Showing Posts For DarksunG.9537:

Just let us dye the new armor

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


wow.. are you kidding me? wtf…

I thought they were skimping when they did 3, heavy-only, incomplete sets as rewards…

they aren’t even Dyeable? what the hell?

What is the meaning of this armor nonsense?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah, have to say… they really skimp on armor sets in this game..

For a game supposedly focused on cosmetics as an end-game there isn’t much armor variety

Especially when the only non-purchasable armor is 1 style for everything.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

the achi reward system.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


It is going to be similar, if not the same, to the Hall of Monuments reward system for Guild Wars 1 in Guild Wars 2. Basically when you earn achievements and do stuff in game, the points will go up. As said earlier, there will be tiers. So at 1,000 points you’ll unlock an item, at 2,000 another item, etc. That is my guess at least.

This is correct.

Rewards are handed out based on milestones that happen every 500 achievement points. So 500 point milestone is a small reward, 1000 point milestone a large reward, 1500 point milestone is small again, 2000 is large etc.

In the 1000point milestones (so 1000, 2000, 3000 etc) you also get the choice of a skin. Each milestone has a specific list of available skins and you get to pick one. Each milestone also comes with gold, some laurals, a permanent acount bonus (like +1% xp or something) and a chest. Small or Large depending on the milestone. The chest contains all sorts of BLT goodies like boosters, and forge stones, its quite richly filled.

Why are you saying this as if you know how it works?

Living Orrians (potential for spoilers)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Orrian: "Son, would you like to know about your ancestry?

Orrian Child: “Sure thing, Dad!”

Orrian: “Once upon a time, Vizier Khilbron acted like a stupid kitten and sank Orr with one of the most powerful magicks in history. Vizier Khilbron is now Zhaitan’s ho.The End.”

Abbadon not Zhaitan.
Depending on how things work … possibly Kormir now.

Zhaitan’s Ho in body.

I don’t think Zhaitan managed to get him back from the realm of torment…

If Abby completely took him away, then I would like to know who it is that waits at the chest on top of that JP. =n=

Veteran Risen Wizard.
Besides, the Vizier’s body was vaporized in lava at Abbadon’s mouth along with the rest of the stuff after the eruption.

ugh.. thinking about the GW1 plot makes me sad… so much better then the stories in GW2… =(

Achievement System - Mythbusting with Logic

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Myth Generation With Opinions!

But seriously, I would love if this were set up like a skill tree. You can eventually unlock everything, but you can kinda choose what order you get things.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

GW2 unlikely to get expansions [Interview]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


You mean to say there won’t be any of those long gaps of waiting for expansions so I don’t get bored of waiting for new content? kitten ANet you are so mean!

Seriously…..I cannot believe some of the posts in this thread? Do people actually stop and think before they post?

I was gonna ask you the same thing. You are mesmerized by the fact that you are getting the content NOW, which is nice. But when you look at a full real expansion, & compare it to the past 6 months, we should not only have the stuff we currently have but somewhere around 18 zones(comparing to Cantha’s 40 zones) with tons of fully cut scene story missions. Sorry, but this isn’t even close.

The RATE that they have updates is outstanding. It’s just the volume & feature type is weak. I would be totally fine with this whole plan if I felt they released the same amount & quality of content as they did in the Full Expansions of GW1. Making a huge list of little things like Guild Missions (sorry, these are meh) culling fixes, guild rewards & other stuff that should have been at launch is just a way to hide the small amount of stuff.

I’m expecting “housing” to be weak, with extremely limited customization & no choice of house. If housing is even personal.. probably just a guild hall.

tldr; People are freaked out because we aren’t getting the same amount & types of content in 1 year as we would through an expansion. it’s not even close.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

GW2 unlikely to get expansions [Interview]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Id also like to say: Lets not just snip a quote from this interview and take it for gospel. What he was trying to say was that at the moment, the company is focused in living story and getting the current format down solid. There may or may not be a team working on an expansion, but right now theres no plan to announce theres no plan to make an expansion the cornerstone of their development table, etc. Its not off the table, its just not one of their top priorities right now. Thats all.

