You don’t have to buy shoulders or helm as the base stats are still included whether or not you’re wearing them.
Also all of the new traits are terrible, so no need to test.
Simplest solution is to buy more character slots.
Comparing the rewards system of GW1 to GW2 is an insult. The reward system of GW1 was a thousand times better, you could actually make tons of gold and unlock expensive PvP skins for doing GvG.
In Guild Wars 2, you are still awarded essentially nothing the only people who benefited from this patch was PvE players.
I haven’t tried it in the reverse, but when I change my PvP build in the heart of the mists it does not change my PvE build.
Only weapons are shared, traits are still separated.
Or they are trying to hide their fail ranking match system.
r1 should play against similar ranked players. People who said ranking doesn’t indicate skill level but it does show you the experience of a player in pvp. I would presume that a rank 40 would have better rotation and probably can read the battleground situation much better than someone below r10.
I’m rank 70 and I have been killed by rank 10’s before. At the same time, I have killed plenty of 80’s.
Rank =/= skill and Im glad they removed it.
Keep in mind that if you do not have shoulders or a helm, the base stats are still applied. You only lose the looks.
I have two thousand kittening hours on my engineer that’s level two. Not only do I no longer have the outfit I wanted on all of my characters, I also can’t use a helmet or shoulders in pvp until I level.
You guys really screwed this one up.
Grats, I know you have more than 10 tomes of knowledge.
Its not removed, I had an 8v8 hotjoi.
I think they only removed 8v8 custom arena
If you want to make 8v8 a tournament mode, I hate to say but I am kind of glad you left. 8v8 in tournaments would be a huge mess.
And if you think bunkers are bad now? If Team Deathmatch came out, prepare to see nothing but bunker damage hybrids.
Other than tomes of knowledge, which are horrible way to do it… no.
Well, I kinda expected fire but Lightning is good too
Sorry for making the world empty, I took a break waiting for the patch to come. On the bright side I got a platinum trophy in ffx hd and hallway through the sequel.
I spent over a thousand hours in PvP and my previous tournaments awarded 5 times less than they do now. I have lost several hundred gold alone as opposed to a new player who came in and played the same amount of hours.
I had to deal with it like everyone else, at least your legendary weapons have more than one function where as PvP players were simply shafted.
In other words, move on an never expect a compensation.
Worked out for me as well, while waiting for the patch I got platinum in final fantasy x hd, so close to the 15th can’t wait.
That’s because of the way matchmaking works, one team will always have higher rating and thus may cause lopsided matches due to the fact that they outskill as team as whole compared to their opponent.
This is why it is possible for you to lose 2 games and win 1 and gain rank, because the one you won on was against a team with a higher rating
Thanks for bringing this up. This is definitely a bug. Now that we know about this we will try and get it fixed soon™.
You are using the wrong trademark, that’s what blizzard states.
ArenaNet states “When it’s ready”
I am not catching the joke….
Heh, I guess I’ll have to stop using build up sigils then, kind of sucks, but then again, I’ll have a free sigil slot!
Why? They will become easier to stack in WvW and will still offer the best DPS increase. 250 Power is roughly 10% more DPS for Power builds and I imagine the same applies to Condition damage and other Sigils. 250 Precision are 12% Crit-chance, much more than anything comparable.
It just means you will want to equip that sigil at all times instead of having a dedicated stacking weapon.
Where are you getting these numbers? 250 Precision is not 12%, it is at least 16% extra critical chance.
Yes, you have to carry a weapon-set if its different fro your PvE one. But you can buy them from vendor for a few silver. In regards to inventory space, get better bags or buy bag slots… or clean your inventory.
Meanwhile in other major MMO’s they suffer from this exact problem but worse such as deleting all chat logs upon relogging.
I will guarantee you that if ArenaNet implemented this feature you want someone will post on the forums and complain about it how it ruins their gameplay. I am honestly willing to put money on it. Because unfortunately no matter what they do people are just going to complain and not be satisfied.
