Showing Posts For DarksunG.9537:

Few Changes to Overly High Boss Health?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I disagree with the first one but HotW does need abit of tweak, the legendary ice mobs in path 2 takes a REALLY long time to kill, making the path significantly longer than other paths.
Ice elemental in fractal is fast if you land every lava pour, takes about 5min at most?

We landed all but like 3 lava pours (which tbh didn’t make much diff because if you move fast enough you can get him to the next one in time) and it took 20-30 min. We did the updated Dredge Mining suit & he was fine. the Elemental wasn’t even remotely close to the same so something is wrong. tbh the the Elemental is the worst of all 3 of the ones I listed. the others were boring, the Elemental was infuriatingly boring.

First patch of 3 over the next 3 months…

True. I guess I wondered because they made other boss health changes that I didn’t see as equally bad.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

28th Patchnote dissapointment with Guilds.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Been so many patches from last year and rarely been any Guild updates, and most important one we been waiting for is a “Last Online” within guilds, i am getting so sick now with manual looking who is inactive or not just to make space in my guild for new members and then allways accidently kick someone who was not inactive.

Come now Anet.. how hard can it be for just bringing in a “Last Online” within the guilds.

they already said this was going to be a small patch.

Few Changes to Overly High Boss Health?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I saw a change to The Lovers but I haven’t seen a change to the much more egregious offenders of prohibitively long boss battles:

*Underground Facility Fractal: Ice Elemental
*Honor of the Waves: Every Boss & mini boss
*Arah: Giganticus Lupicus

I don’t understand why so many other minor dungeon tweaks were made when these have more impact on the game’s fun.

I predict nobody will ever use guesting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Its such a nothing mechanic. Everything you need to group for (dungeons/fractals) can be done easily cross server anyway.

I really think its massive fail to put so much time into producing this feature. Maybe next time it would be better to actually work on PvP and WvW more than for 5 minutes every day. You know…that huge section of the game which hasnt been updated for 5 months and the one which is dying as a result?

You’re joking right? Guesing is going to be hevily used by anyone who knows it’s there & wants to actually play in the open world. Orr will be awesome again.

Unattainable Goals 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


-Legendaries should be difficult to acquire as a result of challenge, not how long it takes to gather materials (and perhaps creating quests giving them some flavor wouldn’t hurt).

I call Bogus. People have been saying this but they really don’t mean it. What they really mean is “Legendaries should be easier to acquire”.

If getting a precursor required something equality prohibitive as the current system (which, lets be honest, there are a lot of people with “Legendaries” so it’s really not all that exclusive) then it would be something like: vanquish (kill everything) all explorable mode dungeons solo without being downed. Then people would complain about how it’s unrealistic & how only certain classes could do it & how it required Ascended gear blah blah blah…

Making a “quest chain” would just make it 10x easier. The truth is “grind” is the only way to make the Legendaries accessible and prohibitive.

Anyone else get booted and can't get back on?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


yeah.. just now for me..

Where is the conquest helm? (lionguard hat)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


there are a bunch of PvP sets that don’t exist in PvE.. It reaaaaally blows. Don’t understand why they keep doing that…

Housing.. What's your opinion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Eq2 has one of the best housing systems in all the mmo’s. Nowhere else does a player have more power to manipulate their own environment than that game. Even the tradeskills allow the crafting of home items. I’d love for ANet to implement something like that here.

The Divinity’s Reach neighborhoods just “scream” for player housing. Rurikton for me…if something like that ever gets added

Agreed 100%. Housing needs to be as customizable & functional as possible. Guild Halls in EQII are the most epic depiction of guild Achievement I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately I think that if Anet does Housing it will be pretty lame. I’m not sure why, but they seemed to do customization half-way. Can’t dye weapons, can’t pick voice tone or stance, personality does nothing, they have no capes & a pathetically small handful of back items, no mounts or secondary visual customization. The “Home Instances” are already completely forgettable, not chosen by you & have no customization. Even GW1 guild halls had zero customization.

