fun night. I was online longer tonight and IN WvW than I have been all week.. Actually I think I was on longer tonight than I was the last 5 days put together, ( in WvW ). I have now joined one of the FA guilds. If ANet decides after the 3 month period that they are going to move BP away from FA to another spot then I will simply do a server switch and stay here. I’m not about to be moved around like a picture on the wall to satisfy somebody’s idea of ‘balanced’ play.
So my thoughts are this. I don’t like the forced merge. I don’t like the idea that they will probably move BP somewhere else. But I do like the people I’ve met, and I am now enjoying the game play that this guild does… and I will stay here and continue to enjoy it if ANet moves BP elsewhere. I really think that if they do move the low servers around again ( by force ) they will start to either lose people, or those people will just say NO and switch to one of the servers of their choice. At that time ANet will start having balancing issues … what? say it isn’t so.. haha… I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.
- Unlink the worlds
- Allow free transfers from the bottom tiers for those who want to play with more people
- Label the server activity levels accurately to not kitten over new players since T8 servers aren’t “medium”
- Those who want low tier play can happily stay there
BAM! omg this is truly the answer… They want to charge us to move around… unless they move us themselves… Yes remove the stupid fees and people will settle where they really want to be without it costing them money every time they need to get more experience in order to realize what it is they want after all.
I know, I know… people will just move around in big groups to stack servers for fun etc etc… so the free movement has to be limited to a certain timeframe…
… and leave me in my low tier doing what I do because I really really don’t want to be on a big server… I will say it again though.. I love some of the people I’ve met in FA so NO problem with them… just gimme my small troll groups back… lol… ( well the groups are still here… just getting flattened now and then by steamrollers.. :P )
(edited by Balthazzarr.1349)
After all is said and done, as usual there’s a lot more said than done. Ain’t that the way
In previous posts in other forums here I have deferred to the majority, hoping that this makes most people happy. I’ve seen posts from people saying that the minority should sit back and basically stop whining because this is the way most people want it. But consider this… Although the lower tiers contain the lower number of players I’m pretty sure that those numbers are still good decent number of people that actually bring some good money into the ANet bank account. Sure, it’s all good to cater to the majority and do what they want but at the end of all of this if GW2 loses a bunch of WvW players (and possible players period) because it remains basically ‘blob city’ what has really been the “win”?
A lot of talk has been around ‘play style’. Play style means a LOT to some people. I actually like to get into a zerg/blob once in a rare while and just pound the heck out of each other. But most of the time I really like just working with a group of people I know “digging” into keeps and towers and hopefully having some fun small scale fights here and there. It’s not all about that silly pvd people talk about. It’s really about NOT being in a situation where you are running into huge blobs all the time. I started this game on Borlis Pass in Sept. 2012 and got into WvW early the next year. I love the play style and the people, and as much as I enjoy a lot of the people I’m meeting in FA I am sorely missing the way things were. I will never get used to being steamrolled by a blob when I’m roaming.. that I don’t understand. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been with one of my groups and seen a single person maybe capping for dailies etc and left him/her alone. Then of course there are days when that person isn’t so lucky depending on the situation. But if you see what I’m saying.. it’s small scale and I like that. I’m in the minority and not wanting to dictate GW2 wide policy.. I just don’t want my play style to be taken away. People at the ‘low’ levels are there because, believe it or not, most of us like it.
I believe condi and power are both viable yes… I’m not as focused on the power though as I am on the condi, toughness, and vitality. I actually took the Chill build from the site then tweaked it just a bit here and there after running with it, but not much. Asis it’s really quite effective. Although I’ve seen one person running venom-share and when we ran together with our necros we were super nasty. With just the two of us taking down camps in seconds… and 2 against 5 real people went very well.. They either weren’t that good, or the two of us together just made a nasty pairing… not sure which but I’m still leaning toward necro..
ha, depends on how you build necro I guess. I can solo a camp a LOT easier with my necro than I can my mesmer. My necro is a chill build that slows them down a lot then conditions them to death, with a little power in there for good measure.. So my recommendation of the two would be necro.. Having said that I’ve seen some people play mesmer in such a way that it makes me look I just started playing… so I guess it also boils down to play style and ability.. For me necro… for SteepledHat Mesmer..
