1: In order to stop people from getting the full set of Ascended within hours of it being released.
2: In order to make crafting more profitable due to being able to sell said time-gated components.
It was more of making crafting profitable, not to stop people from getting it within hours of release. You can buy all the ascended materials your self and get all pieces rather quickly. It just costs a lot of gold, like 600.
“Guild Wars 2 Account Will Be Shut Down Inform”
Easiest way to determine a fake e-mail if it has horrible grammar like that.
Unranked and Ranked arena are the same in rewards and difficulty, the only difference is ranked has a leaderboard.
I means in this patch, anyone who not in the game when it ends.
It doesen’t register you so no win no lost?
You just minus point becuase system think you are dc or change another char?If your aren’t in the game when it starts, or leave at any point, yes you will get flagged as a deserter and lose the max amount of points for the match.
Justin, I think this is an incorrect way of doing things. I understand that you are discouraging character swapping by making those who do so lose points. However, I think you should instead either
A. WARN players who are about to swap characters that doing so will cost them points
B. Disallow the “character select” option entirely when in a game
I think that either one of these changes would positive.Secondly, things like disconnects happen. I don’t think it is fair to any player if he/she disconnects for 5 seconds, logs back in and loses points. In my opinion the loss of points (as it pertains to disconnects) should hinge on the following.
A. If the player is not present at the end of the match, the player obviously loses the maximum number of points
B. If the player disconnects, he/she is flagged by the system. If the player than demonstrates participation within the match (personal score, kills, points captured, etc), the flag is removed and the player receives points normally. Otherwise, the player loses the maximum number of points.I feel like these specific changes will hurt the players who deserve it while not hurting the players who are affected by situations that are mostly out of their control.
Doesn’t realy matter if they warn or. It, people complained about auto losses cheating them of a win even though it explained that was not the case in the screen, and people don’t seem to recognize the ready button either.
RANK 7 POINTS 27 Matt.7248 Vis Viress WINS 16 LOSSES 24 40.00%
I don’t care how many matches you played or how well you played or what the odds of your team winning were… if you have a 40% win percentage you do NOT deserve to be ranked high on the leaderboard!
I guess you don’t understand how the new leaderboards work, win percentage means nothing, It’s all about the MMR and how well you did in the match.
Their intent is to get players to try new things. Unfortunately this means they likely won’t make changes that conflict with this.
I’ve tried every class as is xD
The main issue I see with this is it hampers players like me who are trying to get really good on a specific class.
I play every class on the game and currently rank 50 on the leaderboards.
Acknowledging your weaknesses and positioning is what makes you a good player, not how well you can solo people.I’m higher on the leaderboards than you or was on my main account. Not that that has anything to do with anything.
Where did I imply soloing people was important?
I don’t want to play necro or guardian because I have played them before. If I wanted to play them I would play them. Anet is directly saying either play those classes or lose out on rewards. It’s a junk system for people who want to play and get better at one specific class.
If you are fine with your time being wasted that’s on you. I don’t like my time being wasted on a reward system that’s flawed when it comes to the most competitive part of the game.
The rewards from dailies were replaced with log in rewards. Dailies do nothing but award achievement points and a small percent(2%) towards a reward track.
Yes, arenanets vision is to have players play in all game modes. This is why instead of being promised exclusive PvP legenaries, we instead get reward tracks which even with 6 months of grinding you couldn’t even get a third of a legendary.
It’s like this in every mmo rpg, PvP players get practically no rewards.
Also, cele meta is really not that bad. You think engi and ele are OP? I say, get good.
They are overpowered, please tell me to get good as well.
Why doesn’t the leaderboard show the class? It has the character name, why not the class?
Be interesting to see the class distribution among the top 1000.
Because you have people like me who play every class, they would practically have to have 8 different leaderboards, 1 for each class to be accurate.
Then why is the character name shown?
That tells me that when the player plays that class/character, that is that position on the LB’s. Why not show what the profession of that character?
