I play with a semi-unstable wifi (it’s stable 89% of the day) and I feel like it’s a slap in the face when I disconnect and can, in no way, rejoin my party in the Fractals to get the hard-earned rewards and/or just progress with them without having them start entirely over.
I understand why you’re not allowed to hop in and out so as to not zerg it and then swap to give another person rewards, but I believe the game should allow players who join the Fractal and disconnect to rejoin their parties Fractal as long as they don’t swap characters… perhaps a choice as they login?
It seems silly to punish people for disconnecting on accident while trying to punish the people abusing character swapping and/or selling finish rewards.
upgrades are a separate thing, should always be able to upgrade with a jewel but yes, to get a different rarity status you transmute to another back item (also to get better stats)
It has the same stats as a level 80 back brace rewarded from your personal storyline, but the Book doesn’t have a level attached to it, therefore can only have level 0 gems attached. Transmuting with the level 80 (or 60+ guild backpacks) will fix the problem.
Just a UI bug, you’re still in the party.
To fix it, have someone vote kick you out and then re-invite you. The game may think you’re offline in which case you’ll have to go to character select and back.
To tell if the game thinks you’re offline, look in your guild tab. If it says Offline next to your name, you need to relog.
Also, don’t kick and reinvite while inside the dungeon as it MAY reset the dungeon if the person being kicked is the leader.
Events do not include personal storyline. If you want that daily, you MUST do dynamic events in the open world.
If you want, I have an arah guild up and you can just ask anyone to start it for free, at least I’d hope. I can easily do it.
My guess is that magic find works, it’s just that the base value the % is modifying is so small it has a negligible effect.
I don’t know what the base magic find is for any given character. Say it’s 0.01% to find an exotic; 150% of 0.01% isn’t going to be a noticeable change in drop rate. There was someone in another thread a few weeks back who did some fairly spot on empirical testing regarding Magic Find who came to this same conclusion – either Magic Find does not work, or it has such a small effect on your drop rates it’s unnoticeable.
More information here:
If you have 140% magic find, you’ll find exotics and rares 1.4x more often, but that doesn’t mean much since it is probability.
I’m sorry, OP, but you play a Mesmer and want to re-roll so you can go support?
Mesmers offer a TON of utility and are GREAT supports in dungeons. The only thing they lack is party heals, which can be combated with a Mantra heal (and possibly another Mantra on your bar) with the spec that allows you to heal allies while casting it.
I’m currently going DPS in Arah, but no matter what dungeon I go to, I use support skills as well. Even in my Arah DPS build, I am healing my party and buffing them (or their attacks).
You can accidentally cancel the cast at the end and it won’t finish.
From what I’ve gathered to the people I invited off of this thread, Mael hasn’t responded very well.
Main point of the guild is to find groups for Arah.
Everyone has invite privileges.
Represent if you’re willing/looking for an Arah group (don’t spam invites/PM’s to people not representing).
If you want an invite, please send me an ingame mail at Master Bei Shun.1267.
I’m thinking of doing a rank system based on successful runs so it would be easier to teach the beginners how to do it without having a full group of beginners.
There are no rules other than to be respectful and to not spam invite people. Please be respectful to people who are not representing. Treat them as if they are not looking for an Arah group.
I’m also starting a guild for Arah, just did a successful run.
Everyone has invite privileges.
Represent if you’re willing/looking for an Arah group (don’t spam invites/PM’s to people not representing).
Post your server in the GMoTD if it’s bugged.
If you want an invite, please send me an ingame mail at Master Bei Shun.1267.
I’m thinking of doing a rank system based on successful runs so it would be easier to teach the beginners how to do it without having a full group of beginners.
If you’ve just noticed that with dyes then I pity how the rest of the game has treated you so far.
Again, it depends on what weapons you want to run. There is no “PvE leveling build” it’s simply “What weapons do I want to use in PvE and how can I cater to that.”
Asurans get really nice utility skills for being Mesmer. Radiation Field <3.
Depends on your race. If you’re asuran, you can run GS/Staff + Radiation Field, start with one weapon, then when they get near you (or you near them) drop Staff5 and Radiation Field. You can continue with Staff4—>Staff2 for extra boons/conditions, then swap back to GS and finish them off.
If you’re not Asuran, you can try that combo and it’ll still work, but you may go down towards the end (of course they’ll be almost dead so you’ll hop back up, but…)
This game is a friggen cakewalk once you do 2 things…
1)Quit thinking downed state = dead.
2) Build your character around group play.Do those 2 things and I promise you, the dungeons all but complete themselves.
I redacted the beginning because that part sums everything up.
I would also like to add that you need to realize that:
Because too many times I see people ignoring down people and then going to res a dead person in a dungeon… mid-fight… or people just sitting dead and not going to a waypoint.
I didn’t know dungeons when I first started this game (I played BWE, but I never got that far) so I got the skills I felt that I would want as a Mesmer, then I proceeded to get the skills that I felt people would want, then I proceeded to get everything else. Because I got things in that order, I was able to play for my party at level 30 in AC, not for myself. I was running things that would benefit the group not me.
