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Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


make all these events occur randomly with no respawn timer- just a set amount of times that the event will occur within a 24hr period (reset with daily)would reduce the overflow problem.

That would only encourage people to AFK in the zone until it occured or rely on scouts to inform them. If only a few people happened to be there and then completed the event, everyone would complain about it and some would probably even harass those that finished it. The dragons would have to take at least 30 minutes to kill, to allow people to show up. On the other hand, people might decide they’re not worth the wait, then no one will really do them anymore.

After the last server reset, I watched maybe 100 people sit and wait for the shadow behemoth to spawn, which took around 3 hours, since the reset apparently also resets the timer (it was scheduled to spawn around the time the server reset). So people will AFK it.

The timers should be fixed. That way everyone knows exactly when the event will occur and it won’t matter what server you’re on or if you’re in an overflow. This is the only solution that won’t ruin something for someone.

Salvaging Kits, chance of rarer materials.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Healix.5819


By default, you have a x% chance to recover rarer materials. What that means is instead of salvaging something like mithril, you’ll receive orichalcum.

When you have a 25% increased chance, it supposedly means you have a (x% * 1.25)% chance. Someone said this a long time ago (maybe a month or so after launch) after testing fine vs basic vs crude kits to salvage hundreds of cloth scraps to get gossamer. A more accurate test would be using rare or black lion kits, to see if it’s multiplied or added.

Ectos are another story. You have somewhere around an 85% chance to yield 1 ecto per rare. If the % chance to recover rarer materials applied to ectos, black lion kits would yield a guaranteed ecto, which they don’t.

Lastly, upgrades are anything that is in the item’s upgrade slot, whether it be a rune, gem or jewel.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


They’re not going to prioritize home worlders and kick guesters because that would be griefing. The most they could do is give home worlders in overflow the priority. Now imagine if the guesters were in the middle of something, such as a guild challenge or open world dungeon. How would it be fair to suddenly kick them? They should have joined overflow to begin with? It didn’t exist of course. They should have guested on the other server? Now they’re complaining.

If you’re going to kick guesters, you might as well kick everyone in the zone that’s not participating in the event. That’s what you want right? Or, you want it to be fair to all the home worlders? Then kick all the level 80s out of the low level zones in favor of the lower levels, so the fresh level 1 doesn’t have to deal with it.

The absolute simplest solution is to revert the chest loot. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did that just to stop the whining, a lot of which is based on false information.

Since guesting I haven’t been able to finish a Jormag event, and before guesting there was never an overflow map in Frostgorge, on my server.

You haven’t been able to finish the Jormag event and Frostgorge has been in a constant overflow since… January 28th, 2013?

Surely you meant since February 26th, the day chests became worthwhile and everyone started to farm them.

Mining Bots are back in force

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


They ban bots around once a month or so, which is why they stay for a while.

They should be easily able to detect teleporting bots however, since they’re doing something that isn’t possible by normal players – rapidly moving, being under the map and quickly gathering an entire zone’s worth of nodes. I’ll assume however that detecting the teleports can be a little difficult for them, since waypointing is basically the same thing, when ignoring waypoint locations. Even WoW fails at detecting teleporting, under the map gatherers however, so who knows.

ArenaNet has confirmed that they log things though, since they can tell stuff like how many people salvaged and got what and how many loot bags were opened and what was received. Maybe they just track economy related stuff though.

So I heard the lvl cap is going to become 100

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


The rumor started from the level 100 test ring found in the game files. A dev confirmed they used items such as those to test the scaling system.

The only thing that holds true is that one day, the level cap will most likely be increased, since they have confirmed that not only was the game designed to allow it, but also that they would like to do it. Since ArenaNet has chosen the route of having many smaller levels rather than a few longer levels, the first level cap increase will most likely come as something like 20, rather than say 5. They may even do something like 80, it all depends on how big expansions are.

Guesting NEEDS to stop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


One chest per character, per day, per server. So, guesting ahoy.

You can only loot the chest once a day per character regardless of server. If you are able to, it’s a bug and exploit.

The only reason to guest is to find a server with a shorter timer.

If guesting was nerfed, you’re still going to get an overflow, on the higher population servers at the very least. Then what are you going to do? Since you can no longer guest because you missed it, you’re now going to have to wait there until it happens again, assuming you don’t want to miss out again. Alternatively, you can wait until it’s not prime time to try again.

