Immobilize prevents you from turning your character. Because of that, if you are not directly facing your target when immobilized, the attack will attempt to auto face, fail and cancel. The attack should go off regardless, but it doesn’t, so I assume that part is a bug.
That makes no sense. You are saying it will mean less Ectos…which logically is because less people are doing events…but that it will have “no effect” on the possibility of overflow. Most illogical, captain.
He’s saying that this change won’t affect overflows, therefore, the only purpose of this change is to reduce the amount of gold generated.
Overflows will be the same as they are now. Just after the daily reset, everyone will head to get their daily chests. There will be overflows everywhere. People are still going to guest to get those chests as fast as possible, because who wants to wait. Like now, the more hours that pass the less people that show up. After the change however, even less people will show up the later it gets, but there’ll still be like 50 people, because that’s how many I used to see originally do them. Right now, if you do the dragons in the hours prior to the daily reset, there are no overflows. For example, I just did 9 dragons in about 1 hour, popping in at the last second – no overflows anywhere.
Furthermore, the loot from the chests even without the guaranteed rare is still better than playing open world content. The chests do after all have a heightened rare and exotic drop rate. People will still use alts to farm the chests.
If the point was to reduce overflows, this change won’t change anything.
It really depends on how they’re going to handle expansions. If they go with the traditional style of increasing the level cap, there won’t be an expansion until at least late 2014. If they go the simple route and release a region like the ring of fire as a new level 80 area and call that an expansion, that can be produced much quicker, however it would sell less (cosmetic vs required).
Ascended gear was scheduled to roll out over the course of a year, so an expansion won’t be happening this year.
An expansion will probably be talked about around this time next year, assuming they don’t start releasing all the areas like they did with Southsun Cove. They might not even do expansions. For example, they could have easily put Southsun Cove in the gem store and called it a mini expansion, if they handled it differently.
At least revert the original chest back to the old crappy drops instead of making it old crappy drops just once per character per day.
The guaranteed rare wasn’t the only change to the chests. Their overall drop rate of rare+ items was also increased. Even if you ignore the 1 rare, the new chests are still better than the old ones, as long as you have multiple characters.
As long as the numbers aren’t stealth nerfed along with the change, these events are still going to be heavily farmed as long as stuff like Final Rest will still drop on a per character basis pretty commonly (compared to the world drop exotic rate).
so it’s still possible to get nothing but blues/greens once you’ve done an event for your “freebie rare” which pretty much encourages people to do things once then forget about it till tomorrow.
Considering my current rate at getting more than 1 rare in a chest is about 1 in 3, farming the chests on multiple characters is still better than playing in the open world. Unless the change additionally nerfs drop rates, I really don’t see it changing anything. The dragons will still be a great way to AFK for rares, so I fully expect overflows to still be common after reset.
The only time I would complain about this is when you do a DE solo and you only get a Bronze or Silver reward. I mean… How does that even happen?!
It means it’s bugged and you’re supposed to report it. The only time I’ve seen a bronze while soloing, besides finding an event that was left at >50% complete, was while doing a timed defense event, where waves spawn as soon as the last wave was killed. I’m assuming the contribution was based off of the number of waves killed, since kiting them around for the duration would yield bronze whereas killing them was silver.
I mean in other games where you have to tag mobs, and you’re waiting for a boss to respawn and you’ve been waiting and some idiot rolls in at the last second and tags him before you, you have a moment of rage. I don’t find that fun.
That’s the flaw with the tagging system.
The flaw with the shared system is that I can exploit you. For example, if you’re doing an event or killing something, I just have to wait and watch and come by when you’re almost done and start attacking it to get the exact same level of rewards that you do but without any of the effort. For wave of mobs events, you just have to kill 1 group and walk off to get gold. For boss events, you just have to do about 1% damage. You are rewarded for abusing others.
One major flaw with shared loot, from a solo perspective, is that you can’t claim group loot. For example, in the tagging system, you can solo a dungeon and be rewarded with a group’s worth of loot. Here, not so much. The only extra reward you get for your effort is the knowledge on how to succeed.
