Showing Posts For Deli.1302:

When will we see Belinda's Katana?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Deli.1302


It’s not a katana.

Guilds in WvW whonever put on a commander tag

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


A few days ago I was in EB. We had no commander. No guild groups on the map. 30 people on ts only to listen to the musicbot, no communication. We still managed to hold all our corner as well as wipe our opponents who both had organized blobs running. Capped SMC. Capped towers on the other sides of the map. It was hilarious.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is that real WvW players don’t need a commander to tell them what to do.

These guys will never be punished.

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


This is the first time I’m seeing people get mad over something that was clearly done as a joke/for fun.

Super organized servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


There are only 2 servers that are super organized at the moment.

These servers have a whole chain of command with staff members in charge of various aspects concerning the server. Staff in charge of the server website. Staff for the teamspeak. Staff for recruitment. Both have regular meetings where they discuss and decide their server’s plan of action for the following week (i.e. deciding whether to push ppt or slack), discuss tactics, as well as brainstorming solutions for various problems.

I’m pretty sure both these servers have spreadsheets filled with guild raid times, guild raid numbers, teamspeak numbers, pugmander coverage, queue times etc. This allows them to evaluate their current situation and see if anything needs to be done to maintain their communities.

A super organized server will also have almost all guilds on the same page and working together to achieve their server’s goals. They aim to have as little rogue guilds as possible that do nothing for the server.

Should come as no surprise that both these servers are in Tier 1. Organization is a huge part of success.

Anyone know the names of these 2 servers?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deli.1302


if you want mounts, please quit the game. hurry.

Theory: Anet trying to remove WP for Mounts?

in Living World

Posted by: Deli.1302


GW2 traveling = Waypoints and Swiftness boons.

Swiftness Wars 2. GG.

Those who are against mounts never have a logical explanation as to why they are so evil.

I don’t ever call them evil. I call them unnecessary . . . among other things.

Call it whatever you want, but if you, or others, can’t provide sound reasons as to why they are “unnecessary”, or shouldn’t be implemented, my statement still stands.

Go play WoW.

WvW Revival.

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


This is just a glorified recruitment post for the already most stacked EU server.
4 maps queued during prime time. EB queued for 12 hours of the day. No one to fight outside prime time except Deso during the night.
If you want to have constant fights, transfer to any server but SFR. They’ll give you a 50 man blob to fight 24/7.

The curse of the low popped server

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


They aren’t picking on you, they’re just being smart. They see an opportunity for easy ppt, they take it.

Sea of Sorrow WvW Guilds???

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


It worked for Blackgate

The best WvW guilds in EU

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Only speaking of guilds I know and just a listing (no ranking!) … there´ll be a hell lot of more or less good guilds which Imaybe forgott

Endure Pain [PAIN] – Kodash – international (English/German)
Dawn [DAWN] – Gandara – international (English)
The Unlikely Plan [TUP] – Gandara – international (English)
Semper Dius [DIUS] – Piken Square – international (English)
Forgotten Light [FL] – Piken Square – international (English)
Still feeling lucky [PunK] – Gunnars Hold– international (English)
Callous Philisophie [LaG] – Gunnars Hold– international (English)
Driven by Fury [dF] – Far Shiverpwaks – international (English)
Velocity [VcY] – Far Shiverpeaks – international (English)
Visceral Effect [vE]– Aurora Glade – international (English)

Team Rucksack [RS]– Seafarer’s Rest – international (English)
insidious blink [iNK]– Gunnars Hold (Desolation soon) – international (French/german)
not 100% sure on languages for iNk
Golden Horde [GH]– Desolation – international (Russian)

Those are a few I could think of that I could add to the list, you named most of the ones I can remember though.

GH is mostly international now.

Seven Instincts [siN] – Baruch Bay – Spanish
Sow [SoW] – Augury Rock – French
Les Depraves [PRV] – Vizunah Square – French
I Square One I [One] – Far Shiverpeaks (for now) – International/Polish

(edited by Deli.1302)

Where is the new content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deli.1302


I’d like to see you try and make new content and see how quickly you can do it.

Oh hey, zoom "hacks"

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Here’s a thought. Kill them before they can build the ac?
Or even if they do destroy all your siege, there’s nothing stopping you from killing them then rebuilding more.