Happens in every game, in World of Warcraft they spam you with battle tag invites. In Final Fantasy XIV you walk in town and there is so much gold spam you have to ignore 3-6 people just to see the chat.
Believe it or not, Guild Wars 2 is the best game I ever played in regards to eliminating gold spam and bots. You’re just simply going to have to keep reporting, nothing will ever truly stop it unfortunately.
Also you will get infracted for that image as it exposes character names and a website that sells gold, you should remove it.
you forgot to write /sarcasm at the end
Hah, nice try there….
1. People waiting for the feature pack next week.
2. ESO is out.
I’d assume both problems being fixed within 30 days or so.
So true, I think ESO will crash and burn like the other 5 or 6 MMO’s that tried to release a paid MMO.
Actually the only other repeatable achievement I can think of is the Salvage one, and guess what? It is capped.
Also keep in mind that no one is even close to hitting the cap yet, so it is not really that much of an issue.
How close someone is to hitting the cap is immaterial. Eventually, the cap will be hit, and the point behind having dailies in the first place vanishes.
I do dailies for Laurels… not achievement points.
You also have a small chance to get free black lion store items.
You get more than just achievement points, being a bit overdramatic there.
What kind of reward would encourage you to continue testing patch notes ?
You mean alpha testing or live testing?
you can call it whatever you want, I’m not testing stuff for free.
I reckon this April 15th patch will be so broken it will actually require at one point compensation to players, given anet’s history.
GO ahead and quit for two weeks and come back, then you wont feel like you’re beta testing a patch. Problem solved.
Didn’t even give them a two week notice? That’s interesting….
I love how you are raging at your team for a close inc, then complain how no one showed up and you’re actually standing at Far.
Of course no one is going to show up, you’re telling them to go to the wrong point.
(edited by Chase.8415)
The only time rank reset was during beta to release
The whole goal of megaservers is to increase population. Hard mode zones would spread out the population even more and I just don’t see it ever being implemented unfortunately.
Have fun with your legendary. I hope you feel like you’ve accomplished something when you swipe your credit card and pick it up from tp.
This is everything that’s wrong with legendaries.
It literally costs around $800 to buy a legendary with a credit card.
It’s not like anyone can just get a legendary.
I’ve been tempted to buy one myself, but unfortunately the legendaries aren’t just rare enough. There are far rarer items in other games worth a lot less, just about everyone in Guild Wars has a legendary so its really losts its value in my eyes
This stream was a complete waste of time.
That’s why I like the dulfy quick caps:
There is really nothing new in the stream… at all lol
There was actually an item in beta that allowed you to broadcast a message to the entire server for 25 gems. It was removed because of complaints from players in regards to being spammed.
Server chat will be more abused for gold spam more than anything else.
The only real way to fix this problem is to include a chat that is for home server based off the map, not the entire server.
Sounds great on paper, but near impossible to code from a developers standpoint, and not to mention it would be exploited beyond belief.
Thinking your going to fail Tequatl? No problem! Just ignore anyone in the zone and end up in an entirely different map and theoretically have a higher chance of defeating the boss.
What happens if there is only one mega server and you ignore someone? Are you now unable to zone into the zone or do you get your own personal copy of the map, which again would be heavily exploited.
Don’t take this as troll but, I am being serious.
The thing I miss the most about Guild Wars 1 is balance updates.
We used to get balance updates like every month sometimes weeks but now it seems like they make no attempt to fix issues with balance.
I don’t know why your account name (Vitus Dance.4509) can’t be used like a ‘hidden’ surname – which would only show up when, say, mailing.
That way you could have any name you’d like…even if it was already taken as your surname would be specific to your account only.
Agreed I wish we could toggle and option to replace our character name in chat with our account tag instead… Would be great in guilds
I don’t know why but if you happen to put an e-mail address thats already been used under the registration form it will eat the game code until you contact support.
It did it to me a year ago at least, so that’s probably what you’re experiencing now.
ArenaNet never fixes website bugs, search being a good example.