oh, and this build for group play is very good because of the chill conditions it puts on groups of people. Slow them down, keep stacking chills on them while your team pounds them into the dirt.. aaahhh
I’m from a lower tier (6 I think) – BP … I do love the big action that I have now being grouped with the higher tier server.. BUT.. It has simply become a place for me to come and fight if I want to. Taking, keeping, towers, camps, keeps, etc is no longer something that’s really a big deal other than the blobs looking to attract people to fight it seems. Nothing wrong with that of course. But I am BP.. and right now BP doesn’t exist in any represented way other than me saying it out loud. Fort Aspenwood is the world I’m hosted on and I have nothing to say against the people there. They do things their way and that’s all good. After the dust clears and I’ve had a few hours of intense blobbing I would really love to just go off and see what BP has done. I would love to go off with a small group of my homies and brand a bunch of stuff with our BP colour of the week.. But I can’t…. and THAT is where this thing is a fail for me. If it becomes permanent and if it turns out that BP will no longer even exist then it truly would cause my engagement in WvW to drop off even more than it already has. The reset night was awful of course. The next two days/nights were quite fun. But the novelty of the fights has worn down for me at least. I will go in a couple times a week I guess to have a little blob fun, but the days of going in every day and reclaiming things for BP and running havoc on other maps “for The Pass!” don’t exist anymore ( at least not right now ). When those days are possible once again then my WvW presence will go back to daily.
In the meantime I’m happy for those who really like this set up. I hope it makes the majority happy ( if it does ) because at the end of the day ‘majority rules’. For me, I won’t cry and whine about it all.. I will just change my play style and find things to do that I like 2nd to WvW but still like to do with friends.
I’m from a lower tier (6 I think) – BP … I do love the big action that I have now being grouped with the higher tier server.. BUT.. It has simply become a place for me to come and fight if I want to. Taking, keeping, towers, camps, keeps, etc is no longer something that’s really a big deal other than the blobs looking to attract people to fight it seems. Nothing wrong with that of course. But I am BP.. and right now BP doesn’t exist in any represented way other than me saying it out loud. Fort Aspenwood is the world I’m hosted on and I have nothing to say against the people there. They do things their way and that’s all good. After the dust clears and I’ve had a few hours of intense blobbing I would really love to just go off and see what BP has done. I would love to go off with a small group of my homies and brand a bunch of stuff with our BP colour of the week.. But I can’t…. and THAT is where this things is a fail for me. If it becomes permanent and if it turns out that BP will no longer even exist then it truly would cause my engagement in WvW to drop off even more than it already has. The reset night was awful of course. The next two days/nights were quite fun. But the novelty of the fights has worn down for me at least. I will go in a couple times a week I guess to have a little blob fun, but the days of going in every day and reclaiming things for BP and running havoc on other maps “for The Pass!” don’t exist anymore ( at least not right now ). When those days are possible once again then my WvW presence will go back to daily.
In the meantime I’m happy for those who really like this set up. I hope it makes the majority happy ( if it does ) because at the end of the day ‘majority rules’. For me, I won’t cry and whine about it all.. I will just change my play style and find things to do that I like 2nd to WvW but still like to do with friends. Kick butt, have fun, repeat…
(edited by Balthazzarr.1349)
ok let me be the first person to say I was wrong. Lots of opportunity for havoc here and there… and holy crap… the huge blob fighting was actually a crapload of fun! Tried it in the past and didn’t like it… things have changed I guess because it was a super blast!
I’ll figure out how to deal with the “identity crisis”.. in the meantime I’m actually having a lot more fun than I thought I would.. To all those people that said “back off and give it a chance”… yes.. that was a good idea…
My biggest problem now is that BP has no identity. Effectively I am a member of a different server but not “OF” that server, so just a guest helping out. It just makes me feel disconnected. I joined a group last night but it was like I was a dark sheep running with a bunch of white. Not matter how long this ‘merge’ continues I will always be BP and they will always know it and I know we will always be considered the “little” guys that are helping them out a bit… and THAT just isn’t fun for me.
Not sure where this will all go, or if this feeling will change. I hope that if these linking remains in place that it will simply be a permanent servers switch somewhere because being a guest sucks. At least if it’s ONE server then we will just become part of it and not have to feel that we will be moved somewhere else at some point down the road. At this point it’s hard to judge this as good or bad, but like I said above, it definitely makes me feel disjointed…
I admit I will probably give the “new” a bit of a chance to suck me in if it turns out that BLOBs are not everywhere. But the biggest issue besides the blobs that I have now is that Borlis Pass, in this new setup, has no identity. I am now assigned to Fort Aspenwood. Nothing against FA but I am BP. Maybe it doesn’t matter to many people but Borlis Pass is where I first landed in this game ( and I tried a couple other servers after ) but Borlis Pass is where I ‘made my home’. Yes of course this is just a game and people will say duh just to wvw and shut up about ‘YOUR’ server. But for me I love being Borlis… love winning or being stomped as a Borlis player and that won’t change. It’s more than just a game in that respect for me. I won’t scream and whine further about how things go because if that’s what the majority wants then so be it. I will adjust what I do and where I do it… but I will hold out hope that I see my home server’s identity again sometime soon in the list of WvW servers.
omg… queues queues queues… Keep the queues on the high servers for all I care… after all this settles down it will still be BLOB city!!! Give me my old server back where blobs are a thing somewhere else and your server is a place that you can actually do your guild missions, have fun with small groups and so on… No BORG Drone cubes please!