Characters already have housing, the home instance. The feature just isn’t fleshed out yet.

that’s a galactic understatement..

And it’s even called “(Home)”. That’s technically where your character lives.

My Norn lives in someone else’s house? I wonder if Knute Whitebear knows. It’s also strange that I live in a market with no place to sleep, eat & people walk right through all the time.
& The Asura live at the Snaff Memorial? interesting..

I want guild halls & houses to be good, custom endgame goals, but I have really no hope.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

January 2013: Flame and Frost prelude [Merged Discussion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


disparity in eve is not strength its wealth and versatility,

It’s wealth & political & Military power. Which is the entire fabric of the game. You’re just pretending its not. Guild Wars has no political power (becoming a GM? really? that allows you to control corporations & resources on a global scale & have paramilitary forces that can hunt down & kill players & take all their possessions? really?) & wealth just makes gearing faster. But when I can get max level & gear in 2.5 weeks it’s meaningless. The idea that EVE could be even considered AVERAGE in terms of player disparity among all MMOs is laughable. And GW2 being probably the most accessible, even MMOs (to the point where players complained that people were TOO even) make the GW2 EVE comparison even more hilarious.

I wonder if lodestones will be on the laurels vendor

agreed. people will definitely want those.

Any word on the personality system?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I think a cool thing that would add customization & flavor to all players is to change their Idle stances & facial expression to show their personality. So the 9 or so personalities would have different stances that show what kind of person they are. Wouldn’t change the gameplay but it would help with the customization.

Plus then you could make a Sylvari or a Human without the silly grin on their faces & human males wouldn’t have to look like they have a rod in their spine.

January 2013: Flame and Frost prelude [Merged Discussion]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


There will be no mounts, no Cantha and no dragons coming with this story arc.
Sorry if that destroyed some dreams.

lol yeah, not sure if it was supposed to make us expect the wrong things but you’ve got people that look like they are Cantha riding horses & call it Flame & Frost.. but it has nothing to do with Cantha, Mounts, Jormag or Primodus.
That’s really strange… I dunno…

The “level cap” in Eve is way higher than GW2 and you can buy expensive equipment to give yourself a small edge, but the point is nothing in Eve makes you unreservedly stronger than newer players. Progression in Eve (and GW1) is about unlocking more gameplay options, not about grinding for higher numbers like in GW2.

What?.. wait.. WHAT? “nothing in Eve makes you unreservedly stronger than newer players.” No other game in the history of MMOs has a higher disparity between a starting player & one that has, by luck & manipulation, become the center of the universe. I don’t give 2 quaggans if it’s your body’s physical stats or your planet-sized space craft that “makes you more powerful” but EVE is the absolute pinnacle of player power separation.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Lionguard Lyns: not back yet [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Lionguard Lyns will be returning in the end of January build without the Black Lion Keys in her inventory. She will then remain up for everyone to liquidate their Commendations and will likely be leaving entirely after about a month.

I’m in love with her voice, please use her in something else.

This! Her voice is fantastic and should be employed in way more content from here on out.

Heck no.. her screaming is supremely annoying.

Achievement Tokens

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


My only gripe is another dang token/coin/currency! With all the dungeon tokens, fractal relics, badges of honor, the bank tabs or backpack slots get filled up pretty quickly.


As for the current points, if they gave rewards for old points people would instantly have everything and the system would be pointless. The point is providing goals. You can’t make a goal when the race is over.

Will existing achievements get converted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Thanks Colin! All I know is that getting people into the existing, amazing, game world is a very very good thing. I hate to see such an awesome, detailed world get sidelined for dungeon repetition. I’d love to see all the meta events constantly being run.. & maybe even have more than 1 giant Meta Event per map!

The only reservations I have are on the number of rewards. These people eat content like candy.. The reward list should be MASSIVE so it lasts & there are things for everyone.

Will the new update stop skipping?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I think there should be Vanquishing rewards. If I got a good reward for killing everything I’d do it every time. The Magic find increase is a great idea too.

