Showing Posts For Deimos Tel Arin.7391:

year 1 backpack, year 2 armor ?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

I don’t think it’ll be legendary armor that we see in the next set of seasons. Possibly another back piece. It’s kinda rough to say.

As far as legendary armor goes where, I think we’ll see it in WvW next.

hurrr durrr more backpacks boring : (

hmmm i think legendary armor will debut in pve raids first ?

Dumb Things You've Seen Teammates Do In Ruby

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

I am in legendary and I still see people do stupid stuff (and it is usually me who is doing it, lol)
- I was defending altar on temple because I saw an enemy coming to capture it. He came onto the point and dropped a portal. After that he walked over to the bridge leading to the altar so I followed him to try to get a kill. Without me noticing, the Mesmer put a second portal on the bridge and teleported a short distance back to the point. I didn’t even notice for so long he got the decap. Very stupid of me.

- I was in an extremely close game, also on temple, but if my team just held the points we had and didn’t die we would win by about 3 points. All my teammates were in fights and I was just afk on a point (Don’t ask why lol, I just get scared of losing games like that so I didn’t want to leave the point). What I didn’t realise was that 2:30 was coming very soon and while I was just standing on my point doing nothing, the enemy team captured tranquility without a fight, winning the game for themselves. I personally took the blame for that loss in team chat.

Yes, bad players like me are in legendary division so if you are hoping for good team mates when you get to legendary, you should give up hope!

hey at least you got into legendary division !

thanks for sharing your fail experience with us though XD

year 1 backpack, year 2 armor ?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

nuuuuu we have enough back pack already ! XD

i want other types of free ascended precursor from playing pvp XD

The biggest problem with the pip system

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Conclusion: The old system where you could gain -3 to +3 pips per match was a lot better.

no. the old system where -2 or -3 may happen is utterly kittened due to how stupid match prediction can be.

with the new system, as least if we have more wins and losses, we can progress slowly.

in the old system, stupid match prediction will screw you over by giving you -2 and -3 pips constantly.

year 1 backpack, year 2 armor ?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

I don’t think its a good idea, those legendary armors should be obtainable on PvE imo.

why not ?

i think all newly introduced ascended precursors should be able to be obtained via pvp as well.

it may attract more pve players to play pvp, and more pve players to be farmed by pvp is always good !!! XD

What people call "bad matchmaking"

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

ah, thanks Saiyan, Yasi for sharing those !

good tips and advises !!!

year 1 backpack, year 2 armor ?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

year 1, 4 seasons, we getting an ascended precursor backpack, and legendary backpack if completed all 4 parts of the first year of the ascension achievements.

for the coming 2nd year, do we get ascended precursor armor set (special all 6 items package) ???

The Ascension Glider

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hey if we can get free ascended precursor armor from playing pvp, i dun mind how ugly they are !

i can always transmute them fugly precursor armors into beautiful heritage armor ! XD

SoloQ vs Premade

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

your team had a duo queue in it.

not full solo team

only 5 vs 11111 will not happen

others still good

5 vs 2111
5 vs 221
5 vs 311
5 vs 41
all are good.

deswai, don’t bother with duo queue or tri queue.
do a four man queue at least.

what core specs are viable until ruby ?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

ah, thanks! Yasi, Cynz.

well after i reach ruby (hopefully by this week) on my main hot account, i wish to give my newly made free account a go to see how far i can go.

i made a necromancer though.

eh Yasi, how exactly does a terrormancer works btw?

what core specs are viable until ruby ?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

what core specs are viable in ranked at the moment ?

at least, until ruby.

Win loss win loss

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

at least you are not on some big losing streak.

if ruby is full of garbo ...

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

btw i only have time to play 1 – 3 ranked games per day during day time around 11am – 12pm when my 13+ months daughter is having her morning nap.

i’m at 16/25 sapphire currently and if all goes well i should reach ruby next week where i belong.

yeah theres lots of garbo in sapphire as well, on both teams, so i just have to kill more and kill faster.

if ruby is full of garbo ...