I used to do the claw of jormag during the middle of the night with around 50 people, which I was surprised to see. I only did it because I was there, but that was 50 people farming the chest for crappy loot. Now imagine new and improved chests that basically tell your entire server to come and get the free loot at the same time. Changing guesting is not going to make the problem go away.

Actually, if guesting was nerfed, as in guesters can no longer loot chests, rather than guesting disabled, I’d bet people would purposely guest to specific servers to force an overflow to grief the server. After all, for people who like to grief, what better way is there to grief an entire server. This could even be done by regular people to protest the change. What server would they pick? The one with the people that made the biggest deal out of it.

Be careful what you wish for.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Nerf chests for guesters

Making chests not lootable or reducing their value to guesters would just make true guesting a disadvantage and punish those on low pop servers. Remember back when events, such as Balthazar, were rarely completed and people would request help and group up on a single server to complete them? Say goodbye to doing stuff that like that, because the people guesting would no longer get anything out of it, except in this case, for those doing it purely for the NPC. PvE-wise, GW2 should be seen as a server-less game like how GW1 was, but that’s kind of already moot since you can’t NA – EU.

Randomize event timers

They could make the event occur at random times like some suggest, but that would only worsen the problem and waste people’s time. As soon as the event occur, someone would call it out then everyone would flock to that server. Since the timing would be random, you’d either regularly miss the event or have to sit there for hours to wait for it. This could be a viable solution, but only if you’re not meant to participate in the events because they’re supposed to be rare. As compensation though, the difficulty of them would have to be greatly increased and have to last at least a half hour so cases where a small group that just happened to be the only ones there can’t complete it alone without anyone else noticing – unless of course, it’s intended to be that rare and unfair to everyone else.

Make chests account bound

They could make the chests account bound like some suggest, but why would they? These events are a very casual way to farm rares which means almost everyone is going to do them. If they’re character bound, people are given an incentive to have multiple 80s, meaning more people will be leveling and buying character slots, which in some way will help the in-game economy.

Kick guesters

Some have suggested kicking guesters in favor of home worlders, but that’s simply not an acceptable solution. If you’re going to go that far, why not just kick out everyone not participating in the event? Imagine it from the guester’s point of view. You could have been playing in the zone for an hour, when suddenly BAM, you’re kicked just because the dragon event started. Now imagine if you were actually guesting to play with your friends, and you were in the middle of some group content, a guild event or anything else when suddenly, you’re just randomly excluded when you were just in the middle of it. How is that fair? “Transfer to play with your friends” some say, but that’s what guesting was for. I’m not sure what exactly the reason would be to have friends on different servers, especially where one group doesn’t know about the other, besides wanting to be in a lower or higher WvW bracket, but people have their reasons.

The solution

What they should do is have fixed times for the events, in the same way the Karka event started on every server. It wouldn’t matter what server you were on or if you were in an overflow, the event would be starting regardless. With an officially scheduled time on the events, you would no longer be encouraged to sit there and wait for up to an hour and instead, you could actually play the game, then show up when it’s time.

If they wanted to split up the population, all dragon events could occur at the same time (example: event A, B, C, D starts at 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, etc.). If not, each event could occur roughly 30 minutes after the last one started, allowing you to do a different one every 30 minutes the entire day if you chose to (example: event A starts at 2pm, B at 2:30, C at 3, D at 4:30, E at 5, F at 5:30, A at 6, etc). Adding more events would cause them to overlap, such as A and B starting at 2, B and C at 2:30, etc.

The only other soltution is to nerf the chests, because right now they’re simply too rewarding compared to the amount of effort required to do the events. Events like the Temple of Grenth should have far better loot than the Shadow Behemoth, since there is a large difference in difficulty. The fact that the Maw gives the same loot is joke, considering it’s completed in just a few minutes (I’ve seen the boss killed in about 5 seconds – 1 auto attack allowed) and resets every 30, but at least the boss can actually hurt you.

No Chests For Guests

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Although you may think it sounds like a good idea, you’re still going to encounter overflow. Now, you will be forced to wait 3 hours to try again rather than guesting to another server. If you didn’t bother staying or showing up early, you’re going to encounter overflow again and again until it’s no longer your server’s prime time.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


People are abusing the fact that Single chest per day doesnt carry to different servers, so they are guesting to maximize thier farm.

You cannot loot the same chest twice on the same character by guesting to a different server.

The only reason why people guest is to find servers with shorter timers than their own.