Close to the end?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Now ive enjoyed myself immensely but if I compare my time here to my time in past MMOs that ive played I was never without something to do. I never once reached a point where I could say ‘ive done all that I want to do’ due to the fact that most other MMOs have content that is designed to keep players playing for a sizable amount of time. BEFORE this content runs out, new content is added and this new content lasts a long time.

In other words, other MMOs treat their players as addicts, who are expected to do nothing but grind levels and then grind gear, only to see an expansion being released and then be expected to grind more levels and then grind more gear, while waiting for the next expansion.

That is bad game design. It’s very easy to understand why MMO companies chose to go with that specific design – it keeps grinders paying a monthly fee, grind is the easiest possible kind of content to design, and so on.

Truer words have not been spoken on these forums. I’ve noticed that everyone who’s complained about endgame in GW2 and given any indication as to what they wanted has described the same thing: a drug. they don’t want a quality experience, they want an addiction. the idea that a game co could create quality, nongrindy content at the rate people consume it is a deluded argument that people use to “prove” the developers did something “wrong”(ie: something they didn’t like).

people are unwilling to admit a never-ending supply of non-grindy content is a physical impossibility because it shatters their whole premise. it cannot be done. so GW2 went with quality & people are screeching for their addiction.

The Tale of Two Jewellry Recipes...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Or buy gold with gems, because manipulating the economy is ok as long as Areanet gets their cut.

This is why I’m starting to not trust the B2P model now, they got your money, now nothing is stopping them from banning you for any little thing, hoping you go out and buy another copy. If you protest, you’ll be called a liar (which some are) and dismissed.

Oh please… enough with the “just buy gold” garbage. You are comparing one method of making money: Creating HUGE mounts of gold from a system that is obviously an exploit that returns more to the user than they put in. To: buying gold with gems (which, first of all, only people who are rich or bad with money do) & nets you a small amount of gold for a huge RL price. Or are you saying there are more than 200 people dropping $7k to buy legendaries every few weeks?

You try to excuse obvious, egregious exploiters while cooking up a lame argument about how gems “destroy” the economy as such a mind-numbingly costly & small rate. Enough. your argument holds no water.

What's wrong with FPS in caves?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


It’s the bombs & other objects spawning eternally.

Go look at the flaming ball of particles that’s coming from all the environmental weapons. they keep stacking & your machine has to render 10s of bombs & 100s of particles for every environ weapon. They said they fixed it a long time ago but they haven’t.

January updates - Any sources?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


One of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as strong as possible, ensuring there are reasons to go to all the locations in the world we’ve already built, and strengthening the core game we’ve provided.

Hell yes… We don’t need new zones.. new zones just spread out players & no one ever sees each other. It’s a cycle of content consumption that is never ending. They world we have is awesome, but there is very little reason to go back to it.

No new region well sounds like there will be no content, as usual

I’m sad now

So regions are the only way to make content now? You want to move people into “new area only” zones? You want to make content obsolete? wow.. sounds like a great game.. wait..

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

January monthly achievement, are you serious?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Monthly achievements are optional I hear.

Stop trying to use logic. it’s all about people’s “right” to have everything at all times!

There is a lot of Repetition

in Audio

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


“Have you ever been with Caith on her Wylde Hunt?”

I know how mind-numbingly awesome I’m supposed to think the Sylvari are, now stop trying to ram it down my throat.

This reppetition is an issue with FX too.. when we hit things there should be pitch variation, not the SAME…. EXACT…. pling!pling!pling!

& for the love of all the it Holy TONE DOWN THE NECRO STAFF.. holy CRAP that thing is annoying. I can’t believe it’s been 4 months & not a tweak for something that is so annoying people don’t even use the weapon.

there was even an article pre-launch that talked about how they were supposed to have a system to make things non-repetitive.. guess that got scrapped.

