Yep. We need an option to turn this off.
Already got a thread going on about this.
Alright, so Anet finally got rid of culling and the game is more amazing. Now, the big issue for me and many other people are the long player tags and other useless info on your screen.
Why on earth does it need to say “Jade Quarry Invader?” It would be much more pleasant if it just said “JQ Invader.” We’re not dumb! We know who we’re up against if it’s abbreviated.
Also, we really need an option to turn off titles. I don’t care if someone is an Apprentice Toymaker. Can we please have this option? It was honestly enough that it was displayed above their health bar. No one was asking for it to be placed on player tags.
(edited by EvilSardine.9635)
What I want to know is if big groups will still phase in right on top of you or if you’ll actually see them load in from far away.
Single players were phasing in 20 feet away every single time. In fact, that was pretty much the norm in WvW for weeks. Is this finally fixed? Or does this change mean this stupidity still happens but now we can have more people on screen?
As we played with the stealth changed mentioned in the SotG, we recognized that in conjunction with the change to culling this was an unpredictable change to make. We also felt that it was too big of a hit to these stealth professions, so we ended up pulling that change in favor of just increasing revealed duration by 1 second.
Seriously? So thieves and endlessly cloak and dagger players like they do currently? A thief appearing for a quarter a second just to cloak and dagger again is stupid.
Why isn’t this issue with Cloak and Dagger being dealt with?
I have dodge binding to left CTRL. It made the most sense.
Anyone who uses double tap rather than setting a single key is doing it wrong for very obvious reasons. So, make sure to disable double tap to evade and set a key for it. You’ll be forced into using that key and it’ll become second nature.
Double tap is the way to go in my opinion. Much greater control over timing and direction.
That makes no sense. If you need to dodge you need to double tap a button rather than single press it. It takes more time. Also, what if you are running away from an angry zerg and need all the speed you can get but need to dodge? If you need to double tap forward you need to let go of forward which slows you down.
I wish one of the devs would see this thread and answer some of these questions.
Either way I’m looking forward to tomorrow!
Recently they stated that with the new system culling is gone completely and up to 300 people can be on your screen at a time. What I’m curious about is the “range” at which people will become visible. There’s obviously a range but what is it? Will I be able to see 200 people standing on Ascension Bay’s outer south wall while I’m at briar near the spawn? What’s the range and will that always be the distance at which a group will be rendered at?
What I’m worried about is that a zerg will still “cull in” when right on top of you, but when they do there’s up to 300 people. Will this big zerg now cull in from a mile away so we can actually make a tactical decision? Being able to see 300 people on your screen will still be useless if they still magically appear on top of you.
Anyone know if these were answered in an interview of some sort?
Guys, he’s complaining about how if we warriors use axe throw but our angle is off, it will not throw an axe and will set our skill on cool down. Other classes will refuse to initiate the skill if the target isn’t in front of you.
This happens a lot with tremor as well.
He’s not complaining about the cripples themselves. No one reads.
They said they would include options to tweak the way it works. The only option that they are adding in which will help you out is to show player names only. This way it will only show the amount of player models your computer can handle and anyone else will just be invisible but you will see their player name.
cuz my PC can’t handle the game without culling and i would like to play the game while i see everyone around me
You’re going to need to upgrade your PC then.
Nah, 3 seconds is fine in my opinion.
I’m looking forward to some changes to the thief. I’ll just adapt and it’ll still be a great class.
Hahahahah. A much welcomed change. Should have been like this from the beginning.
It felt cheesy whenever I could cloak and dagger someone to death without even popping up on their screen.
Please fix this. It’s been happening to my friends and I when finishing off mesmers.
It hit me for 6k and hit my friend for 7k. This is stupid.
Nope. I updated my original post. Apparently a mesmer can hit you for that much damage from the downed state using “Phantasmal Rogue” according to someone in that thread.
This is obviously a bug and needs to be fixed. There’s no way that a player should be dealing up to 8k in damage from the downed state.
So, a few days ago I was finishing off a player and I had a decent amount of HP left. I then suddenly get downed instantly and when I read the combat log I see “You’ve been hit by smoke bomb for 6k damage.” I was confused as hell and never really found out what happened.
My buddy last night was fighting two mesmers. He downs one of them and when he’s about to stomp him, he’s hit by “smoke bomb” for over 6k. He gets downed and loses.
What on earth is this?
Found this thread after more research:
Please tell me why a mesmer can do 6-8k in damage from the downed state? Anet needs to fix this.
(edited by EvilSardine.9635)
This is why some people who run GW2 on an SSD with a powerful CPU do not really experience culling.
