Showing Posts For Chase.8415:

This game is difficult to learn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


You totally wrong about this. Just go into map and hit nr “1” awhile when healt lil low, dodge hit number “6” and start spamming skill nr “1” again. Isnt that hard?

Open World PvE content, just about anything works as there are so many players and scaling is terrible.

You can’t really do this in high level fractals.

have you ever been to high level fractals? the builds from players are the most unimaginative builds I’ve seen in any game. Full berserker gear (damage, + crit chance and + crit damage) with berserker weapons and berserker trinkets, filled with runes of the scholar (damage, + crit change, + crit damage and +10% damage when HP is above 90%), sigils of more damage and embellished ornate ruby orbs (berserker jewels, either that or straight up ascended berserker trinkets)

you don’t need to learn a lot of stuff when the only viable thing in end game PvE is pure damage, disregard everything else (that being defense, health, condition damage, healing power, etc…) because you can avoid all attacks by dodging, blocking, negating damage and evading.

To be honest, the only reason why the build variety is so small is because of the dodge mechanic, if we weren’t allowed to evade all damage by pressing V, toughness and vitality equipment would have some kind of value, but alas, they became obsolete the moment skill rewards more than facetanking.

Berserker is extremely viable stat combo in fractals because a lot of ability scale off a percentage of your health and ignore defense.

Which proves my point even more, why provide so many options when only a select few are the best and rest are a waste?

This game is difficult to learn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


You totally wrong about this. Just go into map and hit nr “1” awhile when healt lil low, dodge hit number “6” and start spamming skill nr “1” again. Isnt that hard?

Open World PvE content, just about anything works as there are so many players and scaling is terrible.

You can’t really do this in high level fractals.

This game is difficult to learn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


“discovering builds by yourself” lost its meaning around 2004 when World of Warcraft released and got popular in the west, popular enough for people to realize a game cannot have infinite combinations and that there will always be an optimal combination, that it will be discovered, and that anyone running anything that is not that combination will be suboptimal.

Actually World of Warcraft right now is a prime example of how gearing and traits should be. The only confusing part about World of warcraft is “Reforging” which is going to be removed next expansion anyway.

This game is difficult to learn

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


From what I have noticed in this game, there is too many stat combinations and traits that it’s really hard for a new player to know exactly what is effective, in addition to that because there are so many only a handful actual have a usage. It makes it really difficult for players to have alts and know what is effective but the worst of all is new players roll the worse stats and end up crippling themselves without even knowing it.

Take for example conditions, it is the most useless stat combination in the game for PvE. Yet a new player playing a necromancer, would most likely roll condition damage right?

Why provide a stat combination for conditions when they are so broken in the game that they do not have a use other than PvP? Why add more traits when the current ones need to be fixed? Wasn’t that part of your manifesto? To have less but more effective skills to use?

While traits and repairs are free, there is still an issue with gear. It costs a lot of gold to even test a build to see if it works, simply because of the gear you have to buy.

In the original guild wars in the PvP area you could test out PvE builds and it even had a dps calculator, we have none of those tools. Instead we have dummies that cannot even be critical.

Word PvE is so outnumbering that you can be naked and still get credit, so you can’t even tell if your build is effective until you run higher level fractals.

Knowing these forums, people are going to be saying to check online for the best builds. Unfortunately, everyone has vastly different opinions and while someone might think a build is decent it could actually be ineffective. Plus new players do not want to research the game, they would like to discover the builds themselves but unfortunately there is very little tools to do so.

The best you can do at the moment is use PVP test dummies, but even the stats do not match there so its not viable.

More testing solutions should be added, and personally I think they need to start fixing their current problems instead of adding new ones.

Wheelock Rifle; My Unobtainable Love

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I remember how awesome Prismatic Focus looked like in concept art.

Too bad it turned out to be pretty ugly.

Most of the hall of monument rewards were a huge letdown, they look far worse than the actual concept art.

[SUGGESTION] Multilanguage chat.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Before servers were just one language anyway, how is this a problem now?

Because the implementation is kitten, try to think a little. Think of all the edge cases where this doesn’t work properly.

Servers where just one language to begin with, and it was taboo to speak another.

I fail to see how this is a problem still.

[SUGGESTION] Multilanguage chat.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


So people complain that they are getting people from different languages on their server, ArenaNet fixes this issue by adding a filter.

Now people complain they can’t speak to people of another language.


Before servers were just one language anyway, how is this a problem now?