I agree, I just think it’s going to take a LOT to prove that this method with end up with the same quantity & quality of content In the same amount of time with the average person spending the same amount of money as the normal expansion method.

TBH, if you split up Factions into 12 months you’d have about 3 Full zones of content every month. And that’s JUST map content… not features & rewards etc..

I think I have a good reason to think they produce less this new way.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

GW2 unlikely to get expansions [Interview]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I’d gladly shell out 40-50 for a whole new continent to explore
But I’d really kill for new skills and weapons.

Quoted for emphasis.

I spend more then that a month in the gem shop… What is your point?

The point is Whales like you make it worth it for them to make smaller, mediocre content, rather than adding things like Races, Classes, New Abilities, lots of new rewards & gear, new zones, etc..

In other words: you make the game more mediocre.

GW2 unlikely to get expansions [Interview]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I think that the thing a lot of people are looking for is not necessarily more open world stuff they are looking for more instanced chained story that ties into the main story. To expand on the personal story. Molten Alliance did this however it was temporary in my opinion it should have been permanent as it added some characters that need to return and have a permanent place in the world.

Totally disagree. Real story stuff is nice, but I want new features, races, classes & updates to old zones & an occasional new zone. Not too crazy about cramming everyone into instances so that no-one plays together.

GW2 unlikely to get expansions [Interview]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


In one sense I think this is amazing. In another, I’m unconvinced because very little of what is these updates is what we get in Expansions.

Expansions are about MAJOR new features, not festivals. things like:

New Races
New Classes
Multiple new dungeons with entire sets of new gear
New zones
New Abilities
New mob types
Full stories.
New game mechanics like: Housing, Mounts,Heroes etc..

Things like Guild Missions are neat, but they just aren’t that major. I’m not really sure it’s all that living either. I kinda like that stuff is temporary, but nothing PERMANENTLY CHANGES. Have Kralkatoric fly to Gandaren Fields & nuke the Centaurs. Have the Asura Create an anti-corruption machine & clean out part of the Brand so it’s natural again.

Anet says: “What about events that can permanently change the world and create stories to share for years into the future? Isn’t that truly what is required to achieve the concept of a truly living world?”
but they don’t change the world. Having the lighthouse that no one goes to move around is almost meaningless. change the WORLD. not the TOWNS. It’s a good way to fix sub-par Dynamic Events & keep old Zones Fresh.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

sashimono: NO, Aspect: NO, cape: YES !

in Suggestions

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I would love a cloak, but no game is gonna do cloaks justice unless the armor is extremely tame. Can’t have big shoulders, spikes, or anything on the back.

The New Blog Post for Second Half of Year?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


ugh.. So the July 2nd blog post was to tell us there will be a late July blog post that we actually wanted to read about..

we’ll be a month into the 2nd half by then.

Home Instance...

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


ugh.. Sieran was totally annoying & lame.

Norn Home instance sucks. = No HOME. apparently I have a space of floor in someone else’s house.

Not sure how I’m gonna be able to set up/decorate/customize my home when it’s a space of floor in someone’s giant house… dumb..

More fire themed equipment...

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Maybe more ARMOR. And not like, you know, LUMPS OF STONE or VEGETATION!?

LOL truth.

More fire themed equipment...

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Wind, Lightning, or Light themes are what we need.

hah, good point. I’d rather they do several more racial sets that are available to all races.

More fire themed equipment...

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah, they need to think about something other than Dark Fire themed. it’s getting old.
Especially since they don’t have any Kralkatorik themed weapons.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Account Achievement reward system

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah super excited, but worried they’ll do something like:

You can buy these shoulders if you use 9000000 pts & 250 Charged Loadstone & 250 Oricalcum & a Gift of Awesome!

The Female Aetherblade skins look better?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


It’s true.. the males have this absolutely stupid looking enormous cog sticking way out of the shoulders & the Females have a cool looking machine attached correctly behind.

But since they haven’t even fixed the massive amount of clipping & bulging, I highly doubt they’ll fix what they did on purpose.

Aetherblade Weapon Skins

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


honestly they should just be regular drops from the Aetherblades, but for some reason this game has every new weapon reward be purchasable only. Pretty fun way to earn stuff.

$300 a ticket.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Lol just lol. Not sure if I mentioned I have 5 tickets now, and that the NEW content is in a DIFFERENT box. So this discussion is not the same. I truly feel sorry for the school systems that degraded the thought process of people like this and others who truly cannot understand context or read comprehensively. It is a sad world we live in when so many just turn to insults or “winning” in forums. If this is the kind of thing you enjoy, perhaps Arenanet should charge $49 for forum access just so people can play here as they do, badly, without purpose, or intelligence. What a sad world. Owned away, it bothers me not.

Better chances are better chances, but the off rewards aren’t worth the risk anymore. Not from separate chests with not really any decent drops that most can use.

I’ll spell out what I was getting at since people seem to be more apt to “jumping on the anti geo train” rather than using their own minds.

The only thing that displays a lack of education is your actions. You ARE a whale if you spend anywhere even close to that much money in a week. And those actions perpetuate this poor system. That’s just how it is.

better chances are better chances, so deal with your bad luck. Don’t come to the forums & moan that it was too much, but then say you are ok with the system.

Yes, you were “owned” because Essence Snow pointed out your two-faced reaction to this situation. You defended a not-fun system out of some strange loyalty then complained when you had to deal with the stupidity of the system.

You are being dishonest. If you were really as mature as you make out, you’d just say “hey, I was wrong. I realize now this system is not fun & I don’t want it. I’m sorry I supported it by spending huge amounts of money.” But no, you tried to blame the advertizement by saying it’s “deceptive”. give me a break, they could increase it by a factor of 10 & still have it be .1% That would be a massive increase & still a bad purchase.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

$300 a ticket.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Thx for supporting RNG chests so we will be sure to get more in the future…………………………

Anytime Enjoyed every drop I got lol And since I have the money for the “optional” content it produces, I have no regrets My 4 fused tickets outfit my Charr and Asura well, 10 characters left to outfit with cool skins not from TP.

Hmm odd how things change………

As long as whales keep spending $800 per promotion, this is gonna happen.

& saying you thought the chances were better & saying you are ok with RNG is an oxymoron. The chances could be 50/50 & you could still never get one. that’s how it works.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I don’t see why MMOs don’t create a constant flow of new faces & hairstyles. Especially when they make money off of makeover kits…

so: More head, hair & facial hair options.

I want the classic starter armor from GW1 back. That was my favorite outfit, and it looked awesome.

I would buy that from the gem store right away.

Not if the translation is as bad as the Profane armor, heh.





(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Marjory's Journal... Preferred a Jade ticket.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Nothing wrong with reviewing cutscenes. Anet should just use my idea above.

Nothing wrong with it, it just shouldn’t be labeled a “reward” as if like they created some awesome thing for our characters that we can shoot for. More like an inventory eater.

Please fix the (consumable) Fireworks

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I immediately delete them when I open them.

yeha, it takes FOREVER to use them it’s laughable.

Heads up, more RNG in upcoming SkyPirates.

in Living World

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


This game is pay2look good, and compared to other f2p/b2p this is the best it’s going to get.

If you don’t care much about how your character looks. For me, how my character looks is the whole goal. I honestly don’t care about Ascended gear or end-game gear. I’ll get that when there is nothing left to get, but I like visuals more than anything.

Also, B2P & F2P are not the same. Mixing the two as if it’s the only way it works just isn’t true. Even GW1 was an example of that.

Marjory's Journal... Preferred a Jade ticket.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


lol really? the “reward” is watching a cutscene again? yikes.

I think the last time a cutscene was considered a reward was on the Sega Genesis.

So "NEW FEATURES" is balance and arenas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Unless the gamblers change their habits, the method won’t change.

This is true.

