Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
now that the traps are in the thiefs needs to use something else then pure zerker gear as they cant survive if they cant get stealth but hey welcome to all othere classes that cant do that
you now need to use thoughness and/or vitalety to survive like everybody else
Most of thieves run both.
most thiefs i know have little to none;) atleast from gear and/or acesory and i know more then 1 thief;)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
A lot of peope is panicking for nothing.
You got 30 seconds revealed? Infiltrator’s arrow x2 -> shadowstep x1 -> /laugh at your enemy while being at 2000 range from him -> wait 30 seconds -> get your kill.
If you don’t get the kill.. well, he wasted 525 karma, 15 badges and 10 supplies for NOTHING.
2k range is not that far if otheres also uses mobilty example a midiate guardian with a gs gets 2400 range with 2 abiltys aktivated;) 1200 on gs leap(15 sec if i remember right) and 1200(60secs cd tho) and then comes the 600 on a 10 sec cooldown on sword. and guardians is one of the least mobiles unless they have a staff but then its just swiftness;)
tho i agree some thiefs gets very badly hurt for playing pure zerker gear but welcome in the club with the rest of the proffesions.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
now that the traps are in the thiefs needs to use something else then pure zerker gear as they cant survive if they cant get stealth but hey welcome to all othere classes that cant do that
you now need to use thoughness and/or vitalety to survive like everybody else
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
as guardian i have seen 6k hits backstaps on me when i have proctation up and im not a GC heck im 3,3k armor and 20k hp, come and say that my 300 or so retaliation on you hurts;)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
given that eles have 4 weapon sets it would be a little to strong in my oppinion
and you can still run it without the 30 in arcana
I’ts kind of the point of having 4 weapons sets. Its’ what makes the class its own. Rangers have pets, necros have double HP bar etc etc. I am 100% behind the OP suggestion.
This exactly. Every class has its flavor. We are already limited to one weapon type already. Every other class can choose melee, mid or long ranged to swap in combat. While ele’s are limited to one type for all 4 attunements. Swapping should be 10 sec standard. Give some other stat for the Arcana line.
its true that eles are looked in eighter melee, mid or long range but given them the same general lockout as a person with only 2 weapon sets is kinda strong if(and this is how i understod it) the achna stats boos is not changed in some way as the recharge then would get way to short and that is what i think would be op(think of chaneing to water each 4 seconed for healing(with trait points in water) or any of the others for there thins;)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
given that eles have 4 weapon sets it would be a little to strong in my oppinion
and you can still run it without the 30 in arcana
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Well, if someone wants a GvG they have the right to ask if there is anyone who would like that as wel, just as you have your right to decline. I see no problem with asking?
GvG’s are just fun! nothing better than two guilds, even numbers having a couple of intense fights. And afterwars the guild can get back to capping, motivated either by supreme victory and feeling invincible or by crushing defeat and wanting to get back those filthy enemies :P
You can ask but you have asked several times already and we’ve told you the simple fact is no guild on WSR can 15v15 you, its that simple. No guild fields that many players at once, and even if they do, our guilds are not “trained” to run as a tight self contained unit which is build for GvG. Why? Because we have very few decent commanders and so when one of our guild commanders is on they need to be leading the entire server no kittening around with only their guild.
You just dont seem to in any way grasp that you have so many more players as a server and so many more guilds that you can afford to go GvG and run only as a guild, but its something we just cant do until we get some transfers.
The same goes for BCry.. 8v8, yeah we could probably get 8 guild members online to fight you, 8 is do-able. But why? The turth is we know we’d lose because as I said our guilds just arent built or trained for such an encounter because we never ever are free to try. You guys spend your whole time running as a solo 8 man group because your server doesnt actually need you to function, and you have built your characters around being an 8 man team (which in practice seems to mean everyone is a guardian). That doesnt mean we dont have strong players, but we have no such organised team.
you do know that if you try when the match is decided in points you might learn something about what a 8 man groupe and that type of fights and gettin good to fiht 8vs8 then you might move up to be able to fight 8vs16(given the 16 is randoms or unorginased) wich is very usable in a matchup tho if you guys dont want to then that is your decion but it might be usefull when attacking keeps or bigger
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i might surgest book of courage and heal spamming and timeing the #5 skill tho i have not played 40+ but i gess that will help alot timed with healing signet and virtue of reslovens
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
ok ANet has admitted it to be server side so they might be doing something to it.
the removel of culling has brought the skill lag instead
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
………..down them. “Stealth OP” and “Thief = no skill” come to mind as……..
