Showing Posts For Empathetic Fighter.2065:

Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You definitely have no idea how unrewarding PvP is compared to PvE.
That’s why i swtiched to PvE now and i can see myself farming 10g in about an hour. So prob in a week you have your gear together and you’re done. What’s the prob?

How many laurels do u get in a week? Whats the cost of a ascended amulet?

I have played loads of PvP…

So everytime a new meta comes out its fine that we after farm 10g, is that what your saying, PvE & WvW players are unimportant? That they are expected to grind, grind and grind abit more?

Well, A-Net is deciding that PvE has to be a grind, like PvP is a grind too (not for gold but for other things). If you look at the content A-Net is offering the PvE-playerbase you should know that PvE is the priority of GW2.
What you basically want is that this game offers you everything, max stats etc, without any effort to do it?

And by saying PvP should be payed to have the gear, you clearly don’t understand the philosophy of PvP in general.

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Make PvP players pay...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You definitely have no idea how unrewarding PvP is compared to PvE.
That’s why i swtiched to PvE now and i can see myself farming 10g in about an hour. So prob in a week you have your gear together and you’re done. What’s the prob?

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How to determine traits that build diversity.

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

in some cases i have to agree. But if we look at the fire-traitline of the ele, this is definitely not the problem.

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RIP Phantasm Mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

If the viability of several builds of a class depends on ONE or TWO traits, then something is completely wrong with this class and it should be reworked.

True and not true, but if a profession relies on a trait or two so much on all viable build is becuz it what Anet promote as class defining style. Shatter and illusion, attunement, stealth and steal. Some skill like cooldown reduction is very potent and hard to split it power into 2 traits. So what should A-net do is account that this trait will always be needed, and balance accordingly, let it be a filler trait where after taking powerful build defining trait, players will use the remaining point into this easy to access trait.

I agree on this.

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RIP Phantasm Mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

If illusion celerity boost a mesmer efficiency by 15%-20% across the board for all build, A-net just kill build diversity like what they did to ele.

but this doesnt mean they should get it for 5 points in Illusion line… that trait is just too strong to be that cheap, you dont see it? anyway, elementalists attunements are not direct skills, you need to wait for cooldowns of skills AND attunement (and most weapon skills on ele are quite long CD compared to other profs), at the other hand, mesmer got reduced CD on maybe 4 out of 10 weapon skills for just 5 points, thats rediculous…

That the catch, if you have a traits that effect all spec where do you place it. Going up the traits line is not the solution, it just destroy a lot of viable spec. Should the place it as a major trait, in adept line, i think it a better solution. I think minor traits should accommodate for majority of the spec, major a stronger traits that can benefit many other build and grandmaster minor trait are free build defining trait that help the define the build. Having Illusion celerity on grandmaster minor trait is a no no, shattered strength is still the best for that spot. Illusion celerity if too strong for a minor adept trait, it should be move to minor master or major adept trait. What A-net did is a whack a mole balance.

The most traitlines have no synergy between them.
A handfull of them have the synergy. The results are the strong meta builds.
The best example for this is/was the cantrip-ele, shatter-mesmer, shout-guardian or backstab-thief.

If more traits were behaving like in those builds, there would be a bigger build-diversity. Instead ppl crying for nerfs 24/7 to destroy viable speccs and the next day they whine why there is no build-diversity. PPL need to realize that not the strong builds are the problem, but the weak-ones with their useless traitlines are.

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How to determine traits that build diversity.

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Well, in GW1 it was nearly the same. Most builds were forced to specc on its classes primary attribute to get the most out of it.
Sure you can’t compare the games with each other. It’s in general the traits that are sooo bad designed. 80% of them are useless. That’s why build diversity fails. At least A-Net is heading in the right direction by buffing uselss traits instead of nerfing the good ones.

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RIP Phantasm Mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

If the viability of several builds of a class depends on ONE or TWO traits, then something is completely wrong with this class and it should be reworked.

