Showing Posts For Chase.8415:

Does class loot bias affect chest drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Honestly I haven’t noticed any difference with the new loot system

Interface is way too small

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I’d like to know the size of your monitor to pull that setting off.

It’s 28 inches, I got it as a gift. Apparently they cost around $599

[Suggestion] Make Tribal Armor Set Available

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


This is how you make customers happy:

You take something away from them, wait for them to complain and point out its not fair that you took it and not developing anything meaningful to the game, bring it back without developing anything meaningful to the game – and they are happy! Yay! :-D

Well, it’s something specific that I want so, yes, it would make me happy :P

Unless you happen to be the PvP players that got the armor set before the patch, I wouldn’t be happy if they simply made it available to PvE players considering he fact he PvE players get pretty much everything else like legendaries in PvP when it was originally promised to have PvP legendaries.

Interface is way too small

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Well that kinda sucks, in order for me to have interface that is decently sized I have to go back to 2550×1440, there isn’t a way to make the interface more large? It gets a little blurry when you downscale.

Interface is way too small

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I put the games interface settings on the largest and it still seems rather small, is there a fix for this?


Why is Everyone quitting ?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Well its not that hard to figure out, ArenaNet underpays employees and there are lack of opportunities. You can see that on their glass door reviews.

Arenanet doesn't take Solo Queue seriously...

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


lol que times not taking long what a joke. This is at 5pm pst, which is pretty much primetime. Have to wait this long and the match is still a blowout.

The only way they can fix that issue is to make solo queue more rewarding. They can’t win because people would rather wait to be matched up fairly rather than running into issues were total noobs end up on your team at expense of queue times.

Kick on Fractals.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


If they do it continually they can be banned for it, so I would send a ticket to have them investigate. Although nothing will probably happen because it’s a first time offense most likely.

On the bright side, nothing is really rewarding with fractals to begin with so being kicked at the last second wouldn’t make a much difference sadly.

Klick Mouse 1500xto craft items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I know plenty of people who admitted to using a macro to click consumable stacks in less than .5 seconds in vent who have not been banned, so I think people are a bit paranoid.

Current PvP from newcomer's perspective

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


It happens in every game sadly unless you are playing MOBAS which have millions of people doing PvP

There is a lack of interest in PvP in nearly every game because people don’t like losing. The true PvP players don’t care about losing because we are used to it.

Do you think I got to the player I am today by fighting against people my own skill level? No, I had to kill people way above my skill level and adapt just like everyone else.

Sharks with Lazers thief quitting, s/d

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


College is a scam, but good luck with your future endeavors.

Ranks hidden in spectator mode

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


You have titles and finishers, no one really spectates anyway.

Collections: Non-RNG precursors!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Did anyone actually think that suddenly dumping hundreds and perhaps thousands of precursors into the market would be a good idea? Anyone who does fractals regularly is likely swimming in those ascended chests.

Then you’re clearly not running fractals on a regular basis.

It’s faster to craft Ascended armor than it is to obtain it in fractals by a significant margin, even if you were to farm the gold.

Collections: Non-RNG precursors!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think the bigger shock is how people believed the rewards for completing difficult tasks would actually be rewarding.

Yea, that’s not going to happen with ArenaNet.

Discovery new ways to Key Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


So basically all crafting professions will be more expensive for the lower levels.

May buy a legendary.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


1 gold costs 12 cents in gem to gold conversion.

Eternity is 5050 gold right now if you bought it off the trading post.

That would cost $606 dollars.

A few months ago it only costed around $300-400 but people haven’t been trading their gold for gems so the prices keep climbing.

How about a /invisible ? - for screen shots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


You can use a glitch to become invisible here:

(Note this is for screenshot purposes, if you’re trying to exploit they still see your name)

Anything new for S.PvP since end of S1?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Yea go ahead and try out Wildstar if you want, but I heard it has the most broken PvP in MMO history in terms of balance.

