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Necro changes since Oct. 1 2012

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


yeah by far the biggest change was a stealth nerf
At least the bug has been acknowledged and being worked on

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Celestial gear discussion-mainly WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043



What you lose in comparison to asciis dedicated zerg build is some toughness, damage. you get some vit, but thats what you have to bear with untill u get a cavaliers set :P And swap d/d for axe/horn

Power you tag more and youre also more useful to your blob. The bigger the zerg, the weaker condis are.
And good epidemics take time and are unreliable. Whereas wells are targeted and on demand.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

How to Tell the Victor...

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


The easiest scenario ti imagine is:

-Which DOUBLE CLASS COMP is most succesful ?

Remember, this only soloQ, equaly random pugs, skill levels, etc….

2x guard – works. midpoint is practicaly yours
2x spirit ranger -
2x warior – organized teams sucesfully run this

2x engie – condi , CC spam
2x necro – bigger condi spam , though less mobility

2x thief – squishy , needs free caps and 3 point movement play
2x mesmer – alos squishy, with the need of a clutch turn around (portal, good interupts)

2x ele- mostly a loss. they can, but if team rezzes, its over

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Celestial gear discussion-mainly WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


I came down to 99% same build with my celestials. It is hands down the best “hybrid – all around – prepared for ANYTHING , ANYWHERE” build. Be warned of long read but here are the key points of it:

1) Traveler runes are MUST. Heck Oozo takes the signet over a single stun-break. So is 40gold worth +1 extra utility slot (S Walk) + 1 offhand (warhorn) ? And the bonus stats are great , divinity is top for a reason

2) I take D/D + Staff. It gives 3 condi removals without even using a utility. Face it: staff #4 got butchered and necro is THE condi class. The transfers add damage + avoding it for u. And remember the build must be able to fight and win against both power as condi enemys.

3) Signet of spite. also a must utility. Why its beter than BiP ? without CD red. trait, the average power gain is same, wile condi dmg scales bad anyway. It is also up ALWAYS when u need that last burst or if things look bad , just use it for making enemy a noodle for 10-15s, while making 12+5= 17% added dmg.

3) 30/20/xxx gives up too much survival. The traits are bad and burning is single target only. Necro can already handle most 1v1s. This is for the bad scenarios when the 2nd guy showes up.

300 power + 30% con.dur. Instead u get the duration from food, its totaly OP, theres no food that could increase ur power damage by 40% … and +40% longer CC by fear … and its cheap From death u get +250 tough., 25% boons fury and regen, about +80 power and a better staff, which is your support weaponset.

4) The survival u get from 20 pts in blood is greater than the dmg gained from any 20pts elsewhere. U have good toughness, so vitality means something. The 20pts trait allows wells recharge for zerging. Before id take bloodthrist, but since sihpon buff i take siphon on crit with Dagger reduction since u can use #4 more often, dagger#2 gives ACTUAL SUSTAIN. its a 2,7k heal , every 13s , "can used ranged while kiting-repositiong, taking no damage , dealing damage + u run forward 25% faster remember? This + regen + a condi transfer before can make a 10k hp difference in hp bars in 3s , which most other classes cant catch up.

5) Staff and dagger make goof LF, and hybrid makes ALL your DS do dmg, while u take none. Staff and DS#1 is ranged , dagger for melee.

6) The other 2 utilitys are free to pick. I take Spectral wall and Spectral armor. A stun break, a semi disengage, 12s of protection , 1-2 more terror ticks and a lot of LF to use DS back on them.

7) It works great in pve as a lazy-mode with best value if u dont want to farm and carry around 3+ different sets.

-Be Quite good at everything ( about 65% )
-No direct hard counter
-Can counter others
-WvW zerg , WvW solo , PvE Damage (direct/condi , single/aoe ) , PvE group support wells ALL IN 1 SET , WITHOUT EVER RETRAITING OR REEQUIPING just swap a few traits and a utility and your good to go

w3 solo –
w3 zerg (copy off ascii) –
PvE dmg –
PvE support –

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Stability should be a Necromancer hallmark

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Id trade all our swiftness + take a perma-chill debuff for stability. ok we must be slooow but why also a ping pong ball

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Post Dec 10th Patch - Beef up or Trim Down?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


From top to bottom of food chain:

-tone down sustain of warior
-make spirits weak in teamfights… should be around necro minions level… either less HP or make them not movable
-necro give bleeds back ( its my main i know ) but remove burn . Engie same, make them use actual flamthrower for burns
- s/d thief evading
-mesmer/ele burst too instant

bunker guard ok, if al else is really toned down maybe them too to not have bunker wars again, just dont buff their dps much more..

