Poor analogy on my part. In T1 there are a set number of players most of the time. que’s are always full. I am not saying there isn’t an issue with transfers and stacked servers etc. But I do not see why the lower servers should get rewarded for being as such. You want to take rewards after from transfers then I can understand and it does suck that some servers got ravaged by this. But it’s been happening long before there was a season as well. That just made it worse.
“Because every person knows that the “winners” are winners only because of coverage "
While there is certainly truth to this, it’s not the only reason.
2 packs 1k gems for 4 minis. I admit that are cute though.
That is correct meta achievements give you 1 skin and you have to choose (for some reason) PVE or SPVP. If you chose sPVP then you get all three type.
It’s slight comforting to know that these 400 gem item give you 1 of each. I still think it’s much better to have these things added to the achievements tab armor so I can reuse it as many times as I like for sPVP and PVE alike. I still think paying 50% for 1 piece of armor (or 3 pieces of different armor classes) isn’t worth it. But to each their own.
I guess you could view it as. “I get 3 helms of different armor classes and so that’s 1/2 an armor set of 6 pieces.”
“No its not the best solution would have been for those of us who have bought it to keep the skin as is and do the rest of what they propose. No need for a refund then.”
If this is the case then it doesn’t fix the problem or issue at all that players had with the set in the first place.
@ Behellagh:
Hey that is ok if they want to use the mesh from one set to make another. But it didn’t have to be Cultural armor. This simply wasn’t thought through. 2 of the sets are karma / WVW token sets. And light is a T3 Culture set? They picked it on purpose and added fire.
Why? Because it would sell. (my opinion here)
“I just hope this “new art” you are talking is indeed new (good looking skimpy light armor) and not another re-skin of a crap looking light armor.”
With the other 2 armor types being reskins I would doubt it. If it is indeed new than all 3 sets should simply be redone. Which is probably a good idea to be honest.
Time to learn. “Measure twice, Cut Once.”
Pretty much what Kyrene has said. You want Ala Carte it’s going to be 400 a piece. This is what we’ve seen with the gloves and shoulders. This is my guess as to what we’ll see with the Genth hood and new Horned helm.
I feel like this is as good a solution and probably the best solution that could have hoped for. Kind of surprised actually. Just a little.
“it was not our intention to create an armor skin that so closely matched the existing Tier 3 Human Cultural armor set. The intention was to use the mesh as a basis for creating an armor set that stands apart and is distinct in appearance.”
I call Bull. Someone decided on this armor and set it on fire. Why even look or consider using this mesh? Clearly not thought through.
Happy for this change and happy for the update. Thanks to Regina and others behind the scenes. Please in the future think these re-skins through.
Still don’t think that re-skins should cost the same but that is another subject in which less people agree on.
“The best rewards should go to the bottom teams, to boost them!”
This sounds like my nephews Tee ball games where they don’t keep score because everyone is a winner… rofl
“2. Give the server the prize pool, and give each player with a key a share of the pool, So for example. BG: 1000G, split among 10k players, Mag, 850g, split among 300 players. (Totally made up numbers)”’
What is with “reward the bottom servers?”
As a member of a servers who’s place is locked I am in favor of this so I can open my chest sooner. :P
“Generally single armor pieces give you one of every type. So for 400 gems, you’d get Grenth’s Hood for Light, Medium, and Heavy armor types, whereas 800 gems would have bought you exactly twice as many pieces, but in one set.”
Is this how the Toxic Gloves and Shoulders currently work in PVE?
Legendary skins with FIRE footsteps please. A good price point is something like 4000 – 5000 gems. Start with Greatswords, everyone loves GS.
“hey what about south sun BOTH updates. or the new mini story durign halloween. "
Actually the return to southsun update the one with Kanack (spelling?) had to do with scarlet indirectly. There was a short story about how he was in works with the molten alliance or something to this effect. Perhaps someone else with more knowledge could enlighten us more on the subject.
yes they are still in the chest. Got one again yesterday.
“What if I wanna join Scarlet? I’d totally be into her if I could be on her side. :P”
That is the big secret she’s on our side. :P
“Trahearne will appear and deal the final blow with Salad bowl or whatever his sword is called.”
And then take all the credit, in true Trahearne fashion.
Short answer is YES. Yes they do need more time. But they’ve been clear about it. They are committed to two week patches and that is that.
Where to start…
Buggy content. -Story was bugged, and the fractals themselves are bugged. QA needs to do more testing. From working in QA I know that things fall through the cracks, I know that sometimes when it leaves your hands and gets deployed something goes wrong. But this update has a lot of wrong in it.