Chests that guarantee a rare

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Dragon events ruined with Overflow.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


The only way the overflow is going to get fixed is if they either nerf the chests, or run all dragons on a fixed schedule.

Instead of having them spawn every 2 to 3 hours, have them spawn exactly every 2 hours, for example at 2 pm, 4 pm, etc. All dragons would occur at the same time, forcing people to split up. Overflows would no longer be a problem since if you got into one, the event would be happening there also, at the same time. If they don’t care about splitting up the players to reduce stress, the dragons could occur staggered throughout the 2 hour period, so that each one would occur roughly 30 minutes after the last one started.

At least if it was officially scheduled, people wouldn’t be encouraged to AFK for up to an hour while waiting.

The other solution is to nerf the chests, since as of now, they are the most rewarding content in the game for how little effort is required.

Overflow, overflow, overflow...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Guesting isn’t the problem. Now that the population caps seem to have been greatly reduced, even if you were to disable guesting, you would probably still encounter overflow. The rewards are simply too great for the amount of effort required and now that everyone has probably heard about the change, more and more people will start to participate, further increasing the problem.

Someone guesting, taking a slot, may seem unfair to the person with that server as their home, but kicking that person who was first in line and waiting is even more so. They could disable chest for people guesting, but that would make it unfair to those actually playing with their friends, which has always been a feature.

They could make the events occur at completely random times, but that would just make it worse. As soon as the event started, someone would call it out and people would flock to that server. The people who missed it would complain even more than now and they would feel forced to sit there for an unknown amount of hours.

They could make the chests account bound, but I highly doubt they would. They do want incentives for playing the game after all.

The only solution, besides nerfing the chests, is to make the timers public and to run the events more often. All dragon event should start exactly at times like 2pm, 4pm, 6pm etc. People would then know exactly when to show up and the large groups of players would have to split up between them, since frankly, you’re not going to get an entire server to agree to only kill 1 dragon at a time. Since the event would occur at specific times, it wouldn’t matter if you entered overflow or not. If the population doesn’t need to split up, they could alternatively make the timers staggered so that a different dragon occurs roughly every 30 minutes.

Where are all the 'guild wars'?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


The Guild Wars were wars amonst the three kingdoms – Ascalon, Kryta and Orr. WvW is your guild wars.

Guesting in high population servers issues.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Since there’s currently no way to tell if a player is from a different server

If you want to stalk someone, you can see what server they’re on by inviting them to your guild. It doesn’t matter if they accept, they will appear as an invited member in the roster. If they were guesting, the next time they logout and in, their last location will appear as whatever server they’re now on.

People have Final Rest?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Pre loot buff, the drop rate of Final Rest was something like 1 in 200000, and some speculate that it wasn’t actually in the game to begin with.

Post loot buff, all drops were increased from (certain) chests and Final Rest now has a drop rate of something like 1 in 200.

Only time will tell if the new drop rates of chests is a bug or not. At any time ArenaNet could decide the drop rates are too high and nerf them.

(edited by Healix.5819)

A Place for Real PvP.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


X vs X with custom rules can be achieved using Custom Arenas, a feature which has been “coming soon” for a while now. You have to “rent” the arenas though, however they’re going to handle that.

Fix Helicopter Event in Straits of D

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


It’s always been like that. Something like wave of 3 mobs, 30s pause, wave of 3 mobs, 30s pause, veteran… until it’s complete. You only need to keep the 1 NPC alive to finish the event.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


20 rares a day, thats about 4g, and the 10+ kills alone easily add up to 1-2 hours, more waiting.

People highly overestimate just how profitable doing this is, It feels like it takes less time because your not doing the same thing over and over, but in the end you actually spend more time per g, then you could other places.

I only do the 4 dragons and the maw to get that many rares, including mystic forged greens. 10 rares is a more accurate average, 20 is a luckly day, getting 3 from most chests then having most greens turn into rares.

It does take less time if you can get accurately notified (this is why a mentioned thinking about getting a second account). You simply have to stop what you’re doing and login to your parked character about 1/2 way through the event, hit it a few times and be fully rewarded. That’s at least 1 guaranteed rare in less than a few minutes, or even less than a minute if you feel like cutting it close. You then park at the next event and continue your normal play.

