Just want to put out a little encouragement here. I’ve willingly been repeating W1 tribulation mode because it’s fun and I like the green weapons.
Some people think it’s too hard and some people think it’s too easy which I think is sort of an indication that the difficulty is in a good place.
The really encouraging thing is that it really seems to be working with very few bugs or RNG elements involved. The lily pads are frustrating, but other than that it seems pretty fair to the player.
I like how each death is a learning experience that often involves changing your methods rather than just capping out your personal skill curve and trying the same thing over and over until you get it.
I wish I could say the same for world 2. Zone 1 could use a few more traps, aside from getting out of the spawn it’s pretty safe to walk straight everywhere. Zone 2 and 3 are just really long which greatly lessens the desire to repeat them.
Overall though, tribulation is a great idea. I think some people are still afraid to try it, but it’s not really as teeth grinding as Liadri or Candidate Trials.
(edited by DarkWasp.7291)
This thread is a sterling example of how people use gear to attempt to judge the skill of a player.
Anyone who does not have their culling options on max when the dungeon is started will not be able to see the boulders and this makes that section very difficult for groups without a mesmer.
Surprised there isn’t a glaring post about this on the front page.
So here you go.
10 things people STILL don’t know about rangers:
1. Flanking rangers running 1h / axe with full endurance and +%90 HP and a live jaguar have a DPS near equal to warriors. (Sometimes even greater when the enemy does not have a boon [Warriors gain DPS from enemy boons])
2. Rangers increase the effectiveness of summoned weapons because no pet DPS is lost when wielding one. (Because other classes have a higher base weapon skill damage, more is sacrificed when they pick up a summoned weapon)
3. Frost spirit can increase the entire party’s damage by 7% in combat areas that last less than a minute (most bosses under melee burn)
4. The 1h sword has poison which decreases enemy healing
5. The AoE DPS added by the LB’s barrage (before swapping to melee) makes it a better choice than SB in stacking situations
6. The Jungle Stalker applies 5 stacks of might for 12 and a half seconds at least
7. Healing spring creates a condition safe melee zone that greatly reduces the DPS of bosses like the flame effigy or colossus fractal cultist
8. The top rated ranger build can burn the gate controller down faster than the top rated warrior build
9. A ranger’s best friend is a might stacking ele with a lightning hammer to follow up (hammer blasts in healing spring result in group near-invincibility)
10. Whenever a group performs perma-fury, rangers should ditch the warhorn for an offhand axe.
Pet HP buff in PvE confirmed! Woot woot!
We should be able to more safely add full pet damage to our DPS calculations for dungeons.
Glowing and GS throwing animations they should add. I agree with that.
I don’t even have eternity, but I’d like to see it match the weapons put into it. Though the new footfalls are the coolest thing ever.
What is she after anyway?
She wants:
1. To break every mirror in existence so she’ll never see her own face again
2. To prevent the Shatterer from landing
3. Queen Jennah dead
4. To see what our insides look like
5. Our loot
They are kind of already doing both.
They take an old issue with the game an improve it and add new content to show it off.
Mini-Games/Zephyr Sanctum
Culling-removed/Scarlet invasions
Boss events/Tequatl
So we can dream about stuff like:
First person screenshots/Some asura invented a camera
New weapon options/Twilight Arbor overhaul
][Feature or fix][/][Some new content to show it off][
There are some changes in the upcoming release to mitigate the severity of this problem. We’re also looking at making some long-term improvements to the Twisted Clockwork invasions.
So soon too? Nice.
Actually in extremely large zergs there are drawbacks to both options.
Strong mobs: Only the first 60-or-so players who pass the damage threshold on a strong mob seem to get exp and loot. Groups greatly increase the chances of that threshold being passed.
Numerous mobs: Even the weakest attacks from 30 players will kill these guys before others can get to them.
My answer: Any number of mobs that don’t have 6 seconds of evade/block/invulnerability.
Didn’t some, or many, pets get a damage increase not long ago? I am not sure if pets are considered as minions.