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

The match making in this game is incredible in how bad it is. But to be fair, the population playing could fit in an average mall elevator and the match making system doesn’t take into account the ‘human factor’ i.e. players in for a daily and out, players rocking sweet sweet builds like turret engie, your classic ‘afk guarding home node’ garbage, etc etc. They all get matched up and get to ruin at least 4 others game as well.

Anet has created an interesting situation with pvp: step one *bait pve’ers back into pvp (again) and then road block them in ruby where the loss tiers safeguard goes away. And voila! you get unbelievible hot join level garbage players stuck and made they can’t progress further to get that digital carrot on a stick backpack, and the fact they are garbo and their are loads and loads of them in ruby makes it a rough road for players actually there for the pvp to get through. *

Gratz Anet everyone is mad at the situation. You win. gg.

Also ZERO content outside of grind and nothing on the horizon for months is also helping the mood in game btw. Bonus dev trolling!

so if ruby is full of such garbo players,

whats stopping non-garbo players from teaming up and stomp through the garbo horde ?

all i read on the forums are various excuses.

“i like solo”
“me no team”
“no time”

yet they can play 10 – 20 games per day and still got time to complain on forum

discuss !!!

Year of Ascension Part IV

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

This achievement is very confusing in how its worded. So.e have said it is not tied to a single season. But the wording of it would indicate that it would only count divisions in the current active season then reset.

the wording is quite clear.

it said “during a pvp season”
never it said “during THIS pvp season”

Is anyone "good" in "MMRhell"?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

I’m working my butt off trying to at least get to Ruby this season and all it’s doing is making me hate PvP. I’ve been stuck in T2 emerald for way too long and it’s frustrating, infuriating and above all disheartening. I’ll get up to 4 pips then lose them all. Or win a match, then lose 3 more. I don’t expect to ever get past Ruby or care to, but really does it have to be this maddening trying to get past the second tier of emerald? Not even to get through the track completely…just one tier. I didn’t like PvP much before this league thing….now I loathe doing matches to try and get out of this hellhole.

I want to finish the achievements and get the backpack but at what cost to my sanity?

are you still in emerald ?
what profession / build / amulet / traits / skills etc are you using ?

PvP kill/defeat count

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i think people are using gw2 add ons to check player deaths in pvp.

but it would be nice to be able to officially check in the game.

then we know who the feeders are.

Year of Ascension Part IV

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

you can reach ruby in season 3 to clear that achievement

League profession achievements are bad

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

There is still the possibility to relog on a secured win to get the achievements on other classes. I do it myself in some cases cause of mostly playing rev.
Had a funny experience doing that though…
Was queuing with 3 friends and were winning 430 to 200 or so. We all 4 relogged and one even rallied a ele doing so. Almost resulted into a loss (my ele wasn´t even built for PvP xD ). Poor random in our team

almost ??? XD

what was the end score ?

500 vs 450 ++ ?

League profession achievements are bad

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

nah, league profession wins achievements are okay, keep them.

true good player must be good at a few professions.

What am I doing wrong?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

My problem is more than a simple skill/mechanic advises, also I’m way above average as map awareness, and strategic movement.
I’m EU and only Sapphire so the real problem is that my teammates dies like flies most of the time.
Today I played games with the engineer (scrapper-power hammer build) but no matter where I tried to help they just lost horribly on the other CapPoint. 3 games in a row.
at the end game had Top heals to allies, top cleanse to allies, top boons to allies, this 3 tops are acceptable, but also top damage!!!!!
What apps are good for video_caps. Fraps not the best option for me, the game itself became laggy I don’t know why. I also want some replays so I can study my mistakes.

i’m in my sapphire 16/25 US myself and yes, i kinda noticed that most of the better players have graduated into ruby or higher, i also noticed that the players on both teams kinda go down very quickly as well.

do you play other professions besides scrapper?

nowadays i play reaper myself and seem to do okay with it.

in where i am, since everyone goes down quickly, it is better to do more damage and get them down quickly instead of trying to play support.

having a support in your team is a must, at least 1 druid or 1 ele. players who cant adapt to enemy comp will have a hard time at ruby or diamond.

for ruby and above, yeah.

but in amber / emerald / sapphire i find it that being able to repeatedly put down (and then stomp or cleave down) my opponents is more useful than being good support.

