Showing Posts For Jayden Ennok.3687:

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

two random pugs


Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Best class to solo arah? (fastest or easiest)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

And what about average time a scrub level player needs to learn to solo the easier paths (on ele)? Just asking to know whether I am too re…ta…rd for this or I just haven’t put enough time to it.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

What if CnD had shadowstep in it.

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

So what if I’d want to CnD from its max range cos getting next to my target would kill me? The port would just dumb the skill down.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

No Quarter vs Hidden Killer

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

And how many people use NQ just for the fury? I want the ferocity boost, anything fury is added bonus.

The same ppl that don’t run ToC and/or pack runes. I don’t think that is the majority. Regardless, this topic is for the ppl that use either ToC or pack runes.

2 years ago I specced the last time into HK and I’ve never thought that I would come back to this. But for my d/d build I think it is stronger and wanted to cover my impression with some math.

Your math ignores the usual way a fight goes – people try to dodge/evade etc the hard hitting attacks. Why waste blind or dodge on aa if I know the thief will backstab soon. That’s why I personally use NQ instead of HK, any missed backstab reduces the benefit HK brings, While NQ benefits me all the time (with ToC/pack rune that’s almost all the time).

Sure if someone is in valk/cav, he needs HK to do any dmg but for a zerker thief I don’t see much value in using HK, as 3 of 4 my attacks crit. Even HK doesn’t guarantee crit on backstab, the chance it won’t crit is very small but it’s there. HK might look better on paper but in actual fight it’s very situational.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

WvW Invitational Statement from John Corpening, game director for World vs. World

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Please deal with the hackers, thats all im asking at the moment #2months in at T9 already I think..?

Pls also nerf all the 1shot sylvari mesmers plaguing T9 :P

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

No Quarter vs Hidden Killer

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

And how many people use NQ just for the fury? I want the ferocity boost, anything fury is added bonus.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Race for a revenant?

in Revenant

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

human male

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

For a cele elementalist... (wvw)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

You are far from squishy with 16kHP.

Zerk + cele is okay, people often mix in some cele to round their stats.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Vabbi WvW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Glad to see Vabbi is doing good.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

[Wolf] Fractal Guild (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Good engies are awesome.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Dungeon acts of Kindness?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Kind of sad that people aren’t used to kindness in game and irl, they think they owe something to people who help them and it only costs little time to help somebody.

Some people are so not used to kindness that they literally run away from people willing to help. If someone lets his trust issues from irl affect his online gaming so much, meh, better stay away from those players.

Personally, any acknowledgement from others showing that they realise someone helped them is great, doesn’t have to be gold. Too bad only few do that and tbh, knowing that someone knows I helped, makes me join inexperienced groups. Vast majority however doesn’t even say “bb” at the end of the dungeon.

Small stuff like this (attach.) is really nice to read, didn’t cost the person anything and it’ll make me want to help someone else again.


Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Is the thief good/viable?

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

pvp – I dislike the whole conquest system and how it affects thief so I rarely play pvp with my thief.

wvw – thief is excellent here, especially in smaller scale. In massive fights you either camp bow and risk dying really fast or stay outside the centre of fight and snipe squishy targets (my ele hates thieves in these fights). Be aware that after the recent trait change, all classes have huge burst potential now and as thief has the lowest HP, it’s easy to die fast.

pve – thief is one of the classes that are generally required for dungeons for their high dps and stealth (for skips). If you are new to the class or dungeons, I don’t recommend thief, your experience could be very painful. You need to know the fights to avoid dmg (thief defence is active) and you need to know individual dungeons where to stealth up the group and path mobs.

If you are new to dungeons, it might be easier for you to do first few runs with easy to play class like warrior, once you know what to do there, thief is a lot easier to play. Or you could ask experienced thief player to show you.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

EU player NA server Lag/Av.Ping help

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I got alt in NA, I usually get 150-200 ping (vs in 40-50 in EU) in pve, and around 250-300 in wvw (tho I don’t play wvw in NA that often). I don’t use any VPN, usually if there is a huge lag for NA connection, it goes away in few days.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Legenday Backpiece Worry

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

If you are going to be forced to do fractals to get the backpiece, then you will have to decide whether or not it is worth doing. Anet is already catering to everybody by making almost everything available from several different sources.

This policy is bad on several levels. It does not encourage people to do certain content. It does not reward more effort (fractals 50 is generally worse loot than chest farming).

I have no problem with this exclusivity, as long as they also provide a Legendary Back piece unique to WvW, PvE and PvP play modes – it can look different of course.