Golden bikinis :(...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deli.1302


Yea, coz this armor is totally too skimpy………….
Yet another complain thread for the sake of complaining


It's a 4-month development cycle!

in Living World

Posted by: Deli.1302


No longer 4 teams rotating. Now it is just one team of 20 Devs. No idea how long the lead-time is for Episodes. I hope they will inform us how it works now.

wtb source

Some suggestions for the next episode

in Living World

Posted by: Deli.1302


You’re a couple months too late to make a suggestion for something that is releasing in 2 days.

wvw transformation exploit

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


That would be the Snow Leopard racial elite skill.

T2 Queues for NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Don’t forget Theongreyjoy’s bottomless pit of gold.

T2 Queues for NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Well those claims were made a million years ago. So no.

Too much escaping

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Nike Warrior missing from that list.

Yea, that too.

Too much escaping

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Maybe if fights weren’t so mind numbingly boring and pathetic, people wouldn’t run away.
Condi Thieves
PU Mesmers
Perplexity Engineers
Stealth Spam Thieves

Yea, I totally want to fight those.

Devona's Rest RISING!! hits Silver League r15

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


You do know the seasons ended a month ago, right?

Looking for New Server (EU preferably)

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


You care about winning (this is a bad thing).
So your only choice is SFR. All the other servers prefer to play for fun and not care about the score because it doesn’t actually matter.

Guild Buying and Ethics - HELP!

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Thanks for the feedback, folks. I’ve seen a lot of hate towards transferring guilds in the past, and our current/previous server is not at all happy with the move, so it’s slightly reassuring to see it presented more positively.

All I can say is, your guild made the worst decision ever.
You just tranferred to a server that has no real organization whatsoever. No inter-guild coordination. No teamspeak usage. No pugmanders. Most of the WvW population are fairweathers.

Did your leaders even bother to scout the server first? Or did they just see the money and say “yes” immediately?

If I were you, I’d ditch the guild and use your own money to join a real server.

I appreciate feedback from all perspectives, but there’s no substance to your post. I didn’t present any kind of info on where we are from/transferring to, and you’re simply posting toxic and rather base assumptions on and about my guild and its members as well as our destination server.

And no, it has nothing to do with the money. We’ve been given multiple offers to various servers and tiers. We picked what is likely the best match for us at this point in time.

If you have something further to add which is relevant to the discussion, please do share it, otherwise please remove yourself from the thread.

There is only one guild that has recently left a low tier server and transferred up 5-6 tiers like you said. It’s fairly easy to put the pieces together.

Guild Buying and Ethics - HELP!

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


All I can say is, your guild made the worst decision ever.
You just tranferred to a server that has no real organization whatsoever. No inter-guild coordination. No teamspeak usage. No pugmanders. Most of the WvW population are fairweathers.

Did your leaders even bother to scout the server first? Or did they just see the money and say “yes” immediately?

If I were you, I’d ditch the guild and use your own money to join a real server.

Arena Net, where's the new CDI?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


We’re sorry to inform you that the WvW design team has been temporarily reassigned to the Living Story 2 design team.


The Management

Plot twist: There is no WvW design team.

Suggestions for a WvW server

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


No matter what server, you are going to have a hard time achieving your 100 member (not a small guild, btw) goal. Especially being a beginner commander. You are better off joining an established guild on a server and building your rep first before you start thinking of forming your own guild.

transfer question

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


You do realize fps has nothing to do with lag/connection speed?

Good server for roamers?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


T1 roaming = spawn camping and killing people walking out of spawn.
That’s not real roaming.

Guild looking for new server maybe!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


This guild is coming from a low tier server so I doubt they’d want to go to another one.
You guys should go to Deso to help balance out Tier 1. They could certainly use some more commanders.

(edited by Deli.1302)

Can Guilds Transfer Servers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deli.1302


PvE guilds have ZERO reasons to transfer. Megaservers. You can always find people on maps now, no matter what server you are on.

You can buy influence for guild upgrades.

Transfers cost 200g+ per person for very high servers. Just check the currency exchange.

transfer question

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


It depends on what is causing the lag. Most people who have played on both NA and EU have noticed no difference in lag.