Anything new for S.PvP since end of S1?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I don’t know under what rock you are living but there’s a feature pack coming focussing on pvp. Why don’t you check the website for the news

Who said it would be focused on PvP?

Standard Models and You

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


So they put an exclusive pvp armor and an option to not see it.


The same can be said for PVE and WvW and the culling system. All those legendaries and fancy particle effects that people work so hard to get are not visible to the majority of people playing this game since their models get swapped with faceless and textureless models with limited animations.

The legendary affects are still persistent on the lowest settings.

League system dropped?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


There’s still a lot to be announced, we presume that today’s announcement is only partially of what PvP is going to get.

Standard Models and You

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


So people were complaining that they felt forced into rolling an asura because they had smaller animations, now that they fix this people are now complaining that because they are no longer small they feel like they have to reroll human in order to properly exploit terrain?

kitten ed if they do and kitten ed if they don’t?

The only potential issue I see here is that it is a full model replacement, which means they will be using generic armor. If you want to show your armor to anyone in PvP, you might as well roll human otherwise no one except your teammates can see it.

(edited by Chase.8415)

"You have an equipped item that does...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Just spam double click every single item you are wearing.

The message only shows up if you’re equipping an item with no stats, your bank does not cause that pop up.

The cost of Legendaries in cash?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chase.8415


I assume it would be cheaper if I bought the materials and crafted most of it myself, but it would still go around the $200-300 range.

This game is worth it though, thank you for the links.

The cost of Legendaries in cash?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chase.8415


I am wanting to buy a legendary with cash, because it takes to much time to grind it by hand and it would be a lot easier to buy the gold instead of farming for months.

If I remember correctly there was a website that would calculate how much a legendary would cost by converting gems to gold, but I can’t seem to find anymore? Can someone link it for me

Dragonite Ore Too Hard To Farm?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


PvP regional reward tracks grant a lot, I have over 30 ignots of dragonite ore just from playing PvP.

Waypoint glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chase.8415


From what I have noticed, the waypoints that have vines on them tend to cause this issue where I teleport and clip them.

Continue development on GW1 please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


The only chance Guild Wars would ever come back to development is if they sell off the game to a free to play company who would fill it with a cash shop.

Spvp vs Hot Join

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think the rated match ups are fine, I never see new players in my solo queue anymore.

If you want to not see new players, you need to get a better ranking in the leaderboards where new players are not at.

Please bring Tribal Armor to PVE.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


So basically, someone who played 500 hours in PvE got to take their legendary in PvP while PvP players have to grind literally for months and month (well beyond the 6) to even get a legendary and possible even purchase gold with gems just to get the precursor.

Do you even read the PvE forums? Because, while there may be a few people who seem to craft a legendary every week, most of the players had to grind literary for months on end to get the precursor and the materials required to even start crafting it. And then also had to map the entire world as well…

And still, that’s far less time than those most dedicated PvP players with over 2000 hours in PvP alone.

Please bring Tribal Armor to PVE.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think the set should not be obtainable anymore, PvP was very rough on rewards before April 14th and literally people who played over a thousand hours in PvP were promised in a blog post for legendaries and instead we get reward tracks that don’t even award a feasible amount of materials to even craft a legendary.

So basically, someone who played 500 hours in PvE got to take their legendary in PvP while PvP players have to grind literally for months and month (well beyond the 6) to even get a legendary and possible even purchase gold with gems just to get the precursor.

So yes, you can hate me for wanting to keep those 2 armors in the game that aren’t obtainable anymore, when you literally just walked into PvP with legendaries and tons of armor skins when we were promised PvP legendaries that didn’t require PvE and we were also promised that we would never have to grind PvE or PvP to have all skills in PvP which that promise was also broken on April 14th.

We need more servers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Some resources disappear when used on some renowed hearts, but all gathering nodes never disappear when looted.

I have completed all 301 hearts at least twice and the rate of it is fairly common unfortunately, probably around 20% of the hearts have this issue.