Harathi Hinterlands megaserver

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


ArenaNet has a habit of not keeping us updated on changes, for example the patch notes do several more changes than what it is documented.

Suggestion: Right Click Window Offset

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


If you salvage it, it unlocks the skin no need to right click it

[NA] Rank 71 LF Team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chase.8415


Hi, now that PvP is starting to become more popular and somewhat rewarding I’ve decided to go back in rated PvP.

I primarily play guardian dps, but I can bunker. I can also play thief, necro and warrior as well.

My best rank on leaderboards was rank 300 or so, but never really focused on it because I never had a set team; but I am looking for one now so if you’re interested please send me a whisper.

Legendary not so legendary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


again, another thread in which cognitive bias makes people think everyone has spare $600 to throw into a virtual item or that almost 99% of the playerbase already went through the painstaking grind that is to create a legendary weapon.

Yes, legendaries lost some value because of the possibility of freely transmuting the skin with the wardrobe system, but I reckon still only 1% of the GW2 playerbase actually has a legendary.

1% is an understatement, it’s more like 10% or more.

delete please

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


After reading a couple of threads and have it happen to me personally figure I would post this. Just cause you have a high rank means nothing. Its not hard to understand how spvp works hold more points then other team = win. I’m only level 14 and can usually go thru a match and next to never die and probably get most points for the team. I’ve solo/small group roam in wvw since beta I get how PvP works. Lol. I actually had a guy try to blame our loss on me because I was lowest rank when I challenged him to come to a empty Map and fight me he had every excuse in the book why not to. Just like in another thread some guy crying because he was with someone lower rank them him. Unless you followed him the whole time how do you even know how good/ bad they are? In fact if they are bad just give them tips and move on is it really that bad to lose every now then? Pvp needs more people to get good. More people equals more Dev focus. Please stop with these elitest attitude s and just play the game. Rant over

Focusing on getting most points is a great way to cause your team to lose by the way.

Also its not possible to see your rank anymore, so this must be a troll topic.

mandatory introduction for tournament

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Not really going to help, there are still people who think getting auto balanced makes them lost even though there is text on the screen that states they automatically win regardless of the outcome.

Dishonorable problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I can confirm that this system is flawed.
Just now I disconnected from a match that we were winning, & minute after, came back with the de – buff.
So I can understand the frustration if you are really not the type of guy to leave if losing.
As far as I am concerned, I am happy that the system is in the game, but it needs to find, if possible, a way to separate disconnects from Alt + F4-ers.

They can’t, it will be abused.

If they made it so that way only people who close the game get penalized, people would start turning their firewall to block all connections or pull network cable to abuse it.

Only rated PvP has this issue you can still play hot joins if you want

Honestly, the reason why this is an issue to some people is that you NEED tourneys to progress past 2 tracks in spvp. The end all solution to this would be to add a non-ranked spvp system. Then there would be nothing to complain about..

cough devs cough

Leavers would still be a problem in an unranked queue. If you’re asking for a queue that is unranked and allows to leave without punishment, then you’re essentially duplicating hotjoin.

Dishonorable problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I can confirm that this system is flawed.
Just now I disconnected from a match that we were winning, & minute after, came back with the de – buff.
So I can understand the frustration if you are really not the type of guy to leave if losing.
As far as I am concerned, I am happy that the system is in the game, but it needs to find, if possible, a way to separate disconnects from Alt + F4-ers.

They can’t, it will be abused.

If they made it so that way only people who close the game get penalized, people would start turning their firewall to block all connections or pull network cable to abuse it.

Only rated PvP has this issue you can still play hot joins if you want

Suggestion for MMR replacement

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Glicko/Elo rating is the best way to match people in any game, the issue is participation and the algorithm to make queue times less. For example, not everyone will be in the same glicko rating so it pulls someone with a lower glicko instead. If people participate more or ArenaNet adjusts the algorithm to make the queue times longer for more fair matches this issue would be fix. But keep in mind, a lot of people would rather take the current system now as the queue times are very fast, if they were to adjust it to be more fair you would have 5-10 minute queues which would make a lot of people complain.

Basing it off rank, score in matches would only make the problem worse as at that point it wouldn’t be a proper way to judge skill and instead promote people to get as much points as possible rather than defending bases.

Pvp chance for better gear lower by design?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I got 76lvl exotic form pvp- bug?

In pve there is no chance to get lower item-lvl than 80. In pvp u can get lower. It means that there is much lower chance for named exotics, precursors etc.

