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More Mesmer Nerfs Coming

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I’ve read it too, Lich Form came to mind… yeah… dark times are coming.

But lich form can be reflected, blinded, LoS, Dodged, and more importantly, Reflected.

And it could be boon stripped. This thread is describing a nerf.

More Mesmer Nerfs Coming

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I’ve read it too, Lich Form came to mind… yeah… dark times are coming.

But lich form can be reflected, blinded, LoS, Dodged, and more importantly, Reflected.

So we can use mimic…oh wait…we can use the new mimic…oh wait….

Mimic Utility

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The results are overwhelming :O My god this is great! ANETTTTTT DO IT NAOW

Yea the current mimic sux, the old one was better but still lackluster. I’d prefer a mimic wich absorbs the first skill hit (ABSORBS!) and blocks everything else for the duration. Echo should be the skill itself, not just one projectile. Also echo melee attacks.

81 votes. I think that’s all of us who are left.

More Mesmer Nerfs Coming

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Everyone is talking about the port changes and how that is going to hurt mesmers and thieves. However, another major nerf is coming our way in the form of elite boons. That is, boons granted by elite skills. According to the China patch, boons granted by many elite skills have the following functionality: 3 3 second stacks every 3 seconds for the duration of the elite. Goodbye boon stripping and boon copying/removal. One of the mesmer’s most important roles may be getting tossed aside.

Profession most broken and least played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


In terms of broken I would vote for ranger but in the same time it’s probably above average in popularity

Rangers never met a ranger skill they didn’t want to buff.

Agitate for change today, NO WAY, NO SHIELD!

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I just hope mesmers get a new MH too…Necros, thieves and guardians are getting two handed weapons. That’s 5 skills vs 2 skills on shield.

Necros, thieves (heavily speculated), guardians, rangers, and engineers.

We don’t have any info on warriors or elementalists.

If there really is just one weapon, mesmers seem certain to be the worst off.

What Happened to Map Selection?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


4 matches in a row. Each only let us select Legacy, Spirit, or Courtyard. Courtyard was picked each time. There’s no randomness or choice.

Agitate for change today, NO WAY, NO SHIELD!

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The shield would be fine if we had decent main hand weapons. We don’t necessarily need a new main hand. Anet could fix the current ones. But since they seem to have no inclination to do so, it makes better sense to ask for a new one than another off-hand made useless by crippled main-hands.

Do Warriors Decide Matches?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Yeah, I’d take a warrior over either of those.

So then, how do you explain the last two EU monthly finals being won by a non-warrior team against a team with a warrior?

I dunno, I guess I would have said something about SoloQ in the op.

Do Warriors Decide Matches?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Yeah, I’d take a warrior over either of those.

Do Warriors Decide Matches?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


In soloq, I’ve noticed that 9 times out of 10, the team with the most warriors will win. Their ability to tank, do strong damage, and lay down so much cc all at once makes them essential to any successful team. They simply become an anchor for a team to play around. If your team doesn’t have one, you are at a severe disadvantage.

New Pets?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


No new pets, unless other professions also get new abilities and/or customization.

Turret Day

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Which is entirely subjective. Should Anet remove all the builds I don’t find fun to fight against?

Turret Day

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Nerfing turrets won’t make your “teammates” any better players.

please anet buff turrets eng

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The point is that all builds should beat turret engineers easily. Also, whatever build I am playing should beat all other builds. Anything that doesn’t stand there and let me autoattack is op.

You know something is OP when...

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Which tournament is doing this?

Turret... Turret...Turret....

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


It’s complaints from the same people. The same people who ask for nerfs for cele, doom sigils, and other professions. Meanwhile the majority of people are doing just fine. There are always going to be some people who will struggle in pvp and no amount of nerfs will help them.

Ranger range 1500 need risk, Sugg: 1300 range

in Ranger

Posted by: DaShi.1368


There’s no OP ranger abilities that rangers don’t want to have buffed….