Another side effect of shared looting is that since everyone gets loot, the drop rate of special items has to be lowered to compensate. In the tagging system, it’s usually 5 (to raid size) people max that can try their luck at a time. With the shared system, it’s as many as you can throw at it. It’s no surprise that they’re going with one time daily rewards in various forms.
Both systems have their pros and cons, with the shared system being more casually favorable whereas the tagging system is more overall fair.
Sorry but not the case. Ive had exo and rare at the same time from event chests. Its just your luck with the RNG and loot drop tables.
So your guaranteed rare was upgraded to an exotic and you got another rare drop. Getting 2 rare drops was pretty common for me. I have gotten an exotic with no other rares before, so it’s not guaranteed that you had to get 1 rare. It really depends on how their backend is coded, but I’m guessing the guaranteed rare was simply flagged as a drop with a +x% modifier on it, which also meant that rare had a higher chance to be an exotic, in comparison to a normal drop.
The guaranteed rare had a chance to “upgrade” to an exotic, making the rate of exotic drops higher, or at least, I’m assuming that’s what it did, since you could get an exotic in place of the rare. If the guaranteed rare drop is being moved to what I assume will be a generic container, that means the drop rate of unique exotics like Final Rest will be going down, since I doubt they’d drop in a generic container. Since the guaranteed rare can’t be farmed across multiple characters, that means the drop rate of the unique exotics will go down fruther, so it ends up being a double nerf to those, so expect their prices to legitimately go up due to reduced supply.
The chests usually gave me 2 rares 50% of the time, so farming them on multiple characters should still be valid. Unfortunately, I don’t see this change really changing anything. I’m still encouraged to AFK farm these events and for solo players, they’re still more rewarding than playing in the open world.
Not sure why they’d go the anti-alt route however (probably because it was the obvious, simplest route). The chests were an incentive to have multiple 80s, which meant playing through the game or helping the economy by consuming materials (crafting to level) and profit for ArenaNet by buying character slots, though by now, I’m guessing those who would have done it already did.
(edited by Healix.5819)
Like ascended gear itself, the infusions with stats are designed for those chasing the carrot. They cost a lot simply to waste time and with such a minor increase in stats, they don’t really matter to the normal player. It’s simply “content” for “dedicated” players.
When talking about MMOs, it’s the processor and memory that matters. The video card only really needs to be good enough to draw all the players and effects. It’s the processor and memory that has to handle the large amount of objects and their movements (mobs, npcs, players, projectiles, etc) which includes all incoming network traffic.
Single player games are a different story and usually use heavy graphics and little processing, until they include a lot of physics. Heavy particle physics / realistic hair physics on ultra would most likely destroy your system.
I’m guessing you’re having memory issues (out of memory) if you’re actually crashing and not just disconnecting. If you hear a weird noise before crashing, your sound card can’t handle it, in which case you need to turn your sound quality down.
I’ve been watching the whole .com vs .net thing play out over the past few days. The amount of hate simply because the .net site takes data from the .com site made me think there’s a lot of fanboys towards the .com one. The response from the .com’s owner isn’t exactly nice either, leading me to belive he’s in it for the ad money. For real world use, who cares, if it’s better it’s better, end of story. I also saw some people pointing out the domain registration, but so what, I also register mine privately and to my not a real company.
That said, after seeing this post, it now looks like the .net is some sort of scam / bait & switch. For starters, the .com site is not your sister site, that’s a straight up lie. You do not own or have any relation to the .com site. In fact, the owner has given you a cease and desist. Secondly, saying .net is the better bet isn’t exactly something someone would say unless they’re trying to spread false information to attract people to one and away from the other. Third, your lack of post history says a lot, leading me to believe you created a trash account, don’t really play the game or simply don’t use the forums. Lastly, you claim to have no ads, but you pay for ads to be displayed on other sites and you additionally say under your ToS that there are ads. A project built by a member of the community wouldn’t do something like that.
