Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i like the ide of makeing the “legendarys” legendary by the meaning of the word legendary.
change the way to getting a legendary so you dont craft the weapon but you go find it in the world but you need to craft some components to get past some points example open some magical doors, see something thats invisabiel without it or wont come forth without it, opens a portal to a diffrent dimasion but only at a given place and so on.
when all the tasks are done you find this old weapon you have been looking for hiden for ages with this amasing legend of what it did(legends dont need to be 100% true, like it could be that the legend say the weapon when fused with a kitten tone of a special magic it will hold the power to kill a god with a single stroke wich ofc is a magic we can use in any form or it can be that the weapon split the mist for the gods or its the sword of the last king of something that won a huge battle because of it)
but give it a legend instead of makeing a new weapon that basicly is not legendary(tho it might hold the potential to be legendary in 300 years time +- 1000 years
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
Please folks, don’t kid yourselves. Badge acquisition in WvW is a LOT slower than for PvE Dungeon Badges… period.
You can quote “well this one time I got 100 badges in 30 minutes…” crap all you want, it’s not a normal occurence, and it is NOT a sustainable rate.
If you like WvW, the badges are no big deal, because you are having fun. If you hate WvW I can see where the badges would be a pill.
I’m not a big dungeon fan, so getting my dungeon badges will be a pill for me — even though I can get 180 a day (if I remember my numbers correctly) just by doing the three paths.
Anyway, don’t belittle the OP, his concerns are valid. On the flip side, ANet can’t pass out badges with a RNG scheme in a way that favors both casual and hard core WvW players.
the 100 badges per 30 min is sustanible in some chases but in otheres its not yes as you are now faceing the hardest thing you can ever face in a game. a real live player.
getting 500 tokens to a dungoen compared to a 500 boh sure the boh have a higher degree of fast thinking then the tokens as any dungoens just takes a hell of a lot to memories then just walk trought it with no problems after that.
so if you take the best pve players vs the best big groupe/zerg wvw player and sees who gets most badges vs tokens a day given the same amount of time, then see who gets most(my gess would still be the wvw player) unless its going to be CoF p1 the dungoen player is going for but unless hes going for dagger or torch then that is not valid.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Holy kitten you’re saying if I spend 2 days in Pve I can get everything I need for my legendary except the precursor??? Jesus please tell me how PLEASE NOW
2 days for 500 badges please say your mostly hitting in off hours or is not following the zergs all the time given that you can get 100+ badges for 1,5-2,5 hours play and i will proberly say 1 day will be enough given the right oppennets
i would like to know to on getting all that done in 2 days
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
its how much damage you did to the mob/player and i gess its compared to hes HP in some way
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
no i hated WoW for the monthly fee. ’ma buy and play guy. I get annoyed by all the extra costs
can i ask who should pay for the server, the maintaines and such on the game if none payed a monthly fee or bought stuff with real money in the gem store?
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
the sickle(atleast the ori one) says can harvest all plants so if it say is the same as the ori one then its also market as it can harvest all plants
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
silly silly you.
I want to win the lotto too, but buying more tickets doesn’t guarantee that win.
I guess you can thank yourself luck that you only used pretend money and weren’t so foolish that real $$ weren’t tossed into the wind
actually, most lotteries you can, technically, buy enough tickets that it guarantees a win.
However, I know that most lotteries also require payment in cash and you can only buy them at most like 10 at a time, so it’s rather tricky to actually buy enough to guarantee a win.
odds of winning Mega Millions is currently about 1 in 175,711,535
so you would have to buy 175,711,535 unique tickets (gl keeping track of that)
if the jackpot is high enough, you would be guaranteed to make a profit.Anet’s gamble-in-a-box is NOT like most lotteries, though. each open is a roll of the dice, where it is possible to lose 175,711,535 times in a row
right now your comparing one lottory playout with all the crate now try look at it as one lottory with 1 crate, as each crate is a lottory with a 100% win chance(the winnings differ alot)
and the last 2 lines is also true for the lottory. from what i understand there is alot of people that go a liftime playing lotto but never wins(given that wining is getting first price(you set the first price as the token for a weapon skin))
and any lotto is possible to buy the win tho if its worth it is a diffrent matter.
