Northern Shiverpeaks
Northern Shiverpeaks
My guess would be that the instance/shard you were in crashed and loaded back up to its most recently recorded state.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Nope. Elona: Beyond, the ranger rework, smiting prayers rework, and Paragon rework will all go unfulfilled. Which is a shame because we were told GW1 wouldn’t be abandoned, but, here we are.
It’s not abandoned, servers are still up-and-running and basic customer support remains.
I’m not sure what else you’d expect.. it’s an 9yo buy-to-play title with a sequel and no revenue. Can you think of a single other non-subscription game released in 2005 still getting active development?
Northern Shiverpeaks
there’s already dozens upon dozens of threads explaining all the reason why open world pvp wouldn’t work in this game, that an overwhelming majority doesn’t want it, and that, more importantly, it goes against Anet’s vision for the game.
Northern Shiverpeaks
PvE: don’t feel it’s needed but don’t mind it being added either.
WvW: absolutely NO on-the-fly retraits, all retraits should be locked to spawn areas.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Anet made a promise in november that we soon would have account bound WXP.
Gamers really need to remove the word ‘promise’ from their vocabulary.
no one promised you anything.
Northern Shiverpeaks
How about eliminating the BLS and just have 2 EBs. Not even t1 is filling up all 3 BLs now.
great effort on actually reading the topic
Northern Shiverpeaks
is this land expansion even on the table right now? if so when can we expect its arrival?
/15 chars
Northern Shiverpeaks
Maybe try different builds for your current characters.
it can make a pretty big difference in how it plays.
Northern Shiverpeaks
The only way I can tell that the game is “losing players” is because I can’t go through a thread without comments from people who “stopped logging months ago”.. but that for some reason still complain in these forums every hamster day.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Maybe some context would help here… what price changes? what are you actually talking about?
Northern Shiverpeaks
roaming is a lot about picking your battles.
Northern Shiverpeaks
so after this captain “bans” traits.. everyone sits around another 5 minutes while ppl scramble to put a new build together?
that sounds fun.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Since pvp berly rewards any achievement points, the only actual achievement you get is ranks.
I get most of my pvp APs from the wins/profession tracks.
anywho.. a lot of these “veterans” with tons of rank points just farmed them in skyhammer anyway.. it’s nothing special or prestigious
Northern Shiverpeaks
Be it the final killshot of the keep lord or supply camp boss, or maybe some form of flag capture.
…It will also give bragging rights to the prominent guilds and introduce friendly rivalry between guilds on the same side.
yikes that’s a horrible idea.. the “rivalries” would be anything but friendly, it would be all qq and rage and it would encourage ppl to focus on the claim objective rather than working together for the bigger goals.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Will anet raise the server caps once again like they did before season 1 in wvw? right now JQ and BG are both marked as “full”
there’s 22 other servers to choose from.
stacking in t1 is bad for everyone, don’t do it.
Northern Shiverpeaks
try new modes? spvp, wvw, daily activity, etc..
track down jumping puzzle and explorer achievements.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I count 4 people in the BG pvp lobby……thats a bad sign.
is it?
I pvp every day but I don’t go into the lobby more than once every few weeks to change up some gear.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Hands down, Edge of the Mists. Best map for solo or small group roaming.
Eotm is horrible for solo roaming, in the vast majority of cases when you meet enemies they will outnumber you 40+ to 1.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Go to an enemy Borderland, patrol the area between the two southern towers and the southern camp.
if you’re not getting much action another good spot is the sentries on each side of the garrison. kill the sentry, kill the two yaks as they make their way down the path, then go back to the water, switch sides and do the same thing, rinse repeat.
pretty much everyone can kill sentries/yaks and those are high foot traffic areas to bump into solo or small groups.
alternate option: if you can solo camps, then just go in a circle capping all of them, you’ll get enemy attention soon enough =)
Northern Shiverpeaks
I’m not sure there’s much demand or need for ascended items to be “more appealing” given how many ppl complain everyday about feeling forced into having to obtain them.
Northern Shiverpeaks
That would only shift the problem to someone else though. The quick fix would be to remove the R vs G vs B and make it completely random, making it even on all sides.
That would horrible as it would force the system to constantly auto-balance.
ex: you’ve spent an hour capturing objectives for the red team and now you’re working on taking a keep, the walls are down to 5%… suddenly 15 ppl drop out of eotm and the system has to shift players around to keep teams even.. oops, now you’re blue and you’re ported to the other side of the map and all your work is wasted.
that sure sounds like fun.
plus how would that even work for supply drops into your home citadel if the winning team is made up of players from random, possibly competing servers?