I’m not sure if you have this as a feature, but one thing I was thinking about adding was the ability to do timer updates as if you were on the site, since I haven’t bothered to update the timers since I stopped using the webpage. For example, with mine, I’d right click the timer, show a menu and allow an option to select “this event just finished” or “this event just started” to update the actual temple site. You’d want to be careful though, since you wouldn’t want to make a super easy way to reset the timers.
Therefore I cannot have an image ready for any new Event that might be monitored.
Mine has that same issue, but when a new event is added a black square is simply shown rather than the image (aka no image is shown). I don’t exactly have to care about it though since mine is for mostly personal use, but as both a feature and a workaround, I’d simply allow the user to add their own images.
About the trolls:
As I said before, there is nothing I can do about this.It is up to the Guild Wars Temple website admin to find a solution to this.
Since I told you how to judge their accuracy, you could actually do something by making an estimate and showing a little warning/exclamation icon if it looks suspicous. I wouldn’t want to outright change the timer, since you never know if a zone crash or server reset did it. You can calculate a best guess using the timer’s history. The event’s estimated start time window would be the previous completion + respawn up to the previous completion + respawn + window. The event’s window would then be doubled to factor in the previous completion’s window. If you don’t know about the timer’s history, it’s shown when mousing over the (H) on the temple site.
As for the temple site fixing the problem, considering at just how basic the site is, I wouldn’t exactly expect it to try anything advanced. Due to how they calculate their timer for example, it becomes more and more inaccurate the longer the page hasn’t refreshed. In some cases, I’ve seen it as 5 minutes off. I hope you didn’t copy them and instead created a timestamp to work with based on the seconds remaining they supply.
How to start them can be found on the wiki, Some of them also have their mechanics listed or a walkthrough.
You could reduce a lot of that text by using a more graphical approach. I made one myself (desktop gadget) after a friend complained about how the temple site refreshes.
If you really want to show information like waypoints, show an icon instead with name shown in a tooltip on hover with the wiki page on click. Chest icons could be used to indicate looted or not, or maybe minimize or hide the individual timer if desired. I went with coloring the timer (same as the site) to indicate in window, normal, outdated and invalid. Just ideas to reduce some of that text which as a positive side effect reduces your need to translate.
Also, if you want to counter “trolling” the timer, you can make a guess based on the last few times the event was reported completed. For example, if the event has a 3 hour respawn and the previously recorded completion was at 3:00, then the next possible completion could only occur after 6:00, so if someone reset the timer early, you can tell.
They should remove MF gear so I don’t feel required to wear it. Not that it matters anyway, since I don’t really need the vitality/toughness I’d get otherwise or the increased damage to kill a mob a second faster. For reference, elementalist solo AoE perspective.
If dragon events are kept the way they are, I’m not sure if MF gear is even worth it.
I’m actually happy that rares come more from hard content and not farming easymode Orr with MF gear.
Using 2 characters, I usually get around 20 rares a day within a 4 hour timespan doing only 9 dragon events (5 on one, 4 on the other). Pretty easymode.
I just don’t understand the economic reason behind requiring the fee for filling a buy order to be paid in cash instead of taken from the proceeds of the transaction.
There is no reason. It simply works that way because that’s how it was programmed. Fulfilling a buy order is the same function as placing a sell listing. For the fee was taken off at the end, additional measures would have to be taken and it would cause inconsitencies when looking at the data. It’s simply the way it is because it was easier to make it that way.
You don’t actually fulfill buy orders. When you do fulfill one, what actually happens is you place a sell order at the price of the current buy order, which then automatically eats the listings.
From the user’s point of view, having to the pay the fee doesn’t really make sense. The person placing the buy order should have to pay it. However, sometimes sellers or the middle man do pay the small fees as sort of a bonus/incentive.
HoM rewards weren’t just a bonus for GW1 players. They were a marketing decision that increased the player count and the time played. I know I played much more after they were introduced, since I had no reason to do any of the requirements previously.
They’re not going to give out the HoM rewards any time soon. Why would they, when people that really want them will buy and play GW1, further keeping the game alive. A few years after GW1 is shutdown though, they might sell them as a GW1 unlock pack, since they’ll probably go with the reasoning that people that already had them have gotten their exclusive use out of them, in the same way they started to give out old festival hats in GW1.