When someone says this, it means that they have never played thief. Also if they attempted to play thief, they would die constantly in both PvP and PvE.
I am pretty sure I can say for all the thieves that using thief effectively requires creative exploitation and a good amount of knowledge on the profession to be any good at it. One simply cannot 5122222 nowadays and expect to win 100% of the time. You can change stealth to make you translucent instead of transparent, but that wont stop the facerollers from complaining that stealth is OP.
I am going to say this again:
Thieves are meant for those who can handle the challenge. That goes for those using them and those fighting them.
All players should have the option to see stealthed enemies the same way you can see the outline of stealthed allies. If you toggle on the “see stealth” option, a large diaper icon appears next to your name. Eventually, after seeing stealthed enemies do the same things over and over again, you can realize what the rest of us have known all along and toggle off the “see stealth” option, which will remove the diaper icon. Everybody’s happy. Seriously.
^Not serious.
I would like to see that happen.
you say thief takes skills to play??
wrong it dont and never had done
i have an ide each time you have stealth on you you cant get more duration on it and when it ends you get revlealed debuff and then after that you can do it agien
after that take some of the damage of some of the abiltys and they are fine
oh forgot the sword teleport needs to get an initiativ raise
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
rams might melt to ac’s but if your cata melts to acs then its because you dont use them right.
given that the ac range with buff is 3500 and a cata is 5000+
so if they can take down your cata with a ac in safty of walls your cata is to close
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i dare you to mention the othere counters to stealth then the AC i dare you
aoeing randomly is not a stealth counter
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
siegerazer is a npc that you dont want to get into melee combat with as he kills almost anyone without a complet bunker build in 1-2 hits and bunkers get 2-4 hits before they go.
you need to take him out with siege(cannons, oil, ac’s and balistas) or ranged
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
kidel from the looks of it you are a pve player that whants hes legendary or have a very bad memory as i have given times where RoF had blue keep within a few weeks span but you still claim 17 weeks.
and i know for a fact that rof has had it more then the one time i just mentiont given that i help them take it a few times but that just shows that your not a wvw player else you would know who i’am given that i commanden a hell of a lot before i moved to a new server
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i have an ide make it charecter bound put in 1-2 piece of siege more and take out all the badges;)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i can agree on the upleveled if and only if you will agree on takeing out all thoes easy zerger builds thats full exotics and 80 that just dies in seconeds and also brings the free rally and all the other free rally builds there is there
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
given that i got my 100% map completion on ring of fire and my ele got wvw map completion on ring of fire also and the ele where in the time frame of the 17 weeks you mentiont
let me gess your not playing alot of wvw given that you did not know that in the last GH/DZ/RoF matchup RoF had DZ garrision at one point. it where also in that matchup that RoF pushed DZ down a tier with the help from GH(tho no ally between the two servers).
if they remove wvw from map completion then i want a few cool legendarys that needs wvw map completion without any borring pve maps needed
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
try go over the atlantic and see what we are in latitude with over there it will set things a little in perspectiv
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
so far i know to ways to stop a ele in vapor from to enter a portal, bind and area denial(like line or warding or ring of warding)
given that none are useing them to stop the ele, from entering that makes the ele seem op but given a tool and not useing it to stop him is more your foult then the eles
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
chips your definitions of fun is not the same as everybody’s
so lower tiers cant coordinate and have no strategics invaled in what they do?
given that lower tiers normaly dont have the coverage(and that whats holding back most servers) that many of high tier servers have.
if its epic fights you want then a small groupe wiping a much larger force is much more epic and intense then 2 big forces standing face to face with huge skill lag.
its much of the same tactic thats used both places in general
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
[FIRE]?? you do know that [FIRE] is on RoS right?
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
ok so i just leveled my ele in WvW and story(mostly because i love the story in this game) i have not set foot in open world pve other then a few wps and a few events when passing to the next story.
and the toon is fully geared with the stats i want and if i want othere stats i will just make them from crafting.
given that if you dont buy all the upgrades in each tower and buys a huge amount of siege plus haveing skills and a good groupe you can easy earn 1-2g a day in wvw(i know its little but its enough to get gear)and i dont sell my mats so your doing something wrong if you cant do it to.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
You are seriously asking why GW2 should be different than GW1? Really?
