Showing Posts For Chase.8415:

Who was the first rank 80?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


There was no rank 80, it wasn’t possible until April 15th. The highest people got was like 74 if I recall correctly.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


They make roughly 4 dollars a month per player in the gemstore.

That’s more profit per year than a single expansion pack.

Finisher Randomizer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Great idea, I’d love this too, as would my poor extra finishers I never remember to use.

Wow a response after 5 posts, yet none in Megaserver or Trait threads with thousands. Maybe you forgot about us too? Is the China player base dealt the same wonderful PR?

Yea the difference between the two is between a major overhaul of the system or adding a small feature for finishers, completely related!

Seriously? I don't deserve this rank

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Look at the picture. He has 23 matches played. Please explain how that should be at the top of the leaderboards, especially when 8 of those are losses. It would be understandable if he was 23-0, but he’s not.

Because he obviously won against people with a high rating, possibly people in the top 30 or 40. That is how someone can reach the leaderboard with a less than 50% win rate.

Seriously? I don't deserve this rank

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Here goes another topic where someone quits with extremely high MMR plays and scores rank 1, not understanding how rating systems work.

Trial Accounts

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If that is the only restriction my guess that trail accounts could play PvP for free as long as they want, considering the fact that most skills are unlocked.

I presume they would only have one character slot though.

super saiyajin Charr hairsytle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Looks like it is working, I mean at least 3 posts pretty much confirm they used the makeover-kit to get the hairstyle.

How dare they make a hair style that sells.

People with Sunrise/Twilight and Eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


This sounds like an amazing idea! Let us devalue a title that was intended to be given to players who created two of the same legendary (like two incinerators on a thief) by polluting the title with one of the most commonly obtained legendary in the game!

Blackgate server always full!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


There is no queue system in this game in case you didn’t notice. The entire idea was to be able to log in without having to wait to play. It has been very successful in doing that, since launch I’ve never had to wait to play the game.

I pointed that out in my OP, I’m pretty sure I noticed.

No queueing system means you can’t log in on the server you want to play on at all, I’d say that’s worse than having to wait in line a bit to get in.

No, adding a queue system would just make everyone leave the smaller servers and make WvWvW near non-existent for those servers.

How do you think Blackgate would think if hundreds of people just started going to their server and causing the queues in WvWvW to be over an hour long?

Every other game with a queueing system doesn’t have one giant server & 15 empty ones, this game wouldn’t either.

No harm would come to anyone by letting new players wait in line to get in on the servers they want to play on.

Actually yes, several games have one giant server and dozens of dead ones.

Blackgate server always full!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


There is no queue system in this game in case you didn’t notice. The entire idea was to be able to log in without having to wait to play. It has been very successful in doing that, since launch I’ve never had to wait to play the game.

I pointed that out in my OP, I’m pretty sure I noticed.

No queueing system means you can’t log in on the server you want to play on at all, I’d say that’s worse than having to wait in line a bit to get in.

No, adding a queue system would just make everyone leave the smaller servers and make WvWvW near non-existent for those servers.

How do you think Blackgate would think if hundreds of people just started going to their server and causing the queues in WvWvW to be over an hour long?

Blackgate server always full!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


There is no queue system in this game in case you didn’t notice. The entire idea was to be able to log in without having to wait to play. It has been very successful in doing that, since launch I’ve never had to wait to play the game.

The whole purpose of the server caps is the WvWvW issues it brings, if everyone joined Blackgate then it would be near impossible to get in WvWvW.

If you don’t even care about WvWvW, then joining another server is not an issue since that is the only content that requires you to be on a particular server.

Guild Wars 2 Wiimotion Control + Downloads

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Who do I sue if I smack my wii remote on my monitor?

Salvaging Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Why would you want to destroy a 120g item to get a 15g rune?

Salvaging Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


It costs around 60-120g to craft an ascended piece…


in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If you are autobalanced, you auto-win

only if you volunteer

That is incorrect, even people who do not autobalance get full win rewards.