Gem store- re-skinned armor all around. My opinion the Gem store’s been getting worse for a while this is just more of the same. It’s in a downward spiral now. Winters day patch will continue on with more of the same.
GVG arena: Glad they added it. You know what it’s currently full of? Not guilds but people ganking people. Think you might go spectate a GVG match? Think again. In time this will sort itself out I am sure, just another reason to avoid that puzzle.
Scarlet and the Story: Well it is what it is. You couldn’t leave her out of it? Had to just shoehorn her in there? What is worse is the story is actually good, but she just ruins and overshadows it all. Scarlet did it. Of course she did…
What can I say. This patch wasn’t overly exciting to me from the get go. To be honest it’s been several patches since I’ve been happy with the content at all. I was excited for the story and soon as I seen someone else play it and seen her I didn’t even bother to log in.
Poor 2 week content patches with no sight of a good one in the future has simply compiled for me. I log in, do dailies make sure I have all those APs and then log out. Season 1 is over in WVW and there simply isn’t anything else to do. Every content patch is more of the same.
What makes it worse is that it’s all written in stone. This patch started development back in August and AN is unwilling to change their 2 week content to neither test it for bugs or amend the story in anyway. So there seem to be 2 options.
1: Ride it out. Grin and bear it.
2: Stop playing.
The more I try to do #1 the more it drives me to #2.
poorly worded on my part. Whatever mystery they try to tease us with doesn’t matter we know the outcome.
“I’m sorry, I disagree. Some things have to be sacred,”
The almighty dollar is sacred.
“If it was a dye that produced the flame effect, then that would be different and well worth the 800 gems.”
If this were the case it would be 800gems for a 1 in 24 chance of getting that dye. :P
I have no idea but I remember a long time ago now the Dev who developed this puzzle said it was sort of a tribute to goonies. love that puzzle. no direct one eyed Willie but close enough.
“With added effects? Why does it make that more valuable? Would a Blingee’d up Cézanne make it a more valuable?”
Yes It would. That’s the simple answer. While “MORE FIRE” isn’t for everyone they did add effects to the armor. Players tend to like effects, which in turns helps them sell that skin.
There is no mystery here. “Scarlet Did It”
I liked her at first, the voice work is pretty good and I thought she was a little quirky but anytime something happens. “Scarlet Did It”
Whats with the tower? Scarlet
Why are enemies working together? Scarlet
Reactor blew up? Scarlet
At this point when we get a LS in JAN we already know “Scarlet did it”
No worries in 2 weeks we’ll all be raging about how content was taken out of and not directly added on top of Wintersday.
Have no fear though because we’ll have a new set of 3 mini’s you can buy which are cute and adorable (they really are) and you can buy 2 packs so you can get an elusive 4th mini by throwing it in the forge. Only 1k gems.
edit: forgot to mention you’ll also have 2 new single pieces of armor (stag and grenth helm) for 400 gems! 50% of what an entire set of armor costs but it’s ok because it’s awesome looking.
sigh — at least the helms are new and original looking.
While were add it; what the heck. MORE FIRE on everything.
“400 gems is not so bad. Just think cultural armour set is what ? 120 gold? and 120 gold gets you around 1350 gems +- ………….. The Grenth helm is by far cooler than any Cultural armour set.”
A full set of armor costs 800 gems for 6 pieces. Recently they sold gloves and shoulders for 400 a piece. so now 800 gems buys you 2 pieces. You are paying 50% of the value of a full set for 1 piece. I know it looks cool and they will sell these in the truck loads but that doesn’t make it right.
There pricing is wacky. But if they put it in the store and it sells like crazy who cares right? If this hood is obtainable within the game without gems and or conversion of gold then I’ll be excited but I am not holding my breathe as that is not how this game works.
So you can get a full set of armor for 800 gems, or 1 piece for 400 gems. Seems about right.
Why not make a full set of grenth armor for 800 gems? Or if that is too time consuming why not charge a proper ala carte price for 1 piece. 50% of the cost of an entire set is generally not how ala carte anything works.
Not telling anyone not to buy this for the record. I know they will sell tons of these.
I know what happened Scoobaniec. Sadly that topic which I also posted my support in was removed because it broke the rules of the forums. Like it or not if we as a community want to get our message across we have to do so within the rules of the forums here.
I am happy for all the players who bought this newer, better looking version of the Human T3 armor (better is an opinion, I mean it is fire they used).