Fractals should not be the only place to get one. That particular back piece, yes, but not every / the only one, and no where else. Why have they designated Fractals the special petal that gets Legendary items?

So why exactly the fractal legendary annoys you so much, if it’s not the skin you are after. Since you can get same stats with ascended gear, what is the reason to want that particular backpiece? Or is it the fact anet won’t mail it to you as a gratitude for your awesome existence?

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

What is the size of test client?

in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Uh, that’s quite a large download, did add new race like tengu or elin to it? xD

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

WvW is dead for Fissure and Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I ask you, commanders from FOW and UW. Please look at your own server. We know there ppl of your server who check out our server and give information. Lots of times when we go stealht in towers or keeps, ppl know exacly where we are, even if its impossible. And when we go with golems, you also know exacly where we go. So dont point fingers.

Lots of times when you “go stealth” in towers, it’s the only tower or keep enemy server has, where else would you expect them to be. Also everyone can see those little zerglings running towards main zerg, we don’t have that many people on the map but it’s generally easy to predict where your zerg is (usually on their way to kill those 2-3 guys trying to take a tower).

People from UW/FoW didn’t quit wvw only cos of the hackers, it’ the fact that hackers flip towers, others upgrade them to T3, sit on cannons the whole day and call your 40+ zerg to defend anytime someone shows up. The same zerg that camps spawns even with siege and you wonder why UW/FoW don’t give kitten about playing wvw right now. Unbalanced matches like this happen sometimes but I am not that naive to expect the weak servers to wvw day after day if all they get is a piece of sticky matter from the dominating server.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Soloing Dungs. as Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

One of the benchmarks I used to use was the first coffin room in AC in story mode. Before the trait patch, taking the ghosts down was easy. Now, even in full zerk gear with D/D, the ghosts seem tough as nails and it takes a great deal more effort and time to bring them down. Not worth the effort imo.

The new downscaling makes my lvl 80 hit like 2 days old wet noodle.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Rune set for staff ele. Help pls.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I’d say 2 or 3 sets (when I include the cele for wvw).

In pve I have 2 sets – zerk with scholar and zerk with strength. I use the scholar set in parties that stack might well even without me adding much, usually if there is another s /d/f ele. PS warr is nice for might during fight but it’s really nice to have 25 might right from the start so if I am the only ele there, I switch to strength rune set. Having scholar only is okay but you’ll come across people that will want you to prestack and the might won’t last without strenght runes. Strenght is more versatile, scholar is dmg beast.

For cele in wvw I’d go with strenght runes but personally I just use my scholar set if I run with staff or strenght set if D/D (I have weakness for kamikadze builds). I used to slot speed signet if running from one side of the map to another, now with 25% in air trait line I don’t need to. In combat, unless you roam completely alone, you probably won’t need to generate much swiftness as there is so much of it randomly thrown around if you are in a party.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

World Population Changes Are Coming

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

This should also come with server selection for new accounts on entering wvw first time, not when they get the account.

Sort of like the pvp tutorial, you log into wvw first time, go some small funky place where npcs takes you through usual wvw things like getting supplies, building siege etc (skippable). At the end the npc would offer a list of NA/EU servers the new player would chose from with short attached lore and server population. There should be explanation of what the server pop means, ie, full/very high – huge battles are common but so are queues during prime time, high – best of all, low – smaller scale battles, more roamers and almost no queues.

So new players wouldn’t get into that sort of situation, “oh hey, I can choose a server! Underworld sounds so cooooool, loved it in GW1” logs into wvw and stops smilling.

That’s a good idea, actually.
Although my best wvw memory was when we got my first server from 17 to 9 (within 3 months). I probably wouldn’t have chosen that server with a tutorial how lost they are
Edit: And come to think of it: it might make things worse as no one would sign up for the lower tier servers.

Yes most people would go for the full/high pop servers anyway. The point was, if the server pop explanation would be presented with both positive and negative aspects, some of those that’d go for full/high servers, would choose medium/low instead and vice versa. New players could make a somewhat informed decision. My first server was Blackgate and I wasn’t very impressed by the huge queues or the fps drops when zergs collided.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Describe the Tempest in 3 Words

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I think most people who play ele like the usual ele gameplay and overcharge just completely breaks it, so it’s logical most won’t like the specialisation.

Those that like flashy animations will love rp’ing that cute water bubble pikatchu.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Rune set for staff ele. Help pls.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

thx for answers!

I didn’t now about ranger — minis.