New weapon types: any time soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


A year ago PvP players were promised that new skills introduced in the game would be free too!

Well, you know what happened with that…

Many DC's Err 7 and 58 (its not my internet)

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Uh yes, it is your internet. IF your ISP chokes out during hops from one server to another, it’s not ArenaNet’s fault.

If everyone died out then it would be ArenaNet.

Superior Rune of Strength Not As Strong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I’m not sure why they nerfed the damage, the most overpowered thing about it was the fact the increased might duration applied to might that you granted to allies. It would make it really easy to get 25 stacks of might at all times.

Need assistance on the Guild Wars 2 wiki

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Hey all, I have started a project to update the frequently asked questions on as I noticed it had some really outdated information, some of the information was so old it even referred to achievements as feats… and even had beta schedule events!

I am trying my best to update it as best as I can… but I am not so good with writing on a professional level. I think it is important to update this website because if you type in google “Guild Wars 2 FAQ” the very first result is that page. I would like to keep this updated, so that way people know what to expect when purchasing the game.

In particular, like the PvP section which may seem a little hostile (when it asks about grinding PvE to do PvP) is telling the complete truth, so even if the wording seems hostile I would like to keep the FAQ as truthful as possible. There is nothing worse than being lied to and it ultimately just ruins the reputation of the game.

Please check it out here:

Update it as much as you can, the future of Guild Wars 2 depends on you!

Dishonorable debuff - bad design

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Just because every other games works doesn’t mean ArenaNet is at fault. In fact just about every support ticket they have, people claim its the games fault but ArenaNet pretty much proves it is their issue instead.

What was the blue screen of death error code?

Maximum DPS ele weapon

in Elementalist

Posted by: Chase.8415


How are people getting these dps records?

I have never seen 14,000 dps roll on my screen even if I were to mentally add it in my mind!

Why is Party Kick only 2 votes? FOTM woe

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


If they kicked you without reason or a disagreement in party chat, it’s considered griefing and can be reported to a GM if you submit a ticket.

This "Season 2"...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I don’t think expansions add any more content as a free update would. If you look at other games expansions usually just add new raids or a new feature basically resetting the grind all over again creating an illusion of extra content.

Trading Precursors and other high value items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Trading only makes RMT worse for third parties and causes an imbalance in the economy which would indirectly increase the price of getting gems with gold to an absurd amount.

Been gone from PvP for a while...what's new?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Nothing has changed since the last feature patch. That’s how it’s always going to be from this point. There will be small content updates in seasons, and after a season is finished a new feature patch is created.

Autobalance moving winning to losing team!

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


As stated on the screen when auto balance happens, it clearly states that if you are auto-balanced you get full rewards as if you won the match.

This includes gold amount, reward track progress and the pie chart that tells you how many times you have won a game.

There is also no issue with auto balance and winning after you are balanced, I had a game last night where we were winning by 200 points and I got auto balanced and then we ended up winning by 50 points and I got the full credit of 500 for winning.

Furthermore, some games may credit less than 500 and this is because of the fact rewards are based off time. If a game ends too quickly (less than 8 minutes) the rewards are reduced depending on how quickly it ended. You being autobalanced does not change this fact, nor does the score on the leaderboard change anything. The only thing required to get rewarded is 5 points. Everyone gets the same amount of rank points, regardless of what they scored on the leaderboard.

Because of this, if you’re one of those people that simply aim to get a high score by standing on an empty base with someone else capping you are generally hurting your team.

If you have an issue with auto balance, try solo arenas or team queue. These matches are based off a hidden rating so if you think you’re not good enough for tournaments then that is a misconception because eventually your hidden rating will match with other players to where you will get 50/50 win rate.

(edited by Chase.8415)

There is no lore in this game

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


To be honest, I have no idea what the story is about in Guild Wars 2. All the renowed heart NPC’s didn’t seem to explain it very well to me, and I’ve read just about 90% of the 301 ingame.

I only learned that Gwen is the great grandmother of Logan due to a gravestone in a skill point challenge.