The thing that is so frustrating is that when they started they said they would use the expansion method because it would require them to make quality content to earn their money & keep the standards high.
Instead they just make the majority of the income of gamblers & whales &have smaller-scale distractions & collection quests. It’s certainly not about high quality content.
If I knew there was an expansion in the works, I would consider the living story amazing. But as THIS is their focus & what to expect, it’s meh interspersed with a ok dungeon that has no armor set rewards.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


The heavy male armor made me laugh. The gear on the shoulder makes it look like you are a part of a life-size key-chain

Seriously… I don’t know how someone looked at that & said:

“yeah, that looks good. we’ll stick with that!”

like.. seriously? It’s ridiculous. why would they put that there?

Because it’s steampunk (seriously team, what is it suddenly 2006 again?). The whole idea is you take something vaguely Victorian in design and glue a kittenload of gears and cogs on it. They don’t need to be functional or practical, they just need to be there.

Too bad that doesn’t explain the idiotic size of this:

You’re a male Norn. Your entire body is a mixture of idiotic sizes.

That would mean something if it followed the form of of his body. Not a SECOND TORSO SPROUTING FROM HIS SHOULDER.

I suppose you think this looks like it fits too:

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


The heavy male armor made me laugh. The gear on the shoulder makes it look like you are a part of a life-size key-chain

Seriously… I don’t know how someone looked at that & said:

“yeah, that looks good. we’ll stick with that!”

like.. seriously? It’s ridiculous. why would they put that there?

Because it’s steampunk (seriously team, what is it suddenly 2006 again?). The whole idea is you take something vaguely Victorian in design and glue a kittenload of gears and cogs on it. They don’t need to be functional or practical, they just need to be there.

Too bad that doesn’t explain the idiotic size of this:

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


The heavy male armor made me laugh. The gear on the shoulder makes it look like you are a part of a life-size key-chain

Seriously… I don’t know how someone looked at that & said:

“yeah, that looks good. we’ll stick with that!”

like.. seriously? It’s ridiculous. why would they put that there?

Aetherblade Armors

in Living World

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I HIGHLY doubt it’ll be a dungeon token system.
But seeing as how they look silly, I’m guessing this would be the first time they’d release an item in a normal fashion, rather than gamble box.
ugh what a ball drop with the steampunk look. coulda been awesome. Heck, the medium male isn’t even steampunk, it’s just leather draped ranger coat. Then, for some reason, made the female one a proper steampunk coat & just said… meh with the male.

Then the Heavy Male? OMG.. don’t get me started on the gigantic cog… looks SOOOO stupid. especially for the MMO with some of the worst clipping & inflated skins. They still haven’t fixed most of the problems but they added this MASSIVE cog that will blatantly clip though your head when you have a greatsword. At least Male Norn.
I’m surprised they listed clipping as the reason for no capes..

Why doesn't Sky Pirates have RNG boxes?

in Living World

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Asked no-one ever.

Thank you for at least not putting them in the gem store. I get so tired of people complaining how they wasted their money.

You’re kidding, right? Wait to be disappointed on the 25th.

Medium gear looks... unappealing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


try telling that to human females :P

huh? telling what?

was a reply to the topic…

I thought most ppl who played Human females hated the medium armor in the game?

Where’d you get this from?

pretty much every post I’ve seen on the topic of medium armor. Search the forums. back a few months ago, people were raaaaaging about it. I like trenchcoats, but I’m starting to see people’s points. honestly I can’t see how anyone who pays attention to the forums could get the idea that the consensus on the medium armor is positive.

Medium gear looks... unappealing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


try telling that to human females :P

huh? telling what?

was a reply to the topic…

I thought most ppl who played Human females hated the medium armor in the game?

Heads up, more RNG in upcoming SkyPirates.

in Living World

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


RNG isn’t a problem. RNG being account bound is. People didn’t mind Lady Kasmeer mini or the Molten mini, because it was available on the TP for the luck-aversed. Hopefully it’s similar to the MF rewards this time.

That isn’t even the problem either…

RNG be PAID FOR is the problem. PAYING for a CHANCE at an item? wtf?

Medium gear looks... unappealing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


try telling that to human females :P

huh? telling what?

