Showing Posts For DarksunG.9537:

Marjory is really beautiful.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Marjory’s face look so realistic

For a porcelain doll I suppose, yeah.

I do agree they need to make all the faces & hair they add, available to the players. I don’t know why they don’t do this. Would increase the sales of the re-customizations.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

How do YOU enter an asura gate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Usually roll, but somethings jumping.

More Terrorists? Please stop.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Sorry but mindless, empty dragons with no personality, no motivation & no character are the worst enemies we’ve had to fight in Guild Wars.

The Abbadon story was awesome. The Dragons.. guh.. might as well be fighting a wall of guns.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


$20 of gems to gold gets you 1173 dragon coffers. And that number’s going nowhere but up.

Um, yeah, I think I know what the smart plan going forward is.

actually, based on the number ppl reported, you’d have to open around 5000 to have a decent chance at one.

Guildie got hers in 450. RNG is RNG.

& you could open 100000000 & get none. what’s your point?

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


$20 of gems to gold gets you 1173 dragon coffers. And that number’s going nowhere but up.

Um, yeah, I think I know what the smart plan going forward is.

actually, based on the number ppl reported, you’d have to open around 5000 to have a decent chance at one.

Lol, reading things like that… You can get everything from one chest, or million chests. There’s no such thing as “open around xxxx to have decent chance”. There’s no “Decent chance” in this, pure luck.

Durr.. Yes, we all know it’s random. When people talk about chance they try to give an estimation to other people of how likely they are able to get one.

Saying you can get it the first box is disingenuous because you could open 12 million & get 0. There IS a likelihood. And it’s freekin low.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


$20 of gems to gold gets you 1173 dragon coffers. And that number’s going nowhere but up.

Um, yeah, I think I know what the smart plan going forward is.

actually, based on the number ppl reported, you’d have to open around 5000 to have a decent chance at one.

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Re-skinned armor already?


Was looking foward into dragon look armors since this is a draconic festival. Oh well, seems i’ll just save my gems for another time…

Those don’t look anything alike aside from the one common feature: they are both armor.

They are obviously very similar. They have the exact same shell with a new paintjob on top. The exact definition of a ‘reskin’

Don’t be obtuse.

No, they are not reskins at all. If you haven’t seen them in game don’t talk like you know what you’re looking at.

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


ugh.. after looking through these. I have to say.. what were they thinking? These are just weird. Giant gear sticking up & out of the shoulder at a un-integrated, clunky, smack-into-your-head angle? Male human heavy with more tiny feet armor. The medium Male looks very much like all the other med male armor witch is disappointing..

I dunno..

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Ugh.. why do people always preview armor on the worst model in the game?

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


As I said earlier if they sold tickets outright they would lose their novelty because a ton of people would have them. It would end up looking close to everyday armor/weapons. People would use it for awhile then shelf it because people would be running around all over with it and it wouldn’t feel special anymore.

Except you seem to be the only one here that cares about “novelty”.

Uhh.. so he got 50 tickets with no drops & you’re telling him to farm boxes with a MUCH lower ticket drop rate? GG.

Uhh… I don’t see anyone saying they got 50 tickets. I see people saying they got none from the gem store crates. So I suggest they farm the free ones so they don’t lose money. GG

sorry, BOXES.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


The regular coffers are dropping left and right in the open world from holograms and regular mob drops. That may be a better chance for those that don’t want to buy RNG boxes.

Uhh.. so he got 50 boxes with no drops & you’re telling him to farm boxes with a MUCH lower ticket drop rate? GG.

bought 150 RICH dragon coffers.

got 0 tickets.

kitten you, srsly, just kitten you.

geez… wow.. this is effing kittened.

2. Do these boxes really matter? You don’t HAVE to buy them, they are only skins. I don’t buy them, but the people who do buy them give me free content updates.
+ This is very harmless, what if we all stop buying them and Nexon decides, we don’t make enough monies let’s put OP weapons in the store!

