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Being forced to replay missions is bad

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I don’t mind the achievements being locked the first time through. What I do mind is that unlocking the achievements aren’t account wide while the achievements are account bound. If they are going to be one time achievements PER ACCOUNT, then after I do the story with my Ranger I should be able to do the achievements on my Guardian who is running through for first time.

gates of maguuma achievement bug?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Has he done the story and unlocked the achievements on that character? If not then that’s probably why he didn’t get them.

The original and stuff you want back?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Maybe the ability to stow pets for good on Rangers, but that’s a minor thing to me.

How about they just fix Rangers and the pets? But stowing and giving us the pets stats would do in the meantime.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


It’s not ANet’s bottom line it’s NCSoft and I thik most of us know by now that NCSoft is in it for the quick buck. ANet got lucky with Guild Wars in that NCSoft took a very hands-off approach to it’s everyday runnings. With Anet’s success tho, NCSoft took a more hands-on track and just wanted to make enough money to support Wildstars development.

[Suggestion]: Hero/Merc System for LS/PS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


They could easily port the old GW Heroes/Henchman system over . They could even make it so we unlock certain ones through doing Living Story or by doing certain achievements in Personal Story or Living Story(they already have the other achievements for Traits).

[Suggestion]: Hero/Merc System for LS/PS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


And I’m very grateful we have some NPC like those fine fellows in our story, but compared to the mercs/hero’s from GW1, unfortunately, it’s not even comparable – it’s also far from the OP’s idea of customizable, fully controlled NPC’s.

I seem to remember being able to choose the traits and skills for each heroes in my group as well as positioning them where I wanted in a battle in GW. These we have in this LS chapter are more along the lines of the henchman from GW:Prophecies without the ability to tell them where to stand. And these “Heroes” are much smarter than the henchmen we had in Prophecies.

[Suggestion]: Hero/Merc System for LS/PS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Adding Heroes and Henchmen would turn GW2 into a CoRPG and not a MMORPG anymore. You’ll have no one grouping just like we ended up having after Nightfall was released(things got even worse when EotN dropped).

[Poll] Living Story vs. Features Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


For me it would be like this:

1. Living Story: Consistent and Continuous Updates with Permanent Map Additions
2. New Features: Guild Halls, GvG content, Capes, New Legendaries, Crafting Precursors, New Weapon and Armor skins
3. Less Content Updates: Focus on Profession Balance in PvP and PvE, and General Bug Fixes
4. New PvP Content: New Maps for sPvP and WvW

Replaying LS 2 Episode - Character Bound

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I don’t mind having to do the instances again on my alts. I’d just like it possible for my alts to accomplish the achievements that my main unlocked access to when they do the LS for first time. And for those that have multiple alts, we could focus on 1 achievement each time we bring a new alt into an instance.

Living Story tokens and the Wallet

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Geodes should be in the Wallet because they are used in a new Zone, Dry Top. And Dry top is a permanent addition to the game. One would conclude then that Geodes will be permanent.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I don’t think they’re talking about regular jumping Nageth. What they’re talking about is the Aspect/jumping that’s REQUIRED in Dry Top. There is a big difference between jumping out of the way(or even dodging) of an attack and having your skillbar replaced by 3 crappy jumping skills that only last for 15 seconds. If you miss a regular jump or dodge not really a big deal w/ full health ussually. If you miss a jump with the aspects it’s most likely a fall to your death or having to port because the skill timed out.

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I have no problem with some of the Achievements requiring the Aspects, the problem is(as many have said) the NEED for the Aspects to complete the story-line and acquire map completion. I have both done on 1 of my characters but will probably not try the achievements because of them all requiring the jumping/aspects.

Be a Ranger, not an archer

in Ranger

Posted by: Galphar.3901


^This. Would much rather play my Guardian or Thief if I’m going to melee.

Don't expect a new zone - Whoops, I'm wrong

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I love how everyone thinks that the Maguma Jungle is a desert. No, the Crystal Desert is a desert. Maguma is a jungle and canyon region. Think the Amazon with the Grand Canyon in the middle of it.

And I have to agree with everyone saying no new zone tomorrow. I think we’ll get a temp mini-dungeon that is the Gates of Maguma and allows us access to Maguma later down the road.

Have you been following the lore? It’s not a jungle anymore. It’s a wasteland now. We’ve been told that it has mysteriously dried up. Hence the title, Maguuma Wastes.

Then it’s more canyon now than jungle. As I said think Grand Canyon area, more stone than sand.

Don't expect a new zone - Whoops, I'm wrong

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I love how everyone thinks that the Maguma Jungle is a desert. No, the Crystal Desert is a desert. Maguma is a jungle and canyon region. Think the Amazon with the Grand Canyon in the middle of it.