Different is fine. Forcing grouped content to complete ‘Personal’ and event storylines is not fine. I expect grouped content to be forced upon me by Blizzard but not by ArenaNet.
have still not tryed to solo the arah story but i know that the event is possble to solo tho it takes a hell of a long time but that dont change the fact it is something you can solo, it takes alot of trait swapping and skill swapping to do but still its possible
Don’t think you can solo it, one of the very first parts you need people to stand on 2 pedestals to open a door. I could be wrong though. But 1 group instance after 30ish? solo instances, really doesn’t seem all that terrible to me..
oh yearh thats right arah story needs the pedestals kitten need 2 people for that:S
but that still dont change the fact that F&F is possible to solo tho(Been there done that) it takes a hell of a time and is very boring
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
I did read up on GW2. Nowhere did it mention that 5 man dungeons would be mandatory to complete the storylines.
And nowhere did it mention that you would be able to solo every single thing in the game either.
No, but you could solo everything in GW1. So…as stated previously….why should GW2 be any different in that regard?
I didn’t buy this game expecting a WoW clone but it seems Anet is turning it into one.
You are seriously asking why GW2 should be different than GW1? Really?
Different is fine. Forcing grouped content to complete ‘Personal’ and event storylines is not fine. I expect grouped content to be forced upon me by Blizzard but not by ArenaNet.
have still not tryed to solo the arah story but i know that the event is possble to solo tho it takes a hell of a long time but that dont change the fact it is something you can solo, it takes alot of trait swapping and skill swapping to do but still its possible
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Who in the team thought it be fun to add another dungeon so hard its impossible to solo or near impossible to even duo, so that it force peoples to party up to max party size … again ?
Really ? I mean really ? after all those complains for past months about the last dungeon Arah, forcing a full size party to finish storyline, they are still doing it ?
Here i thought they finally changed, those in charge of Super Aventure Box, done it perfectly, give their player a chance to do it alone or with a small party. Very good job SAB Team, you guys sure know how to do stuff.
Oh well in my book Anet lost their number one team for making online game. I thought there was still some hope left, but there is none. Will sure not be looking forward to any of their future game from now on.
you say its not soloble then you must be doin something wrong it is atleast up to the end boss(the time it takes is a diffrent mathere and is not very time efficient) given that i did not know you could jump over the waves at the time i got to the end bosses solo i did not win that fight but i gess with that knowlege i could(tho cant be asked spending that much time in there agien)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
there is two things i dont see mentiont one is that all ranged skills can be reflected and absorbed(as im playing a guardian mostly wall of reflaction and shield of the avenger comes to mind and makes it a breeze to nutrelize all ranged attacks in the dungeon)
many of the mobs can be pulled in small packs if needed or pulled to areas where there is more maneuverability.
the 2 times i have done it we toke the zerger down first(watch for the enrage on the flame one and get it off him when he gets it) and the last pach you can also use reflection and abosrtion in makeing it a “i go semi afk will useing my abosrtions and reflection skills with the very rare move from him getting close”
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
it so hard i could only solo my way to the end boss but where unable to bring him down;)
all the mobs are very easy to mange and the bosses are easy to kill to when you dont try and solo it.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
you can also get in a guild with people that knows there class and learn to counter bigger numbers it works;)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Confusion where OP prio to patch but now its UP that is also true and the nerf where to much but a nerf where needed.
if they had nerfed it with 25-30% instead i think that would have been more apprpioret tho many of the whinnes would still have come i gess
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
The fact that he is suddenly being forced on you as your leader
His negativism (this won’t end well)
The fact that he is pushed to leadership but always needs you to tell what to do
etcThe problem with improving him is that it is his character, so I truly believe that having him have a heroic death would be a smart move.
if he dont make us choice then the storyline will be the same for all players and classes with choice to make a decision. and i think the decision we are taking is we are telling our advise as we are seconed in command, it would the same as the highest rank in any military not asking for advise or thoughts from otheres.
given the chases he is saying that in, i gess i would say the same as most of the time its looking grim to say the least
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
you can also put the game in window mode and it smaller and that gives bether LoS or more presice it makes it so you have it easyer looking over the walls/gate
tho have never done it but seen screenshots off it somewhere on this forum
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Siege ignores the 5 player aoe cap. Just saying. More siege = more winning. Also, ballistas are stupid OP with skill 4. I 1 shot every npc in a camp with it at once. Shoot a player and they are fully dead. No down state at all. No chance to do anything. They could be standing inside the ballista at the time. No range is too close.