Your perspective is about not knowing when the event will occur and having to wait out the spawn window, which a lot of people do. But it’s very easy to do casually, allowing you to AFK there and barely pay attention while doing something else. Like, I can be reading these forums and get rewarded in-game by waiting out the dragon and even autocasting 1 on it. That’s something you can’t do while farming a dungeon. Even more AFK friendly rewards are obtained by playing the TP, something which can be done while waiting out the dragons if you really feel like profiting.

End Game- Lack of solo play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Due to the everyone gets their own loot system, there will never actually be rewarding solo play outside of activities such as jumping puzzles. With a normal tagging system it’s easy to make your own solo content since if you, for example, chose to solo a dungeon your time and effort would be rewarded with a groups worth of loot.

Because of the system GW2 uses however, soloing actually reduces your rewards and takes more time, which ends up actually rewarding you for not putting in the time or effort because of how it works. What I mean is, the more people you throw in, the larger the zerg, the easier it gets, the more mobs there are at increased levels which means the more potential loot you can obtain by effortlessly spamming AoEs like everyone else. In comparison, soloing the same thing will not only take longer, but due to the reduced mobs, you will end up with far less loot. Really, you’re punished for soloing.

The recent change of replacing groups of mobs with champions depending on how big the zerg is, is actually a small fix towards this problem, but nowhere close to a solution.

Someone once suggested making champions drop increased loot if you solo them, but the dev’s response was would it be considered griefing if someone else hit it and reduced your loot, then proceeded to lock the thread. The real question is, how is it not griefing to know the fact that when you solo a champion or event, anyone that runs in at the last minute or anyone that stopped by to tag the event and run away will receive the same rewards as you without any of the effort or time spent. When someone is soloing an event for example, it’s actually very easy to get a silver or even gold medal by simply AoEing a few mobs, because there are so few people with contribution. Running around Orr gathering and killing mobs in the way for example, I can usually end up with 3-5 gold medals without actually ever seeing or participating in an event. It’s the flaw. You’re rewarded when you exploit the effort of others.

The first truly rewarding solo content in the game will probably be the insane level difficulty on the new jumping puzzle, assuming they actually reward you for it. If not, they’re basically saying they don’t reward skilled and solo play, except for simple bonuses (not having to repair).

What soloing is rewarded with that zerging is not is knowledge. By soloing, you learn how to overcome the abilities of mobs, whereas someone who zerged all their life still doesn’t know what that mob does.

From a casual solo perspective, everything in the open world is your end game. That’s how the game was designed. You’re meant to form ad hoc groups with the people around you to complete events. You’re not actually solo, but you don’t have to be in a group, compared to the standard MMO where areas such as these made groups a requirement.

Guesting and Overflow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


You can only loot the chest once a day per character. It doesn’t matter if you guest to another server, you can’t loot it again with the same character.

People guest to other servers to do the event without having to wait for the timer. Even if guesting is removed, there’s still going to be that many people doing the event. They’re simply too rewarding to not to.

A few weeks ago, before the loot buff, I used to do the claw of jormag with at least 50 people at hours like 4 am. I can easily see that number doubling because of the buff, so it’s not just guesting that is the problem. I for example never used to farm the dragons but now I do, because I get close to 20 rares a day basically doing nothing (park character, play alt while waiting for timer, swap every now and then to check). I was even thinking of getting a second account to just park it, so I can know exactly when the event occurs without having to swap. Plus I’d double my loot due to how AFKable the events are.

Why can you buy Legendarys on the TP ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Since they do allow you to sell legendaries, which are composed of soulbound and account bound items, they should also allow you to sell those items individually.

Why not allow someone to, for example, sell their gifts of exploration directly. Doing so would probably get more people spread out throughout the zones, as long as the incentive (value of them) was big enough and further reward those that just continuously replay the game because they like to.

Elle exploit or just trait?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


If it’s something they can do all the time, they’re exploiting.

They probably just rallied off of something (or leveled) though, after going into downed state mist form.

Necromancer and engineer starting headpiece

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Healix.5819


Just tried it using 1 basic stone, the starter boots and level 1 boots purchased from an armorsmith, selecting the stats of the level 1 boots and the appearance of the starter boots (as you would do for the mask). The result was an account bound pair of boots (that I could equip on another character).

So it still works, and it still shows the message that the transmuted item will become soulbound.

bot issue: supporting proof - video

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Posting it on the forums would be considered a violation since you would be showing their name.

The proper place to send it is support,, using Ask a Question. You can get more info here, by clicking “How do I report a violation?”

