Sorry to burst your bubble buit I seriously doubt profits will go down if PvP players quit.
I’m pretty sure its intended that unrankeds give progress considering there is a MMR involved in unrankeds unlike hotjoin it’s more of a tooltip error.
Courtyard occurs serious rating penalty because they are usually blowouts, you lose a lot more points if you didn’t score anything. No matter what the situation is, you will always lose 1 rating point if you score less than 200. It’s -2 in courtyard if you go against an evenly matched team and lost
Just to be clear i never lost 10 in a row befote the patch and thats not really the point here. The point is premade vs soloers SHOULD NOT happen ever , its just bad game design. I dont think anyone would disagree with me on this one.
I win against premades a lot as a solo queuer, and even if you lose you still gain rating against a premade as long as you score more than 200 (assuming the system determined you had a 90% to lose)
There is no happy medium, people complaining queues taking too long so they change the system and now people are wanting to wait longer for better matches. People need to make up their minds.
This would cause rating inflation and ruin the experience of other players because of their incorrectly set MMR does not match their skill level. A better solution would be to implement a rating decay where everyone loses points to prevent people from having over 100 points and cause difficulties for new players.
Necros need a solid team to do well. Their damage needs time to ramp up, and without a team to slow down the enemy damage on you, it is tough.
Now, if you were playing in ranked arena, if the other team is known to be stronger, you would not have lost any rating for this loss.
to be clear, teams are awarded points even for losing sometimes. The new system encourages you to play your hardest, even if you’re pretty much guaranteed to lose.
Basically as long as you score more than 200 points you won’t lose rating, depending on how the system scaled how much probability you had of winning. If you get completely destroyed to the point where you score less than 200 points, you will always lose rating. So make sure you’re not standing in the base on a loss because the more points you get in the game the better the rating reward.
(edited by Chase.8415)
Achievements have always been account base, and based on arenanets track record rewards always turn out to be very lacking so I seriously doubt legendary crafting materials will contain precursors.
No, instead the improved match making hurts your rating less if you get stuck on a low MMR team and lose significantly. Where as before in the old system, if you lost you would lost significant rating and drop more on the leaderboards, regardless if you where 30 points from winning or lost by 400.. The loss was the same.
The new system is more intelligent and adjusts rating loses depending on how much you lost by or if you have low MMR players in your team.
So even if i don’t lose points (I don’t know and i don’t really care since ladder is gonna be farm based and not skill based anyway) how am i supposed to have fun playing in some teams that look worse than hotjoin? Last night got matched vs tage rom and hiba trioq while soloqing and my team composed by totally unknowns who were failing to kill tage 3v1 on close (And he was running offguard not even bunker) while being 1v3 mid kiting everywhere like a mad kitten waiting for a backup that never came…and all of this after waiting 13 mins for qpop
Is this supposed to be fun? Looks like you should go full rooster 500-0ing everything or nothing…rather play farmville than watching 2 thieves getting rekt by one shatter mesmer while you tryharding 1v2 on close all time…or 3 ppl chasing tage around altar while not even one of them standing on kittening point and capping it (Let alone wasting time in 3v1 and failing)
The new system makes it less likely for things to happen, but nothing will ever be perfect. You can make a difference in your own rating, many others have got high MMR in solo queue with no issues. no matter what they implement not everyone is going to be satisfied. If you want full control of your team please queue as a team.
As i said going full rooster and 500-0 everything is the only option then….still not so fun but still better than trying to carry hopeless randoms i guess
Evidently you’re not carrying them if they ended up losing anyway.
How can you carry 2 thieves dieing to one shatter mesmer? Or 3 ppl going for chief, getting it stolen and being rekt one minute after while you are 1v3 mid? Or a team of pvers running around all map trying to get tage while you are alone mid vs rom, hiba and another nade engi? Please tell me you great pvp master…i bet you’re so good you can solo CM while your mates looking at rainbows and carry them all, teach me how to do it please
Top 500 lol….enlighten me
I have that on every class on the game, not just one like most.