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

How does a 4v5 even start?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Is it the person gets the que popped, and quits game during the 2min preparations?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Staff 4 changes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


I know the blind change was made so necros wouldnt lose to engies at least on the condi front. Often did I blow my insta-fear just to make a transfer in time , since you can lose 3 games before casting 2 skills on necro

The change however at least lowered the “hot potato” game between 2 necros.

They absolutely must restore the team aspect of the skill. It was very balanced cz they needed to be in the mark and as necro you are free casting from distance. So you make yourself more vulnerable for the next 25s. Needs to be 5x condi instead of full cleanse though Am i right?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Upcoming Skyhammer Changes

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Hope to see more actual fights in hammer room now. Looks like nice change

One thing I can add as necro.
Before you would fear some1 onto glass, and he would hit the wall , and often just before the glkittenerred he could jump to safety. So you either had to use 2 fears , or make a decision where to fear: hold long enough on glass or just go for the distance push.
Now necros will be aiming for the same spot…. nothing compared to CC engies though, just a small tip.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

new decay system is in

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Just a pure math Q:

In perfect theory, if matchmaking put you against EQUAL opponents , would everyone have/be very close to a 50/50 win ratio in the long run ?

Just by looking at 1st page EU boards , you see the players with far more games played are closer to 60% , while the 70-80% have far less , mostly under 100x games total.

If so, I think we will very appreciate the increased decay , to keep poeple playing CONSTANTLY and not sitting on a “small sample lucky start” .

Just 1 more…. Should there be an advantage to some1 playing 4x games a daz (2-2) vs. 2x games a day (1-1) , simply because he played more ? I mean playing “should” be encouraged , though only a tiny bit ?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Poll: Team size for "Play Now"?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


I find hotjoins a waste of players Please reduce them to a minimum.

8v8 = 16x players = thats 3x FULL teams that could increase the tpvp population.

If nothing else , they could still just be put against each other so there would be less “lonesome bad players” getting lost in higher MMR matches.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Dec. 10th Balance Preview (Necromancer)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Read u can still post in prof. sub-threads about this.

Just the usual “please do something with dhuumfire and dont hurt other stuff.”

And could currupt boon change priority for stability nr.5 ? so u could currupt it, but not steal with focus too easy.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Dhuumfire and Incendiary Powder

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Burning is simply TOO STRONG too much dps, too short to remove , too easy to reaply.

Condi meta started with burning (HGH engie , dhuum necro , spirit ranger ).

I propose to give burning terrible scaling with Cond.Dmg. so that
-it will be smaller part of power guys dps
-condi+bunker specs wont gain too much from it

Like 300dps min to 400 dps with max Cond.Dmg. And make engies actualy use “flame-thrower” for “burning”

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

[Necro] MARKS / Lich form bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Flumek.9043


I know you know about it, we both know its ALSO on our marks. And no comment on the “its such a almighty ability so it deserves the full-CD bug”.

Just a bump to remind tackling the problem.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Tournament tomorrow! (Watch it)

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


I only saw the macro/complain thread about google, but im more interested in the build.

Google or anyone willing to share/teach it ?

edit: got it is shown at start of finals match 1

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

(edited by Flumek.9043)

My Experience from 20% to Top100 in Solo Q

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Well on the hand, it isnt hard to get back. You can totaly carry the games with new players, in my case i think i got back in about 3-5 gaming days. You just need to adjust your build on the way. Either bunker 1v2 far for whole game or go glassy killing whole teams.