All I want is ONE new dungeon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Which is precisely why FOTM is best for this, the majority of the playerbase could do the low level fractals that are easy and the hardcore can attempt to do it on level 50.

Arenanet, your customers who are addicted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


ArenaNet already has mechanics to prevention addition from playing the game too long. That’s the whole purpose of diminishing returns.

If you still have troubles with playing video games, then you need to seek help from your internist to see if they can get you set up with addiction programs.

Just be warned that video game addiction is not considered a medical condition and will not be covered by insurance so the consulting will be very expensive.

All I want is ONE new dungeon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


What difference does it make that a difficult dungeon is at FOTM level 50 than a regular dungeon?

Delete chars

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Your bank, wallet, armor skins and achievement points will not be affected once you delete all of your characters since they are all shared with all servers to begin with and stored to your account not the character.

As a general consensus, if it can be shared between all characters it will not be affected if you delete all characters.

Just keep in mind that any gear, with exception to ascended items or legendaries… armor is soulbound and cannot be withdrawn from a bank or salvaged if the host has been deleted (it can be deleted however). So make sure to salvage all your gear if you happen to have exotics.

More customization and more playable content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


So basically you want armor that is overly sexualized?

Fine, just make sure you have banana hammock swimsuits with males and you have a deal.

PvP is dying

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Nice troll topic, you can get the exact same result by afking in Lions Arch for several hours to where everyone leaves the MegaServer map.

Also, it’s 23:54….

Can't find friend on the same server.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Is he set to invisible? Are you able to add his username to the friends list? Did you double check to see if you had the correct username?

Formerly PvP-only armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


ArenaNet has stated that some armor sets will no longer be obtainable since the April PvP patch, it appears to be an intended change to give PvP players something for PvPing before the major patch.

Oh Anet will we see the Stalwart armor again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Looks like another armor set that can no longer be fully obtained.

I have this set because I was rank 50 when the patch hit with all the skins unlocked. This set really didn’t even look cool or rare because you could obtain it at rank 1 from tournament chests.

ArenaNet has stated that some armor sets will no longer be obtainable since the April PvP patch, it appears to be an intended change to give PvP players something for PvPing before the major patch.

gear question about damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Berserker is always the best DPS option; especially in high level fractals because a lot of enemies abilities scale of % of total HP and ignore armor.

Any way to avoid Megaserver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


They should allow us to select districts like we could in GW1.

That’s not going to fix the problem.

People are complaining that megaserver ruins their gameplay because the servers get full and their friends end up on separate servers.

Adding districts is still not going to fix this problem, because the only reason you and your friend is separated is because of the fact that the server is full. Basically, if there were districts it’s still a problem because district 1 would be full, and you would be stuck on district 2. This happened a lot on holiday events in Guild Wars classic.

If you were to add a district selection, the problem only gets worse. People will spam district 1, and you’ll end up with even more overcrowding than right now since the only way to join a full megaserver is to hope someone crashes and you right click a friend and hit join.

If you want a fix to this problem, all they need to do is add a queue system when attempting to join a full megaserver.

Are megaservers broken?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Hmm, no problems here, most times I land in the same shard as party and guild members, unless that shards is really packed (Dry Top the first few days), or because those guild/party members are based on a different home server.

Same here, experienced no problems with MegaServer. The only time I run into issues where they are on a different megaserver is when the map is really full and I am unable to join their map. If that’s the case they just join mine and the issue is fixed.

You have never done organised Tequatl or THW events, have you?

I have, and I believe I was clear on the fact that the only time I run into issues is when the map is full. At that point I just tell them to join my instance, problem solved.

Are megaservers broken?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Hmm, no problems here, most times I land in the same shard as party and guild members, unless that shards is really packed (Dry Top the first few days), or because those guild/party members are based on a different home server.

Same here, experienced no problems with MegaServer. The only time I run into issues where they are on a different megaserver is when the map is really full and I am unable to join their map. If that’s the case they just join mine and the issue is fixed.