For those players with multiple professions, only show that players “highest” rank profession.
If I can maintain top 100 or so with all classes in the game, how could it elect my best profession? It would change all the time because I might win slightly more based off luck on one game
Why doesn’t the leaderboard show the class? It has the character name, why not the class?
Be interesting to see the class distribution among the top 1000.
Because you have people like me who play every class, they would practically have to have 8 different leaderboards, 1 for each class to be accurate.
Merging the Chinese features into the west is the worst thing to ever happen to this game, this is basically all of their changes rolled out into the west.
(edited by Chase.8415)
There was no intake leaderboard for guild wars classic, and the one that existed was primarily for guilds.
There is a good reason why the rating and gains are not shown, it’s to prevent people from complaining that they are losing because of their teammates, so they verbally abuse the presumably lower rated players. This is exactly what happened when ranks used to show at the end of the match.
Also, this game does not charge a subscription. Every time that leaderboard updates, they are paying out of their own pockets for the bandwidth. I’m not saying they are losing money, but they lose significantly less if it updates once per hour instead of every minute.
Do people complain now without even reading the patch notes? This was explained that dailies get different depending on the max level on the account.
Their intent is to get players to try new things. Unfortunately this means they likely won’t make changes that conflict with this.
I’ve tried every class as is xD
The main issue I see with this is it hampers players like me who are trying to get really good on a specific class.
I play every class on the game and currently rank 50 on the leaderboards.
Acknowledging your weaknesses and positioning is what makes you a good player, not how well you can solo people.
Fine let’s ignore the Laurels but I still can’t get the 10 AP. I had two classes that I don’t have and don’t have place to make. What am I supposed to do about that? They could make instead of 2 classes daily, only one, so that we can actually finish it if we don’t have that class.
As I said before, there is always 2 classes available a day, and you get 4 slots. If you had made 4 different classes, then you can complete the daily without purchasing any character slots. ( because there are 8 classes in the game… 4 slots x 2 = 8 )
Even if you somehow can’t complete the dailies, you have 3 other options in the daily that varies each day.
I think the leaderboards are an accurate representation on how well you are doing, not the scoreboard. For example, I usally don’t score very high on the scoreboard… But at the moment I’m ranked 47 on the leaderboard. All of this was done in solo queue, without premades.
If you’re losing a lot of matches, you can’t be blaming your teammates. Adding more specific scoreboards would only cause trash talking, blaming the loss on other people simply because they didn’t use enough stun breaks, or didn’t do enough damage… It’s a sinking ship. Practically on a daily basis people blamed their losses over low ranked players on their team, that was fixed by removing it from the scoreboard.
I ran into an odd issue earlier where several people in my team quid for ranked and we ended up going in unranked, it was my first game back at like 12:30 pm today central, only seen this happen once so far though.
Yup, running into the same problem.
I have lost plenty of games by like 30-40 points because someone dced mid match earlier. I think the punishments are fair and it’s just something you’re going to have to live with. If it’s a problem then you can do custom arenas, there’s ni dishonor for that.
Well some of us got laurels because the patch hit this afternoon and you got a log in reward, then when the dailies reset we got another log in reward.
Right now I’m strictly solo and currently rank 40 in leaderboards, the start was rough but I think it’s fine. Granted the leaderboards just started and getting that isn’t exactly difficult.
If you’re capped in dailies and you do not care about rewards, then yes there is no purpose to dailies.
If that was an overpowered setup you would see this in tournaments, but you do not because it’s actually not a very good setup.
I had a very weird match where i gained 2 pts for a loss (close match, we did more than 450 pts i think), but i didn’t find this too huge difference between teams (according with the new system we had only 0-19% chance of win).
I’m pretty curious about it.
I gave you the details Justin in private.
That usually means they were in a premade and you were solo if you noticed they didn’t seem very high skill level.
You always get at least 1 point for winning, and lose 1 point for a loss.