Is it still "cosmetic"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


That is where Ascended Gears comes ; they represent power and you litterally need hundreds of gold to get them, while someone can get them much faster with real money. While you will be trying to get the needed gold, those people will be more powerful than you in areas like WvW. Isn’t that unfair?

Uhhh.. what? you can just do fractals & other stuff to get the item the same way. The only difference is time. 1 person spend their in-game time to get the item the other person spends the money they got for their time working IRL. It’s really not worth being that worked up over.
As for the P2W thing people on this forum have been mutilating that phrase. There is nothing that money does in this game but speed up the process of getting certain gear. & the only time you can ever WIN with it is in WvW. & that is only until your enemies catch up stat-wise. which is an inconsequentially short time.

New race with Jan/Feb content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I did hear the tengu have been worked on.

this is based on….. what?

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


This game has great graphics, great game play, and the best sounds I have had in a game in a long time. The classes are fun to play. What the game lacks…purpose. This game is one big grind. The quest or hearts are just cut and pasted, they are the same from one to 80. The personal storyline starts off slightly different then quickly becomes the same story for all chars. This game will be short lived IMHO amongst the hardcore gamers. I don’t like to have to grind for gold. I rather grind for my level. Honestly some of the graphics for gear are awful. Then there is community, guilds don’t even have a guild hall, let alone a reason to really banned together. Peeps on the battle field have very little to group unless your friends. Then there is The Hall of Monuments or as it should be refereed to is the Hall of Wasted time in GW1. 3 out of 5 stars from me. Already looking to see what is coming out in the near future in the MMO world.

Elder Scrolls Online,, that video cleared most of my doubts about the game. I feel as if ArenaNet wanted to be so unique that they actually created a living breathing cliche as well as a thriving contradiction.

Lemme know when you come back from that flaming wreck. Seriously, you’re using ESO as an example of the next great game? Woooooow… If y’all are gonna use hyperbole might as well go all the way & list Pong.

Also, what fanboys of WOW and Guildwars 2 don’t realize is as they always get defensive when a new MMO is due for launch is like any consumer product, the more competition the better it is for all.

I’ll see your generic “fanboy’s disagree with me” defense & raise you 1 “anyone with eyes can see that ESO looks bland”.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Dear Arena Net - Previewing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah, a head-scratching change. Why take the time to remove a good feature & not add the preview for the TP. this makes so little sense.

Skimpy clothing preference

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


As long as male characters are included, I wouldn’t mind.

Plus, more freedom with character appearance is a positive in my head, anyways.

Male characters have plenty of bare-chested armor. Norn Males where known for having bare chests. Far as I can see, the only Norn female armor that sorta matches that is the Jora Concept art.

They seem to have added a hastily drawn diapers on several female armors recently as well. You can see low rez solid color stuff sticking out from some armor.

I wouldn’t mind more metal bikinis & conan-style loin-cloths. It’s unrealistic, but that’s what makes em fun.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Should have been a Norn

in Wintersday

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


2) It SHOULD have been Dwanya and Grenth along with a glorious return of the Six Gods to Tyria. If anything is going to ruin Wintersday it’s that these two will be absent from it.

unfortunately they seem to have gone out of their way to diminish the importance of the Gods in GW2. From what was obviously intended to be a story about how these God made Tyria & the history of it, to "oh yeah, they are the just human Gods, they didn’t make anything, the mindless dragons are even more powerful & they are gone. " The Pantheon stories were so much better than the Dragon/Sylvari ones.

Opinion: Feeling less like an MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I agree, that they need to do a MAJOR content/goal overhaul in the open world. They have an amazing gmae world no one plays in because it’s not “end-game” oriented. they need to find a way to get players back into the world & playing the content instead of doing dungeons..

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Totally fully agree.

The game needs ROLES.

The game has roles. What it doesn’t have is a single, static “tactic” for all situations that replaces reacting & positioning with a mindless script that every follows.

Do you like dungeons better or open world?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Open World if it’s given the same care as dungeons. Dungeons are nice, but I HATE how it segregates the players into little rooms & makes the world empty. It’s a total waste.