The bad thing is that those lower rank matches, i havent found any fun in them. It was very frustrating losing (at 80%s) because 1 teammate didnt do/knew his job. When you play some funzies, you then have to almost kinda grind your way back to higher ranks, where you can find the pleasure of the challenge

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

My Experience from 20% to Top100 in Solo Q

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


I had exact same experince. Went 1-21 in one day. From 95% to 55%
Note: old system

Rollercoaster started with 8x consecutive 5v4 on my side . Mathematicaly very small chance. Then some unlucky close loses (tempel buffs) and finaly some teammates, who arent leavers, but play just as bad.

My results / experiences:

95% -My normal max. For solo player it was hard to get above this, since here you would start hitting premades.

80% – My normal min. I would reach it when playing funzies builds.

70% – One r9 player , amongst 30-40s… Or just who doesnt know the basic rules, leaving home, attacking far , basicaly hotjoin zerger mentality
Which ever teams gets this player, will lose.

60% – 3x players on each team are like the one above, playing hotjoin free-for-all instead of conquest.

50% – All players are like that, rank15 max. Theyre also all glass canons with mostly no stunbreaks.

Like OP sad, if you find yourself under 70% , DO NOT play any support, since theyre not worth rezzing, just play glass yourself and win 2v1 on far, 10x times in a row. Then you should be back in normal %. Take it slow and steady from there.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Good PvP Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Healing signet comparison

Necro heal minion – 900 hp/ 3s = 300 hp/s
and it can/does get destroyed, or even miss its attack giving 0 heal.

Warrior signet – 400 hp/s
Permanent, no stress its uninteruptable

Signet was 200 hp/s before, why not balance it to 300 ?

When playing Minion-necro, as long as the heal minion is alive, I have very good sustain, with less base armor….It took 1 month to “hotfix” Necro burning , Its 3 months now , why not do the same? Bad for the player, good for the game remember?

You cant just compare 2 skills and say the healing signet is op compared to other healing skills on other classes.. because other classes have something else like protection, regen (no warriors aint got a sustain regen) or a second health bar, stealth, perma boons etc..

Also the healing signet doesnt do damage, the minion does. but yes in total the healing signet is better, but you got a second health bar :-)

Ow AND necro’s got healing on weapon skills.. warriors dont.

Yes, I can.

When 2 values have such a big difference, you can make rough estimates. And maybe 300 IS too low for warrior. Then make it 350 next month. Still too much? Here, 325 hp/s.

I know this is a “soft whack-a-mole” approach , but its very effective , solves the problem , and does it FAST. Like 75% of problem gone by 2nd step. Or you can try to get a perfect “hole in one , every 4 months” like now.

Btw. I DO play warr. And currently you dont need protection, so dont you think something is fishy? Guard and ele have it cz of lower HP , but lets not get off-topic and stop here.

IMO , the devs did a great job for improving clarity in traits , tooltips, floaters. Took a lot of technical work and time, and we appreciate it.
But the fine art of balance, which isnt crystal clear to solve is still ahead.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Good PvP Patch

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Healing signet comparison

Necro heal minion – 900 hp/ 3s = 300 hp/s
and it can/does get destroyed, or even miss its attack giving 0 heal.

Warrior signet – 400 hp/s
Permanent, no stress its uninteruptable

Signet was 200 hp/s before, why not balance it to 300 ?

When playing Minion-necro, as long as the heal minion is alive, I have very good sustain, with less base armor….It took 1 month to “hotfix” Necro burning , Its 3 months now , why not do the same? Bad for the player, good for the game remember?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

BoC Necromancer Podcast - PvP Builds

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Hello. Ive got some:

a) Should siphons even exist? It sounds harsh, but this is what I mean:

-They steal some hp ON HIT. Yet our weapons have wastly different attack speeds. From super-slice daggers to zzz-staff . So theres a big difference between the ideal vs. realistical hp/second you get

-The biggest problem is no stability and getting CCed. During that time, you arent siphoning hp when u actualy most need it. So, like with spectrals, would it be better to get something back on getting hit ?

b) How to balance necro survival from 3 “independent” sources ?
Toughnes/healing gear = good #6 , regen , other heals (only 1, 3x times too weak )
Death shroud= life force generating weapon, skills, traits, SR traitline
Siphoning= needs 10,15,20 traits investment, doesnt scale well with previous Healing Power
So if glassy necro gets DS for survival, any toughness necro will have it too, a toughness+healing will be super tanky (if they fix/add heals, like transfusion, regen through DS ) , and siphons on top. Each on their own they MUST be subpar, to prevent a combined glassy-DS-on-crit-siphon-tank :/