Is pvp chance for better gear lower by design?

That’s incorrect, you can get level 76-80 armor in PvE from level 80 mobs. The loot boxes are based of your character level. So if you are not 80, you’ll end up getting loot equivalent to your current level.

Tribal armor set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


ArenaNet has responded several times, the answer is it might be added as a reward track in the future.

You guys just keep making a topic about it everyday.

Source? I’ve checked at least 20 of these types of threads since launch and have never seen a word. Also, it’s not that hard to just substitute it in to a karma vendor somewhere.

Go look through the spvp subforum where it has been answered like 3 times, its a reason they stopped answering and its probably because you guys keep spamming each forum with the same topic.

I browsed through the first 100 pages of the SPvP forum and didn’t notice any reply whatsoever to anything regarding the Tribal Armor. I also don’t check the SPvP section ever. The question has never been answered here in the General Discussion.

(edited by Chase.8415)

Strangest Things You Found in Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Thats probably a placeholder prop, like the naked man in guild wars 1… good find.

PvP main feedback on new traits,Kinda bugs me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I have a disability topographical disorientation or topographiagnosia and I can totally relate to you on this. It is literally impossible for me to do world completion. I actually get lost while going to work, even when going the same path for days.

GPS does not work, because they are 100% accurate and you have to figure out which lane to be in which can be an issue if they end early, etc.

Unfortunately I cannot get a legendary either.

But at least they made it possible to unlock it with gold, it kinda sucks how expensive it is but unfortunately a lot of people like exploring and we just have to live on with our problem

Tribal armor set

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


ArenaNet has responded several times, the answer is it might be added as a reward track in the future.

You guys just keep making a topic about it everyday.

Stuck in legacy of foe fire

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Time to master another profession.

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Sorry reread that and it was a bit harsh.

Basically I feel that the matchup vs condi is very good if playing at skillcap , which is what the OP seems to be about. My suggestion would be to play something like s/f ele to get your burst plays/key evasions up to scratch, then return to dps guard. It’s very viable from what I have seen so far.

It’s easy to do in hotjoins but in tournaments it can be sometimes difficult to kill an equally skilled engineer considering how mobile they are. You have to burst them when they are not expecting it. It’s not faceroll like necromancer is

6 sigent war new meta

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Btw the point of this post is you can only equip up to 5 signets, yet somehow this guy has 6…. not because he is running a bad build.

Celebration Hat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


The hat should be in your bank or character inventory somewhere, you can convert it to a skin with the Black Lion Specialist.


13k Backstabs are toxic, PERIOD.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Chase.8415


That backstab was more around 16-17k since he used steal which puts you directly behind your target.

I am not sure why it hit so high, I’ve never seen it that high before. He must have had a few might stacks.

Pvp Only Masquerade, can we still get?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Just get the Witch Outfit.

It’s a 100x better than masquerade.

You can wear this in PvP now and in combat. You got to be male though for the armor to look good as the female counterpart is terrible.

Fighting Naked in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Apparently you can fight naked with a full set of runes now, so its been effectively buffed. The only thing you lose is some defense, but if you play well that difference is negligible in hot joins.

(Before patch, you could only use 3 runes while ‘naked’ because shoulders gloves and helm could be hidden)

Plus it’s always hilarious to see people rage when they get slain by someone with no armor. I’ve been doing this since the patch hit, try it out it’s pretty fun.

Time to master another profession.

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If you want to re-roll, play necromancer as everyone seems to be rolling engineer now and necros destroy then without effort.

Damage increased in pvp (or armor reduced)?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Some people say its lower and some people say is higher.

Everyone is wrong and the damage is the same in PvP.

Balanced Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


What exact did they change with dhuumfire that made it “Useless”? Getting a lifeblast off isn’t that difficult.

About the reward tracks and other stuff

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Rangers are not the weakest class, they are one of the strongest in tournaments. It depends on the build you run though, like beserker longbow is unfortunately very limited in terms of use in PvP. You die way too quickly running it, I would suggest rolling spirits or a beastmastery build.

You want to have high defense if you are going for melee builds. I know its a bit ironic how the best builds of rangers actually rely on melee weapons.

Pve weapon set in pvp must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


First world problems right here in this thread.

Opening Cutscene no longer skippable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


I was able to skip cutscenes last night, not sure why its not working for you sorry

Anet: Luck applying to bags

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Unfortunately I am at work, and the wiki has not been updated to show rewards of reward tracks yet so I cannot provide an example until I get home at 18:30 GMT -6

Do I have to pay to unlock runes/sigils?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Well balthazar faction is a currency, gold is a currency. It’s pretty much the same.