Trust me, it makes a significant deal. Like I tell all my friends: The game makes you feel like you know it all and are getting used to it. Then you hit 30, go to a dungeon, and pull down your pants to start learning all over again.
They don’t believe me and proceed to forget, hit level 30, then cry and pull down their pants.
I just jump down it. My friend died when I was showing him it, but I jumped down the middle and hit something but didn’t die.
Mind you this is in PvE, but sometimes I enjoy Sword3 —> Mind Wrack —> Wait a second —> Swap.
It will put you where the clone died so you can move next to the target, or in some cases away.
It depends on what type of damage you’re going up against. Explosions that hit the ground CAN hit you mid-dodge if you roll “into” them.
An example of that is CM SM (Caudecus’ Manor Story Mode)‘s first boss has a rocket attack. If you roll towards the rocket as it explodes, you’ll get hit. If you roll as it’s mid-air, you won’t, unless you roll against a wall.
There are a few more things, but for the most part either you’re going up against explosions or you have a latency problem which should be addressed with either using an ethernet cable or a better provider.
As a PvE Mesmer, I, to some extent, have stopped using Greatswords. They are good autoattack damage weapons, but the only advantage they have in party play is the range. They seem to offer little utility for the team. The iZerks are nice, but if you want a cripple, you can run Sword/X. If you want them for damage, try using a Staff3 or Pistol.
Regardless, in some instances I will be using GS and something else, be it any weapon.
What I, personally, do is spec into Illusions themselves and then focus myself off of that. In large, long boss fights, you will have the and opportunity to stack Illusions. If your team is able to keep large amounts of conditions on them, Staves are great as they can pop 3 Staff3’s and start nuking. If your team isn’t really able to do that, you CAN do iZerks, but I prefer Pistol Duelists.
Anyways, my current spec is 0/20/0/20/30 so I can spec myself for Illusions, and if I need to support, the traits offer good supportive options as well.
As for WvW, you’re going to want to run around with every weapon type, anyways, so I can’t really say much.
If this were WvW, you could do GS and then if you’re in a pinch swap to Staff for quick-clone shatters, but even that is still meh.
You can run it, but as people above have stated, you’re kittening yourself slightly, although it is fun.
Right, but you don’t use the filigrees in the recipe – you use the filigree gems in the recipe. You make the gems, then use them in the recipe. You need to make 3 ornate I think gems and discover the ring, earring, and amulet recipes using them.
Which is exactly what I’ve said over the course of this thread.
There is no bug here.
If that was the case then neither the ring or the setting would be showing up , all the gems are in the vault not bags, , ring and setting are in the rucksack i have all the recipes from the Karma trader too.
You misunderstand.
You have learned all of the GEM recipes.
You still have RING and EARRING and NECKLACE recipes to learn.
Those recipes require GEMS, NOT FILIGREES
Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/
I was wondering why no one mentioned this. Blurred frenzy is canceled by any movement and does nothing to prevent the tarhet from moving.
If the mesmer attempts to use blurred frenzy without using some sort of disable, usually sword 3, then they have no idea how to use that skill.
Sword 3 cripples, but the enemy can still roll.
For Scepter:
Make it not spawn clones, please. In PvE dungeons, I want to have an auto attack poke that will synergize with 3 Phantasms for long-drawn out boss fights. Currently, I’m forced to run Sword/X and Staff so that I can actually get a decent Autoattack in between cooldowns. I wouldn’t mind Scepter poke, but I hate having to stop every 2 attacks to not spawn a clone.Why not swap if that`s your concern
Staff + Scepter/X is a pain to constantly swap with, and GS is a nice poke, but it’s 2H and I like having my offhand. I feel like Pistols should also be MH or Scepters should be changed a tad. Just my thoughts.
For PvP, I feel Scepter is fine, but in PvE, unless you’re running clone-factory to fuel shatters, it’s not worth it.
Wait, why not roll behind them when they’re using Flurry… :/
For Staff:
I believe the Autoattacks need to be slightly faster or have a chain of some sort. The way it is now makes it worthless as a ranged poke, although the debuff/bounce is nice (but still kinda bad unless you spec into another bounce).
For Scepter:
Make it not spawn clones, please. In PvE dungeons, I want to have an auto attack poke that will synergize with 3 Phantasms for long-drawn out boss fights. Currently, I’m forced to run Sword/X and Staff so that I can actually get a decent Autoattack in between cooldowns. I wouldn’t mind Scepter poke, but I hate having to stop every 2 attacks to not spawn a clone.
Be thankful that it’s not ALWAYS stuck sideways like on my Asuran…
I recently got to 400, simply use the gems you just gathered from discovery and discover rings/earrings/necklaces until 375, then you’re going to want to get 6-9 ecto’s and craft the next set of gems (recipe bought with Karma from Jewelcrafting Trainer) and use those to discover new rings/earrings/necklaces and you’re 400.
Note: The 375 gems require 3 of the same gems to make 1 item.
To reiterate, all RARE dungeon armor looks the same. All EXOTIC dungeon armor has it’s own unique look.
It’s a PBAoE, are you sure you’re close enough?
Are you sure it works like that Master Bei Shun.1267? I ask because I use pistol/shield on my enginer both with the magic find .6% stack build per kill. I can kill something and get 2 stacks rewarded for the kill just using the pistol skills and no shield skills.
Those sigils don’t grant stats.
I’m talking about +5% Crit Chance, +5% Damage, Chance on Critical to do X.
Put a Sigil of Air/Fire on your Shield and use Pistol skills, it won’t proc. Use Shield skills and it will.
Well, it’s your choice: Press spacebar or wait until they fix it.
Back during the IP authentication, if you set it to remember your network, it still does that and applies to the authenticator.
Sigils don’t affect your base stats as they are weapon specific.
While Wearing Sword/Pistol
E.g. +5% Crit Chance on my Sword makes my Sword skills gain +5% crit chance, but does not affect the Pistol skills/attacks.
I think he thinks that delays/animations are able to be cancelled, therefore he’s unable to chain his skills together and cast his entire bar in complete succession.
Cyrus is correct, that version is the upgraded one.
I have not been getting any latency issues while playing GW2. Are you sure you’re not running anything else that might cause lag? Or someone else might be streaming/etc?
If you are playing at 4:00 PM PST, 5:00 PM MST, 6:00 PM CST, 7:00 PM EST or whatever respective timezone you are at at said time, the dailies have just “reset” due to a new day.
Try finishing your dailies before that time, then they will reset and you can do the next days.
If you want to fix it, just jump (while casting Blink or afterwards). Also, stopping fixes it.
Try using an ethernet connection instead of wifi… especially if your GF is using ethernet and you’re using wifi.
Perhaps it was a siege weapon that was not visible?
If you set some of your settings properly (or in this case, improperly) it is possible to achieve a range of visibility that is less than the range of, say, a catapult.
Additionally, there is a cap to how many things are rendered at the same time, so even if it is the visibility range, it might not be rendered. (Possible fixed.)
Perhaps you are running into the anti-farming system?
After killing the same type of mobs in the same area for a while, you will get less and less drops. It takes a break of at least 30 minutes to reset that, I think.
This and the fact that it’s all probability.
Random.org random numbers 1-10 10 times.
10, 9, 10, 8, 6, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2.
Each number has a 10% chance to appear, yet not all numbers appeared.
That would also be a reasonable thing to give level 400 crafters.
Yeah, keep dreaming. They’re not going to give a trade skill something that so directly competes with a gem shop item. Selling a one-time-use gem shop item is the reason this game had a bad cosmetic system in the first place. Compare it to Lord of the Rings Online, that simply has separate slots for your looks (and not just “town clothes”), for example. You don’t have to consume a piece of armor to keep your stats and change your appearance in the game. They do not have any cosmetic system at all for weapons, however.
Or; GW2 is gigantic and ambitious and they went with a system that was easier to implement and manage.
I’m not really as convinced of the gem store conspiracies for everything as most people.
I’ve got 15 fine transmutation stones sitting in my bank without spending a penny, and I’m only at 50% world completion.
How is it easier to implement? They already did it with town clothes, which cannot be worn in combat, just not armor.
An overriding cosmetic slot system sounds more complex to me. That said I don’t really know.
They did it in GW1. Costume slot overwrote the armor slot as far as looks. GW2 is using a modified version of the GW1 engine. I imagine its a lot simpler than you believe it is.
Costume slots were for costume gear only. It’s essentially Town clothes in combat.
Those are available node placements. The nodes haven’t actually “spawned” per se, so it’s just visual error. They got rid of some of them by removing the Raw Candy Corn nodes in the most recent patch, however other nodes are still visible for a split second.
If you keep running to these fake nodes, try pressing Ctrl or Alt when you see them to verify that they are there and check your minimap.
Egos and tryhard do not merge well together.
If you are serious about sPvP, you will turn it off. If you are doing it casually, keep it on and suffer the consequences.
I’d just like to say that if this is ever going to get fixed, it should also not add the Helm and Aquabreather together as they are calculated individually, like weapon sets.
/stuck wouldn’t really help in a lot of situations.
Earlier today, I used Mesmer Staff2 right outside of Arah, and I got stuck inside a building. Using it again got me even further into the building, but it was an empty building with just the walls so I could not leave but could roam inside of it. An event occurred around me and I was forced to watch while my allies were slaughtered. Towards the end, a boss appeared and went to a spot which allowed me to get an angled Staff2 to get myself out. /stuck most likely would not have done anything except possibly put me at the contested waypoint to fix the problem. Not a very good fix, to be honest. In Orr, if the map is zerging, you will have to go ALL the way across the map to find a non-contested waypoint. If I /stuck’ed, I would not want to go all the way across the map, but it would be broken to go to contested waypoints.