I’ll try hoelbrak(or Traveler 25% speed is too awsm) + celestial, scholar + bers.

I don’t think you get much use of trav runes on ele, as long as you spec info air, you get 25% speed anytime you are in air.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Tempest PoI video

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Kamikadze or not, the overcharge mechanic just doesn’t appeal to me. I like they tried to make something different for ele gameplay but I like the “core” ele gameplay so no overchage specialisation for me.

@ Apolon: How is pve relevant to pvp environment?

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

World Population Changes Are Coming

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

This should also come with server selection for new accounts on entering wvw first time, not when they get the account.

Sort of like the pvp tutorial, you log into wvw first time, go some small funky place where npcs takes you through usual wvw things like getting supplies, building siege etc (skippable). At the end the npc would offer a list of NA/EU servers the new player would chose from with short attached lore and server population. There should be explanation of what the server pop means, ie, full/very high – huge battles are common but so are queues during prime time, high – best of all, low – smaller scale battles, more roamers and almost no queues.

So new players wouldn’t get into that sort of situation, “oh hey, I can choose a server! Underworld sounds so cooooool, loved it in GW1” logs into wvw and stops smilling.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

BlackTide hacker at WvW caught on tape!

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I think it is time to modify the combat system which can right click and report the attackers in chat log

These hackers can’t be targeted at all, you can’t right click him.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Do people really get kicked for their builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

In my experience pugging. People dont really get kicked for their builds or for being necro/ranger/w.e. They get kicked for being bad.

Not inexperienced but BAD as in you are told what to do and that advice is ignored.
Bad as in you aggro mobs before group is ready repeatedly
They get kicked when they run what they “want to” run instead of things that benefit the group. Ive seen many a mesmer/guard get kicked for not slotting reflects and watching teammates die. I suppose thats builds.

As for the special “healers” Ive yet to see one that can actually heal. They usually blast water fields when no one needs the heals and rage at the ele’s because they instadown from pretty much anything and they cant heal through it.

Actually no Ive een good healers.

in wildstar. :/

Yeah there are ppl who dont listen to advices, but there are new players who want to learn, but how, if everyone is only looking for full geared ppl. how can we? I mean everyone was a beginner once.

By starting their own LFG or joining LFG’s that reference they are new. There are people who do dungeon runs willing to teach them.

And if by chance all are new, then they get to learn the way the vets of the game learned: by playing the dungeon and trial and error. Back when the game came out, there weren’t dungeon guides on how to defeat Lupi or Subject Alpha.

These groups that learn the path with trial and error are so rare. Even when they start all nice and happy, chatting with each other, most of the times they leave party/log out after the first wipe.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Banning is NOT the solution.

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

People. Stop freaking out!
The golem week/bugs are just what they’ve found to flush us out of WvW.

In about a month they’ll come up with “In light of recent numbers and the poor participation to wvw, it is only logical that we decided to remove the mode from the game since it is not played anymore. Here’s a bunch of mining pick skins.”

People have been asking for gvg for ages right?

Golem vs Golem is the answer.

The future I envision has no new cool mining pick (but I’d buy “naked Colin swinging sword” chopping axe right away). Instead, the Supercharged golem buff will be available in gem store for only 4000gems/25 charges (25 x1 hour), usable in pve, wvw and pvp.

Anet loves esports so don’t forget to buy your supercharged buff in gem store today!

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

[QUESTION] Do I need HoTs

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Do I need HoTs to play the new WvW map ?.

Nope, but you will be ran over by elite specs and have no way to fight them on even ground.

Like it’s any better now lol.

Golem vs human (or asuras/norn/cabbage or sneaky cat people) 2015.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Why is Baruch bay on the EU matchup?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Okay okay xD I took it the other way round.

So what about the end of the prime time?

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Golem Ninja Fun (Video)

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Your server is ticking 400+ PPT. Sounds like the other servers already logged off. I’m sure that wasn’t a scout in the tower. More likely, it was someone grabbing supplies or a roamer. I have no doubt you could build a ram, run supplies from S camp to build it, and ram the gate without anyone responding.

It’s still pain in the kitten to run supplies multiple times for each tower. 50% of my roaming time goes to being a yak pfffff :/

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Why is Baruch bay on the EU matchup?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

So when does that prime time after 10pm finish and if there around 10% of non-spanish players, how does the map communication work (assuming most of these players don’t speak spanish)?