The armor in guild wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I love the Trenchcoats, but i’d like more variation.

Although the last thing I want is the horrible spike-infested Assassin armor from GW1.

The biggest problem I have with teh coats is how, especially on Norns, the waist & legs bulges out WAYY too much. even the fat Norn body type has the coat over-scaled by like half a foot around the wait & legs. it looks awful.

when you are done creating your character, there’s a good chance it will not look the same ingame.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


It’s lighting & fov. Nothing to do with textures or elongated mesh blah blah.. you took kitten in the creator with bright pre-set stage lighting & one at moon-lit night in Kryta. You honestly think they should look the same?

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Karma is the best thing that happen=D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


One of the things I liked about how they talked about Karma Originally was that it was a currency you could get from everywhere & use to buy lots of things. That way you played what you wanted to to get what you wanted to.

Right now it’s essentially for one style of Exo armor & legendaries…. that sounds WAY off from what they originally wanted. It would be great to make a bunch of new armor & weapon skins you could purchace with Karma.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Healing yourself, yes. Others, no.

so… since this statement is empirically false, maybe your whole post false as well?

Does anyone actually like this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


at all? even a little bit?

Reading this forum as a new player, I get the impression that this is one of the worst MMOs on the market.

thank you for showing how whiney & misrepresentative the forums are. Forums are, first and foremost, a place to whine. the word “complain” doesn’t even cover it any more. judging a game by its forum is worse than judging a book by its cover.

and to me this game is the best MMO hands down.

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Well I am seriously begionning to wonder about “We’re all adults here” comment considering all the whining thats taking place regarding every little stupid thing…if you don’t like it then don’t play….plain and simple…oh…and you won’t be missed either by the rest of us “adults”…

I don’t mean to sound condescending, it’s just important to keep a level head is all. I’m not going to lose sleep over it, but I have to ask – why does it bother you that “whiners” may get what they want? What’s to lose here?

Help me understand, I will respect your answer whether I agree or not.

If you play the forums for entertainment value, like many do sometimes, then hats off to you. Icwatudidther

if you can’t understand the danger of the entitled gimme gimme attitudes then we can’t help you. The world would be a better place if people had perspective. it would not be a better place if we gave in to the whims of as many people as possible at all times. people talk about this wizards hat like its a civil rights issue. maybe its because most people here are teens or in college & mistakenly believe the “get” how the world works, but over & over people say “all mighty dollar” like hippies that have never had to actually earn a living. maybe its that they don’t know how that business space even works but geez… perspective..

To clear things up about "A dying game"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


when i ever hear “The game is dying” my morale for that game sinks like a stone in water

You must be depressed about every game with a forum…. So.. All of them.

Any Progress/Notes on Graphical Bug Fixes?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I really love Guild Wars 2’s graphics, I think their art design Is some of the best in the MMO space, but to be brutally honest, I’ve yet to see an MMO with such a high volume of clipping, over/under scaled, improper deformation & mispositioned geo. I’m not try to use hyperbole, it’s truly the worst offender I’ve personally see in terms of volume.

I find it strange because Anet is such an art-centric company. It seems odd that they would be ok with such a large number of issues. Things like the over-scaled, bell-shaped coats & pants on the Norns (especially the “fat” body type. The coats extend from 6in to almost 1 ft off the actual bodies), the lack of hair-variations for helmets don’t seem polished especially when much poorer games like Tera have things visually flawless.

Is this a major issue for your art team or is this level of polish back-burner? I’ve heard basically nothing on graphical polish progress & bug fixes. I don’t think I’ve seen any patch notes about any updates which is strange because there are so many..

Don't you miss botters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Botters? No. Reasonable Charged Lodestone prices? yes. It’s just a matter of making them drop more frequently. The current drop rate is not really reasonable.

