Showing Posts For Garambola.2461:

Looking for a permanent home.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


You do not need to roleplay on the unofficial RP servers, but if you hate roleplaying or roleplayers, then it is a bad choice.
I’m from the EU unofficial RP server, Piken Square. We’re not full, last I checked it was a ‘high’ server. There are people around most of the time, not in the middle of the night so much. To me it actually feels there’s more lately than a couple of months ago.

If you have jumped on a server less than a week ago, I fear you are stuck on that one unless you pay though. But the good new is, of course, that no matter what your home server is, you can play on any server in your region (NA or EU) after Monday. The only reason to pay for a change would be wanting to represent a certain server in WvW.

Enough to keep players interested til April?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I am trying to imagine what horribly wrong they would need to do to kill my interest before April.

Little things you love about GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


The amusing little discussions between NPCs.

Four men in a dungeon: Help us out

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


My suggestion is that you consider trying to find a fifth player. Someone who knows the dungeon.
I remember the headaches our first tries at AC caused. Running it with my third alt in a group that knew what to do made a total difference.
In consolation, it is a hard one compared to most others. The explorable is easier, though there too it really helps to know what is going on.

Played Both... Necro or Ele!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I’m not going to settle.
I have now six team members running around, each in turn. They are saving gold to recruit another soon (buy another char slot).

I have one of each race and everyone is different profession. They are also evenly divided between Orders. Having them all and playing different storylines has been rewarding. There are bits and pieces revealed when playing a different path that make me go ‘Ahaa! So that’s how that guy came top be there or that’s why this thing happened’.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


It has already been said many times. Legendaries aren’t any better (powerful) than other max weapons. They are just a symbol of wanting to put all that work (or a lot of money) into it.

regarding January Monthly

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Laurels for the monthlies start in February. January is not affected.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Fractals of the Mists does not equal Guild Wars 2.
It is just one part of the game. Playing other parts is no less or more lazy. It is just a preference.

Ascended gear comes with better stats. That affects people coming in contacts with others for example in WvW. Everyone deserves to have access to the same stats. (Not having the inbuilt agony resistance in laurel rings is fine as we do not need that if we don’t care to play FotM.)

Legendaries are ‘pretty things’. They are not any better than other weapons of the highest tier. You do not need a legendary to play the game at an equal footing with others. If you need one it is only to show it off.

Personal goal: lvl80 of every profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


It is not a goal, per se, for me. It is something that will happen on its own, because I want to experience all the professions from start to end.

One thing hindering my progress is the cost of character slots in gold. However, even that is something I find fun. My characters collect money in order to ‘recruit’ a new member for the team. They have currently managed to add one person to the roster.

Right now I have the three at lvl 80 and the other three around lvl 54-55. The last two characters may prove a challenge though, as I left the least interesting professions last. For me those are Thief and Warrior. I do have some background ideas for them already though.

Have the dragons made Tyria poor?

in Lore

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I can mine gold all over the place, so why is one gold coin worth more than one gold ingot? :[

ANet why

Actually, a gold coin must always be more valuable than the amount of gold put in it. Otherwise the coins would mysteriously disappear.
Also, I think our gold ingots are rather small. One ring can take quite a few ingots.

Does full server status affect new accounts?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


It affects everyone. The only way to get on a full server is to find a moment when it is not full. that would probably be at some very inconvenient time.

The soon to arrive guesting will help some people as their friends can come to their server as visitors to play with them. Unfortunately judging by your signature it is not the solution for you as you probably are looking to play WvW together.

Do you still bother with daily achievement?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I usually do the daily before I go to work in the morning. I also have forced myself to do the monthly as well.
It is not about the rewards for me, it is achieving a goal that matters.

The Quaggan Appreciation Thread (merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Of course the fridge horror of this is that technically in the real world it would be the equivalent of having a Baby Human backpack, what with Quaggan’s being intelligent and all.