I was able to do it by myself and get back in the top 1000 with no issues, sorry to see you cannot do the same.
Actually you will be quite surprised how often solo queue players defeat full premades teams with communication. There are a lot of premades in the arena that do not run in guilds. You can find out by right clicking their name, if it doesn’t say add to party then they are currently in a party.
You should be happy when you face against a premades, because if you win they lose a lot of points on the leaderboard. If you happen to lose, depending on how bad the loss is such as a complete blowout, you may not even lose rating at all with this new leaderboard system.
If you’re not interested in leaderboards, queue in the less serious PvP which is unranked which uses the same rating system but you won’t encounter top end players as much in there.
Having no issues with the matchmaking system, and the stats on arena net side states that more people are having close games than ever before which suggests better matchmaking.
You’re running into issues because your rating is low, possibly due to losing against bad teams consistently over and over. After 50 games or so your rating will adjust to where it is supposed to be at and you should be at a 50/50 win rate.
Not everyone can be a top player.
What happens is that as you are asked to “carry” weak players who do not understand how to win at Conquest, your MMR drops. Eventually you fall into the “pit” of absolutely clueless or non-serious Lawl players.
You cannot carry enough to ever get out.
That’s reality. If you have always played on a decent team you will not have experienced that and you mistakenly believe “if you are good you can carry a bad team”.
You try winning a match all by yourself when your team mates are all fighting in a corner somewhere and the other team is standing on all the points.
Actually I have been through a rough patch on one of my alts, I lost a lot of games on my elementalist and fell down to 21%, I managed to get back up to the top 1000 within two weeks. The rating will normalize if you just keep trying.
Now that solo queue and team arena is merged, if you want your rating back quickly all you need to do is bring friends.
No, instead the improved match making hurts your rating less if you get stuck on a low MMR team and lose significantly. Where as before in the old system, if you lost you would lost significant rating and drop more on the leaderboards, regardless if you where 30 points from winning or lost by 400.. The loss was the same.
The new system is more intelligent and adjusts rating loses depending on how much you lost by or if you have low MMR players in your team.
So even if i don’t lose points (I don’t know and i don’t really care since ladder is gonna be farm based and not skill based anyway) how am i supposed to have fun playing in some teams that look worse than hotjoin? Last night got matched vs tage rom and hiba trioq while soloqing and my team composed by totally unknowns who were failing to kill tage 3v1 on close (And he was running offguard not even bunker) while being 1v3 mid kiting everywhere like a mad kitten waiting for a backup that never came…and all of this after waiting 13 mins for qpop
Is this supposed to be fun? Looks like you should go full rooster 500-0ing everything or nothing…rather play farmville than watching 2 thieves getting rekt by one shatter mesmer while you tryharding 1v2 on close all time…or 3 ppl chasing tage around altar while not even one of them standing on kittening point and capping it (Let alone wasting time in 3v1 and failing)
The new system makes it less likely for things to happen, but nothing will ever be perfect. You can make a difference in your own rating, many others have got high MMR in solo queue with no issues. no matter what they implement not everyone is going to be satisfied. If you want full control of your team please queue as a team.
As i said going full rooster and 500-0 everything is the only option then….still not so fun but still better than trying to carry hopeless randoms i guess
Evidently you’re not carrying them if they ended up losing anyway.
I was really hoping for exclusive finishers for top 1000 players.
top 1000 lol
I know right, it’s a complete joke that only 4% of the PvP population gets it.
I was really hoping for exclusive finishers for top 1000 players.
Having no issues with the matchmaking system, and the stats on arena net side states that more people are having close games than ever before which suggests better matchmaking.
You’re running into issues because your rating is low, possibly due to losing against bad teams consistently over and over. After 50 games or so your rating will adjust to where it is supposed to be at and you should be at a 50/50 win rate.