I’ll just… leave this here…
The part of the personal story to kill Zhaitan requires you to complete the dungeon on story mode. Assuming you’re not going to try and solo it, a group of 5 players should be able to do the event chain to open the gates and the dungeon.
gw2spidy uses the in-game key. It’s the only way you can get volume listings and what the item is actually going for. The out of game key can only retrive the data you see when searching, which is basically just the cached sell and buy prices.
The character ID, like the session, can be obtained out of game by watching the HTTP requests and judging by history, ArenaNet probably doesn’t care if you use it. Using it to place buy orders though gets a little iffy since it can be seen as botting from an in-game perspective, but if they intended it to be an accessible webpage and/or moddable (in theory you should be able to proxy and rewrite the TP allowing for your own custom interface), it really isn’t. Playing with sell orders is the only thing that can’t be done through the TP directly, and automating it would definitely be considered a violation.
gw2spidy of course has no reason to use the character ID, since the only data that requires using it is your own personal data.
On another note, never give out both your in-game session key and your character ID. With both of those keys, in theory, I can steal your gold.
The session key you can obtain out of game by going directly to the webpage is different and only lets you access the cached search listings.
The session key the game uses grants you access to the buy and sell listings. Using the character ID in combination with the session key allows you to access your transaction history and place buy orders.
I doubt ArenaNet actually gave gw2spidy specific confirmation that grabbing the in-game session key was ok. They probably just said that what they were doing (parsing the TP) was ok, and since they were using the session key to do it, it was assumed that must also be ok. Giving a public exception to the rules isn’t something you do lightly, so I doubt they would further confirm anything.
Programs that do probably everything you’re thinking and then some already exist. Some even fully automate (bot) the TP, and since placing sell orders and picking up must be done through the client, those programs would be classified as botting.
It is possible to pull the data on all sellable items in your inventory, but only when you click the sell tab in game, at which point the request is made giving the ID of every item. You can then pull all the live data, rather than the cached data it shows and calculate whatever you want to know.
The NPCs lost their items during their travels from X to Y, which is basically somewhere inbetween the zone portals and the city. Some were attacked, which basically means they ran off the direct path you would normally take. It is also mentioned that some don’t follow the road and instead cut across. You could also assume some don’t know where they’re going, so they may go the wrong way for a bit, and their items way have been taken, rather than dropped.
All of that combined, along with knowledge of the mobs and friendly NPCs in the zone should give you a general idea of where they could have lost their items.
It would have been easier if the NPC had a general idea of the path it took to narrow the possible area, but then they couldn’t have just randomly spawned them, which would probably result in the items always being in a specific area and then there wouldn’t really be a search for them. Maybe they actually intended for hints to be given, which is why the possible spawn points are in little groups.
There’s no reason to hope, they already said they wouldn’t follow the route of GW1 and do standalone expansions since they waste resources. They will do traditional expansions, like EotN.
Click to move and move to target aren’t something they want to implement because as a hybrid action RPG, especially one that wants to be an esport, they don’t want to encourage the type of play. It’s meant to be skill based, fast paced combat, something neither of those 2 features support.
As for actually implementing a simple click to move feature in-game, as in, you click and it moves in that direction in a simple straight line and fails if anything is in the way, would be something they could easily add if they chose to. The basics of it already exist with a combination of ground target and charge skills.
They already deny logins that are not within the IP ranges that you have verified, if you verified your email. If you verify your 1 IP range, then set your email to automatically delete the verification requests, that would basically be the same thing as only allowing logins from your specific country/province/local area.
Most MMOs do something like this in some form. Behind the scenes at the very least they flag connections outside of your usual region since they look suspicious.
I would give my Asura’s right ear to be able to do this with buy orders
You can – out of game.
I use to salvage in batches of 100 using mystic kits. Getting around a 0.6 return was the minimum amount I ever got, which was very rare. On the other side, a return of 1.0 was the maximum amount and just as rare. Eventually it averages out to around 0.8.
I would like to do the temples down in Orr but the timers never seem to work and I haven’t been able to figure out how they work or where they start. But I guess I better start.
