zergs will still run power hammer train, single roamers will continue to run condi.
people were not too much into zerker meta in WWW anyway, so i dont understand the outcry on www forums, unless they are annoying backstabbing thieves which is OK.Zergs dont use zerker. The only people affected by the nerf are hybrid roamers that rely on crits.
Absolutely not true. Zerker was a great damage buffer for almost any power build that met the needed defensive stats. The PVT meta died a long time ago, the nerf hit everyone.
I highly doubt many of yall apart from eles and necros and the occasional mes had more than 30% crit damage.
Zerker was a minority in zergs and only a couple select pieces. Im talking bout 80+ here
havoc groups are a disgrace to 7 man zergbusters. We are perfectly capable of wiping a skillgroup of 15 thats not the point. the point is that the nerfs are all directed to power roamers and real zergbusters. Like i just said but ofc you didnt read. ZERGS DONT USE CRIT DAMAGE or not nearly as much as we do. Dont tell me what our capabilities are if you have never fought with or against us because its just plain disrespectful. 1:3 may not be possible for you but before the patch it was childsplay
zergs will still run power hammer train, single roamers will continue to run condi.
people were not too much into zerker meta in WWW anyway, so i dont understand the outcry on www forums, unless they are annoying backstabbing thieves which is OK.
Zergs dont use zerker. The only people affected by the nerf are hybrid roamers that rely on crits. Thieves were already easy as hell to beat btw. small mans also relied on crit damage. Now that it has been nerfed anet has indirectly helped condie roamers and zergs by making small mans less effective against them
Since day one 5 to 7 mans have been getting the short end of the nurfstick and frankly im sick of it. Now we have to put up with these new changes
-boon duration nerf
Only a small man or a very smart zergling used boon duration. For the most part it was sub par on a guardian compared to soldiers runes. On an ele it made them viable and on other classes it was more of just a troll and nothing to take seriously. Now with less duration there is no point in running boon duration because its not even situationally better anymore…
-crit damage nerf
The only players that used crit damage stat were power roamers and small mans. Zergs it was a dime a dozen with the odd ele, necro and maybe warrior. With the huge nerf to it, hybrid is no longer viable, forcing everyone into an absolute role which doesnt work out when you dont have enough people to form a front line and back line quite as effectively
-Stack nerfs
Srsly roamers and small mans were the only people who stacked to swap out later. Zergs rarely did apart from the people who swapped out after getting in a fight and tagging a bunch of people.
No wonder you dont see nearly as many 7 man zergbuster groups anymore. They all quit because they were tired of the abuse. frankly after this last hit ^^^^^ I dont think fighting 25+ people will be possible at all considering NOTHING was done to the rally mechanic still…
you cant outdamage a tank? player skill is the issue here. tanks can only tank for so long until their cooldowns open them up.
I guess you are just blowing everything in less than 3 seconds.
I guarantee its not an L2P issue buddy. Who are you and have you ever heard of over exaggeration?
Wow I love roaming around in WvW and not being able to outdamage a tank thanks soo much for this funtertaining addition to the game! Its so much fun getting completely wrecked by condi builds whereas before it was only slightly in their favor! ONCE AGAIN AMAZING DECISION! I <3 being an even bigger underdog its so great…
If a majority of WvW was tight LOS spaces and choke points like in the ruins in the BL and the ascalonian ruins in EB (outside the keep) how different would it be? do you think zergs would still exists but struggle a lot more against even the smallest of groups or would they give up, disband and simply change the meta and general skillbase of the players in general? discuss
No. Hammer damage already has been reduced in previous patches and is getting nerfed again with this patch. Further nerfing of Hammer damage or reduction of its CC abilities is not the right answer.
A better approach would be to offer options in the build for using hammer. Like a Grandmaster trait that increased damage at the expense of its CC or vice-versa. Or an ability that had it ignore blinds on F1 but sacrificed CC. Things like that, and those are just some quick ones of the top of my head, that would give players options on what they wanted to use the weapon for. It would add some diversity in our builds and perhaps end up limiting some of the CC from the weapon as a bonus.
