MMR can only work if they are enough players in queue, guild wars 2 does not have enough players stuff MMR is useless. Unless you can get 1000s of more players, MMR will never be better. Better yet, if you want to avoid relying on MMR just for a team.
There is nothing Arenanet can do about it except hope more players show up. The other thing people suggested is added a rank restriction, which doesn’t really work too well since the players the noobs will be playing against are also noobs so they learn nothing.
Umm your first sentence makes 0 sense. MMR should work regardless. If nobody is on of your skill level or anywhere close, then you have a longer match wait. I get they want pvp to be quick match finds etc etc but they do so at the cost of enjoying pvp. I’m a decently good pvp player. If I could no life I’m sure I’d be top 100 easily but I work a lot. That fact seems to make it impossible for me to solo queue into decent matches. Not to mention how often 5 stacks are against me. I should NEVER face a 5 stack as a solo queue player ;-/
The problem is the system adjusts the MMR gap between the teams if the queue reaches a certain time, so if they were to fix “MMR” you basically would be waiting 10 minutes inbetween games because the issue is lack of players no the system.
If you have UAC turned off sometimes it glitches your administrator rights, I would turn UAC back on if that’s the case; otherwise you’ll have to do a windows profile rebuild.
Do you have a touchscreen computer by any chance? Because if there is a pinched corner the camera goes crazy anytime you try to use the touch screen.
Played the original guild wars, day 1 player of Guild Wars 2 and spent over $1000 in cash shop, no beta.
Random is random I guess
Yeah ever since the leaderboard re-design I’ve pretty much stopped playing ranked games. The old system was far superior, I can only afford to play for about one hour a day so I can’t really keep up with the new system.
Unranked Queues use the same MMR system as ranked, so a top player won’t be facing noobs in unranked; they will be facing other top players.
Dodge if it’s an issue.
Would offering the game on Steam require that Valve get a cut of gem purchases ?
Yes. That’s why guild wars 1 is available on steam and guild wars 2 is not.
Doubt it. Guild wars 1 still had a cash shop it being gems makes no difference. The issue only comes with games that have dlc but not games with subscriptions or cash stores.
Nope, steam gets a percentage of cash shops as well. That is why free to play games are available in their store. It’s also one of the reasons why EA made origin because they were tired of steams royalty fees
Would offering the game on Steam require that Valve get a cut of gem purchases ?
Yes. That’s why guild wars 1 is available on steam and guild wars 2 is not.
I have a feeling they will make the new blast finisher for light fields resistance.
You can submit a ticket to recover it, that’s how I got mine back.
This sounds like a video driver being out of date or the game doesn’t meet the minimum requirements.
Can you run a test?
Run the Guild Wars 2 test, then paste the results back here so we can recommend hardware upgrades or driver updates.
The RAM is almost always the issue when someone is experiencing ridiculously slow speeds or freezes, I would recommended upgrading it as soon as possible.
By any chance do you have a touchscreen all in one PC? This typically happens when there is a pinched corner.
Hello, please try this fix. It is known to fix a lot of connection problems in guild wars. 2
Open up command prompt
Type route print
Verify that there are no guild wars 2 specific re-routes in the routing table. (This confirms that there are no bad routes in the hosts file.) if you do find a bad route, you’ll need to modify the host file, refer to google to do that.
Type iconfig /release
Ipconfig /renew
Ipconfig /flushdns
Netsh windsock reset
Once finished, make sure guild wars 2 is running under administrator mode. Also make sure that your firewall has made Guild Wars 2 open on all ports.
Also clear your Guild Wars 2 cache
The quickest way to clear the GW2 Cache is to:
Ensure your game is completely closed.
Hold your “Windows Key” and press “F” to open Windows Search on your computer.
Search for “gw2cache”
It will find a folder called “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” at:
Delete this “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” folder that is shown in the results.
Restart your computer, if not fixed try the Google DNS fix:
We need less visual effects not more, it’s way too much as it is that it’s hard to tell what is going on a lot of the times.
There is only one viable gearing set in this game, berserker. If you are using another stat you are just gimping yourself.