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GW2 as it is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Try to deny the grind in a MMO is just silly, because there is no way around it. The grind or in general, the progression of yourself is the reason why you keep playing a game. To actually give an incentive to progress, the challenge-reward scale has to be fixed though. This means if I kill a champion or do a content that requires some more skill (eg. dungeons (except CoF)), I should be rewarded for it. Sadly this is not the case. Furthermore farming spots shouldn’t be nerfed in terms of loot, it would be better to actually just make it harder for players to farm these spots. These can be area effects or scale-up mob-strenght etc.

For EG: In GW1 they implemeted a counter for UWSC with SF-Sins. They placed enemies over the whole map who could hit through SF. Problem solved.

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The finger-training is good for your health though. I have to disagree with you.

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How about some blind immunity for wars

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Blind is so random like instant blocks or dodges. It’s more luck if you hit your combo than anything else. Why you even need blind-immunity when you can remove blind by auto-attack? Things I don’t understand

Tell that to noobs from warrior forum. They will say u don’t pvp rofl

That was definitely an interesting discussion to read.

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How about some blind immunity for wars

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Blind is so random like instant blocks or dodges. It’s more luck if you hit your combo than anything else. Why you even need blind-immunity when you can remove blind by auto-attack? Things I don’t understand

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I meant the omnomberry-bars. . . hmmm. Right-click to use 250? That would be even more amazing!!!
I definitely need the additional adrenaline-rush, when my mouse cursor is over a stack of something worthy in my inventory. That would be a better feeling than bungee-jumping.

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Competitive MMO

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Sounds easy in theory, but is really hard and somtimes nearly impossible to achieve in practice.

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Rank 80.. Reached in 19 years.. O.O

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The difference is, it actually required skill and competitive play. The only thing these both titles share are the animations, nothing else.

Farming /rank in HoH didn’t require skill. It required: IWAY, Air/Rainbow/Blood Spike, ViM, Spiritway, Fireballway, or Hamstorm.

And still the most successfull ppl were balance-players. So what? Sure build-abusing in HA was a problem, I have to agree. But in GW2 you can’t abuse certain setups to win. There is no such thing like B-Spike and would never happen.
Now the problem is hotjoin instead of build-abusing. For me it’s worse, because it’s easier to win against IWAY than having a higher rank compared to a 24/7-hotjoiner.

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Rank 80.. Reached in 19 years.. O.O

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

One of the biggest issues is, that you get more rank with braindead hotzerg then with tournaments. Another problem is imho, that you get rank anyway. It doesnt matter if you play good or bad, if you help your team or not. In GW1 the rank meant something (not talking about the last 3 years, but the first 3), because you actually had to WIN to get rank and the more matches you won (in a row), the harder the enemies got. Parallel you also received more fame (rankpoints), when you won many matches in a row… I dont unterstand why Anet didnt take this system into GW2…^^

I think this is a little misleading. Bad players will not gain as many points as a good player even in hotjoin. They get 30 points for winning and the rest is based on their performance. The other issue I have is that while HA rank did indeed mean something, it also lead to a massive issue with entry into PvP. Seeing messages like r3++, r6++, ect were common place, and teams which had any chance to really gain rank with any sort of speed where those teams. That is not inviting to a new player as they are now either with other new players or possibly bad players which, unless they are lucky and play a team of equal standing, will then be matched against one of those r3/6++ teams which due to experience will win 9 times out of 10.

That is why the current system was implemented. Players who may not get a chance to join a team due to rank can still work towards getting better even though they lose.

The formula should be: Rewarding Tournament-play more than hotjoin-zerging. Casuals can still rank up through hotjoin, but it doesn’t create that “I play more hotjoin than a tournament-player and have the higher rank” issue we have now.
You can do that either with a point-limit per match, giving more than 200 points per Tournament-win or give progressive points for consecutive wins. It’s too easy.