Returnee check list.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


IF you want to work on ascended armor I suggest doing sPvP as it gives all of the materials needed for it.

Any way to avoid Megaserver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Two ways to avoid megaservers:

  • Stop playing GW2

That’s exactly how I’ve avoided the megaserver mess

Hate to burst your bubble but just about every MMO is in the megaserver mess right now.

Did he/she mention playing another MMO? Pretty sure all that was said is that he/she isn’t playing GW2 anymore.
It may surprise you to know that some of us that have stopped or will stop playing GW2 – aren’t just going to jump on another game.

Right, so instead of playing another game you guys just log onto the Guild Wars 2 forums complaining for entertainment.

Any way to avoid Megaserver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I said megaserver crap, not server mergin. They generally merge low populated servers together while megaserver crap merges every single server like it is needed.

As long as my beloved Archeage doesn’t have such idiotic system, I am happy anyways.

Server merges are still considered cross realm.

Any way to avoid Megaserver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Decent or good MMOs don’t have this cancer yet.

Really? Just name one major MMO that hasn’t gone through server mergers or cross realm.

Please, tell me.

Any way to avoid Megaserver?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Two ways to avoid megaservers:

  • Stop playing GW2

That’s exactly how I’ve avoided the megaserver mess

Hate to burst your bubble but just about every MMO is in the megaserver mess right now.

How to dance Vol 2. Add your dance to this

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


My guess is that the volume one didn’t make enough cash in the store that there will never be a volume 2.

There was little to none animations on the first edition to begin with.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


In WvWvW there’s such a large Zerg you are commanding, it’s easy to tell if it’s an ally field because no enemy would put a water field as an offensive spell…

Plus there are combo hearts, people are going to have projectiles pass through them.

Suggestion to writer to make personal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I would be against this change. I always call someone by the first and last name in real life. Changing this would be immersion breaking and I would likely quit the game.

Dishonorable debuff - bad design

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


It was originally a lot less punishing, but the feedback from players had it increased.

Dishonorable debuff - bad design

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


For those of you that don’t know, it’s when you leave a PvP game three times in one day.

After the recent updates to the game I’ve experienced a lot of crashes (blue screens that force restarts), more than usual. I submitted a ticket to Anet to see what they could do for me and they suggested a few things that I readily tried, but to no avail. The crashes continued. My computer specs are relatively good (GTX 550 Ti card, 8 GB, i5 etc).

During this process of trying to understand what was happening I changed many things (graphics and sound settings, windowed mode etc) and on a few occasions I thought it was fixed which prompted me to join a PvP game, only to have the game crash my computer bang in the middle of the match.

As I DIDN’T KNOW (they give you no heads up) about the existence of the debuff, I would desperately attempt to join the game again but GW2 – for reasons I do not understand – takes forever to load again and if you do manage to get in early it usually crashes again.

Long story short, yesterday this happened 3 times during the day and much to my surprise I found myself with a 72 hour ban from PvP. Yes that’s right SEVENTY FRIKKIN TWO HOURS.

I’m being punished for THREE DAYS for something that is completely not my fault. This is entirely on Anet, it’s their developers that can’t stabilize the game and the poor gamer that’s still soldiering on through all the bugs gets slapped on the face.

It doesn’t make any sense that such an unstable game can have such a severe punishment for leaving games?!

They refuse to reduce the time on the ban and unfortunately I think this is the FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN for me. A game with so much potential but thrown to waste by a few bad developers and decision makers.

I suggest they make this punishment A LOT milder because not everyone is leaving games on purpose.

On a more serious note, I had the exact same issue just 2days ago, I had constant dc/crash for unknown reason right in the middle of the match ~250-250~. And I got 72 hours debuff as well.

So really… let just laugh at our misfortune, and ask ourselves if we can see ourselves walking children in nature.

You have to dc 3 times in one day to get 72 hours, in addition tot hat you have to be dc’ed while the game ended. If you dced while in mid match and never came back for the rest of the game, then you deserved to get dishonored.