This is the dumbest argument. Games are made to be fun. People find obtaining Skins FUN. Heck Anet said that the rewards focus of the game is cosmetic. Now all the coolest stuff is locked behind gambling. Yes. it matters.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

The new doll name -> big (spanish) facepalm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


72 hour suspension @Devs for inappropriate name. I wonder if they will post here or the account forum to say they were suspended unfairly?

Punishment is they have to eat at “Old Country Buffet” or “THE OCB” as it’s known here at Anet for an entire week.

AWWW!!! that’s CRUEL!

Sclerite Weapons Tickets - Next to Impossible

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


For gamble boxes to be even remotely legit to me, they need a streak-breaker mechanic where you get 1 ticket for every 5 that give you nothing, so you don’t spend over $7.50 for 1 effing weapon skin. But it’s too profitable to do that.

just sucks cuz ANET wasn’t like this before.

I can’t believe we even have to argue about this. REWARDS should be in the game so you have GOALS. The idea that you just pay cash (nevermind RANDOM AMOUNTS of cash) to get an in-game reward boggles my mind.

The new armor and weapon skins

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


We’re aware that people want new armor skins. I want new ones as well, and we’re working on things. Armor skins are much more time/resource consuming and difficult as opposed to weapons.

You have several sets of Medium & Light armor that are ONLY available in PvP & WvW. This is a total waste. You could knock the edge off people wanting new gear by making those available to PvE players.

Also, the Cultural Armor. Those should be earn-able by other races if you work your way up a faction system tied to older zones. That would give people a reason to play older zones & would be easier to work with those sets than have to make new ones.

I Take it Back, I'm sorry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Actually I’m one of the ones that buys gems with real money so you can play for free. You’re welcome.

Free? I think the $150 i spent for the collectors edition was worth a decent amount. I mean, maybe you’re just stacked & throw cash left & right, but that’s a good chunk of change to us losers.

You actually think it’s worth spending huge amounts of time to transfer gold into a small number of Gems, for a gamble mechanic that you are forcing the end-game into because you support it with your purchases?

I don’t want to thank you, I want to blame you.

As for getting Karka shells, You’re right, you can get some from the most recent box. they are worth 1silver & I get one from ever Karka kill. So you’re right, you get about 8 silver from the boxes, that’s MUST be why people spend $1.50 on the gamble boxes, they hope to get that silver.

The idea that the primary influx of end-game items are gamble boxes is idiotic. It’s contrary to their game design of fun first & the importance of skill. Buying an item rewards nothing in-game. Not only that, you don’t even GET the product you want. you pay for a CHANCE at it.

If they made a new in-game reward for every gamble-box items they made, i could at least see it as caring about the game, but PAID gamble-only, is just…kitten

I think Living Story is bad for this game

in Living World

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I hate to say it, but I don’t know if I like the living story either. I have the same reaction as OP. It doesn’t really make me want to REALLY play the game. I just come back for a few hours, the the achievements & don’t com back for a month. It’s really just not that compelling. The F&F dungeon was probably the best LS part so far. But the story stuff that is supposed to “change the world” doesn’t. It doesn’t really make the world feel more alive & the story stuff is so simple, sporadic & short it’s like blink-of-an-eye content.

They talked about making ppl want to go back to old areas & add more DEs & they’ve done none of that. (nothing significant anyways) Thought they would have done something like add a huge list of achievements/scavenger hunts & way more meta-events/invasions in each old zone, with a new armor skin set to earn for each old zone.

I feel like GW2 has too much MEGA-ULTRA-SUPER grindy goals & too much 1 HR BITE-SIZE content. Way too little in the middle.

I think LS only works if we know there is a full expansion being developed in the back ground. LS just isn’t very satisfying.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

I Take it Back, I'm sorry

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Oh no here we go again… Get ready for people complaining that Anet is greedy because they are trying to make a profit.