This would not kill the casual population, but will help the competitive scene to actually feel rewarded and give an incentive to them for spending hours and hours in strats and other stuff. As A-Net need too long to realize they created a broken title, they should introduce a new one. Something like the champion titles from GW1, where you only get points for it over a certain rating.

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anyone else get lag around this time?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Game lags most of the time from Australia, interrupts and dodges usually need to be predicted and you can get downed when a foe is on the cliff you were on previously (even though you are now on the ground below

Well, I’m living in Switzerland, so I’m pretty close to the Servers in Frankfurt/Germany. Australians have in general bad luck

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Leaderboard decay

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

PPl can still play once every 10 days to successfully stay in top25…

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RIP Phantasm Mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

A win-win-situation. GJ there A-Net!

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Rank 80.. Reached in 19 years.. O.O

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I’m pretty sure they said they will be reworking the reward system.

Though gw1 did have something similar with the hero title, the first player to reach max rank reached it after a few years of dedicated playing.

The difference is, it actually required skill and competitive play. The only thing these both titles share are the animations, nothing else.

Skill or not it still took what, 6 years to reach Phoenix in GW1 and that was from a dedicated player. If your playing casual as OP said then you shouldnt reach the max ranks.

Phoenix was reached alot earlier than 6 years after release, I think you mean Dragon (max. title).
TBD: The goal is not to reach the max rank, it’s the journey to it. It is the feeling to play as most as you can to achieve such an impressive emote. Nowadays it’s a grind and doesn’t need skillz, so I understand why ppl are upset with the actual system.

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Came back after half a year

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Log into the game and see for yourself. Personally, I can’t recommend to play this game on a competitive level, as the reward and the incentives for that are not existing. If not competitive then there is the broken-yoloQ, which gives you frustration and headache. What’s left? Hotjoin and its glory, no comment on that though.
For my part, I switched to PvE to have fun, because it is actually rewarding. At least I can buy gems with it. I’d wait some more months till they actually fixed the major issues and treat PvP with some priority.

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I'd like to see someone res.....

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Look, the problem isn’t just engineers. It is eles and shatters too. When combined the level of AoE is just insane. I think AoE should be toned down significantly like they said to promote more interesting and skill based combat.

What happened to this AoE nerf? I dunno…


AoE should have a drop off. The first target should take the full damage and any target on top of that should receive 20% less damage per every target past the first one (5th target takes a total of 20%). There are other possibilities, but this would ensure that AoE abilities still did the same damage they always did to a single target.

This would be a good solution.
Though I think there should be a map-design rework in terms of the mid-points. The best example of this is the map LoF. In legacy AoE tends to have not that much influence on a teamfight. It is more about the positioning of the team. If ppl have enough space to move freely around, AoE is fine and meanwhile creates a more dynamic teamfight rather than a firework on a tiny-spot.
Not sure if I’m the only one who has the opinion that some nodes, especially the mid-point of Forest, are a complete design-fail.

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Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I opened over 2’000 boxes and I got 0 tickets. However I found about 100 of these useless pets. Great, I love it, amazing!!!

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Rank 80.. Reached in 19 years.. O.O

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I’m pretty sure they said they will be reworking the reward system.

Though gw1 did have something similar with the hero title, the first player to reach max rank reached it after a few years of dedicated playing.

The difference is, it actually required skill and competitive play. The only thing these both titles share are the animations, nothing else.

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I'd like to see someone res.....

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

It’s on their imaginary list in their head, gone with a real reward-system a proper soloQ and a visible-working leaderboard. #E-Sports#

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Glow in the dark dye

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

It has been brought up several times allrdy. I have to disagree wholeheartly. We don’t need shiny-toons running around everywhere. We have allrdy enough distraction from other sources. If you need some shiny, then get an armour/weapon which has this effect. (see legendary, flame-legion, blubbbbb)

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in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Yep, and then by misstake eat 250 omnomberries on one click. Definitely need this feature, because ppl are too lazy in their freetime. You ever salvaged PvP-Chests? I don’t think so, otherwise you would have never ever brought up this topic.