This. I would give up a lot of the CC on hammer for pure damage when im roaming as hammer is the only decent cleave a warrior has like 50% extra damage and ES no longer stuns, whirling wrath is self root but deals more damage as an option. But of course anet doesnt know what options are and they are probably just gonna nerf warriors back to pre buff garbage.
if you think warrior is anets pet class you obviously have no idea what you are talking about and havent been playing gw2 for very long. Warriors suffered from being incredible TERRIBAD for the first half of the games life. it wasnt until they finally got the healing signet buff that they became useful by themselves. then the great migration of bads came and whined the warrior into a hole. Frankly I want the old warrior back not this new “pet” warrior that hits like a wet noodle compared to what you could do before…
A warrior complaining? Are you even kidding me? I 100% thought you were trolling at first. Did you forget about the +1000 toughness on stunbreak? Because warriors need to be even more tanky. And did you forget about the 100% crit chance on burst skill? This means warriors don’t need precision for bursts in PvP. That leaves them open to stack all those points in another stat. Warriors have been nothing but buffed for the last year which leads me to believe all anet devs are terribad warriors who can’t pvp to save their life.
amazing you should say that. Warriors were bottom of the barrel for the first half of the game. you know nothing therefore your opinion is a joke. Warriors have gotten a whopping
1. dogged march
2. cleansing ire
3. 3% burst damage converted to 30% burst recharge
4. bleed on pin down
5. cast while moving on staggering blow
6. healsig buff
7. yak sig became viable
8. stances got buffed
8 major changes at the cost of NURFED damage, massive telegraphs, decreased skill cap, respect and our bloody dignity.
warriors are no pet class. This is a lie created by casual noobs who dont know how to pvp to save their own lives. As it stands warriors have the advantage in one field in solo play. They are the strongest power class currently. Conditions are stronger and any good condi player will beat a warrior of equal or slightly greater skill. If you cannot beat a warrior first look to your playstyle because you probably arent even geared nor have you ever tried to improve your build.
This patch is nothing more than a stupid attempt to make warriors a little more than a one trick burst pony who is too tanky and does nothing.
Expect in the following patches that burst damage will be lowered by a certain %, expect nerfs to mobility, and the fall of warriors once again. This class is turning into a meatbag with a high HP pool and heavy 1 1 1 11 spam abilities. Am I defending warriors? no I dont care I am already rerolling a mesmer because I see who the real pet class is. (oh but it has a skillcap so everyone thinks its underpowered lucky me no more putting up with this whiny BS)
“warrior CC is OP there is no way to counter it” good thing guardians with stab dont exist…
Right now warriors are pigeonholed to run healing signet in almost everything they do. this is simply because of the stupid reason that not because is it a 12k/30s heal. I personally know many people who say they would run healing surge at 10k/30s in a heartbeat if it did not have an adrenaline aspect tied to the heal amount.
This skill is so old any not thought out that nobody will ever touch it because the only way to get a heal off as a warrior is to remove your condies first (unless you want poison to screw you over) but the sad thing about healing surge is that using your burst to remove the condies will make your heal suck just as much. there is no win.
Healing surge is OP. I admit that. due to cleansing ire keeping poison at bay the 12k/30s heal is potent and saying poison counters it just doesnt cut it.
Here is my suggestion. We all know healing signet is getting nerfed to around 10l/30s (hey look at that number!) so why not revamp healing surge a bit to heal for a base of 9-10k NO MATTER WHAT. it will refill the adren to full still to make up for the fact that it is not a passive and uninterrupted heal, but it gives skilled players more choice over how and when they want to use their heal. Do they want passive ticking for long drawn out fights/fights where they know healing may be hard to do, or do they want to snipe full heals in between poisons, play offensively with high adrenaline but be susceptible to failure in healing.
i believe reflect shatter mesmers are slightly more effective than well necros just because they have more damage, better survivability and more team support. necro is cute but mesmers just dominate (you could probably run 1 mes and 1 nec)
you cant compare a warrior in tPvP because generally they are hambow tanky damage dealers or full bunkers. both of these builds ONLY WORK on points therefore in WvW dueling and skirmishes they lose their 2 gimmicky equalizers
Same problem here this is really getting on my nerves because I dont want to spend more money and effort on my perfected look.