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Lifeforce and Duels

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


The DS#3 alone for interupt makes 0% LF unfair fight… Its not being able to use class mechaninc. Go tell ele/mesmer to not attune/shatter for first 10 seconds or thief to not open with gap closer, ranger without pet ( opening strike or whats its called ) blalbla…………..
…….BUT 100% is A LOT for 1v1 . Heres my personal scale:

a) 0% LF …The game is spammy, and you SHOULD be able to drop a flash-fear , or for power necros DS#2 is gap closer – so why shouldnt it be allowed as a opener? Weakness / fury / retal are also damage modifiers that add up in the long run (a.k.a. from start , not 1k hp last ditch effort) …Unfair fight, got caught off-guard

b) 20% LF….U ususaly get that in spvp, it allows to use 1-2 skills, trait bonuses and mini-burst avoidance , since about half of it will still go over now. IMO min. for fair fight, a bit low, do this if ur confident

c) 50% LF ….With this i didnt find myself with too little or too much…… I have acces to my proff. skill when theyre on CD (like any other spammy Gw2 class) , i can take a big hit cz i cant vigor-dodge it , nor am I able to facetank everything + getting a 5x 3k lifeblast = 15k dmg headstart Max. for fair fight on condi, if power necro, this should be your sweet middle

d) 100% LF ……While it is a realistic/normal scenario in WvW solo roaming , I think necros are strong enough 1v1 to not need that much. Ive 100-0ed poeple with DS only.
10 seconds ~ 7x life lasts = 14-21k dmg
+ bleeds /fear / torment since that was on a hybrid spec
+after that , i still have 25k hp / 2500 armor + heal on that same hybrid without bloodlust
For super fair duel in WvW it is too much. Just tell the thief that 10min hide and seek also doesnt count

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Why is combat speed slower?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Surely this has been discused before, if any1 remembers the reasoning fot this?

Is it to balance swiftness vs. leaps/teleports ?
Or are maps too small , and everyone would be switching/cycling members like helseths team ?
Too less criples/chills in game?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Q: About heals while in DS ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Thank you. I understand (but not agree ) with not healing normal HP bar, but not getting even some % of LF is realy unfair design. And if that wouldnt be atrition then i dont know what would..

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

(edited by Flumek.9043)

Q: About heals while in DS ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


I know heals/ regen do not heal your HP bar while in DS.

And they also do not give back life force, correct?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Necro - WvW roaming - V.7

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043

Flumek.9043 Sry, i was wrong. It just prevent autotargeting to always pick another nearest enemy. In pvp terms, u should use both or 0.

Yes, facing, thats the term i meant i may bring epidemic back now since it doesnt require facing to cast and land

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Necro - WvW roaming - V.7

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


What does promote target then help with?

For DS#3 i think we have a missundestand. It does not require line of sight. You can fear some1 who is directly 6 o`clock behind your back, all while holding W , meaning your runing full-speed forward uninterupted. Other abilities go on a 4s or some full CD if u do that. It CAN get obstructed is what u probably meant ? oh and thank you for the explanation

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Necro - WvW roaming - V.7

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Sorry for nooby Q, but I didnt use autotarget in pvp.

“Promote skill target” – I start casting epidemic on A, then click/tab-target B. Normaly the skill would go off on A, but this enabled it will go off on B ?

Im running away from some1, I press DS#3 and it fears them away even without line of sight. A good gap-maker. But if I had auto-target, could this trick fear something unintend infront of me instead?

Can you spread epidemic from allies? like a tower lord if u have them targeted

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Staff Mastery Revamp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


For staff to finally see some power action:

- remove aftercast…. 0.7s cast + 0.6s aftercast, basicaly half time u are doing nothing
- increase projectile speed
- DPS: #1 + #2 on CD = a bit less than axe autoatack…….. so yeah
- Re-arrange damage between marks + do something with spite trait +10% marks damage

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Staff Mastery Revamp

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Those +10% crits wont help much:
a) bleed procs – the attack rate is slow
b) more damage – the #1 skill despite big hits has bad dps
c) higher attack for 2h weapons – hybrids often lack power to make use of good crit% and c.dmg. , but if u want crits in DS , we already have fury + 50% crit traits.