and buying gems for me is ok and useing it on key’s crates or what ever i want is also ok as i normaly buy gems to support the game so that it can be kept running so i can keep playing and get updates and such. that i get some currency that i then can buy some boost or a gift packet(any chest that has a “random” drop chance of stuff) is a win for me, as i now get something for supporting the game i like to play, so any money used to buy gems is not wasted it keeping the game running and all.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
killshot is followed with a 100Blade will proberly get your target down if the killshot is not reflected back at you(and that is very likely if they can they will), then there is the thief with bs burst. but all burst is to some degree easy kills for others with a fair amount of skills where thief is the easy way to survive also
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
So buff EB, sorted.
lets say it like this nerf BL’s to bring them to the level of EB instead as retaliation is still very sstrong in eb and out of this world in the BL’s.
in a bunker support build a guardian with pvt gear can take down some of the fast hitting glass cannon classes without hitting them by useing there abiletys right(stacking retaliation and regen in the right way and time with the right use of virtues)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
make exit stealth give revield and make smoke field + leap grant blind to the target hit instead of stealth problem solved
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
why would charr not be guardians??
guardians dont get there magic by the gods or faith in the gods but from faith itself so the faith can be placed in anything(one being your warband or legion)
but i gess there would not be alot of guardians in the charr tho
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Its bugs like these that will cause WvW players on servers to stop WvWing or worse yet, stop playing GW2 altogether. This should of been hot fixed yesterday, but they figured that they will wait until the server reset with the new scoring system which will mess up WvW even more.
I don’t see my server having any competition at all in WvW with any other servers other than the 2 that are already in T1. I feel sorry for the lower tier server playing up against any of the T1 servers. Brace yourselves for crappy match ups.
We use to get whooped by a lot which got old fast, and winning by a lot isn’t fun after the second week either.
It will be interesting to see what this reset will bring. I do like how its not arrow cart wars now, But now its just golem rush wars.
Wildstar isn’t coming out fast enough…
because you dont see it is not the same as no othere server can give your server a run for your money to.
i like the fact that the are implementing a fix to it now tho i also think its very late for a siege fix
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Hey, why can we not buy utility infusions from WvW laurel vendors?
is this a accidental omission, or we just not allowed them cause they dont really add to a chars strength which is what WvW is about?
cause as much as im decicated to improving my chars strength for wvw, 20% MF is infinitely better then getting 4 power
other then this i love the update, anything that makes wvw worthwhile is nice (assuming the seige bug gets fixed)
but is the 4 power+1%damage or defense vs guards more worth then the infusion of AR or AR+5 of a stat
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Given the context, I think it’s more that it holds its own dangers even to the krait.
Sayeh al’ Rajihd: Impressive. I will present this trophy to the great Houses in your names. You have earned the right of introduction: I am Sayeh alRajihd.
Sayeh al’ Rajihd: Now, as we agreed: the orb you seek is a thing of legend, known only to deep dwellers. Its origins are lost, but it is extremely powerful.
Sayeh al’ Rajihd: It may pose its own dangers, but it does counter the undead dragon’s influence. Wherever the orb is, those who die near it do not rise again.
Sayeh al’ Rajihd: The krait are keeping it in constant transit between their largest strongholds to maximize its effect.
Sayeh al’ Rajihd: I suggest a plan: I was brought close to the slavemaster when I allowed myself to be captured. If you do the same, you may reach the orb.
Crusader Apatia: I’d rather snatch it in transit, while it’s vulnerable. The Pact desperately needs to rein in Zhaitan’s power.
<Character Name>: We have a difficult decision here, but at least now it can be an informed decision. Thank you for your help, Sayeh al’ Rajihd.
Sayeh al’ Rajihd: May your steps be relentless.
try read the 3th. line agien and please readt the seconed word in the 3th line right.
it MAY hold its own dangers, so basicly she is saying she dont know what it does and there for dont know if it has some dangerous side effect.
so basicly all Anet has done is open a door with a possibly nothing else.
it would be the same as saying that the next part of evolution may be bad for us.(we basicly dont know)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Mystic forge. You need very large sample sizes for it to be a reliable, which requires both deep pockets and a lot of patience. The people cranking out precursors are throwing tens of thousands of rares into the forge; on that scale luck evens out and the recipes are consistently profitable.
How can you say that MF is a reliable way of getting a precursor? You can throw in 4 rares and get one, or you can throw 1m of exotics and get nothing.