All siege needs to hit harder.
All ballista should be able to put players in a downed state from the first skill in one shot. It shouldn’t take multiple shots or a grouping in a short range like with number 4 skill. It is shooting a large sharp projectile at a high velocity at you. Crossbows were able to penetrate full plate, what do you think these things could do to people then regardless of the armor they wore.
It should absolutely kill automatically.
so given the fact that in gw2 we can use magic and that our armor is magic enchanted does nothing to that?
ofc that can be apply to the balista to but then whats strongest the magic in the armor or the balista, given the amount of them we use and the price i think that it would be to expensiv to do if we look at it from the life ingame and then comes the balacing problem after
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
sorry but i will diagree with point 2. as pve can only give you so much like learn to dodge and spamming ability’s mostly given the fact that all the pve content is a pretty predictable ai.
after you learn to dodge gets your skills then you will be able to do so much more but leveling in WvW is harder then leveling in pve content, ofc if you run with a few people then you will be target out and if you run with a zerg you should proberly try to stomp any you see and deal damage with ranged into you get the abiltys you need to stay behind the enemy lines to pike off low hp people tho thats just my oppinion
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
im gessing it has something to do with there work times in germany as it looks somewhat like a work scheduled in reverse(tho 8am is a pretty late starting time but that might be time zone and some school kids hlding it up)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
To the human thing… My guess is that it might be for something later, like if there is a Return/Rescue/Search of the Gods expansion at one point if they extend the personal stories, Humans may be sent to rescue the gods they chose.
That would be great! when i made my character, being a mesmer, i have naturally decided to be a follower of Lyssa; however once in game, i was so disappointed to realize that it didn’t have any kind of incidence;
So yeah i hope that Anet hides such surprises in its bag for usIf a God can’t handle it you are pretty much kittend up btw . :P
even if a god cant handle it you might still be able to handle it given the gods are not all mighty and a diffrent way we can also be the perons changeing the odds making it so the god can win;) both are valid ways to go
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
getting more people to dragons what would that mean hum gessing the skill lag for wvw in tier 1 is a drop in the ocean compared to it then(given that no overflow is mad at some player cap)
im a player and if you see me step into a dungeon then you see something very rare.
tho a dungeon finder bethere then the one allready there would not do much harm tho no porting into the dungoen when the groupe is made atleast let the groupe get to the zone.
and your saying that nothing can be done with 4 people in wvw or small tactical used groupes? gess what thats wrong just because you or your server cant find the use for it does not mean its not used.
the bugs and exploites are kinda anoing
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
unless there has been an official statement saying something we cant know with complete sure about anything tho it looks like they are not related to it
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Let’s just clarify one thing, VcY, FRS, and RiOT are now Surmian guilds. What would happen if we didn’t have them? I don’t know, its very possible we’d be losing this matchup, but not definitely. They are a force to be reckoned with, but that force is already part of our community, so why are you bringing this “what-if” scenario into this thread?
VcY and RiOT run around, and we call on them when we really have to, but other than that we hold on our own. They too like to do their own thing and have fun, and obviously they can’t help everywhere in the map. So saying VcY and RiOT are the only two guilds in our server is beyond sad, its pathetic.
Guys we’re trying to have fun, and we’re not exactly dominating this tier. RoF today pushed us so hard in EB, took SM from us and GH, and reached inner lowlands while pushing our side of the corner, and they are supposed to be the underdog of the matchup. And GH completely dominated us on the reset day, and that was our entire force including RiOT and VcY, so what’s stopping you from doing the same? I think one of yours already pointed out that its a morale issue.
I hope you guys get your morale back, and enjoy this matchup with us.
P.S: About FRS using spies and what not, I have no knowledge of that, and I do not approve of it. Will bring this up during the coming community meeting.
you say that they are a part of our communety but where they not also a part of the communety on there old server?
they moved from one server to another and there is nothing stopping them from doing it agien tho im not saying they will but you still dont know if they are going to stay or not for the long run so please dont state that.
tho else there has been alot of good fights still and love the attack on rof bay early and i defendly see that ros is doing alot of wich i would like to see RoF doing but that might be my wishefull thinking
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
winning with some margin and totally domenation is two diffrent things tho but its true you guys where winning but you would have been loseing in this tier if not for thoes two guilds tho they might be addressing another issue RoS had then skills as from what i see RoS have some fairly good player but gessing you guys needed more numbers but lets stop it here before it gets to much out of hand.