One Time Events: "Life's Not Fair."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


3) This isn’t pointless complaining. People aren’t just whingeing because they’re childish. They are expressing concerns on the official forums in the hope that ANet, who clearly DO care about their fanbase, will here them and modify their actions accordingly.

eh.. I don’t think I can agree with that. We live in a world where entitled, spoiled people who are used to getting everything their way. They are in fact starting to think that they are entitled to other people’s work for free & that gifts are a “right”. it’s pretty scary really.

Life isn’t fair BUT games are supposed to be fair. That’s why there are rules, so nobody cheats or gets an unfair advantage. Spare me your cliches and high horse attitude.

Is that why so many players want to be able to gank other in PvP & make the unfair advantage of gear more important? Spare me the “fairness” joke. People only want “fairness” when they didn’t get the prize. Players are just as greedy as they pretend Anet is.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Karka reward chest unfair

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I often wonder what would happen to people like this if you lived in a situation that actually deserved real criticisms… like you were put under a dictator or police state or something & you didn’t have basic rights & were imprisoned for talking or reading books etc… I think your head would literally implode..

Charged Lodestone rarity is just too high.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah, we need to know what the drop rate is going to be.. because if the current state of things is going to be the “correct” drop rate/price, I’m not pursuing this. Can we get an answer? Better yet can we get this fixed. I’d prefer a Lodestone drop rate increase to a “fix” on the jumping spam “issue”.

Charged Lodestone rarity is just too high.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


They seem to drop a lot more from fractals during the Lost Shore weekend, but got nerfed to the ground soon after.
Current price put Mjolnir to cost more gold than Juggernaut, I don’t think this is intended.

Seriously? wow… ok, yeah Anet, that’s ridonculous.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

A foolproof way to make us happy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I’d prefer a giant bottle of round-up sprays on Tyria. Trahearne is the least offensive of the Sylvari tbh. I hope they move the Sylvari off to the side & focus on more classically GW flavored races. The Sylvari are ridiculously over-important. If I have to keep being TOLD by the game that they are cool something is wrong.

Charged Lodestone rarity is just too high.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I just got one from fractals daily 20 yay.
Sold it for 2 gold 80 silver, and after i sold it i thought to myself:
“man why did i report all those bots? these mats are out of control”

yeah It’s kinda scary that I am thankful to bots for something.

Charged Lodestone rarity is just too high.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Having only 1 place I can get these, only during 1 circumstance that requires other people’s cooperation, with a drop rate that hasn’t resulted in 1 drop after 8+ cumulative hours of farming is just insane.

The only way that these were reasonable to buy was when bots were able to farm enough to make them semi-affordable on the TP. But right now it’s not even up to one’s own work because it requires a team of people to take back the temple to have a chance to go through horrible grind to even get some.

Is this working as intended?

Helmet hair please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah, for a game & company that prides itself on art & the value of art to games, there are a TON of clipping, over-scaling,strangely proportioned, corner-cutting visual issues.

The thing is, there USED be hair under your helmets before the patch around halloween. For some completely unknown reason, this was removed and replaced with baldness.

This is absolutely not true. Most head wear in GW2 has ALWAYS made your character bald.

Why does everyone hate Trahearne?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Trahearne is eh.. not good, not bad. The Sylvari in general, however are lame. They gave way too much importance & value to a silly “i’m dainty but nonsensically more powerful & intelligent than everyone” race instead of picking something cool like the Tengu. And every time they try to tell me how awesome the Sylvari are with silly dialog about how Caith is so tough on her wyld hunt adventures or how how a little sylvari girl can beat a Norn guy in a drinking & axe throwing competition it just makes me wanna laugh. The Sylvari should have been the side race not the Norn.

Forum users ARE NOT the minority

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I hate it when people say forum users are the minority of the community.

That’s too bad, because it’s true. It’s been true of pretty much every game. Most users of software including games don’t even SIGN UP for the forums, much less post.

Forum response is an awful gauge of reality. It always has been.

Makeover kits are here :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Hell yes! thanks Anet! amazing UI, decent prices. I’m getting at least one for sure.