Not everyone can be a top player.
No, instead the improved match making hurts your rating less if you get stuck on a low MMR team and lose significantly. Where as before in the old system, if you lost you would lost significant rating and drop more on the leaderboards, regardless if you where 30 points from winning or lost by 400.. The loss was the same.
The new system is more intelligent and adjusts rating loses depending on how much you lost by or if you have low MMR players in your team.
So even if i don’t lose points (I don’t know and i don’t really care since ladder is gonna be farm based and not skill based anyway) how am i supposed to have fun playing in some teams that look worse than hotjoin? Last night got matched vs tage rom and hiba trioq while soloqing and my team composed by totally unknowns who were failing to kill tage 3v1 on close (And he was running offguard not even bunker) while being 1v3 mid kiting everywhere like a mad kitten waiting for a backup that never came…and all of this after waiting 13 mins for qpop
Is this supposed to be fun? Looks like you should go full rooster 500-0ing everything or nothing…rather play farmville than watching 2 thieves getting rekt by one shatter mesmer while you tryharding 1v2 on close all time…or 3 ppl chasing tage around altar while not even one of them standing on kittening point and capping it (Let alone wasting time in 3v1 and failing)
The new system makes it less likely for things to happen, but nothing will ever be perfect. You can make a difference in your own rating, many others have got high MMR in solo queue with no issues. no matter what they implement not everyone is going to be satisfied. If you want full control of your team please queue as a team.
For the same reason why you can’t inspect players, it is to prevent people from doing content by being judged by their ability.
Click more carefully, I’d hate having to click yes to delete the massive amount of spam I get in my mail due living story events.
No, instead the improved match making hurts your rating less if you get stuck on a low MMR team and lose significantly. Where as before in the old system, if you lost you would lost significant rating and drop more on the leaderboards, regardless if you where 30 points from winning or lost by 400.. The loss was the same.
The new system is more intelligent and adjusts rating loses depending on how much you lost by or if you have low MMR players in your team.
What is game breaking and considered overpowered right now?
Ahh …I’m on NA…..45mins now…and afraid it might pop any second and don’t want to restart whole process again
This is exactly what I was afraid of when I put min potentials up higher. Sorry :\
It needs to be made more flexible, or it will just keep outliers out of the game during off-peak hours.
Actually I think unranked is hurting rateds more right now, there is a 1 minute wait on that vs waiting 20 minutes. I think it would be better if you hid the average queue time.
Anyone who is willing to put up with the game for the past 2 years aint leaving any time soon now anyways
For now, I just shrug it off and go about my dailies. What else can you do?
Lets just say it that way, people are getting kicked out by other people, DDoS is common in MOBAs and it’s more noticeable, in MMO ppl think there is simple network or server problem.. but hell no.. even here we have it and Anet should secure things better..
There is no particular reason to be kicked out of the game on the way Arena net does.
Arenanet isn’t usally the target, its the ISP that arenanet uses for their servers. So no, it’s not ArenaNet’s responsibility most of the time. THey even have contracts that guarentee uptime or large fees with the service providers.
Ready button has been there since the launch of the game and people still don’t use it. It should be an annoying button at the center of the screen that doesn’t go away until you click it.
The first set of deaths do call the game, whether you like it or not.
Not really, I’ve lost matches where we had the first kills.
Not sure I understand this, does this mean professions are not included in MMR now? It’s not reduced if you play a class that you have not played before? How is this a good change?
I have 7 level 80’s that were boosted from tomes of knowledge and scroll of experience. PvP awards sufficient amount of levels.
The MMR system is better so it’s more difficult for you to get carried from your teammates by stacking overpowered classes.
This is a L2P issue.
After you lose enough times you rating will be normalized to where it supposed to be at and you’ll start winning again.
This is not an issue as the player continue to vote to play courtyard, the playerbase obviously likes the map.