I don’t think it’s about the profit, it’s the fact that they spend more time making (since they said their chase is Aesthetic) endgame items you BUY then end game items you EARN. So they are saying if you want to play because you like having aesthetic goals, basically: go eff yourself.

I mean they took the time to build an entire animated set of weapons for Last Stand. & made 2 back pieces you can actually PLAY to earn. Sorry, that’s just laughable. I was a huge supporter or Anet, but I’m fining it harder & harder to defend what they do now. Maybe that’s the price of being profitable. Might just be how it goes..

I have yet to purchase an RNG chest and get nothing. Usually I get some mats that I sell on the TP for some decent coin.

We all know the boxes are based around a single desired item & a group of junk items to dodge the “illegal gambling” bullet. Also, You can’t get mats from the lockboxes, so no, you didn’t make decent coin from it.

People often tend to ignore the fact that everything in the game can be bought with in game gold and technically costs you nothing but time playing a game.

People also often forget that SOMEONE has to buy the gems for you to trade for gold. You don’t BUY the gems from Anet with your gold. you trade with other players.
The game isn’t free & neither are the gems. Besides, it’s not like grinding gold for a chance at a skin is the same as earning it. why do you think the Precursor fiasco is getting such attention.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

The new armor and weapon skins

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


You get the new skins from the supply box,thought all knew that …

That’s the problem. The “end game” is supposed to be aesthetic. Yet they make it completely RNG, and too rare.

Agreeed. Anet is stomping on the line for me. I don’t mind them making gear to sell in the boxes, but the fact that most of the art teams time on weapons is spent on paid gamble boxes is suspect in a game where the endgame is Aesthetic. kitten ing me off.

The reason I completely ignore living story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Having to try a few times and figure out something on my own? Unacceptable!

Expected response.

Proper response.

Although I admit the Canarch fight was boring, the kb cooldown was excruciatingly slow, & the deactivate/explode mechanic made no sense. (if it’s deactivated. it SHOULDN’T explode.) Niea is right though, figuring the fight out is the whole point.

anything being done for dead servers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


You seem to be hellbent to forcing your opinion onto others,

& you seem to not understand what the word “forcing” means.

yay Meow!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I changed my outfit to white recently and now I haz a kitten to match it. _

He’s a big kitten. ;x

wtf… why is the mini bear to tiny? & the hideous kitten so huge? Have to say…. the cats in this game are pretty ugly..

Lady Kasmeer Meade's hair please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yes.. on the Norn Females please!!

new hairstyle?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


i just went to visit the nice beach on southsun cove island when i saw that NPC with a hairstyle i have never seen before

cool! they should definitely add new hair styles to the game. Hell, it’ll get ppl to buy makeovers. I’d love that hair on my Norn!

Stop putting skins in black lion chest

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I don’t mind if they make these as long as each time they make a new set of in-game skins to get. I’m sick of all the rewards being OUT-OF-GAME.

Goals should be added to the GAME.

Armor skins not available in PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


yeah, this is really stupid. Why on earth would these NOT be in PvE? 8 months & still nothing? I can’t gasp what is going though their heads.

Who is still waiting for "Guild Halls"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Still waiting for Guild Walls, Housing, the browser app, the big Ranger revamp, new reasons & rewards for going back to old maps… essentially all the stuff they talked about doing.
I DO want a house to decorate. I want to be able to build my own dwelling & customize it with tons of items I’ve acquired in my adventures. It’s an awesome end-game that doesn’t just revolve around raising numbers which is supremely boring.

what I’m not that interested in: living story, PvP, bland guild missions, Southsun cove.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Not enough emotes & I don't like them being sold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I don’t mind the dances being sold, but for a game they want to be social, the number of emotes is absolutely laughable. I thought GW1 had too few, but they managed to ratchet it down even more.

I’m pretty sure that the bulk of the community cares a whole lot less about emotes than you do.