Bots are banned in waves, so it’ll take around a month for a reported bot to actually get banned, assuming it was both reported enough times and detected.

Fractal drop nerf for soloers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


If the mobs you were farming were just the regular mobs in the swamp, their drops were nerfed because they are regular, respawning mobs. There would be no patch note about it because is was most likely considered an exploit. If the skelk dropped vials for example, it would have been very easy to bot it using a simple macro and a warrior.

You can solo all of the mobs in the ascalon fractal quite easily if you use the NPCs.

Fractal drop nerf for soloers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


The entirety of the ascalon and underwater fractal can be solo’d (from personal experience at level 10, while waiting for people to login/not afk), including the boss. Not sure what can drop it, but maybe try there?

But the vials dropping off respawnable regular mobs was always a bug imo.

When are you eligible for a refund for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


I’m not sure what their policy is on refunding now but I have heard of them refunding accounts in the past that have played for hundreds of hours over several months. I expected them to not refund accounts older than 90 days, since that’s the limit of someone being able to force a return through a chargeback, but they do anyways. Not sure why they do it.

I would be surprised if they gave you a refund, since it is a day 1 account and has been used far past what should be considered an acceptable trial period. They probably will however, for whatever reason they have in doing so. Blizzard for example had the same limitless refund policy, but only for a short while before changing it to be based on age of the account or time played, whichever was highest.

You can contact support, to attempt it.

(edited by Healix.5819)

Claw of Jormag Unplayable

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


When you look around and see 30 people, there’s actually around 100-300 people. All these people combined lag the zone. All MMOs suffer from a large amount of people in the same area, so without giving an incentive to break up, the problem will probably persist.

Why isn't Ascended gear earned via Karma?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Ascended gear is designed to give a long term goal (to get a full set). You’re meant to have to take time to achieve it, which is why all newly added pieces have used some type of new currency to obtain. Amulets are not currently available via fractal relics for example because people would have instantly bought them and for those that like stats, they would no longer have a goal.

They have direct control over how many laurels, and now guild commendations, you can possibly obtain. This way, they get to decided when you can obtain all your gear.

Most MMOs go with a tiered route, allowing you to obtain “masterwork” quality gear in a short time frame. Then, around 3 months later, they introduce “rare” quality gear, then “exotic” gear after that and so on. Since GW is not a gear based game, they chose to add 1 tier of gear over the entire duration in which a typical MMO would introduce several. When a new expansion comes, this process starts all over again. It’s simply a goal to keep you active and the population online. It’s also an incentive for those that only like stats, not caring about cosmetics, which ArenaNet probably found out was quite a bit of people from the initial launch.

Once ArenaNet has decided that you should have been able to obtain it by now, you’ll start to see ascended gear introduced in new places. But since the stats aren’t major, they might not actually do this and instead just rely on expansion resets. If they go that route, ascended gear for WvW will probably be tied to the new unlock system they’re introducing, rather than allowing it to be crafted or purchased with an existing currency.

(edited by Healix.5819)

can you make gold by buying and selling gems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Healix.5819


You can, but not really anymore. You have to wait for the exchange rate to go high, then low to make a profit. For example, back when gems were 400 for 1g, selling them now would net you a 6x profit.

To make a profit right now, you would have had to bought gems back when they were at least 70 gems for 1g. The odds of gems going back up that high however is very low. I expect gems to stay at around 50 for 1g as the norm with minor fluctuations.

Todays Daily 2/28/2013 (After reset)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


I don’t think tasks that force you to go to a specific zone belong in the rotation (I’m looking at Ascalon and Shiverpeaks above).

It’s not that bad once you realize you can teleport to places like the maw, do the event, get that part of the daily done and be rewarded with at least 20s worth of stuff from the chest. They’re probably also trying to get people to discover the flame and frost story, which is why it is those two specifically.

But the new dailies really do seem to like new characters though, with stuff like the personal story and getting 3 skill points being dailies.

2 computers 1 account

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Healix.5819


Depending on how your network is setup, both computers are probably on the same public IP address. It doesn’t matter what your local, private IP address is.

If you have dedicated connections for each computer, both will have its own unique public IP address. In this case, you will simply need to authorize and remember both IP addresses, when logging in for the first time. Since the change however (they went from remembering full IPs to subnets), both your IPs would probably be on the same subnet, so from ArenaNet’s point of view, both IPs are the same.

