(edited by Hermes.7014)
I agree. They should implement something like DCUO’s style manager.
Edelweiss you often sound butthurt about thieves. Maybe you just don’t know how to play your class vs thief or your opponent is more skilled than you are and blame the class being OP and all of that.
And before saying that the class requires no effort to be played, actually start a thief adn take it to 80 then do WvWvW, then speak again.
On a side note, I also noticed most of the people complaining about thief are the squishy wizards.
simply they didn’t touch anything. just wait
And if still nothing happens, the kids will keep whining.
I haven’t seen an issue with their sizes. Perhaps a few rare models need a readjustment, but others are just fine.
The fight in Hunters and prey felt pretty epic… but nothing compares to Air Drop.
Man, how I loved smashing, electrocuting and blasting those mindless risen with the golem armor! “Death… good!” right?
I think they should rather decrease the cost upon death. We already pay to fix the armor, we don’t need to pay that much to go back to a waypoint.
I know it’s a money sink, but they need to learn that not everyone spends their day farming gold.
Everyone eventually finds a work around for runes. And as I said, it would eventually look even better with a mixed gods set on. We cannot know until they make the change, if they will, hopefully.
I kind of agree with the OP, but not so much in terms of attractiveness. My main beef is that the body shape of human females and Norn females is so similar. You can tell at a glance whether or not a particular male PC is human or Norn, but it’s not as easy to tell whether you’re looking at a particularly short Norn female, or a particularly tall human female. I’d rather that they’d made Norn females broader, with the same general proportions as the men. It looks really weird when you stand Norn men and women next to each other, especially when you stand human men and women next to each other and compare the two pairs.
Imho, if they gave Norn females the same build of males no one would have played them. I get shivers at the thought.
Maybe they’ve learned not to listen to whining. Hopefully.
I get combat music only while engaging more than three mobs at once. Is that weird?
I think this happens when the voice loads before the actual NPC model. The source of the sound is unable to locate and you hear it as if it was in your ears.
Am I the only one hearing it getting a bit… manly sometimes? Like the “dying scream”, it sounds so deep it’s almost unsetting.
It’s called Raven Speaks.
Maybe this can help some people understand the concept of glass cannon: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GlassCannon
That’s what a thief is, most of the time.
I hope BS gets nerfed, it’s the thing that rules meta right now and thus it must be adjusted. A class with spammable invulnerability (Invis is effective invulnerability, yes) shouldn’t be having such damage output.
And it will get nerfed. The question is when and how much. And seeing how “fast” A-net is… well, not like this game had any future on the E-sports arena anyway.
Stealth = Invulnerabilty? You are clearly ignorant about the thief class and shouldn’t even be posting here.
Guided him? To me it looked more like…
Pale tree: “Here’s a cool great sword. Even if you’re a necromancer and shouldn’t be able to use it, you become the exception because your destiny is to save the world. Now go slay Zhaitan and become the hero. Oh and take this man/woman with you though, he/she has other problems with other dragons devastating their lands but nevermind, he/she seems skilled and could be of help to you.”
Not the exact words, but you get what I mean.
They could also sell in videogame stores a gadget commonly called security token.
It’s a small device that every minute generates using an algorithm a one-time use code that you have to input along with the password in order to log in into your account. You tie its serial code to the account and there you go.
It’s commonly used for bank accounts which require an higher level of protection, but also for MMO’s such as Final Fantasy XIV.
Although I do agree that those sets should be somewhat different from each other, I hate to imagine what my character would look like in her dungeon armor should a change happen; since I bought some mixed-n-match pieces from all the vendors so I can have all the same stats but still retain the same look.
If that’s the case, then these vendors should sell multiple versions of their sets, similar to how the dungeon vendors sell their respective sets but with three different stat combinations.
Well, there’s a chance it may look even better with mixed new looks. Besides there is always transmutation, if you don’t mind spending some karma or currency.
Hello, I’d like to post a suggestion regarding the appearance of the human gods armor sets.
Specifically the light/medium/heavy sets of:
Arcon armor of Dwayna
Armageddon armor of Balthazar
Aurora armor of Melandru
Mortal armor of Grenth
Rubicon armor of Lyssa
At the moment those look somewhat very generic and similar to simple armor, quite plain, in other words. More importantly, they all look the same!
And this is pretty boring, in my honest opinion. They’re supposed to be high level gear and one would expect them to look more unique.
So how about giving them a look based upon the appearance of the gods they are named after? (Leaving unchanged only the “Whispering armor of Infiltration” which now looks just the same as the gods armor sets)
Perhaps something like their dervish forms in GW1:
(edited by Hermes.7014)
Has anybody else noticed that the amount of salt in the thief forum outmatches the pacific ocean?
Seriously. All I see is “OP this, OP that, nerf this, nerf that.”
At first I thought my character was building her legend, not Trahearne’s. How wrong I was.
I play a Norn thief, but she’s more of a stealthy hunter, rather than a bandit.
Even if classes have names it doens’t necessarily mean they have to be specifically the interpretation of a stereotype.
If I am going to spend hours, days, weeks, months killing monsters, being a hero, I am going to be a hot babe while I am doing it.
I want my screen to be looking good.
Hahah couldn’t have said it better!
It looks like a valkyrie themed armor. Have yet to see anything like that in game though.
How about just having the forms able to attack while moving? Having to stand still in one place to complete an attack doesn’t have any sense. Those animals are supposed to be agile, it’s not like wearing a dredge mining suit or a golem armor.