But I agree, gold is used for so many things they should have given us a separate currency for those unlocks.

balthazar faction had zero monetary value until they added the zkey grind, it’s not the same at all.

The Balthazar conversion rate was pretty much the same as 1:1 ratio, so unlocking a skill costed 1 platinum which is still relatively expensive.

No it didn’t. Guild wars 1 balth faction cost was perfect, it was more complex. you did not have to grind PvE to get that your skills and it purrrrrrrfect.

Balthazar faction could have been easily traded for gold, so it’s pretty much the same thing now. You earn gold directly in PvP matches now.

Granted the rate is pretty terrible and should be increased, but I doubt that will happen.

More Hotjoin Rooms?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


What happens if you hit Play Now when all servers are full?

Anet: Luck applying to bags

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Only bags that state they are equivalent as looting a mob is affected. Any other bag that does not mention this is not affected by magic find.

Do I have to pay to unlock runes/sigils?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Well balthazar faction is a currency, gold is a currency. It’s pretty much the same.

But I agree, gold is used for so many things they should have given us a separate currency for those unlocks.

balthazar faction had zero monetary value until they added the zkey grind, it’s not the same at all.

The Balthazar conversion rate was pretty much the same as 1:1 ratio, so unlocking a skill costed 1 platinum which is still relatively expensive.

Dishonorable Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Fun fact, people complained it wasn’t enough and it was increased to be more severe.

You’re only prevented from rated PvP, not hotjoins. Nothing is stopping you from practicing in custom arenas.

Why are refunds being denied?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I see, the actual Looking ahead of 2013 does specifically state it would all be unlocked.

Well if there’s anything we learned with ArenaNet, take their word with a grain of salt. Not only have they gone against their manifesto but they went against an article just a few months ago….

TRUTH behind the making of the Dragon Finsher

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


They made the finisher before this patch, it was just never in the database because they didn’t want people to datamine it.

Why are refunds being denied?

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


So basically the e-mail response you got back was, every new trait and ability will be unlocked in PvP.

Either they made a mistake on an upcoming change and said something they weren’t supposed to or that agent was not clear on how the traits worked in PvP.

Reward Track Progression

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Whats to stop those people from just botting arena modes… you just ruin it for people who are trying to rank

Because bots are terrible in general when it comes to playing, and eventually they will lose so much in arena that they will fall off the competitive bracket and the entire match is filled with really bad players or other bots.

Magic Find and PVP Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Any box you open that states it replicated a kill, thats what magic find affects.

Had tons of fun in the patch... anybody else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Yesterday was the first time in 598 days where I experienced lag when activating skills that was not related to a denial of service attack… so that right there shows that yesterdays patch was popular

Refund for ascended items

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think it’s best to use a real life analogy here.

You buy gas for $3.00 a gallon and the next day it’s $2.69, you only drove 5 miles since the last fill up. You walk up to the gas station and demand for compensation and refund for the change.

Just like the Gas station, ArenaNet is not responsible to refund for any changes as you signed an agreement just to play the game that gives them full rights to change anything.

Is critical damage reduced in PvP??

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


If they changed the crit damage to +Ferocity, it’s probably not a bug, more like an oversight or just an adjustment they wanted to make. Honestly, though 10% crit damage shouldn’t be making or breaking anyone… That’s like… 2% damage difference. If that? (depends on crit chance)

It breaks the sword guardian build a lot because we have high crit rate on sword auto attack. I hit for far less damage than I did pre patch.

Good work, Anet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Get it now?

No, we don’t. Swiftness is faster than 25% movement increase. The rune is called, “Rune of speed.” It’s a no brainer. If you don’t like it, choose a different rune.

The huge amounts of swiftness you get from the rune amount to a total of 8% speed buff! Have you even tried using swiftness while having Rune of Speed equipped? It’s hard to even notice the difference. It’s indeed a no brainer because nobody with a brain would pick it.

Rune of Speed is a useful rune for classes that do not readily have access to swiftness, such as a meditation guardian. Passive speed bonus is great for PvP if you are running as a roamer as well.

Just because you find it useless does not mean no one else has the same issue.

Is critical damage reduced in PvP??

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I also noticed it was reduced as well, no wonder why warriors seem stronger now. Although their healing signet was reduced by 8%, critical damage was reduced by at least 10%…