Why were they changed? is this intentional? Anet wtf. this armor used to be some of the coolest shoulders in the game now it is bugged in such a way that it is separated around the neckline and the shoulders are much too big. Please look into this and I implore any player who is affected by these changes to speak out because this is unacceptable. I didnt pay my xmute crystal for a glitched shoulder skin and im sure you all didnt either
By Ogden’s hammer!
6) Engineer
Naaw bro, ‘nades
– make’s things nice and easy. Either way I mostly agree with your list. I feel that Engineer is the absolute sweet spot for risk/reward (which is why I play it the most). Pity ANet are semi-nerfing it in the upcoming patch.
I think that’s the problem – the first 2 or 3 get more reward (loot bags being the metric here) for that virtual “no risk” you are talking about. My warrior is, quite honestly, hurrdurr-spec and my engi is a fine-tuned beast from hell: still more lewts on the warrior.
I love hurrdurr spec’d warriors. they are so easy to kill with my level 30 engi
This whole nerf warrior BS has gotten completely out of control. since beta warriors have seen nothing but nerfs to their damage. when their damage was still decent they were considered bottom of the barrel garbage. nobody used them and nobody complained about them. Now you give them healing signet and cleansing ire and all of a sudden its a god kitten travesty. A GOD kitten TRAVESTY! lets mark some of the warriors nerfs.
-ES nerf
-whirling attack nerf (after the buff so its kinda evened out)
-zerker power nerf
-unsuspecting foe nerf
-sword AA nerf
-axe AA nerf
-LB nerfs
What you are honestly saying is that because a group of zergbusters whos job is to bust you, killed you, that warriors need another nerf. Please cry more i needed to lube up my typing fingers. There is a thing called stability. 1 guardian can apply it for 9 seconds with a decent build or 6 if they sacrifice boon duration runes for soldier. YES AMAZING! that means if you are smart enough to avoid their boon stripping then you dont get stunned almost 50% of the time! AND IT GETS BETTER! GET 2 GUARDS FOR 2CE THE FUN! OMFG NOBODY HAS EVER THOUGH OF IT BEFORE!!!!!!1
I consider the warrior the anti noob class. it kills noobs well and wrecks them utterly until they get buttdevastated but can be countered by teamwork just as teamwork can once again make them viable. its an odd relationship but it comes down to outplaying the opponent. You mans got outplayed then blamed it on warrior. its kool they are like the Obama of Gw2 right now. I died to a necro: WARRIOR. Perplexity OP: WARRIOR, that meteor shower just wiped my hammertrain: WARRIORS!!!!!1!
With over 3k hours logged on warrior and 2k on guardian and about 500 on the rest I can claim with some degree of expertise that you should not expect to lose to any decent warrior in a 1v1 situation and beating up a zerg is not much different.
Do you call an ele OP when you get 4v20d by 3 eles and a guard? HOHO THEY HAD 3 ELES AND WIPED US MUST BE OP! well ive done it before…
Nerfing the warrior would only hurt the few power roamers that are left (already getting f-d over by the crit damage nerf might I add) so please stop complaining about warriors being OP because hammer has not been buffed since launch and neither has warrior damage. We have gotten 3 buffs. cleansing ire, zerker stance and healing signet. None explain why you get wrecked when you expect to pug zerg a hammer train.
conclusion- Buttageddon
Fairest change: Initiating a stomp removes and makes you immune to stability, invulnerability, transformations (such as mist form), quickness, and invisibility.
no fairest change is get rid of downstate. enough with your carebear i deserve a second chance mentality. you died. now die.
Paintrain Meta, that´s why. Guardians deliver stability, protection and condition remove. Warriors have warbanners and blastfinishers. Both classes are heavy and eat damage like it´s nothing.
Fix Aoe Cap and things will change…at least in WvW.
+100000000000000000000000000000000 AOE would make busting these hammer trains easy as pie.
It should have been a necro only spell. Since they have the worse mobility, they should have gotten a decent spell that causes immobility.
