Showing Posts For EvilSardine.9635:

Grenade Barrage bug. (vid related)

in Engineer

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Fix this.

One shotting close to everything is pretty absurd.

Guild Halls Arena - PvP or WvW builds?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Has anyone heard if if they’re using the boring sPvP amulet build system or if they’ll let us use PvE/WvW builds in the Guild Halls dueling arena?

I REALLY hope it’s the latter. I cannot stand the lack of creativity with the amulet system and I’ve been wishing for a way to duel my friends using my custom builds.

It would only make sense if it’s PvE builds since Guild Halls seems to be more part of PvE than sPvP.

Huge Ranger longbow bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Why hasn’t this been fixed yet? Every projectile in the game ends properly at the distance shown in it’s tool tip except one of the hardest hitting in the game.

Here’s an example (the second screenshot shows a side view to show distance)

1500 range is actually where “Erythraeum” is standing in the middle of the circle and is the listed limit in it’s tool tip. But, all the ranger’s abilities actually hit "Yarizui"standing all the way in the back. The distance to Yarizui was measured using various profession’s leaps, charges, blinks, and shadowsteps. It’s 2200 range and that’s a HUGE difference. 700 more? Honestly now…

Players shouldn’t be getting hit by 3k-4k auto attacks from this absurd distance. It makes me feel quite a bit OP.

how about a simple way to save your builds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


As long as you cannot do this on the fly and you’re only allowed to do it while at your spawn (in both PvP and WvW).

Thieves would have the biggest advantage in this game if you’re allowed to swap builds instantly out of combat. Just imagine being attacked by a power thief but you kick his kitten and he stealths, shadowsteps away quickly, breaks combat, and swaps to his condi build instantly (all while stealthed) then just attacks you again and destroys you.

That would be lame.

Commander focus meta needs fix

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


This is a joke right?

STEALTH BUG after Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


This is actually the way it should be. A thief shouldn’t be able to just stack stealth indefinitely and the way it is now promotes more skillful gameplay.

I main thief and I have zero complaints about the change really. Just adapt. The thief is one of the strongest dueling, small man team, and roaming classes in the game.

P.S. If you’re losing to a warrior as a thief you have no idea what you’re doing.

Game is unplayable w/ skill lag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


WvW is unplayable when there’s big fights.

It was perfect before. Why did Anet break it? Who is copy pasting netcode from 2013 into the recent patch? He needs to be fired.

New Camera & Arrowcarts

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I don’t understand. I thought you had to have LOS to ground target with an AC? If you have no LOS on something over a wall I don’t think you can shoot it. Am I wrong?

Need tips for fighting condi Ele's

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Can’t be done. If both players are equally skilled a hybrid/condi dagger/focus (or any ele actually) will always beat the warrior.

Epic Duels - Assassin X Vs Tap Dat Mouse

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Closed it when I saw skill clicking.

Warrior getting F2

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


It’s going to be something useless that warriors can use only on the new PvE map. Calling it now.

Hammer like toy: knock, throw everywhere??

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Yup. Just stop replying to his posts. It’s obviously a troll. I give it a 6/10 attempt at trolling, though.

Rocket Boots + speed into hills. Exploit?

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


It’s an exploit. I’ve already went ahead and sent your video, saved you a bit of trouble. Good catch.

No one checks that email. There’s no point in emailing it.

Naga MMO 2014 vs Logitech G600

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Good luck finding a store that sells these and has them on display. When I was deciding if I should get the G600 I couldn’t find one so I just took the plunge and got it.

What I like about the G600 over the Naga is that the side buttons are angled in a way that you’ll always know which button your finger is resting on. Also, the G600 is a bit wider because it has the G-shift button beside your right click. It’s essentially like “holding down shift” and it turns all the buttons on your mouse into another function. For instance, I have my 1-4 keys on the side set to F1 through F4 when I have the g-shift held down.

I really like the G600. I’d get it again if I was shopping for a new mouse.

Need help: D\D build for Zerg\1v1 fights

in Elementalist

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Just use the copy paste strength rune build that everyone uses and you’ll face roll everything. Easiest class to play when I tried it.

