(edited by Hermes.7014)
Do you really think ascended gear makes that much of a difference? Only if players of equal skills are pit against each other. Of course, the short answer to this is “get that ascended gear yourself”. It’s not that hard after all, it just requires some time.
You mean like this?
Are there really that many people that didn’t use the wiki to see skins? I can’t think of any other reason these would jump other than the TP preview feature.
That’s just what happened. My guess is that only 30% of the total playerbase used the wiki to find out weapon appearances. Now I’m beginning to wonder if that weren’t for the better.
I foresee the trend will continue as common looking weapons will begin to fall in price and increase in stock while the “cool” looking ones will constantly go up on price and demand. Bah.
Emberglow has gone from 16 gold to 36 and still rising. I wish I had bought it before.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
Since the preview was added all prices for the exotic weapons with particle effects have gone up of a few gold?
(edited by Hermes.7014)
Yes, human gods armor sets should also be adapted to all armor sets since they’re available for each. It requires some work, but leaving them as simple as they are now won’t do them justice.
I’m confident that people would like the change.
Not all pistols in game are flintlock-like.
But speaking of out of place, take a look at the Glyphic Pistol, shouldn’t that fire energy blasts instead of bullets? Some of the visual effects and sounds certainly should be revisioned.
Do you have a video for reference? Unfortunately I have no Asura among my characters.
You have twenty-four hours to complete your daily. Just don’t resort to the last minute to complete it.
I’m so glad I never farmed for that stuff now. I’d be kitten off otherwise.
I know that some could be exploited, so those could have been blocked, but why taking them all away? Come on, some were just fun to use in WvW!
This is happening after the latest update. Tried some underwater combat with my mesmer using the spear and noticed it misses at melee range. The only way to make it not miss is to swim actually inside the mobs.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
I believe it is quite a pity to see sets of armor dedicated to the first Guild Wars heroes bearing the same plain appearance as normal crafted sets.
Same goes for human divinities themed armor sets.
Perhaps what I mean is clear enough as this, but allow me to make it clearer with two examples:
Mhenlo’s Armor
^This has nothing of Mhenlo: http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/c/cc/Mhenlo.jpg
Arcon Armor of Dwayna
^And this has nothing of Dwayna: http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/1/1f/%22Dwayna%22_concept_art.jpg
(Yes, maybe this one could fit Balthazar or even Grenth, but not Dwayna, let alone Melandru or Lyssa.)
Therefore I’d suggest to give those themed sets exclusive appearances based upon the original characters whose name they bear.
And I thought FotM was “Fractals of the Mists”…
Well, that must have been easy.
Its still fun. Not everyone needs a cookie for playing an event.
Not that fun if you end up doing it alone most of the times. And if that happens so often there must be a reason behind that.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
It may be in a low level area, but it seems like an important event chain.
It’s an attack on a major Sons of Svanir fortress after all. Aren’t we supposed to get a better reward, perhaps like a chest, after the defeat of the Champion Svanir Marauder?
All we get now are the usual event rewards and maybe a fine rarity drop from the boss. The way it is now, the event chain is just not worth the time it takes to be completed.
Judging by your description, I guess you are looking for this one: http://youtu.be/9NCKeuTV2NQ
It’s unreleased, so I suppose only Jeremy Soule knows its title.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
I’ve done several Arah runs last week. Monsters and chests dropped either blue or white equipment with a few greens. The only rare was a pile of foul essence.
Working again as intended.
NPC name: Lionguard Auda
Location: Snowden Drifts
The choice menu doesn’t appear when talking to the NPC after completing the renown heart quest.
I don’t know if this affects other servers as well, but it’s on Seafarer’s Rest.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
The Frozen Maw event is bugged also on Seafarer’s Rest at “Scholar Brogun is headed to the Maw to investigate the Grawl.”
“Assault on Svanir’s Dome” has also become bugged and and the boss won’t come out of its house.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
It’s more like this though.
You throw 375000000 items into the mystic toilet and you are bound to get a precursor.
One of the reasons I gave up on legendaries.
I never liked playing lotteries and slot machines.
Personally I like some particle effects on the armor, just nothing overdone.
Or what baout this for an idea:
How about adding animation to weapon Sigils, for example:
Adding Superior Sigil of earth to a weapon, (the weapons appearance changes to that of a cluster of rocks surrounding the weapon)
Adding Superior Sigil of Fire to a weapon (the weapons appearance changes to that of flames surrounding the weapon)
Well you get the point. Just give a little more animation to the game.
I get your point. I had a similar idea, but unfortunately ANet seems so hellbent over reserving visual effects only to legendaries and what I call “demi-legendaries” such as Volcanus and Foefire Essence. :/
Thing is that once you hit an high level you may want to actually feel like you have an high level character, and that also means steamrolling through level 8 monsters.
So, no fix on Boss Battles “randomizer” so far? Sure would love not to have to re-arrange my playlist manually every time i get tired of listening to the same music during bosses. Here’s to hoping they’ll fix it eventually
On a side note: Congrats to Anet for making this wonderful game!
Still nothing. It should be rather easy, I don’t know why they keep not addressing this.
They should make story path solo mode and add as reward 1/3 of explorable paths reward tokens.
Actually though, I’d like better the cooperation in a duo mode.
I take that not many of you have ever heard a Norn female’s battle cries, while unsheating the weapon.
Like “Die!!”, “Now you’ll suffer!” or “Slaughter the enemy!”
She uses the correct emphasis in those, but I have to agree that in some of the other lines she lacks of it. Like in Warrior shouts.
Oh and “How many ales have I had?” while confused is just so Norn lol, don’t ever change that.