Unlike the dragons, the temples take a bit of effort to complete. I’m not sure how active they are now, but before the chest change it was common to head to orr and see the temples ready to be activated.
You can check the state of the temples by looking at their icons on the map or by looking at the statue icons to see if they’re contested. Porting to the grove usually updates the map, allowing you to see how it really is.
For how to do them,
All a fixed timer will do is make it easier to schedule it. It will do nothing to fix the problem which is everyone flocking to these events which in turn causes overflows. Guesting is not what causes overflows a servers own population does. You are under the impression that people will spread out. Well the opposite will happen people will do them even more, which will make the problem even worse.
Which is why I said ArenaNet needs to decide on if they want these events to be rarely done or farmed.
I fully expected a fixed timer to cause the events to be massively zerged like clockwork. They would be officially scheduled after all, occuring in the same way the daily resets. My intention, along with the assumption that these events were intended to be daily rewards, was to remove the waiting so that I can actually go back to playing the game. I also assume these changes were meant to bring people into the zones with the intention that they would actually play in them to make them look alive, but that’s simply not happening.
I don’t care how they handle it but personally I’d like to see the chests reverted if they’re kept the way they are. I don’t want to know that reward-wise, playing for 4 hours in the open world solo is going to probably yield less than AFKing for 30 minutes and then killing a boss for 2 minutes.
They can’t just go and do something like improving the drops in the open world, because that would only increase the problem if chests stayed the same. Plus, drops are already unfair to solo players, while in comparison, extremely rewarding to zergs. They first need to implement a loot system that doesn’t encourage zerging, but I don’t see that happening since it’s currently a feature.
People will be able to run even more characters through these events than they do now.
More people would have a chance to run the event, but the same person on multiple characters would find it harder to do. If all the world bosses occured simultaneously, you’d only be able to kill maybe 2 of them before the rest were killed because you can’t stop an entire server. You could try guesting, but they’d also be killed, unless the server was really slow. It would take you several attempts (the 2 hour blocks they would spawn in) to kill all the world bosses, which would take you all day for just 1 character. Compared to now, you can kill all the major world bosses within a single 2 hour window if you can find good timers, allowing you to do multiple characters a day.
Although there would actually be more people runnning the event all day, the total loot for each individual would be far less.
If they didn’t occur simultaneously, but rather every 30 minutes, then yes, they could be easily farmed all day using multiple characters.
DR = Diminished Returns. How you can even get to the conclusion I meant daily limit is beyond me when I talked about increasing gains elsewhere just above.
I assumed you were referring to the DR on dragon events, which is of course the daily limit. The other DR on dragon events makes it so you can’t camp them by just logging in, barely doing anything and collecting the loot, but that restriction doesn’t really make sense now that the daily limit is in place.
Removing DR on mobs wouldn’t really change anything, except open things up for exploitation, especially if dungeon DR was removed. It’s the overall drop chance on mobs that is a problem.
From the casual majority perspective, DR has no effect because grinding isn’t really something they do. Dragon events are currently the most rewarding activities in the game due to how little effort is needed and much time you have to personally put in, which is around 1 minute if you’re an abuser. With the way they’re setup, you can be rewarded where normally you wouldn’t be playing. For example, if you would normally be watching TV, meaning you wouldn’t be getting anything in-game, you can now keep the game running in one of the zones, get a little program to watch the screen to detect when the event starts so it can alert you, and then walk over and do it, getting loot you otherwise would not have gotten.
Giving an incentive for other players to not do the dragon events may help to reduce the problem, but it might not change anything at all, depending on how many people want to be rewarded by doing nothing.
Your fixed timer doesn’t take away the problem infact it might even make it worse as people for sure will be waiting for them.
It depends on what the problem is. If the problem is simply that you can’t do the event because you got into an overflow, then a fixed timer fixes that exact problem since the event would start for everyone on all servers at the same time. If the problem is that you don’t want to see an overflow at all, then nothing will completely fix that problem, since somewhere, there’s going to be an overflow. If the problem is that the loot is too good, then they’ll have to nerf it or buff everything else up to a point where if you miss the event, you no longer care, since it would have only been a minor bonus, say 10 minutes of grinding mobs.
