Showing Posts For Dagins.5163:

Why did you choose a thief as your main?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Because I’m a thief irl.

Signed, level 1 alt

PvP 3 wishes -what do you want most in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


1. Cultural sets available for mortals. Right now, I won’t live long enough to obtain medium charr t1 helm – only decent one for this race, which is easy obtainable in PvE.
2. Gold (or worthy items for sale).
3. Easy system of dueling, also available in PvE (with sPvP stats/skills/etc).

Signed, level 1 alt

What stats-spread do you find most effective?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Running around doing nothing (at least nothing that can benefit your team) is what I call trolling. Well, maybe trolling is a bad word, but it’s playing for fun without maximizing your potential.

In the video, you just run on open fields slaying some clueless noobs, where each kill takes you a lot of time, while it could take you a few seconds with a power/crit build.

Thieves have the best movement in game, so if you want to be the best, you have to exploit it.

But when good mobility is any useful?

- Obviously, not in an open 1 on 1 fight. It’s useful when your enemies are fleeing in terror with low HP pool. Add to it power/crit, and they will almost never survive at 50% or lower HP against you, because they will be dead before electrons travel from GPU to their screen to show the whole tragedy.
If you have condition damage, sure, you can also chase them, but it will take much more time to finish them off, therefore negating your benefit of lightning fast actions, which come from stealth and shadowsteps.
Also, P/D is extremly passive and doesn’t have any interrupts.

Signed, level 1 alt

What stats-spread do you find most effective?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Obviously, thieves are all around power and crit. Don’t bother with condition damage unless you are trolling (other classes do it much better).

That means, you always spent 30 points in critical strikes traits. Next 30 you spend in shadow arts, if you play PvP (for broken OP condition removal, and healing during stealth), or deadly arts, if you do PvE – for maximum damage.
And that’s it.
You can also pick acrobatics instead of DA in PvE if your team can support you with lots of boons. Otherwise, it’s a waste of damage.

PS: almost forgot – you don’t fight 1v1 with REALLY equally skilled opponents in PvP, unless you are trolling – other classes do it better. Focus on kill and node stealing, stomping and saving your teammates from being stomped.

Signed, level 1 alt

(edited by Dagins.5163)

s/d thief. Infiltrator's strike bugged.

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


If it was an unwanted, gamebreaking oversight, it would be patched some time ago, as it was reported multiple times already (like traps), and it’s very easy to fix.

First of all, to travel over 1200 range distance, you have to either use shadowstep, any sort of teleport, or waste your time and run (when somebody is beating on you with speed debuff). That means, you either lose health and time, or an ability with CD.

Second, it’s situational. When you are capping a point, you don’t necessary want to teleport a mile away. It’s a disengage, which just saves your butt and makes your opponent annoyed – this is probably the source or crying. So, you can move away and cap another node.

Anyway… it just saves some time – let it be not dying and waiting for respawn. Shadow Return will not instagib anybody, nor work like aegis. Just a useful trick, that a few good players know how to use correctly, like steal+C&D, or ShS+stomp.

Signed, level 1 alt

s/d thief. Infiltrator's strike bugged.

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


You aren’t taking into consideration people you are fighting against, as they surely do not enjoy someone with spammable mini portal. Game should be enjoyable for both sides, not only one.

Cool tricks like this only add flavour to the game. I know, getting outplayed isn’t the most pleasant experience, but it’s a part of PvP.

Signed, level 1 alt

s/d thief. Infiltrator's strike bugged.

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Off the top of my head, make it line of sight and drop the range or cut the ability to use it while CC’d.

I advice cutting yourself instead if you feel injustice, and leaving this fun mechanic to people who enjoy it at least since headstart.

Signed, level 1 alt

2 Identical Mesmers With Identical Names

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


But then, what’s the point of “informing”?

Signed, level 1 alt

Nerf, Nerf, Nerf, Nerf....

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


I beat 7 classes with my eyes closed, cause I’m a skilled ninja and they are all noobs. But a mesmer beats me? CLASS BALANCE ISSUE! THIEVES ARE UNDERPOWERED! MESMERS ARE OVERPOWERED!

Signed, level 1 alt

So glad this game is not arena based

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Warriors aren’t that bad. It’s just a class, which doesn’t forgive making mistakes. You can make tons of mistakes and survive as a mesmer, thief or elementalist, but not as a warrior.

Signed, level 1 alt

I expected better I really did.

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


At least you can play WvW. I have 5-20 FPS on a good machine, what makes my brain melt after a few minutes.

Signed, level 1 alt

Why doesn't infiltrator's return...

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


You can return with this skill, while being affected by basilisk venom. I did it multiple times.

Signed, level 1 alt

what if thieves work like this

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


I’m even more glad that you’re not a programmer and works for anet.


Such a mature and constructive counterargument.

Thieves should be all about attacking from stealth to surprise their foes to gain advantage, and it doesn’t really mean bursting them down with backstab from 100-0% hp. It can be also some temporary heavy debuff, or self buff. This is thing number one. Second are active abilities, which give short but strong damage reduction. Thieves should have limitted self-healing to minimum, but in GW2, they are heal bots with no “risk and reward” play style.

Signed, level 1 alt

(edited by Dagins.5163)

what if thieves work like this

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Just get rid of abilities like C&D and blinding powder, and introduce traditional stealth mechanism (for F1 instead of shadowstep) with a few new ideas. Give unique traits improving stealth for each of the trait lines.
Popping in and out of stealth is irritating to fight against (mesmers aswell), and continously nerfing it will just lead to rage of people playing this class.

But arena net denies the fact the current stealth is bad, and they will never change it. And if they somehow do, it will take them 5 or more years to introduce.

Signed, level 1 alt

(edited by Dagins.5163)

Team Majava vs 0 ... jump game?! New meta...

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Your enemies died in que waiting for a match (or got heart attack when it finally popped).

Signed, level 1 alt

Profession Specific Finishers

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


They must be visible and easily unidentifiable if you want a good competitive game.

Two words – competitive and e-sport - ruined PvP in this game.

Signed, level 1 alt

Upcoming changes to stealth (SoTG)

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Introduce traditional stealth mechanics, or make stealth like death shroud (obviously with some restrictions), and get rid of easy access stealth spam with C&D, smoke combo fields. After that, improve(redesign) all stealth attacks to feel more special and awesome.

Signed, level 1 alt

Selling Tax

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dagins.5163


In real life, politicians rob you. So, to make GW2 feels more realistic, you are getting robbed aswell, but by a virtual machine. Isn’t it beautiful?

Signed, level 1 alt

Is conquest what is really ruining S/T PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


yeah it put it in such a great place in the first place didnt it? I mean lets roll 5 eles or 5 mesmers and kitten off everyone like theres no tomorrow.

Feel free to do so. But there will be always a few people who will get bored, and switch to another classes, just for the sake of diversity.

Signed, level 1 alt

Is conquest what is really ruining S/T PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


well just went against 2 dif teams which had 4 mesmers and 1 thief. All different ppl. Think that might be a big clue to why pvp is dying. They need a class cap on tpvp so ppl cant run all the cheap bs.

Limiting players even further will surely help this game. I suggest hitting your head against a wall.

Signed, level 1 alt

Duels & spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


This game is not balanced enough for dueling, this is not a vital feature at all. Classes still have bugs that render many builds useless. It would not be fair to the community to implement dueling before they fix the necessities.

Nobody puts a gun to your head and force you to duel. Also, every class can make a few dueling specs, which aren’t “underpowered” (at least from my experience). Many builds might be considered useless, because they are about supporting team. It’s like, you want to eat soup, but you don’t want to give up your fork.

Signed, level 1 alt

Engineer self-rez

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Put poison field, knock him back, use haste, and just to make sure the stomp is secured, use stability.

Signed, level 1 alt

Silence = Perception of stagnation

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Arena Net devs aren’t silent. They read forums, sometimes answer, but they also do nothing with the gathered informations.

Well, it’s their game, not ours, so we are not in place of commanding them what to do. But I believe, this game would be far more successful, if they actually took under serious consideration half of the ideas posted here.

Signed, level 1 alt

Duels. The reason why!

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Devs are pushing “competitive, e-sport” thing too much. It’s bad for the game’s health, and it’s getting boring.

On my frozen WoW char, I have listed over 4000 duels. I built my PvP knowledge almost entirely by dueling. I dueled these “snow mages” so much, that I managed to get about 70% win chance against them in a fair fight. Some classes I could beat with almost 100% chance. Many times I managed to take down 2 opponents solo in 2vs2 arena, few times won 1vs3, and that’s only because I duelled a lot.

In GW2, there are some dueling servers, but they are rare, and there will be always some jerk who interrupts a fight. In other words, they are not worth the effort.

I would like to see duels in the Mists, AND in open world. Why in open world? Because… because it would be fun?

PS: give us gold from sPvP, so we can buy some parts of gear to fight in open world.

Signed, level 1 alt

i'm bored and angry from spvp

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


WvWvW welcomes you with open arms


<brain melts after spending over 5 minutes there, with 5-8 FPS on a strong machine>

Signed, level 1 alt

No Offhand (aka "Sword Light") Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Make naked thief PvP video.

Signed, level 1 alt

Lowbie thief looking for help.

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Equip sword in main hand, and a pistol in off hand. With this setup, you can hold multiple mobs a time without losing any health.

Signed, level 1 alt

It is my b-day today

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Thank you for invitation!


Signed, level 1 alt

Cursing at other players etc

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Reporting function is for tracking bots.
Why would you care about a bunch of bored kids cursing at you through internet? I would advice you stacking more toughtness.

Signed, level 1 alt

What about the ele nerf ?

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Maybe it is the right way? Maybe we all should roll eles, so the circle of balance will be completed?

Signed, level 1 alt

Iron Legion/Adamant Guard colors

in Charr

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Signed, level 1 alt

traps still bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Thief’s traps (and smoke screen) are still bugged. It makes certain builds unreliable. The video isn’t outdated.

This bug doesn’t apply to ambush and shadow traps.

Signed, level 1 alt

(edited by Dagins.5163)

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


On-kill rally also pisses me off. It’s not fun, nor realistic, it’s just annoying.

Signed, level 1 alt

Did Daggerstorm get nerfed?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Basically, thieves are good against bad players, bad geared players, and… hmm… another thieves!

Signed, level 1 alt

The Blind on Infiltrator's Arrow

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


When you see an ally attempting to stomp an enemy, and the enemy is going to use his CC (for example, warrior’s hammer toss), you blind them.

Signed, level 1 alt

Moar Stun

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Well, at least they will stop complaining about heartseeker.

Signed, level 1 alt

Moar Stun

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Mace main hand:
Headseeker – leap and strike your foe. The less health your target has, the longer the stun lasts.
100%-50%: 2 sec stun.
50%-25%: 3 sec stun.
25%-0%: 4 sec stun.
Combo Finisher: Leap
Range: 450

PS: since it does no damage, it would require ini cost reduction.

Signed, level 1 alt

Tripwire - still bugged after months

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Just tripwire and needle traps are bugged, but as NinjaEd said, they are close to useless anyway, so they won’t be used even after bugfix (maybe just in pve for fun). Pets and illusions trigger them, but even if some player run into them, they take no damage, nor real cc, and the trap is immediately removed.
Still, shadow trap has its use in node jumping and escaping, and ambush in leveling.

Signed, level 1 alt

This Thief hacking?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


I would understand, if it was some other MMO with like 30 skills +30 macros on skill bars, but in GW2 you have only 10 skills available at the time. Yet, you fail to watch even half of them, which is five.

Signed, level 1 alt

how can my thief not be useless?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


You can become a portable medic.

1) Use runes of mercy (these for resing). Thieves are exceptionally good at resing.
2) Shadow arts 30 (-20% cd on deceptions, shadow’s rejuvenation and shadow’s embrace).
3) Trickery 30 (daze on steal, stealing boons, and ambush trap on resing).
4) Acrobatics 10 for fleet shadow.
5) Pick shadow’s refuge, blinding powder, shadowstep, and thieves guild. Healing skill is obvious.
6) For weapons: sword/dagger and pistol/pistol for extra daze, or shortbow for AoE.
7) Pick berserker’s amulet, because you want to do damage as a thief.
8) Use sigils of nullification to remove boons.

You stomp and res in stealth a lot, and interrupt enemies while they try to heal or burst.

Signed, level 1 alt

(edited by Dagins.5163)

Ranks are too slow to acquire

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


I agree with Liewec. I’d love to have charr T1 head piece in sPvP, but I would need to spend a few years playing sPvP to earn dragon tier. For now, I have no (visible) helmet at all, because all non-cultural ones look ugly to me.

Signed, level 1 alt

How to have fun in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Or just find a dueling server.

Signed, level 1 alt

charr guild?

in Charr

Posted by: Dagins.5163


And yes there are couple of Charr only guilds on Piken Square and Tarnished coast tho they are role playing guilds which are not too “user friendly” to newbie roleplayers since you need to go through all kind of tests and trials which involve role playing.

Why they are not “user friendly”? RP community is exceptionally friendly, and these tests are here to keep away some extremly bad people, who don’t have the slightest clue how to interract with other players (and I don’t have on my mind roleplaying). Everyone was a newbie at the beginning, and you can always ask for help.
I play in a charr only guild on Piken Square, and if anybody needs a guidance to get inside “the world”, feel free to PM me on forum or in game.

Signed, level 1 alt

Are thieves anything like rogues?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


This is all extremely situational and unpractical though so saying we can stunlock is a bit misleading. You are requiring specific classes and 45second wait times so that a trap or steal ability is up while having the trap/steal off cooldown. I also don’t consider daze a stun. It’s effect is more like a weak counterspell from WoW. People can run around and still use some abilities.

Yes, but the point of stunlock is to kill somebody while not giving them any chances to fight back or heal. Anyway, I am glad there are no long CC abilities, because sitting in stun/fear/daze/blind for 40 seconds wasn’t fun.

And in WoW, you needed cooldowns to stunlock properly aswell, and they were 2-3 minute long. I agree, it was easier in WoW, but in WoW everything about PvP was easier in general.

Signed, level 1 alt

Are thieves anything like rogues?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Except…. Runes of the Mesmer affects Daze, not stun.

Then grab stun sigil +10% stun duration.

Signed, level 1 alt

Are thieves anything like rogues?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Actually, you can stunlock somebody in this game, but it’s hard to pull off. Your favourite ability for it should be tripwire trap, as it knockdowns people for 3 sec and can do it AoE. Also, if you actually use it as a TRAP, you can hit your opponent 2 times in a row, resulting in 6 sec knockdown. Add to it mesmor runes and you have 8 second stun. Follow with guardian’s mace daze (steal) for 5 second daze, or necro’s skull fear for 3 second fear. Throw here and there tactical strikes for daze and flanking strike for stability removal, or pistol whip for extra damage damage plus 1 sec of easy accessible stun.

PS: both guardian’s mace daze and necro’s skull fear can be used 2 times in a row, so you have 10 second daze or 6 second fear. Just make sure not to hit them at the same time, because the effect doesn’t stack, just refreshes (same with tripwire trap).

Signed, level 1 alt

(edited by Dagins.5163)

Forest Of Niflhel lags

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Confirmed. Random lags for a few seconds.

Signed, level 1 alt

Lack of visuals disappointing

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Players don’t cast skills randomly, but if they do, you have won already (unless you are as bad as they are). Dodge system is here to counter dangerous abilities, not auto attacks. Some of them are easy to dodge, and another ones are pretty much impossible without prediction skill.

I would post a video about two rogues dueling each other in WoW, dodging INSTANT CAST hard CC (abilities which just take ping delay to execute), but you wouldn’t even notice it, so… just believe me it is possible to dodge things without even seeing animations.

Signed, level 1 alt

Adamant guard colors

in Charr

Posted by: Dagins.5163


[…] I’ve been able to replicate Adamant Guard, Ash Legion, Vigil Crusaders, Seraph, and other NPCs without too much trouble.[…]

Send him a private message on forum.

Signed, level 1 alt

Change Flanking Strike to "Vampiric Strike."

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Well, I use the term vampire as your taking away something and giving it to yourself.

Vampires are about sucking blood and sort of life force.

Thief strike?

Okay, seriously now, the only thing which should be changed about FS, and I write it again, is this kitty delay caused by animation. I can’t dodge powerful blows properly, when animations gets queued after auto-attack. Some attacks are hard enough to dodge with a simple roll, but FS is pure lottery, in which you lose over 90% of time.

No, I will never turn off sword auto attack, because it is core damage move of S/D.

Signed, level 1 alt