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

WvW maps are empty

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

This week is ending up as it is from lack of player participation. I’m actually really surprised how poorly a lot of WvW players responded to this week. Players already raged quit before reset even began. Other players rage quit after an hour or two after reset. The effects of having less and less players to fight just snow balled the rage quitting from there. The simply solution is to man up and get back on map! So what, we have a lot of Golems, that doesn’t prevent open field fighting. We have the Golem buff issue, which again, is a so what? Just everyone pop it and we’re all on an even playing field again.

You work for anet?

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

The Quartz Chrystal Drought

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I use mine on crafting some of the account bound consumables, which are even more delicious since they removed some particular stats from trait lines.

Cele gear is a sink for quartz but you don’t craft it all the time, while for consumbles the demand is constant.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

who's your favorite character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Opps posted on wrong thread now -_-’

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

who's your favorite character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Rox “Ignore the pain, move!” Who wouldn’t want a redhead like that.

Delaqua – I am not so much into the character as the actress’ voice, someone get me her number.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

PvP in a PvE?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I can still tolerate the stomping on the Toxic alliances Nightmare court.

What a terrible pvp invasion to pve that was!
Sir, you need to eat more steaks if you don’t like stomping cabbage.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Venomshare vs Zerk (Dungeons)

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

What about zerker gear with VS?

Just wondering, because dmg from skale venom is not consistent, some mobs just sit and don’t move, then you have bleeds from caltrops/ice storm and poison (btw why you assume 10 hits on IB with zerker and 24 with VS?) So how much dps could zerker do with VS traits ? Does the VS calculation account for the condi dmg you provide to the party too?

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

List of Dungeon Bugs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

This is a question. In AC P2 when the party wipes at the trap/lizard event, this would bug the path out and the door to the final trap room wouldn’t open/Detha wouldn’t build the traps for final boss. Last time, after the party wipe, I tried to rezz Detha before the rest of party killed the grawling champ that spawns during the trap event and we finished the path fine. First time ever I remember that party got killed there and p2 didn’t bug out.

Did anyone try this/can confirm that rezzing detha before killing grawling champ helps prevent her bugging out later? I thought maybe cos the event has 2 event bars (kill small graveling and kill graveling champ) so perhaps when people kill the champ while Detha is dead, the npc doesn’t register that event as done?

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Do people really get kicked for their builds?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

One rule I do have is to follow the requirements of the LFG.

I get kicked a lot not for my build but AP and that’s from “Px” type of lfg. No requirements but kick is usually faster than the loading screen.

To compare, my main account has tons of AP earned from exclusively wvw’ing for almost 2yrs, the only times (only twice lol) I got kicked was when I started with dungeons and I screwed up badly. Having 8k+ AP back then carried me heavily.

While getting kicked on joining a group twice a day on my low AP acc is normal. It’s not always class/bad builds that people kick for, parties just want to be sure the run will go fine and if perhaps you have high AP, they don’t mind your class as much.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Anet, Please STOP all Golems Now

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Either you spend gold on having a golem as well, of you just get rekt by their dmg.

gg anet, this killed any remaining interest I had to play wvw

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Anet. To Lessen Thief Complaints

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

This is the class where people either stick with it for the long haul or give it up quick for any of the other classes, all of whom are far more forgiving.

Agreed but this game is also heavily alt based.

Can’t imagine there’s many out there who don’t have an alt to switch too. I’d class myself as a casual and as such I tend to run two duo mains in any MMO. I don’t have the timesink to have 12 80’s like many but more importantly given my past experiences in other MMORPG’s it’s an expectation that there will be times where classes akin to the Thief get massively nerfed.

It’s an inevitability and I always have that second main as a back-up while crap like this is going on.

My Guardian is loving life atm.

Imo, everyone should multi class. Not like spend same amount time on every single class but to play each once in a while to understand what makes other professions tick and what kills them.

People always think other classes are faceroll if they never played them.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Forced to pick fights?

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

At least you can pick your fights, if you’d play a non-stealth class, a lot of fights pick you and you get rekt.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Ideas for other WvW "special events?"

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Chat & Burn Week

Make enemy names visible, all servers in a match up share “map” chat.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Birthday Notification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Since I have an excel document for character tracking (it’s huge, you don’t even want to know what all is in it), I opted to use /age to get the exact date I made each character (now() – #days old) and recorded their birth date in the excel.

I have gone one step further since that point, and stuck each character’s birthday into my google “birthday” calendar (yes, I have google cal dedicated to birthdays – family, pets, friends, and now game characters lol). And that does message me.

Lol, I sometimes forget even my own bdays.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

People hates thief so much why?