Good point! It’s stupid to get tormented by warriors, thieves and mesmers alike, who also happen to be the most mobile classes in-combat…
Not sure about your thoughts about possible mechanics, but I guess we don’t have to think about any fine-tuning unless condition management gets a serious overhaul anyways.
necros dont deserve it. they already have the best AOE application of conditions, the highest amount of conditions and a second bloody health pool. In fact nobody deserved it because every build that utilizes it is quite cheesy.
lol I barely ever see warriors or guardians. its all perplex engis, necros, thieves and PU mesmers. just because you see a lot of zerging guards and warriors doesnt mean they are OP. its like saying rangers are OP for open world pve cause everyone uses them -_-. you do realize how silly that sounds right? warriors and guardians have their place but i would rather have a diverse team than a team full of warriors and guards. definitely not one with more warriors than guards either. In a zerg, an ele is scarier because they can wipe said zerg. Necros and mesmers are scarier because they can render all your boons useless and nuke you from nowhere.
I see mostly x therefore x is OP is not a valid statement. Warriors are the easiest counter in the world. Guardians are equally as counterable. If the WvW community countered the bandwaggon instead of hopping onto it they would quickly realize how fast metas can change.
Then again. yea keep running warriors and guardians snickers (“man its gonna be so easy to kill them now”) they are totally OP mangzzz.
For the love of god don’t make a condition warrior. Build a full zerkers set with full divinity runes and practice with that. Condition warriors are useless.
….Why would you EVER run full zerker with divinity in WvW…? Sweet mother of stat inefficiency…
And Condi warriors are fine for roaming/small group fights, although they are naturally inferior to hammer warriors for zergs/bigger groups.
0/10. Wouldn’t read again.
0/10 Wouldn’t consider experienced player.
plz youtube t3hsanny and try to tell him divinity is bad.
in WvW a guardian is much more of a core component to any group. A warrior is nice but guardians are frankly much more useful in any type of group play as they unlike warriors are a huge force multiplier. Now having said that if you multiply a warrior with a guardian you get death. You said you and your friend? one go guard one go warrior. you will have so much fun and you will not be disappointed. HEAVY FTW
Just remember, there was a time when there was no AOE cap early in the game or it was very large, both for AOE offensive abilities and boons.
It got scaled down to 5 due to technical limitations so its extremely unlikely they will scale it back up unless the hardware and internet as whole evolves overnight and becomes more efficient both in terms of data transfer and processing as well as the financial costs for it.
Also, most important, WvW is about large scale epic battles. Things such as roaming etc. while ok for some people, are not as exciting. For example I like wiping RET or AGG and other alike organized blobs while using inferior numbers. And you want to eliminate the best part of wvw and replace is with dinky small scale crap ?
You fail to see the point ren is trying to make. You are free to zerg all you like but just know that you are not invincible. Why do you all believe you are superior because you are “playing the way it was meant to be played” if ren had 5 of the most skilled players synergized to perfection and wipes a 40 man blob who is to say a 40 man synergized group couldnt wipe him? it doesnt nerf zergs it just makes it an even playing field for however you wish to play the game.
Ren I would upvote you about 100k times if I could…
I did, and you started posting a bunch of stuff about gameplay contrived from your own imagination.
read it again. it was contrived from stand the walls imagination. Go back to your zergblob
This “Epic” guy got mad stories, yo. MAD STORIES!
mad “hypotheticals” actually. But you know if you want to contribute anything meaningful to the discussion you are free to do so. until then run along back to gale and peeta
Listen. Removing the aoe cap only benefits small team. In no way should a team of 5 be able to consistently wipe a team of 40. Why do you think the aoe cap was added in the first place?
I do believe, however, that it should be raised.
wow. you really just said that didnt you. Can someone else please just read that out loud for me again… Yes us elitist 5 mans just get all the Anet perks how dare we demand AOEs to be actual AOEs… Maybe if a 40 man zerg died to 5 people it would convince them to get better at the game instead of spam 1 like they are so inclined to do. No organized 5 man could beat an ORGANIZED 40 man no matter the skill spread. Its the pugs that need to fear the zergbusters
wah wah wah theif op… wait no they arent you just need to put a little effort into beating them. on my full support guard if I get ganked by a thief (which I go out and look for just for kittens and giggles) I absolutely destroy them. Its just not even a possibility of them winning unless another person comes to help. Im not talking stalemate, sure many times the thief runs away but sometimes I catch them and finish them off. Zerker is not OP and if you think that maybe you should get out of your zerg and try it out. See how little room for error you get.