Do Not Nerf Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


As i already explained before, it wouldn’t make sense for them to disappear either. Wherever the engineer is, he’s there just with the rifle if the turrets are all somewhere else. And if he’s killed, the turrets are gone as well. He already takes a risk in doing so, beside making the protected point weaker – as if he can’t kitten the situation, he can’t be able to properly use the overcharges either.

It actually makes sens what your saying, if it wasn’t for the possibility that there cool-down is backup & they can just simply re-summon there turrets to there new position to help out any trouble that occurs. but if there’s none. He’s capping with a rifle in hand wile his turrets protects & does severe damage at the other cap. :S

Turret cool downs don’t start until the turrets are destroyed or removed. An engineer away from his turrets is being weak in two locations.

Do Not Nerf Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Who is losing to unmanned turrets? If you see turrets with no engy around, alert your team to destroy him because he’ll go down in seconds. Then take the point yourself.

Do Not Nerf Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


The only issue I have with turret engis is that they can leave their turrets on one point and move to another.

At which point they become free kills.

A Discussion on Sigil Balance (Doom/Energy)

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Why do all the nerf threads and posts come from the same few people?

"Point Blank Shot"

in Ranger

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Funny thing is lately all I see is greatsword mesmers doing the same knockback for no other reason than another player is trying to engage a target with melee and yet only rangers are an issue. So should all knockbacks be removed?

There are huge differences between PBS and iWave. PBS has a longer range, farther knockback, and shorter cooldown. That’s why you don’t see so many complaints about iWave (except from rangers trying to justify their OP troll skill), but tons about PBS.

Reducing the range to point blank would be a good start in fixing the skill.

"Point Blank Shot"

in Ranger

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Just add an extra description in the skill tooltip

“You might anger a lot of people if you use this skill irresponsibly”
“Every time you use this skill wrongly, a bunny dies”

and a long list of “do not use when…”

This really make my day LOL

But Necro may kitten up more people in PVE with their fear XD

If they build for it. Any troll ranger can equip a longbow and use PBS more frequently than any necro could use fear.

Daily Event Completer...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Daily events were always the worst. I absolutely loathed them. The maps you have to go to have their events immediately dry up. Then when you finally find one, it’s over by the time you get there. It’s a terrible experience, and I never do those anymore.

Do Not Nerf Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I die all the time to turret engis one on one. Saying its a l2p issue is just stupid.

I lose to them sometimes when all they do is auto attack. I literally lost to one turret engi who didnt dodge once or just any skills but just stood behind his turrets and auto attacked.

Does that sound fun? Nope.

This is clearly a l2p issue. It’s most often the wrong strategy to fight them (or anyone, ftm) 1v1. If you are losing to their autoattacks, then you might have bigger issues than poor strategy. However, understanding teamplay is the problem a lot of players are having with turret engineers. They don’t know what they are doing in pvp in general, and don’t seem to be willing to learn. They are treating it like a bunch of little 1v1s and then complain when they lose because they haven’t discovered that the game is more than that. PvP in GW2 is not designed around 1v1 and playing it that way will cost your team the game against players don’t.

This is why the majority of complaints are about 1v1 specs. Bad players tend to make bad specs, because they don’t understand how the game is played. They then get destroyed by good 1v1 specs. And since bad players think the game is all about 1v1, they find it a frustrating experience, because they are actually seeking out these kinds of battles.

I’ve said this before that turrets are the perfect build for evaluating how you play PvP in GW2. If you are struggling with them, you are playing at a very low level. You are not playing with your team and are more likely working against them. You are likely often in the wrong place, giving the enemy numerical advantages (when they shouldn’t have because the turret engy is restricting their movements).

If you are not struggling against turrets, then likely you understand the game a lot better and are ready for higher level play. You understand rotations. You understand working with your teams comp. You understand playing against your opponents comp. Turret engineers struggle against teams like this and feel very underpowered. But against low level players, turrets eat them up. All the nerfs in the world aren’t going to save them.

Powermancers vs Other Zerkers (SPvP)

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Hopefully, the new necro specialization and greatsword will add some more active defense for necros, so they don’t get focused so easily.

I logged in to actually play PvP

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Courtyard is tolerable unless you go against a team specifically built for it. It’s also annoying having to re-tweak your build when you were expecting conquest.

So six month wait..

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Is there a confirmed release date for August?

Top Precursors dropped below 1k mark!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Watch them start dropping like candy for everyone now.

What is the world is wrong with MMR

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368



Very possible during the thief dailies. That daily alone makes unranked and ranked a nightmare for thieves.

What is the world is wrong with MMR

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I spoke to a thief the other day. He was on a 31 game losing streak and he exclusively soloed as well.

Solo thieves have a hard time, because if your team has another thief, it gets much harder to win.

Hotjoin: Quality PvP'ers stacking one side

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Just go to a different server. If no one joins them, then they will have to fight each other.

Permanent way to obtain ascended disposal.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


You can at least sell thick leather. Not for much, but more than the ascended mats.

Real life vs temporary availability of LS

in Living World

Posted by: DaShi.1368


surely u can spare literally 50 SECONDS once every few weeks to log in and then immediatley log out

Or program your computer to log into the game and then shutdown every two weeks.

Don’t do this. It could get your account suspended.

I don’t agree with the way they released LS2, especially with an expansion on the way, but using macros or third party programs to play the game for you (even something very simple) is clearly against the TOS.

Stronghold will fail.

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I’m glad Stronghold is in PvP. I don’t play much WvW because when the fights aren’t about the biggest zerg, they are about the best gear. Neither are conducive to a competitive PvP environment.

Mesmer shield

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaShi.1368


New weapons are great! However, I hope we don’t just get a new shield. Mesmers already suffer from too many off-hand and not enough main-hand weapons. We really need another main-hand weapon, given how much the sword has been nerfed and how limiting the scepter is to use.

[Spoiler] Don't trash Scarlet, please?

in Living World

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Am I the only person who liked Scarlet (Even at the time)?

Nope. I enjoyed her as well.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


OK, not sure where you got 145, because I am sure I definitely salvaged a whole stack (250) and got c. 270 dust, then I did a few more with a standard kit and got a low yield (1.2x, but not large enough sample size). I stopped at that point and didn’t do the rest of the 2500, but I did do another stack (250) now and got a normal result. Not sure what is going on, but problem is fixed.

Experience also looks normal again, almost 26K

Thanks for caring


and yet you let an entire thread march on using the 2500 number. That’s pretty much intentionally misleading

I really don’t agree with blaming other people for someone’s own poor choices and assumptions. If it was unclear how many ectos he salvaged, it could be easily resolved by asking a question or two.

Or once he saw people doing math on 2500 salvaged he could have stepped in and said, My bad. I only salvaged this one stack (or however many he actually salvaged). But no, he let people do math and debate on a number he posted on his original post.

I didn’t really see him engage with anyone but John and those who accused him of lying without evidence. Again, you can’t blame him for other people’s poor assumptions. Accusing him of lying is going too far.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


OK, not sure where you got 145, because I am sure I definitely salvaged a whole stack (250) and got c. 270 dust, then I did a few more with a standard kit and got a low yield (1.2x, but not large enough sample size). I stopped at that point and didn’t do the rest of the 2500, but I did do another stack (250) now and got a normal result. Not sure what is going on, but problem is fixed.

Experience also looks normal again, almost 26K

Thanks for caring


and yet you let an entire thread march on using the 2500 number. That’s pretty much intentionally misleading

I really don’t agree with blaming other people for someone’s own poor choices and assumptions. If it was unclear how many ectos he salvaged, it could be easily resolved by asking a question or two.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Letting people know that it wasn’t 2500 ectos salvaged stopped further speculation and math about why OP got the numbers he did. It was relevant to the thread as there were numerous posts about the numbers he claimed he got and whether that was likely or probable.

The 2,500 ectos is irrelevant. He could have said 3,000, 178, or 18. The problem was that his rate of dust was wrong. Maybe he was calculating wrong. Maybe he missed counted somewhere. John confirmed that the rate of ecto to dust hadn’t changed. That was all that was needed to resolve this issue.

And maybe Mr. Smith didn’t appreciate someone not telling the whole story and making him take time off from his other work to check an issue based on a falsehood (and it became a falsehood when OP allowed others to do math based on the 2500 ectos salvaged figures,

Again, the 2,500 ectos is irrelevant. If the OP said they salvaged 2,500 ectos and got a rate similar to what John would expect then there would be no issue. The problem, again, was that the rate was wrong. We don’t know why it is wrong.

Additionally, the OP never said he salvaged all 2,500 ectos. It’s reasonable to believe that he salvaged a stack (or more accurately less than one), calculated the rate (incorrectly) and worried that he just wasted gold and time on acquiring so many ectos when the rate appeared to be so poor. This hardly merits the amount of personal attacks being levied against the OP.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


John’s response was completely appropriate. The OP made a claim that the company’s technology was malfunctioning based on the interpretation of some data. The response was that there is no malfunction, because the data being used was incorrect. Providing the real data was important in this case beyond the simple “working as intended” line, because the originally claimed data was so far outside expected values for a working as intended system.

An appropriate response was the first few posts, where he tests it and shares the result of the test.

Going further to point out the lie does not prove anything except that the OP lied. The information about how many they salvaged was entirely irrelevant in regards to proof that the system was working normally.

Although, to be entirely fair, we don’t really have any proof that what John Smith claimed about the OP is true either, although that’s another can of speculative worms that I’m not going to open.

It stopped further (pointless) speculation about why OP got the numbers he did and how likely that was.

So would have locking the thread after the official answer that everything was unchanged.

So would a simple addendum of “Remember, kids: Random numbers are random.”

So why was it necessary?

Because it sets the precedent of “If I lie about how many things I’ve done, I can make John Smith dance!” and John Smith dances only for Captain Jack.

Nothing has changed in this regard.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Letting people know that it wasn’t 2500 ectos salvaged stopped further speculation and math about why OP got the numbers he did. It was relevant to the thread as there were numerous posts about the numbers he claimed he got and whether that was likely or probable.

The 2,500 ectos is irrelevant. He could have said 3,000, 178, or 18. The problem was that his rate of dust was wrong. Maybe he was calculating wrong. Maybe he missed counted somewhere. John confirmed that the rate of ecto to dust hadn’t changed. That was all that was needed to resolve this issue.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


As an addendum OP, you salvaged 145 ectos for 279 dust.

As amusing as this is (and it is indeed greatly amusing!), I don’t think it’s good business practice to embarass your customers !

I have to agree. John’s response made me feel greatly uncomfortable. It’s rather unprofessional because it erodes the relationship between the developer and the customer. What are the standards for when Anet should and should not humiliate players? My preference would be never.

He corrected a lie. It’s better to have truthful information out there rather than fabricated information created to serve someone’s ulterior motive(s). It would not have been embarrassing to the OP had he simply not made it up or make up another lie after it was pointed out how many salvage he had actually done.

They also used to do this in a reddit thread. People would say they did nothing wrong and were then proven that they were incorrect.

This is far different. Those people were breaking the rules and trying to embarrass and malign Anet over their suspensions. Even then, Anet stated why they were suspended because it was relevant to the topic. They did not do it to humiliate or attack them. They did it to clear up the misunderstanding.

As Filiha pointed out, John’s response brought nothing to the topic other than to humilate the OP. John’s first few responses resolved the issue. After that it just turned into a public lynching.

Just look at it in a simple matter without regards to the intent of those who chose to lie. All that was done was shed light and revealed the lie. Had they not purposely lied, there would be no embarrassment.

Their bad behavior doesn’t justify the bad behavior of others. Particularly, when one expects a higher standard of professionalism from the staff than from posters. A professionalism that has been fairly consistent, which makes this instance stand out so much.

That one post by John has only brought out only negativity in this thread.

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


As an addendum OP, you salvaged 145 ectos for 279 dust.

As amusing as this is (and it is indeed greatly amusing!), I don’t think it’s good business practice to embarass your customers !

I have to agree. John’s response made me feel greatly uncomfortable. It’s rather unprofessional because it erodes the relationship between the developer and the customer. What are the standards for when Anet should and should not humiliate players? My preference would be never.

He corrected a lie. It’s better to have truthful information out there rather than fabricated information created to serve someone’s ulterior motive(s). It would not have been embarrassing to the OP had he simply not made it up or make up another lie after it was pointed out how many salvage he had actually done.

They also used to do this in a reddit thread. People would say they did nothing wrong and were then proven that they were incorrect.

This is far different. Those people were breaking the rules and trying to embarrass and malign Anet over their suspensions. Even then, Anet stated why they were suspended because it was relevant to the topic. They did not do it to humiliate or attack them. They did it to clear up the misunderstanding.

As Filiha pointed out, John’s response brought nothing to the topic other than to humilate the OP. John’s first few responses resolved the issue. After that it just turned into a public lynching.

Husk Eye

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


I used the guaranteed extracted part we get from the story achievements to finish the husk because it is the only one that doesn’t give you a second chance during the Vinewrath event.

(edited by DaShi.1368)

Ecto Salvage nerfed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaShi.1368


As an addendum OP, you salvaged 145 ectos for 279 dust.

As amusing as this is (and it is indeed greatly amusing!), I don’t think it’s good business practice to embarass your customers !

I have to agree. John’s response made me feel greatly uncomfortable. It’s rather unprofessional because it erodes the relationship between the developer and the customer. What are the standards for when Anet should and should not humiliate players? My preference would be never.

What's the justification for Gear Shield?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


What happened with engis anyway? I remember early on playing against engi builds that had high mobility and regen but low damage, some with high burst damage but were fairly squishy, and ones with a fair amount of cc but not too much damage.

These days they have builds with great mobility high damage, high damage mitigation/regen, and lots of hard cc, or are tough as nails with turrets that seem extremely strong, or seem to be able to constantly evade, go into stealth quicker than a d/p thief, fart aoe cc.

When and how did they go from somewhat balanced to monsters?

The other professions people complained about got nerfed. Those people are still losing, so now they need to blame engineers. I predict guardians will be their next target.

Sylvari: Anet was planning this since 2007

in Lore

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Would be nice if we could just get a nice bit long list of these inconsistencies. If only we had someone who could do it… too bad Koning is seemingly leaving us he seems like the sort of person who could do something like that.

Most of the so called lore inconsistencies are people asking a question, creating an answer for the question, and then complaining when the game doesn’t use their answer.

I think a lot of people should just relax and enjoy the whole host of new theories that can be developed now.

Can't help but think we have it too easy

in Ranger

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Dunno about anyone else, but what are the actual drawbacks to ranger? (I mained mine and it was my first 80 and only character I played for months). We have massive damage burst in pvp, the longest range in the game, easy rallies from pets, our own personal aggro magnet, high boon uptimes from horn/various pet active skills, one of the best elite skills in the game (rampage as one)… it just feels like there’s no challenge or downside to ranger that I can think of.

Anyone else think this way?

I agree. The longbow is a huge offender with a short cooldown long range knockback. No class has such on demand knockback with so little cost. Then it has a stealth, burst, and large AoE. Why would rangers use anything else?