Hackers would teleport hack to the end of the jumping puzzle each day to get multiple rates and crash the ectoplasm market.
Where is your source on this information. It makes no sense since if you could decrease your MMR by swapping characters how would it affect the leaderboards? COuld you score top 100 by simply going to top 500 and swapping to a class you never played and then win a few games at the low MMR?
No it doesn’t work that way, it’s account bound.
Lol while I agree it should be harsh a 1 month ban is ridiculous.
No it is account bound, unless they changed that last patch.
Courtyard is really bad for this because it’s esentially a Zerg in PvP.
Particle effects are already slightly reduced by default, they used to be way worse.
Like conditions capping out at 25 stacks and becoming essentially worthless, I suspect this too will remain broken for years.
You can always just press escape to clear target.
Or you could have just used google and found this forum topic
“Set a key bind to Lock Auto target. The way the key works, it needs to be held down to function. When released, it clears target. So it basically is the clear target key.”
Never had a queue last longer than 5 minutes, if it goes past 5 I abandon queue and rejoin and it’s near instant then. Sometimes the queue bugs.
In regards to a queue taking to long and you decide to cancel, in that situation he or she should have planned their time better as most games can take up to 15 minutes of your time.
The players that run into this issue where they don’t hear the sound will correct it themselves after they get dishonorable.
It’s not really unfair to those who have stable connections.
You get the same problem if you were character swapping mid match as regards to rewards, I have been rank 80 since April and still actively play PvP when the rewards aren’t really worth playing for.
If you are disconnecting you are ruining the game for 4 other players, it is not arenanets responsibility to fix an issue that you are ruining into in your own fault.
The majority of the gamer agrees punishment should happen to players who have bad connection issues, it just something you’re going to have to get used to.
Any way to fix this? I have 2 connections, both were acting up, but only lagged out for a few seconds and lost all my points.
Also, when’s this mmr going to get fixed? Being pummeled by dragon ranks on just about every match really sucks the fun out of pvp faster than a black hole.
Yes the fix is to get a better connection.
Just because someone is rank 80 doesn’t make them better than you. Your faced against players with the same match rating as yourself which is hidden. You’re losing against players who have similar skill level to you.
Stop getting demoralized when you see a rank 80, giving up is not going to make you win. If you happen to fail every match like you say you do, you’ll go against weaker players until you start winning again.
All you have to do is right click their names in the scoreboard, if there is no option for you to join party (premades of 5 or less, or 2 pre,adds combined) then it will either be invite to party which means they are a pug. If no option for party is present, they are in a group of 5.
The game forces you back into any games in progress if you happen to disconnect while playing. If it is not, then you are either staying dced for a long period of time to where the match ended or you are not in unranked or rated PvP.
Yea way to ruin PvP for solo queue people… what is the point of merging them back together when we did feedback and got Solo Queue created in the first place?
It’s already severe, if you leave 3 times in one day you get banned from structured PvP for 3 days.
Full details on dishonorable here:
Most games fix immobilize bugs by simply reducing the characters speed by 99.99%, not sure why Guild Wars 2 can’t do the same.
I’ve been playing since launch and this the first I’ve heard of this feature.
Not sure how, when the game first launched you were knocked down on level ups instead…
Your hidden rating stays the same regardless of how long you have played or not. If you were in the top 1000 before quitting, came back 5 months later all the enemies you will face will also be in the top 1000 even though your LB ranking may be 60%.
If you keep winning againt foes who are in the top 1000, naturally you’ll end up back in the top 1000. The system isn’t broken, it’s just there is a lot of people with a lack of understanding.
Just tell them how good you are in the leaderboards for PvP and that will awe them.
Personally I agreed with arenanet, they should have removed ranks completely but apararently too many people got upset with that.
I recall you stating a year ago that PvP would be completely dead with ranks removed, yet here we are still playing this game. Evidently the PvP must be better than the other games regardless of its current state.