Crushing dreams…
As somebody who wants to finish the event (because I am primarily motivated by success, not loot), I am so. so. so. tired of farmers ruining this for me. If you fixed it so that champs didn’t spawn when the Aetherblade Pirate Captain is up (and, like you suggested, added Empyreal Fragments on victory), I think that’d go a long way toward making it better.
Having farmers doesn’t make the event go slower than if they weren’t present. You’re assuming if the farmers weren’t able the farm, they would help you finish the event. They’d instead be in Frostgorge farming champs and you’d likely be doing the event all by yourself.
Or maybe he’s assuming that if the farmers were in Frostgorge, less up-scaling would allow smaller numbers of players to complete the event. Farmers present at but not attacking a Captain leads to the Captain scaling up in health and being harder to down as a result. In that sense, the farmers are a hindrance.
Used to be an issue, but now when the aethers are done very few people continue on with the minions.
“All player controlled minions. excluding Mesmer phantasm and clones because they were already increased in a previous patch, now have 71.43% more hit points in a PvE map.”
Basically there is no motivation at all to do minion events.
Based on experimentation I did, it would only take about 20 people who stay on minions during aethers to progress it down. They have to split up.
So finding 19 other people who are willing to sacrifice spending any time on aethers, that’s the requirement for winning.
Also +1 on not being willing to spend 45 minutes of my life dedicated to earning hundreds of sprockets and reward of 5 champ bags and 5 dragonite.
I don’t think the playerbase is headed in the intended direction with this one. I don’t blame them though. As a result of the win rewards being below standards for the participants, not much effort is put toward driving that minion bar down to head to the next step. On top of that, 45 minutes is a long time.
I would think that for something that lasts 45 minutes, requires massive cooperative action and spawns only so often we should be seeing people linking cool things like precursors and maybe an ascended item or two every once and a while. On top of that there could be something like 100 Empyreal Fragments for completing the event.
I think upping the reward or lowering the requirements are the only possible fixes. If the pirates were nerfed I think that would only increase the “why bother?” factor and lower the participation.
Kudzu kind of makes sense, it seems to represent a legendary nature character named “Kudzu” and shoots small golden spears.
Though they need to fix the bowstring.
As for overrated: Definitely without a doubt, Eternity. It’s like the lesser version of both the Twilight and Sunrise for twice the cost.
To fix it it needs:
1. Footprints
2. Day/Night swapped (it should display night at day and day at night)
3. An additional visual effect, like maybe a purple nebula skybox effect when the player has more than 12 might.
(edited by DarkWasp.7291)
Ranger is a funny class. It can easily be one of the most survivable classes, but it’s also easy to screw up especially while learning.
This is me doing a DE:
Hey look that asura is saying something funny.
[Stays to listen]
This is me doing quests:
[Click click click click]
All ready! Oh wait, no there’s an important quest hiding in a corner.
[Click click click click]
Wait, why do they want me to go back into town again?
A. Press ESC.
You can remap it with a 1:1 relationship with third party software (like the software that comes with G1X keyboards) and be fine as far as the UA is concerned.
They need to add an official remap for that.
It’s Monday, they should be able to fix it today.
I love how the merchants insult you by offering 1g 15s 20c for those. :p
We should have been awarded a Trahearne voice pack.
“My urge to kill… is rising.”
“That one must have hurt.”
“Help me. I am down.”
Nah, I’m still waiting too.
Undoubtedly one of the least memorable video game birthday presents of all time.
Though the mini looks good, she doesn’t show off my dodging skills like Liadri
I’m pretty irritated with this event. If they are going to make events that last an hour long, they need to be more careful about how easily they are failing now…I don’t have time to keep spending entire hours on failed events. I did two in a row yesterday that failed and I’m pretty sick of it.
Why exactly do you want it to win? Did you not get “Scarlet Scrambler” yet?
I think it’s a myth that the champions need to be fixed at all.
When they initially announced champ rewards they said: “This change will make champions more rewarding, and will make playing in Orr and Southsun Cove (where events can scale up to add champions) more exciting and fruitful for guilds and players joining together in the open world.”
This is precisely what we’re doing when we zerg Aetherblade events.
The rewards for winning the meta event (which is still easy to do even with farming) is minor compared to killing aethers, so why do people desire it so much?