I stopped reading the back and forth.. At the end of the day even after it “dies down” there will still be BLOBS!… because everyone is mixed with the high tiers! sheesh how hard is that to understand? You want blobs? cool enjoy them. I hate blobs and will not be back to WvW until I see my nice little pop server back where it was.
As noted in a previous thread.. I have renamed my main to: Bye Wvw Love Tim
2224 wxp at this point going to waste.. I hate blobs as it is… and definitely did not want to wait beyond the 20 minutes I had already waited just to join a blob so I have put ALL of my WvW siege away in the bank and freed up a lot of space. Extra wvw gear etc all stored. If ANet puts it back the way it was I will go back. If it stays this way I will NOT play WvW again. It’s not a threat, warning, or whine, it just is what it is for me. This set up is NOT fun for me so I’m off to find some fun elsewhere. It might even be in a different game but so far I have fellow guildies that I can have a bit of fun PvEing with.
If most people want this then all the power to them.. but I suspect that a lot of good people will stop playing WvW due to this total lack of thinking ( in my opinion ).
Have fun!
This grouping of servers is terrible. 20 minutes in queue I gave up. Frankly I don’t want to be a blob drone either. Give me my little Borlis Pass back please. Until this grouping ends I will no longer be in WvW… This Gold General, ranked 2224 (means I’m a die hard wvw person … or was ) .. says goodbye for now to WvW. If this is what the majority wants then that’s all good… but seriously it’s not for me. Being a blob drone is bad enough… queuing up for ages and ages to be what I don’t want to be is worse… my new warrior name is: Bye Wvw Love Tim Have fun all… see you in PvE if you know me…
I personally want the Desert bl’s with some minor changes… 1. Make all WP’s usable because it’s stupid to have them the way they are. 2. clear out the middle so it can be used for field battles and disallow siege on it. Those two things alone would make it so much more fun. in my opinion anyway..
As for losing people… if anything I know that the groups that I run with will most likely increase. So many people really hate the new bl’s and just won’t come play anymore except for wvw guild missions then they leave. With the Alpine coming back I know that a lot of them will come back and will love the fact that they don’t have to grind with Keep upgrades etc. The way it’s set up right now with the yak numbers coming in make it more interesting. So blending the new with the old should actually be pretty interesting. I still prefer the new overall, but if people come back and run with my tag like they say they will then I’m all for trying out the new/old/new.. lol
(edited by Balthazzarr.1349)
Read the developers post… The Alpine BL’s are coming back.. and they will include the current updates. which means they will have tactics, auto upgrades etc… That’s why it’s taking them time to “dust off old content and bring it up to the current game state,”
All the yapping about taking this out, putting this in… waste of air space. They are putting the old bl’s back but with the new features.
I said this on another topic, figure it’s fitting here as well.
No one wants the Alpine back really. They got stale, but what people really want is:
- Swift Direct, Easy Travel, which the Alpine provided and the Deseret did not.
- They don’t want a map full of Gimmicks. WvW for most intents is more a War Zone not a Theme Park. There does not need to be any distractions there to keep us entertained. Thus the Alpine was simple and direct, the Desert is not.
- Distinct Wall Lines for the Buildings. The Alpine map made it easy to know exactly where the walls where, and the layout could be seen from the Mini-Map. The Desert has this convoluted set up where it’s not all walls, and you can’t see the distinct outline from the Mini-Map.
So it’s not that anyone wants the Alpine back, it’s that the Desert fails to preform so badly they would rather go back to the Alpine then continue to deal with the Desert.
Truth is, I would rather they fix the Desert, and learn how to do it right, so they can make more maps.
Totally agree with this! If they make the old Alpine maps into a Desert clone with the Alpine look it will just be a total flop like Desert is. Seriously a handful of decent tweaks and they could make the Desert maps real good. I mean jeez, make the center of the map an open field where servers can have some epic open field battles even!
People seem to forget how boring the old Alpine maps had become. Poorly populated except on the bigger servers where people spilled over into other bl’s due to size alone.