The only time 2 different IPs really matter is when you are connecting from a different country. In this case, your account can get flagged because it looks like you could have been hacked.

(edited by Healix.5819)

Dailies reset in 5 minutes... try again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


If you complete 2 dailies at the same time while having 4/5 dailies complete, it bugs and you don’t get a chest.

Supposedly, if leveling up is one of the dailies and you complete a daily while having 4/5 dailies completed and level up because of it, getting a 6th daily, it bugs and you get 2 chests.

When will these servers be updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


An easy way to know if it’s server side is everyone would be lagging and chat would be full of complaints about it.

Helping guilds with missions has no reward?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


It’s like they’re shifting back to the old mob tagging system, rather than their loot for everyone system.

There should have been a cap on daily influence gains from participation and it should have been balanced around 10-20 player guilds, since that’s the typical raid size. Not sure why they’d go with zerg guilds being the norm, but they do like to reward zerging after all.

Gems purchases never being delivered?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Healix.5819


Clear out your mail and look again.

Grenth event drops

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Only 5 achievement points from dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


You get 9 points, if you complete all of them.

Final Rest - Current Theories

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


I’m fully expecting the chest drop rates to get nerfed. I’ve seen at least 1 person linking an exotic drop on every chest event. On my first behemoth kill, 2 people got final rest out of around 30 people.

Lost and Found spawn rates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


The spots where they are located is randomly selected when the map instance is created, in the same way that gatherable nodes are. Generally, this only happens when a new build is available.

Once the spot is found, everyone can freely loot it. It doesn’t change position. If you’re sitting there, waiting for it to spawn, you’ll be waiting for quite a while.

Level cap raised? +Rumors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Once per day event rewards

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Healix.5819


Man, spamming 1 against Jormag’s claw is so fun.

… but… my #1 does like 10k damage a second against the claw.

If I was ArenaNet, I’d spice up the encounter by teaching all the AFKers a lesson. I’d make spikes come out of nowhere on the gutters, throwing people into the air and off the side (like grenth), instantly killing them.

Dredge Fractal now impossible

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Healix.5819


Not sure if this always works but… if people die on the switches, the door stays open but mobs no longer spawn, allowing you to waltz in and just do it.

So in order to get the new earings....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Ascended accessories can also be purchased for 5g and 12 guild commendations. For comparison, the laurel version is 18.5g (50 ectos) and 40 laurels.

New Guild System Leaves out Small Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


10 people is a very good size for a Tier 1 bounty mission.

Why did you develop a content scaling system again…?

To reward zerging.

What are the chances of Cantha in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Dye Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Pick some colors you like.

Find it on gw2db (you will soon be able to do this part directly from the trading post)

Copy the chat link code (example: [&AgGETwAA]) and whisper it to yourself in game. Preview the dye.

Why no guaranteed ectos?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


Currently, master kit has a 25% chance of having rare mats. Black Lion Kit has 50% chance. I want a up to 75%, that’s what I meant so I don’t think you would have less by upping the kit. Otherwise, it’s better to directly buy the ectos than to buy gems or use gold for the black lion kit.

“50% chance to get rarer materials.” It means when salvaging something that you usually get mithril from, you have a 50% higher chance to get orichalcum.

Salvaging ectos has the same rate if you use a rare, mystic or black lion kit. I used to salvage in batches of 100 and after about a thousand salvages using a mystic kit, I found it to be at around 85% to get 1 ecto. Out of my batches of 100, the worst was around 60, while the best was almost 1:1.

One thing I noticed was failing to get an ecto could happen 10+ times in a row when quickly salvaging. After seeing this happen a few times, I began to pause for a few minutes after every 3rd fail. I havn’t seen long strings of failure since. Not sure if coincidence, pseudo RNG failure or if ArenaNet uses a predetermined loot table like some other games.

(edited by Healix.5819)

Being in a party increases mf?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


There was something in the official strategy guide that said being in a group increased your drops. It could have simply been referring to group = more kills = more drops or a hidden magic find bonus. Without a dev clarification, the magic find theory can’t be proven, since if it was true, it would be something minor.

influence achievement v Point earned?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Healix.5819


I’m sorry but I am still confused.
The achievement say that I have earned 10.000 influence, but when I look at the guild roster I have under 4000 influence beside my name.

The number next to your name is a randomly generated number to make your display name unique. The number under the last column, identified by an ArenaNet logo, in the guild roster is your total achievement points.

(edited by Healix.5819)