Cheating Dev

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Crius, what on earth is your problem? Calm down. What does it matter if they are visible?

The fact that there is now an actual presence in WvW by the admins will deter cheaters big time. Think of it as a cop car just patrolling a neighborhood. It’s a huge deterrent.

Anyway does Anet knows what the Gm’s doing ??….and how you will protect your customers that SPENDING money for this game ???

The GMs ARE ANET. The admin in the photos is the kitten head of customer support. He’s the one that decides who is banned for cheating. These aren’t random people who are recruited as admins.

How will Anet protect the customers? What kind of question is that? They’ll “protect” them by banning cheaters (who also paid for the game but are banned anyways).

Some people are weird.

(edited by EvilSardine.9635)

Cheating Dev

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I’d like to thank Michael for banning two cheaters last night. One of these cheaters has been cheating for almost 2 years.

It was a pleasure hanging out with you in the OS as well.

Cheating Dev

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Add me! Account is in my sig.

Added you! Thank you. I hope this is resolved soon!

Ingame GMs, do they exist?

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Jeknar wins this round. This post is specifically about cheating in the live game environment which I am responsible for. It is my job to find cheats and develop the plan to remove them whether it be terminating offending accounts or walking over to Devon to let him know there’s a problem. Now… let’s get back to keeping this constructive.

Also, I’ll see you on the battlefield this weekend. Keep an eye open for me.

Can I please PM you the name and server of a speed cheater who has been cheating for over a year and a half? He openly admits to it, commands while doing it, does it literally every second he’s on, and laughs in everyone’s faces because nothing has been done for that long.

Cheating Dev

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Please tell me you’re going to be cracking down on cheaters.

PM me if you want to know the name of someone who has been cheating for over a year and a half straight non stop. He is cheating constantly and doesn’t turn this exploit off. He laughs about it because he’s been doing it for so long without being banned and even makes fun of Anet for it.

Reporting this individual with 100% proof videos, or having literally HUNDREDS of people reporting him has done nothing.

9300 final thrust in spvp, really?

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


A thief is complaining about a telegraphed attack that only hits hard when below 50% health? What on earth?

This complaint is coming from someone who can do similar damage every time he goes into stealth with a backstab that is SPAMABLE until it lands. I can use tactics and shield block your backstab but you can keep spamming it on my shield until it eventually lands when my block runs out. I can dodge roll constantly to avoid the backstab but you’ll spam the air with no consequence until it lands.

Your backstab being blocked should reveal you.

L2P. Warriors shouldn’t beat thieves.

Warrior is trash...

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


There’s no point in running a warrior anymore. Just roll a guardian. They do everything better. There’s basically no reason to run a warrior in WvW other than for running away with GS.

Guardians have massive damage, aegis, blocks, blinds galore, in-vulnerabilities, protection, regen, crazy sustain, better team support, etc.

Just do what I did and roll a guardian to save yourself a headache. You’ll win 99% of every duel if you use a DPS scepter/focus+GS meditation build and it’s SO EASY TO PLAY.

Sadly, guardians will never be nerfed.

Spectral Wall

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


L2P issue.

Use a stun break. If you’re dying to this it’s because you don’t know how to play. I’ll assume that’s the case since you made this thread and because you’re zerging around in EOTM.

Wvw Ranks

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I’ve been singled out in medium sized groups by raid leaders, though I tend to attribute that more to my class sometimes than my tag (staff ele).

That’s because you’re a staff ele and they’re free kills. My group focuses down people according to profession and builds. We usually focus the necro, engi, and staff eles first.

There’s nothing wrong with showing ranks to the enemy. If you can’t handle being focused and you’re a veteran WvW player then you’re bad.

Major Game-Changing PVP BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


This has been this way since the game’s release and still hasn’t been fixed. If you’re immobilized while jumping NONE of your abilities work. You can’t clear the immob and you’re screwed.

Don’t hold your breath on this getting fixed. Anet would rather put in a weeks worth of work hours to update the “log out” screen when you press F12 than fix this bug.

Crowdfunding a WvW overhaul?