… and open the wp’s up!
(oh ya.. say hi to Katz for me eh! )
— Tim
it would make me at least give it a try to come back, but guild upgrades have to be removed and reworked so they dont give imbalanced buffs and all the hot gimmicks and pve shrines have to go. wvw used to be a sandbox gamemode. it doesnt need invis wells, or the god awful airstrikes, or the horrrible banners. it also doesnt need pve like lords( the best time i ever had was the battles in the lordrooms and the epic ninja keep tactics, the scouting and the golemrushes and the massive battles. hot removed pretty much everything and made it ai based and pve heavy.
also wvw has to balanced differently from all other game modes. it used to be better balanced before they changed wvw balanced to spvp balance…
I totally agree with this! Especially the way they have tied so much into the Guild hall and Scribes. We lost our Scribe and are screwed… now I’m trying to level up my Scribe so I can make stuff for WvW etc. and if I get sick or go away then the guild is screwed yet again… What a total pile of crap!
Seriously! If the waypoints were actually USABLE in the desert maps it would have made all the difference! Why in the world would you make a bl so much bigger, then make it windy, huge cliffs, and NO way to get from one end to the other other than running? Very poor idea. All this complaining is lot more about the poor design of the desert maps than it is a lost love for Alpine. I like the new maps in many ways.. but in most ways they really just suck.
Well let’s report this bug again.. ANet please fix this! Very frustrating to get this far only to have the game screw up and nothing happen but an empty pulsing spot that kills you… NOTHING! Come on people!
@Vayne: You are absolutely correct. The last 2 of 3 times I went to DS were successful runs because I used the lfg to find an active run. Works very well when it’s used right…
well, easy in the lower tiers.. not so much in the higher tiers I’m sure…
@Silje: Actually if there is no enemy around ( which is typical ) then capping a Keep with 4 people is pretty easy. It takes time but still not that hard. I totally agree about the auto upgrades. The Oasis event has been terminated which is too bad because if you succeed then you get to do a lot of damage to all the enemy owned towers and keeps. The new BL’s have to be fixed though.. Way too long to get around… and the fact that you can only use one of the 3 waypoints is simply stupid!… Making the borderlands this much bigger then disabling the ability to get around more quickly just makes it more frustrating than the size alone.
I agree with the idea of changing back to Friday.. BUT… The biggest complaint about Friday is the fact that updates are also done on Friday’s at the end of the day. ANet is NOT proposing to change that. They might push the time to a little earlier in the evening but the updates can still happen on Friday nights. Which means the exposure to several hours of WvW outages due to a bad update would still be possible. Almost everyone here is screaming for Friday nights at the original time and obviously not remembering how probably most said how stupid ANet was for doing big updates on the same night as WvW Reset. Remember… this will NOT change. ANet is not going to change the night they do these updates. I prefer Friday night reset as well but if we all go back to Friday night you have to remember that we will most definitely have the occasion where there are issues in WvW due to some patch… it’s not if, but when it happens.
Considering the fact that ANet will not change their patching on Friday nights I personally prefer Saturday ( which appears to have a pretty good population in WvW by the way at that time ). If the patch date changed to Thursday for example then Friday makes more sense.
Just my own thoughts from the minority bandwagon..
One further note to this… Some people have said that switching back to Friday would bring people back into WvW.. I highly doubt that! Some positive changes to the new BL’s will bring people back… the night we have reset is really a small nit compared to these new terrible BL’s imo.
Describe a typical hour for you in the Alpine Borderlands in the past. For example, What size of group were you running in? What kind of tasks did you run? What activities did you do?
- Typical hour in the old BL’s would involve flipping camps, tower, keeps, with a small havoc group of between 1 and 5, for me. Then upgrading, sieging keeps ( which is irrelevant in the new BL’s )
Compare your experience described above with a typical hour spent in Eternal Battlegrounds, if you went there at all. Does your style of play change between the 2 maps?
EB is still where we put some siege up in our own Keep but mostly it’s a zerging ground now. Good place to go if you want some quick camp flipping for dailies etc. The towers mostly never get upgraded now so they flip fast and easy. It’s really just a karma/fight zone.
Compare your experiences described above with an hour spent in the new borderlands.
An hour in the new borderlands is slave labour. Usually involves running with either a mindless zerg capping stuff… or a very small group doing the same. Either way it takes so long to get where you are going and run the whole map that it’s still more of a pain than anything.
Describe the nature of combat in the borderlands in the past. How have the new borderlands impacted this paradigm for you? What style or build changes might it cause? For example, knocking people off cliffs or into lava might play a more important role.