Mindless? Obviously we are playing two different games. Those AB strikers… Even in a big Zerg there are aoe circles everywhere and trying to avoid them while tagging all you can is hardly mindless. Have to stay on your toes dodging this way and that. Maybe you’re playing a staff guardian but I’m playing a trapper ranger with a handicapped AI pet. So, yeah. Try a trapper build ranger and maybe you’ll change your mind on it being mindless, but who am I kidding? It’s the Internet and you’ll continue to QQ about farmers.
Yeah I play trapper ranger.
I call it “Rally Tanking.”
1. Failure gives a slightly reduced reward, one that you would have made up for if you joined the champ farming
2. Events are slowed down by scaling caused by zergs. Up until a certain point more AFKers = smaller zergs = quicker events
3. You only need to win once to have all of the achievements
Achievement is most definitely bugged. The first time I was sure chomper didn’t get any meat, the second time I was POSITIVE he didn’t get any.
Yet the achievement did not pop either time.
Places where DR does not exist are the best places.
Why would it be retroactive though?
If I buy a car and then a year later buying said car also gives you a set of tires, should I suddenly get that set of tires just because I bought that car at one time?
Well it’s digital, so if they are feeling generous it won’t cost them like sending everyone a new set of tires.
So far I haven’t gotten any sort of “loyalty” bonuses (like the free kites and such) because the only time I purchased gems was during a beta.
If this is retroactive with deluxe then this is my chance
Time to go figure out which of those armors I’d want.
I’m not going to get my hopes up though.
The credit I, the OP, am referring to is none of the above.
Whenever you kill a champion/legendary you get roughly 1000 EXP, one or two random items and one champ bag/box. In order to get this “kill credit” under normal circumstances you just need to do enough damage. However, when a zerg of players gets too big the system starts to malfunction.
Here’s the thing, in this particular instance it’s no big deal. Achievement progress isn’t being blocked, living story progress isn’t being blocked, daily rewards aren’t being blocked (I don’t think) and map rewards aren’t being blocked.
No this is an entirely different issue.
The reason I’ve made this post is so that ArenaNet can investigate Scarlet. She is a sterling example of what happens in all areas of the game when a zerg gets too big. Same thing happened with the ember farm and Plinx way before that.
I hope that clears up the confusion.
This is about the one Deluxe Gear Box that Scarlet drops on the floor, not about any of the rewards that pop up on the UI.
Well fortunately in this case it’s just a single champ box which isn’t that much in the big picture.
However, it represents a problem that has plagued open world PvE since the Plinx farm days. Except back then it was veterans, now it’s champions.
There’s the achievement too – you need to tag her to get it.
If I’m not mistaken that only requires credit on the Kill Scarlet event. That event seems to work properly.
People have been getting better at it on Blackgate and we’ve been able to clear all of the aether spots and still succeed.
If it comes down to it sometimes you just have to temporarily drop your tag and blend in with the crowd.
Well fortunately in this case it’s just a single champ box which isn’t that much in the big picture.
However, it represents a problem that has plagued open world PvE since the Plinx farm days. Except back then it was veterans, now it’s champions.
After the HP buff, we’ve had some people not getting loot off her despite doing significant damage.
It might just be because more of the zerg manages to get to her. This would make the issue similar to the strange kill credit behavior in the ember farm.
Just thought I’d bring it up, maybe Scarlet will help the developers pinpoint and fix that bug.
Event credit works fine though.
Sadly I think it’s done a little backward. The trash mobs revive while the big ones don’t seem to.
In open world PvE it’s not really a fight against challenging combat so much as it is a fight to snag kill credit on as many enemies as possible.
If you’re taking time to finish an insignificant mob, you’re missing out on kills.
However, if you needed to finish off a champion before he resurrected as a non-lootdropping champ or veteran, you’d be all over that.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a cool idea. It’s just that once players have repeated content a few times, they are in it mostly for the rewards if not solely from that point on.
I’ve been doing some testing (my PC has an i5-750 2.66ghz) and found an interesting side-effect of the culling settings and this event.
