Showing Posts For Chase.8415:


in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


They have several times. If you wish to play with your friends, get a better computer or do hotjoins.

Immobilized forever

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If people decide to let you live, if you type /stuck… after 30 seconds you will be teleported out of it.

Solo Q needs major rework/ ideas to fix it.

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If you’re a GW1 fan, then you may have noticed soloQ is pretty much GW2’s RA, except the mmr system tries to soften the level gap between players.

In GW1 you had nothing like this and could land with wammos or x/R with level 8 pets in your team 24/24.

It’s not perfect but it certainly soften the issue.

Agreed, this system would have been amazing in Random Arenas.

Improving Condition Damage (Suggest/Discuss)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Condition damage isn’t used because the “big numbers” aren’t shown with direct damage, it’s the fact how any stack applied after 25 is ignored and because of that condition damage is utterly broken and useless in PvE.

This problem has been pointed out several times, but apparently ArenaNet refuses to fix it.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


That looks like the WvWvW servers are about to change and where everyone from WvWvW is kicked and send to Lion’s arch, but since Lions Arch was destroyed everyone is sent there instead. That’s why there are several commanders and hundreds of players.

define creatures - patch notes

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Npcs in HOTM, NPC’s in foefire/forest, mesmer illusions, ranger pets, necro minions. Probably some more.

Yea, like everything that is summoned from a player…

define creatures - patch notes

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


nice try but irrelevant
what creatures then
all of them or just some of them
could at least have summoned them up


All AI was affected, so the patch sums it up pretty well.

define creatures - patch notes

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


? Use Creature in a sentence
[kree-cher] Show IPA
1. an animal, especially a nonhuman: the creatures of the woods and fields; a creature from outer space.
2. anything created, whether animate or inanimate.


So anything created from a player, their damage is fixed.

I think they used the proper English for this and no more explanation is needed.

(edited by Chase.8415)

Is it possible to lvl up in pvp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


What is the best way to lvl up in your opinion guys? I am playing as a Mesmer and i play my Ranger alot too , i am a pvp guy to PVE makes me bored after a few hours!

If you don’t like PvE, simply don’t level. There is no reason to level past 12 in PvP.

Why? i just started GW2 , not alot of knowledge!

Because all stats are normalized in PvP, so there’s no reason to level other than unlocking grandmaster traits, which are arguably worse than the current traits.

Is it possible to lvl up in pvp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


What is the best way to lvl up in your opinion guys? I am playing as a Mesmer and i play my Ranger alot too , i am a pvp guy to PVE makes me bored after a few hours!

If you don’t like PvE, simply don’t level. There is no reason to level past 12 in PvP.

Is it possible to lvl up in pvp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Yes, if you do any of the region based tracks, you’ll get about 4 Tomes of Knowledge, which grants a level (per tome). It’s not exactly an effective way to level up, as it would take a casual player about roughly 1 week to complete a reward track. So 4 levels a week would take you nearly 5 months to get a level 80.

New leaked map

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


That looks suspiciously like GVG.

NPC DMG Test (smt is wrong)

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If you die to the build test, you need a new build.

I like how they buffed them now because it makes it very easy to know if you have a bad build.

Separation of skill level?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


PLay tournaments, eventually you will lose so often that your enemies are just as bad as you.

Please rethink the whole reward system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


This game’s loot/rewards have sucked since beta. And there’s no end in sight. I’m all for rare stuff, but it’s pretty ridiculous that the only real method of farming is TPvP.

TPVP does not provide nearly enough loot compared to PvE. It would take a casual player about 1 week to complete a reward track, and the best you can get from that is about 1 dragonite ore, 1 star and 2-3 mystic clovers with perhaps 2-3 rares.

Anet player Icon in Game - I had to squirrel.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Its always fun to see them play minion mancers or mesmer, as the tag is from the Guild they are in so it duplicates the tag to all AI summoned by the player.

What I don’t understand is how GM’s do not have a tag in chat at all, and in some cases you have absolutely no indication its a GM. One time I got whispered by a GM, didn’t even bother using proper English or grammar asking me if I was a bot, basically threatening me if I farm near bots I would get banned.

So I explained that I wouldn’t get banned and all of a sudden an invisible character forms infront of me… would help if they had some type of indication they are GMS.

(edited by Chase.8415)

Destroyer scythe?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Yeah I saw it as well, when going through the staff skins. Tried searching for it on the TP and it couldn’t find it. Looking at the wiki page isn’t any help either. Doesn’t tell where to get it, and the info there (“Double-click to consume. Double-click to apply this look to any other staff.”) may or may not be true. I kinda want to get the skins, but don’t know where to look for it. Wonder if this is going to be another Final Rest (where it supposedly was "a bugged drop).