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I think the necro complain is against mesmer’s stealth not against thief. 3 life blast from necro would down a thief in pvp. Not including condi burst/transfer they could do, dont think necro has any issues against thief.

Thief do need some buff on survival, i feel so weak when i got down by just one WW from warrior from near full hp lol.

Yeah but the problem is those necroes want the reveal debuff upon entering shroud because of only reason they are having hard time vs mesmers which isnt only necro’s problem. and because of that thief will be even more weaker once more profession gets reveal debuff. It’s just not right to have so many reveal debuffs on so many professions.

I think all classes should have access to stealth debuff but not how it works in its current form. If the debuff only removed invisibility but kept all other things that come with stealth (stealth skills, SA traits etc), it wouldn’t be such as iWin against a thief as it is currently. One thing I never understood, why class such as engi, which has no problem vs thief, got reveal to use.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Increase every thief's vitality!

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden stated everything i wanted to say.
and some of you just dont even understand whats our core problem and just want higher hp pool

Of course we all understand the core problem, the problem that traits are being nerfed without proper speculation. Now you can’t disagree what increasing out vitality won’t increase our overall durability right? And since when does tanky a little but necessarily mean bad play?

Ok i do understand what u are talking about.

I will apologise for making conflicts.

But don’t forget increasing hp only wont solve the core problem for thief and it may result in more people will say thief op “they hit hard and they are now tanky like warrior and they can stealth too!”

you do realise that thief hp pool is in the core lower than what it should be for the low hp proffesion (ele got more)


Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Blacktide hacker is busy again

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687


Those new guilds certainly brought some interesting tactics.


Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

How did you find the Rev in Wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Playing rev in wvw was like playing my lvl 7 thief. Wait, I could actually kill stuff with my lowbie thief :/

The class will be fun one day, well, if anet gives revs some dps.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Blacktide hacker is busy again

in WvW

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687


It’s not only killing the server’s WvW, but imagine the WvW guilds’ communities. Many will not be able or will not pay to move servers, cutting guilds and teams apart will only bring boredom to hundreds.

This bothers me a lot, not that I’d move elsewhere but overall the current wvw state puts pressure on a guild if majority are wvw players. I try to help that little asura guildie who is brave enough to tag up but I am not a patient person, I can reach the rage point really quickly (this is unoffcial appology to my guildies, don’t know how to do it better ;c). When wvw is miserable as it is right now, the guilds suffer.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Increase every thief's vitality!

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Majority of the people I’ve met who actually played thief long enough understands this thread. I’m just baffled by the fact that you guys still don’t get the point. I never requested them to increase our health pool to the highest level like necros or warriors, never once I’ve stated that if you read the posts obove. I really don’t want to make my statements rude cause things can get real toxic if you’ve read my previous post and other people on gw2 forum. Guardians are well known for having exceptionally high sustain without much effort, they’ve got a good deal of damage output as well as proper damage mitigation. Fresh air eles getting faced rolled? You seriously don’t expect anyone to trait into full damage output and expect to live long enough right? Is your logic seriously that limited(sorry I just had to). I mean you seriously think that thieves have enough sustain in the current state and that the dev is gonna stop the endless irrationally unjustified nerfs? Giving us medium health pool will provide some breathing room as well as opening the opportunity to not die like flies, exactly like what that’s been stated above. Btw Jayden I’ve seen your post before about thieves, I don’t wish to seem personal but it seems like you seriously seem like a person who would state things with absolute prejudice. It seems as if prejudice should be your middle name.

It doesn’t matter if the HP increase would be to medium or the highest health pools. Without improved active defence, the extra padding with more vitality melts really fast.

You seriously don’t expect anyone to trait into full damage output and expect to live long enough right?

I compared equivalent stat choices for same HP pool classes, ele can die even faster than a thief if hit by the same attack. And it is due to current overbuffed dmg everyone has that the lowest HP classes can die in 1 hit. Why should a thief class be an exception and get more HP to cope with the dmg currently in the game. The solution to that is to nerf dmg output across all classes, not give 1 class more HP.

Because this thread is meant for legitimate points.

What makes a point not legitimate? The fact that someone doens’t agree with you?

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Dev Acknowledgement of Thief issues

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

it works the same way but a PU condi mesmer will kill you without being revealed once, well until your dead. and yes we can trait into stealth, we get 1 second, mesmer gets the double amount. that would be fine if they wouldn’t be able to outstealth a thief, especially DD thieves

Mesmers having double stealth is not the problem for dagger offhand thieves, it’s the blinds that hit no matter what.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr