Northern Shiverpeaks
Northern Shiverpeaks
the entire game is open to you.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I ve seen like sever hundred skins, could you take a break and start improving the mechanics of the game a bit?
different jobs done by different people.
Northern Shiverpeaks
The point of the sale is to attract new players, not to give access to cheaper character slots for existing players.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I guess they would create a new starter Personal Story for Tengu, like every race have their own story until a certain level, then it goes into the Order part and the hunt for Zhaitan. It wouldn’t fit into the story though, as the Tengu isolated themselves.
The story could be about how you became one of the few Tengus to leave home and join the fight
Northern Shiverpeaks
This player promptly scapered when I mentioned in map chat that Anet player was with the zerg, so I don’t have their name, or I’d have reported them in-game and wouldn’t post here.
reported for what, exactly?
Northern Shiverpeaks
They’re mostly discussed in the patch previews, not in the updates notes.
Northern Shiverpeaks
There are other points on the map, no point fighting over them.
Fighting over them is literally the point of sPvP
Northern Shiverpeaks
It took Anet 2 years to learn why other devs for just about any other game explain the reasons for upcoming patches…
They did the same thing with previous balance patches btw
Northern Shiverpeaks
What do you mean by “target frame”?
I would assume you mean the ground targeting overlay.. but that doesn’t really make sense with your suggestions
I’m not sure i understand your example with the grenades either.. but it feels like maybe you just need to go over the targeting options?
Northern Shiverpeaks
completing the world map is a must if you want to participate in every event and world bosses
there are no events or bosses that require map completion.
you just need to unlock 2-3 WP per map and you’re good to go.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Conversely, experienced players should also be locked out from joining Practice mode just to go farm noobies.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I have a feeling that, in general, Food/Utility buffs actually improve survivability and lengthens the average duration of small scale encounters.
OP’s feelings of being overwhelmed are understandable but it’s a matter of perception that doesn’t require any fix, just more play time and research on his/her part.
Northern Shiverpeaks
So your dishonestly claiming …
I am honestly and sincerely stating my opinion and analysis of the facts as I see them.
there’s no need to imply that I’m being dishonest just because you don’t agree.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Solution: Add an option when Right clicking on a name in the chat window where we can also /join party. This makes things smoother on all accounts. Quick and easy.
Can you not already do this? maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying but that sounds like what we can do now.
Northern Shiverpeaks
No white swords means you NEED to def things and not let the game def things for you.
except that the reality of the situation is the exact opposite.
white swords are the only thing that allow lower pop servers to defend, without them there are no defense… just a whole lot of PvD.
the only ones who benefit from “no white swords” are ppl trying to ninja objectives against under-populated servers.
It’s not a step in the right direction, it’s the exact opposite: it encourages all the wrong types of gameplay.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I’ve never, ever played a game with online multilayer that suffers from matchmaking mistakes such as this.
Strange, I would say I’ve never encountered a matchmaking system that wasn’t mostly bad.
matchmaking is extremely hard to do well, very few games come even close.
Northern Shiverpeaks
so there’s no reason to not just open your inventory and use them from there
It would be a simple Quality of Life change to remove that extra step (open inventory).
Northern Shiverpeaks
Monthly Completionist only worked with the old version of the dailies, you will no longer be able to complete that one.
Northern Shiverpeaks
From what I understand leveling, loot, drops and chests are far better in other modes of play.
I’m not sure what gave you that impression given that players who focus on those modes(with the exception of Dungeon runs) are constantly complaining about how little loot/gold they generate compared to just doing PvE.
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
Just do your PvP dailies for a week.. it’s raining Tomes of Knowledge in there
Northern Shiverpeaks
Is it possible to still change it…
It doesn’t even exist in game yet.
getting upset over data mined work-in-progress models is really silly.
Northern Shiverpeaks
why not limit it to a healthy amount?
How would the game benefit from such a limit?
Northern Shiverpeaks
U must be really uniformated to come here say o my face “U choose” not do the daily. How come you to know it was a choice of me?.
You said that you did log in and that you didn’t do the daily.. unless you somehow don’t have free will, then that is the choice that you made.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Odd loyalty reward that puts people who played on the 15th a day behind everybody else.
It’s not putting you a day behind, it’s preventing you from getting an extra laurel that you would get by claiming today’s pre-patch daily AND the post-patch login reward.
No, it’s a day behind. If somebody who didn’t log in yesterday continues to log in daily they will get the 28th reward one day before those who did log in yesterday.
Yes but the ones that did log in and finish their daily will have an extra day’s worth of rewards under the old system compared to the others.
Northern Shiverpeaks
You are misinformated. The ppl who did not logged into the game byt the reset at 16/12 until the patch, got their first “Log in reward” today, one day ahead of us that was logged by after reset.
Yes, because those that did log in between yesterday’s reset and the patch were able to do today’s daily and obtain the reward.
giving those players the login reward as well would mean they’d get today’s reward twice.
you chose not to do today’s daily before the patch so you don’t get the reward for it. that’s the fairest way to handle it.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I’ve logged yesterday at 16:30 Pm, No I haven’t made dailies. Still, now I’ll receive my first log-in reward one day delayed, so basically I can’t achieve the daily laurel from before the patch, and neither I get my first log in reward as just patched.
You logged in and didn’t do your daily, that’s why you didn’t get the reward.
that has nothing to do with the new system as you wouldn’t have gotten it even if the patch had not happened.
Northern Shiverpeaks
the new trait system is horizontal progression.
so are new sigils/runes whenever they are added.
no the new sigils and runes are a vertical progression
no, they’re not numerically stronger than previous sigils/runes, they’re on the same spot of the power curve.
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
Odd loyalty reward that puts people who played on the 15th a day behind everybody else.
It’s not putting you a day behind, it’s preventing you from getting an extra laurel that you would get by claiming today’s pre-patch daily AND the post-patch login reward.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Am I missing something or did the old system not have several WvW and PvP only achievements as well?
Old system had 2 PvP, 2WvW and 6 PvE ones.
Now it’s 4 of each.
Northern Shiverpeaks
It’s a balance issue, having your passives still affect you during Deathshroud would be too strong.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I wish I had a six week christmas break. Sounds awesome!
They actually have to work on that release, they don’t just show up the morning the patch goes live.
Individual devs will only have about a week off, but there’s a 2 week period in the holidays where you just don’t get many things done.
Northern Shiverpeaks
the district model just doesn’t work in this case.
the megaserver shards are created and destroyed dynamically to suit the population needs.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I’d prefer a few ambient creatures in spawn over starting with a set amount of LF
Northern Shiverpeaks
and here’s a good example of why Anet can simply never win with the community.
this is something that a lot of people complained about before.. that “nearest” shouldn’t depend on which direction you’re facing, that nearest should literally be the nearest enemy, period.
they’ve now fixed it so of course people are now complaining about wanting it reverted.
I don’t really have an opinion on which it should be.. but it’s important to remember that for every complaint you have about the game, there’s plenty of people that want the very opposite.
Northern Shiverpeaks
you forgot E and E is the most important to any company
E) They are the largest source of additional Spending. That means spending extra Money on the Product or future Products.
What do you base that on? Do you have any sources to back up that assertion?
because I strongly doubt there’s any truth to it.
sorry for the terribly late reply but heres what 5 minutes on Google found for me.
Look at the numbers in each player base for the Cash influx.
Your link points to a discussion of revenue models in free to play games… it doesn’t address the demographics or player breakdown of who is supplying the revenue.
so not only doesn’t it pertain to GW2 specifically, it doesn’t pertain to your statement at all(ie: hardcore/veteran players provide the largest source of revenue.)
I’m going to guess at this point that you’re confusing “whales” with hardcore players. those are very distinct groups and they don’t have that much overlap.
hardcore players traditionally have more time than money, whereas the opposite is true of whales.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Mesmer clones actually dealt damage with their autoattack.
Northern Shiverpeaks
he’s been enjoying himself at a reasonable pace.
Northern Shiverpeaks
I played 7280 hours but thats not the point.
It is absolutely the point.
you’ve averaged 67.5 hours per week of game time since release… that’s easily 20-40 times more than what they can produce in the same time frame.
it’s impossible for them to keep up with your pace.
Northern Shiverpeaks
25612 achievement points
How many hours of playtime did that take.. I’m guessing it’s well over 2k?
do you realistically expect Anet to create/support enough content to match your consumption rate?
Northern Shiverpeaks
you forgot E and E is the most important to any company
E) They are the largest source of additional Spending. That means spending extra Money on the Product or future Products.
What do you base that on? Do you have any sources to back up that assertion?
because I strongly doubt there’s any truth to it.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Unfortunately by then the damage to the economy would be done and irreversible.
Using a baseless assumption to claim a flawed premise.
How is it baseless? we’ve had several examples of it throughout the lifespan of the game.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Hm… honestly I think there should be a way to track diminishing returns real-time so you know how much it’s affecting you. Like, some sort of debuff/stacks counter.
it would be a great tool for bot designers to come right up to the limit.
the system is purposefully opaque to avoid reverse engineering.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Watch for a few days/weeks and see if people notice.. and what impact it has on the supply in the game.
Unfortunately by then the damage to the economy would be done and irreversible.
your premise is flawed anyway… DR is being applied to a very small portion of the active player base and if you’re one of those few being affected by it, you’re supposed to be affected by it.
the system is working, I’m not sure what would be improved by allowing the accounts triggering it to bypass it.
It’s like saying “police have only given 5 speeding tickets on this street in the last month so we should just remove the speed limit here”
Northern Shiverpeaks
Logitech g600 is great.
I control my whole skill bar(including f1-f4) and my weapon swap with it.
Northern Shiverpeaks
it could get more people into www who have only ever played eotm.
Most players in Eotm aren’t playing there as an alternative to WvW, they’re there for the train.
Block their access and they’ll go back to PvE, not WvW.
Northern Shiverpeaks
they’re level 80 veterans and they might have Bloodlust stacks.
Northern Shiverpeaks
repeating a task several times, not for enjoyment but for its rewards.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Scaling players levels down in a game that is centered around leveling up is ridiculous
well there’s your problem right there… that’s not what this game is centered around at all.
Northern Shiverpeaks
Ascended equipment can also be found in monster loot.. but lucking into a complete set in the right stats could take years.
in the ~1000 hours I’ve played since it was added, I’ve gotten 2 ascended drops.
Northern Shiverpeaks