Northern Shiverpeaks
Unreasonable??? I think it’s unreasonable to expect every new generation to be less than the previous one in game.
generation of what? less in what way?
I seriously have no idea what you’re talking about here.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Because there’s no way possible way to farm enough of them for 17 characters. More alt unfriendliness… smh
They’re now a permanent drop from aetherblade so without a time restriction it’s definitely possible to farm enough for a bunch of alts.
17 though.. I think it’s unreasonable of you to expect to be able to equip all of them with ascended gear.
Northern Shiverpeaks
there’s always at least 5 options that are not zone specific.
Northern Shiverpeaks
non zerks are “leeches”……….nice…
well, it is not a nice way to say it, but simply true.
no, it’s not true. there’s a difference between “you’re not 100% as effective as we are” and “you don’t contribute anything at all”, which is what a leech is.
it’s a scale, not a binary.
Northern Shiverpeaks
just tilt your camera sideways a bit so it’s not pointing right at the mob, problem solved!
Northern Shiverpeaks
Don’t question it.
So you have absolutely nothing to back up your assertion that many servers are dead?
colour me shocked.
Northern Shiverpeaks
You can forget about the dailies and then a treasure chest pops up.
You can’t do that in PvE dailies.
Speak for yourself, that’s how it happens for me nine days out of ten.
Northern Shiverpeaks
sense, you’re not making any.
Northern Shiverpeaks
which servers are those, specifically?
and have you played on them, to have such insight as to how dead they are?
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
So all us without power creeped gear/stacks are pretty much devoid of roaming till the proper nerfs are here… meh
Not at all.
if you roam you’re much more likely to simply be outnumbered than you are of squaring off 1v1 against someone with maxed out stacks/gear. add in bloodlust, consumables, etc.. to the mix and you’re never going to have a perfectly fair fight anyway.
ie: roaming is all about asymmetric fights.
Northern Shiverpeaks
what servers would you consider as being “dead”?
Northern Shiverpeaks
So have you seen the patch notes today? Half of it is on new gem store items
Have you? because it’s a heck of a lot less than half.
Northern Shiverpeaks
free transfers is what kills low pop servers, not the other way around.
Northern Shiverpeaks
To be competitive you need to be in the best gear possible. Equally skilled players in wvw will lose based on equipment.
WvW fights featuring an equal number of equally skilled players happens just about never.
you’re much more likely to be at a disadvantage from bloodlust than because the other guy has one more ascended piece than you.
Northern Shiverpeaks
it’s lose-lose for Anet.
for every person asking them to slow down the release pace so they have more time to work on a chapter, there’s another complaining about having nothing to do because they were done the new chapter on day1.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I would like to assign my LMB to press number 1 when I use it and vice versa I would like to press 1 and it would emulate my LMB.
Mouse 1, 2 and the scroll wheel are locked, nothing you can do about it.
sounds like this isn’t the kind of game for your rigid requirements, good luck with eso.
Northern Shiverpeaks
“No true Scotsman” is one of my favorites, so maybe we could find a way to work it in?
took less than 2 hours:
No serious gamer cares one iota about LS…
Northern Shiverpeaks
everyone is ineffective in those fights.
Northern Shiverpeaks
The problem I am having is when I want to use my mouse I cannot find an appropriate button for my 1 skill that will allow me full control of my movement and the ability to use the skill at the same time.
what’s wrong with the number keys? 1-5 are easy enough to hit even while moving in combat.
if that’s a problem for you, I’d recommend trying a gaming mouse. the G600 is especially great as you can map all 10 skills+4 f-skills.
Northern Shiverpeaks
false premise is false.
Northern Shiverpeaks
lots of roaming on lower tiers.
players there are used to outnumbered fights so they don’t run away just because they don’t have 20 buddies with them.
Northern Shiverpeaks
blade shards are now permanently added to the game as a drop from aetherblades.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Ever since the first LS-related daily was introduced, I always start a new LS by counting how many achievements there are.
that usually points out the minimum number of dailies you need,
Northern Shiverpeaks
I figured if the new patch comes march 4, then march 3 would still be fair game to complete the content.
Yes, but march 3rd was yesterday. Once the reset happens, it’s the next day as far as dailies are concerned.
Northern Shiverpeaks
G600 all the way, I would never go back.
Northern Shiverpeaks
- show the number of players on each team next to the score overlay.
Northern Shiverpeaks
if you don’t like the RNG route, you use gold→gems.
Northern Shiverpeaks
There’s another 200 threads about this. please keep all references to this issue there so its easier to ignore.
Northern Shiverpeaks