If you want to survive alone as an ele, you should be using scepter focus with 30 arcane for the water dodge.
Heyo! I’m one of OP’s guild mates, and I’m the guy helping him sort this out at the moment.
We tried all the fixes you suggested, but to no avail. I also tried running some tracert towards GW2 IPs that I’ve obtained by looking at resmon and /ip command in-game, and all seems clear.
What seemed suspicious to me, though, is that on HIS resmon, gw2.exe seems to be trying to contact localhost instead of the actual GW2 servers. I tried flushing route cache as well, but that didn’t help either.
With some further investigation, I found out some could-be trojan horse on his system, so I’m actually thinking about just runnig combofix/format the whole thing. Do you happen to have any less drastic ideas?
Internal traffic always routes to local host on your computer, so if you saw that on the routing table that’s not odd.
But yeah, I would try running some virus scanners and see what happens. I had a similar issue where I got a virus that destroyed my virus checker… Same results where I couldn’t connect. I ended up upgrading just to windows 10.
Honestly, I don’t think it has ever worked. There are a lot of broken things on their website that they have never fixed, like search for example.
It’s been over a week and I remain unable to get the client started up. Normally I wouldn’t mind waiting in the hopes that a solution will eventually be worked out, but at this point the problem is threatening to cost me the chance to explore the Lunar New Year patch. Is anyone else still having this issue?
Yes. I was finally able to download the game, but tonight it decided it doesn’t want to launch for me anymore. It’s doing the show-up-in-dock-but-won’t-launch thing again.
Thats unfortunately a common issue with Macintosh computers in general, did you try restarting or doing a force quit?
Hello, please try this fix. It is known to fix a lot of connection problems in guild wars. 2
Open up command prompt
Type route print
Verify that there are no guild wars 2 specific re-routes in the routing table. (This confirms that there are no bad routes in the hosts file.) if you do find a bad route, you’ll need to modify the host file, refer to google to do that.
Type iconfig /release
Ipconfig /renew
Ipconfig /flushdns
Netsh windsock reset
Once finished, make sure guild wars 2 is running under administrator mode. Also make sure that your firewall has made Guild Wars 2 open on all ports.
Also clear your Guild Wars 2 cache
The quickest way to clear the GW2 Cache is to:
Ensure your game is completely closed.
Hold your “Windows Key” and press “F” to open Windows Search on your computer.
Search for “gw2cache”
It will find a folder called “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” at:
Delete this “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” folder that is shown in the results.
Restart your computer, if not fixed try the Google DNS fix:
By any chance did you log into this webpage without cached credential? Can you try logging in with private mode enabled? control+shift+p opens a private window, that doesn’t save or store any cache. If Google chrome it is control+shift+n
Hello, please try this fix. It is known to fix a lot of connection problems in guild wars. 2
Open up command prompt
Type route print
Verify that there are no guild wars 2 specific re-routes in the routing table. (This confirms that there are no bad routes in the hosts file.) if you do find a bad route, you’ll need to modify the host file, refer to google to do that.
Type iconfig /release
Ipconfig /renew
Ipconfig /flushdns
Netsh windsock reset
Once finished, make sure guild wars 2 is running under administrator mode. Also make sure that your firewall has made Guild Wars 2 open on all ports.
Also clear your Guild Wars 2 cache
The quickest way to clear the GW2 Cache is to:
Ensure your game is completely closed.
Hold your “Windows Key” and press “F” to open Windows Search on your computer.
Search for “gw2cache”
It will find a folder called “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” at:
Delete this “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” folder that is shown in the results.
Restart your computer, if not fixed try the Google DNS fix:
Hello, try this fix. It has been known to fix a lot of network related problems to guild wars 2
Open up command prompt
Type route print
Verify that there are no guild wars 2 specific re-routes in the routing table. (This confirms that there are no bad routes in the hosts file.) if you do find a bad route, you’ll need to modify the host file, refer to google to do that.
Type iconfig /release
Ipconfig /renew
Ipconfig /flushdns
Netsh windsock reset
Once finished, make sure guild wars 2 is running under administrator mode. Also make sure that your firewall has made Guild Wars 2 open on all ports.