Diminishing returns on all cc effects. After the max application of a condition, no more pushing it to max duration again with new incoming. Then have a coasting period where you’re immune to that effect for 3s. This could apply to damage conditions as well. That will reduce the OP-ness of +duration items.
CC is not OP. l2guardian. ok condies are OP but your proposal makes condi removal stupid OP.
as for wall. next time you are in your cute little zerg and you are standing in an AOE field not taking damage, you can thank anet for that because running with 5 people or less you dont have that luxury. AOEs are a zoning tool. if you need 5 aoes on 1 spot just to zone 25 guys there is something wrong with that. People should be encouraged to escape the AOE not stand in it like a moron and take no damage because their guardian buddy just happened to take the tick for them
Watch out with these posts! i got infracted 2 points for bringing up the idiocy of the crit damage nerf affecting WvW! LOGICCC!
Rendolphe obviously knows what hes talking about over little zergers. I cant believe anet cannot see past the terribly obvious that they should not be balancing around the bad players but rather around the ones like Rendolphe and other players that practice organized teamwork.
Im getting sick of peoples only excuses for not having a counter to zergs being “well its called WvW its meant to be massive battles go to spvp”
This isnt a good enough excuse. If we wanted to play sumo wresting we would go play god kitten sumo wrestling. Some people actually enjoy the random encounter and threat of outnumbered fights on an open map (AMAZINGLY ENOUGH!) The problem with this is not the zergs, its the mechanics allowing the zergs to gain waayy too much from them. Sure I can avoid a zerg but its not fair they have every advantage in the world on top of numbers. Wouldnt you agree that balance would be a fair playing field for both sides and the imbalance should ONLY come from numbers and tactics? of course it should. AOE caps, res mechanics and all that other crap is only hindering skill play. We arent talking about nerfing zergs… This is about making them feel a little less invincible because they know a 5 or 10 man can send them back to spawn in a body bag.
ahaha funny thing I was running 30 0 20 0 20 with GS and longow and I was even using healing surge! of course people still called me an OP warrior and kitten talked no matter how much i told them that I was not using a single warrior buff in existance…
Cant we just agree that warrior needs to be reverted back to vanilla or at least right before they buffed healing signet? idk about you guys but ill give up zerker stance, cleansing ire and healing signet for my 10k earthshakers any day. (ill just ask my buddy to babysit me)
I agree.
I was trying to advocate this solution for at least six months…
that’s the logical thing to do.
but the problem is technical,
GW2 devs coded all conditions and damage over time in a way that there is a continuous link between the initiator of the attack and the target.if the initiator of the attack applies might, then the target suffer more damage.
also, if another attacker put similar condition on the target, the stronger condition overrides and the weaker goes to que. this also goes back to the attackers to calculate the damage.all this generate lots of traffic and server calculations., this is also why there is a cap of 25 condition stacks, because each condition stack is calculated independently and connected to a specific attacker.
now, as we are aware of that, and we all remember the skill lag in WWW when zerg clashes zerg, and that only when each player have to maintain 5*5 matrix of data.
if the AOE cap is removed each player will have to maintain dynamic infinite matrix of data (or at least 100*100). since it is impossible from both server calculation and traffic limits we stuck with AOE cap of 5 people.but.
if Anet will simply scrap this horrendous mechanism that tie each tic of damage and condition stack back to the source, and will calculate everything ONLY by the state that it was fired. so the server will have to calculate a single number each time, and no additional traffic is involved. then we can
1) remove skill lag
2) remove AOE cap
3) remove condition cap on stacks ( or raise it to 50 or 100 which will solve the condition PVE issue)and GW2 will be officially the best game on the market…
also to all these people saying you cannot remove AOE restrictions due to engine that is bogus. The game was released without AOE restrictions and the “lag” generated from it actually was not as bad as people claim to say it was. (I got about 10 frames per second on my old crappy computer in a huge blob vs blob)
Particle effects can be blamed MUCH more than the calculations (mere bytes of data) that wvw servers must deal with every server tick.