About the voice tone, it is the tone that a giant battle-hardened tough woman would rather have, imho. If she sounded like a little princess then she wouldn’t be a Norn.
Even Norn males generally have a deeper voice than humans. It also depends on their size, which means probably larger vocal chords.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
cool post. you want a multiplayer mmo go play final fantasy. where everything you do will require a party. youll probably complain about that too saying theres not enough solo content
I played FFXI and I know exactly what you’re talking about.
If attempted solo, even an “Easy prey” monster could crush your max level well equipped character. Unless you were a Red Mage or a Beastmaster.
I’m all up for the solo content rather than all that party-only stuff.
i can solo a breeder in AC without any problems/and no elite.
you guys have a l2p issue…
Nice! I guess I can invite you to Arah exp runs and have you complete them alone while I stay at the waypoint, since I’m too lazy to “l2p”.
If anyone else would like to come along, why not? We’ve got a kitten over here to get the job done easy.
Who wants to skip skips, who doesn’t doesn’t. Generally speaking, if you find yourself in disagreement with your party about skipping or not, then find another one. It’s not that hard.
However, if the rewards for killing such “trash” mobs were better probably less people would be skipping them.
Now that the respawn system has been changed to either out of combat or party wiped conditions. Why not restoring the waypoint that was removed once to prevent people from deadzerging/glitching Lupicus since it’s not possible anymore?
The closest waypoint is quite a bit too far off from a moderately hard boss fight. Running again all the way there just makes it quite boring.
My Norn warrior in what I call her Dragon Knight attire.
So also dungeons were affacted?
Defnitely more challenging, although I don’t think it’s that pleasant to get killed by a level 16 veteran, being an actual level 80.
To make things fair they should also scale repair costs according to the level you were when KO’d.
Not speaking for myself because I’m fluent in both italian and english, but I know there are many native speakers of different languages than those included who have some difficulty with english.
So, I’m a bit baffled at the absence of other languages, at least as text, and that additional localizations are not even planned. (I’m aware that a voice actor’s work isn’t cheap, I’ll give you that. I’m talking about text alone.)
What happened to all the other languages we commonly see in most games nowadays? Even World of Warcraft has gotten an italian localization, yes, it took them long enough, but it did happen.
Adding additional text localizations even increases the player base, so why not?
I remember them saying back before the Lost Shores event that they would have introduced new ways to obtain precursors. I just hope they weren’t talking about the Ancient Karka Chest…
The forge however is like a lottery. You probably have a chance in ten thousand to obtain a precursor so I wouldn’t even count on that. Like a scratch and win card, you either get lucky to win the jackpot or unlucky enough to lose all your money if you don’t know when to stop trying.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
People are bringing up the Lost Shore event because of the ones who couldn’t participate because of work and private affairs and blamed Anet for not putting the event at their favourite time.
Given the first post of the topic, this seems like a similar case to a lesser extent.
You think that’s bad? Look at Quip. I’m so going to blast my enemies with magic bubbles. Rather than legendary weapon I’d call it a joke weapon.
I got that while defending a keep from an assault in World vs World. We were defending for about 3 hours outnumbered and at last, as I was the last to fall in the lord room, I thought that was the reason. I’ve got to say that was the most epic defense in whole WvW experience so far.
I wonder in what conditions that music is triggered to play.
I’d have preferred if those lines were actually like chants they have to pronounce in order to invoke an attunement to an element.
Well, not those already existing lines, yet something fitting.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
When my Norn female gets hits by something that does alot of damage she says something along the lines of “Now you’ll suffer!” or “I’ll be alright… soon.”. They sound about right to me.
While entering battle sometimes she says either “Death before defeat!” or “Die!!”, and that’s very Norn-like so nothing wrong about the battle cries.
The only line I don’t like pretty much is “I’m dying!” as she gets to low HP. Well, duh. Something like “It’s… not over yet!” would have sounded more like a Norn.
I don’t like it one bit. Not until I see dungeons reworked with this system.
Oh look, two people died so now wipe and go back because the mobs won’t let you ress your friends without dying.
It’s not like fractals, fracts were intended to work with this system so they’re balanced. The vast majority of the dungeons however are still tuned on the old system. The only thing that was drastically changed for this was the “Defend Magg as he plants the exlplosives” in CoF path 2.
Changing this should have been the last of the changes to do on this matter.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
Well T6 mats drops in Orr seem to have gone even more downhill.
Race: Norn
Gender: Female
Class: Warrior
I’ve found an issue with the Primeval Pauldrons shoulder equipment.
Dyes on the item cannot be changed or removed, whenever dyes are attempted to change it has no effect and subsequently, unequipping the pauldrons or equipping another shoulder item causes the game to crash.
I don’t believe a screenshot is needed for this matter since it’s not a clipping issue but a game bug. Also I wouldn’t know what to screenshot beside the crash report window.
(edited by Hermes.7014)
Culling is the only real problem with stealth.
There’s an issue with the skill Blinding Powder and Auto-Attack. (This is probably not a bug but I don’t think it should work as it does.)
Whenever Blinding Powder is used during an Auto-attack chain, the stealth effect of the skill is immediately cancelled and it only applies revealed condition on the caster without granting him or her any sort of stealth.Solution: Have Blinding Powder interrupt the Auto-attack sequence on use the same way as casting Hide in Shadows and Shadow Refuge do.
Corrected my post since I erroneously specified Black Powder instead of Blinding Powder.
I posted a similar topic about two months ago, and nothing was done about it. Still hoping to see something this simple to get fixed.
My Norn warrior.
I don’t get why do we need near-useless racial elites? Why not putting them on par with class elites? No overpowering or underpowering.