What am I doing wrong?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

My problem is more than a simple skill/mechanic advises, also I’m way above average as map awareness, and strategic movement.
I’m EU and only Sapphire so the real problem is that my teammates dies like flies most of the time.
Today I played games with the engineer (scrapper-power hammer build) but no matter where I tried to help they just lost horribly on the other CapPoint. 3 games in a row.
at the end game had Top heals to allies, top cleanse to allies, top boons to allies, this 3 tops are acceptable, but also top damage!!!!!
What apps are good for video_caps. Fraps not the best option for me, the game itself became laggy I don’t know why. I also want some replays so I can study my mistakes.

i’m in my sapphire 16/25 US myself and yes, i kinda noticed that most of the better players have graduated into ruby or higher, i also noticed that the players on both teams kinda go down very quickly as well.

do you play other professions besides scrapper?

nowadays i play reaper myself and seem to do okay with it.

in where i am, since everyone goes down quickly, it is better to do more damage and get them down quickly instead of trying to play support.

Two questions.

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

How did people lacking this much knowledge not only make it this far, but made it into ruby?

well, i think
- they play alot, really, a lot.
- they got lucky, sometimes they got carried by random better players.

Secondly, how can my matches go from really close fun matches, to complete blowouts, how can this even happen?

the players who know how to play are taking a break, so match making search for other players instead.

i only have time to play 2 or 3 ranked games per day.
(during the 1 – 1.5 hour when my 13+ months daughter is having her day time nap, night time, i am simply too tired to play)

you play seven !!!
that’s considered quite a lot for me !!! XD

League Reward Structure

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

I think the league reward structure needs to change and here is why:

If I get to Ruby and I can’t make it out, the system has said that this is where I belong in terms of skill. If I have already completed the achievements I can get for the season, there is now no difference between ranked and unranked. I have basically “capped” my reward progression. So how do we keep people playing in rank for reward IF that is their incentive rather than just playing for fun?

1. Reward track progress boost per tier of play
Reward people in each tier with a multiplier for getting through the reward tracks faster. So Amber would be a 1x multiplier, Emerald would be a 1.25, Sapphire would be a 1.50, Ruby would be 1.75, and Diamond would be 2x multiplier. You can tweak the numbers but this would mean that you would complete reward tracks faster based when playing ranked over unranked.

2. Allow shards of glory to purchase non HoT ascended weapon chests. Make it high like 5k or something. That way you can farm ranked for shards and since ascended items are account bound, you don’t mess up the Trading Post

3. Introduce 3 legendary reward tracks that you can unlock each time you hit a Legendary rank. So you hit Legend x1, you get one unlock. You hit legend x2, you have another unlock. You can make one the Sunless reward track for Sunless weapons, you could make another the Cultural Reward track for cultural armor skins, etc. Obviously they would need to include non HoT content since you have a mix of HoT and nonHot players.

This would allow people to earn new skins that are expensive by playing the game their way and most of them are account bound so they won’t mess with the TP.

TLDR: Increase the incentive to play ranked by making reward track grind easier, make shards of glory more useful, create legendary reward tracks that reward with some of the higher rewards from the base game.

1. yessssssssssssssss
2. yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
3. errrr yes

stronghold- guild missions

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i think queue time should not be considered in pvp guild missions.

maybe make it round based instead ?

i.e. earn xxx in yyy pvp games etc

Raid on the Capricorn 2.0

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Hm… I could see something like that.