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Anet deserves no more of my money. There’s a cheater who has been blatantly cheating every second he has been playing since almost the game’s release and NOTHING has been done about it. He’s on NSP and is even a commander.

My only theory is certain cheaters are spending thousands of dollars on gems and Anet loves the cash flow.

Commander sniping

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Awesome troll post. It got a good laugh out of me.

I rate this a 9/10.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Should be a simple and easy function, click on player—>right click on their avatar—>Request Duel—>other player gets a prompt to either ACCEPT or DECLINE.

Hell if that’s too hard then make it a permanent free tonic (that only works in WvW) that uses the costume brawl’s code. Run tonic and it shows a duel buff on you. People with the duel buff on the same server can now hurt each other.

Shadowshot delay is back - pls fix

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


they’ll often dodge the stab after you’ve teleported them.

Wut. So you want 2 hits to land at the same time? That’s why it’s a 2 part skill… that one can be dodged.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


and again +1 for dueling in OS.
this thread should be a sticky xD

Indeed it should!

I would to be able to duel my friends on my server so we can test out our WvW builds!

Obsidian Sanctum Dead

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Indeed, they need to make this place interesting to run again!

There was nothing more fun than camping the puzzle or fighting people who were. It was awesome and I miss those days.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


OS seems to be the right place for this, since it is WvW area anyway and there is no reason for PvE players to be there. So, all players there are looking for some fights – which is working well right now in my opinion.

Exactly. The main advocates against dueling (for silly reasons) are the PvE players. They say “dueling” is toxic but ignore the fact that PvE is such a horrible place most of the time. People screaming and new players because they killed a champ without the train or insulting someone for finishing a farming even that you’re supposed to fail. How about super elitest PvE players not allowing players into dungeons if they don’t have ascended gear or enough achievement points.

Dueling has 99% of the time been with good sports who are helpful and it’s always been fun.

Ingame GMs, do they exist?

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635



Not sure if maybe PMs don’t go through to the devs or if you check them.

Can I PM you the name of a cheater who has been blatantly cheating for over a year and is still doing it? No amount of reporting has gotten him banned yet.

Ingame GMs, do they exist?

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I can tell you with extreme certainty that there is not a single “GM” on Crystal Desert that even touches WvW.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Either way, duels should be implemented in a manner that doesn’t limit what our builds/armor stat combinations are.

Yep! This is why PvP arenas isn’t the answer to “dueling.” The builds in PvP are dumbed down and aren’t the same.

Ingame GMs, do they exist?

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


To remove someone using hacks (teleports, speed, etc) we have to witness the act in game so you must use the in-game reporting tool.

What in game reporting tool? There is none for reporting cheaters.

COUNTLESS people have been reporting a specific player for more than a year and nothing has been done. Videos have been sent to the exploits email and still nothing.

Can I PM you his name so you can personally look into it? This person has been cheating for a long time. He’s been cheating every second he’s been playing for almost 2 years. He even brags about it.

Incapable or Unwilling

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I think I’ve seen one or two hackers since release. Is it really a huge problem?

A few cheaters in most games are no big deal because they are banned very quickly.

There are people in this game who have been cheating for over a year. I’m not talking on and off cheating. This is blatant non stop cheating every moment they are playing. They brag on the forums and in game about cheating. Countless people submit videos of them cheating and report them as best they can and nothing has been done.

So yes, the one or two cheaters you’ve seen since release is a huge problem because THEY STILL HAVE NOT BEEN BANNED.

eh.. any chance of dueling spot?

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Everyone knows of locations to hold duels but what the duelers want is the ability to duel people on the same server as them. Right now if you suggest they add a dueling option to all areas of the game, PvE players who take the game superior seriously FROTH at the mouth in anger at the slightest mention of the option.

So, we’re asking that they add in the ability to duel to the OS arena which is mostly empty. It’s a zone created for GvG that can also be used for dueling.

Incapable or Unwilling

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


There is a way to report cheaters and hackers

No, there really isn’t.

Incapable or Unwilling

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


The latest thread about cheating with 100% proof of the cheaters cheating has been deleted and Anet won’t be taking any action. The people who posted the videos to report the cheaters probably got their posts infracted or might have even been temporarily banned.

There is no way to report cheaters in this game. Emailing Anet at the “exploits” email doesn’t actually do anything.

The cheaters win again.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


make OS all servers, the way edge of the mists is. that might bring enough people into the stadium to get some regular dueling going. also would make the jp more of an event.

I don’t think that would be a good idea. The arena would have a bit too many people in it and it would be a bit difficult to use for duels that require some decent amount of space.

eh.. any chance of dueling spot?

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Here’s my thread on trying to get Anet to set up a dueling option for us:

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Common Mistake.
The game’s name does not come from a (not) advertised gameplay mechanic within it, it comes from this games’ lore.

Thanks for the heads up. They should have named the game something else. It would be like Grand Theft Auto not actually including the ability to steal cars but instead includes the crime somewhere in the story.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


If I’m not mistaken an Anet employee said they would be including a dueling option in the future. This was around release time and we’ve never heard anything else about it.

This game is called GUILD WARS and right now there’s no way for two guilds to fight each other without interruptions. Right now people can troll GvGs by just jumping in when two guilds are fighting in the OS area.

If they work out a dueling system they can expand it into a GvG system as well.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Why not making the OS arena an istance we can buy in the gem store much like private PvP servers ?

- We can rent the server, same price as PvP.
- Everyone can jump on the server from the WvW control panel in all EU or NA.
- You can set password and rules.
- Everyone can choose side (blue/green/red), so we can also do GvG.
- 0 rewards/exp inside this arena.

Anet makes some profit and we players enjoy the duels/GvGs. Win-Win

No thanks. That’s a terrible idea. How is that win-win? People would have to pay real money since the gold to gem conversion is atrocious.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


If you don’t like dueling all you have to do is stay out of OS, which is really only used for GvG and dueling anyway.

Exactly! This is why I’m asking for the dueling feature to be added to the Obsidian Sanctum arena. It was made for GvGs but it’s completely empty most of the time.

We should be able to right click on our friend, and select “duel” and they get a prompt that asks them if they’d like to. When both are in the duel they can now hurt each other if they belong to the same server.

This way all the duelers will hang out in the OS arena and not take up spots in the BLs. All the PvE players will keep to themselves and won’t feel “threatened” that there’s a dueling option in the game.

Everyone is happy.

Warriors vs

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Evil Sardine is the king of exaggeration and thinks he is the entire team in eotm. He gets all salty when he dies and claims one player killed the entire team.

You might be mistaking me for another player. The only time I go on EOTM is when my friends and I all run guardians and essentially do 8v30 when our borderlands are completely dead. Easy mode guardian steamrolling.

Add dueling to the OS puzzle arena

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


I’d like to duel my friends and server buddies in the arena to test out my builds and skill against them. When the duel is accepted, only those two people can hurt each other.

It’s not in a PvE zone so PvErs have no argument against it.

Also, do not suggest to use a PvP server for dueling. The builds are not remotely the same and the servers get trolled by anti-dueling PvErs who hop on and interrupt duels. They’ll follow you into various designating dueling servers as well. It’s sad.


Dual Pistol / Trapper troll build

in Thief

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Keyboard turning and skill clicking.


Warriors vs

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Sorry had to ROFL on that one. Healing Signet is the most OP item a warrior has. My guard would sell his soul for such passive healing. I have to spec AH or wear cleric gear and dodge like a mofo to beat that in which case i hit like a wet noodle.

lol wut

I’d love for my warrior to have the blocks, blinds, invuln, protection, regen, teleports, and crazy sustain that even zerker guardians have.

Guardians will always dominate warriors in a 1v1. A group of 5 guardians would wipe the floor with 5 warriors as well. So what does this make warriors? Pretty useless I’d say.

Here’s the best advice coming from someone who’s main has been a warrior since the betas:

If you want to win every duel and every group fight then just stop using your warrior and run a guardian. If you want a challenge, though, and don’t want to fall asleep while destroying every class then stick with warrior. I still main my warrior because it’s fun as hell but I accept I’ll never beat most classes/builds out there.