And I have to agree with everyone saying no new zone tomorrow. I think we’ll get a temp mini-dungeon that is the Gates of Maguma and allows us access to Maguma later down the road.

How to bring in 'housing', and make sense.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


We already have Housing!! From the official wiki:

Home instance -

The home instance is an instanced area within a character’s home city based on race, which evolves as they progress through the world.

A character’s home instance will change based on their progress and actions in their personal story. For example, character actions could determine the presence or absence of non-player characters, special merchants or even buildings.

Players can invite others to visit their home instance. If a character visits a home instance in a city other than their home city (for example, a charr visiting Salma District), they will see a basic version of the district without any story-related changes.

Release time for Living Story season 2?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Anet has always been known to drop patches between 2pm est and 6pm est. Sometimes it’s later than that but only if a problem arises.

Interchangeable Trait templates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


This is something we had in GW and was highly used. Only difference was we could only change builds in towns and not in a combat area.

[Poll] New classes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I see Paragon being a more likely profession than Dervish. Paragon is a Heavy armor prof and Dervish is a Light armor prof. I would love to see Paragons added with Javelins(spears) and a shield just like in Nightfall. They could also bring their Echos and Chants. Problem is it seems like ANet merged the Paragon into the Warrior excluding the Javelins and Echos & Chants.

Be a Ranger, not an archer

in Ranger

Posted by: Galphar.3901


If Anet fixed Long Range Shot so that it’s max dmg wasn’t at 1000+ range, then bow using Rangers wouldn’t be outcast in almost every part of the game. Or they could up the range of some of the group buffs so everyone can get the benefit ranged or melee. Increasing the buff range would allow people to actually choose how they wanted to play; melee or range.

New Zone Location Predictions

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Characters under level 80 will be able to see the available episodes, but will not be able to play them until they reach level 80. Think of the Living World story as the constantly expanding continuation of your character’s storyline once they reach level 80.

Kinda refers to it being post 80. Why would they add more low level zones when the LS2 is for post 80 ?

Then there will not be ANY new Race added during the Living Story ever. If the LS will be nothing but 80+ then no place for them to add a new starting zone.

new map - new skins via drops

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Everything should be account bound.

Adding a market economy to a videogame is not only pointless but anti-fun.

Not having a Trading Post/Auctionhouse was one of the biggest complaints ANet received about GW1.

New Zone Location Predictions

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Didnt they already say no more hearts in lvl 80 content ?

I don’t recall them saying that all the new S2 content would be lvl80 only.

Season 2: Zerg Wars or... Raid Wars?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I’d much rather see ANet bring in FoW/UW/Urgoz’s Warren/The Deep/DoA. They were GW’s version of Raids and were much betterthan any Raid I ever did in other games. I’d say make them 8-10 man Elite Dungeons.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


They should have done it like they did the stories in Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall; your choice of exotic weapon, Instead we get Rare weapons with crappy stats.

[Suggestion] Bring back Skills from GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I’d just like to be able to choose the weapon skills I use instead of being stuck with the same 5.

I would love them to expand weapon skills, for example, single handed mainhand weapons give a full 5 skill bar.

In addition, each weapon can be “further leveled” so you unlock new skills for each skill slot that you can switch around. In my ideal, la-la-land, each skill slot for every weapon would have five alternate weapon skills you can use.

Also, something I’d want brought back from GW1: Interrupts. Pure interrupts that halt a skill and put it on its default cool down as though it actually got used. Not knockdowns, knock backs, knock-tos, petification, or any other control function, it just completely shuts out a skill.

Bring back interrupts!

In reference to the bolded section, I’d like to see them take the current trait system and use it to unlock new weapon skills. Do certain Achievements or unlock through a Goldsink. Then they could revert the trait system back to how it was and people would start making Alts again.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Why is everyone obsessed with getting Cantha and Elona opened up for us? IF/When it happens, it will most likely be in the form of an expansion that you’ll have to pay $70 for. We have plenty of map space in Tyria that still needs to be opened up and will probably be opened up for FREE in the form of LS updates. I’d much rather the devs focus on the parts of Tyria not open yet and FIXING the things wrong w/ the game(Rangers not living up to ANet’s discription, pets suck, new trait system driving away players, etc).

How pet reliant is the ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Pets are at least 30 of a Ranger’s DMG. So when your pet dies, you are losing 30% of your DMG and they die ALOT.

[Suggestion] Bring back Skills from GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I’d just like to be able to choose the weapon skills I use instead of being stuck with the same 5.

(edited by Galphar.3901)

Living Story Season 2- A mistake?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I seem to remember them stating they had a team working on “expansion” content as well as the live update team. Granted that was before they started the Living Story, so the LS team could be the Expansion team.

Season 2 Opener [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


With it being the Maguma Jungle they’re opening up to us, we’ll probally see a lot of spiders, devourers and centaurs; maybe some White Mantel or Ghosts of the White Mantel.