It’s not really a staff.

Well, same goes for Lawless armor.

Yet on the skin itself it says staff under the scythe part. Also Final Rest doesn’t look like a staff it looks like a scythe depending on the angles you look at it from.

There’s all sorts of stuff that look like something else.

Well there is an actual Scythe skin. We just can’t get it anymore (other than paying really high price for it on the TP).

I think gw2database tells you how, but it’s blocked under my work filter as “gaming” so I can’t tell.

Suggestion: Trait rediscovery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I honestly see no purpose for this, and I can’t imagine all the helpdesk tickets from people accidentally resetting their traits and map completion complaining how something like this has no use.

Just make another character.

the charr chef outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


And at the same time, thousands of players may enjoy the char version of a cook. Especially when Char is a much more violent race, so it makes sense.

You’re the only one whos complained about it, so I guess you wont be buying a cook outfit.

Is there any point in killing players?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


In hotjoins the incentive to kill is low because no one defend points, and its very easy to score 20 points by backcapping empty bases.

Bug with Rankup Chests

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


The rank up chests function like daily chests, where if you swap characters you cannoy open them on another character.

The reward track chests function like tournament chests, where swapping characters you can open them instead of having to worry about submitting to a bank.

Is there some sort of technical limitation on this? Why are the rank up chests not function the same as the reward chests.

Stop Rewarding trash

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


the biggest thing i think sucks is that the loot is based on your characters level,
get a chest on your 80? you might get exotics, i’ve even had an ascended ring,
get a chest on an alt? you’ll get a bunch of low level garbage.

do we really need to level all of our alts up to 80 in order to get decent rewards if we play them?
or even if we can open the chests on our 80 it still means we need to jump through the hoops of zoning and relogging multiple times to pass it over, loading screens, loading screens, loading screens.

You can either let the chests stack on the bottom right and open them later on your 80, or deposit them to your bank and open them all at once.

Daily Achievments

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Get a 2550×1440 monitor and you wont even realize UI elements on the top right.

OMG That Executioner Outfit!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I like it to…..

Now if I could just take the kitten hood off….

I wish they’d break the head piece from the rest of the costume (like in GW1).

You can turn the hood off, all you have to do is hide your helm and your outfit should update; unless its a tonic.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


If they were to charge for private maps there would be a huge uproar from the community on how ArenaNet purposely broke the game with MegaServers just to sell private maps in the gemshop as a solution.

People are being over-dramatic of the actual issue, sort of like what happened when fractals came out and how swamp fractal was impossible for pugs.

How many of you have 100% map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


13 Chararcters
4 Level 80
0 at 100%

I have topographicagnoisa, so getting 100% is near impossible for me unless I follow someone. So no legendaries for me!

Bug in Solo Q Match

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think this happens during updates pushed into the game that force a restart.

PVP Gripe

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Best solution for you is to check your score before the match ends.

If they were to change it now, a mass flood of topics on the forums would complain how ArenaNet ruined their game because they used to have great after match 1v1 battles.

No Anet word since last LS final chapter

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


Some people enjoy raiding. And it beats the 20 minutes of fluff content released by ANet on a biweekly basis, which is quickly taken away.

Do you really want more LS, OP? Even though it’s so disappointing and banal?

Isn’kitten bit ironic that you claim that those people are allowed to enjoy raiding but in the same post seems to imply that no one can enjoy the LS?

I just don’t see what there is to enjoy about LS? Wasn’t one of the LS story arcs like a 5 minute conversation between two characters?

Typically it would take the average player about roughly 1 week to complete all of the living story content.

(edited by Chase.8415)

No Anet word since last LS final chapter

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


Meanwhile in other Major MMOs people are visiting community websites everyday to read up on possible information on a patch that will come several months from now.

Guild Wars 2 people are simply spoiled.

Or maybe when other MMOs release some thing. It is actually some thing substantial.

You mean like another raid tier where it erases all of your progress from the previous patch and you have to start the grind all over again?

No Anet word since last LS final chapter

in Living World

Posted by: Chase.8415


Meanwhile in other Major MMOs people are visiting community websites everyday to read up on possible information on a patch that will come several months from now.

Guild Wars 2 people are simply spoiled.

Day-lies Gone wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


PvP players on the other hand have to do PvE in some way in order to get their dailies now.If anyone should be complaining its them.

What is "Unique" About Ceremonial Weapons?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I’ve stated this elsewhere. It seems the word “unique” means something different to Anet than it does to everyone else. [insert Inigo Montoya meme here]

The ONLY unique skin we get is the backpack and even that was sellable on the TP so you didn’t even have to PvP for it.

