Showing Posts For Dinks.2478:

Feel My Wrath a little too much

in Guardian

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Of course Guardian finally gets a useful elite skill, better nerf it. /s

New Level up Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


A thread complaining about having to close a window? Literally one mouse click.

Is there really nothing you guys won’t gripe about?

EDIT: An additional mouse click, mind you, that only happens when you level….

It’s not 1 mouse click. It’s 79 additional redundant clicks. This game should be reducing clicking yet it’s multiplying it. Bags hidden in bags, now you get level window after level window. This is bad design.

79 additional clicks spread out over….what 100hrs of game play? So like, an additional 1 click every 80min?

I’m not saying I like all of the clicking, who does, but good god this is such trivial nonsense and just makes the GW2 player base (read: forum base) sound like a bunch of spoiled children.

No, spread out over like 15 minutes. My hand still hurts from the last time I had to click through the leveling popups before they added the extra click. Now I might actually get carpal tunnel.

Tome of knowledge=Ruining the experience?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I have no interest in ever leveling via that boring time-gated user unfriendly system called the NPE. Tomes or go home.

Which stats should I as a Guardian select?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I run it in dungeons, I run it in open world PvE and its good. Feel free to tweak things but the armor and weapons are basically the best weapons for Guardian right now.

Suggestion for Stopping Personal ABUSE in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Not trying to be mean, but if people laying ground targets near you or standing really close to you in a game leaves you intimidated/emotionally damaged, you probably shouldn’t be playing games.

Or being social at all.

Suggestion for Stopping Personal ABUSE in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Is this serious? Block them and report them. A player walking around and using skills and “standing near you” isn’t harassment.

New Level up Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


meh. just click it away. you’ll be 80 in no time.

I don’t like this “level up presentation” either.
What I do I click it all away fast and move on 2 seconds later.

Try popping 80 tomes, having to double click all tomes plus click the accept button plus open all of the leveling messages one at a time afterwards. Then cry to yourself because you’ve been clicking for an hour and your hand is cramping so bad that it might be less painful to just chop it off.

Anet seems to have some sort of clicking fetish. Between putting bags inside bags inside bags and all of the stuff they make you click its a miracle I haven’t gotten carpal tunnel yet.

I’m sure you know this is not the proper way to level up, personally I love the NPE, it’s made leveling low chars fun again with the content guide and guaranteed rewards every couple of levels.

@Shadey Dancer, just open bags as you get them, tis what I do and I never have backlog

Its funny how opinions work. I find the NPE to have essentially ruined leveling for me. I don’t think I’d ever level a new character legitimately again.

Hat wearing baldness disease

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


i’m sure this isn’t that difficult to do so the hair stays where the hat doesn’t touch or something?

You couldn’t be any more wrong.
Put a hat over a hair model without changing the hair is almost impossible, or you’ll get terrible clippings at best.
Change the hair based on the hat that is covering is an amount of work you can’t imagine, the simplest solution would be to make a different hair model for each hat for each hair model, for example, if there was 6 hats that makes the head bold you would need to make 6 new hair models for every possible hair in the game.

Just 1 hair model per hat would work for each race/gender. As long as you can see hair under the hat. The baldness is weird as hell. Try putting the celebration hat or whatever its called on, you look like kitten patient trying to hide your baldness with a baseball cap.

New Level up Interface

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


meh. just click it away. you’ll be 80 in no time.

I don’t like this “level up presentation” either.
What I do I click it all away fast and move on 2 seconds later.

Try popping 80 tomes, having to double click all tomes plus click the accept button plus open all of the leveling messages one at a time afterwards. Then cry to yourself because you’ve been clicking for an hour and your hand is cramping so bad that it might be less painful to just chop it off.

Anet seems to have some sort of clicking fetish. Between putting bags inside bags inside bags and all of the stuff they make you click its a miracle I haven’t gotten carpal tunnel yet.

psa: All buffs not on buff bar are broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dinks.2478


This is just outrageous. This is why they need test servers and proper QA.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Was it in the post by anet and I’m just blind? Anyway I’ll take your word for it, thanks!

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Will this make use of the beta slot or will I need to use a real character slot? It isn’t clear enough, and was hoping somebody else had some insight.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Power is the only stat that matters in low lvl areas.