People are afraid of the removal of the AOE cap. This is not a taboo. it can still be changed. Anet should be looking at the removal of AOE cap as a goal to strive for because if they can do that without any “lag” then the reward for their effort would be amazing.
I for one hate that there is random choosing of who gets hit by these AOEs rather than the cap itself (because I have adapted). The RNG aspect of who lives and who dies just kittenes me off because it could be the difference between melting the zerker ele trying to cast meteor shower, and hitting the useless pug that is wearing full sent and clicks his skills to cast.
(edited by Epic.3950)
Thanks for the post, OP. This is a fairly polarizing topic, but it is interesting nonetheless. It came up quite a bit in the 3 likes / 3 dislikes thread as well. Changing the way downstate works would have such a large sweeping change on the way the game is played – it’s sort of fun to theorycraft the ramifications!
Keep in mind, I’m just spit-balling here – none of this is in the works. I would just like to see some more conversation on the topic.
wow a dev that actually cares about hypotheticals. incredible I didn’t think id live to see the day /end sarcasm
So, what if you only rallied allies when you stomped someone, rather than cleaving the body? This would be much more difficult to pull off in large-scale fights, but you would have added risk/reward for attempting. Would even-numbered fights still snowball?
while in large fights it might be harder to pull off I feel like you are shafting smaller fights like 5v5s and even 10v10s since most kills are by well coordinated stomps. Even a well coordinated stomp doesnt deserve to rally an entire team. Soon as you get into “only if you do this or that” it becomes too chancy. Weather you cleave or stomp one body should equal one life. its fair and doesnt get into too many different instances of possibility which we all know can be frustrating.
It would almost always affect players in small-scale fights as well. I’ve won plenty of 1v2’s in WvW and PvP from downstate, getting that clutch rally at the right moment – but that would go away too.
I along with many solo roamers have a very VERY opposing opinion on this. While occasionally you win a down state fight in downstate more often than not if its a thief, a mesmer, an ele or you used your stability to actually break a stun (which is what stability was made for; not getting cc’d in combat) ninety percent of the time the downed person on the 2 man side will get back up because of resing. Instead of thinking of the times you have won a down vs down fight, think of the times a downed enemy has caused you to die because you just couldnt get that stomp off before realizing you lost half your HP being self rooted for 3 seconds. (5 or 6 if they stun/ troll your stomp)
What if you couldn’t hard rez downed allies? What are the positives and negatives?
-promotes higher skill (a dead player doesnt want to die again so they get better)
-helps outmanned groups defeat overwhelming odds so long as they can actually kill the group the first time
-makes better use of waypoints since they will be worth more
-helps defenders defend their stuff
-reduces the clutter of all the nametags from dead bodies probably helping performance and visibility quite a bit.
none I can state since I do not consent to hard reses unless I yolod off a cliff :P
Anyways, just rambling. Feel free to discuss! If you have any good threads on the topic that come to mind, feel free to link them for me.
its awesome that a dev actually wants to discuss things finally rather than what we have had in the past. I hope that players opinions will start to matter a lot more as WvW gets more recognition that it deserves.
(edited by Epic.3950)
since not a lot of people got the joke ill spoil it. People generally bandwagon kitten about warriors being OP without taking into account what MAKES a warrior seem OP. My point was that if you took any other healing ability, no cleansing ire or berserkers stance which are the only actual buffs the warrior has gotten since launch, you will quickly see warriors are still pathetic and weak. Besides this turned into necros coming here to whine that they cant kill a warrior until they kite him for 8 seconds…
if someone whispered you because you declined to accept their party I would bet almost a million dollars on the fact you were taunting someone who got zerged down by your zerg… ive never seen anyone else decline an invite before and still get harassed for anything else
Couple of warriors here i guess. IT’s ok. Keep playing your OP easymode class. It’s all good.
you previously said you wore full dire so i cant take you serious plz leave before you hurt yourself
oh yea rifle warrior with healing surge, omm and signet of might so op… plz nerf 30 0 0 10 30… you mind telling me when they buffed that part of warrior? oh wait they didnt. ever. since launch. at all. really. its only been nerfed. plz l2d. honestly.
the sad thing is that people who say that are those who wear PVT, give nothing to their team and more often than not, die the fastest. Right now build diversity lies in class diversity. its not a bad thing really. You need a zerker warrior, a zerker guard, a zerker ele a zerker mesmer ect ect. You make the comp that gives you the highest DPS, the best ability to survive and it just so happens that they are squishy and hit like trucks.