Combat in the new bl’s? huh? I’m sure it might happen in the higher tiers but at our tier which is between 5-8 if we want combat we go to Eternal. Otherwise it’s player vs doors and walls. .. oh and of course if ONE person is in a keep he can usually defend it if it’s upgraded against a decent number of enemy outside.
In your experience, compare the time it takes take a structure or objective here, then it did in the past.
one word: terrible
How is the loot and wxp for you compared to in the past? Will it be able to sustain whatever you are doing? Did it take a hit, or was it improved? If you are planning to unlock an elite specialization, do you think you were helped or hurt in these regards?
Loot? in WvW? So far I haven’t seen anything useful come out of WvW loot for me. I used to even get ascended items in the old BL’s.. so far since HoT came out I haven’t received even one ascended item from WvW.. so loot? bah.
As for unlocking elites? You get wvw upgrades and the tokens so much faster by running in EOTM that I went there and got most of my elites unlocked that way.
Do you think you could pursue any other in-game goals just by playing WvW?
How will the map change impact the long sessions (multiple hours) you spend in WvW?
My in game goals for WvW are mostly squashed. I like to roam alone and in the new bl’s that is mostly destroyed now. The impact of the map change is that I went from spending about 95% of my time in WvW to maybe 20% at best! seriously.
In 100 words or less, describe how the new BLs could be improved.
1. Make them smaller.
2. Make it so you can actually use those kitten way points.. ALL OF THEM. Not just one per map. On a map so big, removing the use of all waypoints is truly the not-so-smartest idea I’ve seen in a while.
In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a new WvW player.
runs screaming from the room
In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a veteran WvW player that is new to the maps.
I am a veteran player. I find myself at a loss to even try to explain a setup that frustrates me so much that my wvw game has been reduced drastically.
Which map am I most likely to find you currently, if you’re on Gw2?
If I just got into WvW you will find me in my own BL seeing if there are camps I can flip. I can’t solo a tower anymore, ( although some seem to be able to after a long period of time ). If I’m alone that’s it… then I might be found in EB running with a group capping or fighting just for a little action.
The new way of things makes it much less of a “labor of love” when it comes to prepping a keep for defense and more of a place for big groups to rampage through a bl making it their colour. The small havoc groups are still there but harder to find and spend much less time doing what we used to love.
I agree with the idea of changing back to Friday.. BUT… The biggest complaint about Friday is the fact that updates are also done on Friday’s at the end of the day. ANet is NOT proposing to change that. They might push the time to a little earlier in the evening but the updates can still happen on Friday nights. Which means the exposure to several hours of WvW outages due to a bad update would still be possible. Almost everyone here is screaming for Friday nights at the original time and obviously not remembering how probably most said how stupid ANet was for doing big updates on the same night as WvW Reset. Remember… this will NOT change. ANet is not going to change the night they do these updates. I prefer Friday night reset as well but if we all go back to Friday night you have to remember that we will most definitely have the occasion where there are issues in WvW due to some patch… it’s not if, but when it happens.
Considering the fact that ANet will not change their patching on Friday nights I personally prefer Saturday ( which appears to have a pretty good population in WvW by the way at that time ). If the patch date changed to Thursday for example then Friday makes more sense.
Just my own thoughts from the minority bandwagon..
Objectives upgrades will no longer be automatic based on time. They will upgrade based on dolyaks that reach them. – Yes!
Supply cost for all catapults are being reduced by ten supply. – Yes!
Points per kill will be turned on and kept on. – Yes!
The number of players who can rally off a single kill has been reduced from five to one. Players will also no longer be able to revive defeated players while in combat. – Better but would still prefer rally to go away completely and defeated players forced to port
Supply cost for guild catas used to be 25… so that will bring them down to 40 which is still 15 above what it used to be… meh
I stopped reading all the “thanks for listening” notes… because although this is a little step in the right direction ( carrot dangling at best to me ), it’s nowhere near close to responding to what people are really saying. I used to spend 95% of my time in WvW and now it’s about 5% at best. These changes won’t pull me back in, nor will they benefit small groups really since now they won’t be able to rez their own dead against a bigger group and so on. Bottom line is that this is a straw that has been thrown at a haystack of requests ( to me ). As it is and will be when these small changes are implemented, I will continue to pound the HoT areas and keep hoping that maybe even HALF things people are saying will be responded to.
If there is any cost at all for the next expansion whenever that is, I definitely will not be buying it. Basing this on what I’ve experienced since starting gw2 3 years ago any further expansion should be considered a major bug fix mixed in with updates that actually make the game fun to play again.