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10/18 DR/GoM/AR (Week 1 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

AR outplayed GoM and DR all day today. Yea we had a bigger zerg running around at one point during the day but it was rushing back to save the homefront. AR rampaged through both your BL’s. I feel DR and GoM continue to choose to fight us over each other. The best was when we capped SM with the outmanned buff. That was an insane 3 way but in the end we simply out fought you guys in the middle. Not to mention we were tagless right before the final push and later sweep. Good fights all around. Props to commander Grapes for pulling a marathon at the commanders chair and all those Anvil Rockers that were keeping up with all the map hopping.

60g from away from my tag…

We only lost sm last night because with both ar and gom hitting the lords room at the same time our skills/siege stopped working and we got ran over. We don’t get to see the skill lag to often on ar/dr cus our population sucks. But we got to see it first hand last night. Pretty much all my skills except auto attack stopped working several times in those sm fights. Even the auto attack lagged bad.

Please let there be 'most improved'

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

The whole reward the server who stacked the most is kinda kittened you have to admit even if your on one of them. I for example had 2 choices. Transfer to a stacked server that was one of the top 3 of its league so I can get a reward but deal with insane skill lag and queues all the time. Or stick to my server and have a 0 percent chance of winning but have no queue and not much skill lag unless all 3 servers are in sm at the same time. Was a no brainer for me and stuck to my server and we been outmanned all week by a much bigger server. Were down something like 100k points.

10/18 DR/GoM/AR (Week 1 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

So it turns out we figured out how to make gates of madness MAD. They really really don’t like it when you take stonemist from them and hold it down. So much loot was had as they just kept pouring into the lords room siege preying that there superior numbers would eventually win as it always has so far but nope.

Ideas for improving the longbow and axe.

in Ranger

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

I think several of the ranger weps could use a little love. Longbow #1 should add a condition. Longbow 3 should give u swiftness not your pet. Shortbow 1 should bleed all the time. Shorbow 2 needs a longer duration. Shorbow 3 needs a longer duration of swiftness. Sword 1 should add a condition. Sword 2 should be reversed so you leap to your target like warrior sword 2 and then can leap back away. Sword 3 maybe a lil duration increase on poison. Axe 1 needs a condtion Axe 2 needs all bleeds to hit if any axe hits Axe 5 just needs to be reworked completely. Greatsword 1 needs a condtion GS 2 should switch condtions vul sux. GS 5 should be reworked or at the very least always stun for 1 sec. Dagger off hand is fine.

Transferring to med/low pop server free?

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Sounds like a win win for you. You will get the reward still when blackgate wins 1st 2nd or 3rd which they will. Also you will get to play on a server where you can actually play and not queue. There is one catch. There are no low or medium population servers. Our server devona’s rest is the second lowest wvw population server next to anvil rock and were still considered a high population server so it cost like 800 gems to transfer here. So nobody is ever gonna come to our server so we will stay second to last. .

10/18 DR/GoM/AR (Week 1 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

@Redstar nah that pretty much sums it up about right. DR has enough people to properly man 1 battleground. Yet for months we try to defend eb and drbl. So we don’t properly man either one. We kinda just bounce back and forth retaking stuff. I have said we should maybe just give one of the 2 battlegrounds up and just defend one properly and I just get yelled out being called negative. So we just keep on doing the same thing and expecting different results. Should be called DI Devona’s Insanity

The NA Bronze League Thread

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Please for the love of GOD come to Anvil Rock and help us. Zero queues on all of the maps and we will love the crap out of you. Most of us are incredibly friendly and WAR/MERC guilds are actively looking for anyone who enjoys wvw and wants an active community in ts.

Also, I am incredibly determined to not come in last place. I will stay up for the entire season flipping crap if that’s what it takes to beat DR.

Lol AR atleast our two servers (AR and DR) get to fight for something even though it is to come in next to last. Sadly its halfway through the first week and gom is stomping both us. You guys need to be on the lookout for gom. They are fielding an impressive amount of people. I only play in eb and we had outmanned buff 2 hours after Friday restart and have had it about 70 percent of the match in eb.

10/18 DR/GoM/AR (Week 1 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Well it was a good try AR. We (DR) saw you guys trebbing sm so we did the same. Fought for awhile inside and gom wiped both our groups a few times. So we went to hit there side of the map while u focused on sm. In the end gom had enough people to take on both our servers at the same time must be nice. Just so all you gom know we (DR) had the outmanned buff in eb 2 hours after Friday night restart. We have had outmanned buff pretty much atleast 70% of this matchup so far in eb which is all I really play.

60 Seconds Of Poison

in Thief

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

So I was defending a tower today waiting for backup to arrive. I would jump down and attack a bit and run back in the tower. This one thief keep kept hitting me with something that would cause me to have 60 seconds of poison. Is this a bug or something. The guy did it multiple times I would run back into the tower look at the poison condition and it would say 56-58 seconds left of poison ticks.

Weekly and Final Season 1 Scores

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

So your idea is to include a “goal difference” in the league?

By 1 point or 100k points, a win is a win. Also rounds are 7 days long, not 2 or 3. You can’t detemine the winner by looking only at the first 4 days, or the last 3.

Maybe not in tier one. I can usually pick out the winner of our matchup the second I see who we get matched against. By the end of the first night its usually clear as day. By the end of the weekend there usually isn’t even a point logging in anymore.

10/18 DR/GoM/AR (Week 1 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Its been at least 1 hour 30 minutes since GoM flipped anything of DR’s except camps…

GoM may have numbers during weekends and primetime, but nights and days we suffer bbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddd. I hope we don’t lose our lead during the week, but it’s possible. GoM is a server full of 9-5ers it seems. We used to have RISE, but they bailed a while back, and I think they were our only real nighttime presence as an Australian guild.

All that said, yeah, this weekend has been insane. GoM hasn’t had these numbers since release that I’ve seen, it’s unreal. I just hope it lasts.

Just remember your playing against the 2 lowest population/coverage servers on na. So I would just be getting prepared for whoever is your next opponent. We had the outmanned buff in eb almost the entire weekend and I don’t expect it to change during the week.

NOBODY cares to defend keeps!

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

I think one of the major problems is that the attackers have the advantage no matter what. Pretty much no matter where you put your siege it can be aoe’d down. They come in take out your cannons, oil and arrow carts and your left pretty much defenseless. Some towers like mendons gap are almost completely worthless cus there is a big hill overlooking it they can set up siege on. Not to mention almost all towers can be trebbed to heck and back from another keep/tower/stomemist making your defensive siege useless.

Pros and cons of the new league season

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

- It helped fill up the very top tiers
- Some of the ones you listed

-VERY imbalanced matches that completely kill the scene for under-manned servers.

On Anvil Rock (worst server) we can just barely keep up and compete when the match is the bottom 3 teams, although we do enough to keep it fun. When larger servers come to town, we just get roflstomped and everyone just leaves wvw/has more incentive to transfer to a server that can compete. This kills our server even more just as its trying to rebuild.

This im from DR and were battling AR for second this week while GOM is roflstomping both of us. Pretty much been the case for the last 10 weeks or so for us and will be throughout this season. Two weaker servers battling for second while the one mega population server stomps us. AR and us together probably can’t come close to GOM’s numbers.

Get rid of the WvW achievements for League

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

What exactly am I missing about achievement points anyways. The ap chests are like 1 gold every 500. You can make 1gold in a few minutes. Can’t people just continue doing there pve and Halloween stuff and get ap. Why all of a sudden do they have to come into wvw for them?

10/18 DR/GoM/AR (Week 1 Bronze League)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Took us (DR) all of 2 and a half hours to get the outmanned buff in eb. Somehow we have a queue though as well. Maybe cus AR has even less players then us?

Infinite queues thanks to achievements

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Heres one for u guys. Right now we have a queue in eternal battlegrounds. Yet we also have the outnumbered buff. That make sense to anybody?

Is it awesome?

in Warrior

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Its nice cus lots of different builds/wep sets are viable. Where other classes seem to only have a few potential viable builds/wep sets. I honestly don’t know what the other ele weps are besides staff and daggers never seen anybody use something else. I feel most of my rangers weps are useless. My thief just gets boring playing backstab build and run away if im not winning.
However there are still some buffs/nerfs to help balance the war out. For one I feel almost all the 30 point traits are garbage besides banners have regen and shouts heal. Most of the 10-20 point traits I feel are better than the 30 ones. I would like to see longbow range changed to 1200 range 1500 traited like ranger has. All other wep sets in the game are the same ranges. As for nerfs zerker stance might be a bit op but has a pretty long cd to make up for it. Healing singet is iffy for me I like it and if it were nerfed I don’t think peeps would use it anymore. Maybe a slight nerf and better healing power scaling or better singet use heal. Poison is a hard counter to it. Unsuspecting foe trait should be moved to a 20 point trait or moved to a 30 point trait and given 100% to crit a stunned foe kinda like thief hidden killer. As for your thief I think shadow refuge needs a cd increase and the ability to smokefield heartseeker through it over and over again for anytime stealth is lamesauce.

Is mobility getting balanced cross class?

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

A lot of crying about warrior mobility recently. So I will clarify. War has to use a greatsword to have pretty much any mobility. Greatsword is literly a 1 trick poney. You have to stun/immobilize your enemy and prey to the heavens there stupid enough to stand there while you hundred blade and not stun break blink bow hop hit immune mist fear etc….

notes on duelling a warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Blinds and poison our the warrior banes.

Official answer on Rankings?

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Man up and stay on your server instead of transferring to a possible winning server. I am and we have about a 0.1 percent chance to win our league.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

1) WvW Population imbalance. More players more coverage= Win period.
2) WvW Rank not being account bound
3) WvW to pve loot imbalance.
4) Some new maps for Wvw. Its been over a year and 3/4 maps are still the same. P.S. if this is ever done please make it so no keep/tower can treb any other keep/tower.

6 hours of wvw for 22 dragonite ore

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

You can always transfer off your zerg server to a less populated one. We lose and recapture our keeps all the time since we don’t have the manpower to defend them against much more populated servers. I get tons of dragonite ore. Still kinda sad we have probably the lowest wvw population and a terrible pve population as well yet anet ranks us as a high population server and its 800 gems to transfer.

10/11 Ferg/Darkh(e)aven/Devona's Revenge?

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Never forget fort bravost FC. After wiping DH out of eternal tonight FC thought they would come zerg us out as well. After an epic 2 hour or more defense at bravost they retreated. Nice try FC wall at bravo was a sliver many times.

10/11 GoM/NSP/AR

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

I would like to say that whoever wins this tanking match nsp or knig I vow anytime I command we are going to hit you and only you in our match up and I advice any other server playing them to do the same. I will try to convince all other commanders to do the same. So be prepared for Devona’s Rest’s 20 man primetime zerg.

Does Magic Find Work?

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

I think the problem is 100-200 percent magic find is basically nothing in the new system. Go to frostgorge sound and ask the champ train runners what there magic find is. Most of them will have a kittened amount cus they get greens and blues literly every minute or so from the champs to salvage for more essence of luck.

My God WVW is broken

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

The problem I see with wvw is out of the three servers playing. Pretty much the only factor that effects who wins and who loses. Is whichever server has a queue for a larger portion of the day. Example one server only has a queue for like an hour or two at primetime the other server has a queue for 12+ hours of the day. Who do you think is gonna win. Yet if your on the server with a long queue and in a clan your can’t always get in and play with your clannies in the same boarderland.

In my personal opinion, 1200 Range Weapon Needed

in Thief

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Remove Mug and replace the trait with making your shortbow 1200 range single target for the 1 ability and cluster bomb. Kill two birds with one stone.

List of things WVW needs so it wont be boring

in WvW

Posted by: Chuck Zitto.2367

Chuck Zitto.2367

Main thing I would like to see is if your above somebody say on top of a tower or a cliff your range is increased. If your below say on the ground attacking a keep/tower shooting up at the wall your range is decreased. Second thing I would like to see is the Bay get some loving the place is always being trebbed to heck and back.