Showing Posts For Felahr.9830:

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Legendaries are too low impact and not worth the effort to develop for what it brings to the game. MOB’s decision was a good one. I hope his next good decision is to provide double the Gemstore content, or more varied content. People making Legendaries doesn’t keep the lights on. There are other more engaging activities Anet should focus on to get people to play and buy stuff at the Gemstore.

Frankly, I think this is a sign Anet needs to review how they value their development time and efforts.

You are so clueless. The only reason why any mats had any value is because legendaries were gold sinks.

I can’t be that clueless; at least I understand that legendaries are NOT being removed and are still gold sinks.

I don’t mean to be an kitten , but without legendaries, what’s there in post-story HOT besides the zerg grind?

I don’t know but it doesn’t matter because that’s a hypothetical question … we aren’t without legendaries; Anet isn’t removing Legendaries from the game, they just aren’t making new ones.

Because not everyone wants to make a staff, shortbow, axe and pistol. What if you bought HoT wanting another legendary greatsword? That’s one person that has now been taken out of the the HoT related economy. That is game impact.

That’s right, it is game impact. It’s simply not enough of one for Anet to consider funding it to develop it, that’s why it’s low.

they have been promising new legendaries for 3 years. clearly they thought it was a big deal enough to work on for years. now theyre just dropping it. so no, its not a low impact thing. its endgame content, and its a goal that anyone can work towards, any time, forever. its not a temporary event like ls1 or mordrem invasion. its not a “do once and never touch again” like ls2. its content that anyone can pick up, anytime, and provide an absolutely massive questing and farming goal. it boosts the economy ingame and it enhances gem store outfit sales/fashion warsing. its a big kittening deal. literally 100% of the people i know personally who play gw2 havent logged in all weekend and express no interest in doing so. im bored and playing alone and have been since this was announced. its made a LOT of people very angry, and its basically the “straw that broke the camels back” of broken promises and abandoned projects.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


70 people need to be pulled from the xpac (which nobody wants) and tasked to fixing the kittening game that everyone has already purchased.

How important is gold/crafting in this game?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felahr.9830


You already seem to have your answer but I would just like to your initial inquiry that one of the many awesome things about GW2 is that the importance of gold and crafting is entirely a personal affair. You can play, enjoy, and be competitive in this game with minimal effort to acquire gold as you can get exotics very easily and there is nothing in the gem store that is essential.

And yet, if you like shiny things and feeling “special” there is a plethora of items that you can work towards as a personal goal….far more stuff than most people will ever have time to farm gold for.

I second all of this. I also want to point out that you can spend an hour a day and earn 50-75 gold (craft and sell all 4 ascended mats, and run all 3 tier daily fractals), and then enjoy the rest of your time doing whatever you like, like LS or maguuma content or working on achievements. If you decide you want gold, its easy to acquire.

Risen Spider Lord

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Yet another necro… I am at this point with my first character (been playing a couple weeks now), and this fight is basically impossible for me. I am an Elementalist with dual daggers, and only once did I even get to the Spider Lord’s second form / phase 2.

As with all the others: NPCs are useless, way too many mobs for one player, and too much cc. Granted, the little spiders make reviving easy, but something hits me so hard, I don’t even get the option to fight to survive. I’m guessing it’s the Locust Swarm? I can’t even see what it is, there’s too much going on too quickly, and since my character is the only one fighting (plus my earth elemental), it really seems like I have hit a brick wall.

Then to hear that the “other” choices are fairly simple really is like salt in the wounds. Now that the game is F2P, I am doubting this gets looked at by the developers ever. I’d like to know if that one poster actually opened a ticket to change paths/decisions for his story arc…

i can try to help if youd like, i do a fair bit of damage on my rev

How many del. Ingots for dusk?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felahr.9830


the entire thing can get confusing to track on the wiki, so i like to use which gives you a full breakdown of every step, plus a shopping checklist, plus an option to use mats you already have when factoring in your shopping list

When a company fails their customers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Well technically they promised new legendarys, and we got some, im pretty sure they NEVER promised an ENTIRE new set of legendarys for every weapon type. Just more people jumping to to conclusions based on their wishful thinking and personal “anti anet” bias.
This is exactly why anet is so hesitant to tell the community what projects they are working on, because the community hears one thing they say, and then through endless speculation and forum misinfo suddenly a small comment about “intentions” for “possible” future content becomes a long list of supposed “broken promises”.

yes they did. they promised a new set of 16, it was literally one of the main selling points of HoT

When a company fails their customers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Personally, gems wouldn’t appease me in the least. I wanted legendaries because it was something to DO in this game where there is so little right now giving players a reason to log in. Giving me gems means that I can buy some skin, look at it for a minute or two, and then log out because there’s still nothing to do in game. I’d rather they reverse the decision, and fulfill their promises. They need to learn that deadlines are a thing, and while there are times where you have to push deadlines, you can’t do that time and time again like this company does.

I agree, however, when they monumentally screw up time and time again and expect us to just endure whatever lengths of time between content they originally stated would be here, there HAS to be a make good on their end. They need to give us something as a token of good faith… its a measure of respecting your customers.

The only thing that would make me happy as a customer is if they actually finish some (more than 2) of their abandoned promised projects. I have only been playing for 9ish months, and that entire time has been a neverending stream of “we are doing X! …. oh no wait no we arent” again and again. Go back. Finish what you started. Stop lying to me. Stop bouncing from idea to idea like a thumbless monkey on meth. Its just that simple.

(edited by Felahr.9830)

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felahr.9830


If anyone is feeling particularly generous, I just completed Zap and now am about 800 gold shy of finishing up Bolt completely. It will be my second legendary ever, having only been in the game for 10 months. Thank you in advance to anyone who may. Im going to hunt around and see who I can gift things to, while I wait.

Edit: BOLT IS DONE. See post further down.

(edited by Felahr.9830)

Help w/ Sunrise Vol 3 - Illusory Light

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felahr.9830


I just did step 3 of Bolt and it was the third platform down from the diving goggles. those vertical beams of light that act as walls? its one of those. just walk up to it and itll be interactable. stand slightly off to the side so the trampoline thing doesnt keep throwing you while you interact with it

that is, if its the same platform.

Suggestion: Let Us Deposit Random Clutter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


NO ONE is forcing you to hold on to useless kitten like bladder parts, doubloons, etc. Your bank tabs being crammed full is no ones fault but your own. Anet gives you plenty of bag slots and bank tabs and material storage, more than enough for any normal player who can figure out the concept of prioritizing. Sell the stuff you dont need. Stop hoarding things for no other reason than “maybe someday Ill want X”. Especially stop hoarding things like mordrem body parts that require exactly ten seconds to go get another one of, in the off chance you DO need one later.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


16 new legendaries was a big selling point for the whole t hing. to do a car analogy it would be like selling you a new car with warranty and then not getting the warranty. “what you see is what you get. future issues? nope on your own. bye”

Spark Collection

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felahr.9830


my favorite website says…… its cheaper to craft

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Legendaries provide goals to work towards… well… forever. Living Story episodes will be played through once. And then twice, for all the achievements. Then 99% of players will never touch them again. How does this warrant more work being taken from one toward the other?

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


How does it take 3 years to design a few legendaries? you already HAVE the blueprint. insert different items into the crafting process, design the pretty weapons, DONE. how does that take THREE YEARS?

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Im sure its been said somewhere in the 17 pages I will not be reading, but anet, this is a huge disappointment. It seems you guys keep starting things and never finishing them, and Im getting really sick of half content. The HoT story was half finished and then you just slapped an ending on it partway through with no climax or resolution at all. Now youre copping out on the legendaries that got everyone hyped. If you dont have the manpower, hours, or money to stick with something, DONT START THAT PROJECT. If you DO start a project, FINISH IT. Stop throwing us partially done content and smiling like its awesome and we should be happy. Whats next? Will you release a half finished LS3 when it starts taking too long?

Zoom resetting every event?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


any idea if this is going to be fixed?

I hope Anet realizes....... [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Your logic is Raid content=only caring about HC players? thats the biggest and most inane leap iv ever heard.

Zoom resetting every event?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Its most noticable in Teq and Chak Gerent, because they have so many mini events (batteries, and each phase of gerent). I notice that every time a phase or fight ends, my camera snaps to very close, like 3 ticks from first person. I have to CONSTANTLY be zooming back out so I can get a decent field of view. This JUST started maybe a week ago. Has anyone else noticed this and is there a way to fix it?

What would you like to have in expac 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


How can you say any one is going about their mmo wrong? Just wondering appointment you were handed to decide such things?

grinding SW for gold (not even the best place to get gold) for a fancy weapon skin=/=endgame. end game content is many many many things. endlessly grinding SW is not any of them.

What would you like to have in expac 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


1. More appropriate price tag.
2. More RPG, good story and sense of adventure.
3. Less action, meta, grind, time gates, mini-games, and other immersion-breaking far-fetched bs.

Games that know they’re games tend to be the funnest. “Good story” is also highly subjective. Within the context of a video game a good story is one that is both congruent with its mechanics and opens the door and justifies great gameplay elements. A video game where Superman gets hurt by ordinary bullets for example would be a bad game because he’s famously durable enough where they don’t hurt him while a fighting game with tight mechanics with approximately powerful characters would be good.

A good story within the context of gaming would give MORE action, meta, and mini-games. Or at the very least more refined meta that’s more challenging and enjoyable with reasonably tweaked rewards since one can farm Silverwaste for MONTHS even a full round twice per day and still not save up the gold required for a precursor. This even accounting for mining and logging.

Legendaries are not the meta. theyre weapons with aesthetic effects with identical stats to ascended, so other than personal preference there is zero need for them. farming gold for legendaries is NOT “the endgame” and if that how you view it, youre going about MMOs all wrong

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


I sware on the Pale Tree if Anet does this I’m gone. It would be pure pandering and wholly irresponsible story wise for the PC to just run off to a new land with a whole mess of elder dragons knocking around. We don’t even know what one of them is capable of, it’s just chilling out at the bottom of the sea ready to pop up and turn us to mush!

You guys wanted your PC to be the big kitten hero so this is what you get. Trapped in Tyria, fighting dragons bigger than skyscrapers in sucky boss battles while dancing on Trehearne & Eir's graves because they dared to have agency in the shadow of the PC’s glorious, divine farts.

why wouldnt one or more of the dragons be IN cantha or elona?

PvP Legendary Back-piece dye-able

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


no backpack in the game has dye tracks.

What would you like to have in expac 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


I would like to see us take the fight to Krat in the Crystal Desert, with the pact driven by the full might of the Charr War Machine and armored columns, backed by airship and helicopter gunship. The Living World leading up to it should add a few things to Ascalon… notably, Charr Tanks around their bases. Also – have the Heart Warband (The devourer trainer apprentices) in the Plains of Ashford grow up (And replaced in that spot with a new warband), with living story events eventually having the final showdown be the players being support for a fight between Krat and Destr Hearteater’s newest, biggest, strongest, and most awesome Devourer.

The maps should be a blend of large and sprawling dunes/plains where siege devourers and tanks clash with Branded forces, and smaller, tight and claustrophobic crystal formations and caves. Masteries give players control over the vehicles…. kittenmit, did I just accidentally add Mounts to my wishlist? Or does it not count if they can’t be called on demand and are large war machines?

New elite specializations should be added, giving every class guns:
Ranger – Commando, unlocking Rifle, which is exclusively a short/medium range weapon. Range 900 for it’s autoattack, but damage drops off dramatically every 300 feet. Attack 2 is a cone that blinds. Rifle 3 is a shoot, roll, and stealth. Rifle 4 is a stock-block+smack. Rifle 5 is “Charge shot” – you run up to the target (Breaking immobilization and cripple), shoot them at point-blank in the face, and knock them back a short distance. One of their traits gives them bonus damage from stealth and against blinded targets.

Warrior – Captain – Pistol
Only a rough idea, but it’s largely a support-based specialization (As opposed to the berzerker’s strong offense)
The pistol would be a support/control weapon, with a daze on one of its attacks.

Elementalist – Gunmage – Pistol.
Swords will have to wait. Shoot things with a gun that shoots fire, lightning, and causes earthquakes and waterfalls.

Thief – Musketeer – Rifle
Rifle is a long-ranged sniper weapon. It’s ‘autoattack’ doesn’t deal damage or even have a projectile, and it doesn’t break stealth. Instead, it applies a unique condition (Cleared only on a dodge) that increases the damage/effect of the rifle’s actual shot skills (One is daze, one is cripple). PvE enemies are blissfully unaware of it. PvP, though, the little icon gives warning that they’re about to get BOOM! HEADSHOT!

Engineer – Demoknight – Sword
They can charge! And mix things up in melee with a sword+shield! Because the class can’t have too many Team Fortress parallels

Mesmer – Mountebank – Pistol
The pistol lets them shadowstep/teleport even more, and shoot foes with a satisfying “Pak!” sound from a distance, while looking absolutely suave and fashionable. Great when paired with a sword and floppy hat.

Revenant – Dreadnought – Greatsword
Still no gun for this guy. I’d rather be Darth Vader. He’s a slow, unstoppable juggernaut. One of his traits gives him a boost to Toughness and Power when not running. He generally strikes with the greatsword using only one hand
GS 1 – Three hit combo. First two are almost-lazy one-handed strikes that inflict Torment – He’s not moving much, and neither are his enemies. His third strike is a powerful two-handed strike that’s unblockable
GS 2 – Death Grip – roots the Dreadnought, and he reaches out with the off-hand and grips his foe with mystic chains, damaging and immobilizing them for the duration of the ability (Clearing the immobilization doesn’t stop the damage). Becomes Reel during that duration, allowing him to pull the target to him for melee pain.
GS 3 – Eh… something goes here
GS4 – Holds his off-hand out in front of him as mist energy swirls around it in a shield. After it blocks the first melee attack, he begins a somewhat slow counterattack. He remains blocking throughout the attack, and anyone hit and damaged by the strike are afflicted with a status that deals damage at the end of the whole strike based on the number of blocked hits.
GS 5 – Sweep – Eh. He sends a shockwave of energy out in a wide arc in front of him with a sweep of the greatsword.

Not sure what I’d like to see the others have.

*slow clap

New outfits with "The Juggernaut" chrome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Uhhh i have several of those outfits and I can say with 100% certainty that they do NOT chrome like Juggs

I want Tengu as the next playable race!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


As much as I would LOVE a new playable race, like tengu, skritt, or largos, the logistics are just completely unfeasible for it to happen. And thats okay. theyre good reasons, valid reasons, why anet just can not. not will not, CAN NOT.

Taimi should have been a boy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Paulytnz, this has nothing to do with culture or country. its just you nitpicking over something that is literally a nonissue. nobody cares about gender until you MAKE it about gender. theyre amazing characters, with great backstory, personality, dialogue. WHY are you deliberately finding something to complain about, when theres literally nothing?

Taimi should have been a boy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


This is completely a nonissue. How about we rejoice that we got a bunch of interesting, well developed characters, instead of hand wringing over what genitalia they have.

Sick of the direction the game has taken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


If you hate the game, stop playing it, and go pick up a game you can enjoy. Im afraid I dont see the point of these threads. What do you want people to say? Are you looking for people who hate GW2 on a GW2 forum? Like what the kitten is the point of you existing here?

Privacy Discussion [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Felahr.9830


OP, sounds like your issue is more with gold sellers than any flaws in the PM system. do you have a wealth of real actual people harassing you via PM? then maybe the system and privacies could use work. but you dont. you have spambots, which everyone deals with. report and block and move on, like everyone else on the godkitten planet when dealing with automated spam anywhere

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Buddy, there is a kittenton more things to do in this game than a minigame that hasnt been around for years

Chak Killer - Master

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felahr.9830


This is still broken. Killed all Chak and didnt get it.

The Jungle Provides - waypoint error?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felahr.9830


The instance map for the mission “The Jungle Provides” has the Jaka Itzel waypoint inside it. When accidentally clicked on, you are removed from the mission and have to start over. Extremely aggravating

Enough with the wings already lol

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


I like the IDEA of new gliders released every other week. I HATE the implementation of just rereleasing the same godkitten thing in different colors. Hawk, Valentine, and now Golden are all just recolors of the same model. Anet, we are paying real money for these things. stop being kittening lazy.

Sales tax on gem purchase? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Has anyone noticed they are suddenly being charged tax, when they were NOT previously?

(edited by Moderator)

Kudzu step 3 Hidden Garden

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felahr.9830


I cannot seem to collect from my garden with any of my characters except 1, and Im pretty sure she isnt the one who planted the garden. Pretty sure these things should be accessible from anyone on the account?

Personal Fractal Reward shouldnt affect Open

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Felahr.9830


The system isnt flawed. Dont do 1-100 in reverse order.

Top classes for fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Felahr.9830


any class can be good at fractals. my friends and i have our “dream team” that we do up to 100s with and its a good set. herald, tempest, chronomancer, druid/second herald, and engi

Silver doubloons and juggernaut

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Its a LEGENDARY. Its SUPPOSED to be hard to acquire.

How does Hidden Garden gathering work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


waited two days without gathering, took one of the characters, went to LA, did some PVP, came back to the garden by killing a Keeper of Waves, and i still cannot harvest anything

It's time for a "largest" font

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


i…. i dont think very many people play computer games on massive tvs

[suggestion] Black Lion Trading Post captcha

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


no, i just kittening hate captchas with every fiber of my being. dont you kittening dare bring that annoying glitchy kitten obnoxious kitten into a lovely game. kitten you.

Sick of the Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Gemstore is what you get when your game is FREE TO PLAY instead of having a subscription fee of $20 a month. deal with it

It’s not free to play. Free to play would be no initial costs. My “initial” costs are 100 euros at the moment. Does that sound like “free” to you?

methinks your english grasp is not so good. its a godkitten free to play game. its free to play. playing it requires no ongoing money, unlike, say, world of warcraft. gw2 is free to play. would you like the game to be free to buy as well, and then have mandatory ads ingame and lock exotic and higher armor and weapons behind the gemstore? because anet could do that, you know. they have to make money somehow and since the kittening game is free to kittening play, and they are NOT getting billions of dollars a month in subscription fees, gemstore is how they do that. the only thing locked behind real money purchases is cosmetic items, there is nothing, literally nothing, that is required for actual gameplay or to become a harder hitting character that you cannot get for free ingame. everything gemstore is pretty kitten to make your character look a certain way, and its completely unneeded to be a good player, so i dont know what the hell your issue is, or anyone else who complains about cosmetic and arbitrary things costing money.

Sick of the Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Yep, have to disagree with OP to a degree- I actually more or less like how things are. Also as you mentioned you can already convert gold to gems, and hence all of the items in gemstore are already obtainable in game.
I say, more items in gemtore! Keep makin them glider skins, also I pray to the 6 Gods that one day they will make the Dragon’s surge visiual from sanctum scramble/HoT story as a glider skin… I would kill for that no matter the means of aquisition. As for in game gliders beside the basic one, I’m pretty sure th legendary pvp back will com with an equivelent glider skin – and I hope the same goes for Ad Infinitum. Also the exalted glider via gem exchange i like only 80-100 gold, a fair price.
I wouldn’t mind more items from in game too though, for example with the stunning artwork of exalted it seems like a shame not to have an armor inspired by them.
In the end, more cash for Anet, more stuff for us though.

Thing is, “just” 80-100 gold for a glider skin doesn’t deserve the word “just” in it. 80-100 gold is equivalent to 1/4th of an ascended armor set or even more.

you can make “just” 100 gold in a week

I Hate Dragon Ball (and you can too)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


its a kitten game for a kitten event with kitten rewards and a kitten holiday. anet has done nothing to make this worth bothering

Sick of the Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


Gemstore is what you get when your game is FREE TO PLAY instead of having a subscription fee of $20 a month. deal with it

[suggestion] Black Lion Trading Post captcha

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


NO. kittening NO. dont you dare even suggest it. People are not “super fast” in overbidding you. there are MILLIONS OF PLAYERS. its not 10 that are fast. get out

Do I have to reinstall?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


should have been put in program files/ you can go find it and repin it. the game isnt GONE, your shortcut is

How does Hidden Garden gathering work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


I have two characters parked at mine and whenever I log in to one, everything shows as there but wont let me harvest some of it, like I can only do cabbage and spinach. Then i go to the other character and it will do blackberries, pumpkin, and strawberries or something. It wont let me harvest everything, not on one, not on the other. I only end up getting like half or two thirds of my entire garden. exactly how does this thing work?

(edited by Felahr.9830)

Best Ranger Pet names you've seen!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


My smokescale is named Bath Salts, and a guildie has something named Kylo [Ren] (being our guild affix)

Seeds for "Hidden Garden" Kudzu III

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felahr.9830


I have been harvesting from nodes and have gotten zero seeds. is it a ridiculously low drop rate or something?