Uh. The backpack is clearly made of cloth. So it is the equivalent of a ragdoll backpack.

Building a Better Guardian

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I hope someone can help you although right now it may be iffy to give much advice as there will be some changes coming next Monday.

I do remember having had a bit of a hard time with the hammer myself though. What is your other weapon/weapons? Is your gear up to your level?

I dislike immersion-breaking accessories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I don’t personally like them much either, but I am not going to let it spoil my fun. Let other people wear whatever they like, be it cheff hats, pilot classes or chainmail bikinis. I don’t care as long as they are not the only option.

I do find the quaggan backpack very cute, but I cannot see any of my characters wearing it in public. I have one that might keep one under her bed and only take it out when no-one sees to ‘Coo!’ to it. :P

Undead infestion Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


The gate is next to Ligacus Aquilo Waypoint. If you don’t have that, it is very hard to try to explain how to get there since I cannot see where you are now. The swirl is at the gate.

If you go to map view you can see where the other end, the green star is.

Undead infestion Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I take it you are in the Black Citadel? The green swirl at Aquilo means that you need to take the Asura gate to Lion’s Arch and probably another from there to get to the area where your infestation really is. The Risen never made it to Ascalon.

Need Help - Plant Slayer Achievement

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


The only creatures that count towards the Plant Slayer achievement are:

- Oakhearts (Kryta/Ascalon)
- Pinesouls (Shiverpeaks)
- Mosshearts (Maguuma)

That is unfortunate. I do not want to kill those beautiful creatures. Sometimes by accident or in self-defense it happens, but to go hunt them? No.
Thankfully I don’t have to achieve everything.

Who else is gonna forge an Exotic instead?

in Crafting

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Wow! It never even occurred to me there was anything else to forge there. Many of these interest me. Uhm… Are these straight recipies or is it a lottery?

What Home World

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Overflows happen in the ‘not full’ servers too, at least in Lion’s Arch. Waiting a few minutes usually solves the issue. But it is also an opportunity to meet people from other servers.

It might help people to help you if you stated which region server you want.

Questions about monthly - JP and Fractals

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


You have to visit 30 JP’s. You can revisit the same one with every alt you have and once every day. You don’t have to do the puzzle, just go to the start.

No. Not seven levels. Level has nothing to do with this achievement. You need 7 individual fractals. A complete run is three fractals. On even levels (2,4,6…) you also get a bonus fourth once a day. It takes max 3 complete runs to get the 7 individual fractals needed. But even if you do just one fractal and your group disbands, you have that one in the bank.

5th time getting griefed in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Next time offer your help in whisper to the person you want to explain things to. That way those not wanting to see it won’t be bothered and, believe me, the recipient is probably happier not feeling embarrassed in front of the whole group for being new.

Daily Achievments....where do you do them?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Variably all 1-15 zones or where ever my levelling character is. I used to do the events at Cursed Shore, but doing the events with the lower level char helps them to get closer to their next goal.

What inspired your character names?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I try to make names that suit the lore. I also try to invent them myself, so it is difficult to say what inspires them. I would not purposefully choose the name of any known real or fictional ‘hero’, but as much as I read, I am bound to mess up things some day. My memory is not infallible.

Norn Guardian – Sigrid Ulfkin. I knew from Eir Stegalkin that this type of a surname is in use by the Norn. Ulf means wolf. Sigrid I like and it fit with with her twin sister’s name.

Human Necromancer – Shenda Alassor. No particular influence that I can recognize. It just sounded right for the character. Of course, with her background it probably should be Lady Shenda Alassor, but since using titles is against the rules that is out.

Sylvari Ranger – Salvia Sage. The name of the same plant in two laguages. No other reason than pleasant memories of sage plant tea helping with a sore throat and I like its soft green color.

Asura Mesmer – Yirka. Just tried to get a one word name that would kind of fit with the Asura. Checked on the internet that it is not some celebrity first to make sure. Apparently there is a town in Israel called that though.

Flavia Sootpaw – Charr Elementalist. In this case the name existed first in my imaginagion and then I made a character to fit. Flavia gave her the yellow coat. Sootpaw comes more from her being fire tuned Elementalist with the Flame Legion Shaman father, but she also does have dark markings on her wrists. ‘Fighing Flame with Fire’ would be her motto.

And the youngest,
Norn Elementalist – Rolf Ulfkin. Cousin to Sigrid and her sister. The first name inspired by a Charr character whose company we enjoyed in game. It also goes well with the wolf theme as it comes from Rudolf, which means ‘famous wolf’. What Norn parent would not want their son to fit that name? (Yes, he is my only opposite sex character. So far.)

(edited by Garambola.2461)

Husband And Wife (Happy)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


My daughter and I play together. Little two person guild and plugging away and having fun

That’s us too. On good days anyway.

I’m done with the SO’s, but I have DD. Valentine’s Day here is ’Friend’s Day’, so maybe dear ones of not romantic type can also be posted?

Returning player, what do I need to know?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


You can just jump in. Nothing significan has changed for the levels you have experienced.

Server Transfer and Guild Banks

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


The items will be there. This is annoying for small guilds wanting to relocate, but your stuff is safe. From all I have read, you will be able to get them when you go guesting.

My Birthday Wish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


You’re welcome!
For the rest, I think we all have to wait until August. I know I have a few characters born on August 25th….

Why nerf a good game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


The nerfs worry me a bit as I tend to be running alone with a staff necromancer most of the time. Or the part that worries me was the ‘not using AoE on single targets’. It probably means I will have to rethink and relearn a lot. But there isn’t really anything I can do about it, I want to keep playing so I will adapt.

OP, if I were to try to express my thoughts on my 4th language, I would not get very far. But, in every language I know the sentences start with a capital letter and end in period. Please, use punctuation, it will help people to read your text.

Joining a server with friends

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


That is not the easiest question right now, because the system changes on the 28th. That means that if you join right now, you’ll have less than a day to transfer to Crystal Desert for free. On the other hand, if you don’t start playing on another server, you might spend the whole week trying to find a window to join.

I suppose what matters most is, do you care if you cannot do WvW with your friends? If that is unimportant to you, then any NA server will work as your homeworld and you can guest on TC (starting the 28th). Guests can do everything else in the world they visit except join in WvW.

After the 28th transferring to another world is paid in gems and for a full server the price will be highest.

New and looking for a server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


You may have to stick to the one you pick for 7 days. Then just keep trying if you want to transfer. Of course after the patch comes, you can still transfer, it just will cost you.

But then you can visit another server of your Region for free. So, if you just want TC for the RP, then your home server can be any NA server.

New and looking for a server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


If you really want on Tarnished Coast, it is possible to get there at infrequent times, but you’ll have to keep trying at the oddest hours. If I were you, I would pick some server now and then when you can move keep on trying for TC. There is still time for the free transfer until the 27th. The patch that is due on the 28th.

I presume European servers are out of question, but for the information of any others who might be able to take advantage of it, Piken Square is the unofficial European RP server. It is not full, but there are people around through out the day into the night. More now than before Christmas it feels to me. Of course between 1 a.m and 8 a.m things slow down.

How can this be fun? Legendary grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Grinding for a Legendary is not fun to me. Therefore I don’t do it. I’ve found plenty of more enjoyable stuff to do with my 1300 hours in game.

Good overnight server suggestion

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


live in europe and used to play overnight on american servers, was pretty neat but now I went back to european servers and I love the empty wvw where you can do all three jumping puzzles without being bothered or having to worry about a zerg jumping you.

So the EU servers are kinda dead compared to the US?

The poster you quoted was saying European server is empty in the middle of European night as opposed to playing during the European night on an American server, which would make it prime time there.

Allow EU and US server guesting!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I am sad about this as well. I had really looked forward to being able play with American based friends, without losing those on European servers.

quick question on /age

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


No. Age does not accumulate on Char selection.

Character Combined Wallet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Please, no. The bank is great to have, but having separate pocket money is also a good thing.

"Fashion" advice, please.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


This is not about what the clothing looks like, but rather about what goes in them. I am going to craft a set and hope someone could answer me this question:

What stats are most important for a Mesmer running around with a greatsword?

Can't send Exo item via mail

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


How did you come by the piece? Did you buy it with karma? Does it say ‘Account bound or Soulbound’?

New player, love this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


well this game seems to meet all of the criteria that made me love playing wow, but it does them in really refreshing ways for me, i plan on transferring to the RP server, although its always full it seems, does it cost money to do that?

Depending on your playing times, you might come to Piken Square (the European RP server). If you do, give me a shout! Or even if not, you can still contact me. I like making new friends.

New player, love this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Very glad to see people who are having fun!

The Personal Story and Dungeons are instances, pretty much everything else happens out there in the open.

If you wish to give the game money, you can buy gems and spend them at Black Lion. But, you know, you just did support the game. Among all the complaints and negative posts, someone saying they are having fun is a fresh breeze and you never know, it may lead to a new person entering the game.

(Very soon, if not even before I have typed this, someone will probably come and say that you won’t be having fun in a month or once you hit lvl 80. It depends on you and what you like. I’m having fun with over 1200 hrs played and with three lvl 80 as well as three younger characters.)

Anyone playing GW2 with Windows 8?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I still think XP is the best. hi-fives Shpongle.

Windows 8 is way too “mobile” for me to like

I don’t like the interface either. And XP was great. Unfortunately I was cursed with Vista. Over that Win 8 is a huge improvement. I’m not upgrading the Win 7 machines though.

Lifetime Surviver

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I got it when i started to power-craft…
Lame achievement.

It’s very possible to get it without crafting.

It is, but not being able to go to another area makes it harder that it should be. If you wait until lvl 80 and just run the Cursed Shore events, it is a piece of cake, but if you try to do it in a low level zone, prepare to play for a long time.

Suggestions for Husband-Wife duo

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I cannot help with the builds, I just play with what I got. I have been to all dungeons, but haven’t done all paths. Arah Explorable ‘did not end well’, as someone says.

Don’t fall into the trap that a certain class is wanted and another is not. Every kind has valuable skills and less valuable skills. Only once did I have anyone yell at me for not being ‘made right’. That was when my guardian was around lvl 40 and I was doing Ascalon Explorable. Somebody told me in a rather impolite way that I must have a cedrtain skill if I want to do a dungeon with a guardian. It felt unfair for at that level, I did not have enough skill points yet. The skill was either ‘Stand your Ground’ or ‘Hold the Line’, I’ve forgotten which.

More important than the build is knowing what needs to be done. That will only come by experience. I hope you can find members to join your group that have the expereince and are willing to explain what needs to be done, how and even why.

I’ll leave the more technical people to answer build questions. And will keep an eye on this thread for it might benefit my Siri too.

Anyone playing GW2 with Windows 8?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Just the same as Win 7. I have Win 8 on my laptop and the game runs just the same it did before.

Reporting Teleport Hack

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


About the vista, it may have been people who logged off there and then waypointed out. Vistas are generally fairly safe places.

After 5 months

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I am pretty sure I will stil love to play this game at the end of February.

How do you report a private message?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


There is a little flag symbol on the lower right corner. Click on that to report.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


Yeah, I got one too and reported. I had read about them before on the forum already, so I knew what to expect. Well, I did not expect them to say ‘Merry Christmas!’. ;P

Why are people doing dragon bosses?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I only fight the dragons because they aree spectacular and it is fun to be part of something bigger than me.

I have never gotten a rare from any chest anywhere in the game, so I am happy to make the 3-4 silver I usually end up with after the fight.

That said, I don’t run from dragon to dragon every day. Just when I feel like it or happen to be near when one descends.