Guild wars quests always two levels higher ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


ArenaNet actually considered locking personal story into tiers, like 10,20,30, etc because of this, that’s how it is in China and it worked out pretty well.

Posted Skill Builds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I try my best to keep the wiki up to date with the latest builds, there’s a question about this in the FAQ

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


I save all 7 citizens, and the achievement buff is still on my character. So I figured that if one of them died on the way to the asuran lab, I would lose the buff right? So after waiting about 5 minutes with the buff still on, I head to the lab and no one died. There’s not even a dead NPC in the hashed out area like everyone else is experiencing.

What program you use to recorder gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I use the one that comes with Geforce video cards, the video cards themselves have special hardware in them to handle video recording. So I can record at 1080p without a framerate hit. it’s called shadowplay.

Repair merchants should repair without asking

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


If they did this, people would start complain how it ruins their roleplaying experience with going through an epic battle and finishing it off with broken armor and then having a discussion with a vendor.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


I just Realized that those two priory agents start to run to safety even if you click just on one of them. Maybe you need to spam F on the second one too before he runs away? ? ?

I noticed this too! never attempted to talk to both.

Can anyone test this? Out on the road right now. I never tried it because they both had a chat bubble

What happened to the green arrows?

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


Exploring isn’t really fun for people who are disabled, specifically in higher visual spatial spectrum. I have a disorder that makes it impossible for me to remember where to go unless there is a clear path to follow

I actually got stuck trying to enter the caverns of shining lights for the last story step because it didn’t give a walk around like you got the first time entering it.

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


After over 25 tries, I FINALLY just got it, after following everything from the previous posts:
(1) making sure I’m on the correct story step (green star, not purple)
(2) waiting out 10 minutes to run out before talking to Tactician Art to find Lindsay
(3) following the exact order in Evrae’s post

I’m happy I finally got it…but I agree with everyone, this needs a fix!

1. Did all the living story instances until this one became a green star.
2. While solo I made sure none of the allies died in the first fight, not sure if it is relevant.
3. Waited until the 10 minutes expired.
4. Selected Braham.
5. Talked to Lindsey
6. Killed the mobs at the guard tower.
7. Talked to the Norn in the Water.
8. Talked to the priory agents.
9. Talked to the crusader passed the rock.
10. Waited until the commander reached the asuran lab.

No Achievement.

What happened to the green arrows?

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


In the regular personal story on the minimap there where small green arrows showing you the way to a green star, this was really helpful on places with a lot of vertical terrain.

Why isn’t this present in the living story stars?

On Swift Wings is bugged...

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


Typically I wait a few days before completing achievements because I suspect some of them will be bugged, but today I wasted about an hour and a half trying to get this… this really sucks!

Not even Dulfy guides warned that it was bugged

Entanglement LS bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chase.8415


I also cannot get on swift mend completed. I’ve talked to all NPC’s alive and let them go to the asuran lab but I do not get the achievement.

Why was salvari chosen on Login screen -Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I wish I knew why it was changed in beta, the login screen used to be gorgeously animated with a dragon

Because the launcher contains news and gemstore advertisements generally, so that’s why it was changed.

Target dropping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


By any chance do you guys click? Perhaps you guys are clicking on other targets without realizing it?

Target dropping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Never had this issue unless I accidentally hit esc instead of F1 or when an enemy stealths.

Nationality flags in LFG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Well clearly you stole our language!

You should nerf celestial amulet

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Better solution: Poison and weakness spam.

Tpvp matches should be locked to rank 20+

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


20? That’s way too low.

They should lock Solo Queue to rank 80. People below that rank generally only hurts the team.

See, I can make a judgement that lower rank players cause my losses too!

Elementalist is very OP

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If they are so overpowered, how about you play a staff elementalist against a team with at least 2 thieves on the enemy team and you’ll quickly notice that you’re just being outplayed and they’re actually somewhat overpowered.