If X top team had played 15 matches and losing none, they would be rank 1-5.
I don’t get the point of your post, if nothing it shows how flawed the system is.
That is incorrect, you can actually win points by losing games if the final score was close enough. You are only guaranteed one point for a win, but you can gain points or lose none on a loss depending on the probability of winning.
There’s usually 2 of each class a day, there are 8 classes in the game. So even if you had the default 4 character slots, you should be able to complete the dailies provided you have 4 different classes.
Biggest problem with more specific stats on lead boards is people trash talk over it, I mean they already trash talk now with just the top score which doesn’t even matter.
Personally they should just remove the scoreboard entirely.
Trash talking is fine. All competitive games have trash talking (some games more immature then others) but the statistics is more for personal use so that you can see how your playing or having a good/bad run personally. People judge skill by the official leaderboard even if you take out personal stats or leaderboards people will still trash talk. I’d just like a way to see my personal stats and sees if for example how many of my hits did I land in my last 5 games how many skills did I miss or were blocked. Basically something to look at while I’m in Q.
People do it all the time, but ArenaNet doesn’t want it to happen. I agree with them, keep the trash talk out of the game. All it does is hurt new players from sticking to the game which ultimately ruins PvP overall.
Can there be a simplified yes or no answer?
My biggest issue is rewards. I already have a mini llama and do not expect to get top 20. Can you please look into titles for players in at least top 1000? It may not take much but that’s only like 4% of the PvP population.
My cat approves of this thread!
Please add cat ears, but don’t make it a full helmet like the hats already in store.
Biggest problem with more specific stats on lead boards is people trash talk over it, I mean they already trash talk now with just the top score which doesn’t even matter.
Personally they should just remove the scoreboard entirely.
You can always submit a ticket online through support
Please aim for 5 minter average, I much rather wait for more even matches.
Our bunkers normally don’t enter the match as their bunker character, and also experience disconnect. We normally take care to make sure if someone disconnects they atleast earn points before the match ends but could there be abandonment penalties for swapping or DCing?
Yes, disconnecting or changing professions will count as desertion, and give that player dishonor. They will also be scored on the ladder as if they had a full loss, meaning as if their team had scored 0 points.
Can you implement this only AFTER the game starts. I play 50% ranger and 50% ele and just now realized that my class swap is the reason I go down in rank after winning 10 games in a row. What do I do when I have 2 other rangers on my team? Stick with my main and 100% lose or do I swap to a better class, and then still “lose” 0-500?.
See my post above…
“There’s a penalty for swapping characters because the system now adjusts the matches based off your hidden rating and composition, swapping characters breaks that system and could be considered cheating.”
Yes, like other games if a server crashes or somehow you think it’s the games fault you will get punished. There is nothing customer support can do to remove dishonor either. There have been times where a denial of service attack hits and they disable dishonor completely, so these situations are quite rare and more often than not it is not arenaanets issue you crashed.
… but the fact is the mass majority do not have connectivity issues…..
What is your source for this “fact”. Lots of people have DC issues; have you not read the many posts on the forums complaining about it?
I have the best fibre broadband connection available to me (BT Infinity) and I still get lag spikes and the occasional DC (probably one a day). Your suggestion would be what? Don’t play PvP?
In the 3000 games I have played in PvP I have only seen disconnect issues less than a dozen times. Plus the forums are a minority. It’s the same thing with customer surveys and all, you’re signficantly more likely to complain about bad service versus complimenting good service, so it’s not surprising for 7 or so people to complain.
You have two options. Get a better service provider (mobile hotspots are very reliable, especially 4g ones) or play hot joins.
I have Comcast and I have never disconnected once from the game that wasn’t part of a denial of service attach or run into lag issues.
Courtyard, Spirit Watch, and Skyhammer will not be included in ranked arena once the beta ladder officially starts.
Best news I’ve heard in months, thanks for the confirmation.