Maybe if there was some sort of freak winter weather replacing the tropical theme of the island:

  • Freeze the water,
    • The capture point is now in an underground dome carved in frozen water.
    • 4 tunnels in the ice lead to the dome with the capture point, 2 on the sides of the ship’s bow, 2 on the sides of the stern.
    • There’s a ‘skylight’ at the top of the dome. A small cylindrical hole with a few platforms so people can go down through it faster, in exchange of taking a bit of fall damage and being in danger of being pushed down.
  • Exits from base:
    • Players now fall into piles of snow instead the water. There’s no fall damage on those piles.
  • Elixirs of Heroes.
    • These can still be picked on the ship, and make the user immune to damage for 2 seconds on use, but prevent capture for that time.
  • Cannon.
    • Instead picking cannonball bundles and carry them around to load the cannon, then it becoming usable by anyone, whoever uses a cannon ball gets an effect similar to the Supplies in stronghold, that looks like a floating cannonball in their shoulder, and a stack of 5 ‘ammo’.
  • Players can gather up to 10 stacks of ammo, but picking cannonballs is no longer instant, it requires 3 seconds of channeling. This channeling can be interrupted by damage.
  • The cannon now only has a single ground targeted AoE skill instead 5, but it can’t be used without stacks of ammo.

hmmm sounds good!

but instead of freezing with ice, what about turning water into jade ?

Raid on the Capricorn 2.0

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Can we not put it inside the pirate ship, I don’t want to fight my camera constantly.

okies we put it on top of the pirate ship then! XD

Share&compare your PvP stats!

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hmmm here’s mine.

imma a hotjoin hero !

if all goes well, i should be able to reach ruby (where i belong!) next week.

only playing very casually 2 or 3 games per day.


Raid on the Capricorn 2.0

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Raid on the Capricorn 2.0
with water removed,
middle capture point placed inside the pirate ship.

when is it coming back ?

good proposal by MithranArkanere

Hm… I could see something like that.

Maybe if there was some sort of freak winter weather replacing the tropical theme of the island:

  • Freeze the water,
    • The capture point is now in an underground dome carved in frozen water.
    • 4 tunnels in the ice lead to the dome with the capture point, 2 on the sides of the ship’s bow, 2 on the sides of the stern.
    • There’s a ‘skylight’ at the top of the dome. A small cylindrical hole with a few platforms so people can go down through it faster, in exchange of taking a bit of fall damage and being in danger of being pushed down.
  • Exits from base:
    • Players now fall into piles of snow instead the water. There’s no fall damage on those piles.
  • Elixirs of Heroes.
    • These can still be picked on the ship, and make the user immune to damage for 2 seconds on use, but prevent capture for that time.
  • Cannon.
    • Instead picking cannonball bundles and carry them around to load the cannon, then it becoming usable by anyone, whoever uses a cannon ball gets an effect similar to the Supplies in stronghold, that looks like a floating cannonball in their shoulder, and a stack of 5 ‘ammo’.
  • Players can gather up to 10 stacks of ammo, but picking cannonballs is no longer instant, it requires 3 seconds of channeling. This channeling can be interrupted by damage.
  • The cannon now only has a single ground targeted AoE skill instead 5, but it can’t be used without stacks of ammo.

hmmm sounds good!

but instead of freezing with ice, what about turning water into jade ?

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

Corruptor Amulet

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Corruptor Amulet
1050 Condition Damage
1050 Precision
560 Expertise
560 Toughness

because the pve wanderer stats is different from pvp wanderer amulet.

please fix the name !!!

thanks !!!

discuss !!!

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

forum bug

15 chararacters

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391


skyhammer map is fine, really.
but let me reply to what you wrote.
my replies in >>

Awesome thread so far everyone! I really appreciate everyone taking the time to write up their feedback and keep it constructive. Let’s do a quick recap:

Just to clarify, this is just a discussion and we are not specifically committing to any or all of the suggestions, but it does help us to understand how you (the pvp community) sees the map and determine what can be improved.

  • Remove/adjust the breakable panels at A and C point or Add second layer under the hole so players dont die, but still lose time for falling into them
    >> no. the breakable panels at A & C are fine.
    >> dun remove or adjust.
  • Which do you like better?
    >> its fine now. players falling through them should die.

  • Glass Panels only break from cannon fire
    • What do we think about this suggestion?
      >> bad. glass panels will break from walking through them. it is fine now.
  • Enlarge the Skyhammer Platform, Add line of sight props
    >> no need to enlarge. the size is just right for tight skirmishes.
    >> some line of sight props would be nice.
    >> also give the line of sight props infinite health so necros can build life force, warriors can build arenaline while fighting up there.

  • Add multiple portals to get to and from the skyhammer platform
    • Does this have to be in both places: in center of map and skyhammer platform or just the skyhammer platform?
      >> add one way portals at both A & C, only accessible by their respective team members,
      >> blue portal at A, red portal at C.
      >> only blue team members can use blue portal at A.
      >> only red team members can use red portal at C.
      >> this way, after capping home, home defenders can go to skyhammer.
      >> home defenders can also flee into skyhammer if home is rushed.
  • Adjust the jump pads
    >> more jump pads would be nice.
    >> add two (2) one way jump pads at middle (B) that jumps directly to A & C.
    >> this might makes controlling middle (B) important.
  • Take away the ability to die from falling damage
    >> no. fall damage is fine.
    >> in fact, add jump pads on higher platforms so we can actually use our fall damage traits !!!
  • Do we want to completely remove the ability to die from falling damage or make it only in very specific places?
    >> no. keep death from falling.
  • Adjust middle point high ground
    • Do we want to completely remove this because of gameplay/camera problems or adjust it as it creates good gameplay but messes with camera
      >> it is fine. please add jump pads on the higher ground so we can use fall damage traits!
  • Secondary Mechanic Adjustment
    • Reduce Damage
      >> no. increase damage! it can be very easily dodged now!
  • Increase Cooldown
    >> no. decrease cooldown! need more sky cannons !
  • Reduce the turn speed
    >> no. increase turn speed! MORE CANNON !!!

>> can consider adding a count down before the cannon impact, for counter play.
>> for example,
TWO !!!
ONE !!!

  • Remove Skyhammer from Unranked
    • Do we think the map simply can’t be altered to stay in Unranked?
      >> no. skyhammer is fine in unranked.

How many seasons will there be this year?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

casual pvp players (like myself) who can only reach ruby will need to participate in all 4 seasons.

season 1 – ruby
season 2 – ruby
season 3 – ruby
season 4 – at least emerald, get to ruby for more gold and silvers

Personal Score suggestion.

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i think anet wants the personal score to matter.

they removed most bunker amulets so that people can focus on getting kills instead of bunkering a point and not die and not killing.

Share your exp why you lose/win a match

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

tl; dr

it is better to run away from a 1v2 and let the point be decapped for a while, especially if we have stronker team mates to mulder them and take back the point.

it is wise not to run into 3 ppl rushing home by ourselves in order to attempt to save home. maybe just let them take home and we take mid far instead.

Share your exp why you lose/win a match

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hmmm well i had 2 experience from 2 matches to share, even though my team won those 2 games, the 2 rotation experience was a bit different.

match 1 – forest of bearman and horseman

i was at home (mine)
then this puny necromancer / reaper came, i said puny because i easily 1 v 1 that reaper earlier, he just stand there, no dodge, took all my attacks.

so i proceed to kill.

however, came along another dragon hunter, well, not so puny, as the high burst damage can be annoying.

i can’t 1 v 2 so i ran away, while typing “2 home, halp” in team chat. the point was decapped, i think the dragon hunter tried to kill me but i ran and hid around the rocks so i survived the ordeal.

few seconds later, 2 of my team mates came and we murdered them both. well that’s plus 10 team score for us and we got back home (mine)

we won the match, kinda a blow out as the other team members not very stronk, we murdered them at mid, they tried to take our home, we murdered them at home etc.


match 2 – foefire with the puny lord

it was a good opening, 1 home 4 mid, we murdered them at mid.
so i was expecting them to rush our home, so i went to check home, 1 incoming, 2 incoming, 3 incoming !!!

so i typed in team chat “3 home”
“3 home”
“3 home”

so i rushed back home, myself, i think another team mate was coming along.

it was a 2 vs 3

well we both got murdered, they got home.

i typed in team chat as i lay defeated.
“3 home

however, only 1 left to stay on home. the other 2 ran back to mid.

as i respawned, i rushed over to home and killed that lone defender.

we continued to hold home and mid, 2 of us watching over home and mid.

the 3 others in my team continued to murder them over and over again at far.

we won this match, of course, since our team have stronker players and builds, i think.
but i think i made a very wrong decision to run into 3 ppl who are rushing home.

“RIGHT INTO THE MEAT GRINDER!” i would say, when i see 1 lone opponent rush into our group of 3. didn’t expect myself to do the same.

One side: Tornado..other side..Moa

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

tornado is more situationally useful to engineer than to elementalist anyway.

Concern for ranked arena

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

minion master reaper ? ruby ?
but how ?

i thought the minions get killed pretty quickly.

Share your exp why you lose/win a match

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

okies since u asked me to share more (via steam client chat)

why i lose:
1. some or most team mates done some or all of the above mentioned.
2. the other team running stronker builds than mine.

why i win:
1. some or most team mates do not do some or all of the above mentioned.
2. the other team running weaker builds than mine.

Share your exp why you lose/win a match

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

where do we find people who don’t do the above 8 ? XD

Concern for ranked arena

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

No never. :p


awww share pls XD

Concern for ranked arena

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Awww… I got to ruby as a core necro

Pistol /Shield Engi though gets destroyed by necro sadly, which sucks cause it’s my favorite weapon set :p It’s good against everything but necs imo but no I do not go P/s engi in ranked.

Wonky build I’ve seen run into though was burn guardian. Which is silly against reapers since just about every reaper, and his mom has unblockable marks or carry warhorn. Or the passive trait that returns conditions….etc…etc…

hmmm what core necro build you run to get to ruby? can share the traits amulet skills etc ? XD

Concern for ranked arena

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hmmm reaper not viable in ranked arena ?

4/6 primordial legend

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Primordial Legend only had 1 tier after they fixed it. So it is either 0/1 or 1/1.

bad fix really.

exalted legend (season 2 only achievement) have 6 tiers.

i’m expecting myself to get 4/6 exalted legend (no title) and be happy with there.

You can't please all of the people ...

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

S1 encouraged mmr tanking. Bad!

S2 rewards winning!

Not sure if S2 rewards winning, or just having better MMR to get better team. At this point, I have no idea what the truth is really.

If u win ur mmr goes up!
Higher mmr means potentially better team mates!

Yea, but if you start with bad MMR, then you are kinda screwed, since you have no real way to climb, right?

Queue with 3 other friends!
Do some 4 man queues!

Play builds that are harder to die and can kill ppl!

when will you fix moa?

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Moa is fine!
Counter with aegis block evade blind los obstructed!
L2p! Gg!

You can't please all of the people ...

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

S1 encouraged mmr tanking. Bad!

S2 rewards winning!

Not sure if S2 rewards winning, or just having better MMR to get better team. At this point, I have no idea what the truth is really.

If u win ur mmr goes up!
Higher mmr means potentially better team mates!

Division really is a grind

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Bad idea!


You can't please all of the people ...

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

S1 encouraged mmr tanking. Bad!

S2 rewards winning!

4/6 primordial legend

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

All those who got to ruby in season 1 should get 4/6 in this season 1 only achievement!

Pls fix thanks!