Plus, my original suggestion for an officially scheduled timer had all dragons starting at the same time, forcing the population to split up, since I assumed they would want to reduce stress on the server.
The only thing that will fix the problem is by removing the incentive to just do these events and ignoring the rest.
The only way that would happen is by reverting the loot, increasing the difficulty or by making something else in the game so much better that you wouldn’t even want to waste the few short minutes to pop in and do the event, which would just create another problem.
ArenaNet needs to decided on what is an acceptable level of loot, if these events are supposed to be rare or farmed and then balance around that and additionally create a system that doesn’t create such a large gap between small groups and zergs. Reward-wise, the dragon events are fine if they were limited to say 10 people, as in each set of 10 people would have to fight their own copy. It’s too difficult to just say uncap scaling and scale dragons for 200 people, since you would just get 1 shot without seeing what is happening.
I assume by now they’ve already decided what they’re going to do.
this overflow to stop people from getting dragons is kitten I don’t personally know how hard it is to program dragon timers on the overflow maps in consistency with the timer on normal maps but I really believe this is necessary as soon as possible.
An overflow is the combination of multiple servers. Even if the overflow was in sync with the server that originally caused it, chances are when you got into the overflow, you wouldn’t be the first person, so the server would be in sync with some other server, making the whole idea pointless.
Far as I am concerned, if a player from the particular world which the dragon event is on joins the area, a guest should be removed. First in, first out.
For someone to be a ‘guest’, there is usually an ‘invitation’. Noone invited these people onto the other servers.
You don’t need an invitation when it’s an open invitation.
If you’re going to kick people, why stop with just guests. Why not just kick everyone not participating in the event? Since there’ll still be overflow, why not just kick everyone but you. Since the dragons are so easily zergable, let’s just put them in personal story instances and force you to solo or up to 5 man them and allow you to start them whenever you want or just keep it the way it is now and allow everyone to see it in the open world, but make you enter the instance to fight it. At least then, it would take you 30 minutes or so to solo it, making the loot actually equal to the time and effort.
Than the need to implement a timer in which you have to kill it otherwise you will never be able to keep them synched as different servers will have different kill times, that is why they don’t line up in the first time. This timer can affect the ability for certain servers to actually kill the boss or the boss can become an even bigger snoozefest. 1 Timer for all is not the answer.
Either remove the timers entirely and make them spawn random or improve the loot enough for people to spread out instead of waiting for a certain event.
Removing DR might already be enough incentive for people to start spreading out again and it will be 2 birds with 1 stone in my opinion.
The scheduled timer concept and how it would work has been suggested many times. The concept is that the dragons would spawn maybe every 2 hours and you’d have 1 hour to kill it before the dragon wins and you fail. Personally, even when doing the dragons in a small group (2-3), I’ve never seen one last longer than an hour or if they can even fail. I don’t see how it would make it a bigger snoozefest for populated servers though. Currently, you’re encouraged to AFK for 30 minutes, then press 1 for 2 minutes, then collect your loot. If the timers were scheduled, you could show up just before it spawned, press 1 and collect your loot, giving you that 30 minutes to do whatever you wanted.
Having the timers random could go a couple ways. Either people would scout, then announce it, causing everyone to flock to that server or people would feel forced to AFK for them, since it could spawn at any moment. I could even imagine paid services to get informed, since all you’d need is a bot constantly standing in the zone waiting for it. Even if the timers were random, they would be something like a 1 hour downtime with a 2 hour window. Most of them are already basically like that, but with a shorter window.
If by remove the DR you mean to remove the daily limit, you’re crazy. That would greatly increase the problem.
How is overflow denying you the ability to do content when it is doing the exact opposite? Overflows give you the ability to play the game when your server would be full otherwise. If this was a typical MMO, you truly would be denied access to the content by being forced to wait in a queue with the inabiltiy to play at all. Would you really want overflows disabled in favor of a queued system, or how about the permanent overflow approach where zones are dynamically created to fit the needs of the population, removing the ability to keep track of any timed events.
The only reason you even think you’re being denied is because you’re abusing a timer to determine when an event is taking place.
So I’m wondering…why does my thread on bounties give me an infraction while this one is allowed to exist?
Talk about double standards…
Because moderators don’t work 24/7 and this thread was created on saturday night. Since both these threads are in violation of the rules, it’s only a matter of time, assuming it’s kept up on the front page.
There is DR on the chests that’s supposed to prevent you from camping them, but I wouldn’t expect it to come into effect on the 2nd attempt.
Other reasons include not qualifying for participation and the daily reset (12:00 GMT).
Ascended gear was designed to be completely rolled out over the course of a year. After that, they can still toy with infusion upgrades to further progress ascended gear.
When the time comes, which will probably be in 1.5 years, they could add a new tier or reset everything by raising the level cap. It all depends on what direction they go in.
Legendaries were supposed to be for the “dedicated” players. Over the course of a year however, they can be easily obtained by almost anyone. If they ever actually add a way to get a precursor through some type of quest, you will probably see a legendary on every other person a year from now.
ArenaNet defined grind during one of the AMAs as “repetitive game play that is not fun”
Going by their definition, nothing in the game is a grind unless the majority agrees.
For me, grinding is pretty much being forced to do something over and over hundreds of times, not because I want to, but because it’s the only way to continue.
The underwater asura or risen that have the auto attack where during the entire animation they are evading. As long as you’re in melee range, your attacks will fail most of the time because of it. The animation is like 1.5s long, while the downtime is only like 0.5s. Super annoying when all your spells are casted.
That is all.
It’s not that there won’t be any expansions, it’s that there won’t be one anytime within the near future. It really depends on how they decided to handle expansions. There’s a lot of areas in the game that will be unlocked in the future, such as the crystal desert. These areas may come in an expansion or, they could be unlocked in live updates similar to the karka event. Either way, it’s going to be expanding the game, so although it’s not a box you buy, it’s still an expansion.
Originally, when introducing the gem store, they said you would be able to pick and choose the content you wanted to buy . I originally thought they would do mini expansions through the gem store, making you pay to unlock new places, like the karka island, but they didn’t do that.
If they choose to unlock the areas for free, then paid expansions would most likely introduce new lands, such as cantha, elona any maybe an underwater expansion into the deep sea where the largos are and bubbles is.
When they do introduce an expansion, compared to GW1, they will be like EotN, rather than the others (standalone).
This isn’t actual news, it is something we have mentioned multiple times before. As the original interview says, and I quote:
“Expansions are definitely something that we’ll potentially look at in the future,” he explained. “We don’t have a timetable on it. We’re open to it, but I think our major focus as a studio is making the living world concept as strong as possibly can for the players that we’ve got.”
No one said we will never do an expansion, all Colin says (again) is that we are currently focusing on Living Story and other ongoing to the live game.
They said ascended gear would eventually makes its way to WvW. Since they want to control how fast you can progress, the gear will most likely not be available using any existing currencies, since they don’t want you to immediately get it. I can see them adding older ascended gear for badges, since everyone should have it by now, but not any new stuff.
If I were to guess, I’d say WvW ascended gear would be tied to the new WvW progression. If they want to make the gear primarily for WvW, instead of having offensive/defensive upgrades on them, they might have new WvW slots, which only affect WvW. Those upgrades could then be purchased with badges. The gear could also be, but it’d mainly be tied to your WvW rank.
Tried it and got the same loot as other improved chests (2 rares, 2 greens, 1 blue). Was pretty easy to solo.
Took about 10 minutes to reset after completing the failure condition (collect kelp). The NPC calls out a 3 minute warning when the event is about to start.
Resetting back to the toxic containers once the boss was killed took just under 1 hour (~50 minutes).
Megadestroyer still gives the old loot.
(edited by Healix.5819)
The forums are not meant to be a trading post or to conduct any kind of trading. Please refrain from this behaviour in the future.
Disabling guesting for an extended period of time is not an option because they promised the ability to play with your friends, which is why free transfers were available for so longer while guesting wasn’t available.
Having guesting as invite only isn’t a good idea either. What about those times when something is bugged on your server, so you guest to complete it on another. What about public event runs, where people give an open invitation on the forums. What if you’re just on a low pop server, the zone you’re in is dead and you just want to try a more populated server.
Plus, people would probably try to sell invitations to the server.
The reason they’re limited is because it would be pretty overpowered to be able to loot all the chests every 3 hours, from a farmer’s point of view.
They could limit you to an X amount of chests per day, allowing you to farm whatever event you wanted, but that would be a nerf to people that actually do all the chest events and I doubt they’d want people to farm the same one over and over. It would also be very easy to get all your chests with the maw in its current state. It wouldn’t stop people guesting either, since if you were limited to 4 chests, people would still want to guest and get those 4 as fast as possible.
Now imagine if the events were on fixed, scheduled timers. You could play your alts without worrying about it, because you’d know exactly when the event would occur. When you ported over, it wouldn’t matter if you landed in overflow, because since it’s on a scheduled timer, it would also be happening there. It would also mean you no longer have to AFK ikittenone, waiting for the event to occur.
When I suggested fixed timers, I meant only for the world bosses, as defined by the wiki (shatterer, tequatl, maw, shadow behemoth, fire elemental, jungle wurm) . Other events like the Orr temples wouldn’t make sense, since some of them rely on the status of the zone and they can be defended, changing how they act. Plus, those smaller events probably don’t see overflow, since they’re out of the way and have a higher difficulty, reducing the casual incentive.
Most of the world bosses start by randomly spawning a pre-event and just starting. This pre-event should spawn on a fixed timer. Failure to complete the event within the hour would cause it to fail.
For the few exceptions, the events that interfere should be designed to work in sync by either allowing it to be ran at the same time or by failing ahead of time. Alternatively, nothing can be changed and the dragon event is simply flagged to start as soon as the event that’s blocking it is completed, making that event part of the meta from the player’s point of view.
Did you decrease maximum number of players on every map just to get rid of lags?
Yes, it was just recently reduced, which fixed the server lag.
It doesn’t look like a bug, it looks like an intentional change. The damage of multi hit attacks is summed now, rather than showing separate numbers for the hands and head.
For example, on the claw of jormag, using a fiery great sword, I used to see it doing ~6k damage per attack on both claws and the head. Now it does ~20k damage per attack in the middle.
On the second stage though, it is bugged, since I see nothing.
Fixed timers could work, but then there would be farming patterns… not sure that would be awesome…
It depends on if ArenaNet wants them to be farmed and if they want to split people up.
If all the dragons were on the same timer, you would have to choose which one you wanted to do. Some events are shorter than the others, so it would be possible to go from one to the next, but you’d have to be quick.
If they wanted them to be farmed and didn’t care about splitting up the population, each dragon could occur roughly 30 minutes after the previous one started. You could then do the dragon events all day with a short downtime if you so desired.
Uh, I would still be annoyed if I was constantly in overflow. I had the same complaint when they introduced Fractals to Lion’s Arch, or with the starting zones close to launch. I want to play alongside the community I chose to be around when I picked a server, not with a bunch of strangers from other servers.
If people are being pushed out of their chosen server onto an overflow server because guests are taking up available slots, there’s still a problem, regardless of whether there’s a world event going on or not.
Then you would be annoyed simply because there are too many people on your server, in which case, they might as well remove the overflow feature and introduce queue times so that you may avoid them. Would you really want to wait in a queue like WvW rather than be given a chance to play while you wait? You can’t fit an an entire server’s worth of players into a zone.
If all the timers were fixed, there would no longer be a reason to guest to other servers, since all servers would have the event starting at the same time. You could guest to another server after yours finished, in an attempt to find a server that’s slower at completing it, but by that point, you should have already joined the event, so unless your server is overpopulated, you wouldn’t have been in an overflow.
Launch was smooth, no lag, I personally didn’t encounter any broken events / skill points like others did, the trading post was disabled then enabled for a few, then a few more and so on, gems were 400 for 1g and abyss dye was selling for 1g.