This is really no different then the middle aged fat and drunk men who call football players and when they’ve never played a game themselves.
Welcome to sporting events, people talk trash and a bunch of hypocrites.
Well, I play every class and maintain a decent position on the leaderboards I think. I’ve never done that in any game, so i think right now the classes are relatively balanced.
Yes, disconnecting or changing professions will count as desertion, and give that player dishonor. They will also be scored on the ladder as if they had a full loss, meaning as if their team had scored 0 points.
I’ve been noticing since the last patch that disconnecting mid match will also not count as a win to your record and you also get no post match rewards, and you’re saying that it will now also give dishonour?
I’m sorry but that is incredibly harsh. I played a courtyard game a couple days ago, dc’d mid match but reconnected. Team still won and I still scored personal points. It got counted as a loss, and I recieved no post-game rewards and now I will also get dishonoured for something completely out of my control? Was the first and only dc that day, had no way of knowing it would happen so it’s not like I just decide to not queue when internet is feeling sluggish.
This isn’t even taking into account the dishonour you get for simply not accepting the queue pop (Which is utterly ridiculous and should never be implemented). Due to the new system you’re already forced to sit in HoM, and now you can’t even afk for the 10-15minutes the queue may take to pop???
I’m all for harsher punishments for leavers/AFKers but this is not the way to go about it. Think of it like harsh DRM systems like uPlay, do you honestly think punishing/making life harder for the vast majority of innocent players is worth it in order to catch the relatively fewer number of leavers/AFKers? Harsh DRM makes people pirate games, harsh dishonour systems will make people stop pvping.
It gets counted as win, but the points you gain will be counted as a loss. You do have control over your connectivity. This is the system that they imp,event to prevent people from deserting games or cheating the system by swapping characters. There are always going to be negatives, but the fact is the mass majority do not have connectivity issues and this penalty is not going to cause people to quit. If anything, no punishments for people leaving and disconnecting alone would cause MORE players to quit PvP over unfair matches.
There’s a penalty for swapping characters because the system now adjusts the matches based off your hidden rating and composition, swapping characters breaks that system and could be considered cheating.
Right now because dishonor isn’t active people aren’t aware of the penalty yet, but once they enable it people will notice it.
Welcome to the club of several months ago, it’s not being changed and everyone is just going to have to adapt.
You get the same amount of rating wether you score 5 points or 400. However, at any time if you character swap even before a match begins, you get the maximum point loss even if you actually win, I think that’s what you’re running into.
If you didn’t character swap or disconnect then it is a bug, because the rating only scores off the final score of the entire team.
(edited by Chase.8415)
i dont think its activated just yet, but it should be soon.
Dis honored is not applied, but you’ll lose rating regardless if you won or not. That includes a swap before match starts.
there’s only 10 abilities and you’re complaining about key binds?
Last night I won 1 game and lost 2 points, and I never disconnected. Does character swapping before the match starts award maximum point loss or was this a bug?
Playing against people higher than your own rank is crucial to improving yourself and overcoming those obstacles. The best PvP thrills are when you know you killed a player who is presumably better than you.
People just need to accept that there are winners and losers in PvP, and the system will try its best to make sure you get a 50/50 win rate, just give it time and it will place you in the proper brackets.
I think my question was not very well written, sorry… So I’ll try again, with numbers!
My Mesmer has just gotten two chests from the reward track. She’s sitting in the Heart of the Mists. My Hero Panel shows MF 160%.
My Thief is the Cursed Shore. Hero Panel shows MF 400% (through boosts).
Will the MF-counts-for-chests-thing that exists only for PVP rewards, only apply in the Heart of the Mists – or should I open with my 400%-character?
The chests use the Magic find off your hero panel regardless of where you are located, so if you got maxed magic find off boosts, you’re better off opening them on your alt.
Because all it does is cause more problems, people will expect exclusive finishers and all it does is basically undo what they fixed months ago where it would take years to get a certain finisher.