there are still some awsome fights in this matchup outside your main blob/zerg or what we call it,
but from what i can see outside riots peak time there is alot of small scale fighting and many of them are great(its no direspect to riot but they normaly tend to eigher have alot themself or getting people to follow them)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
that still dont change the facts that last ring of fire where in the tier we total dominated there now DZ does the same and you guys did not do that into after riot and vcy came ofc there are some factors palying in but not that much
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
jordiboy without riot and vcy you guys would never have stod a chance here(this is based of the fact that DZ is allready pulling 40k leads on the other two servers and we are about the same as them in fighting strength) not saying that the other guilds in RoS dont do anything but without Riot and Vcy you guys would have been dominated in this tier so much
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
thanks for the awsome fight RoS for Hills in RoF BL you guys did very well and hope there is going to be alot more fights like that
same with the attack alittle earlyer on bay tho we where slow to notice it so outer whent down and in the start there where some small scale fights but in the end we got a you pretty out manned
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
but going RoS BL where to see what the new guilds of RoS could do(Riot and Dex are the once p
DEX is an original guild of RoS :p
The new ones are RiOT and VcY
ok i did not see alot to VcY but dex did great from what i saw but my mistake then sorry
and to the insulter of RoF the only reason GH wins over RoF is numbers and sorry to say there is only 2 guilds i will not go up agienst on even footing(one being imp the othere being the primx(sorry but i cant remember the name completly and its proberly worng to))
but lets stop all the flameing and have some fights fights in the game.
and hope we all get a good week with alot of battles that are intressting and not just stomping/zerging each othere where its just a pure numbers in a hive mind(goes for all 3 servers and is not an insult)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
(edited by Korsbaek.9803)
i think the reset where god but yes RoF has alot of people not listning to the commander(atleast around the time when Bars is playing) as i have tryed commanding in that time frame its a nightmare with very random turnups
but going RoS BL where to see what the new guilds of RoS could do(Riot and Dex are the once poping to mind most right now)
and can we stop the flame war or stop moveing down that track, keep it clean guys
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
i have loved this matchup as its been even tho it has ruined my sleeping parthren this week(but haveing free made it possible)
i loved the fights at rouges and mostly the first time we did it where great fun.
the matchup has been very fair with us haveing a time with more players in the morning but just before that GH had more people the only one that did not have a time like that with a pretty big diffrence where DZ wich where a little bad for them but all in all it where a grat matchup
and from what i have seen this week all 3 servers have some very good players but all 3 servers also has some thats pretty new to wvw(atlast by guilds i dont remeber seeing before the end of the matches we have had)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
it might be a friend of him that would be doing it.
and to answer as far as i know there is no rule stateing that your not allowed to do it your just not allowed to do it if anything from outside the game is involved.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
the problem with the ops surgestion is that you cant control the fight at another keep then as the tre keeps in the BL is so close toghtere that you will just go garrision, bay or hills but from hills to bay you gain alot more time then arrisiion to bay or hills meanng we can now stop the wp makeing it a longer run for the enemy.
yes it can be done to us to so it seems fair
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
Endgame as in raids or other things that you ned max level with the bst gear around(or gear from the previos tier) dont exist in this game but that dont mean there is no endgame. it just means there is a diffrent endgame one could argue that wvw is endgame in itself and yes this game is very much centered around pvp, be it WvW or Spvp as there cant come a new tier of gear(if you count ascendd out)(atleast from what i have understod) and most pve content(even dungoens tho to less extend) is something that is soloble but it takes ages.
but then after expericing GW2 or after doing semi-hardcore wow endgame in a long time i came to the th conclusion that any pve content is a grind by there is nothing that cant be fortold and there for you can asy counter it by some means.
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele
the problem with haveing a dynamic player cap on each BL is that if red is attacking green and blue is attack green but green then just had 39 people one the map(given the next tier is give with 40) and then you get 40 of both sides on but red still has 10 people wanting in. or even worse green has 40 and red has 40 and both has 50 more that wants in but blue dont have a single person on the map so the cap dont increase.
and then there is the problem with wher all has 70+ people but now that blue has alot of people from a diffrent timezone giving them 2 hours more then the other 2 with70+ more but as we dont kick anyone out then they have 70 but now gren red has 20 or so each.
it is impossible to balance but one thing that can be done is eighter ban NA players from wvw on a EU server and the other way(and it is possible but ofc there is a way to go by it)
Ayano Yagami lvl 80 ele