Hypothetically, lets say anet nerfs berzerkers by lowering crit damage by 50% in pve. What does this do? nothing… It alienates the players who know how to dodge, stack and use their defensive cooldowns properly instead of spamming them like a fool. We will still most definitely see zerkers because its the most enjoyable, risk vs reward, and they will still kill bosses faster than casuals who think pvt means they are different. Im not going to stop wearing zerker because I dont get hit. Punishing someone for not getting hit is silly.
Look. if you want to change the meta, you cant make a lazy fix. this will HAVE TO BE THOUGHT OUT ANET DO YOU UNDERSTAND? any change to berserker will do little to nothing. Buffing control, support, and reworking conditions on bosses would provide a much more expansive and diverse choice for casuals but real players looking for real enjoyment will always pick the highest DPS build, you cant change that, there is only 1 optimal build and that is death.
I find myself waiting critical .25-1 second before my skill actually responds.
lol @ .25 second “skill lag”
I’de kill for that kind of response time
.25 is probably the best it is, ever
This issue needs to be addressed as it is becoming a major problem across wvw for solo roamers, 5 mans, 10 mans ect ect zergs… Despite efforts made in the past in the past couple weeks this issue seems to be taking great steps back rather than forwards. Empirically, with my well build computer (Im not gonna go on stating all the specs but its higher than average gaming PC) I find myself waiting critical .25-1 second before my skill actually responds. its not just me, during the worst of these spikes, players I 1v1 are obviously having the same troubles as me when I can see them failing to chain any combo together and just stand there dumbly as I do when I am furiously pressing my abilities until they go off. Anet I appreciate you have addressed this issue but it needs to be a higher priority because when seasons start back up its going to be brutal for everyone.
until then its the dead BLs for me…
Hey, im searching for a max DPS guard build for my friend who wants to get into PVE seriously. after searching around I am not really sure where to look. I play zerk warrior but I know nothing about guardians so I was hoping someone can show me the max DPS build for guardians or if there are multiple (though I doubt it) all the builds that grant the maximum possible DPS in an organized group. Thanks
If healing signet is nerfed warriors are back down to what they were before… a bottom of the barrel on par with ele class… people forget so fast how bad their sustain was before they got healing signet. There needs to be a better way than adding situationally passive crap nobody wants
Roll warrior
pick up healsurge and dont grab berserker stance, cleansing ire or dogged march.
kitten on noobs and wait for them to call warrior OP.
Laugh and you are done.
(any warrior from launch or pre buffs will know why this is so comical…)
There will be two types of people posting on this thread, those who say: “nothing you can do about that its just gonna happen” and those who say “OMG GET GOOD l2ZERG LUL BADZ” I will say neither. you kill those mother kitteners, you tee bag those mother kitteners, you dont call for reinforcements and you die gloriously in mother kittening battle. YOU WILL NOT RUN UNTIL YOU SINGLEHANDEDLY DRAW SWORDS!
its amazing to see people who actually know what they are talking about putting warriors in the place they actually deserve to be in rather then hearing all these noobs going BLAH BLAH BLAH WARRIOR OP AT EVERYTHING>PUMESMER IN 1V1!!!1!
Id probably say for ranking:
s- Mesmer, necro
a- engi (a+), thief, warrior (a-) (note why warriors are below thieves is because a good thief, and i mean a good one, can always reset the fight, warriors can only take advantage of those resets by also healing, he cannot choose when he wants them to happen therefore thieves have the upper hand IF they are good. low skill vs low skill a warrior would probably win)
b- ranger
c- elementalist
Not to say elementalists are bad at dueling, its just their class is so brutally nerfed to the ground that it requires so much more skill for an ele to beat any other class with much lower skill level
s- guardian
a- warrior, necro, ele, mesmer
b- engi
d-ranger (sorry :P)
s- any class with a 1 button
d- ranger