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An option to view our own names

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

+1, sometimes I even forget my character-name

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Weapon Dyes. For or against?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

This should be one of the priorities of A-Net. My weapons just look so ugly!

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Mystery Cat Tonic Transformation Duration

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Who the hell even buy this kittenty Cat?

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Dynamic Combat With Static Monsters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Why can’t monsters dodge, flee or avoid AoE?

There’s nothing more annoying than fleeing monsters…

But it actually requires some skill instead of pressing 100b. In many dungeons bosses completely ignore every dmg they get. They stand on their position till they die. If they would react to certain skill, immobilize and other skills would actually make sense.

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A Frustrated Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

There are many builds out there. Hybrid-GS guardians are actually very strong in tPvP, also pure dps-guardians are considered very strong. Just not popular enough and because of that the majority believe it’s not viable. As we played highly competitive with a dps-guardian I can tell you it’s not a bad choice at all. It just has to fit into the team-comp.

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anyone else get lag around this time?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I am the only one here who still lagging horribly? 5 sec frozen screen and then I’m down. It’s riddicolous to play tournaments with that. I tested my Internet several times, played other online-games and never had a lag. I can stream HD flawless without any probs.
Seems like the GW2-Servers have huge issues. I hope this can be fixed somehow, because it’s not fun to play like this.

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Idea: early, mid, late - game [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

You clearly want to make comebacks even harder as they allready are. Imagine you can’t get a stomp during the first teamfight while the other team got 4. Against any average team, this is an impossible mission. In general it isn’t a bad idea, but conquest heavily denies this suggestion.

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PVE: my opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I think this game lacks of high-end content and challenging raids akka hardmode. The only stuff is high-lvl fractals, which requires skill and is a challenge indeed. On the other hand we have CoF p1. If we compare these two dungeons in terms of skill/effort and then in terms of rewards, I’m not sure if I should laugh or cry about that.
The skill-reward/loot-scale is definitely not in place. I can’t see any structure on loots.

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I'd like to see someone res.....

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Yep the Grenade-Damage is crazy. Why ppl stopped playing HGH? Because S/D.

I know people like to believe that HGH popularity has diminished, because of S/D thieves stealing their might. It’s a load of rubbish, don’t believe it. S/D thieves were not constantly taking Engineer’s might stacks and just one shot-ing everything (most of the time you wouldn’t even get their might stacks).

Reality is that HGH was and is a much more specialized build than the “node-defender”. HGH is considerably weaker in 1v1 (I know people still think this is a team game, but the smarter ones out there might have started to understand how 1v1 on side points tip the scale) and HGH can not defend itself as well when assaulted.

That feeling of pretty much being helpless and relying on your team mates to peel for you in an excessive manner, started to drive individual engineers away from the HGH build, which had the effect that other engineers just blindly followed the “old made new” engineer trend.

As far as thieves go, I am seeing fewer and fewer teams employing one these days, S/D or otherwise.

This. The problem is further worsened when peels actually don’t help to keep the engineer alive. If an HGH engi gets trained or pushes up to actually be able to deal any sort of half decent damage he’s pretty much dead. No escape mechanisms, not nothing, just two dodge rolls, one stunbreak and a kittenload of damage.

They are the weak point in a team fight. They can’t deal adequate damage when focused. They don’t have CC. They can’t peel for teammates outside of killing things (a relatively lengthy endeavor with conditions depending on the scale of the fight).

Why would I put my own team at a disadvantage by running such a build when I could drop a bit of damage and pick up CC, team support and utility? Why the hell are people not QQing about THAT instead of the condi equivalent to a d/p thief?

For keeping the HGH alive you have a guard, you have the rezz-elixier and you have IoL. The Kit-Engineer can fill more roles and is in most situations definitely the better choice, I totally agree with you. However, this relies always on strats and team-comps.

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I'd like to see someone res.....

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Yep the Grenade-Damage is crazy. Why ppl stopped playing HGH? Because S/D.

I know people like to believe that HGH popularity has diminished, because of S/D thieves stealing their might. It’s a load of rubbish, don’t believe it. S/D thieves were not constantly taking Engineer’s might stacks and just one shot-ing everything (most of the time you wouldn’t even get their might stacks).

Reality is that HGH was and is a much more specialized build than the “node-defender”. HGH is considerably weaker in 1v1 (I know people still think this is a team game, but the smarter ones out there might have started to understand how 1v1 on side points tip the scale) and HGH can not defend itself as well when assaulted.

That feeling of pretty much being helpless and relying on your team mates to peel for you in an excessive manner, started to drive individual engineers away from the HGH build, which had the effect that other engineers just blindly followed the “old made new” engineer trend.

As far as thieves go, I am seeing fewer and fewer teams employing one these days, S/D or otherwise.

As far as I heard, S/D gets a debuff (if the patch-notes are true). I think a big point for the dissappearing HGH-Build is that Teldo showed us how efficient a Kit-Engineer can be, though ppl tried on their own and realized it. And the influence of these players is definitely higher than ppl think.

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Why PvP Warrior will never be balanced

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Well, the warrior is the only 100% melee class in a ranged-dps/AoE-Game. That’s why this class fails to be successfull on its own. His ranged-dmg is crap compared to other classes.
Why ppl think the warrior has not enough survivability? Because a warrior has to walk through the whole kittening area to reach the target. You can compare that to the bunker-guard, but the guard is meant to absorb the dmg. And before the war can even land his dmg, he get chilled/crippled by the cluster of AoE raining on his head.
Gap-closers, which are the wars business are heavily affected by these conditions. The warrior relies also on his gap-closers to kite a teamfight. Other classes as the thief just switch to shortbow or port out with a shadowstep.
So A-Net can either give warriors better ranged options (silly, as warrior is in my opinion a full-melee class), buff their support options (banners, shouts) or make them more resistant to conditions (especially gap-closers).

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I'd like to see someone res.....

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Yep the Grenade-Damage is crazy. Why ppl stopped playing HGH? Because S/D.
However, AoE in this game is since the release a problem. The devs allrdy stated some months ago its on their list. Seems like it is magically dissappeared.

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Is high burst damage balanced? Y or Y not?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Burst in sPvP is pretty balanced. In WvW it is impossible due to PvE-Gear and Zergs. So taking numbers from WvW and bring them into a sPvP-Discussion is not that accurate. BS for about 15k were possible in 2012, but not in this year. You’re lucky if you hit for 7k.

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Looking for a yoda

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Actually no, when somebody says something completely false in a thread where a new player is asking for help I will refute it. The only reason I post on these forums or PvX in GW1, GWW or Guru is to make sure new players do not fall into the trap of listening to players who have no idea what they’re talking about but try and teach people ‘facts’ which are just not true.

I have no need to troll here, the only reason I got into guide making was because I remember what it was like to be relatively clueless about what to run in GW1. Infact, if he had been asking about Guardian advice I’d be giving him tips/builds/whatever he needed.
But when I can’t offer specific advice to this player I have to also make sure other people don’t give him bad advice. You’ll need to redefine your definition of troll to somehow include me in that category.

There is a very little amount of players that actually have a clue about PvP, but the majoritiy is just writing some BS over the forum to compensate their lack of skill. Silven belongs to the first group.

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in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

The melee class/builds are already bad enough and underpowered in this game, won’t Torment further make melee builds unviable? like thieves, warriors, etc etc

Thieves have enough condi-cleanse, stealth and ports to actually being able to ignore most of the conditions. Warriors on the otherside are a 100% visible target, without ports and gap-closers that are affected heavily by conditions.
For me personally the warrior is the only real melee class in this game, which explains why they are in such a handicapped state.

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COF p1 video, thief+warriors 25 stacks might.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Funny, how the majority of PvE-Players have absolutely no clue about combo-fields and claiming themselves as good players. Good tips for beginners though.

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in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Two questions about Torment:

1. Which boon does it transform into when using Pure of Voice (trait) and a shout?

2. What triggers the damage? Walking or distance travelled? Do teleports (distant travelled) trigger the dmg? I think that would be okay. A Mesmer using a portal at max distant could instantly kill himself.

Good questions:

1. I’d guess either regeneration or swiftness
2. I’d say only walking and not distance traveled. That would totally ruin the portal function.

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Patch 25. June = Epic Fail

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

We can have the best balance in this game in world history. It still won’t change the fact that there are nearly no viable builds, caused by 80% useless traits and utilities. Also ppl don’t care about it as long as soloQ is still a mess. I’m waiting for 2014 and I really hope by then we could leave the beta-state behind us.

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Time for a *Deathmatch* mode ?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Deathmatch was working in GW1 because of the trinity.
In GW2 classes are too independent. Damage can’t be protted/healed. This mode would have no depth. The only thing I can think of is the healing-book of the guard.

This is absolutely untrue imho.
Take random arena, for instance. That was way way worse than what it could be if it was implemented in GW1. Pretty much you can get many wins if you are lucky enough to get a good monk in your team.

In GW2, Random Arena will work just fine just because the lack of trinity.

They’re allrdy there, we call them hotjoin.

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Time for a *Deathmatch* mode ?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Why IMHO Deathmatch is a good thing:

It finally teaches people how to support and protect each other.
If 1 dies your team will have a constant disadvantage.
People will also start to put there trait setups towards more group oriented options.

The most roles in TPvP are allrdy based around teams. 1 dies = you won’t win anyway, completely boring, as if the first person dies it’s decided. I mean who would bring thieves in here?

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Time for a *Deathmatch* mode ?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Deathmatch was working in GW1 because of the trinity.
In GW2 classes are too independent. Damage can’t be protted/healed. This mode would have no depth. The only thing I can think of is the healing-book of the guard.

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Can I get into the Custom Arena Beta?

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Custom Arenas till now belong only to the QP-top50 ppl and some dedicated ppl like organizators or shoutcasters of bigger tournaments. So no, you have to wait till it is officially accessible for everyone.
Though the tokens on the gemstore were available through a short-time, but it wasn’t intended and is not usable at the moment. A release date is not set or announced yet. You have to wait for this.

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Guardian/Mesmer vs Warrior/Necro

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

I personally don’t really see how a Warrior/Necro combination works. The best compliment to a Warrior would be something with high CC and lockdowns so that the Warrior can use his burst. On the other hand…a Mesmer can focus on damage and Guardian makes up for a Mesmer’s lack of condition removals. Mesmers and Guardians have so much CC, damage (shatter), survivability and condition damage (confusion & burning) that together they are very strong.

In terms of a tPvP view, a Mesmer also offers Portals to help the Guardians bunker where needed in exchange for Guardians having AoE Swiftness shouts/staff skill to make up for Mesmer’s lack of swiftness. As mentioned before they have high CC too making it easy to decap points.

All in all, I think this question is quiet simple for me and a Mesmer/Guardian combo is easily stronger in most aspects of the game.

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Was I doing something wrong in Fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Those are bad rules. Many high DPS/fast attacking parties might choose to focus on getting some of the adds down before focusing on the shield, especially if it’s in the middle.

ofcourse there are situations where you can do enough kittens to do something different, i said it was the best and only way to do it hurdurr. I’m a big poopy face and I smell my own butt.

I never said that, thanks for inventing a quote with my name on it.

It shouldn’t be possible to kick players from the party during an instance. That’s totally broken.

Ya cuz THAT wouldn’t promote trolling.

There is always a downside. But tbh, which person would troll in the last fractal? I don’t think ppl would spend so much time to troll at the end and such things. At least it doesn’t support bad manners and unfairness.

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