Large sample size just means it will pop-up eventually not reliably.
Chance to get it is just that: a chance, it’s not guaranteed.The chance of throwing in a million worth of exotics and not getting a precursor is so astronomically small it isn’t even worth considering.
So yes, it is a reliable way to get it should you have the capital to invest (which is in the thousands of gold).
Considering that the tries are not statistically linked, meaning one try doesn’t affect your next try, I would say that after 1m tries you still have the same odds to get a precursor as in your first try.
Oh and if I have thousands (plural) of gold to throw for a precursor, why not just buy it from TP?
the chance of getting it on first try and last try is the same yes if you look at them as single uses but if you have 1million uses in the mf for it you have that chance 1million times.
looking at it as a over all the person trowing in more is most likely also able to go out with more.
if we set the chance to get a precourser to 1% and you put 4 rares in there is 1% chance you get it.
but we are useing a diffrent approce for the 1million try’s.
with the first try you have 99% of not getting a precursor but your next try will be (99/100)*(99/100)and that gives you a total chance of not getting a precursor to be 98,01% now try do(99/100)^1 000 000= it will give you about 1,57 * 10^-4365% chance of not getting a precourser
(it will be a number with 4365 0’s before the first number get there wich is not 0)
yes the chance is there but if you do 1million tryes in the mf and dont get a precursor then i surgest staying in a bombshelter that can withstand a nuke and have enough food for your whole your life as your luck is so bad that you most likely have bigger problems then a precursor.
given the 1% chance you will need about 68 tryes to have 50% chance to get 1 precursor.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
first off my gess is this is necroed from far back on the forum.
second into the time where wvw requers the same amount of time and dedication to make a legendary please dont complain about the wvw part as for all the stuff you have to do the wvw’er has to do over 10 times more he dont want to but hes not complaining
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
What? ANET fix this fast. No siege? People will have to use their own skills now. Unacceptable. This game mode is ACvAC for a reason.
Yea, that’s great if you’re the side that vastly outnumbers the opposing side, Which wouldn’t be a problem if the AOE cap wasn’t limited to just 5 people..
But since the only way handle large numbers like that is an Arrow cart, the low population realms get screwed as usual.
You do know that the aoe limit is saveing your kitten a big deal to right?
the boon its saveing you from is called retaliation and if they have enough you will insta go downed and if your aoe pulses you will die to in a mathere of seconed without the aoe limit
tho it is very anoing that we cant put siege but i hope they find a way to fix that bug soon
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
ok lets remove the aoe cap i dare you
the first thing i would do is garthere a few guardians and eles to stack retaliation and might on each other and without aoe limit that would be very fast to gain 25 stacks of might, after that we will run around without attacking anyone and just let them use there super strong aoe on us and let us get all the loot after they die in seconeds to the retaliation damage and ofc we will use a few 50-60 people that just runs with us also to max the damage but we will still not attack you we will let you kill yourself.
with 371 damage from each player you hit(lets say 55) 20405 damage per aoe damage you give, come agien and say that aoe limit helps zergs more then it counters zergs.a big zerg is strong because of lag and/or numbers and/or skill/cordination. a smaller groupe but more cordinated will most likely will into a difference between the zergs are to big.
so what you’re saying is that you need to gather 50-60 people for being effective in WvW, well but it is the same like now or am I wrong?
the fact is that now 50-60 people get an advantage from the AoE cap and they can stack on each other easily, My 5 men team instead will get a much higher benefit from AoE and downed state removed.
It’s a fact of point of view, if we want to see a zerg vs zerg game, well no changes are needed, because zerg vs zerg is all we have now.
no im saying that you are makeing a zerg invinsable if you give it no aoe cap;)
and to your orrintation im normaly a small groupe roamer, but if i get to be invinsable useing blast finishers, light field and fire field heck then i see no reasen to run in a small groupe as a retaliation stacking groupe that also stacks might will be invinsable without ever attacking anyone simply because you can not touch them with any aoe at all
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Why should your pitiful army of 5 be able to defeat my grand army of 100?
the problem is that your 100 men army is brainless.
Zerg are used to rush regardless of aoe… and downed state and aoe cap save them from a poor and deserved Death.