Mounts- Why or why not should they be added?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


The only way I see ANet giving us “Mounts” would be how they did it in GW:Nightfall. We had the tunneling Wurms that HAD to be used to cross certain parts of the Crystal Desert and you had to go to a waypoint to use them. They did same thing w/ Siege Devourers in EotN. If we ever get mounts, I’d say they will come when the Crystal Desert is opened to us and I’d say that won’t be till LS4.

What are we really likely to get in S2?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I don’t see A-Net giving us a new playable race period. They have the 5 they wanted and we never got new race in GW no matter how much we asked. I also don’t see them giving us a new profession or skills until they bring in Elona or Cantha and I see those being in the form of a TRUE expansion. There is plenty of map still left to be opened to us, Maguma, Crystal Desert, Ring of Fire, to name a few.

new building skill and player owned houses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I’d much rather they give us Guild Halls and GvG. We don’t need player housing because we already have our “Home Instance”. Now, some of these suggestions could be used as Guild Upgrades once we do get Guild Halls. In GW we had to buy everything but the Xunlia Agent(Banker), so being able to use Influence to create things for our respective Guild Halls would be great, maybe even allow the Guild Leader to designate certain types of upgrades to members.


in Ranger

Posted by: Galphar.3901


small group content that just feels like a warrior could replace me without any consequence

I think it’s a mistake for you to feel useless. Warriors do more damage as individuals than rangers, but rangers bring unique party support that literally makes them irreplaceable.

Over simplifying, there are only two situations where a additional warrior would be the better choice than the first ranger. 1) You suck and/or don’t know what to do, or 2) you aren’t running a meta build and are drastically bringing the party down.

On the other hand, anyone is replaceable at any time, as was the goal of Anet. One time I did a 50 or 60 something fractal with 4 rangers and a necro. It’s just not the perfect comp.

Meta is not the End-All Be-All for builds. There are those of us that would rather play a non-meta build because it’s not meta. One of my favorite things to do in GW was to make a R/P beastmaster and go to RA. The other team would ignore my pet until it oneshot their Ele/Necro/Monk/Mes. People can run non-meta builds and be just as beneficial to the group as a meta build.

Why no capes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I’d like to see them implement capes like we had in GW. Guild Capes were so much better than the crappy Guild Armor we have now. You could actually see the Guild Symbol on them.

The ranger subforum says hi!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


What I find strange is that communication with developers in GW1 was vastly better than GW2. Anet really seems to have dropped the ball when it comes to community outreach. Ironically GW1 didn’t have official forums, so if a developer was going to respond it was on a handful of scattered fan made forums. Now they have their own forums and don’t use them like they should.

And Gaile Grey came to LA or Kamadon on a regular basis and talked with the community. Have to agree, GW’s communication with it’s player base was much better than GW2. But then again, most of the GW devs are not with Anet anymore.

Ideas for Guild Halls / GvG / Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I’d like to see ANert just give us Guild Halls and GvG like we had in GW. Doesn’t even have to be 8v8, can be 5v5 if they want. Oh and some type of PvP like Heroes Ascent would be nice also.

(edited by Galphar.3901)

Is Season 2 equal to an expansion?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I seem to remember A-net stating that their Dev Teams are working on BOTH LS content and expansion content. It’s no different than they did w/ GW where they had 1 team working on Sorrow’s Furnace and another on Factions. When they released Sorrow’s Furnace that team moved on to Nightfall and when Factions released that team moved to EotN.

Yeah… that Anet is gone. Don’t get your hopes up.

LW is all we got.

Yeah, seems that NCSoft got what they wanted out of ANet w/ GW2 and used that cash to fund Wildstar. I seem to remember also reading that most of the original GW team/Devs have left the company.

What do you wish for in Season 2?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


New maps with all the activities (vistas/jumps/hearts etc)
All instances will be soloable (not like the last instance of the personal story—even though chapters 1-79 were-the last one is a forced group)
RNG is fixed
Solo dungeons
Gem store will offer a 200 gem purchase option.

Sounds to me like you want LS2 to be a single-player game. Remember, the M in MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer.

I’m hoping for more content like Southsun Cove and even maybe revamping of some Zones and current Dungeons like Kessix Hills and Twighlight Arbor. I’d also like to see at least 1 new Dungeon having to do with the LS. Make it unlockable by logging in during the 2-week period that part of LS2 debuts or by Gem purchase if missed.

There is a big difference between the living story and personal story. The personal story was Solo with NPC’s until the the very last part and then a group was forced on you. You have obviously misunderstood.
Fixing RNG has nothing to with solo play, nor does having more options about the amount of gems that can be purchased, if I want to buy 200 gems to get a part of LS2 that was missed, you should be able to. Having dungeons scale to solo will have no affect on MP play. Nor is asking for new maps. The only part of LS2 I mentioned was being able to buy gems at 200. Obviously a whiteknight response with no understanding of what I wrote or the game itself.

I’ve been playing GW since release(that’s GW not GW2) so I think I have a good idea how ANet does things. One of the biggest things I hated about GW2 is that it’s pretty much a solo game until Arah. Yes you can group and do the story or other dungeons, but it still feels solo. In GW ANet made it so you had to group to do the Missions(granted after adding Heroes and improving the henchmen it became solo). It was one of the great things about GW, you HAD to group up to complete the story.

I do agree that RNG needs fixing badly and there’s no reason for ANet to limit the amount of Gems you can buy. I’d actually rather they fix things like RNG and profession balance(hello my fellow LB Ranger’s) before they even release LS2.

Is Season 2 equal to an expansion?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Maybe we’ll get lucky and the Tengu will play a part in LS2. Would be nice to see them involved as NPCs.

As nice as that would be, adding more races further increases the complexity involved with armors as I noted above. So if ANet were to make another race they’d have to create unique skins for all current skins. Probably why GW1 only had humans.

I wasn’t asking for a new playable race. I was asking for the Tengu to be involved as NPCs. I think ANet has all the races playable that the want.

[Suggestion] Scythe Weapon (2Handed)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


If Anet ever releases Elona then I think it would be perfect time to release Scythes and Javelins(Spear). These weapons were introduced in Nightfall with the Dervish and Paragon professions so I see Elona being perfect time to add them to our list of weapons.

Is Season 2 equal to an expansion?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Maybe we’ll get lucky and the Tengu will play a part in LS2. Would be nice to see them involved as NPCs.


in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


They weren’t mounts. Mounts aren’t Zone specific and don’t have damage skills. Mounts are used to get from point A to point B quicker than on foot. We don’t need mounts because we have Waypoints.


in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Why do people want mounts?

People like mounts. Why are people so against mounts? There were mounts in GW1 after all, and that was a game with much smaller instanced zones.

GW1 never had Mounts. They used the Waypoint system since release. And I’d rather have the Waypoint system than Mounts any day. Yes it cost a few silver to use each time but still 100x quicker than having to run/fly on a mount.

What do you wish for in Season 2?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


-more (or new) weapons for existing professions.

-a new hand-to-hand combat profession.

-guild halls

-a story that doesn’t resolve around endless grinding

-a way to make actually playing the game (so no rushing dungeons, farming areas, flipping the TP) more rewarding

-conditions making a bigger impact in battles

-no champions in areas below lvl 40 (so yes, permanently stopping the QD champ train)

and for one wish that could work but is dismissed every time…..
-dwarfs as a new race.

I was with you until the Dwarf as playable race. ANet killed all the dwarves in EotN.

What do you wish for in Season 2?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


New maps with all the activities (vistas/jumps/hearts etc)
All instances will be soloable (not like the last instance of the personal story—even though chapters 1-79 were-the last one is a forced group)
RNG is fixed
Solo dungeons
Gem store will offer a 200 gem purchase option.

Sounds to me like you want LS2 to be a single-player game. Remember, the M in MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer.

I’m hoping for more content like Southsun Cove and even maybe revamping of some Zones and current Dungeons like Kessix Hills and Twighlight Arbor. I’d also like to see at least 1 new Dungeon having to do with the LS. Make it unlockable by logging in during the 2-week period that part of LS2 debuts or by Gem purchase if missed.

Is Season 2 equal to an expansion?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


IF A-net ever does an expansion I hope they do it like Factions and Nightfall were done.

No raising the level cap
Add 2 character slots for people who merg the games
2 new Professions
2 new weapons per profession(3 if 1 is a mainhand/offhand set)
New skills for original 8 professions
Make Dungeons part of the storyline
Make it so you HAVE to do some storyline dungeons to get to new zones(IE Thunderhead Keep in Prophecies)


in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


IF A-net ever does an expansion I hope they do it like Factions and Nightfall were done.

No raising the level cap
Add 2 character slots for people who merg the games
2 new Professions
2 new weapons per profession(3 if 1 is a mainhand/offhand set)
New skills for original 8 professions
Make Dungeons part of the storyline
Make it so you HAVE to do some storyline dungeons to get to new zones(IE Thunderhead Keep in Prophecies)

(edited by Galphar.3901)

Is Season 2 equal to an expansion?

in Living World

Posted by: Galphar.3901


I seem to remember A-net stating that their Dev Teams are working on BOTH LS content and expansion content. It’s no different than they did w/ GW where they had 1 team working on Sorrow’s Furnace and another on Factions. When they released Sorrow’s Furnace that team moved on to Nightfall and when Factions released that team moved to EotN.