I do not own this set but I was working towards it. I am working towards a number of T3 sets for their uniqueness and for the Title and Achievement. I do own Asuran light T3. (where the shoulders still don’t show, or any shoulder for that matter — might want to fix this someday)
Now for some players 119g is no big deal. But for a good deal of us who earned that gold it is a big deal and a time investment. Now you can open your wallet and pay a fraction of the cost and get updated effects on it.
To make matters ever worse they took 2 other skins which are more easily obtainable and slapped some fire on them as well. These are re-skins with very little thought put into it, which is why players are calling it a cash grab.
Do players want more armor? Yes most of us do. And we are willing to pay 800 gems for original armor. Sometimes that armor is a hit and sometimes it’s a miss but it’s new and original. I know work still goes into a re-skin. But there is significantly less work that goes into that then a new design.
So why is the price for that work the same? At launch armor skins were 600 gems and they quickly rose too 800. Most players were ok with this because it was new armor. You want to give us more variety and re-skin armor then charge us less. Of course this would have made the T3 re-skin even worse by comparison. Side note; a good deal of us are really tired of just adding fire to things as well. Try to think of something else, other than fire to add effects wise.
This patch has so many problems with it and it is compounding on itself. So while you see people angry about the armor (rightly so), it’s really more than just the armor they are upset about. This has been slowly building for months and this might be the tipping point, then again it might not.
I hope arena net is listening. I know they are in fact. I just hope they figure out how to do things right by their players in the future. I’ve lost faith with this patch and at this point I don’t know what to do.
“Who is we? I like scarlet and know others do too”
We are the people who agree with this thread. Those who do not are free to disagree or even better start a thread that states you like the character and want more. Let your opinion be heard to the Devs.
Loud and clear Zudet, thanks.
This update was worse than most. They need to test more, have test servers or longer times on those server. There has to be a solution. Just pushing out 2 week content and getting this quality is not acceptable B2P or not.
signed. I do not have much to add. I didn’t mind her at first like the OP said. I’ve had enough. Sadly she isn’t the only problem with these updates but she’s a big problem.
I have to agree at this point. When I first heard about 2 week content I was jumping for joy. It has gotten worse and worse. There are moments of clarity here and there, tiny little bright spots but this is not your finest work. If this is rush then stop rushing it. (It feels rushed most of the time)
“If I’m correct Arenanet can do whatever they want with the story:”
You are correct. That doesn’t mean their fans will appreciate it.
Are you going to support 400 gem Helms if this happens to be the case? 400 for 1 armor piece?
To be fair Scarlet didn’t ruin Halloween. I don’t expect her for this patch either. At ;east I hope not…
Still lots of recycled content with few bits and pieces added here and there. Should be an ok patch. Plus trait rework and ascended armor probably.
“On another note, I’m glad my Asura t3 light is still exclusive”
But for how long? dun dun dun…
“Great medium armor gets another ugly set.”
Correction: Another ugly, trench coat, re-skin, just add fire set. :P
When is her end coming? The sooner the better. It sounds a lot like the player base doesn’t like her.
Why is she shoehorned into everything? Does she have to be? We are already getting very minimal lore (10 secs or so) with these small 2 week updates and she has to appear?
The story has already been written correct? So it didn’t matter who we voted for because scarlet would have appeared in both?
I am trying to not be so negative but it’s been patch after patch and it’s getting worse, not better. The base of the story and the lore included in this update was good, but then you added in scarlet. She has overshadowed and ruined it for most.
“Fractal work started back in August, which is when players first encountered Scarlet and around when the votes were tallied.”
I think “we” understand this, but you need to go back and look at your work when the community continues to react a certain way. The attitude being put forth here is “well the work was done and even though we knew a good deal of you would hate it, whats done is done.”
I don’t think that is what you are trying to convey here but it’s how it feels, sounds, and looks.
(edited by KOPPER.1458)
Your in the minority on the forums at least. Or so it would seem.
“I’m waiting.”
You won’t be for long. (I don’t know but it’s a pretty good guess)
“The meta event is the least of this patch’s problems.”
Isn’t this the truth. Still lets throw it on the pile.
119g now buys you a less flashy, less fiery, version of APs.
Less fire might be good though.
they won’t take it away. Players already bought and transmuted it.
“Overwhelmed with the changes”
wait for the 10th. lol
“Check your graphics options” Must be my eyes lol
Everything is on max.
CD was added to the last rune. I am guessing this is the nerf? You forgot to add this to the patch notes. Again.
Is it just me or do some of the colors or textured seem blurred as well?
“Next update : Buy those pesky GW1-related titles that you never got your hands on – only 500 gems.”
500 is way too low. :P