Making a build on gw2 takes about 2 minutes. Really would be cool if that wasn’t the case and there were hard decisions to make.
Exactly; there aren’t any hard choices to make. The traits are so poorly balanced that the best ones stand out far more than the rest. Their solution to balancing is nerfing the strong ones so that all the traits are terrible.
Which inevitably makes the whole class terrible.
Yep, better wasting time with nerfing traits that are actually fine and have some sort of synergy, instead of reworking the 90% useless ones.
Downed state is the only mechanic making the pvp in the game worth playing, imo.
Most people asking for the removal of it are hot join heroes, that don’t want to stomp to get their glory.
Downstate is a innovative mechanic and should never be removed. But it’s not balanced at the moment. That’s what many ppl raging about.
they say this, but in reality, they just don’t have enough manpower/have no idea what to do.
I understand it’s very difficult to please everyones wishes and stuff, but it is not like they do this the first time. They have many things they could do similar to GW1. Not talking about modes, more about the infrastructure and the features. Additionally they can read a lot of suggestions in this forum, where many of them are really good.
But in the end I’m not working there and just can judge the results.
Also the cooperation between the top-players and the devs could be better than just a SOTG every month. It seems like the critical persons are never participating, while the agreeing ones do regulary.hard to get anything useful done if you are working on temporary content 24/7
Yep, the business-model of A-Net /RNG-Soft is definitely not efficient.
GW2 is built around casuals. The soloQ is one of the most important things, which attracts the majority of the tpvp player-base. Therefore it is really crucial to have this feature in the game. It needs some improvements, but overall it’s helping the community to grow.
It shouldn’t be possible to kick players from the party during an instance. That’s totally broken.
The core of the build is not new. Your guide overall is pretty good, especially for unexperienced players. I like your “tips”. What I’m interested in is, how you can solo bunkers. I really want to see that
However, overall +1 for your effort here. GJ
they say this, but in reality, they just don’t have enough manpower/have no idea what to do.
I understand it’s very difficult to please everyones wishes and stuff, but it is not like they do this the first time. They have many things they could do similar to GW1. Not talking about modes, more about the infrastructure and the features. Additionally they can read a lot of suggestions in this forum, where many of them are really good.
But in the end I’m not working there and just can judge the results.
Also the cooperation between the top-players and the devs could be better than just a SOTG every month. It seems like the critical persons are never participating, while the agreeing ones do regulary.
well, u think those people who like downed state are minority.
i think other wise though.
for me, the ones who dislike downed state are the minority.It’s more like the ppl accept it as it is, because . . . what can we do else?
Ambush them during a state of the game
They would answer the same thing, they did everytime: “We definitely look into this”.
You can watch every SOTG, note down every topic they said this sentence and write a pretty long list on what changes we can expect in the near future.
The leaderboard definitely improved, especially in terms of the stability of player rankings. Anyway, the problem is not the leaderboards. It’s more about the MMR that has still space to improve.
The most balanced class in my opinion is the guard. He can either specc into support/bunker (several different builds) and has also viable hybrid and damage builds. Why? Because this class has a lot of “viable” traits.
I’d like to see other classes in the same spot. It’s ridiculouse that after 10 months nearly all classes have more than 75% garbage-traits, not even PvE-Players use. A-Net should better focus on actually buffing unused traits and utilities rather than nerf the better ones.
Since when Bunker-Guards have a massive dmg-output?
well, u think those people who like downed state are minority.
i think other wise though.
for me, the ones who dislike downed state are the minority.
It’s more like the ppl accept it as it is, because . . . what can we do else?
because the downed state is considered within the context of the overall class. so strong ‘up state’ classes have weak downed state.
or because bad downed states are bad, and nothing about them has ever made much sense anyways, so why not?
To jump on the sarcasm-train: That’s why warriors have this insane downstate, while eles only can vapor-form to anywhere, including portals…
Funny idea.
Though the warriors problems don’t rely on its downstate, but rather on its sustain and the concept of this melee-class in general. EG: no protection, no efficient condition remove, heavily affected by chill/cripple because they can’t land their gap-closers anymore.
If a warrior is slowed once he won’t do damage for its duration. Basically this is the issue why warriors can’t be on the same level as other classes.
But that’s exactly what’s wrong with down state. Down state promotes mindless AoE and heavily favors specific setups. As soon as somebody goes down, whether it’s on your side or the opponent’s, you see AoE rain down on that body like no tomorrow.
This is an accepted way of “team fighting”, but in my opinion it’s simply bad design, because AoE is way too strong (obviously this is the root of the problem, but other than the promise of reducing that from a couple months ago, we haven’t seen a single change in that direction. In fact some single target abilities have since then been turned into piercing and cleaving attacks) and the only semi-counter is not to pile up.
This is much less a problem for professions who are playing range builds than it is for those who have to get right on the body to make sure it’s not being rezzed up. Usually the team fight is won by the team that can drain more resources from the other team in the rezz/stomp battle over a fallen team mate and that is utterly ridiculous.
If you manage to pressure your opponent hard enough in such a battle, you will then have the upper hand, even if you lose a team mate before them, because you will kill/weaken them all at once and thus preventing the enemy from reinforcing the node.
Right now, what you really want is a bunch of ranged professions that can cleave any downed player to hell and back. If you manage to kill them all, great, if not, at least you won’t be taking much damage, because you are nowhere near the downed player, so that you can keep reinforcing the node till you win.
Couldn’t explain it better. I wonder when the AoE-Nerfs will find their way into the patch, as A-Net had promised us ages ago.
That’s the problem when premade loose against soloQ, they loose the same amount of rating they’d loose if the soloQ-team was a premade. So ye, soloQ is something not rewarding at all. It is frustrating and progression is just possible to a certain degree, till premades coming to stomp you back into the end of the leaderboard.
But we all know how broken the reward-system is . . .
The rage is more about the fact that A-Net promised us they take the good things from GW1 and implement them into GW2, which is in no way true. The second point is to sell a game as an AAA-PvP-Game and then we get an alpha-state game without observe-mode, leaderboard and any infrastructure. Then A-Net with its allrdy slow developement creates things like tickets, paid tournaments and QP’s, which failed completely.
That leaves us 6 months in a PvP-Game without any progression at all. For me A-Net don’t know what they have to actually do, even when the Forum spams them with thousands of good suggestions. This is not a structured concept rather than a chaotic Business-Plan.well, then you and anet disagree on what the “good parts” of gw1 are.
Please stop answering my posts, as you clearly are not mastering the English language or you just missunderstand everything ppl saying.
Why I disagree with the good parts of GW1? Where the kitten I wrote this? I actually anaylized what A-Net did for the past 9 months, nothing else.
the whole system needs a revamp. glory actually needs to be a currency for something tangible and rewarding. rank needs to reflect skill in tournaments
That’s what I was talking about!
Stop overreacting on everything, when ppl respond to you. It’s coming in pretty rude to me. Also I have the feeling your English is not on a accurate level, so missunderstandings happen too easy.
sounds to me like the problem, then, is that “hardcore” tpvp’ers look down on hotjoin as a useless implementation.
I responded to that sentence. You talk about the system of hotjoin, while I talk about the rewards of it.
Furthermore you want a new system for hotjoin where ppl actually learn how to play proper. Fine, I have no problems with that. What me and thousands of other tournament players actually bothers is the fact that the higher and more competitive play is not more rewarded than hotjoin. I mean many of us invest lots of hours in tactical discussion and strategies. Basically we get nothing from it.
So yeah we kinda look down to hotjoin, not as a useless implementation, but as a factor to actually deny a proper-reward system, an incentive to rank-up as an indicator of tournament-experience and as brakes to a healthier competition.
And that has nothing to do with the players, just with the reward-system itself.
I like your suggestions a lot, but not f3 that much. I’d found it better if it would be -20% dmg for 5-7 seconds or something like that. It can be easily abused if you put a duration of 20 seconds, which even stacks up. That can turn into unkillable warrior while doing 10k evis’ and 3k autoattacks.
(It’s just my opinion, as I played 4 months warrior with about 2.5k games)You ever PvP before? (in Spvp!)
Warriors are absolutely horrible in the current Meta, they lack any sort of survivability and sustain and get locked and shut down, giving them there own way to absorb damage would assist them in getting to where they need to be and staying on the target, they need both this and the ability to reliable remove conditions as well. They also cannot be the same as he guardian either.I just ignore your silly question as I think you’re from NA.
20 sec -10% dmg that is stackable. You know how overpowered that would be? I mean its based on adrenaline and there are several skills that fill-up your bar to 100% as signet of rage and healing surge you can get easily -60%, so yes I think that’s not well thought.Its capped at 30%, if you actually read the ability.
Sorry you can’t read
“then when you use it again it gives you 30%, but just refreshes the duration.”
You use it once, it gets you 10%, again 20%, again 30%. If you use it and have 30%, it simply refreshes its duration back to the start, if you lose it all you have to start all over from 10%.It wasn’t precise enough for me then. I understood like the first time it gaves you 10% the second time 20% and the third time 30%, so 10 +20 +30 = 60. Basically on max it is like protetction. For me it is still very strong and better than the other f1-skills.
Warrior’s don’t have protection, and they should not rely on boons. They should get stronger during the fight.
As protection reduces incoming dmg by 33% , your F3-skill on max feels like protection or am I false??? I know on my own that warriors don’t have access to protection themselves.
The downstate is fine but unbalanced. The fact that one stomp can rezz up a whole team is either a bit of a luck through these unbalanced downstate abilities some classes have. Especially vapor-form and invis-ports.
I like your suggestions a lot, but not f3 that much. I’d found it better if it would be -20% dmg for 5-7 seconds or something like that. It can be easily abused if you put a duration of 20 seconds, which even stacks up. That can turn into unkillable warrior while doing 10k evis’ and 3k autoattacks.
(It’s just my opinion, as I played 4 months warrior with about 2.5k games)You ever PvP before? (in Spvp!)
Warriors are absolutely horrible in the current Meta, they lack any sort of survivability and sustain and get locked and shut down, giving them there own way to absorb damage would assist them in getting to where they need to be and staying on the target, they need both this and the ability to reliable remove conditions as well. They also cannot be the same as he guardian either.
I just ignore your silly question as I think you’re from NA.
20 sec -10% dmg that is stackable. You know how overpowered that would be? I mean its based on adrenaline and there are several skills that fill-up your bar to 100% as signet of rage and healing surge you can get easily -60%, so yes I think that’s not well thought.
In all respect nakoda, the so called “hardcore-tpvp-players” aren’t upset with hotjoin and its function to get ppl into the game or ppl that want to have fun. It’s more about the fact playing hotjoin provides a faster rank-gain than tournament-play, which is a silly reward-system and also destroys the whole rank-concept.
The rage is more about the fact that A-Net promised us they take the good things from GW1 and implement them into GW2, which is in no way true. The second point is to sell a game as an AAA-PvP-Game and then we get an alpha-state game without observe-mode, leaderboard and any infrastructure. Then A-Net with its allrdy slow developement creates things like tickets, paid tournaments and QP’s, which failed completely.
That leaves us 6 months in a PvP-Game without any progression at all. For me A-Net don’t know what they have to actually do, even when the Forum spams them with thousands of good suggestions. This is not a structured concept rather than a chaotic Business-Plan.
They’ve built a game around a business model instead of building a business model around a game.
It’s what it seems to me. And it’s sad, compared to what gw1 was.
Now about changes in mechancis. Im really happy they’ve made an open world. And i’m glad the pvp has now a manageable number of skills instead of a crapload of them with only a few that synergized well. But I really wish they had kept the itemization from GW1. As for the ‘lore’ it has always been generic and bland to me in both games and i don’t care about it. But I do think combat was improved even though you’re not to build a skill deck, it’s silk smooth and fun. Technically it’s a MUCH better game, but its core “philosphy” has been skewed towards classic mmos and that sucks immensely.
About the PvE stuff I have to agree, about PvP not in this millenium. How can you say GW1 had not enough skills and nearly no synergy behind them? Look at GW2 and tell me again where the synergy is? nearly 90% of all utilities are garbage and never used in competitive play. In GW1 your whole bar was a synergy and not only to yourself, no! to the kittening whole team. In GW2 classes are so independent that you have no synergy with other ppl rather than just yourself.
I like your suggestions a lot, but not f3 that much. I’d found it better if it would be -20% dmg for 5-7 seconds or something like that. It can be easily abused if you put a duration of 20 seconds, which even stacks up. That can turn into unkillable warrior while doing 10k evis’ and 3k autoattacks.
(It’s just my opinion, as I played 4 months warrior with about 2.5k games)
yes OP. they took nothing i liked about GW1 and put in persistent world:(
gw2 is completely new game and you are right that it is closer to wow then it is to GW1 there is wvw:)
So is it the mounts, the map travel, the grind for rep, or the raids that make it more like WoW? Have you even PLAYED WoW?
It’s something between them, at least it is not as similar to GW1 as A-Net promised us it would be. The map is quite the same and the class-names (not mechanics). The travel between points also, but more of I can’t remember.
Well, funny vid. But to say, even the best warrior wouldn’t be capable of killing a BM-ranger. Not gonna happen outside of hotjoin.
I do have a suggestion as well. If someone ragequits or goes AFK for the first time the penalty should be 15-20 min. Then if there is a second offence it goes to up to 1 hour. On the third offence it is up to 6 hours. The debuff restricts you from entering any kind of spvp, tpvp, wvwvw or dungeons. The penalty counter resets every day, with the daily resets.
The first time it should never punish a player. Because you can have a dc once or something of that nature. Second time should be fine.
It doesn’t matter how long you need for it, if the incentive is there. But as hotjoiners can get faster rank-up than the actually skilled tournament-players, it’s nearly nonsense besides brainless grind for a better-looking gear. So no, ppl not really care bout rank.
Everyone puts their banner and fields up and you start bashing and pressing yor 100b or w/e.
Did you exit CoF and did other dungeons or do you live there?
I did Arah and then switched to fractals. Fractals are actually one of the only dugeons that requires teamplay. But compared to GW1 it is miles away when comparing teamplay. I played DoA after its release, we required about 10 hours to do all 4 areas (old echo-nuker way with eles) and it was so challenging, because you were so dependent on your whole team. If someone made a mistake the whole team died. The classes in GW2 are so independent that this doesn’t count. You can exit a combar nearly everytime with all the gap-closers, blinks, selfheals etc. And the punishment is gone, I mean your armor get broken, how hard is that? In GW1 you lost when all of your teammates had -60% dp.
Thief downed skills are very useless against monster
High-End is not existing besides the high-level-fractals. No hardmode, no hard dungeons, no challenge at all. Look at CoF p1, what sort of pun should that be? Calling this a dungeon is an insult to the dictionnary!
GW1 was and still is miles away from GW2. I mean I love the open world, the dynamic events, the diversity in crafting-professions and the graphical details they programmed.
But GW1 was unique overall. It had this 20 levels only, the hardmode, the Elite-instances like UW, FoW, DoA etc. It was a game based on teamwork. Look at all the stuff PvE players invented: Cryway, RoJ-Way, Echo-Nukers in the beginning, UWSC with 7 or 8 assassins. That was too funny. The instances in GW2 look like these. Everyone puts their banner and fields up and you start bashing and pressing yor 100b or w/e. GW1 was like: Tank pulls the enemies on one spot the other 4-5 ppl timed their spike, 2 of them healed the party or protected them and one was giving them energy with blood-ritual.
PvP as the second part in GW1 was just amazing! It was a perfect system, the infrastructure was complete, the balance was fine, competition was healthy due to a ladder, observe mode and a real ranking system. PvP in GW2 is just sad to watch at and is no fun overtime (I played both games on a high-level in PvP)
Actually Guardians in general I have noticed have much more flexibility with traits, especially when it comes to bunkering or dps.
Agree, this is why A-Net actually never brings nerfs or bigger changes to them. They are the most diverse class, with many viable and especially balanced builds.
It was interesting to read your post. As I played GW1 and GW2 both on a high-level, I “kinda sadly” have to agree with your points.
As for me GW2 has a lot of potential, but it gets permanently precluded from success, mostly by the Developments decisions. To start with, releasing GW2 with its PvP in an early Alpha-State, was a big hit to the population. After 1 month my friendlist shrinked from +50 players online a day to about 5. Another point is hotjoin and the failure of a ranking-system without any effort to actually play the game competitive. While you can get a chest with armors you can collect in about a week, the hotjoiner just makes 400 rank-points per game. A last point is the slow development of basic features. Some are here, like the leaderboard or the spectator mode, after 9 months they finally did it . . . But then again, no visible rating, horrible matchmaking. A feature put into an unfinished infrastrucutre.
However, persons who disagree with the OP, haven’t played other games competitive to actually compare these 2 games with eachother.
definitely, the game though needs a bit more variety before this draft-mode could be interesting.
As now I think of possibly Moa Morph to ban and shadow-refuge or stand your ground as utilities.But a mode like mine or Phanta’s Idea could also force this variety, which is what I intended with it.
I think that too. But still there are many utilities which are completely not used, not even in PvE or WvW. I want to see this happen first.
definitely, the game though needs a bit more variety before this draft-mode could be interesting.
As now I think of possibly Moa Morph to ban and shadow-refuge or stand your ground as utilities.
Definitely a question for the future SOTG!
I think only a def can answer this, as they created the conditions and stunbreakers.
Definitely interesting what their intention was/is.
It’s always good to have a full-bunker when qeueing together. And the other could be a close point defer or roamer. In general you can play what you want and also have to consider what the other 3 players in your team do.
So basically you’re free to choose.
I don’t blame the players who do CoF p1 all day to get their legendary or to grind gold. I blame A-Net to create a dungeon, which actually requires 0 skill to do. 10 months and it’s still the same.
I remember back when UWSC or FOWSC were the places to grind. But this was actually fun and challenging besides the grind. Even with 7 assassins there was some challenge.
CoF p1 is about timewarp, pull, 100b, 100b, 100b and done.
Hi there! I’m currently ranked at 94% and I went into TPvP with in a PUG “premade” where everyone else was ranked outside the Top 1000 except for one guy ranked around 800.
While this was quiet late at night at around 11pm-midnight, we ended up facing a Team with top 150 players and then another team with Top 300. While i appreciate the learning experience and the chance to play with the top players from podcasts…i don’t think it made for a very fun match for either team.
I think more clear information on how matchmaking works (even without releasing MMR details) would minimise the frustration regarding seemingly anomalous low PvP “levels”.
In this case it would be better to face an average soloQ-team. And there are a lot of them playing around this time. Mabye the MMR works like this:
-let’s say we have 4 teams (soloq or premades) in the queue. the first team is top100, the second team is top700, the third team is top800 and the forth is in the 95%.
As the MMR sees the second and the third team really close together in terms of rating they match them together. What’s left is the top100 and the 95%- team. I don’t know if the MM-System is intelligent enough to see this or not.
And what’s the fun about it? Farming without a challenge . . .
I remember when…
- ppl didn’t know about 100b zerk-warriors and dungeons were actually harder to do.
- ascended gear and it’s riddicolous stats weren’t implemented.
I think as long as stealth is this spammable it should end when you take damage..
what’s the point of shadowrefuge then?
Pointless discussion here. We can either talk about the size of the universe.
10 mins
That’s why people are being so freak-show about it. If they can’t get their run done in 7 minutes or less, then something’s wrong.
yep, they better off searching 20 mins for a zerk warrior instead. Probably don’t get the math.
If they were searching for 20 mins then I’d agree but everybody either started out a warrior or rerolled a warrior. Zerk wars are so common now that zerk war only groups take 2 mins or less to fill up. Also no need to be an ahole just b/c you’re a necro. I’m not a warrior either, doesn’t give anyone the right to get snappy.
I wasn’t an ahole nor snappy. I have a war and a guard on max which I can role. Still I don’t get it. I mean it would be necessary if cof p1 would be actually harder to do, but it is easier than anything else in this game.
10 mins
That’s why people are being so freak-show about it. If they can’t get their run done in 7 minutes or less, then something’s wrong.
yep, they better off searching 20 mins for a zerk warrior instead. Probably don’t get the math.
CoF p1 is allrdy easy enough, why you need perfect setups for this? I don’t get it. Even with a necro you can do this kindergarten-stuff under 10 mins. Why A-Net is calling this a dungeon? I will never understand. It should be called “Farming for Beginners”.