Speaking for myself only I definitely notice lag on my EU account all the time. Not terrible,but if this were an fps game it would be unplayable

Hence why I said most

Info on SFR wvw guilds needed!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


transfer question

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Also, each wvw map is hosted on a randomly chosen server (you can do /ip to find out the ip address for the map). The lag may just be caused by that particular map. There seems to be one ip that is really laggy and it’s random whether it gets into your matchup or not. Wait until next week and if it still persists then maybe it’s something else.

transfer question

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


It depends on what is causing the lag. Most people who have played on both NA and EU have noticed no difference in lag.

WvW Loggers

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


They do. Alt + F4 during a fight counts as a death and you get credit for it.

You used to, but guess what, the PvE team released another LS which some how, yet again, reset things for WvW!

Players have been able to Alt-kittenain without consequence again.

It’s been like this for months, surprised you didnt realise.
If they ever fix this, and the lag again, just keep a look out, when the following LS patch is released, things like this are undone!

Every time I see someone alt f4 during a fight, I get credit. Maybe you should actually deal damage to them?

Yak's Bend: a home for your Guild.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


If you run builds that deal damage, we don’t want you.

Looking for a silver league sever.

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302



All are good for what you are looking for. PS and GH are more guild focused. AG is mixed with guilds and pug zergs.

T4 and T5 EU ???

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Pugs/unguilded people will have a bad time on PS and GH.

WvW Loggers

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


You can’t stop someone from quitting in the middle of a fight. Alt+F4. Just keep track of when it happens and start penalizing people who do it over and over again.

Wish anet would be kind enough to give loot bags from the alt f4 players.

They do. Alt + F4 during a fight counts as a death and you get credit for it.

[US] Server Transfer

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


The op clearly asked for a big wvw server.

The answer: BG (full), TC (full), JQ, SoS, FA, Mag.

Ice Bow

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


It comes at such a great risk. 2.5s cast time makes you a sitting duck and you’ll take so much damage back from retaliation.

But I still use it, because I like seeing lots of numbers.

[Suggestion] Player activated Siegerazer

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


Think about the intended purpose of Siegerazer.
Now think about how it ended up being used/abused.
Now think about why that number was dropped.

Is there a way to 1V1 with a friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deli.1302


custom arenas

Guilds quitting, servers dying. What do?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


So what can we do?

Make the same thread over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again………………………
Which is what this sub forum has already turned into.

Gw Vs Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deli.1302




First thing you are forgetting is that GW1 IS NOT AN MMORPG. GW1 was an online rpg. BIG difference between the 2. In my mind its far easier to develop something for a small group of players online (or for one player solo with minions) than to make content that has to be able to handle hundreds if not thousands of people at the same time. Also Anet, with the prodding of NCSoft im sure, has opted to go the direction of the living story in an episodic manner. And its a great idea. It keeps the happy players playing longer. So we do a episode every couple of weeks, we want to see whats going to happen next, so we keep logging in. Where as content you are describing (read:expansion) can be zerged through in a couple of weeks tops, then the player base is bored and loses interest and stops playing until the next expansion is rolled out. (8 to 12 months later)

Im sorry you dont like the living story, but if it bothers you that much, maybe its time to stop playing gw2.

What makes you think gw1 wasn’t an mmorpg? Just because you had the option to solo the content? How is that any different to the personal story of gw2 and the LS stuff?

I'm Sad...

in Living World

Posted by: Deli.1302


We already have dueling.

EU matchups variety

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


What the hell are you talking about. Arborstone is fighting two servers it hasn’t fought in months and is gaining 60 rating. Yes that is variety and yes they will eventually gain ranking.

Toughness, Healing, and Vitality armor inc!

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


This will no doubt be my new Zergball armour on my guard… all of those stats keeps me alive so I can pump boons and bag farm forever.

have fun doing no damage

[EU] Which server should I transfer to?

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


If you think the guilds there have high standards you won’t get in many other wvw guilds unless they are guilds looking to grow rather than most established ones – I know Deso has [AH], [GH] and [TF] who might be recruiting.

But well, you have to start at the bottom and make your way to the top which isn’t easy, then you have to think is it worth it with current state of WvW.

I applied to one of the top guilds and was told that I needed to have 150k WvW kills, GvG experience and be one of the top D/D ellies EU. This doesn’t seem like low standards to me. Maybe for others they are. But yes I am pretty kitten new to the WvW scene. Thank you for your input :p

LOL, which guild was this?

Semper Dius

A guild with expectations like that is a guild that won’t last very long.

MAG BL Bugged

in WvW

Posted by: Deli.1302


What happened to not caring about ppt? rip old mag.