I seriously hope this will get fixed, but I have no faith cos wvw is too much casual in its current state and the 90% of the wvw playerbase cannot afford to play a much more hardcore game.Plenty of 5 man teams are brainless.
Here we’ll go this rout, all 5 man team are brainless for not grouping up with enough other players to deal with that large force they so foolishly thought they could handle. There.
Your teams don’t die enough anyway and they deserve to die a even more painful death.
You don’t know how well thought out my army is. There are tactics and coordination involved, just different.
ANet won’t be changing it anyway. They have state that WvW is supposed to be combat involving large numbers of players.
You still haven’t provided any reason that a 5 man team should be able to defeat a 100 man force.
if there were realy a tactic involved in a zerg, I would agree with you.
But there is no tactic when 100 ppl rush in a bunch of aoe Attacks and simply do not die cos there is an aoe cap.
If my 5 men team do not use brain and rush in the same way, we are dead before we can even react, that’s the reason why my 5 men team knows how to engage. Use your brain or die.
I’m not stating that 5 men should win against 100 men, just that in the current state WvW is too much Zerg forgiving.
Just remove AoE cap and rework the downed state (I don’t want to see it removed at all) and still you will see 100 men armies in the map but finally they will have to use tactics and not just to do a brainless engage.I don’t believe that the zerg is just rushing in. I would bet they are most likely double dodging the aoe and in the case of my warrior, I can ignore or remove the stuff flung for a short enough time to do my thing.
I cannot support any kind of aoe cap removal unless they nerf aoe damage to the point that the more people it hits, the less it hurts otherwise too much power will be given to too few classes. AoE cap makes as much sense as a GS 100 blade the zerg at the same time because a sword wield would run out of omph before cleaving through the other 90 people stacked. Neither really makes any sense.
There are tactics to zerg and there are tactics individual players use to deal with a zerg. You may not see or recognize them but tactics, timing and skill is being used all the time.
in my opinion removing AoE cap will not turn WvW in just an AoE zerg fest, but simply it will force Zergs to split when engaging a battle and not to act just like 1 big identity.
We have different point of view, I just don’t like when I see 1 mega blob winning by pressing autoattack and standing in a bunch of red circle.
Of course some classes will benefit more than others from the AoE cap removal, but it is like that in every RvR game, where every class should have a role.
If your warrior is an heavy single target dpsser, well don’t stand in the middle of your zerg but just focus on bring down 1 single targets from 1 side.
If your Warrior is an heavy CC hammer user, well your role and your position should be different.
That’s just my 2 cent, I don’t want to see zergs useless, I like massive battles 100 vs 100, I just cannot accept to see 1 mega blob vs 1 mega blob where all people just spam 2 buttons and the only tactic involved is “follow the commander tag”, Aoe field on the commander tag, blast finisher on the commander tag, veil, engage, spam spam spam spam… and so on
ok lets remove the aoe cap i dare you
the first thing i would do is garthere a few guardians and eles to stack retaliation and might on each other and without aoe limit that would be very fast to gain 25 stacks of might, after that we will run around without attacking anyone and just let them use there super strong aoe on us and let us get all the loot after they die in seconeds to the retaliation damage and ofc we will use a few 50-60 people that just runs with us also to max the damage but we will still not attack you we will let you kill yourself.
with 371 damage from each player you hit(lets say 55) 20405 damage per aoe damage you give, come agien and say that aoe limit helps zergs more then it counters zergs.
a big zerg is strong because of lag and/or numbers and/or skill/cordination. a smaller groupe but more cordinated will most likely will into a difference between the zergs are to big.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
L2P issue. Stealth is balanced. You should just hit thief not air.
hope this is sarcasem as stealth is in no way balanced
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
given the fact thakittens said that they are possible to get in the wvw chest when they come out and the price on t5 mats are very low now.
and saying that the t5 mats prices dont effect the precourser market is very naive way of thinking given that more will be makeing rare weapons and useing them in the MF. given that there then will come more precourses out will agien lower the price on them.
example if the price where 1 silver each t5 rare mat compared to 3 silver each rare mat then in chase of 1 silver mats there will most likely be more useing that as a option to make rare swords and get the precourser that way generation more precourses(going from that precoursers are generated at a fixed %) given there are more useing the mf for it,
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
if you want to craft yo should find a crafting guide on the internet.
However, I recommend you not to do crafting as a beginner. the items you craft can be bought from the trading post a lot cheaper than the value of the materials.crafting in this game have 2 purposes. to level up quickly ( but also cost a lot of money ) and to make legendary weapons.
you can also profit from crafting tho its hard but not impossible witch gives it 3 options.
but crafting is not a must for getting anything.
crafting is a little hard to understand at first but after a little time you get used to it
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
buff reveald to 6 second in wvw and get reveald each time you exit stealth would help to
and stealth traps will deal with your problem with a thief and mesmer combo as you can close them in with traps makaing it so they cant move or stand where they do without getting reveald and trap is 30 sec so if they dont die from that then i dont know what would kill them or get them to leave the tower
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i gess it will depend on how the tranmution works
because if its just the skin thats transferd to the stats you had i gess the upgrade wont happen but if its made so the weapon is getting the stats i gess it will upgrade
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Even 1.5k damage incoming per second from a passive skill is way too much, bearing in mind the incredibly long time barrage takes to animate and complete.
If you think ranger is bad against retaliation, think about the engineer. Flamethrower’s attack #1, flame jet, rapidly ticks 10 times up to 5 enemies (50x relation trigger very fast). Grandmaster grenadier can hit up to 8×5 = 40 people with grenade barrage. That is a half a second activation skill, which cannot be canceled after it has been triggered. I remember getting around 16k dmg from just one barrage when I launched at a tightly packed enemy melee train, fully buffed. Each enemy was getting around 200-500 dmg from me. Fair game, eh?
I think both the confusion and retaliation shouldn’t trigger more than once per one skill activation. Retaliation triggering up to 50 times from attack #1 is just… brain dead.
Retaliation triggers only one time per damage tick per person so your granade hits 50 people that then each trickers 1 retaliation on each person so you only trickers one retaliation tho its just from each person.
and the highest i have seen retaliation trick for last night where 244 and most of the time it where 230 with 0-1 might stacks,
retaliation where op before the nerf but now its more ok tho i still think that the damage should have had a 50% nerf instead of 33% but makeing it so it wont stack uptime or makeing it have a internal cooldown is wrong in my oppinion if it would not stack uptime then it would stack intensati(makeing some very op retaliation times- think of 6 hit of retalitation of 1 guy) if retaliation gets a internal coolddown then it simply just dies in zerg fights or close to(this is my oppinion)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
nerf it like they nerfed confusion( by rewirting last patch so going from before that) makeing the 50% go to retal and the 33% go to confusion that would help i gess but giving it a internal cooldown will most likely kill it and it will not help you very much victory as it would be 5 different retaliations you tricker
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i think siegerazor is ok in own BL and EB not in enemy BL
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i like the ide about a watchman shouting enemy in sight in a keep/tower/camp tho not how many, and will then say the name of the place hes at(the guard), ofc it needs to have a range of some sort
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
guardians have 1 retaliation giving utielty but 6 light fields over diffrent weapons that dont need a chain to cast plus 1 on the hammer auto and 2 on utielty that has it to
2 blast finishers on weapons that gives a hell of alot of stacking retaliation with
i have a ide about that the damage from retaliation did not happen all across the board but might be wrong and i have no prof to prove it just a gut felling
but it should have had a 33% nerf tho i would have prefored that the nerf had been 50% and the confusion damage got the 33% but that might just be me
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Except there are no different armour skins for doing WvW other than the super awesome invaders set which did i mention looks boss……. If you want cool stuff in this game you have to PvE which is annoying.
that would be true if we all could agree on what is cool and what is not, as i for one likes many of the wvw skins there is available trough badges and hate many of the dungoen armors where arah is one of the uglyest armor sets in the game in my oppinion
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
given the fact that attacking guards with max rank will get you 175hp each hit on them after you killed 5 guards and that buff dont go away before you map out or die
with the defense also you will make it alot easyer in a small groupe to take a guarded camp where it will be close to impossbile now unless you outman them pretty much.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
and the dungeon armor skins are not?
the skins are all a matter of preferanses nothing else so some will say that even if they add the dungoen skins that all the armor skins for badges is stupid or ugly.
i think that they should keep it as it is where diffrent armor skins are available for doing different parts of the game
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
^^^ he beat me too it.
as for the 180 he may not have been traited for condition which is the driving force behind confusion
Not true, it’s based on power.
if you read what your quoteing then you notice hes talking about confusion when he says the culculation is based on condition damage and thats true
but its also true that retaliation is based on power
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
2 strong servers will both proberly take the weaker one first for points or to make sure that they dont intervien in the fight they are going to have with the other server so that it gets 2 on 1 agienst them;)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Oh and maybe I’m being picky but I do find half the thread being about gvgs pretty boring and unnecessary. The Invites are fine but the bragging and argueing is kind of annoying.
How about gathering names and sending private messages?
i find no problem with anyone bragging/talking about it if they also trow in a link to a recording of it, if any so others also can see it and might get ides or learn stuff from it
tho this match-up is a little strange with all the crashes so it wont show a true winner but who have been haveing most luck with not getting crashes all the time and stuff like that.
but i like the match-up so far and in general it has been one of the better i have been in for a long time
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Scaled events/mobs still drop level appropriate gear (most of the time), so there is a chance for a precursor of course.
About as high chance that the Moon suddenly come alive and start dancing gangnam style on Mars.
but i thought that the moon cant do that implemented by physics but the fact you can get a precourser the way stated so make the moon dance on mars i want to see it
ok enough trolling
i had my doughts to but now that its confirmed time to start doing some more evnets
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
nothing in this game is hard to get given enough time and that is also true for legendarys and will only cost you 100 gold and 50 silver to make
given the fact that all can be farmed tho the time it takes is not something im discusing here as its a hell of a time.
but from what i have hear alot say the precurser is being generateted to little and i think that is why anet is giving them a boost
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Selling lock boxes without telling the purchasers the odds of “winning” is unethical.
Buying lock boxes without knowing the odds of “winning” is stupidity in action.One statement does not negate the other.
This is very well stated, and may get the point across in a way that I was unable.
Maybe this discussion breaks down into those who think fair trade should be regulated by people not being stupid and those who think it should be regulated by sellers not being unethical.
If I could turn this into a poll, I would.
So, just to whittle out some ambiguity – If ANet were to disclose the odds for each item, this would then make the practice ethical? Even if the odds were 1 in a billion? No?
Oh, so, then it’s not just a matter of disclosure, but rather of disclosure plus offering “fair” odds. Ok. So, what’s fair?
Regardless, just go ahead and offer both full disclosure, and “fair” odds. Now, you presume that every consumer can make an educated, and rational decision? How optimistic.
So, that one poor soul who dumps what amounts to a very significant sum of money for them, and despite the “fair odds” and full disclosure, comes up short, and comes here to complain. Do you blame him? Or is it still unethical because this poor soul simply is incapable of understanding what the situation is?
It can be easily be argued that there are consumers that will act, rationally or not, regardless of any disclosures provided to them. The corporation cannot be held responsible for the consequences resulting from poor judgment of irrational consumers.
Where is the line drawn? At what point is it no longer the seller’s responsibility, and shifts to the buyer’s? Where does corporate responsibility end and consumer responsibility begin?
As an alternative to trying to change what the OP and others may deem as “unethical” practices, why not spend the energy trying to instruct your fellow consumers on how to make rational purchases? Arguably, if they then stop making purchases, the corporation would have to change their practices to satisfy the educated consumer, no?
Everything you just said is borderline accurate. There are thousands of court cases proving otherwise, that in fact the company selling a product absolutely must disclose the very nature of that product, there can’t be a chance this product might contain asbestos or it might contain gold for example. Sure they say what they might contain… No consumer is required to know everything about the product and be held liable for just being ignorant at their own expense. Regardless, this is still only a “chance” at the purchase and not the actual purchase, so they absolutely should be required to state the odds. Gambling throughout all games of chance have calculated odds and in many cases even state them directly on the game itself, so yes, it for sure feels unethical to have this sort of practice of undisclosed odds, if not unethical, at least slimy. I really just don’t see how anyone can state otherwise, especially based on real life examples versus virtual ones.
sorry but right now i can think of a few things that makes your argument invalied completly atleast from where i live, stuff like a gift pond, or anything equelant where you dont know what you get, and you dont know the chances for what you want, and given that is not illegal(atleast here) then what the anet is doing is also legit and the real world one is used alot.
but given that you see it as wrong and i dont and proberly never will we cant come to an agreemnet there
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
you guys do know that acs has a minimum range right?
going inside that will make the ac your close to useless.
and given that a zerg has to trow down a ac and get past the chock point your at to hurt you(else the diffrense in size is not huge and then if you notice them placeing the ac take it out before its build or someone is building it)
but the fact that you compare zergs and premades makes it sound like you are faceing guild groups and they are most likely on a voice program makeing it very hard for ou to do much with an smaller groupe atleast in open field
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
given that mortar B can hit much longer then what you show in your photo and the fact that mortar A is higher up then you also and the diffrencs in the range from the treb you can build to there mortar A is not very much and only given by the high advantage
mortar B can hit somewhere around anza if ou want it to;)
and SM can also hit overlook if you want to
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Oh my god guys. Stop whining about everything.
So RoS are now whining about whining??? Isn’t this a whine in itself!!!
And whining abt whining abt whining isnt whining too?
lol ;>
technically hes asking a question or two questions to be precise, but calling it a whine is a little over the top
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
What cheap-skate servers are you playing on where JP-seige makes any difference whatsoever? You’re really arguing that the 2 BPs (times however many alts you have) you get are worth taking up a player slot? Or that you wouldn’t get just as much silver from actively playing WvW to buy the same seige? I have never ever seen a server run out of seige because the enemy is doing such a good job of camping the JP. You know why? Because you can freakin buy BPs at the seigemaster for the same amount of silver/badges you make in 10 minutes of just playing WvW. Servers never ever have a problem of not having enough blueprints; if you’re a commander and ask for 2 rams at a gate you’ll inevitably get 4 thrown down. The availability of blueprints far far out-strips the availability of supply, you simply can’t run out.
Ridiculous argument is ridiculous.
still getting 5*2*x(thats what it used to be before the account bound now its 2*x) where x is the amount of players you have for 3-5mins work is not helping the server?(given that there is a mesmer at the end)
if a mesmer whant people to know hes at the end he/she can send a friend to eb and say it plus you can hit the wvw icon at the top right of your screen(its B by defuelt but can be change) to get back to eb.
the only change i ever hope is going to happen is that they take out the badges from all the jp chests and put in 1-2 more siege and 0-1 traps.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
As long as they have the downed system+AOE limit=encourages bad play and results in stale gameplay. That is why you see everyone leaving. You guys are just behind on the times.
The big WvW guilds quit a few months back because they came to realize how boring and pointless the wvw system is early on.
All about numbers and no skill/gameplay results in a boring wvw. Pressing the same button over and over again on Siege can only entertain you for so long.
AOE cap is needed, trying to take a tower or keep would even be worse than now with all the ACs. So even without technical issues the AOE cap should stay. I personally love the downed state. I love when they clutter up and try to rezz.
Problem with WvW is that it turned into siege wars and it takes 4-5 hours to take a keep with people in it. And nobody ain’t got time for that…
A game needs to be dynamic and fast to be fun. I can give you an entire list of games that are succesful with dynamic gameplay. But I can’t come up with any that takes as much time as siege war does at the moment. They turned WvW into boring and slow gameplay.
And yes, I notice a decrease in players too. I used to play 10hours+ of WvW a day. Now I sometimes log in at prime for a couple of hours.
ps.: don’t get how you guys can’t pay for the expenses? When I only played WvW, I still had spare money to lvl up alts to 80 via crafting and give them exotic gear. On an entire day, I usely earn +-10g, all expenses already taken off.
No..if you get hit by an aoe group and wipe as a zerg that is your fault for sitting clustered in one spot AND being glass cannon AND being slow to react.
You should have scouts spread out, you should be spread out, you should pan your cam when your standing. You can’t expect to be clustered and have tunnel vision and expect to be rewarded.
Or you can stand in one spot clicking button number 1 as is the case now.
As for the gold, people don’t spend the entire day in WvW. You would make the same amount of cash in 2 hous or less in PvE. Also, if you are doing what you like and that is wvw..why can’t you get asc gear rewards and drops used to produce them? WvW IS PVE.
sorry but aoe cap is needed else all will run in a zerg ball and just watch each othere as none can hit anything with any aoe abilty as that will insta down them(getting hit by 50-100 retaliation procs at the same time hurts)
let me then ask you what is gold needed for? given that there is nothing in this game thats hard to optian so you need to buy it, tho there is a diffrence in the time to get it.
given that any wvw player can earn enough to make it go around with food, upgrades, repairs and siege if they want to.
tho they could ad new maps and/or new things earned in wvw
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
my gess is that people thinks its the Spvp or Tpvp players that does the dueling when its true that most of them are from very aktive wvw guilds and most likely is also doing alot more over the week for the server then the people complaining right now
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
thiefs are not op because of stealth they are op becuase of the things they gain in stealth
i think the trap is ok as it is right now, it will change the thief a little as they now need to gear for survival instead of pure damage but welcome to where all the othere classes are
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Lol, just spent an enjoyable hour in wvw. Pointed out the duelists hanging around, and we kept zerging through to smoke ‘em. One of my friends from dungeon running is on DH (we’re IoJ) and is trying to get them to do the same to our “duelists”.
Bit of a pity they’re out of the way of anything really tactical, but whatever. Worth the detour just to stomp ’em.
This is pretty much what I expect to happen now. The duelists will become entertaining fodder for the WvWers.
Guessing that`d mean the PvDKnockers will have to come with a zerg (for a change…;p) as I`d also place bets that the duellers/GvGers will be better at PvP.
Better at dueling, 1-v-1, PvP perhaps. Unfortunately for them open field, mass combat, involves an entirely different skill set. I think the phrase you are looking for is “steam rolled”.
It should probably be pointed out I am not referring to random pug zergs here, but dedicated WvW guilds. You know, the guys that show up with 15-ish and wipe the 40+ person pug zergs without batting an eye? Yeah, them.
i dont know who will win but given that none of us will know.
but from what i have seen some of the dueling people given that there is enough of them(meaning they are not heavly outmanned) then the 15-ish guilds will still get a run for there money but so will the duelist. given the fact that a duelist is needed to think in a diffrent lane then a zergling is that might give the diffrense in the outcome.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
one could then also say that if thats so then if you have no target you should not tele:)
(i know its ment to be used so ou tele even without a target)
but if it says Stealing and not steal (useing the wors as the skill) then if you steal something from someone you get something as our stealing something but if ou dont target anyone your not stealing anything
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
If you want them to stop, stop buying it. Yes, you want the weapon skins/minis/ whatever from the chest, but the surest way to get them to stop is to show that this money grab isn’t working on the populace anymore. If people keep spending that much money on RNG, even if they hate it, nothing will change. They’re getting the money from it. That’s all that matters.
Ye I have to agree, I can only be kitten with myself for being a dunce and spending money on a 0.02% chance at getting something. When you pay for something you should get exactly what you pay for, paying for an incredibly low chance to get something is daylight robbery and I should have known better.
I probably won’t make the same mistake again though. Anet won’t be seeing any money from me for quite some time :P
let me ask you what you pay for??
do you pay for a weapon skin or do you pay for a chest that MIGHT have a weapon skin in but you did not pay for a skin tho
that means that you did not get robbed off you choice to take the gamble for a weapon skin as thats what you want but you did not buy the skin meaning that if you dont get the skin its not a rip off;)
the F/F skins where ok looking and the same is the new ones but if i get some sure ill have them but its not something ill go for partierly
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Imp and friends wussies?
Stop running away… green EB, almost green bl last night, outmanning us and constantly running away.
Funny thing is.. whilst on my thief, that is all i got off of the WSR players last night other than perhaps 1 Asuran thief outside Red EB spawn and 1 Elementalist which i had some pretty decent fights with. The others just run into towers and shoot siege. Now that is pretty Wussy.
~Dishammer, CHvc
EDIT: That is not including the grouped up players who will only push out when they outnumber the players they are facing.
I know, it was more ment as a tease though, no real offense ment. I just dont like getting painted green and then when we come out to fight over 1 camp or tower, they run off when we kill half the group and then it ends up a 5v5 or something and they run off…
Still, I have respect for many individual players we encounter, good skills, but don’t accuse us from runnign and hiding when you do it too
I am the mez that just tagged your two golems btw ;]
from what i remeber when facing Wsr in general they eigher have more players then us in the push or they run into a tower/guards but as i have not been able to run with imp very much this week because of my currnetly starnge sleeping patern i cant say much
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele