Way too late to do something like that. It would have had to be done before the game came out.
Anyway, just keep it at level 80 with no more level additions. Let’s work more on the horizontal progression rather than worry about the levels.
- After seeing the map and clicking a waypoint…kinda hard with those commanders blocking the view on minimap.
Click (or right-click) on the commander tag icon and Join Squad. All other icons should disappear from the map and you’ll just see the one.
- A good chat with friends and guildies about incoming Archeage. (what won me is, guildhalls off the bat, unlike some politician promises)
What lost me, beyond the disconnects that required a full client restart that took minutes during the beta and combat far clunkier than GW2, was that you need to spend Labor Points to gather and open drops and they take several minutes before you get more so you gather, gather, wait, wait, wait… Yeah, the guild halls and ships are appealing, but Labor Points? Ugh.
it has its good points but yeah, pretty awful combat and then the terrible labor point system really turned me off of it.
Quote from Mike O’Brien
“we’ve always expected that we will someday raise the level cap in GW2”
Someday, I will leave GW2.
Yeah pretty much. I’m already irritated by the “NGE” with this feature patch. Raising the level cap would essentially turn this game into a real treadmill game
I really hope so, that’s probably the only way to retain veteran players, beside new content.
really? all of the players I know hate the idea of raising the level cap
One of the big issues IMO is the high level cap. It should have been closer to what GW1 was and at most around level 40.
Also: Polymock drops mic
lol, yeah, been waiting for that ever since GW2 was in beta. I don’t think we’ll ever get it sadly.
As far as the world being alive (with respect to the npcs and the environments), it is one of the more engaging mmos I’ve played. Now is it like a city in an Assassins Creed game? Of course not, but there is no way you could have that kind of activity in an mmo.
the day they put in the “holy” trinity here is the day I leave the game for good
It really depends on the quest. Personal story style missions? Sure, it would be nice, especially for lore and background.
kill 10 rats busy work type quests? hell no
If they intend to keep the same scale, I don’t see how we could even fight Kralkatorrik.
what if my “endgame” is just playing the game? does that count as endgame?
don’t you think the term means different things to different people? And why is it called endgame anyway, does the game actually end? I know it comes from chess but to use the term in an mmo, where the game is not supposed to end, seems a bit of a misnomer.
what is end game?
what does it feel like to play a game you don’t enjoy?
I always quit playing those games. So tell me how it feels?
what would it be like with the trinity?
a game that I wouldn’t play
I have no idea. All we have is a minute long video to go by.
really? I think the Sylvari are fantastic. The worst race in the game has to be the humans.
seems kind of a like an april fools joke item
It’s three months in advance and too mild to be an april fool’s joke. It’s too close to reality to immediately be recognized as a joke.
All Anet’s april fool’s jokes have been absurd in some sort of lovably flavor-breaking way. They did time-travel, they did helicopters, they did modern assault rifles, they did retro video games. They’ve never pulled off a stunt that would intentionally kitten off the majority of the population.
perhaps, although the best jokes usually have some kernel of truth in there
also haven’t there been items data mined before but haven’t seen the light of day in the game? like the swimsuits and the school girl outfits
I just have a hard time believing that this would be a thing, it would be a serious misstep. If they thought the furor over the flame kissed light armor was bad, this would be 10 times worse.
seems kind of a like an april fools joke item
I imagine any new profession would be a heavy armor one. Perhaps a Dervish (well my hope anyway).
I liked the skill system of GW1 but otherwise I find GW2’s combat to be superior.
I really like the jumping puzzles.
If you don’t like them, well don’t do them.
There are certainly grindy components in this game but the renown hearts are not one of them,
I just want the template system like in GW1. Perhaps just have a fee for each template, a one time purchase for each one.
why don’t you ask them?
Why would they waste resources on an app when the game is doing poorly?
how is it doing poorly?
Of course Tera has great combat. That’s ALL it has!
I literally did a quest in Tera to kill 10 XYZ’s, turned it in, and got ANOTHER QUEST TO DO THE SAME THING. lol. The combat system’s not archaic, but the questing system and the rest of the game is.
Well, if you thnk about it: GW2’s renown hearts are the same thing. Only, you can choose what you want to do. Kill bandits, plug leaks, bring X item to Y vendor. Dynamic events where a town is being taken over is the same…the amount of risen to take over a camp in Orr is the same static number hidden behind a progress number. Its the same stuff, just done a bit better.
Specifically about combat, Teras combat is way better than GW2 IMO but I personally feel that Neverwinter might take the cake.
Tera’s rooting is horrendous. Nothing destroys the flow of battle worse than not being able to flow in battle. I’ve completely lost the desire to ever experience stop action combat again.
Being able to move while in combat is great I agree. It is hard to go back to any other combat.
I will say that in Tera’s defense, most action combat systems have you rooted during the animation. The problem with Tera’s implementation is that a lot of it is so slow. If you take another popular example from these forums, Vindictus, it also has rooted animations but the difference is that they are very quick so it is hardly noticeable.
Most likely 0
unless it starts to become mandatory to have ascended gear to play the game
right now I’m just logging in to play some of the special events like the wintersday holiday. the grind associated with ascended gear has really taken some of the joy out of the game for me.
Every time they have added ascended gear my motivation to play has just plummeted and this is no different. I just have no desire to play due to this.
That is the most ridiculous thing that has been said here. You have lost interest in the game because something was added that doesn’t change your gaming experience in even the most remote way possible?
Sounds like you already lost interest and are looking for something to blame.
you must not read much around here if this is the most ridiculous you have ever seen.
look, it is a gear grind for this new tier of gear. and it also signals (well it was apparent when they first announced ascended gear) that this is the direction of progression of the game. I much preferred GW1’s style of skill progression rather than this gear progression. If I wanted this type of progression I can go play hundreds of other mmos that have this.
Every time they have added ascended gear my motivation to play has just plummeted and this is no different. I just have no desire to play due to this.
did that give you a competitive advantage over the other players?
what do you win?
Should play a game like Lineage 2 if you think the leveling is slow here
and what’s the rush to getting to max level anyway?
fun is rather subjective
what’s fun to you may be a bore to me and vice versa
there will never be a wardrobe system
EQN is more like spring of 2015
well in a way it is pvp as you are competing versus other players
what is more fascinating to me is that Lineage is by far the biggest revenue earner. GW2 is a respectable 2nd on that list but they aren’t even close to Lineage
I’d be interested to see Lineage in comparison to the behemoth of WoW
That income stream is quite low for an MMO. Come March 2014 with 3 huge online RPG titles set to release; Arenanet better have a Hail Mary.
what 3 huge titles is that?
pretty lonely where I’m at as well
didn’t have a chance to play much before, looks like I missed out on this update
When you read some of Anet’s posts, there’s quite a few of them saying how undermanned/under-resourced they are.
could be
look at the number of employees they have, around 300, compared to someone like Blizzard who has 4,700.
well I still have fun playing
what could they change or add? I’d like some non combat stuff added to the game. While I enjoy the combat here, it is non stop pretty much.
Also with the living story, I’d like to see them start to connect the dots in the story, right now it feels all disjointed with only Scarlet to tie it together (where we have no idea of the motives, she feels like a comic book villain, just doing bad stuff because she can).
well, gotta say, I hate the overflow for this. Nobody is organized. All we need is to go up in a group of 4 or 5, don’t need more than that. But everyone is in such a rush that it’s impossible to go as a group, and then once you get to the third level everyone dies.
Is this tower only here for two weeks? I can’t imagine anyone doing this once the zergs go away.
for capes, well there are enough clipping issues already in the game, could you imagine how many more there would be with capes/cloaks?
there are already some mounts in the game, like the witch broomstick
I can understand if people want them for cosmetic reasons but if you just want a speed buff, there are already skills for that.
Maybe, they SHOULD do something to keep ppl interested otherwise you know, Wildstar, EQ Next, ESO… I dont even need to explain…
I’m a bit dense, could you explain it?
not a fan of this daily either
why would you buy a finisher? I have had no compulsion at all to buy any of them. If you have no self control on that sort of thing then that is a personal problem.
It’s a good addition, I like it. It allows other mobs to heal them back to health as well, similar to how it was in gw1 where you would have monk or paragon mobs resurrect their dead comrades if you didn’t do anything about it.
well, they could figure out a way to make the open world so it’s not so mindless
but I’d much rather have this open world content than instances any day of the week. Instances suck, say no to instanced content
much prefer open world content such as this than instanced content
instances are a plague on mmorpgs