You repeating that like a mantra does not make it true. The difference in power doesn’t matter at all as long as the time it takes to kill a mob is comparable. And it is. People who don’t like the change have said so themselves. You’re just too stubborn to accept the facts, instead you try to hide behind irrelevant numbers and misdirection.

You don’t have to agree with me but it doesn’t make me wrong.

I still believe it is going to be hotfixed.

You are factually wrong. Since the difference in power does not cause the downscaled player to need more time to defeat a mob, that difference does not matter. Either the difference is too small or other factors make up for it – no matter which of these is the cause, the bottom line’s the same: Power is not the only thing that matters.

You’re also factually wrong on the hotfix, since that would’ve happened by now. It may be tweaked or patched, but a hotfix is an emergency patch shortly after the fact.

Are you ready to answer my questions yet, by the way? What’s the point of downscaling if downscaled players are more powerful than the level they’re downscaled to? Have you tried comparing kill times yet?

He is factually correct. My level 21 kills faster than my level 80 when facing level appropriate mobs. So if my lvl 80 is downscaled to 21 fighting level 21 mobs my level 80 hits less hard than my level 21 in greens. Simple mathematical fact, level 21s kill faster than 80s in level 21 zones.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I don’t know what you did to our attributes on down-leveled character but lv.80 characters right now are pretty useless, the time it takes for a lv80 zerk ascen-exotic mixed char to kill a veteran is pretty much the same for a lv.11 in queensdale, Not to say you nerf us in advance by taking passive specialization attributes from us.

what does that mean?
leveling, gear customization are rendered useless right now, why armed to the teeth when lv.80 are forced to score like lv.11 no matter what gears we have?

LOL wait ….

So downscaled 80s were nerfed ? I haven’t even noticed, thanks for informing me. On the flipside, I would like to ask you to be more precise and specific in your post, it is too vague and requires more info as to where your specific issue is so the community can help you out a bit.

I personally run on ultra glass toons when doing open world stuff, its either zerker or sinister and half of em are in exotics only, not ascended. And I still completely own lower level events I should not be able to. Solo champs in fraction of time it takes to do so in SW, etc.

So what exactly and precisely is it that is causing you so much trouble ? Do you just stand there and hit 1 and expect everything to die ? Do you not dodge ? do you not use any abilities ? Do you not kite when soloing a melee based champ ? Be specific pls.

Also, no matter which trait line you picked, you can always switch just a single trait or 2 and then switch utility skills. And equipping a more survivable not traited weapon isnt going to be the end of the world either.

It looks like you completely ignored the entirety of this thread. I posted visual proof of low level toons being more powerful. It isn’t a question of “I can’t kill stuff on my level 80.” It is a question of “This level 20 kills stuff faster than my level 80 and that is not acceptable.”

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


They didn’t tweak numbers “a bit more”. They went so far that unless you’re on lvl 80 map your level and gear don’t matter.

That’s patently untrue. Against a level 20 thief using pure power, myself using Carrion, I’ll have more power than them unless they’re twinked to the gills. I’ll also have more condition damage, more health, and deal more damage from my own might stacking off of traits. I’ll stay in stealth longer, and drop into it easier. My cooldowns are shorter, my initiative higher, and I can swap skills to match the EXACT situation I’m in with little to no issues.

Yes, if they’re twinked to the heavens in all crafted masterwork gear, their auto-attacks white damage is higher than mine, but that’s ONE stat. I have more.

So basically, “Yes, if they spend 10 silver to get green gear their attacks will be higher than mine in my full exotic/ascend gear that costs me anywhere from 15g to 500g.”

Seems legit. Power is life pre-80. Power is all that matters, all of those other stats are pointless.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Actually the point of leveling is to progress and become more powerful. I certainly didn’t level to become weaker.

My analogy is perfect. You put in more work and time and the end result is a lesser reward. If I wanted my time to be kitten on by less deserving people I’d avoid this game and go back to work.

Power is the singular important stat in anything pre-80 and you get 28% less if you’re a downscaled level 80.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


This complaint reminds me of seeing my nephew complain that he only got one thing from his grandfather while his brother got four. He got a five dollar bill, his brother got four ones.

No, its more like you work hard all day and get 4 dollars. But your brother sat on his kitten and got a five. So you’re like “Well this is bogus, I spent a lot of time earning my money and he gets more?”

AKA, level 80s are being punished for their effort and time invested in leveling and gearing up. Don’t try your false equivalency crap.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Yeah, Might as well just quit. A game that makes you weaker as you level is hilariously backwards.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Sorry, I compared my two mesmers hitting the same mob and no, the 21 is hitting harder.

Even with the traits that give Might on every hit?
What about traits that increase the damage (and add conditions) to the Shatter and Illusion skills?

Why would I care about might in a level 20 zone? I am still killing things in 3-4 hits. Might doesn’t build up fast enough to matter.

However my level 20 is killing them in 2-3 hits. Which makes my level 80 and my gear moot.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Sorry, I compared my two mesmers hitting the same mob and no, the 21 is hitting harder.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I cannot fathom the thought process that allows people to go “Oh, low level toons are stronger than level 80s. Better praise anet and ignore the issue” Seriously, Go make a level 20 and then bring your level 80 to a 20 zone. Your level 20 will kill things faster, traits don’t matter at low levels.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I really don’t understand the people that say this makes lower level content too difficult. It’s like, Silverwastes, yea no that’s an OK difficulty, it’s level 80, the mobs are hard, but no one complains it is too hard.

They change down-scaling to essentially make it so that playing at a down-scaled level is actually like being that level and suddenly it’s the end of the world, the content is too hard, it’s like being crippled.

Like seriously? It literally took the downscaled content from facerolleasy, to just regular easy.

I wish people would get over this idea that because you are level 80 in max gear that you should somehow be a god walking around the lower level zones. Where monsters melt just from looking at you. If you want that, go play a game that doesn’t down-scale. You can AoE 1-shot all the grey mobs you want then.

Except nobody is asking to be gods, we’re asking to be more powerful than low level toons in green gear. You can ignore that fact for your own convenience all you want but it won’t change it. As it stands my level 21 mesmer in level 20 green gear does more than my full level 80 full exotic full meta build mesmer. Sorry, that is bogus and it needs to be fixed.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I’m ok with it, maybe more more level 80s will start playing in Orr, FS and Maguuma Wastes. I always though it was so dumb when the champ train in QD had more level 80s than Cursed Shore.

That is because all of those other zones use to have more people but were nerfed. Queensdale had a lot of people when it was more rewarding. Now the place to be in Silverwastes because it is the most rewarding.

This isn’t an issue of level 80s being downscaled, its an issue of fully geared level 80s being downscaled lower than low level toons in green gear. It is the opposite of rewarding. You actually grow weaker as you level. Half of the joy of leveling is becoming more powerful.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


You mean the most important stat in the game? Yeah, my level 21 in greens HITS HARDER than my fully geared level 80. Whether or not it is “limited to the power and armor” that is still a huge deal.

Thoughts on recent silent nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Is it actually true that downscaled toons are worse than intended level, or is it hyperbole?
I have ’t had much chance to look into it

Yes, There is a whole thread with people comparing their full exotic/ascended toons at 80 downscaled next to natural level 20s, 30s, 50s,etc. Every single time we come out weaker and hit weaker.

I’ve attached my mesmer. On the right is my full exotic/ascended mesmer and on the left is my level 21 in level 20 greens. 28% more power on the low level toon. You might point out the other stats are higher on my 80 but the fact remains that my level 21 in greens hits harder than my level 80 in full ascended/exotic gear.


(edited by Dinks.2478)

Trait panel - How to fix it. Image included.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Now try to add in 3-4 Elite specializations and see how your B design works…

Same thing with A, your idea might not be very expandable and does not include all the unlocks that the training wheel includes: Traits, Abilities, The Specialization line, Skins (yes we will be getting skins with Elite Specs).

C is something we have asked for since release and they have said they are looking into it and have heard us.

Sorry I didn’t get into the beta, so I have no idea how specializations work. As far as I know its about choosing 3 trait lines that are requirements for the specialization and then you press a button to “activate druid mode”. If nothing else, just create a tab for it or something (as I see it Anet’s UI team like Tabs and sub menus).

When I see how the specialization looks, I’ll post a suggestion on how to fix that too.

So far what we have now is an abomination of layout design.

No elite-specializations work as follows.

Currently there are 5 lines and you pick 3 of them to make a build. Zeal, Radiance, Valor, Honor and Virtues. Now imagine a 6th one called Dragon Hunter. You would replace the 3rd line with dragon hunter (the 3rd slot is the elite specialization slot). Boom you’re a dragon hunter.

Mawdrey, Princess, and the Star of Gratitude.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


If space is an issue, just craft them into Bricks, Stars, and Ingots. You get rid of 100 at a time that way, and they can always be demoted in the Mystic Forge to be consumed by Mawdrey II, Princess and Star of Gratitude. You can buy the Obsidian Shards in bulk at the Balthazar Temple Karma Vendor, or just do Silverwastes Chest Farm and you will get tons. For example, the MF recipe for demotion of Asc Mats is as follows:

1 Bloodstone Brick + 1 Bloodstone Dust + 1 Essence of Luck + 1 Mystic Coin = 100x Bloodstone Dust

Only Bloodstone can be broken back down, the other two don’t have such recipes.

Nika is back! Is Cantha next??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Nika would have to be over 200 years old. Kind of silly to even assume Nika is back based on purple hair. Where did you get that screenshot anyway? Looks like any other player character.

Story Journal Bugged Since Last Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Agreed, I noticed the same issue. I also have another story journal related issue. I had at once point replayed some of the Living Story. I have since stopped doing it however I cannot seem to cancel the one I currently have active. So I am stuck with the story in the top right of my screen and the green WP thing on my map. You use to be able to cancel these things and make them go away.

Lil' cheesed atm; however, in all reality...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


who’s had a trait completely and utterly disabled, indefinitely

You make it sound as if it will takes months or years when you say it like that. I’m sure it won’t be long at all.

Just take it easy. It was something that was ruining the experience for most of the playerbase. Guardians can simply switch traits in the meantime, even if it is inconvenient. The needs of the many yadayadayadaetcetcetc…

No we can’t, there are not other grandmaster traits that are useful in that line.

Male guardian Empower Skin.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


While they’re at it, they could make staff good.


If you find staff guardian bad, I have a bad notice for you : Its not the guardian staff that is bad

@Topic: I quite like the male annimation. Seens like Goku channeling power, or something like that (Sorry, couldn’t find a better example).

No.. Guardian staff is definitely one of the worst weapons in the game. The only weapon that beats it in terribleness is Guardian shield. The staff does terrible damage and is essentially a utility weapon with bad utility. Like Empower which gives super short duration might and which anybody who actually uses in an environment with other people is actually hurting the party by getting rid of their not kittenty might.

Guardian update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


What are the chances, now that this isn’t a problem, that the trait will never be fixed and remain disabled forever?

I’m pretty much thinking that like the HoM, it is now disabled so expect a fix some time in the next year. I’m hoping Tuesday though because its so important for Guardian DPS right now to have that trait.

Guardian update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


So can you guys disable grenadier and all the other broken traits on other classes too? Or do you just like making Guardians main line useless and don’t care about other classes?

I understand the reasoning behind disabling it, but with so many other obvious broken OP traits running around the fact that Guardian was specifically targeted and others are running free kind of kittenes me off.

We get no love on our elite specialization and we get no love on this.

The guardian trait was running rampant in PVE and making it so zergs could get through doors in the borderlands faster than siege could break down a door. I agree it does suck for guardians, but it’s either that or figure out what in the coding is causing the trait to malfunction. I usually don’t make excuses for ANET, and yes, they definitely need to test this stuff better before they send out patches as big as these. But we live in the here and the now so the only options available were disable it, roll back the patch, or wait until they can figure out what’s wrong.

I get why they had to disable it, I don’t get why the broken OP traits on other classes are still enabled.

Guardian update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


So can you guys disable grenadier and all the other broken traits on other classes too? Or do you just like making Guardians main line useless and don’t care about other classes?

I understand the reasoning behind disabling it, but with so many other obvious broken OP traits running around the fact that Guardian was specifically targeted and others are running free kind of kittenes me off.

We get no love on our elite specialization and we get no love on this.

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


So there are two world bosses that require some degree of coordination and since this level of effort is supposedly above what “casuals” are capable of then this must be inherently wrong?

If Anet released elite maps in some form like they had in GW1 that required teamwork and coordination, would all those complaining about Teq be in an uproar against that because they’re not what you labeled as “casual friendly”?

It isn’t the “hardcore” part that is annoying. Its the lack of rewards. The rewards simply don’t justify the effort. I’ve been asking for hardcore instanced raids and dungeons since launch. But Teq is an open world fight and should be doable by everybody with proportional rewards.

They could increase the rewards but within time those rewards would be worth as much as dungeon tokens are to those that have farmed dungeons since launch.

I have somewhere in the realm of 200+ Tequatl kills and haven’t seen a single ascended chest or teq box drop once.

So even if they doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled the drop rate that still wouldn’t be the case.

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


So there are two world bosses that require some degree of coordination and since this level of effort is supposedly above what “casuals” are capable of then this must be inherently wrong?

If Anet released elite maps in some form like they had in GW1 that required teamwork and coordination, would all those complaining about Teq be in an uproar against that because they’re not what you labeled as “casual friendly”?

It isn’t the “hardcore” part that is annoying. Its the lack of rewards. The rewards simply don’t justify the effort. I’ve been asking for hardcore instanced raids and dungeons since launch. But Teq is an open world fight and should be doable by everybody with proportional rewards.

Guardian update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Your “fix” seriously broke teq. Please either undo this “fix” or fix all the other problems as well.

If you can’t beat Teq without a using the guardian light field bug then it’s a l2p issue for those on your map.

No its an Anet done goofed with their broken crit box and blanket 200 hp buff. Anybody can kill Teq, but I’m not showing up and hour before the kill to “prepare” for such BS rewards that Teq drops. So basically Teq is pointless.

I think teq got much more than a 200 HP increase. In fact the total HP of teq has increased by 100% (not 200%. Double means a 100% increase.)

In any event, even with the HP increase, and without the Guardian bug, Teq is still doable. As you yourself have said. But what it comes down to is that you don’t want to put in the effort to get the rewards, and thus it is pointless.

So in the end, it’s not the HP buff, or the Guardian bug, its that you (and other similar minded players) want to be the most rewarded for as little effort as possible. And we wonder why the game is catering more towards a “casual” players……

Incorrect, effort is fine if it is rewarding. But Teq simply is not rewarding so the effort isn’t warranted.

Guardian update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Your “fix” seriously broke teq. Please either undo this “fix” or fix all the other problems as well.

If you can’t beat Teq without a using the guardian light field bug then it’s a l2p issue for those on your map.

No its an Anet done goofed with their broken crit box and blanket 200 hp buff. Anybody can kill Teq, but I’m not showing up and hour before the kill to “prepare” for such BS rewards that Teq drops. So basically Teq is pointless.

Update: Symbolic Avenger Trait

in Guardian

Posted by: Dinks.2478


It kind of sucks that they disable the trait rather than fix it considering there are no other useful grandmaster traits in the zeal line.

Dragon's jade tickets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Have you taken them out of the bank? I don’t think you can sell directly from within your bank.

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


It isn’t hammers, it is symbols. Both greatsword and mace had symbols. It is the Guardian meta to run GS Mace/Torch +symbolic avenger. Unless you specifically had all of your guardians turn off that trait you benefited from the bug willingly or not.

Except if, like us, at Teq we told every guardian not to use symbols, ever. Symbols are light fields, which leads to retaliation, which is useless. Light fields wipe out the fire fields which erases might stacking which leads to less dmg in the zerg (assuming the traits worked properly of course).

Did we benefit a little from this bug, probably, would it have decreased our time by 9 minutes, definitely not.

Also our teq build at the time was actually GS + scepter/focus for blasting and immobilizing creepers… so we only had the 1 symbol. This was also on a guild run, we spawned it ourselves, we had very little pugs so i can be fairly certain there were not many symbols in the zerg, 1-5 probably, 50-100 definitely not. That night we also only had 16 guardians.

Lol, you have a bullkitten answer for everything. I’m not even going to waste my time any longer with you because you’re so full of it you can’t even admit that the bug is carrying Teq right now. Off to each lunch and do important things. Don’t come crying in this thread when they fix the bug and you can’t kill Teq.

Lol told every Guardian not to use symbols, despite it being Meta. Sure you did.

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Killing something using an exploit may not make pugs less being noobs, but killing things using a bug or exploit severely undermines the argument that the kill was done because of skilled play. If the kill was accomplished because of a bug, then legit or not, it’s nothing to be proud of since it had nothing to do with skilled play.

Also the argument that ANet “allowed” the bug to be applied in the 1st place is nonsensical if you know even the smallest amount about computer programming.

So we are able to get 9+ minute kills without using the exploit at all. Down from about 11+ minutes before the doubling of health.

With all guardians using symbols we got 14:11 today. Guardians are very broken right now… honestly cant wait for the fix.

And i agree you cannot argue that teq is still fine using an “exploit” or broken mechanic, however it its just as doable as before without using this. But once again people HAVE TO MELEE!!! people need to get there reflects going. If there are people on the map that absolutely refuse to get in melee tell them to just clean out fingers. The fingers are what actually kills a zerg, not Teq.

“So we are able to get 9+ minute kills without using the exploit at all

Not all all? None of the guardians in there were using that trait? That’s amazing. Congrats on your kill without being helped by that bug.

Definitely possible, since various groups have posted about 8-9 minutes + with no exploit.

When I did it with ATT, 8:31.

How in the world did y’all convince all the guardians who has that trait to change it? Y’all must of been very persuasive. I’ve never seen anybody convince a whole map to do something like that before.

At time it was done, a day into the double HP update, ATT was not using it since I did not notice any hammers. This is the first time they are fighting a buffed Teq.

Listening on TS, on how we going to attack Teq there was no mentioned about a hammer, but mentioned about PS warrior, banners, Guardian walls and stuff and staying in the crit spot.

It isn’t hammers, it is symbols. Both greatsword and mace had symbols. It is the Guardian meta to run GS Mace/Torch +symbolic avenger. Unless you specifically had all of your guardians turn off that trait you benefited from the bug willingly or not.

Low level more powerful than down scaled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I still can’t grasp how people are actively sitting here defending a system that makes geared level 80s weaker than low levels.

Low level more powerful than down scaled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I don’t understand what you guys are complaining about. I literally 1-shot or 2-shot everything in every -80 level zones with a full ascended armor. Enemies would be 200% tougher and the game would still be too easy for my taste.

It is exactly what we are saying, downscaled 80s are weaker than lower level characters. Not sure how this is acceptable to anybody.

Low level more powerful than down scaled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


@ Op just looking at your two pictures, the only thing the level 2 has more of is power, everything else the 80 has almost double of.

I really think what happened is people relied so much on their characters and builds being OP that now that it’s more balanced, people’s skill is starting to show. . . and well people don’t like the realization that they aren’t as good as they thought they were.

Except power is the only important stat pre-80. None of that other stuff is remotely relevant until level 80. My level 21 mesmer in greens hits harder than my level 80 mesmer in full 80 exotics/ascended gear when attacking the same appropriately leveled mobs. That should simply not be the case.

Low level more powerful than down scaled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


That’s a baseless opinion. The traits do affect the other aspects of PvE. Just because they are affected less than against a champion or a dungeons doesn’t mean that they don’t affect it at all.

Yeah that 2 siphon of vampiric auras is really useful when you hit for 80.

If you are going to respond with sarcasm, it only goes to show you have nothing to stand behind. You are intentionally being intellectually dishonest. At level 80, you have 27 traits; which is 27 more than a level 6 has. Even if you only took defensive traits (difficult, but possible), then you are still far better than a level 6.

Traits are meaningless in low level zones, it is literally all about power. Stop being pretentious.

Why are there so many tryhards?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Did you join a zerker only LFG? Are you a power necro or a condi necro? A lot of this stuff matters. Also Ralanost, just because you don’t want the dungeon to take longer than it needs to doesn’t mean you’re an elitist.

Low level more powerful than down scaled

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


You get weaker as you level and gear up, broken broken broken.

New Teq strategy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I’m an elementalist, so I attack ranged. Also not enough hitpoints to stand on the crit spot and survive. You cannot expect that players who play ranged just change this…

You have as much health as my guardian who stands in melee. Expect to dodge and to use reflects. Guardians, mesmers, eles, thieves, anybody with reflects needs to spam them. With that said I do agree that the fact that they are forcing everybody to stand in melee and cleave to crit is kind of silly.

Tequatl Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dinks.2478


So all the people who’ve been saying, “get gud” have been benefited by a bug being exploited? Sounds typical.

You are totally wrong.Look at the timer.If you finish the fight at 11+ minute then the bug is used.If Teq is killed at 5th and less minute then the bug was not used.Also don’t blame the playerbase for exploiting something when it si obvious that Anet have to be blamed for allowing such thing in a 1st place.

I wouldn’t blame the players, their only other option is to not play the only optimal Guardian build at the moment. However to talk kitten to people like they’re bad because their map doesn’t happen to have as many guardians as yours is kittenhit.