Which is probably why they don’t have very many. Although, I don’t know that you’re correct. I actually think people care MORE about emotes than I do. Or they would never sell dances
At any rate It’s still not in line with the Anet “vision” of a highly social game. & when their main competitors have tons of emotes, it’s just another feature they have that is half-done.

Not enough emotes & I don't like them being sold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I don’t mind the dances being sold, but for a game they want to be social, the number of emotes is absolutely laughable. I thought GW1 had too few, but they managed to ratchet it down even more.

New town clothes - gender discrepancy

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


And here I was going to say all the town clothing for male characters was way to nancy-boy. Sorry, but I’d like something that wasn’t metro-sexual for once.

Southsun update May 14th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Hmmm.. so I’m guessing the awful new skins that people data mined ARE in-game rewards for South Sun stuff.. ugh.. So are you planning to make the cool looking skins be BLT & the bland skins as real rewards from now on?

New Set of Skin

in Community Creations

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Please, not another Lockbox only set.. on second thought, these designs are awful, wow. By all means throw em in the lockboxes.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Braham, Rox - bit hard to take seriously...

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


And the thing about the ram… that was just silly.

Yeah, the emasculation of male characters & the masculine female characters in GW2 are over-compensatey.

Wasn't an "Expansion's Worth" of content

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


the content they are talking about is over the whole year not the first 4 months they stated these for months were to be imporvments on current content and would be small. So i dont see any lie’s yet

F&F is done. When they said an expansion’s worth, they were talking in the context of F&F not the overall living story.
It’s not a LIE, it’s a cheesy sales pitch. If they want to look desperate, then by all means, stay the course. But they should just say what they are doing, not talk about how this “WILL CHANGE TYRIA FOREVERRRRR!!!” Frequent content updates are not special in the industry anymore.

Would you prefer spending 15 bucks a month for the same content over and over like in WoW until they decide time for a new patch nearly 5 months later or would you prefer small updates over time?

To answer your non-relevant question with an option you didn’t provide: I prefer they stop over-selling their content & making them selves look foolish. It’s just dumb. F&F isn’t even close to an expansion of content, & it doesn’t provide features that are normally reserved for expansions either. If feels kinda pathetic when they need to over-hype stuff.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Wasn't an "Expansion's Worth" of content

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Nor was it “Features you usually only get in Expansion”. I think the content amount was fine, but Anet, you need to get off this new “THIS IS THE GREATEST THING EVER” kick you’ve been doing recently. It takes content that is fine & makes it disappointing. I don’t know if it’s a new marketing or community guy or something, but they are making the company as a whole look bad.

It actually gives the “Anet lied!” fools some ammo in their rants. Stop over-selling your stuff. The F&F early content would have been bearable if you had said NOTHING about it. It would have felt more organic & interesting.

Please. It’s making you all look silly.

Done, and Boycotting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


om my GOOOOOOOOOOOOODD OP… ENOUGH!! every effing MMO is “stop nurffin my stuff!!” will you babies GET OVER IT??

In my opinion, GW2 is dying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Edit: What I mean by “dying” simply this: Activity is decreasing. I don’t think really anyone can argue with that.

Actually, yeah we can… They’ve had to increase server capacity twice & stated a short while back that concurrency on peak hours over the past several months was stable or rising.

so… dying.. HAHAHAHAHA. btw we had this same thread on GWGuru a few months after launch.

Mega Boss scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


as much as I would LOVE to see this happening, I heard one of the developers in an earlier interview speaking of the fact that the engine can’t support those big bosses to be mobile. I guess they would have to rework the complete engine to make this happen… which we’ll probably see in GW3 at the earliest.

Think of it, there are a lot of ways to make those bosses still interesting encounters.
e.g. Heigan the Unclean

Multiple Outcomes would be great.

That fight looks boring, but mostly because it’s WoW style of combat.

If it’s true that they CANNOT (usually that means it would take too long, not that it’s impossible) make the bosses mobile, they need to either do a TON of work to fake them acting mobile & dynamic or resign themselves to the fact that these fights are essentially a failure. They look neat, but man.. they are actually quite bad fun-wise.

Mega Boss scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Edited to add: This is a great place to throw out your ideas of what you’d like to see any of them do encounter wise to make them more exciting.

Hey Colin!
I know your programmers & animators are gonna hate hearing this but there is no way around this:
The Dragons need to dynamically walk around, attack specific groups of people, have fully animated turning & directional movement & have environmentally important, not scripted, varied tactics. I know you don’t have an animated turning system & only things like the Karkas really are big & walk around, but it has to change. There is no short cut.

Every other option boils down to it being extremely obvious that the dragon is a glorified turret. (sometimes a turret that can’t even rotate) It HAS TO WALK AROUND. And the current “spin in place” animation doesn’t cut it. A lot of us were saying this before & during beta: look at Tera BAMs. They have the proper animation, movement, targeting & attacks, they just lack the interesting mechanics of raid bosses.

I would prefer that they also effect/can attack the whole zone, but just moving & attacking things DYNAMICALLY not in a script, is the main problem. Also, there should be MULTIPLE outcomes to fighting the dragons. several win types & several loss types.

Currently the animation & models are cool, but they are absolutely NOT fun to fight.

100% map completion not going to happen.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Or, you could just suck it up and try to do some pvp. This IS a competitive PvP game with expansive PvE elements.

That has to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard…. A game where the vast majority of the content, systems, rewards, art, sound & design is PvE & you call it “a competitive PvP game with expansive PvE elements” that’s the most kitten thing ever. It doesn’t matter if GW1 was originally ment to be a PvP game.. What HAPPENED was that 90% of the game was PvE. That makes it PvE. The mere fact that WvW is a tiny percentage of world completion shoulda set the bulb off.

"Guild Wars 2 Is Not A PvE Game". Really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I don’t care what GW1 was originally intended to be or how much people want to love PvP, Guild Wars 1&2 have always been VASTLY more PvE focused than PvP.
The PvP content makes up a tiny fraction of the game & waaaaay more people play it. That’s been true of most every MMO that has both.

April 30th patch sounds impressive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Because it’s harder to fix stuff that’s not working than it is to program it in the first place. That’s where all the time is going.

From the programmers I know who work in the games industry, it’s usually more work to build a whole game than fix parts of it. Especially as few parts as I mentioned. Most MMOs fire half their team when they go live, which slows the production speed. they did not.

At any rate, no, I don’t see the current content coming out as fast as the game went together. My theory is that they ARE working on an expansion but they are saying they are not so that they don’t put their foot in their mouth again.

All this “these people are negative, these people are enjoying the game” are ways to simplify people into groups so you can point out the “bad people”. Most people Like the game, but dislike parts of it. I find it hard to believe that someone truly loves every single aspect of ANY game. I’m not going to pretend something is ok when it seems off.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Dont you dare!

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Agreed. this is my one BIG BIG grip with how the Gem store seems to be going, yes I know its not PTW but man it would shore be awesome to be able to ACTUALY WIN some of this stuff for doing content.

Yeah, & not have the things you CAN get be a 1 year time-gated investment

April 30th patch sounds impressive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


PEOPLE! i made this as a positive post. You guys really don’t need to fill this with your whining. I wonder, if you are so against everything that’s being released why play? That’s all i read on the forums nowadays “omg temporary content. they need 2 b fixing OP clases that liek 1shot u and never die QQ”

You’re right. I can only have 1 of 2 views on the game. Either Everything is perfect & Anet can do no wrong, or I Hate it with a seething passion & wish for Anet to go out of business.. yup, sorry about that, I forgot I had to stick with 1 of the 2.

no, the truth is I like the game a lot, I’ve been super supportive of it, but there are some major things that are starting to grind on me now. The whole “we’re not working on an expansion even though we said we were before launch” & “you’re gonna get an expansion worth of content!” to “we’re gonna revamp the dungeons to make them not bland” “we’re gonna add guild halls after launch” “all new rewards are very grindy”.. I dunno… I’m starting to get this picture now that they find it good policy to way over-hype. They didn’t do this before.

the F&F stuff didn’t really help the “living world” It would have been more of a “living world” if they made the Dragon Bosses actually start walking around & have interesting mechanics & fights. Make them move around the whole zone & stop being so predictable & simplistic.

I dunno.. I’m a bit confused how 300 people are required to do what they’ve done in the past 4 months. If they created the game at the same rate, it would have taken 15 years. I dunno.. I’m usually REALLY positive about the game, but F&F has really left a bad bad taste in my mouth. SAB was amazing, but it honestly was a whole different game. why was THAT so good & the F&F stuff so bleh.

April 30th patch sounds impressive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah, I can’t say I’m impressed. PvP stuff I don’t play, 1 Dungeon.. that’s kinda neat.. more expensive Gem stuff. Another Guild mission OPTION to do once per week. Guild Missions are pretty awful right now.. Trek & Bounty are excruciatingly dull…

The thing that gets me is that Anet said F&F is “An expansion’s worth of content” When there is no way to construe that as true. & they look like their gonna keep going with that over-promise, under-deliver: “culminates in a boss battle that will go down in Guild Wars 2 history”. Guys… STOP. It looks horrible when you say stuff like “expansions worth of content”. It’s not even close.

Agh.. & these currencies.. whaaaat?? Gold, Karma,Guild Merits, Laurels, AC,CM,CoF,.. agh WTFFFF.. Wasn’t the plan to have Karma be the thing that let us play what we want to buy what we want? I dunno.. I’m so inundated with currencies & mats it feels draining to dare having a goal.

World bosses are pretty much unplayable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Isn’t it just because of the computer or internet connection you have

I run an i5 570 with a high speed connection. In other words – a pretty standard gaming setup. It has nothing to do with it.

it must have SOMETHING to do with that since I don’t experience anything you said.

Anet reveal plans for retribution via IGN

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Well, as much as a fan i am of Anet, F&F was NOT an expansion worth of content. They should have never said that.

New dungeon is great, but I’d rather they revamped all the old ones. They are currently quite poor if you compare the story experience & mechanics to, say, WoW dungeons.

Also, so many changes to many classes in the past few months but nothing on that major Ranger update they talked about months ago. Also the whole Achievement point thing… no info on that… I dunno.. I feel like there are a lot of things they could be making better in the game, that they say they want to make better, then they add new things like Guild Missions which are really weak.

do you think this game is fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


lets discuss who is actually enjoying the game at level 80. also, do you consider this game a grind? in my opinion, people are leaving this game because its incredible boring and grindfest at level 80. what do you guys think?

Except their numbers have been stable or rising & they’ve recently had to increase the server capacity because of an influx of new players.

So.. They’ve increased the server capacity twice. each time they do, the servers fill up again.. so your line: “in my opinion, people are leaving this game” is factually inaccurate.

Best. Commercial. Ever.

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah seriously guys, you freakin nailed it. It’s a flawless recreation of the era.

I'll be trying out GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


It’s NOTHING like GW2.. so don’t expect it to be…

The races of GW2 -- Elves, dummies!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


What do the most successful fantasy MMOs have in common? They had elves! People love elves. Remember EQ? And then WoW.

GW2 would have been better off not trying to be so original, and just stick with the races that people know and love. I’d guess that 80% of players dislike the Charr and Asura races. The Sylvari are not much better, although I suppose they are the closest you can get to an elf.

I don’t think you could have said anything more wrong. Many people are getting sick of Elves. Charr & Asura are 2 of the things that make this game great. Even if it’s just visual.

Interesting though. 30 year old NES junk is ecstatically raved about, but elves are no go. I find it very funny.

So take a hint & realize people are sick of them.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)