Also clear your Guild Wars 2 cache
The quickest way to clear the GW2 Cache is to:
Ensure your game is completely closed.
Hold your “Windows Key” and press “F” to open Windows Search on your computer.
Search for “gw2cache”
It will find a folder called “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” at:
Delete this “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” folder that is shown in the results.
Restart your computer, if not fixed try the Google DNS fix:
Open up command prompt
Type route print
Verify that there are no guild wars 2 specific re-routes in the routing table. (This confirms that there are no bad routes in the hosts file.) if you do find a bad route, you’ll need to modify the host file, refer to google to do that.
Type iconfig /release
Ipconfig /renew
Ipconfig /flushdns
Netsh windsock reset
Once finished, make sure guild wars 2 is running under administrator mode. Also make sure that your firewall has made Guild Wars 2 open on all ports.
Also clear your Guild Wars 2 cache
The quickest way to clear the GW2 Cache is to:
Ensure your game is completely closed.
Hold your “Windows Key” and press “F” to open Windows Search on your computer.
Search for “gw2cache”
It will find a folder called “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” at:
Delete this “gw2cache-{bunch-of-letters-and-numbers}” folder that is shown in the results.
Restart your computer, if not fixed try the Google DNS fix:
i tried the password i have now, it didn’t work not sure if my acct was somehow hacked? but its not the same.
Did you check all of the credential vaults? This is not possible how you can log in the browser with an invalid password. I believe the credential vault only applies to Internet Explorer. If you have any non standard browser they are stored elsewhere.
Try for Google Chrome and Firefox
If Safari, access the Keychain app on your Macintosh.
To Recover a Web Stored Password in Windows
1. Press the Start Button (Looks like the microsoft logo, usually on the bottom left hand corner of the computer.)
2. IN both Windows 7 and 8, simply type Credential Manager without clicking anything.
3. If Windows 7, simply press Enter.
A. If Windows 8, simply click Credential Manager.
Under Web Passwords, look for
Expand the collasped menu, click show.
Type in your administrator password.
Congratulations, you now have your Guild Wars 2 password!
I can’t stand bootcamp because you have to restart and boot directly, in addition to that you lose the ability to move the camera with the touchpad with two fingers and the game becomes virtually unplayable on a laptop.
There is absolutely no difference between the Mac Install files and the Windows Install files, the only difference is it’s in a cider wrapper, which is supported on Linux as well but you have to wrap it yourself.
You can literally copy the mac app and paste it into a windows machine and still execute it, I’ve done it myself many times; this is why it will always be in beta, because it’s really nothing else.
What it was supposed to do was provide enough materials in six months work in PvP to craft a legendary. Instead it may take years haha
The dreamer is a dumb silly skin but saying it is “for girls” is insulting and sexist.
It’s also considered homophobic, since he is associating those weapons for girls and it wouldn’t doubt my mind that he would assume that if he wore it people would think he was gay, which explains some hostility in his message here.
I’ve encountered the same issue, though the circumstances are slightly different. My game crashed about a day ago, bringing up an error code that I didn’t bother to screenshot because I didn’t think I needed to… It’s happened frequently enough and the game has relaunched just fine in the past. Since the crash however, whenever I try to start up the application, the icon just sits in the dock as if it’s active, but the launch window doesn’t appear. Force-quitting has proven the only way to close it. I tried reinstalling it as well, but the issue persists.
Just like me. I didn’t get the error code, otherwise my problem is the same. 4 days and some suggestions from assistance service, but no result.
Have you tried this?
Repair Instructions for Mac:
Click on the “Finder” icon located in your Dock or the desktop of your computer to make “Finder” the active program in the Finder menu bar.
Click on “Go” in the Finder menu bar. A dropdown will appear.
Click on “Utilities.”
Once in the “Utilities” folder click
Copy and paste the following line into the terminal and click “Enter”:
/applications/guild\ wars\ —use-dos-cwd C:Gw2 -- C:\\GW2\\GW2.exe –repair
These steps should start the repair of your client. Let the process complete and once done, close out of Terminal, log into your account, and see if the issue persists.