Guilds will have the ability to summon world bosses in mission tracks.
Doesn’t appear to be supported in smaller world bosses though….
(edited by Moderator)
ArenaNet said that the LFG system will be polished so their response will be more in the lines of, if you need to find people for WvWvW use the LFG system to advertise instead.
I doubt you’ll implement such a thing though as it would effectively remove server transfer fundings.
I’m still rather upset because I don’t WvW a lot, and I just paid for a server transfer, which is now pretty clearly useless for anything but WvW
It has always been that way, that was the whole reason they implemented guesting.
I don’t really play WvWvW or care for it, but I see a big potential issue here if you combine all worlds together and make servers cross servers, there’s going to be a HUGE split issue with WvWvW with your members being in several different servers.
The best way to fix this would be to “Represent a Home World” for 2 weeks in the Guild UI. Which would swap your home server to the guild leaders home server, but you could only do this once every 2 weeks.
I doubt you’ll implement such a thing though as it would effectively remove server transfer fundings.
Well LFG and Two Factor Authentication are both still in “beta” ArenaNet seems to have adopted the Google definition of beta (ie. gmail style, keep things in beta as long as humanly possible).
World of Warcraft had the Armory in beta for literally years until they re-integrated it to the website.
Last I heard it was pretty much abandoned. I know it took them like a week to fix an issue that caused 100% of mac users to crash within 5 minutes of log on…
I don’t think they are actively working on it anymore, but since it works for most people they are leaving it in beta so they don’t have to support it quickly if something goes wrong.
If they aren’t working on it anymore, then they wouldn’t have fixed the issue.
It’s a beta because it’s not an actual mac client. It’s a cider port, and that’s bound to have issues that can’t be resolved simply because of the fact its cider.
For all we know, they are working on an official mac client and they will release it and take it off Beta.
During the live stream last week, they didn’t name this armor specifically, but the devs did state that they were aware that there were some differences between items in pve and pvp. They said something about seeing those pop up in the different reward tracks, at least that’s what it sounded like. Let me go watch it again and see if I can pin point it.
I can confirm it here from the other 100 topics about this specific question:
The entire purpose of getting level 80 loot while playing in lower level zones is because of the fact you can play with your friend and don’t get trash loot.
If you are just complaining about the champ train in queensdale, a better solution would be to nerf it… not nerf the entire games mechanic because of your opinion.
I believe the OP is asking if we will still receive PvP chests in our Achievent Point reward chests. If we do, I doubt they will still have armor/skins in them. Perhaps, they will have tokens, though. Or some other PvP currency.
All PvP items are being removed. This includes PvP tokens, only gold is awarded in PvP now. And skins are now distributed in reward tracks.
Seeing as they didn’t compensate in the achievement chest for Glory Booster, it would not surprise me if they just added random loot junk in its place.
He means what happens to the PvP reward boxes he has sitting in the bank when 15th hits.
If he doesn’t open them I would bet that it would be destroyed as well and he would receive no skins at all.
Literally all pvp items are being removed. So if you have boxes, open them up now.
When I queue at any time of the day they are near instant….
All PvP items are being removed, so there won’t be skin unlocks for achievement points anymore; unless they add a new way to distribute skins.
Guild Influence and events are by server only, so if you are on a guild in a different server you will not get any perks.
This problem is fixed in China however, where influence and perks is shared cross server so expect to see it come soon in America.
I recently transmuted my Crimson Mask on top of my Mask of the Queen, for the ascended stats. Would I unlock both? Or does that override the ascended and Mask of the Queen skins?
You should have both items unlocked in the wardrobe as long as you still have the item with you when the patch comes.
I’m pretty sure you will get the ascended mask that provides the stats and the crimson mask but will lose the look from the mask of the queen since that was a skin and has now been overwritten by the crimson mask skin. At least, that is how it worked with trans-splitters and I’m pretty sure this will work the same way.
Nope, the blog post specifically states that transmuted items both skins would be unlocked.