This is completely incorrect. Culling is still experienced by everyone. Hardware actually barely has an effect and has been proven many times already. People need to stop blaming hardware.
With the March update, I’m pretty sure a lot of people are going to start complaining about lag and low frame rates in even smaller battles. I’m almost sure of it.
Nope. They are including settings in the control panel for handling how culling works on your end. The people using toasters will still be able to play.
Also, what’s the point if they don’t remove it altogether? Right now people with high and low end systems walk around and get murdered when 20 people phase in around them. If they remove it, at least people with high end systems can enjoy the game.
I’m not holding my breath.
If it’s turned off completely and I can see absolutely EVERYONE that is within let’s say 300 feet of me I will be truly happy.
Right now WvW is just roam around until you attack 2 people only to have 20 of their friends load in who were standing a few feet away. So stupid. You can’t even use tactics in small groups in WvW due to this.
Guys, the OP is trolling.
He wins.
I completely agree with this. It’s a huge problem right now for these events and it needs to be fixed.
How on earth does this mean the revealed debuff is not working in wvw? What you’re describing is culling (which, again, I only see in large battles, not small skirmishes) and has nothing to do with the revealed debuff. If it wouldn’t work that would mean you should be able to stealth while debuffed.
Culling happens no matter what. The amount of people does NOT matter. It has been proven many many times and people really need to stop saying that it only happens in zergs. It was happening in PvP and was fixed as much as possible by Anet. In WvW it’s a bigger issue.
No offense of course but I’m not sure if you read my post. Please go back and read it again so you can see how culling acts as extra stealth while you have the revealed debuff.
Yep. This definitely needs to be removed. A downed player should not be able to run into a tower.
One of my characters is a level 80 thief.
We tested it in a controlled environment on a mostly empty server. “Revealed” debuff does not work in WvW due to culling. Here were the results:
You stealth, backstab, get revealed debuff, still invisible to enemy due to culling. By the time you phase in because of culling, the revealed debuff goes away and you can C/D again. The enemy IF he’s lucky can spot you for probably 1/4 of a second and that’s only if you mess up your timing as a thief.
This is NOT in zergs or large groups. This is tested on an empty server with extremely high end computers and very fast internet connections.
I personally PMed the devs to bring up this broken overpowered food. I’m glad that it was fixed.
It’s your fault for spending that much money on something that was obviously overpowered. Everyone knew it would get nerfed.
When a single profession can solo dungeons regardless of how skilled the player is
What? There’s no way in hell an inexperienced warrior can solo a dungeon.
Just remove this stupid combo field. Huge groups of thieves are now using this build and it’s a bit absurd.
Don’t forget that you need to add 1-2 seconds of the thief being invisible due to culling. Makes getting away with this stuff even easier.
Yep, this needs to get removed.
My guildies and I tried to ignore this for a while but right now it’s getting out of hand. Whole squads/guilds dedicated to using this exploit make it now impossible to ignore. Just imagine 10-15 thieves in WvW coming out of stealth and spamming these consumables non stop. It’s completely broken and needs to stop. This is just like the other golem in a box exploit which was just removed.
I was in a group of about 10 people and a commander when all of a sudden 90% of us were stunned and losing health fast. There was absolutely nothing we could do. After about 3 seconds due to culling, we saw the exploiters magically phase in dumping these things on everyone and we were all dead. The few that were able to survive the initial dump were quickly killed since you can’t dodge these when thieves get to use them while invisible. I counted 8 thieves and 2 mesmers using them and they all belonged to a guild called “Spikeroot Farmers.”
Example video that I came across when searching for this online:
Arenanet, please remove these from WvW. It’s not funny anymore.
It’s a much welcomed nerf and buff for us ele players. D/D needs a nerf and the staff/scepter/focus needs a buff. Right now the only way to be competitive is to use D/D and that’s just plain sad. Makes for a boring class.
I’m looking forward to this. Maybe I’ll actually use my elementalist again.
Yep, confusion needs to be nerfed. Even my friend who has a mesmer says so. If you’re saying otherwise, then you’re silly and have ZERO experience fighting a good confusion mesmer. Atleast lower it to the damage it does in PvP. In WvW the damage is just absurd. Like 8 stacks or so of confusion on a warrior will do a ridiculous 5,000 damage just because he DODGE ROLLS….you know to avoid more confusion attacks.
We’ve done done tests using classes with as many condition removals as possible and the good mesmer can keep confusion on you the entire time. You can be a warrior with mending, shake it off (letting auto trait trigger then using it manually after), and rune of the soldier so conditions are removed when you use a shout, and you will still have constant confusion put on you. It’s too easy to apply.
It’s pretty obvious it needs to be tweaked in WvW. Damage is cut down by 50% in PvP. You cannot argue that it doesn’t need balancing if Anet already did it for PvP.
They need to add in dueling. It would be a great thing to do with friends and would be great practice. They should add an instance somewhere that’s just an arena that you can join as a party. It’s as simple as that.
If they go with the duel request button method then just put an option in settings to turn down duel requests for those who are afraid of dueling. No big deal.
They could add dueling. It’s not a matter of how complex the coding is. However, Anet stated that they would not. They have stated a few reasons for this.
1) Player cruelty. People take duels seriously. You can see a similar effect where some (few) WvW players call another server a bunch of cheaters, nightshifters, or doubleteamers. People would insult each other, ridicule, accuse others of cheating, etc. I’m pretty sure anyone can hit up google and find the ridiculous recordings on various MMO duels. Even if you could block the ability to be challenged to duels, players ridicule those who refuse to duel.
2) Balancing the meta. Classes are not balanced for 1v1 duels. If duels were enabled, players would respec for 1v1 duels, rather than group PvP or WvW. Future patches would have to account for this, and balance according to group PvP, PvE, WvW, and single PvP. In other words, a nightmare. In a straight 1v1, certain classes have advantages. For example, Mesmers can Moa someone in a duel, effectively ruining them before the match has even begun.
That’s Anet’s stance anyway. I think it could work, like it did in GW1. You had to either be in the same guild (or a guest), go to the hall, and start a 1v1 guild match (if I recall correctly, its been a while). The number of steps required to have a duel made it so that it didn’t really impact the community at large. Or it could be confined to a single place. Like, one dueling city or something.
However, straight up invite-to-duel would be bad IMO.
1) Anet’s stance on griefing is super strict. Anyone talking trash or bullying can be banned if reported. The end.
2) Yes, some classes are better at 1v1s but that doesn’t mean dueling shouldn’t be put in. It would be an amazing way to test out builds against friends. What’s wrong with practicing against a Mesmer who uses moa? Nothing. If anything it lets you learn how to beat them and there will be less whining about it.
I for one am thankful for this nerf. It might actually be a challenge using the class now. No more soloing 6-8 people. I’m also happy that other weapon sets will get a buff so they’re actually effective in WvW.
Time to dust off my elementalist…
My findings are the following while in these scenarios:
1) Big zerg fights in an open field with me watching on a hill from afar —- The two armies seem to load up from further away now. The players at the middle division fighting each other all seem to be loading with the players that are further from the front line being invisible. It seems like this is an improvement from before where it was really random.
2) Small scale fight in the middle of nowhere away from large groups —- Our group of 4 spots 3 enemies fighting a guard. We slowly move in knowing there’s culling issues. We only see 3 people after waiting 10 seconds. We move in and attack and destroy 3 people and we end up taking massive damage and then 10 more people phase in on top of the 3. This happens almost every time. It’s impossible to use tactics in smaller fights because enemy numbers are never known.
3) Big enemy zerg approaching a smaller group attacking a gate —- Group of 10 attacking a gate and it’s going well. All of a sudden everyone is being hit by invisible things and everyone dies. Enemy zerg moved in from behind but never loaded (They did not use portal bombing)
Culling is broken big time right now.
Culling is really bad now for smaller groups. It seems to be working ok for larger groups but at the moment smaller group fights are IMPOSSIBLE.
Ever since the patch my group of 4 guildies and I roam around capping camps and killing dolyaks. Every single time we see a group of 3 enemies attacking a camp we capped or guard, we move in and start obliterating the 3 enemies. We then die very quickly and 10 people magically phase in on the 3 we were attacking.
Seriously. This happens every single time. This never EVER happened before this patch.
(edited by EvilSardine.9635)
I love it, culling is almost non existent for me and thiefs got a lot easier.
I agree 100%, the new culling is a great improvement and thieves did indeed get a lot easier to fight since they dont get 3sec of free invisibility every time they stealth, now they get 0.5 or so. I see them almost at the same time as their little swush thingie on the ground.
Nope. Through extensive testing, thieves still have 2 seconds or so of added invisibility. Even when away from large groups in the middle of nowhere. This is tested on very high end machines with very fast connections. Not a single thing has changed.
A thief who uses pistol/dagger can fight you in complete stealth while only appearing for a second before stealthing again. The culling allows him to attack before being loaded in.
Mesmers who use torches for invisibility can also abuse this.
The culling did not fix a single thing network-wise. It only improved player model loading times on lower end computers. Even with this new player model thing, my friend on a lower end computer can’t see his party members sometimes during a 5v5 skirmish. Never happened before.
We do plan on adding more stat combo to existing ascended item types as well as adding more stat combos to new types.
~Izzy @-’—-
Thank you for your reply.
Is there going to be Knight’s ascended trinkets or not? You were a tiny bit vague.
My 3 guildies and I were fighting hordes of Team Legacy squads numbering 8-10 over and over again near the south camp on the CD borderlands. We held it for an hour or more up until they showed up with 15 people or more.
I thought Team Legacy was supposed to be super serious pro PvPers?
Two Kaineng commanders were victims multiple times.
FYI, make sure you screenshot it if you kill any Kaineng commander from RISE. There’s a 39g bounty right now for a certain someone from there.
Oh really….Who put up the bounty? Because I think my guild and I just found something to do until the next match up. Haha.
CD here. My guild (TKVA) consisting of 2 guardians, 2 rangers, and a mesmer were demolishing Kaineng groups double our size or more at the west supply camp and west keep on the CD borderlands between 11pm-1:30am EST. Two Kaineng commanders were victims multiple times. We locked down that area for a long time without ever dying.
Hats off to the two commanders, berserker warriors with legendary greatswords, mesmer with CoF gear, slippery human engineer dressed in all white, and any others who tried to get rid of us.
I completely agree with this. My guild runs in small groups hitting supply camps and defending enemy reinforcement routes. It’s STUPID that the orange swords show up when there are “a total of 5 people” fighting each other. That means that if a party of 5 attacks a single person the orange swords show up on the map and the enemies 30 man zerg shows up immediately.
Yesterday, our group of 5 were demolishing enemy groups that were double our size but then all the enemies in the area start showing up because of the stupid swords. So the bad players get demolished but end up winning in the long run due to huge zergs showing up.
Please remove these swords or raise the player count required to trigger them to about 15-20. Leave the white contested swords, though.
IMO zerging is the point of WvW. If you dont like that, there’s pvp
There’s a few threads on these missing ascended items and Anet still hasn’t replied to any of them.
Please give us Knight’s gear. It’s not fair that berserker builds get an easy upgrade and many other builds are screwed.
I was going to make this thread.
Where is our Knight’s ascended gear? Why do thieves get nice ascended berserker’s gear to do their ridiculous damage but everyone else who wants to survive these hits gets shafted?
Still no reply from Anet on this either…
I can’t believe there’s no Knight’s or Valkyrie items. Thieves get harder hitting back stabs with their ascended berserker’s gear and everyone else get’s screwed.
Seriously? Come on….
It just sucks that humans get the Hounds of Balthazar and we get nothing. We honestly can’t use any of these animal forms or any other in WvW without getting completely pummeled.
A good example is that I fought a human guardian who used the hounds on me (I’m a guardian as well). Sure I have renewed focus and it’s useful as an emergency button but these hounds can deal some stupid damage. I still ended up winning the fight because he wasn’t a good player but I can imagine if two evenly matched people fought each other the hounds are more useful than turning into a bear.
I have a question for you guys on the higher WvW populated servers (FA, TC, Kaineng). Is there always a queue to get into WvW?
They will not be usable in WvW after the next patch.
Haha! Awesome.
Thank you Anet for fixing this exploit.
The more people use them the faster they’ll be nerfed so everyone reading this thread should buy them and use them as much as possible.
I got a decent amount of people to get them and they’re getting their buddies in on it too. Really the only way something like this gets fixed is to just make it a “thing.”
Today, there was a sylvari ranger using the armor fish pet who was abusing it so bad we had to just swim away.
it really is OP but ranger right now probably has some of the best underwater fighting capability than any other class as far as sheer damage output on targets that dont know how to stay moble and out of our underwater aoe
I have no issue with their underwater attacks at all. I completely agree that this pet heal ability is overpowered big time or even broken (because sometimes it even works when the pet is dead)
Still easily turned on you though because if they reflect your mini-golems it’ll kill -your- group instead.
I can’t believe people are using this to defend this obvious exploit/bug. These things scale down walls towards tower attackers. Even if they are reflected, they do not scale up walls.
It’s pretty obvious that Anet will remove this from WvW.
A) It’s slower than regular attacks.
B) It costs money for every attack.
C) It’s at BEST equal damage to your 1 Attack…If it’s doing more, you’re doing it wrong. XD
A) Not really. It’s spammable with no CD.
B)Saying this costs money to defend it is silly. It means that only bigger guilds and people with lots of money are the ones that abuse this. Which is why big guild leaders set up whole crews dedicated to stealthing while spamming these. Endless money to do it with.
C)People are being hit for 12k with this. Please let me know which class deals 12k in damage with their number 1 attack so that I can starting playing that class.