If you are really worried about the new legendaries, just make one and sell it now. IT will most likely drop in value once precursors become obtainable in masteries.
Playing the game at 4k is really terrible for me, the interface is way too small. 2440p is much better.
Also 4k subsampled is really nice as well, it offers better clarity than 1080p for a few frames lost.
I have a GTX 760 unfortunately, so it can’t handle 4k supersampled.
I have AT&T and my brother is on the same network and able to download and install GW2 just fine. I don’t use / never have used Norton, so it’s not that. I did get malware awhile back, and since the timeline is relatively far away, it’s hard to remember if issues happened immediately after getting it. However, I’ve done everything and I (to my knowledge) have 100% removed any malware on my computer. No extra processes/programs are running before or after opening GW2 installer.
Well it is something system related, because as soon as I rienstallrd windows 8 on my machine it started working again so I don’t know. I doubt the ISP will be able to help.
After years of experience I know it’s pointless contacting tech support in general, they don’t really know how to fix anything. It’s best just to spend your time reinstalling windows and backing up your files.
I spent only 2 hours fixing my issue versus the countless hours being spent fighting with tech support and ultimately not getting your issue resolved.
(edited by Chase.8415)
I have the exact same problem, I tried everything online such as Google DNS and rebooting the router. No other machines in the house have problems with the Internet so I am not thinking it is a ISP issue.
I have Comcast and I use the Norton Security Suite that comes with it, by any chance are you using the same?
The reason why I ask, I noticed that my Norton software wasn’t actually functioning properly, and it was immediately resolved once I used the windows 8 refresh feature, perhaps this was malware related?
Hello, I can confirm that it is coming back to the game at some point.
(edited by Chase.8415)
Have you guys tried running game in window mode or changing graphic settings by any chance?
Killing people naked in hotjoins is always fun
Well, it does port you to the last location you where in. The only difference is you’re forced to be in the mists to queue for PvP now.
There is none, Guild Wars 2 and Guild Wars 1 have the best PvP in MMORPG, has been for years.
And you’re never going to find one that is better, Guild Wars 2 spoils their PvP players with giving them max levels and max gear.
Because you were expected to have a 90% or more win rate in all of those games, where as the other players are in solo queue facing against premades and are expected to lose and end up winning.
Not really that hard to understand.
I would really argue anyone over 50% win rate that is not rank 1 shows a broken system, not the leaderboards themselves.
All it takes is an aoe fear or aoe knockback and everyone is visible.
We should be able to make banana hammocks and Mango bippy shirts from all of the Christmas crap we destroy, then that time dragging garbage out of inventory would be worth something
I’ll never forget the day I was playing dead rising 3 and found the Banana Hammock costume… laughed for like 30 minutes.
i think your leaderboard ranking may be too high.
try queuing at different hours of the day, when those pre made teams are not queuing.
its based off of mmr. why do you think cover girl and relic are higher than me? they never get top tier players to vs them. and when they do, they gain points when they lose. Do you know what happens when i lose to a coordinated premade? i lose points.
ooo !!!
hmmm …
in that case, i think the match making system should take both leaderboard position and MMR into consideration when making matches.
what do you think?
Well, the real issue here is that the leaderboards are not MMR-based like they used to, but when they were, the hardcore players whined about casuals being in the LB. The forum crowd is never satisfied.
The new leaderboard system is heavily MMR based, not sure how you thought otherwise.
All you do is complain about the new leaderboards, even on topics not relevant to it.
Win loss ratio does not matter in the new system. It encourages people to play even when a loss is almost certain. I find them very sucessful, more so than the last leaderboards
According to the last earning report:
“The game is now two years old. And therefore in the not too far future we do think that we will have an opportunity to show our plans about expansion packs for this game”
this game needs better tutorials
Wouldn’t make a difference, because people don’t even read the screen now.
I’ve been wanting a title for completing all champion pvp titles, but I don’t think they’re ever going to add that.