Medium gear looks... unappealing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Yeah.. & the upcoming one doesn’t look any better.. If it looked like this:

would be sweet. kinda funny that the banners tend to look nothing like the actual stuff in game hah.
But for as good a company Anet is, they really REALLY don’t like taking suggestions on Armor. They have done the design a weapon which is cool, but with all the griping on the forums about medium & people wanting stuff that looks more like the promo & less like a coat, we got: a picture of what we wanted & another coat.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Survey: Want Ascended Armors & Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


here’s the issue… If you make all those concessions, that’s the point of the gear? You’ll get it in a day. I don’t want more tiers of armor, I think gear grind is a poor mechanic. I’d rather play content to get mounts or some other major (not just armor & weapon look) thing that adds to my character’s look & feel.

What are Anet's plans for this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Very high level, you can find our over-all plans for 2013 here:

We’ll put out an updated Gw2 in 2013 blog post in mid/late July that summarizes where we’re going in the second half of the year, and goes into greater details and specifics on systems we’ve talked high level about so far.

2nd half of the year? we haven’t even finished with the stuff that was supposed to be in the first half. The Ranger Revamp, reasons to go back to the old content, making dungeons fun… I dunno.. the living story is a nice distraction, but the main things people are kinda chompin at the bit for are giving way to meh temporary content & rng lockboxes. most of the “upcoming changes” on the wiki haven’t been touched.

Weapon skins, RNG boxes and gem store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


My main concern:

How does it follow the idea of “fun first” for all the good rewards to be purchasable rather than earnable?

Most zones near-empty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


It happens in every MMO, but it’s happening to this one in over drive.

ugh.. The only way I could roll my eyes more is by being possessed.

So jaded by this forum community..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


there is pretty much nothing that can satisfy this community.

This is true of any group of humans, anywhere.

Balance changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


yeah, i’m kinda confused.. aren’t Eng & Ranger the classes that need the most tweaking & not Ele & Thief? I main Guardian so I’m not sure.. but..

Finally good writing!

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


“attitude” & “people dying”.. this is good writing to you? That doesn’t even have anything to do with writing.

I think the actual writing skill is fine, but the over-compensating women in GW2 are getting old. I think the writers in GW2 put female humans in more “i’m gonna kick your butt!! rwaaar!! I am woman!” situations than Male Norns.. Who should be able to break all the other races in half with ease. What’s the point of making the dudes massive & “Legendary” if you give most of the tough-guy roles to a female humans?

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

Female Aetherblade Swashbuckler Rapier

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


wow… that “rifle” looks nothing like a steam-weapon & looks totally stupid.

Most zones near-empty

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Ummm I’m in TC & there were plenty of people when I was on.

The game that failed the majority of expectations is slowly but surely dying?

Just like every other MMO ever made? it MUST be! They are all dying! they’ve been dying for decades! DYING!! DYINGGGGG!!!

New jumping puzzle AHHHH!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


YUP! definitely need more. & big ones with enemies! =D

The hate for talent

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


I think they fact that the OP made this thread at all is indicative of what the hate is REALLY toward.

RNG: A Soultion For All

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


3. Recognize that some players have large disposable incomes.

Here is where ANet fails. There are some players out there that just want the items. They don’t want to waste money or time, they just want them. RNG frustrates them because they can spend hundreds of dollars and not get anything.

Solution: Gem Store Items

Putting the items on the gem store, and allowing these people to buy as many versions they want will allow them to avoid the frustration and disappointment from wasting money on RNG.

Are you kidding? this is Anet’s bread & butter. Hell, this is the bread & butter of most online games now. it’s how they are funded, whales. if you remove the random element, they lose huge amounts of income. Anet hit a home run with this. if someone is dumb enough to spend hundreds of dollars on something that is not guaranteed, then they should be accepting the consequences.

Tbh, they should make the first weapon buyable per account, then the rest RNG. that was rich people can still fund the game, but others can get that guaranteed one.

More Terrorists? Please stop.

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Do not expect an enemy that has understandable motives, has a good moral and can be liked.

You mean like Canach?

No no, he said can be LIKED.