Hybrids are also often squishy, yet they need to fight for some time , for their condition side of damage to do its ticks. And staff is mostly a utility/defensive weapon, so a pure defensive stat increase wuold be more suited.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

If Blood Nec gets buffed, bring back HP cost

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Ehmmm ANY dagger/x necro is a “111 spam” build. :P
Its because our best /only “burst” is called autoatacks. And it is the only designed AA-build because the class necro counter is to play CC-ping-pong or slowpoke-kite them. If u dont, u lose the atrition war due to LF regen.

Im fully for removing the skilles burn-procs on scepter (and on engies) , but siphoning will hardly ever be OP, because necro survival is like power ranger – split into parts (Healing power , Life force for DS , Siphons ).

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Tequatl build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


From today i can say rezz signet is a lot more useful as 3rd utility instead of curruption well. Revive 3 ppl from range vs. deal small dmg/ 0 boons/ condis arealy perma spammed

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

"Magic Symbols" animation (for necros only).

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Sad >_>
Thought I can find something to watch on my way to home.

While its not watchable gameplay , you should listen to the soundtracks I find them very enjoyable and regularly listen them to Gw2 .

Mokuo, eirin, flandre scarlet, cirno, suwako theme to name some. And since theyre popular, theres many covers/remixes if ur into that


Since Gw2 already has too many effects/spirits/asuras flying around, I dont think a bullet-hell-game is a good example not against idea though

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

"Magic Symbols" animation (for necros only).

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


is that touhou game?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

What EXISTING weapon would you like on Necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


We mostly seek/need a POWER weapon with CLEAVE, preferably not CLUNKY
My suggestions:

1) Torch – balance reasons : u can get burning, but u lose the condi transfer. Replaced Dhuum, not forced into unfitting traitline

2) MH Sword / Greatsword – for cleaves sake- It is simply a must in this game.

3) Longbow – only 2 classes have it atm – a ranged power weapon, for single target , staff for aoe

4) Dagger revamp – just personaly have hopes here / warr 1h sword is great proof its possible

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

World1 Zone1 Tribulation Mode Chest Problem

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Sorry for copying thread, but it may fir here:

okay, im lying a bit, i got the green coin, BUT ONLY ALMOST due to a design hole. This is a warning thread to others and to Anet to maybe prevent it further.

1.) after 2h + gem coin i beat w1z3 frog boss tribu hard mode
2.) as he dies, the game RANDOMLY KILLS me. ( probably melee + lag thought i went over leaf)
I now have 40 sec time to get from check-point to chest, or i would be teleported and left WITHOUT THE REWARD FOR THIS HARDMODE !!!!,!,

I luckily got to it, but due to the well known recent perma-lag, i still died on jumping locusts 2x times, then made it with 10sec left to chest.
Now to prevent future nerve tragedies, please
A) fix random deaths joke
B) fix lag issues, i did my jumps good, i enjoy something hard, but the locusts are 75% unplayable
C) easiest imo….give the winner a pop-up to teleport away and/or remove chest and give reward as personal loot

I mean it does sound unfair and heartbreaking? Being forcefuly ported before getting your hard worked chest?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

[GLITCHHH] - NO REWARD - w1 z3 in TRIBU-mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Flumek.9043


okay, im lying a bit, i got the green coin, BUT ONLY ALMOST due to a design hole. This is a warning thread to others and to Anet to maybe prevent it further.

1.) after 2h + gem coin i beat w1z3 frog boss
2.) as he dies, the game RANDOMLY KILLS me. ( probably melee + lag though i went over leaf)
I now have 40 sec time to get from check-point to chest, or i would be teleported and left WITHOUT THE REWARD FOR THIS HARDMODE !!!!,!,

I luckily got to it, but due to the well known recent perma-lag, i still died on jumping locusts 2x times, then made it with 10sec left to chest.
Now to prevent future nerve tragedies, please
A) fix random deaths joke
B) fix lag issues, i did my jumps good, i enjoy something hard, but the locusts are 75% unplayable
C) easiest imo….give the winner a pop-up to teleport away and/or remove chest and give reward as personal loot

I mean it does sound unfair and heartbreaking? Being forcefuly ported before getting your hard worked chest?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

State of the game - 06-09-13 -

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


a) Celestial trinket could use a buff ?

a) bad for viewers
b) must for players
c) against Anets own logic —-> Spvp = Fair play , equal armor/stats

a) no counter !!!!!!!!
b) 30% burn from 1 trait ? Great, dont even need a freakin dedicated “flamethrover” anymore
c) MOAR passive play

a) burst , too much dmg , should be only bonus for power users …. *hence power/duration traitline
b) 4s = 2-3s + reaction time ….. Too short to cleanse , too long eat the dmg

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

PvP lags more than WvW

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


… and i have a feel its getting worse.

Any official found / admitted issues ? or is it a global +1/2s balance patch ?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Fixing burn could fix all problems?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Yes, burning is OP.
Its in power/duration trait-trees, but conditioners use it……..ehm i mean SPAM IT !!!

1) ON-CRIT ?? How do u counter procs!?
Oh and theyre 40% uptime —-→
Engiener , burning class , max. 2 bleeds + poison, has a off-pistol and whole FLAMETHROWER , yet nobody uses it, simce u get enough burn just from ur 10 trait procs —-——→ DESIGN FTW

2) 4seconds is a “weird” zone. U often waste a long cleanse for a 2-3s burn , given reaction/casts.

3) SPAM. To easy to re- apply. Should be more like
-got hit with big long burn (6-10s)
-no cleanse? U die ….. Yes cleanse? Cleanse and ACTUALY buy some TILL NEXT BIG HIT

4) Damage. Again burn is a duration condi and meant for power users. Therefore base dmg should be same, but scalling should be terrible, giving a max between 400-500/dps.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

DS #2 Stunbreak DS #4 Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043



Trait 30-Foot in grave :

It also makes DS#2 our long lost teleport , BUT cast time remains , and increased CD to 20s ………………..edit remove unblockable

Like well of power, u would need DS ready + CAST TIME to get to safety.

Were already strong 1v1 , a single stunbreak wont help against even stun-warrior, let alone focus fire / zergs . But a 900range port can save u once.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

(edited by Flumek.9043)

DS #2 Stunbreak DS #4 Healing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


DS#2 stunbreak? Bad idea.
We are already too strong 1v1, but weak to focus fire/zergs.
*execption: stun-warriors will beat u even with that another stunbreak

30 point – Foot in grave – added stunbreak? I have no idea why it isnt already
DS-switching builds are super hard-luck/intuition-based to play , but a 7-10s
non utility stunbreak ===> would make us uncatchable like sword thieves, so an ICD would be needed.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Superior Rune of Perplexity

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


No ICD ? just for lolz, can u then fire thief pistol #4 to get instant 20 stacks?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Can we ban asura from the pax tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


“In spvp, everybody , from start , gets same level , same gear , same skills. Only personal skill will matter as none player will have an unfair advantage. "

Its a big mistake because this is how the game was advertised.
And it hurts the public image of GuildWars2.

EU is over so NA should play by same rules, but the finale would be much better with any of these rules (equal and fair play ):
-no asuras allowed / all standard human size
-max 1-2 asuras per team
-asuras MUST be max size (simply give them a makeover kit)

Dont forget, the customer/viewer is always right

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Congrats [SYNC] for NA tourney win

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


the video in twitch stops at 1h15min, at a CC-350 vs. 460-TP score.
Can you see the ending somewhere or is the footage lost?

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Truth behind june(torment) patch.

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


I would so buy a super stibility cape / backpack from the gem store

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Rush is still terrible.

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


The Greatsword is a weapon set, which is NOT SELF SUFFICIENT.

The best example is Mesmer sword. Same #2 channel , but combo from #3+#3+#2 , even on similar CD , is what makes it work.
Our changed sword. Great. U need a trait, but a gap close + immobilize = enabling the #3 “big hit to hit”

The 100b should be left on #2.
Wariors ARE masters of weapons, and the 5s wep-swap SHOULD keep poeple guessing/ scared.
What the GS lacks, is a CC to get part the channel off , WITHOUT other wep/utility.
It shouldnt be longer than 2s though , allowing to dodge the last few BIG hit of 100b.

And some actualy ideas:
a) A CC on #5 hit
b) 1 – 1,5 – 2 seconds of CC on burst F1 skill…(Immob for not interupting enemy)
c) Maybe even a gap-closer , traded for #3 spining in place. Mobility/dps should be addjusted to reamain same

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Constructive necromancer thoughts.

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Main necro, r42, 1.300 hours, yolo-que ~90% rating. Nothing to boast, just to say im not hotjoin hero

1) Burning is too strong OVERALL. Its got a already strong base, and as it stacks in duration, i feel its should be more of a bonus damage to power specs. (its also in power/duration trait lines)
I suggest the good base dmg, but bad scaling, like 300-400 on 0-max cond.dmg. Or maybe even fixed ~400 dps.

2) ON-CRIT !!! How do you counter on crits???
A interesting suggestion was for allow this to only apply to autoatacks.

3) The “medium” duration. 5 seconds allows little counterplay. The reaction time+cleanse casts / transfer hit / passive cleanses take about 2-3 seconds. This means u often waste a 30s+ CD to cleanse only 2s of burning.

The burns that are meant as “fixed” bonus dmg should be short 1-2s therefore “uncleansable”.
Then there should be the “big attacks”, where if u dont cleanse that 5-10s burn off, u rightfuly lose.

4) Necros DID NEED A BLEED COVER…..the fear-spike was good, nobody complained about it for half a year.
If maybe we could get a similar “Torment spike” instead of burn.

For enemys that 1 less condition to cleanse.
For us if we could force someone to ACTUALY STAND STILL:
a) power necro could easier slash them in the face
b) ranged condi could get some range/free hits/easier long casts off

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

State of necromancer after the patch

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


this is the state of the necromancer after the patch. Balanced. Not.

He went from 50% to 25% + 3×8% spectral trigered – 3×4% decay
Meaning the ele did 25+24-12 =37% LF dmg

He is rabid + protection + un-bugged DS (direct dmg)
Without protection 37 * 1,5 = 55,5 ~55%
Spectral bonus 24% in 2-3s

Damage taken normaly would be then 55+24= 79% raw dmg + 12% decay = 91%

I dont like it. Well still melt in focus fire, while winning even more 1v1, causing even more complains.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

Objective Skyhammer Feedback Goes Here

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


1) The map looks beautiful. Fits the asuras. We got a norm map already, im hoping for a sylvari forest soon

2) The laz0r is too strong. IMO the balance should be similar to trebs.
a) have 1 person firint the treb/canon unidisturbed, then u should win
b) have 2 persons in treb room whole match should make your team lose the 3v5 on the actual map.

In any case, it needs less dmg, smaller AoE- especialy since its easy to aim. And a slower turning rate. Maybe even a 1 PERSON/TEAM – LIMIT on canon- a clear 1v1 showdown which can tourn around anytime is entartaining to watch.

3) 1-hit-KO pads. I love them (atm). Some dont.
*I only dont like the engie imobilize+knockback rifle combo. I find it too easy to land + u cant stunbreak the immobilize or the “Launch-moving” part. Maybe allowing stunbreak/or just stability to “Instantly reduce momentum to 0” could be implemented. U would need fast reflexes though.


Most CC-Knockbacks are melee and while they have a random chance of insta-kill, u can punish them from ledges if u play smart. A mostly underlooked aspect.

The ledges above each point could be SEMI-SAFE SPOTS, since u are giving up the point. A smaller AoE would allow this. Unleess the lazer is targeted on them, then the point could be safe spot.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

The Mighty Altroll's Mighty Metas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Flumek.9043


1.) This is only NA servers right?

2.) The idea of testing most “common” scenarios with a time limit would be nice cz u could do them faster than in a real match and more objectively. Would be also very educational, if recorded and explained.

3.) Cheers and good luck for Altroll !! #Hope bas was right and this doesnt turn into a witch hunt..

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)