When running around with a large zerg, setting the model quality to “lowest” has EXTREME positive affects on my framerate. Setting it even just to “low” ruins this and drops the framerate down to nearly slideshow levels.
However, leaving the setting on “lowest” means that I never ever see another player model. It’s not really an MMO if I can’t see people’s unique characters and gear.
Can it be modified to trigger the “lowest” quality effect ONLY during 10+ player combat when set at “low.” This way we could still get the near silk FPS in combat while maintaining our ability to see others while not near a fight.
Right now even cities are displaying no character models for me on “lowest.” Not sure if it’s all the activity from the event, or if that setting litterally means no unique character models ever.
i use LB while roaming, the stealth is nice for getting heals or certain attacks off and rapid fire is hilarious against theives
Also pushing people off cliffs, sniping retreaters, covering stealth AoEs and mesmer/thief downed skills with barrage and pushing an enemy into optimal range for throwing an axe offhand.
When possible do this:
Tossing that axe in zerker gear is going to hit for 5k-10k damage so it adds a little bit to your overall DPS. It’s also a CC and an additional moment where you are doing damage but aren’t rooted by your sword animations.
Be sure to swap back for birds.
(edited by DarkWasp.7291)
It kind of goes like this:
Warriors self buff themselves up pretty high so you can easily keep up 8k DPS in most situations.
Rangers and engineers can deal high amounts of damage but generally don’t have nearly as much self-might which severely reduces DPS in solo situations. With 25 might rangers can do fairly good and engineers can do extreme damage.
Thieves I haven’t tried yet.
Playing DPS on any class but warrior requires that you prove yourself and people will likely blame you for not being a warrior if things are going slow.
There’s a bunch of other reasons to roll a warrior too:
- Mistakes are forgiven by higher base HP and armor and smaller skill cooldowns.
- Less reliant on your group to reach your potential.
- Generally accepted everywhere.
- PvE content is mostly designed in a physical damage (warrior) fashion.
- Lowest amount of micromanagement to keep your DPS up.
- Has a full duration spammable elite skill. (Most other classes get about 10-20 seconds of eliteness out of at least 120)
- A lot of positive attention from balance updates.
- Great ranged damage too.
- High number of control options.
equip magic find
I’ve seen people type out:
“P for pain!”
“Pay for pain!”
“Pain for pain!”
I think it’s female human retaliation? Not entirely sure.
With the arise of the ember farm we now see that kill credit is still bugging out in large zerg situations.
Staff guardians claim to be having no issues.
As for the rest of the professions getting kill credit on champions can be very challenging. Sometimes doing 4k damage can yield credit, but doing 100k damage leaves the player with no EXP and no loot. Sometimes attacking from start to end helps, sometimes it doesn’t.
Anyone without a group has absolutely no chance of getting kill credit on anything at all.
I used to have this issue with veterans in the early Plinx days. It seemed that dealing 2k damage and leaving a veteran had about a 90% chance to yield credit. Hitting it multiple times adding up to more than 10k damage had about a 20% chance to yeild credit. Champs may be the same in some way but I haven’t found the magic number.
Either way a fix would be nice. I doubt it’s working as intended. I’m not sure if the server is preserving itself in some way or not.
Ranger 30/30/10
SB+LB | HP regen food | Muddy Terrain for extra crip
LB barrage channeled for 1 sec takes out orbs. LB also has a pushback and fairly good damage on rapid fire while waiting to swap back to SB.
Roughly 20-40 tries, seems to be the going pattern.
Winning round went very smoothly, all other rounds were rocky at best. Just got my head in the zone I guess.
I go up from time to time and res people fighting Liadri because I love to watch that fight.
Get in a loot group and farm pavilion a few times for an hour or so each. You’ll end up with a lot of tickets.
Then when you enter the battle:
1. Remember to stick close to the middle so its easier to get to the safe spots and safe dodge energy
2. Don’t go near the edge or your camera will be useless all smashed up against the wall
3. I found it easier just to sort of ignore the orbs and face the RNG. Sometimes they saved me even. If I worried to much about where they spawned I’d lose some track of Liadri’s/my own position.