The backpack being a sellable skin was a bug, but that has been fixed.

Racial armor bought in PvP won't give achive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Unfortunately you made the same mistake as everyone else, expecting to be actually rewarded for doing something in PvP rather than PvE.

Legendaries with PvP-like sigil selection

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


While its a good suggestion, unfortunately it would affect the economy and ArenaNet is really serious about it. They even refused to award gold to PvP players who played before the patch for economic issues.

While changing stats could affect the economy, changing sigils would be worse as many of them are several gold a piece.

I get dishonored for changing my character!

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Why should their servers do this then? I have not physically raged or DC’d from a match, that has resulted me not been able to join again in the last 2 months.

This just happened, as appears to be the luck of the draw! I’m currently PvEing which I hate!

Plus the timer was still counting down before the tournament even started!

Then swapping characters is not what caused it. I have swapped characters several times mid match and never got dishonored.

Also this debuff clearly states only you are restricted from rated matches. You can still hot join, stop being overdramatic.

Game balance still as bad as pre patch

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Actually no, if you’re a Mesmer your stuff is hotfixed within a matter of hours [they fixed a bug where power block became viable]. If you mean warriors and stuff, yeah that’s obviously a case where we’ll be waiting nearly a year for 8%


You have to be crazy to think 10 second block on an auto attack from an interrupt on a chaos field is balanced.

Lose the Footprint?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


… What? Why would you apply the same skin to a legendary?

As far as I know apply skins to weapons keeps all of its effects.

Game balance still as bad as pre patch

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


The only thing bad about it is kittening balth engis and mm/decap not being hit hard enough.

I like how one thread claims MM necro is now useless and another states its overpowered.

Recent upd. ruined experience of the game: Transmut. Charges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think I saw a 100 gems for about 9+ gold. One transmutation is 150 gems, so around 15 gold I estimated, my math is probably off, I was ball parking it.
Regardless, she used to be able to have a set of city clothes she could wear and then her adventure gear, not anymore, and now each time she would want to switch something it would cost her money. Do I have that right?

No. Its exactly the same as it was before, the skin is saved directly to the item. If you enuquip that item, you can always equip it back as the skin is saved.

There is absolutely no difference.

Character not following camera rotation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


That is called latency and that is an issue with your internet service provider. There’s nothing we can do for that except advise you to call your ISP.

Recent upd. ruined experience of the game: Transmut. Charges

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Actually it would cost you 3 gold per transmutation charge that’s if you buy the lowest bulk amount. 2 gold and 22 silver if you buy them at the best value.

Best way to earn charges is PvP, you get about 4 of them a reward track.

Also the skin is applied directly to the item, this is no different than the transmutation stones.

Transmutation charges are actually CHEAPER than the stones, so if anything it costs less.

What is it that you are confused about? Where did you get 15 gold for a pair of gloves?

Any way to tabulate dyes in-game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


You can also visit the dye page on WIKI

Sort by color and find the ones missing

I.E say if you have 29 gray dyes, when there is 30 total then you know your missing a gray dye.

Misleading description.

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I have nearly completed 3 reward tracks so far and have basically got nothing from it. Rewards are horrible.

The Balthazar track was okay but what makes me mad is the counterparts such as krytan are much worse.

Misleading description.

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Our biggest mistake here is collectively we thought we would actually get awarded fairly in PvP

What should I buy on the Gem Store?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Mystic Stones, so that way you can make Mystic Salvage kits

Suggestion: Pin Number System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Better course of security is to not use the same password for your e-mail and video game.

Then if they stole your account, they couldn’t approve the request from e-mail.

What you’re asking for is two factor verification, we already have that.

I hate to say this but it is your fault you got hacked. Be glad its just a video game; I have personally seen people fired from high end jobs over thiss

Basic features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I remember doing my Thirst Slayer… what a pain!

Oh wait, I gave up on it, no sane human can handle all that clicking

I take it that you weren’t a drunkard in GW1, then?

The original drunkard title was ridiculous, you had to wait out the minutes while drunk, you couldn’t just spam click.

Need help with ascended materials

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Best way to get dragonite ore in my opinion is PvP. If you haven’t done the Balthazar track yet.

So about that language filter update...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


As discussed in other topics, before MegaServers it was considered taboo to speak another language anyway and it all languages were separated in other servers. The only time you got a chance to speak to other servers was when MegaServer was introduced, and a large majority complained how they saw other languages and thats the reasoning for this hotfix

The best solution for you is to change your native game clients language and the problem will be solved.

Sorry, we can’t please everyone

(edited by Chase.8415)